4-20-12 FULL IMPEACHMENT EDITION: HOW MANY SCANDALS DOES IT TAKE BEFORE OBAMA IS FULLY IMPEACHED AND PREVENTED FROM EVER HOLDING OFFICE AGAIN, SO THAT HE IS HELD TO ACCOUNT FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE?? #LobbyGate #VoterGate #Certifigate #RenumerationGate #GibbsGate #ClimateGate #FastAndFuriousGunGate #GaddafiGate #KoranGate #HookerGate #AssadGate https://docs.google.com/document/d/17i1UZnb6MOelC_8RRlwQzguskSIdy-DYuvOXgd3aN4M/edit?pli=1
Chicago Law Prof on Obama: "The Professors Hated Him because he was Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended any of the Faculty Meetings"
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 10:13 PM
The highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law spoke out on Barack Obama saying, “Professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings.”
Doug Ross reported this and more:
I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about “Barry.” Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn’t even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn’t have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.
The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).
This photo of Barack Obama teaching in Chicago was posted in February 2008 atPrestoPundit. In this class Barack Obama was teaching his students the principles of Saul Alinsky. Notice the flow chart indicating the flow of money and power out of productive businesses (“CORP”) and into the political class (“MAYOR”):
The heading at the top reads “POWER ANALYSIS”. The sub-heading reads “RELATIONSHIPS BUILD ON SELF INTEREST”. The symbol on the arrow between “CORP” and “MAYOR” is the “$” sign.
Saul Alinsky came up with the idea of power analysis, which looks at relationships built on self-interest between corporations, banks and utilities. Barack Obama was teaching students in Chicago the Alinsky Principles.
Of course, this is not a surprise. After watching the bribes, kickbacks, lies and threats this past year as Democrats fought to take over the health care industry, it’s obvious that the only subject Obama excels at is Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals.
More… Isn’t it a bit odd that the only photo we’ve seen of Obama teaching, he’s explaining the Alinsky principles?
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty R
@BarackObama la-la-la I can't hear you, all I see is: #FastFuriousGunGate #GaddafiGate #KoranGate #HookerGate #AssadGate
4m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@BarackObama la-la-la I can't hear you, all I see is: #LobbyGate #VoterGate #Certifigate #Renumeration #GibbsGate #ClimateGate
11m Paul Combs @PAC43
Emperor Obama Brags About Going Around Congress…http://weaselzippers.us/2012/04/19/emperor-obama-brags-about-going-around-congress/
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@PAC43 fuck that treasonous bastard y'all are going to learn Obama thrives off of any attention, even if it is negative
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April 19, 2012 1:36am13 Comments
Obama brags about going around Congress
byJoel Gehrke Commentary Staff Writer
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President Obama tried rally environmentalists and working-class supporters today, by bragging about his refusal to wait for Congress to implement new fuel efficiency standards.
"Change is the decision we made to stop waiting for Congress to do something about our oil addiction and finally raise fuel-efficiency standards on cars," Obama said during a fundraiser in Detroit. "By the middle of the next decade, we will be driving American-made cars, better than ever, that get 55 miles to a gallon. That saves the typical family over $8,000 at the pump, helps the environment."
Obama failed to mention that the average price of a vehicle will likely increase by $3,200, driving lower-income buyers out of the market, as The Washington Examiner's Conn Carroll explains. Meanwhile as the standards create what The Washington Examiner editors call a de facto "individual mandate to buy Chevy Volts."
The comment reflects a common theme of Obama's presidency. "I'd like to work my way around Congress," he told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus last year when discussing immigration reform. The president now hopes that Hispanics forget that he opted not to work with Congress on immigration reform when he had the votes,perhaps sacrificing the opportunity for the next decade.
But for that other niche group, the environmentalists, Obama "stop[ped] waiting for Congress" and did what they wanted him to do.
#LobbyGate (2 donations from Hamas brothers for the New Palestine during 2008 election) #VoterGate (dead people and Mickey Mouse vote for Obama while Breitbart exposes ACORN) #Certifigate (no real Hawaii birth certificate, forged document shown, lying under Oath, and citizenship is from Kenya getting foreign college aid to Harvard, no less, in Constitutional Law) #RenumerationGate (lawmakers are bribed via Louisiana purchase, Cornhusker kickback, twisting Kucinich’s arm to pass unconstitutional Obamacare legislation that is renumeration and misappropriation) #GibbsGate (Obama has a not-so secret affair, while sordid details of ex-lovers, gay male call boys surface after nearly 10 die during the time Obama was a Senator, Larry Sinclair speaks out about it, and tickle parties are no stranger to Democrat Eric Massa or male bath houses to Rahm Emanuel that Obama is also a member) #ClimateGate (Chu and Van Jones waste billions of taxpayer dollars on bogus Green Energy agenda on behalf of Obama) #FastAndFuriousGunGate (Obama is complicit in the deaths of border agents Brian Terry and Agent Zapata and resists holding a racially biased DOJ and Eric Holder accountable for botched operations) #GaddafiGate (Obama promises sanctuary to Gaddafi through a corrupt cleric for $15 million) #KoranGate (Obama makes soldiers in Afghanistan feel mistrusted in decision to burn Korans inscribed with writings detailing attacks on Israel and terror plots, and apologizes to our enemies, causing a breakdown in the chain of command which results in a soldier nutting up and killing Afghan civilians) #HookerGate (as Obama had numerous call boys bumped off as a Senator, Secret Service thinks nothing of hiring prostitutes in Columbia) #AssadGate (Obama Administration tweets they are angry that Assad is not strong enough to oppose Israel, which displays hostilities to our closest ally Israel by Obama, treason, and liability to the integrity and safety of the entire country by the House not holding the full hearing to hold Obama accountable):
#LobbyGate (2 donations from Hamas brothers for the New Palestine during 2008 election)
57 posts categorized "Obama's Contributions: Foreign and Domestic"
Monday, April 02, 2012
I donated as Don Corleone -- $2.00 (they wouldn't let me contribute $1.00, it had to be at least two bucks). Don Corleone, 666 Godfather Way, Sleeps with the Fishes, NY, 10001. Email: omerta@gmail.comBack in 2008, I broke numerous campaign stories on the millions of dollars in illegal contributions that Obama received. It was meticuloulsy documented in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America. Also, check out my article in The American Thinker, "Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes." It was feckless, reckless and lawless. Worse, Obama got away with it. All of it.
Atlas broke the story of tens of thousands of dollars coming in from Hamas-controlled Gaza, millions coming in from Muslim countries, and imaginary Obama contributors: "Good Will," "Loving you," "Doo da DooDa" and gibberish donors ....
Credit card fraud was rampant, with John Galt, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and Bill Ayers all making contributions. A number of Atlas readers and FB friends have advised me that the credit card fraud is in full swing again. Adrian Murray went to barackobama.com and donated $3 using the name Adolph Hitler, 123 Nuremburg Way, Berlin, Germany, and for good measure put in Dictator of Nazi Party as employer. Got an email back saying Dear Adolph, Thank you for your generous donation….
Because the Obama campaign does not require the CVV 3-digit security code for credit card charges, anyone can donate to Obama’s campaign from anywhere.
The media, in its continuing act of perfidy and criminally corrupt silence, says nothing, does nothing and refuses to report on these blatant election fraud abuses. And it's happening again. Now.
Tom Blumer send me this link: Top Obama Bundler Accused of Fraud; Obama Campaign Disables Credit Card Verification System (Again)
AP spins it as “See, Obama is so transparent that we actually know when his fundraisers get accused of crimes.”
The New York donor, Abake Assongba, and her husband contributed more than $50,000 to Obama’s re-election effort this year, federal records show. But Assongba is also fending off a civil court case in Florida, where she’s accused of thieving more than $650,000 to help build a multimillion-dollar home in the state — a charge her husband denies.
Obama is the only presidential contender this year who released his list of “bundlers,” the financiers who raise campaign money by soliciting high-dollar contributions from friends and associates. But that disclosure has not come without snags; his campaign returned $200,000 last month to Carlos and Alberto Cardona, the brothers of a Mexican fugitive wanted on federal drug charges.
The Obama campaign is not transparent. It may not even be fundraising within the law. At the other end of the Obama campaign’s fundraising, the low dollar donation end they have been emphasizing and using to raffle off dates with the president, they have apparently switched off the credit card address verification system again. Adrian Murray posted this on facebook, on March 31.
The fraud continues. Just went to barackobama.com and donated $3 using the name Adolph Hitler, 123 Nuremburg Way, Berlin, Germany and for good measure put in Dictator of Nazi Party as employer. Got an email back saying Dear Adolph, Thank you for your generous donation….
The point? To prevent credit card fraud, merchants require that the address match what the credit card issuer has on file. Called the Address Verification System (AVS), an additional layer of protection requires the three digit security code. The Obama team has disabled the AVS so anyone anywhere in the world can anonymously donate to his campaign, thereby exceeding campaign donation limits and violating federal finance laws. They pulled the same stunt in 2008, but the media wouldn’t report it.
The Obama campaign switched the AVS off in 2008, and the MSM never called them on it. Murray followed up by trying the same trick with two of the Republican candidates’ web sites:
I then went to the Romney and Santorum websites and tried the same thing. Both rejected the donations with a message that the address could not be verified as belonging to the card holder.
Try it. Make up a name and an address and donate to Obama. Then try it with the other two. Only Obama will accept the donation.
Disabling the AVS system has to be done intentionally. According to Adrian Murray, it has been done on the Obama campaign web site — again.
Atlas exclusive groundbreaking coverage:
July 19, 2008: CAMPAIGN FINANCE FRAUD: Obama, who is Jeanne McCurdy?
July 23, 2008: Obama's Foreign Contributions
July 30, 2008: Obama's Anonymous Foreign Donors and Other Bizarre Illegal Activity
July 31, 2008: Obama's Gazan Contributions
July 31, 2008: Obama, Who is Dr. Okechukwu Dimkpa?
July 31, 2008: Obama's Contributors: Good Will? Loving you? UPDATE: Doo da Doo Da
August 2, 2008: And then there are Obama's Gibberish Donors ....
August 3, 2008: Obama's Fishy "Personal" Fund Raising Pages
August 3, 2008: Obama's "Odd" Contributions: More evidence of foreign contributors
August 6, 2008: Gazans Deny Obama Returned their JIhad Dough: No Honor Among Thieves
August 11, 2008: Obama Response to FEC: Chicago Style "Plausible" Deniability?
August 11, 2008: Obama Contributions: Moving On MoveOn's Money
August 13, 2008: To the Best of Obama's Ability
August 26, 2008: OBAMA LIED: "Palestinian" Campaign Contributions NEVER RETURNED OR REFUNDED
October 1, 2008: More media on Obama's Foreign, Illegal Contributions
October 2, 2008: OBAMA'S FOREIGN DONATIONS: Jagan, Son of chief minister of Andhrapradesh
October 4, 2008: More Fraud in the Obama Campaign Donations
October 14, 2008: Atlas Attribution in San Francisco Examiner
October 18, 2008: More Obama Campaign Contribution Irregularities
October 24, 2008: National Journal: OBAMA'S FEC LOOPHOLES
October 25, 2008: CONTRIBUTION FRAUD: John Galt, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Bill Ayers - Obama has Charged Your Credit card
October 27, 2008: I heard Atlas was Cited at FOX this morning on Campaign Finance Fraud
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 02, 2012 at 09:45 PM in Obama's Contributions: Foreign and Domestic | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack
Despite big media's reluctance to publish anything negative about Obama no matter how important and damning, a couple of publicationsand talk radio hosts picked up on the story-- and Obama responded. Obama and co. claimed the money was returned. Chalk this up to
the money was never returned. Cathy has been combing through the latest filing and reviewing all past documents.
Nothing. Gotz. Nada.
According to Glenn Simpson of the Washington Wire in the Wall Street Journal back on August 5th:
$33,000 in illegal donations to the campaign via the internet.
The brothers sought to buy “Obama for President” T-shirts in some 97 attempts, 32 of which were initially successful.
They wrongly identified themselves as American citizens,campaign officials said, and listed their address as “GA”, the abbreviation for Georgia, when in fact they live in a refugeecamp in Gaza, a rump city-state between Israel and Egypt that is under the control of Hamas.
Strangely, the tee shirts found their way to Gaza. So was it Georgia or Gaza. C'mon fellas we're not stupid.
The donations came in between Sept. 20 and Dec. 6 and virtually all of the money, about $33,500, was returned by December 6. But the refunds weren’t reported to the Federal Election Commission due to a technical error, campaign officials said.
The remaining $2,500 was refunded Monday. The refunds will all be reflected shortly in an amended report. New controls to prevent such attempts are now in place, the campaign said.
There is no refund made to the Gaza donors Adwan, Osama and Edwan .......... and when Simpson of the Wall Street Journal was asked if he would be following up on the Gaza story - he said, no. There is no governance, there is no rule of law -- it's chaos.
update: Campaign Phone baNks for Obama in Gaza:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 01:42 AM in Obama and The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's Contributions: Foreign and Domestic | Permalink
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#Certifigate (no real Hawaii birth certificate, forged document shown, lying under Oath, and citizenship is from Kenya getting foreign college aid to Harvard, no less, in Constitutional Law)
Obama Natural Born Citizen Issue Has a New Sinister Twist - Supreme court records have been corrupted
Site Administrator posted on October 23, 2011 18:49
Obama Natural Born Citizen Issue Has a New Sinister Twist - Supreme court records have been corrupted
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Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'
'Not just a crime of some plumbers breaking into an opponent's office'
Posted: June 30, 2011
11:20 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
Barack Obama
A retired U.S. military commander who brought a court challenge to Barack Obama's tenure in the Oval Office says the mounting evidence indicating the "Certificate of Live Birth" he released in April is fake should shock the American public.
"If everyone was intellectually honest, they would admit those images put on the Internet are forgeries," said CDR Charles Kerchner, whose lawsuit that alleged Congress failed in its constitutional duty to make sure the man elected president was eligible for the office, was turned down by the U.S. Supreme Court.
He cited the work released this week by longtime Adobe software book author and computer expert Mara Zebest.
Get the New York Times best-seller "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President," autographed by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.
Her detailed report explains how the document released in April by Obama as a copy of his original birth certificate isn't even a good forgery.
(Story continues below)
"This is a 100 times worse situation in that it is not just a crime of some plumbers breaking into an opponent's office, this is a crime against the Constitution and all the people of the United States. Obama is not who he says he is. These are forged documents on government property. Before it was a campaign website, now these are government websites," Kerchner told WND today.
Joseph Farah, publisher of WND books, who held a news conference featuring Zebest's research this week at the National Press Club with Jerome Corsi, author of "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President," agreed.
"This is bigger than Watergate," he said after the news conference where it was announced that a lawsuit had been filed against Esquire magazine over its faked "report" that falsely claimed the Corsi book was withdrawn.
Kerchner was just one of a number of high-profile leaders who have challenged Obama's eligibility to express alarm at the idea that a sitting president would release to the public a document that is being described as a forgery.
Others include Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who is working through several outreaches to restore integrity to U.S. politics; Orly Taitz, the California lawyer who has spearheaded some of the biggest legal confrontations with Obama's supporters; Philip Berg, the Pennsylvania lawyer who first brought the issue of Obama's apparent ineligibility to the U.S. court system; and Floyd Brown of the Western Journalism Center, who has campaigned for Obama's impeachment.
'He'll do anything'
Kerchner believes there's evidence Obama's placement in the White House was orchestrated, and now that the façade that was created for him is cracking, no holds are barred.
"He's desperate," Kerchner told WND. "He'll do anything to survive. He's way overconfident that the media is never going to do a thing to investigate [and] so far he's right."
However, he said, "At some point the truth is going to come out and the house of cards is going to fall."
Kerchner, even though his court case did not succeed in obtaining documentation about Obama, has continued with a campaign of ads that probe the issue with question after question.
His latest asks, "We have a criminal and forger in the White House! Why isn't Speaker John Boehner investigating? Call or write and ask him."
"This is not a fringe issue of concern by only a few Americans. In the latest poll, 50 percent of the American people said they want Obama investigated by the Congress. It is time for U.S. House Speaker Boehner to take action and call for investigations in the House of Reps of Obama's criminal activities," he said.
Kerchner was referring to a WND Wenzel poll showing that even 28 percent of Democrats want Congress to investigate, meaning, according to pollster Fritz Wenzel, "There's no marginalizing those who want this matter investigated."
Kerchner's promotion cites questions about a forged birth certificate, an "invalid" Social Security number and issues with Obama's draft registration form.
He said Obama's release of the birth document April 27 also moved the dispute to a new level.
"Not only is Obama (now that he stood at that podium on 27 April and said it was his BC) an accessory to the crime of forging a birth certificate and then placing that forged long form birth certificate onto government servers, but I also believe he is a co-conspirator in having it made," Kerchner said.
'Let's see original'
California attorney Orly Taitz continues to fight some of the biggest cases that have been brought over Obama's eligibility, including on behalf of other presidential candidates and members of the U.S. military, whose lives are dependent on the orders of a commander-in-chief who may not be qualified.
"I already have submitted a request for production of the original [Obama birth certificate] to the White House counsel," she told WND today. The action comes as part of her Freedom of Information Act quest for details about how Obama ended up with a Social Security number normally assigned to Connecticut residents when Obama never lived in the state.
Taitz said that when the White House refused to respond, she followed up with another request as part of the requirements for pursuing such a document.
"There is going to be a lawsuit," she said.
'More holes than Swiss cheese'
Berg, who filed the first legal challenge to Obama's presidency more than two months before the 2008 election, said, "I cannot believe the audacity of Obama to put forth this document. He was making a joke out of it. But it has more holes than Swiss cheese."
He continued, "This is the biggest fraud against the United States of America in our history."
Berg said records revealed that Obama was listed as a Muslim and was known as Barry Soetoro while he was a youth in Indonesia, and he believes that name never was formally changed.
"There's no evidence he legally changed his name," he said. "It's unbelievable that members of Congress who know about this [haven't acted]."
He blamed the traditional media in the U.S., who have offered Obama a great deal of support, for the situation.
"I believe if the New York Times [and others] made this the front page above the fold, Obama would be out of office."
A 'permanent political class'
Brown, of the Western Journalism Center, who also is integral to the ImpeachObamaCampaign, told WND the simple arrogance of presenting a questionable document stretches credulity.
"The notion that their hubris would be so great as to release a fraudulent document to prove the legitimacy of a president is beyond anything we've seen in American history," he said. "It's beyond Watergate. Beyond the arrogance of power shown by Bill Clinton.
"It is an absolute scandal but what I find even more scandalous, the absolute complete lack of courage by the Republican Congress to tackle any of these issues. The American people want an investigation of his eligibility."
He said his organization alone already has delivered petitions from 2.5 million people to Congress demanding impeachment proceedings.
But he said members of Congress "totally and completely are ignoring the calls to action."
That response, he said, is evidence of a "permanent political class [in Washington] committed to bigger, stronger, more invasive government. It includes the leadership inside the Republican Party."
The solution, he said, is "wholesale change."
'You don't lie, cheat or steal'
Vallely, a retired major general, national security expert and Fox News contributor, now of Stand Up America US, said all that is needed to restore the nation is "honest and upright" members of Congress pursuing the goals of the Constitution.
"When you go back to the basics, the Constitution, the rule of law, what we had at West Point, 'You don't lie, cheat or steal or tolerate anyone who does,'" he said.
"We need to have those kinds of virtues in our government more today than ever," he said. "We have a whole gang of dishonest and corrupt individuals in our government today."
"Where are the honest, upright members of the Senate and Congress. None of them will challenge this president … on the deceitful and treasonous things that they are doing: His bypassing the War Powers act, basically bypassing many other things."
He said Obama "will say what he wants to say to boost his own image and reelection campaign."
It's urgent, he said, that Obama depart the White House even before the 2012 election.
The disputed image released by Obama, which has been called a fake by numerous document, computer and imaging analysts:
You are here: Home // General // Sheriff Joe Arpaio Calls Obama’s Birth Certificate a Forgery

by James Buchanan. Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference today to announce the findings of an investigation of Barack Obama’s citizenship. The mainstream media showed up, but don’t hold your breath for the evening news to report on the biggest news story since 911.
Arpaio’s investigation determined that the green document, which Obama presented to the world in April 2011 as his long form birth certificate was NOT a scan of a 1961 birth certificate, but instead was a multi-layered forgery.
The investigation also found that “Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth, including the dates Aug. 1, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961.”
This is extremely significant because it is believed that Ann Obama flew back from Kenya with Barack Obama Junior immediately after his birth on Aug. 4th, 1961. Isn’t it curious that decades of records are available except for that one particular week?
It is believed that Ann (Dunham) Obama traveled to Kenya in the summer of 1961 either traveling with or maybe chasing after Barack Obama Senior. By the time, Ann Obama decided to return to the US, she was too pregnant to fly since airlines did not want women eight months or more pregnant flying for fear they would have their babies on the plane.
Ann Obama was seen in Seattle in August 1961 just days after Obama was born according to this source.
It would make no sense -if Obama were born in Hawaii- for Ann Obama to leave her home with a baby less than a month old and fly to Washington state to begin a class. She had later always pawned Obama Jr. off on her parents whenever she didn’t feel like taking care of him herself. Why would she want a screaming baby with her, just as she was starting a college course??? This makes no sense.
It makes a lot of sense however for Ann Obama to leave a Third World country as soon as possible and to fly back to the US, and Seattle would be a likely stop on the way back from Kenya.
The often-annoying talk radio Zionist Bill Handel was arrogantly trying to belittle what Sheriff Joe Arpaio was doing. The truth is that Arpaio is one of the few Americans in any position of power with any guts. Everyone else, including the frequently-confused Handel and his stooges, just stand in the crowd admiring the “Emperor’s new clothes” while Joe Arpaio is the sole voice of reason willing to state the obvious.
The liberals in the mainstream media are so arrogant that they won’t even look at the increasing wealth of evidence suggesting that something is wrong with Obama’s citizenship from his fake social security number that won’t pass an e-Verify test to his willingness to spend over two million dollars on lawyers to fight off challenges to his citizenship, which could be settled by supplying official birth records from Hawaii –if he had any.
Obama most recently risked a “contempt of court” charge ignoring a subpoena from the state of Georgia in accordance with their new law requiring that a presidential candidate provide proof of citizenship. Obama failed to provide any official documents from the state of Hawaii aside from a print out (that was neither notarized nor stamped by any authority in Hawaii) of that green, multi-layered forgery he put on the White House website.
Because the mainstream media doesn’t cover the issue of Obama’s dubious citizenship, it “isn’t an issue” in the minds of the liberals and that’s the extent of their willingness to debate this issue.Liberals have always been cowards and they avoid the truth, the way a vampire avoids a crucifix.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s brave stand on this issue will hopefully wake up millions of Americans to this issue and encourage others to challenge Obama’s citizenship, rather than bluff his way through a second term should the election go his way.
by JEROME R. CORSIEmail | Archive
Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?"More ↓
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As Americans tightened their belts to pay federal taxes on time, the Obama administration is exploring what appears to be every way possible to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to stimulate the economy – in Kenya.
According to U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor, the White House has increased the flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Kenya, the land of his father’s birth.
Amid the “spike of activity” in Kenya is a U.S. government contract committing to a five-year effort to “improve the inclusiveness and competitiveness” of the livestock industry in Marsabit and Garissa counties in Kenya.
On April 12, U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID, published a pre-solicitation for the Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands-Accelerated Growth program, or REGAL-AG, under the U.S. government’s Feed the Future initiative.
Help Sheriff Joe blow the lid off Obama’s fraud. Join the Cold Case Posse right now!
“REAL-AG is intended to be a five-year activity which deepens USAID investment in Marsabit and Garissa, Kenya,” the program pre-solicitation read. “The procurement will improve the inclusiveness and competitiveness of the livestock value chain in these two counties, while furthering diverse livestock-related economic opportunities.”
While the pre-solicitation neglected to say how much money would be awarded in the REAL-AG program, the contracting office was listed as the USAID office in Nairobi, Kenya.
On April 12, USAID also listed a separate pre-solicitation for the Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprises program, or KAVES, also with the contracting office listed as the USAID office in Nariobi.
Again, the pre-solicitation neglected to give program specifics or to say how much money would be awarded in the KAVES program in Kenya.
The website of Carana Corporation, a USAID consultant and contractor based in Arlington, Va., notes that the KAVES project “will focus on increasing agricultural productivity within staples, dairy and horticulture value chains.”
The Carana website further suggested Kenyan nationals would be hired to manage the program as “Value Chain advisors” to work with micro-finance institutions and banks to provide financing to “farmers, farmer groups, agro-enterprises and a wide range of local and regional partners to enhance the quality, availability and utilization financial services oriented toward agriculture.”
The USAID “Fact Sheet” for Kenyan foreign assistance appropriations indicates that the total for Fiscal Year 2011 has increased to $714 million from the Fiscal Year 2008 total under President George W. Bush of $684 million.
The U.S. Trade Monitor listed the following additional foreign aid program support for Kenya:
‘Yes Youth Can!’
Through a $45 million “Yes Youth Can!” program, which mimics Obama’s 2008 “Yes, We Can!” presidential campaign slogan, Kenyan out-of-school youth “are empowered to develop livelihood opportunities and improve their capacity for a greater voice in national and local affairs.”
Among the economic development projects funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars and featured on the USAID/Kenya webpages are the following:
Separately, the U.S. Trade Monitor pointed out, the U.S. Army embarked upon a survey of potential vendors to provide helicopter flight-training simulators to the Kenyan government.
WND previously reported the Obama administration secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in 2010 to fund a “Yes” vote on a constitutional referendum that ultimately passed, along with provisions that increased access to abortions in Kenya and established legal status for Islamic law tribunals.
Previous story:
Here’s what ‘Obama money’ is doing for you – in Kenya!
4:47 p.m., Monday, January 31, 2011
Supreme Court may offer lawmakers a second chance to get health reform right
So it has come to this: Having bribed and browbeaten lawmakers into passing it, suffered a historic election loss in the wake of its passage and endured unrelenting popular opposition to it ever since, President Obama is now resorting to veiled threats against the Supreme Court as he attempts to surmount one more obstacle to the enactment of ObamaCare.
It’s fitting: Much of the initial opposition to ObamaCare was prompted by a provision requiring senior citizens to appear before government-run “death panels.” Now the law itself is at the mercy of a panel of nine justices who will decide its ultimate fate.
Last week, Obama called on the court, which he dismissively referred to as an unelected “group of people,” to show “deference to democratically-elected legislatures” by upholding the law or risk diminishing its “credibility.”
Under fire even from some liberals, Obama retreated the next day, insisting that he’d “have to respect” the court’s decision. But Obama wasn’t the only one making threats.
Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal said that the court would damage its reputation if it doesn’t uphold the law. “The court commands no armies, it has no money; it depends for its power on its credibility,” he said. “The only reason people obey it is because it has that credibility. And the court risks grave damage if it strikes down a statue of this magnitude and importance.”
It was just a more candid version of the argument the administration made to the court. U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli closed his case saying that Congress made a judgment in passing the law—“maybe they were right, maybe there weren’t,” he said—and that the court should respect the policy judgment made by democratically elected lawmakers.
Obama and his allies assert that the court risks its credibility by voting down ObamaCare. But to the extent that the court’s credibility has been eroded, it’s likely due to its judicial activism of the last 30 years. Where would the left be without the court’s demonstrated willingness to strike down laws it deems unconstitutional—from abortion restrictions to prayer in schools?
The court’s rulings on these issues weren’t rooted in the Constitution, nor did they have popular support. This judicial activism may help explain why public trust of the judicial branch is at a historic low.
To liberals, the right of citizens to make private reproductive healthcare decisions without government intrusion is sacrosanct; but that right apparently does not extend to the right of citizens to decide where to obtain that healthcare.
Obama also said last week that he was “confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.”
There is nothing unprecedented about the Supreme Court striking down a federal statutes. That’s part of its job, a power established in Marbury v Madison in 1803. And, as Michael Tanner notes, “between 1803 and 2002, the Supreme Court struck down as many as 1,315 laws on constitutional grounds.”
The Supreme Court would not be alone in finding the individual mandate unconstitutional. Twenty-eight state attorneys general, two district court judges and five circuit court judges, not to mention numerous legal experts, professors and organizations, filed briefs in support of overturning it.
Obama’s disdain for the Constitution is well established. The former constitutional law professor has said that the Constitution “reflects some deep flaws in American culture.” More recently he complained that “our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.”
With the Supreme Court at least an even bet to overturn his healthcare law, Obama is preparing for the worst, and is signaling that he’ll run against what he calls judicial activism should ObamaCare fail to pass constitutional muster.
If Obama does decide to take on the Supreme Court, he will have opened up a third front in his battle to win re-election: the Supreme Court, the Congress and religious institutions.
In The Audacity of Hope, Obama wrote that “the outlines of Madison’s constitutional architecture are so familiar that even schoolchildren can recite them.” These include “the separation of the national government into three co-equal branches,” which was “designed to diffuse power, check factions, balance interests and prevent tyranny by either the few or the many.”
Obama was correct that basic constitutional principles are not difficult to understand. But it’s become clear that he does not respect them. The president seems to believe that the other two “co-equal branches” exist to do his bidding. The legislative branch fought hard but ultimately acquiesced on healthcare. That leaves the court as the only branch remaining to prevent tyranny.
Former presidential candidate Mr. Gary Bauer is president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.
July 23, 2008: Obama's Foreign Contributions
July 30, 2008: Obama's Anonymous Foreign Donors and Other Bizarre Illegal Activity
July 31, 2008: Obama's Gazan Contributions
July 31, 2008: Obama, Who is Dr. Okechukwu Dimkpa?
July 31, 2008: Obama's Contributors: Good Will? Loving you? UPDATE: Doo da Doo Da
August 2, 2008: And then there are Obama's Gibberish Donors ....
August 3, 2008: Obama's Fishy "Personal" Fund Raising Pages
August 3, 2008: Obama's "Odd" Contributions: More evidence of foreign contributors
August 6, 2008: Gazans Deny Obama Returned their JIhad Dough: No Honor Among Thieves
August 11, 2008: Obama Response to FEC: Chicago Style "Plausible" Deniability?
August 11, 2008: Obama Contributions: Moving On MoveOn's Money
August 13, 2008: To the Best of Obama's Ability
August 26, 2008: OBAMA LIED: "Palestinian" Campaign Contributions NEVER RETURNED OR REFUNDED
October 1, 2008: More media on Obama's Foreign, Illegal Contributions
October 2, 2008: OBAMA'S FOREIGN DONATIONS: Jagan, Son of chief minister of Andhrapradesh
October 4, 2008: More Fraud in the Obama Campaign Donations
October 14, 2008: Atlas Attribution in San Francisco Examiner
October 18, 2008: More Obama Campaign Contribution Irregularities
October 24, 2008: National Journal: OBAMA'S FEC LOOPHOLES
October 25, 2008: CONTRIBUTION FRAUD: John Galt, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Bill Ayers - Obama has Charged Your Credit card
October 27, 2008: I heard Atlas was Cited at FOX this morning on Campaign Finance Fraud
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 02, 2012 at 09:45 PM in Obama's Contributions: Foreign and Domestic | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack
« BIDEN'S CLOSE TIES TO REZKO: MORE OF THE SAME "CHANGE" | Main | Oorah! DNC, Denver 2008 pro-troops, pro-victory rally »
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
On July 31, Atlas broke the explosive bombshell that Obama was receiving big foreign donations andin particular, from the Hamas controlled Rafah refugee camps in Gaza. Jihad money to the tune of 33,000.Despite big media's reluctance to publish anything negative about Obama no matter how important and damning, a couple of publicationsand talk radio hosts picked up on the story-- and Obama responded. Obama and co. claimed the money was returned. Chalk this up to
Nothing. Gotz. Nada.
According to Glenn Simpson of the Washington Wire in the Wall Street Journal back on August 5th:
$33,000 in illegal donations to the campaign via the internet.
The brothers sought to buy “Obama for President” T-shirts in some 97 attempts, 32 of which were initially successful.
They wrongly identified themselves as American citizens,campaign officials said, and listed their address as “GA”, the abbreviation for Georgia, when in fact they live in a refugeecamp in Gaza, a rump city-state between Israel and Egypt that is under the control of Hamas.
Strangely, the tee shirts found their way to Gaza. So was it Georgia or Gaza. C'mon fellas we're not stupid.
The donations came in between Sept. 20 and Dec. 6 and virtually all of the money, about $33,500, was returned by December 6. But the refunds weren’t reported to the Federal Election Commission due to a technical error, campaign officials said.
The remaining $2,500 was refunded Monday. The refunds will all be reflected shortly in an amended report. New controls to prevent such attempts are now in place, the campaign said.
There is no refund made to the Gaza donors Adwan, Osama and Edwan .......... and when Simpson of the Wall Street Journal was asked if he would be following up on the Gaza story - he said, no. There is no governance, there is no rule of law -- it's chaos.
name | city | state | zip | employer | occupation | amount | date |
ADWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 553.72 | 12-Sep-07 |
ADWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,001.80 | 24-Oct-07 |
ADWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | (553.72) | 13-Jan-08 | |
ADWAN, MONIR Total | 1,001.80 | ||||||
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,082.67 | 26-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | (508.63) | 26-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | (834.85) | 26-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 508.63 | 26-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 834.85 | 26-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,725.96 | 26-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 834.85 | 26-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 956.52 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,556.65 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | (956.52) | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, HOSAM Total | 5,200.13 | ||||||
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,290.63 | 27-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,582.94 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | (717.06) | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,037.32 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,499.76 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | (1,582.94) | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,643.94 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,671.85 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,582.94 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 717.06 | 30-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 953.60 | 31-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,494.73 | 31-Oct-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 2,017.50 | 1-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,389.25 | 1-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,963.15 | 1-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,099.34 | 1-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,282.30 | 2-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 873.25 | 2-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 873.25 | 2-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,389.25 | 2-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 1,389.25 | 2-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR | RAFAH | GA | 972 | ACCOUNTER | ACCOUNTING | 870.10 | 11-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, MONIR Total | 24,321.41 |
EDWAN, OSAMA | RAFAH | GA | 972 | TRADER | TRADER | 706.60 | 10-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, OSAMA | RAFAH | GA | 972 | TRADER | TRADER | 1,102.25 | 10-Nov-07 |
EDWAN, OSAMA Total | 1,808.85 | ||||||
Total from Rafah, GAZA | 32,332.19 |
update: Campaign Phone baNks for Obama in Gaza:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 01:42 AM in Obama and The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's Contributions: Foreign and Domestic | Permalink
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Pamela, Thank you for all the hard work and research you do. Who needs the networks when we have you.
Looks like a bunch of the DemoRATS are jumping ship. It does not surprise me how the media is covering up for their chosen "ONE". This too shall come to pass as you and others continue to uncover his piles of dung.
Posted by: deputydan | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 02:08 AM
we're talkin' about a dem. party that invites to their convention: 1. jimmy "i hate israel and will tour the world with my book to prove it" carter; 2. the head of the islamic organization(who gets standing ovations)....so should we be surprised that they find a way to officially squeak this one by? the real question is how soon will there be an outside legal inquiry investigating this and will it bear fruit before the election. hopefully, obambi will be gone by then 'cause he was disqualified.
Posted by: kobi | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 04:37 AM
I just can't shake the fact that this photograph kind of reminds me of that one of Hitler and al Husseini.
Posted by: Anonymous Infidel | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 06:32 AM
Atlas, I found a recent Gaddafi speech on youtube where he actually talks about the 'legitimate' campaign contribtions coming from the muslim world to get Obama elected, and I posted a link to your page of research on this:
Posted by: Hev | Sunday, September 07, 2008 at 09:49 PM
The comments to this entry are closed.
#VoterGate (dead people and Mickey Mouse vote for Obama while Breitbart exposes ACORN)
‘FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNYU9PamIZk

MSNBC political analyst Karen Finney said Friday that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to "go back to a time when women couldn't vote, blacks couldn't vote."
Such was said on the Martin Bashir show immediately following the former Massachusetts governor's speech to the National Rifle Association (video follows with transcript and commentary):
It's about fiscal and personal responsibility instead of government being involved in every aspect of people lives regardless of cost and whether folks want such intrusion.
Isn't it a shame that everything to liberal media members is about either women, minorities, or religion?
I guess that's the only way you concoct all these so-called "wars" Republicans are supposedly waging in this country.
*****Update: Finney has asked me via Twitter to include the transcript of her response to Bashir.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/04/13/msnbc-political-analyst-romney-wants-go-back-time-when-women-and-blac#ixzz1sY3eC64r

Home > Eric Holder > Obama Tool AG Eric Holder: ‘Instances of In-Person Voter Fraud Are Extremely Rare’
We will continue to oppose discriminatory practices also while vigorously defending section 5 of the voting rights act against challenges to its constitutionality.
Now, let me be very clear. This administration will do whatever is necessary to ensure the continued viability of the voting rights act, our nation’s most important civil rights statue.
As Dr. King so often pointed out, in this great country the ability of all eligible citizens to participate in and have a voice in the work of government is not a privilege. It is a right. And protecting the right, the right to vote
This means we must support policies that are aimed at modernizing our voting systems and ensuring that all eligible citizens have access to complete, accurate, understandable information about where, when and how they can cast their ballot
And preventing and punishing fraudulent voting practices. It also demands that we engage in a thoughtful and truthful dialogue about where we should target our efforts. And where solutions are necessary.
Now, we might begin by acknowledging the fact that instances of in person voting fraud are extremely rare. A point from groups of different political affiliation have acknowledged… to the Republican Nation Lawyers Association have affirmed.
Now, despite its rarity, any instance of voter fraud is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the Department of Justice. There is no dispute on this issue. “
So if I go around decapitating people with a broadsword you’d be OK with that since its extremely rare for people to be beheaded in public?
How is he to know if there is no requirement to provide proof of identity? Since Chicago is well known for dead people voting, and San Francisco for ballot boxes appearing in the San Francisco Bay just to name two recent voter fraud cases involving thousands of votes in just two cities… this isn’t enough? Could it be that Holder himself is a beneficiary of voter fraud? After all look at the voting record from his legal residence and that of Obama and the new Mayor…of Chicago…where voter fraud has been SOP for over 100 years.
Then tell me, Mr. Holder, why Democrats in at least 5 (count ‘em FIVE) are either in jail because of stuffing the ballot box, under indictment for stuffing the ballot box, or under investigation for stuffing the ballot box, if it’s so rare? The sole Republican convicted of voter fraud voted in the wrong precinct. Tell me again how rare it is!!!
I guess that explains all the uproar over Acorn and their subsequent defunding by congress as a result of the voter fraud perpetuated by them in 2008. Or how about the 4 Dems just last month that were charged. Google voter fraud in the USA and see what party get the most hits.
Holder, for someone in your position, you seemed to be the MOST UNINFORMED person I know of. Voter fraud, voter intimidation, fast and Furious…etc. etc.Dang Holder, tries to use a little intelligence and thought when you lie to try and make interesting and not so obvious and blatant.
The real problem Holder has is the fact that the American electorate is beginning to not trust that elections are honest and not being tampered with. How do you make a statement like “instances of in person voting fraud are extremely rare” if you can’t and won’t identify voters? It’s only rare in his mind because he knows how often the democrats do it. They usually just have the SEIU rig the machines. It you don’t think that is true Eric, ask Harry.
Whenever a politician says “Now, let me be very clear” that means ‘now let me lie to you’. I guess that Holder was asleep when former Acorn members were found guilty of voter fraud. Also, when Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse along with Bart Simpson not only registered to vote for Obama but also contributed to his campaign. Not to mention all the deceased people rising up to vote for Obama.

Looks like a bunch of the DemoRATS are jumping ship. It does not surprise me how the media is covering up for their chosen "ONE". This too shall come to pass as you and others continue to uncover his piles of dung.
Posted by: deputydan | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 02:08 AM
we're talkin' about a dem. party that invites to their convention: 1. jimmy "i hate israel and will tour the world with my book to prove it" carter; 2. the head of the islamic organization(who gets standing ovations)....so should we be surprised that they find a way to officially squeak this one by? the real question is how soon will there be an outside legal inquiry investigating this and will it bear fruit before the election. hopefully, obambi will be gone by then 'cause he was disqualified.
Posted by: kobi | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 04:37 AM
I just can't shake the fact that this photograph kind of reminds me of that one of Hitler and al Husseini.
Posted by: Anonymous Infidel | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 06:32 AM
Atlas, I found a recent Gaddafi speech on youtube where he actually talks about the 'legitimate' campaign contribtions coming from the muslim world to get Obama elected, and I posted a link to your page of research on this:
Posted by: Hev | Sunday, September 07, 2008 at 09:49 PM
The comments to this entry are closed.
#VoterGate (dead people and Mickey Mouse vote for Obama while Breitbart exposes ACORN)
‘FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNYU9PamIZk
MSNBC Political Analyst: Romney Wants to 'Go Back to a Time' When Women and Blacks Couldn't Vote
By Noel Sheppard | April 13, 2012 | 18:20MSNBC political analyst Karen Finney said Friday that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to "go back to a time when women couldn't vote, blacks couldn't vote."
Such was said on the Martin Bashir show immediately following the former Massachusetts governor's speech to the National Rifle Association (video follows with transcript and commentary):
KAREN FINNEY, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: Two thoughts. One, the number, I can't wait to see all the fact-checks coming out of the DNC because the number of, I won't call them lies but misinformation that came out of Mr. Romney's mouth was stunning.
As shocking as it might seem, even her perilously liberal host noticed that's not what Romney said:MARTIN BASHIR, HOST: To be fair, Karen, but to be fair to him, he didn't say that. He didn't say he wants to go back to a period before when African-Americans couldn't vote, did he? He didn't say that. I mean, there were other even more astonishing statements I thought in the speech.
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Sadly, these folks don't understand that restoring America doesn't have anything to do with one's race, religion, or gender.It's about fiscal and personal responsibility instead of government being involved in every aspect of people lives regardless of cost and whether folks want such intrusion.
Isn't it a shame that everything to liberal media members is about either women, minorities, or religion?
I guess that's the only way you concoct all these so-called "wars" Republicans are supposedly waging in this country.
*****Update: Finney has asked me via Twitter to include the transcript of her response to Bashir.
FINNEY: But when he says things like, “I want to return America, I want to restore America,” I guess the question, or when he talked about the Constitution not being a living document, I mean, some would say that because the Constitution is a living document, we passed rights for African-Americans to vote. We passed rights for women to vote because we recognize that that there were, that we should expand the freedoms of the Constitution not restrict those freedoms. That’s where I come up with that.
That's all well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that Finney began by saying Romney wants to "go back to a time when women couldn't vote, blacks couldn't vote," which is utter nonsense that even the perilously liberal Bashir challenged.Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/04/13/msnbc-political-analyst-romney-wants-go-back-time-when-women-and-blac#ixzz1sY3eC64r
Home > Eric Holder > Obama Tool AG Eric Holder: ‘Instances of In-Person Voter Fraud Are Extremely Rare’
Obama Tool AG Eric Holder: ‘Instances of In-Person Voter Fraud Are Extremely Rare’
April 11, 2012
“In recent months, the divisions voting section has taken crucial steps to ensure the integrity, the independence and the transparency of our aggressive enforcement of the voting rights act.
And as we signal through our recent actions in South Carolina, in Florida and in Texas, we will continue to oppose discriminatory practices.We will continue to oppose discriminatory practices also while vigorously defending section 5 of the voting rights act against challenges to its constitutionality.
Now, let me be very clear. This administration will do whatever is necessary to ensure the continued viability of the voting rights act, our nation’s most important civil rights statue.
As Dr. King so often pointed out, in this great country the ability of all eligible citizens to participate in and have a voice in the work of government is not a privilege. It is a right. And protecting the right, the right to vote
This means we must support policies that are aimed at modernizing our voting systems and ensuring that all eligible citizens have access to complete, accurate, understandable information about where, when and how they can cast their ballot
And preventing and punishing fraudulent voting practices. It also demands that we engage in a thoughtful and truthful dialogue about where we should target our efforts. And where solutions are necessary.
Now, we might begin by acknowledging the fact that instances of in person voting fraud are extremely rare. A point from groups of different political affiliation have acknowledged… to the Republican Nation Lawyers Association have affirmed.
Now, despite its rarity, any instance of voter fraud is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the Department of Justice. There is no dispute on this issue. “
So if I go around decapitating people with a broadsword you’d be OK with that since its extremely rare for people to be beheaded in public?
How is he to know if there is no requirement to provide proof of identity? Since Chicago is well known for dead people voting, and San Francisco for ballot boxes appearing in the San Francisco Bay just to name two recent voter fraud cases involving thousands of votes in just two cities… this isn’t enough? Could it be that Holder himself is a beneficiary of voter fraud? After all look at the voting record from his legal residence and that of Obama and the new Mayor…of Chicago…where voter fraud has been SOP for over 100 years.
Then tell me, Mr. Holder, why Democrats in at least 5 (count ‘em FIVE) are either in jail because of stuffing the ballot box, under indictment for stuffing the ballot box, or under investigation for stuffing the ballot box, if it’s so rare? The sole Republican convicted of voter fraud voted in the wrong precinct. Tell me again how rare it is!!!
I guess that explains all the uproar over Acorn and their subsequent defunding by congress as a result of the voter fraud perpetuated by them in 2008. Or how about the 4 Dems just last month that were charged. Google voter fraud in the USA and see what party get the most hits.
Holder, for someone in your position, you seemed to be the MOST UNINFORMED person I know of. Voter fraud, voter intimidation, fast and Furious…etc. etc.Dang Holder, tries to use a little intelligence and thought when you lie to try and make interesting and not so obvious and blatant.
The real problem Holder has is the fact that the American electorate is beginning to not trust that elections are honest and not being tampered with. How do you make a statement like “instances of in person voting fraud are extremely rare” if you can’t and won’t identify voters? It’s only rare in his mind because he knows how often the democrats do it. They usually just have the SEIU rig the machines. It you don’t think that is true Eric, ask Harry.
Whenever a politician says “Now, let me be very clear” that means ‘now let me lie to you’. I guess that Holder was asleep when former Acorn members were found guilty of voter fraud. Also, when Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse along with Bart Simpson not only registered to vote for Obama but also contributed to his campaign. Not to mention all the deceased people rising up to vote for Obama.
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2 bloggers like this post.#Certifigate (no real Hawaii birth certificate, forged document shown, lying under Oath, and citizenship is from Kenya getting foreign college aid to Harvard, no less, in Constitutional Law)
COACH IS RIGHT ARCHIVESSelect Month April 2012 (57) March 2012 (95) | American Minute March 3 » America’s “Certifigate”BY COACH COLLINS, ON MARCH 4TH, 2012by Suzanne Eovaldi, staff writer America now must face its biggest political crisis in history because she has a sitting President whose credentials to hold office can not and will not be verified by the very institutions charged with protecting her, and her media are covering up Certifigate. ”The document failed every test we put it through,” said lead investigator Mike Zullo who told Sheriff Joe Arpaio “We had a forgery” referring to the document released last year by the White House as being President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Speaking at a Maricopa County, AZ press conference in front of a very hostile media scrum on Thursday, March 1, Zullo revealed, “In fact, absent the authentication of Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other proof he was born anywhere within the United States.” Based on their meticulous examination and precise analysis, Zullo and his Cold Case Posse “believe a criminal investigation is needed because fraud has been committed (and) the document is fake!” The media present shrugged off the very detailed explanation of computer generated forgery Zullo objectively explained, attempting instead to portray Sheriff Joe and his investigators as being driven by politics. But Arpaio stuck to his original statement that “I want the facts of this. . .Mr. President, come up with other documentation to put thisat rest. . .where were you born?” Continuing, Sheriff Joe said to the antagonistic media, “This has nothing to do with politics. . .wehave obstacles here. . .what (does) politics have to do with this?” From date and registrar stamps imported “from unknown sources, to a “built” nine layer document released by the White House on its own web site to seven days of missing microfilm that disappeared from national archives, clearly Zullo and his team proved they have probable cause for a criminal probe in the alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate. Of the 685 rolls of national archives microfilm, seven days in l961, from August 1 to August 7, disappeared, further thwarting the Cold Case Posse volunteer investigators’ attempts to determine if mother Stanley Ann Dunham and baby Barack Obama entered the United States at that time! In response to a petition of 250 Surprise, AZ concerned citizens, (http://www.wnd.com/?pageld=345685), Arpaio last September commissioned his five member team of three former law enforcement officers and two retired attorneys with law enforcement backgrounds to examine the Obama document and to look into the problem of his Selective Service card. “There is a clear difference between an authentic stamp and Barack Obama’s stamp,”said Zullo. “This whole affair is a serious national security issue and should not be construed as merely partisan politics or a racial issue,” said international forensics document and scanner expert Doug Vogt in a 28 page affidavit he sent to FBI Director Robert Mueller III, to 90 mainly Republican members of Congress and to Special FBI Agent in Charge in Honolulu, Hawaii Frank Montoya soon after the White House issued its document last year. Attorney Orly Taitz called Vogt to testify in her GA eligibility hearing last month along with database expert Susan Daniels who found many serious anomalies, especially with Social Security number documentation. On his web site is Vogt’s original document detailing the following main points, in paraphrase: a. Curved and non curved type; b. white haloing; c. mix of binary and grayscale letters; d. “The Sequential Number is a forgery!”; e. different colors in form boxes; f. an incorrect official seal; g. a forged stamped notice; h. forged signatures of the Mother and Registrar; i. Multiple layers in the White House’s PDF file “indicate the COLB was created in Adobe or Photoshop.” No one responded to Vogt’s affidavit. Zullo said they have numerous sworn affidavits of witnesses worldwide willing to come forward, including one retired government employee who told them a relative of Bill Ayers said to him in 1980, upon introducing Obama, that they were assisting the foreign student in getting an education in the U.S! This was in regards to attempting to prove an overseas birth of Obama. Our beloved land was put in this dire position in the first place because its media failed to properly vet one candidate while over-investigating the candidates from the other party. The media themselves are politically motivated, not Sheriff Arpaio and his investigators as the media charges. And because of this horror, America is in grave danger with a president seeking re-election whose credentials are not being verified by anyone in authority! Use this site to contact your Congressional Representative: https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml To read more use these links: http://www.wnd.com/2012/03/sheriff-joes-posse-probable-cause-obama-certificate-a-fraud/ http://www.wnd.com/2012/02/what-does-law-say-about-obamas-eligibility http://www.vectorpub.com/Obamas_Certificate_Forgery.html View the entire presser, report and documents at http://www.wnd.com/arpaio-report/ and also at http://www.wnd.com/?pageld=345685 http://www.wnd.com/2012/02/what-does-law-say-about-obamas-eligibility/ Get your copy of Coach’s new book: Crooks Thugs and bigots: the lost hidden and changed history of the Democratic Party athttp://crooksthugsandbigots.com Have you answered this week’s CiR.com poll? This day in history March 3rd 1931: The “Star Spangled Banner” was at last, officially adopted as the nation’s National Anthem In this world you may have knowledge or you may have repose, but you may not have both. What have you done today to deserve to live in America? Comments on this or any other coachisright.com essay can be sent by following the posting instructions below. |
Obama Natural Born Citizen Issue Has a New Sinister Twist - Supreme court records have been corrupted
Site Administrator posted on October 23, 2011 18:49
Obama Natural Born Citizen Issue Has a New Sinister Twist - Supreme court records have been corrupted
Another "Gate" for the most corrupt, illegal "Presidency" in U.S. history. Case records were altered in the most important legal database in the nation, to cover up hard evidence of what a natural born citizen really is, as cases closed in on "Obama's" ineligibility for the US Presidency.
So far, it's just on a few blogs and NOT in the MSM. Maybe we can correct that little "oversight?"
While you're at it, point out "Obama's":
- E-Verify check FAIL
- Fraudulent draft registration
- Evidence of over 16 stolen Social Security numbers
- Multiple fraudulent "birth certificates." including the one released at the 4/27/11 White House Press conference, amid much fanfare and talk of carnival barkers," "circus side shows" and selling coffee mugs with "Obama's" forged "birth certificate" on them. The "Obama" adminsitration is the biggest and worst horrifying side show in American history. DO something about it, people.
Date Published: October 20, 2011
Someone was incredibly busy in June 2008 working on an illegal front invisible to the public; searching and altering Supreme Court Cases published at Justia.com which cite the only case in American history - Minor v. Happersett (1875) - to directly construe Article 2 Section 1's natural-born citizen clause in determining a citizenship issue as part of its holding and precedent. In this unanimous decision, the Supreme Court defined a "native or natural-born citizen" as a person born in the US to parents who were citizens; a definition which excludes from eligibility both Barack Obama and John McCain.
In June 2008 no one was discussing Minor v. Happersett 88 US 162 (1875) with regard to Obama. In fact, those who were discussing the then Senator’s citizenship status had focused instead on his birth in Hawaii in a attempt to prove the future president was not born in the United States despite publication of the Senator’s short form computer generated Birth Certificate. It would not be until October of 2008 that Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility would be questioned as to his status as a dual citizen at the time of his birth.
Meanwhile, at the “Supreme Court Center” of the influential legal research websiteJustia.com, efforts were underway corrupting at least 25 Supreme Court cases by erasing references to the words "Minor V. Happersett" along with references to other relevant cases on the issue along with the insertion of misleading numerical ciations. And In two documented cases actual text was removed.
Clearly this was done in these specific cases in order to prevent their being found by internet researchers long before anyone had even begun to look for them, even before Obama would win the Democratic Nomination at the DNC Convention in Denver, Colorado in August '08. This is premeditation and intent to deceive.
So far, 25 corrupted SCOTUS have been identified, and this number may continue to rise as the scope of the tampering becomes apparent. These cases all relied upon Minor, some specifically referencing its definition of Natural Born Citizen - a definition which makes Obama ineligible to be President as that definition is part of the holding and continuingprecedent, issued from the highest court in our nation making it the law of the land, even now.
The most extreme sabotage so far discovered appears to have been done to the landmark decision United States v. Wong Kim Ark which was sabotaged to remove "Minor v. Happersett" three times, along with one reference to "Scott v Sandford", another to theSlaughterhouse Cases and some accompanying text relevant to the issue. These surgical alterations would alter and shape the national dialogue; leaving a persistent and incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the 'natural born citizen' clause. There is no doubt whatsoever that this was the specific intent of those responsible for this illegal editing of American history and law.
As previously mentioned, the specific distinction between Citizen and Natural Born Citizen made in Minor v. Happersett is in the holding of the case, the section which creates the Law, and it is this Law which has been repeatedly cited over the decades since. In order to minimize the importance of Minor, someone at Justia deliberately decided to make these supporting citations as difficult as possible to find.
This has had the desired effect, diluting the importance of Minor v. Happersett in the national dialogue across the blogosphere's political spectrum ever since. The end result: the one case which defines Natural Born Citizen was reduced to seeming irrelevance, and thus the conversation never got past doorkeepers already in Obama’s camp in the mainstream media.
Of course, a lawyer going into Court would never rely upon anything but an official source for Supreme Court law, but 99.9% of the population have no access to dusty law texts, or expensive legal research services such as Lexis and Westlaw. Those who committed these crimes were well aware of this, and used it to their advantage.
The manipulation at Justia.com diluted the importance of Minor by killing the citations in Supreme Court cases spanning over 100 years. Since Google most often returns Justia.com's version of the case being searched for as the first or second hit, Justia's version of Supreme Court opinions are most influential in the blogosphere's forums and comments. Erasing those citations and text on the internet literally erases the importance of Minor and its precedents to millions of Americans otherwise unlikely to ever step into physical Law Library.
This is nothing short of appalling. Justia swapped their tampered versions of the cases for the actual Supreme Court opinions and then pawned them off as if the tampered versions contained the "Full Text" of the Supreme Court's opinions. Yet Justia CEO Tim Stanleyclaims that making case law available to the public for free is the mission of Justia. In reality, Justia has been re-inventing our legal history and passing it off as genuine.
Attorney Donofrio's Full report "Justia.com Surgically Removed “Minor v Happersett” from 25 Supreme Court Opinions in run up to ’08 Election", published today explains that exposure to criminal punishment is a direct result of not just the tampering, but more specifically, as a result of placing text on every tampered page which states, "Full text of case":
Regardless of who you supported in 2008, or whether you agree with the assertion of Minor’s relevance, every American should be outraged that 25 Supreme Court cases were surgically sabotaged and then passed off to the public as if the tampered versions contained the “Full Text of Case”. This is the very definition of “Orwellian” fascism. It’s propaganda. And there is no place for it in the United States. The sacrifices for truth and justice which created and have sustained this nation are wantonly debased by the subversive deception emanating from Justia.com servers. - Leo Donofrio Esq.
Clearly, the corruption of Supreme Court Cases was systemic and surgically targeted within Justia.com, one of the largest and best known legal research sites on the internet. Justia is nothing if not efficient in driving traffic to its site; this is after all their business. Today they partner with Google and have Google Analytics within their site which does two things; it increases Justia’s visibility on Google searches, and it pushes their website to the top of those searches done on legal issues. When specific search terms are erased out of a document, naturally that document will not appear on a search. Anyone searching for the case name “Minor v. Happersett” and “citizenship” would never see the dozens of cases manipulated by Justia.com.
Justia founder Tim Stanley has for years prided himself and his companies on principles of ‘freedom of information’. On June 19th, 2008, Stanley addressed the Legislative Council Committee at the Oregon State Legislature with the following statements:
"Our goal is to provide academic researchers, government officials, attorneys, and the public with advanced features, including full‐text search, annotations by legal professionals, and comparison tools to visualize the differences in the law between the individual states…”
"In the end, we both recognize the importance of providing the public with online access to our nation’s laws because such actions promote understanding, participation in and respect for our democratic institutions and legal system."
To describe these comments, made at roughly the same time Supreme Court Cases were being scrubbed and deliberately altered at his site as ironic, is an understatement of gross proportions.
Only a person thoroughly educated in the law would know precisely which cases to look for in order to direct the changes to be made to those cases. Furthermore, only someone with access to Justia.com’s database could physically make these changes from inside the website. This artificially created a near empty result set and the cases which did turn up led those inexperienced in the law, nowhere.
This appears to violate every principle Tim Stanley and Justia.com have built their business upon.
The manipulations at Justia.com were initially discovered by Attorney Leo Donofrio on July 1, 2011, when he published his initial report, “Justia.com Caught Red Handed Hiding References to Minor v. Happersett In Published US Supreme Court Decisions,”. Upon publication of his original discovery documenting the sabotage of Boyd v. Nebraska, andPope v. Williams, two Supreme Court cases which cite to Minor v. Happersett as precedent on citizenship, two things happened almost immediately: First, the altered pages were returned to their original versions at Justia within an hour or so of Donofrio’s publication. Second, despite Justia CEO Tim Stanley's cries for freedom of legal information (and law suits compelling the same), robots have now been placed on the Justia URL's for the Boyd and Pope cases at InternetArchive.org, also known as the Waybackmachine. These robots make it impossible to see the tampering as it unfolded in mid-2008... with those cases.
So much for freedom of information.
One can, however, still see the tampering from screenshots taken by Donofrio and are attached to that original report on July 1, 2011 at his blog, Natural Born Citizen, which has been singularly focused on the issue of Presidential eligibility since late 2008.
As Donofrio documents in his article today, when he discovered a third tampered case, instead of rushing to publish it, he contacted a number of other bloggers and reporters to help document the evidence before Justia dispersed their robots to block it. While Donofrio originally only discovered two cases of tampering, somebody at Justia knew where the bones were buried and went about reinstating "Minor v. Happersett" in the at least 25 cases which it had earlier sabotaged. It appears that whoever knew about these additional despoiled cases, must have believed by fixing them before the corruption was exposed no one would ever suspect they too had been altered.
What tipped Donofrio off last week to the extent of Justia’s tampering was the case “Luria v. United States”. This case also firmly supports Minor on citizenship, and he double checked the text to see if it included references to Minor. It did… something he had not noticed upon previous readings of the case at Justia.com.
With his new insight into SCOTUS case tampering, he plugged the URL into theWaybackmachine to see if it had been altered in the past. Bingo. It had. Furthermore there was nothing blocking his ability to see those snapshotted pages, and how they had been altered compared to the original text. The gun wasn’t just smoking, the bullet was still flying.
A brief explanation of the how the Waybackmachine works. It takes snapshots of internet pages. It may not record the day a given webpage changed, but it documents the changes when it does hit that page. Thus a date on the Waybackmachine of April 13, 2004 means this was the date the snapshot was taken, not when the changes were necessarily made. There is no way of knowing precisely when the change occurred as the waybackmachine does not record the precise instant the change is made, it is only sometime later when the Internet archive records it.
The evidence he discovered there, at the time of publication of this article, is still available and shows the same exact same pattern of behavior - deception - that Justia exhibited with the Boyd and Pope cases Donofrio published back in July.
If Justia hasn't blocked access to the WaybackMachine for their publication of Luria v. US, 231 U.S. 9 (1913) by the time you read this, then it continues to be evident and accessible that on Nov. 4, 2006 the Waybackmachine recorded Justia published the true original opinion issued by the Supreme Court with no tampering evident. Minor v. Happersett is cited on page 22 directly referencing Presidential eligibility as follows:
The July 6, 2008 Waybackmachine snapshot of Luria v. US is the first snapshot that shows the tampering:
Notice that "Minor v. Happersett" has been removed along with the reference to “Osborn v. United States”, another case which causes trouble for Obama (and McCain). All of the WaybackMachine snapshots between July 6, 2008, and April 13, 2010 for this case, show the same tampering. The current, live Justia page for Luria v. US has been un-scrubbed and shows the original Supreme Court text. It is only with an archival resource such as the Waybackmachine that the alterations can be seen.
At publication, insertion of the URL into the Waybackmachine for this page at Justia still reveals the changes made to this page over time. Repeat this entire process with 25 Supreme Court cases and the extent of the tampering becomes evident.
This is disturbing enough, yet there was another subtle and insidious layer of deception. In every single instance of tampering, the numerical citation attached to Minor V. Happersett, has also been altered. (See Donofrio's blog for a complete break down of this.) Changing these numbers is yet another layer of deception practiced at Justia.
While Donofrio documents in detail what the finer points of law in both versions mean in his article, this Examiner.com publication documents what this reporter has personally witnessed – the tampering of Supreme Court Cases online in the guise of “Full Text of Case”. This article is not the legal opinion of an attorney; it is witness to an event.
It's important to note that the only way Justia could block all access to previous versions of their publication of cases would require .txt robots to be placed on their entire domain records at the Waybackmachine. If Tim Stanley were to secure Justia.com from the honest and forthright archiving of the WaybackMachine, he would be an instant pariah in the freedom of information scene of which he is a leader.
Furthermore, if Stanley were to place robots on only the 25 (or more) cases which cite Minor v. Happersett, it would be a de-facto admission of guilt.
It appears that whoever tampered with these cases went back and “fixed” all of them, including 23 Donofrio wasn't aware of until this week when he conclusively established the sabotage by Justia. For all 25, the pattern is precisely the same. In 2006, the cases at Justia are pristine in the Waybackmachine; word for word from official Supreme Court cases. Then at various points in 2008, the cases are corrupted by removal of the case name "Minor v, Happersett" ( as well as some other case names and text.)
The cases remained corrupted, according to the snapshots of the Waybackmachine in most cases, until late 2010.
Today however, all 25 cases have been painstakingly returned to their official Supreme Court versions; all references to Minor are back, the case and page numbers have been restored, as well as all missing text and references to other cases. Still, the pattern is clearly visible to anyone who takes the time to look at the evidence made available by the Waybackmachine. The sophistication and surgical elegance used to sabotage these cases is astounding, and has been personally witnessed by this reporter.
Every case which has been found to date by Mr. Donofrio has been documented with great attention to all these details. This has been accomplished by downloading the full code of the original un-tainted pages and the corrupted revisions from the Waybackmachine’s date stamped archive, along with screenshots of the pages as they appeared in browsers such as Mozilla Firefox before and after the tampering occurred, and the restored pages.
The volume of data is significant and Mr. Donofrio is in the process of making the entire archive available to the public. The article he has published today contains what he refers to as a "document dump". It is in reality evidence. The reader is strongly encouraged to view the images which document Justia's actions. Upon doing so, every member of congress should be notified of the existence of this information. Such usurpation of American history and law cannot be allowed.
Screenshots and links have been sent to several specific media contacts which include theWashington Times, Accuracy In Media, and Free Republic. In the interest of putting this information in front of as many eyes as possible before publication, it has been made freely available since Friday October 18, 2011 in the form of screenshots and saved page code. Should the information presented here be altered on the internet following publication, there will be a significant number of media outlets with knowledge and proof of any further alterations to internet archives.
The penalty associated with violating the “False Writings Statute”, 18 U.S.C. 1018 is jail and a fine for each count. With at least 25 counts if not more, this could mean upwards of 25 years in prison. The manipulation of Supreme Court cases is an offense against all Americans, and the Court itself. If like Fast and Furious this scandal reaches directly to the White House, the ramifications are both dire and catastrophic.
Minor v. Happersett defined the one specific term which Barack Obama could not overcome with “Hope and Change” though he could ‘hope’ someone would ‘change’ the cases which help define the term “Natural Born Citizen,”. This case, if it had been sufficiently known to the public and media, and sufficiently documented by supporting citations, might have eliminated the possibility of Obama's nomination and/or election. Either Obama got lucky in this regard, or the “constitutional law professor” and former editor of the Harvard Law Review had some hand in directing the efforts to erase the very citations in law which define him as a citizen, and at the same time rule him out as a constitutional candidate for President of the United States.
Just as certainly as the corruption at Justia.com has been documented and archived, more will be revealed. Stay tuned, it is expected that this information will generate some significant updates. They will be reported here as they happen.
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WND Exclusive CERTIFIGATE Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate' 'Not just a crime of some plumbers breaking into an opponent’s office’
Uploaded on July 01, 2011WND Exclusive CERTIFIGATE
Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'
'Not just a crime of some plumbers breaking into an opponent's office'
Posted: June 30, 2011
11:20 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
Barack Obama
A retired U.S. military commander who brought a court challenge to Barack Obama's tenure in the Oval Office says the mounting evidence indicating the "Certificate of Live Birth" he released in April is fake should shock the American public.
"If everyone was intellectually honest, they would admit those images put on the Internet are forgeries," said CDR Charles Kerchner, whose lawsuit that alleged Congress failed in its constitutional duty to make sure the man elected president was eligible for the office, was turned down by the U.S. Supreme Court.
He cited the work released this week by longtime Adobe software book author and computer expert Mara Zebest.
Get the New York Times best-seller "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President," autographed by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.
Her detailed report explains how the document released in April by Obama as a copy of his original birth certificate isn't even a good forgery.
(Story continues below)
"This is a 100 times worse situation in that it is not just a crime of some plumbers breaking into an opponent's office, this is a crime against the Constitution and all the people of the United States. Obama is not who he says he is. These are forged documents on government property. Before it was a campaign website, now these are government websites," Kerchner told WND today.
Joseph Farah, publisher of WND books, who held a news conference featuring Zebest's research this week at the National Press Club with Jerome Corsi, author of "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President," agreed.
"This is bigger than Watergate," he said after the news conference where it was announced that a lawsuit had been filed against Esquire magazine over its faked "report" that falsely claimed the Corsi book was withdrawn.
Kerchner was just one of a number of high-profile leaders who have challenged Obama's eligibility to express alarm at the idea that a sitting president would release to the public a document that is being described as a forgery.
Others include Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who is working through several outreaches to restore integrity to U.S. politics; Orly Taitz, the California lawyer who has spearheaded some of the biggest legal confrontations with Obama's supporters; Philip Berg, the Pennsylvania lawyer who first brought the issue of Obama's apparent ineligibility to the U.S. court system; and Floyd Brown of the Western Journalism Center, who has campaigned for Obama's impeachment.
'He'll do anything'
Kerchner believes there's evidence Obama's placement in the White House was orchestrated, and now that the façade that was created for him is cracking, no holds are barred.
"He's desperate," Kerchner told WND. "He'll do anything to survive. He's way overconfident that the media is never going to do a thing to investigate [and] so far he's right."
However, he said, "At some point the truth is going to come out and the house of cards is going to fall."
Kerchner, even though his court case did not succeed in obtaining documentation about Obama, has continued with a campaign of ads that probe the issue with question after question.
His latest asks, "We have a criminal and forger in the White House! Why isn't Speaker John Boehner investigating? Call or write and ask him."
"This is not a fringe issue of concern by only a few Americans. In the latest poll, 50 percent of the American people said they want Obama investigated by the Congress. It is time for U.S. House Speaker Boehner to take action and call for investigations in the House of Reps of Obama's criminal activities," he said.
Kerchner was referring to a WND Wenzel poll showing that even 28 percent of Democrats want Congress to investigate, meaning, according to pollster Fritz Wenzel, "There's no marginalizing those who want this matter investigated."
Kerchner's promotion cites questions about a forged birth certificate, an "invalid" Social Security number and issues with Obama's draft registration form.
He said Obama's release of the birth document April 27 also moved the dispute to a new level.
"Not only is Obama (now that he stood at that podium on 27 April and said it was his BC) an accessory to the crime of forging a birth certificate and then placing that forged long form birth certificate onto government servers, but I also believe he is a co-conspirator in having it made," Kerchner said.
'Let's see original'
California attorney Orly Taitz continues to fight some of the biggest cases that have been brought over Obama's eligibility, including on behalf of other presidential candidates and members of the U.S. military, whose lives are dependent on the orders of a commander-in-chief who may not be qualified.
"I already have submitted a request for production of the original [Obama birth certificate] to the White House counsel," she told WND today. The action comes as part of her Freedom of Information Act quest for details about how Obama ended up with a Social Security number normally assigned to Connecticut residents when Obama never lived in the state.
Taitz said that when the White House refused to respond, she followed up with another request as part of the requirements for pursuing such a document.
"There is going to be a lawsuit," she said.
'More holes than Swiss cheese'
Berg, who filed the first legal challenge to Obama's presidency more than two months before the 2008 election, said, "I cannot believe the audacity of Obama to put forth this document. He was making a joke out of it. But it has more holes than Swiss cheese."
He continued, "This is the biggest fraud against the United States of America in our history."
Berg said records revealed that Obama was listed as a Muslim and was known as Barry Soetoro while he was a youth in Indonesia, and he believes that name never was formally changed.
"There's no evidence he legally changed his name," he said. "It's unbelievable that members of Congress who know about this [haven't acted]."
He blamed the traditional media in the U.S., who have offered Obama a great deal of support, for the situation.
"I believe if the New York Times [and others] made this the front page above the fold, Obama would be out of office."
A 'permanent political class'
Brown, of the Western Journalism Center, who also is integral to the ImpeachObamaCampaign, told WND the simple arrogance of presenting a questionable document stretches credulity.
"The notion that their hubris would be so great as to release a fraudulent document to prove the legitimacy of a president is beyond anything we've seen in American history," he said. "It's beyond Watergate. Beyond the arrogance of power shown by Bill Clinton.
"It is an absolute scandal but what I find even more scandalous, the absolute complete lack of courage by the Republican Congress to tackle any of these issues. The American people want an investigation of his eligibility."
He said his organization alone already has delivered petitions from 2.5 million people to Congress demanding impeachment proceedings.
But he said members of Congress "totally and completely are ignoring the calls to action."
That response, he said, is evidence of a "permanent political class [in Washington] committed to bigger, stronger, more invasive government. It includes the leadership inside the Republican Party."
The solution, he said, is "wholesale change."
'You don't lie, cheat or steal'
Vallely, a retired major general, national security expert and Fox News contributor, now of Stand Up America US, said all that is needed to restore the nation is "honest and upright" members of Congress pursuing the goals of the Constitution.
"When you go back to the basics, the Constitution, the rule of law, what we had at West Point, 'You don't lie, cheat or steal or tolerate anyone who does,'" he said.
"We need to have those kinds of virtues in our government more today than ever," he said. "We have a whole gang of dishonest and corrupt individuals in our government today."
"Where are the honest, upright members of the Senate and Congress. None of them will challenge this president … on the deceitful and treasonous things that they are doing: His bypassing the War Powers act, basically bypassing many other things."
He said Obama "will say what he wants to say to boost his own image and reelection campaign."
It's urgent, he said, that Obama depart the White House even before the 2012 election.
The disputed image released by Obama, which has been called a fake by numerous document, computer and imaging analysts:
You are here: Home // General // Sheriff Joe Arpaio Calls Obama’s Birth Certificate a Forgery
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Calls Obama’s Birth Certificate a Forgery
editor Feb 01, 2012 |by James Buchanan. Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference today to announce the findings of an investigation of Barack Obama’s citizenship. The mainstream media showed up, but don’t hold your breath for the evening news to report on the biggest news story since 911.
Arpaio’s investigation determined that the green document, which Obama presented to the world in April 2011 as his long form birth certificate was NOT a scan of a 1961 birth certificate, but instead was a multi-layered forgery.
The investigation also found that “Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth, including the dates Aug. 1, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961.”
This is extremely significant because it is believed that Ann Obama flew back from Kenya with Barack Obama Junior immediately after his birth on Aug. 4th, 1961. Isn’t it curious that decades of records are available except for that one particular week?
It is believed that Ann (Dunham) Obama traveled to Kenya in the summer of 1961 either traveling with or maybe chasing after Barack Obama Senior. By the time, Ann Obama decided to return to the US, she was too pregnant to fly since airlines did not want women eight months or more pregnant flying for fear they would have their babies on the plane.
Ann Obama was seen in Seattle in August 1961 just days after Obama was born according to this source.
It would make no sense -if Obama were born in Hawaii- for Ann Obama to leave her home with a baby less than a month old and fly to Washington state to begin a class. She had later always pawned Obama Jr. off on her parents whenever she didn’t feel like taking care of him herself. Why would she want a screaming baby with her, just as she was starting a college course??? This makes no sense.
It makes a lot of sense however for Ann Obama to leave a Third World country as soon as possible and to fly back to the US, and Seattle would be a likely stop on the way back from Kenya.
The often-annoying talk radio Zionist Bill Handel was arrogantly trying to belittle what Sheriff Joe Arpaio was doing. The truth is that Arpaio is one of the few Americans in any position of power with any guts. Everyone else, including the frequently-confused Handel and his stooges, just stand in the crowd admiring the “Emperor’s new clothes” while Joe Arpaio is the sole voice of reason willing to state the obvious.
The liberals in the mainstream media are so arrogant that they won’t even look at the increasing wealth of evidence suggesting that something is wrong with Obama’s citizenship from his fake social security number that won’t pass an e-Verify test to his willingness to spend over two million dollars on lawyers to fight off challenges to his citizenship, which could be settled by supplying official birth records from Hawaii –if he had any.
Obama most recently risked a “contempt of court” charge ignoring a subpoena from the state of Georgia in accordance with their new law requiring that a presidential candidate provide proof of citizenship. Obama failed to provide any official documents from the state of Hawaii aside from a print out (that was neither notarized nor stamped by any authority in Hawaii) of that green, multi-layered forgery he put on the White House website.
Because the mainstream media doesn’t cover the issue of Obama’s dubious citizenship, it “isn’t an issue” in the minds of the liberals and that’s the extent of their willingness to debate this issue.Liberals have always been cowards and they avoid the truth, the way a vampire avoids a crucifix.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s brave stand on this issue will hopefully wake up millions of Americans to this issue and encourage others to challenge Obama’s citizenship, rather than bluff his way through a second term should the election go his way.
Flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars to land of his father surging
Published: 2 days agoJerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?"More ↓
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As Americans tightened their belts to pay federal taxes on time, the Obama administration is exploring what appears to be every way possible to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to stimulate the economy – in Kenya.
According to U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor, the White House has increased the flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Kenya, the land of his father’s birth.
Amid the “spike of activity” in Kenya is a U.S. government contract committing to a five-year effort to “improve the inclusiveness and competitiveness” of the livestock industry in Marsabit and Garissa counties in Kenya.
On April 12, U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID, published a pre-solicitation for the Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands-Accelerated Growth program, or REGAL-AG, under the U.S. government’s Feed the Future initiative.
Help Sheriff Joe blow the lid off Obama’s fraud. Join the Cold Case Posse right now!
“REAL-AG is intended to be a five-year activity which deepens USAID investment in Marsabit and Garissa, Kenya,” the program pre-solicitation read. “The procurement will improve the inclusiveness and competitiveness of the livestock value chain in these two counties, while furthering diverse livestock-related economic opportunities.”
While the pre-solicitation neglected to say how much money would be awarded in the REAL-AG program, the contracting office was listed as the USAID office in Nairobi, Kenya.
On April 12, USAID also listed a separate pre-solicitation for the Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprises program, or KAVES, also with the contracting office listed as the USAID office in Nariobi.
Again, the pre-solicitation neglected to give program specifics or to say how much money would be awarded in the KAVES program in Kenya.
The website of Carana Corporation, a USAID consultant and contractor based in Arlington, Va., notes that the KAVES project “will focus on increasing agricultural productivity within staples, dairy and horticulture value chains.”
The Carana website further suggested Kenyan nationals would be hired to manage the program as “Value Chain advisors” to work with micro-finance institutions and banks to provide financing to “farmers, farmer groups, agro-enterprises and a wide range of local and regional partners to enhance the quality, availability and utilization financial services oriented toward agriculture.”
The USAID “Fact Sheet” for Kenyan foreign assistance appropriations indicates that the total for Fiscal Year 2011 has increased to $714 million from the Fiscal Year 2008 total under President George W. Bush of $684 million.
The U.S. Trade Monitor listed the following additional foreign aid program support for Kenya:
- Up to $50 million in U.S. Navy-coordinated military construction projects at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, and at Camp Simba, Kenya;
- Deployment to Kenya of a privately contracted Regional Advisor for USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, as well as an Emerging Pandemic Threats Advisor; and
- A U.S. Trade & Development Agency-led search for a contractorto perform a “definitional mission” exploring possible funding of geothermal energy projects in Kenya and Rwanda.
- The USAID country page for Kenya indicates USAID support for microenterprises through Development Credit Authority loan guarantees to microfinance institutions.
‘Yes Youth Can!’
Through a $45 million “Yes Youth Can!” program, which mimics Obama’s 2008 “Yes, We Can!” presidential campaign slogan, Kenyan out-of-school youth “are empowered to develop livelihood opportunities and improve their capacity for a greater voice in national and local affairs.”
Among the economic development projects funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars and featured on the USAID/Kenya webpages are the following:
- The Kipepeo Butterfly Project that trains Kenyan farmers how to rear butterflies for export to butterfly museums and exhibits in the United States and Europe;
- TIST, the International Small Group & Tree Planting Program has helped farmers plant 6,000 trees a day – more than 10 million trees in the last decade – to offset deforestation;
- The Kisumu Youth Group registers local groups to work with the Bamato Environmental and Sanitation Project in Kisumu to help impoverished urban dwellers collect and recycle garbage; and
- The Kenyan Organic Oil Farmers Association assists 540 small farmers who cultivate 210 acres of tea trees and Palma Rosa, for sale to international companies in the cosmetics industry.
Separately, the U.S. Trade Monitor pointed out, the U.S. Army embarked upon a survey of potential vendors to provide helicopter flight-training simulators to the Kenyan government.
WND previously reported the Obama administration secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in 2010 to fund a “Yes” vote on a constitutional referendum that ultimately passed, along with provisions that increased access to abortions in Kenya and established legal status for Islamic law tribunals.
Previous story:
Here’s what ‘Obama money’ is doing for you – in Kenya!
- inShare48
Judge rules against health law, cites Obama’s words
By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times
4:47 p.m., Monday, January 31, 2011
Senior U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, seen here in 2007, declared the Obama administration’s health care overhaul unconstitutional Monday, siding with 26 states that sued to block it, saying that people can’t be required to buy health insurance. (APPhoto/Pensacola News Journal, Tony Giberson)
In ruling against President Obama‘s health care law, federal Judge Roger Vinson used Mr. Obama‘s own position from the 2008 campaign against him, when the then-Illinois senator argued there were other ways to achieve reform short of requiring every American to purchase insurance.
“I note that in 2008, then-Senator Obama supported a health care reform proposal that did not include an individual mandate because he was at that time strongly opposed to the idea, stating that, ‘If a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house,’” Judge Vinson wrote in a footnote toward the end of his 78-page ruling Monday.
Judge Vinson, a federal judge in the northern district of Florida, struck down the entire health care law as unconstitutional on Monday, though he is allowing the Obama administration to continue to implement and enforce it while the government appeals his ruling.
The footnote was attached to the most critical part of Judge Vinson‘s ruling, in which he said the “principal dispute” in the case was not whether Congress has the power to tackle health care, but rather whether it has the power to compel individual citizens to purchase insurance.
Judge Vinson cited Mr. Obama‘s campaign words from an interview with CNN to show that there are other options that could pass constitutional muster including then-candidate Obama‘s plan.
During the presidential campaign, one key difference between Mr. Obama and his chief opponent, then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, was that Mrs. Clinton‘s plan required all Americans to purchase insurance and Mr. Obama‘s did not.
Congress eventually included the individual mandate in the bill it passed, and Mr. Obama signed that into law in March. Since then, he and his administration have defended its constitutionality, arguing the mandate is the linchpin that brings in more customers to insurance companies, which in turn allows those companies to expand the availability and lower the cost of coverage.
Much of Judge Vinson‘s ruling was a discussion of how the Founding Fathers, including James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, saw the limits on congressional power. Judge Vinson hypothesized that, under the Obama administration‘s legal theory, the government could mandate that all citizens eat broccoli.
White House officials said that sort of “surpassingly curious reading” called into question Judge Vinson‘s entire ruling.
“There’s something thoroughly odd and unconventional about the analysis,” said a White House official who briefed reporters late Monday afternoon, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
© Copyright 2011 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
If the law falls ...
Supreme Court may offer lawmakers a second chance to get health reform right
In this courtroom illustration, Deputy Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler… (Art Lien, Illustration via Reuters photo)
March 29, 2012
Over the last three days, theU.S. Supreme Courthas slapped on the table a serious possibility that defenders of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act never envisioned: A ruling that the heart of the law — a mandate that all Americans buy health coverage — is flatly unconstitutional.
Judging from the line of skeptical questions fired by the justices, we can count as many as six potential votes to kill the mandate.
Obama at war with the court
by Gary Bauer04/09/2012
So it has come to this: Having bribed and browbeaten lawmakers into passing it, suffered a historic election loss in the wake of its passage and endured unrelenting popular opposition to it ever since, President Obama is now resorting to veiled threats against the Supreme Court as he attempts to surmount one more obstacle to the enactment of ObamaCare.
It’s fitting: Much of the initial opposition to ObamaCare was prompted by a provision requiring senior citizens to appear before government-run “death panels.” Now the law itself is at the mercy of a panel of nine justices who will decide its ultimate fate.
Last week, Obama called on the court, which he dismissively referred to as an unelected “group of people,” to show “deference to democratically-elected legislatures” by upholding the law or risk diminishing its “credibility.”
Under fire even from some liberals, Obama retreated the next day, insisting that he’d “have to respect” the court’s decision. But Obama wasn’t the only one making threats.
Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal said that the court would damage its reputation if it doesn’t uphold the law. “The court commands no armies, it has no money; it depends for its power on its credibility,” he said. “The only reason people obey it is because it has that credibility. And the court risks grave damage if it strikes down a statue of this magnitude and importance.”
It was just a more candid version of the argument the administration made to the court. U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli closed his case saying that Congress made a judgment in passing the law—“maybe they were right, maybe there weren’t,” he said—and that the court should respect the policy judgment made by democratically elected lawmakers.
Obama and his allies assert that the court risks its credibility by voting down ObamaCare. But to the extent that the court’s credibility has been eroded, it’s likely due to its judicial activism of the last 30 years. Where would the left be without the court’s demonstrated willingness to strike down laws it deems unconstitutional—from abortion restrictions to prayer in schools?
The court’s rulings on these issues weren’t rooted in the Constitution, nor did they have popular support. This judicial activism may help explain why public trust of the judicial branch is at a historic low.
To liberals, the right of citizens to make private reproductive healthcare decisions without government intrusion is sacrosanct; but that right apparently does not extend to the right of citizens to decide where to obtain that healthcare.
Obama also said last week that he was “confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.”
There is nothing unprecedented about the Supreme Court striking down a federal statutes. That’s part of its job, a power established in Marbury v Madison in 1803. And, as Michael Tanner notes, “between 1803 and 2002, the Supreme Court struck down as many as 1,315 laws on constitutional grounds.”
The Supreme Court would not be alone in finding the individual mandate unconstitutional. Twenty-eight state attorneys general, two district court judges and five circuit court judges, not to mention numerous legal experts, professors and organizations, filed briefs in support of overturning it.
Obama’s disdain for the Constitution is well established. The former constitutional law professor has said that the Constitution “reflects some deep flaws in American culture.” More recently he complained that “our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.”
With the Supreme Court at least an even bet to overturn his healthcare law, Obama is preparing for the worst, and is signaling that he’ll run against what he calls judicial activism should ObamaCare fail to pass constitutional muster.
If Obama does decide to take on the Supreme Court, he will have opened up a third front in his battle to win re-election: the Supreme Court, the Congress and religious institutions.
In The Audacity of Hope, Obama wrote that “the outlines of Madison’s constitutional architecture are so familiar that even schoolchildren can recite them.” These include “the separation of the national government into three co-equal branches,” which was “designed to diffuse power, check factions, balance interests and prevent tyranny by either the few or the many.”
Obama was correct that basic constitutional principles are not difficult to understand. But it’s become clear that he does not respect them. The president seems to believe that the other two “co-equal branches” exist to do his bidding. The legislative branch fought hard but ultimately acquiesced on healthcare. That leaves the court as the only branch remaining to prevent tyranny.
Former presidential candidate Mr. Gary Bauer is president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.
Mitch McConnell To Force Health Care Repeal Vote In Senate
Updated at 3:52 pm — Moments after McConnell proposed his repeal amendment, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat proposed her own health care repeal amendment - but hers would simply roll back just one of the new law's provisions, and one that members of both parties say should go: a provision that would require businesses to prepare 1099 income tax forms for every vendor that provides them $600 or more in goods or services.
The "burdensome" requirement, she said, "would overwhelm small businesses…and does not make any sense."
She used her time on the Senate floor to take a shot at McConnell's amendment as a back-to-the-future effort.
"Let's fix the things that need to be fixed," Stabenow said, "but lets not roll back the clock and put the insurance companies in charge of everything."
Updated at 3:26 p.m. — Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) just offered his amendment to repeal the health care law, characterizing the move as "an opportunity for all those who supported the health care law … to re-evaluate your vote."
In brief comments from the Senate floor, McConnell said, "Today we reaffirm our commitment to work a little harder to get it right. We can't afford to get it wrong."
In a statement released immediately after McConnell offered the amendment, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asserted that "Republicans are obsessed with fighting past battles when Americans say they want Congress focused on creating jobs."
"We need to get down to business and focus on keeping the economy moving in the right direction. The FAA bill does just that by creating and protecting 280,000 jobs," Reid said in a prepared statement. "It's time Republicans started working with us instead of standing in the way of efforts to keep our economy on track."
Original post: Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's push for an up-or-down Senate vote to repeal the 2010 health care law appears to be close to fruition: The Kentucky senator is expected to tack a repeal amendment onto a massive Federal Aviation Administration budget reauthorization bill that the Senate began debating Tuesday afternoon.
"We don't have an agreement on the manner in which we have a vote, but everyone will have the opportunity to be on the record," McConnell said Tuesday, when asked by reporters if he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had formally come to terms on raising the repeal amendment. "It will be clear who is for repeal and who isn't."
And that's exactly the purpose of the exercise: to get all senators on the record about the controversial health care law. All 47 Republican senators are expected to vote for repeal, McConnell said.
Repeal is not expected to survive a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate; if it does, President Obama has promised to wield his veto pen. The Republican-controlled House voted last month to repeal the law.
A federal judge in Florida yesterday declared the law unconstitutional, finding that its requirement that most Americans purchase health insurance exceeds Congress's power. The law's constitutionality is expected to ultimately be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
McConnell called the Florida decision "significant," but said he would have moved ahead with a repeal vote effort "in any event."
Democrats have been pushing for passage of the FAA bill, claiming that it will "create and protect 280,000 jobs" through airport investment and infrastructure improvements. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, the West Virginia Democrat who chairs the Senate's Science and Transportation Committee, took to the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon to push for the passage of the FAA bill, noting that it's been postponed 15 times over the past several years.
Tags: health care law repeal, health care law
Jacqueline Bodnar
WASHINGTON, DC- Following a bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives to repeal ObamaCare, the Senate decided to reject the “McConnell Amendment” calling for the full repeal of Obamacare in a 51-47 party line vote. While the vote was a pyrrhic victory for the Left, it was a moral victory for activists and taxpayers nationwide advocating the full repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
“We got 40 votes against socialized medicine last March, and 47 yesterday. We are making progress. Elections make a difference,” commented Dean Clancy, FreedomWorks Legislative Counsel and VP of Health Care Policy.
“Senator McConnell promised a vote on ObamaCare repeal, and we congratulate him for delivering. We hope that all the Republicans and more of the Democrats in Congress will support our efforts until we put full repeal legislation on the President’s desk, even if it takes us through the 2012 elections. Obamacare enthusiasts: dismiss this movement at your own political peril.”
In the weeks leading up to the vote, Federal Judges in both Virginia and Florida have ruled the Obamacare mandate to be unconstitutional. In the wake of these decisions, FreedomWorks calls on the Obama Administration to immediately cease further implementation of the health care law, pending appeals.
"The rule of law demands that Judge Vinson's ruling be obeyed by all federal officers, pending appeals," said Matt Kibbe, President of FreedomWorks.
"Whatever the Administration's opinion on the law's constitutionality, a federal judge's decision is always binding with respect to the actual parties to the case. The ability to enforce this unconstitutional law was removed in the 26 states that won the Florida suit. How can the Administration implement the law in less than half the states in the Union? There is no right to enforce an unconstitutional law, and no sense in doing so."
FreedomWorks’ network of over 1 million grassroots activists has led the fight for healthcare freedom with a nationwide campaign of emails, phone calls to Congress, and district office visits to support the repeal of Obamacare and its replacement with a patient-centered approach to health care. The organization plans to continue its efforts with key members of Congress to pass “effective repeal” bills, patient-centered replacement bills, and to push for an expedited Supreme Court review of the Obamacare cases.
We did it! We killed the CLASS Act, a key component of ObamaCare
By Dean Clancy on October 14, 2011
We did it! We took down CLASS!
Today the White House officially pulled the plug on the CLASS Act, a key component of ObamaCare.
This is a huge development in the health care debate.
CLASS -- a Great Society style home care entitlement authored by liberal lion Ted Kennedy -- was enacted in 2010 as part of ObamaCare.
But CLASS was poorly designed and actuarially unsound, and represented a massive taxpayer bailout risk.
And the folks in President Obama's HHS knew it.
But they gagged their own internal experts in 2009 and 2010, to keep the risk from being known publicly.
Had Congress and the American people known about the bailout risk, ObamaCare would very likely not have become law.
Last month, a congressional investigation finally exposed the internal warnings, and the White House's stone wall began to crumble.
Even the socialized-medicine zealots in the Obama Administration could no longer deny the truth.
With the president's poll numbers in the tank, and his reelection in serious doubt, they decided to cut their losses. The new home care entitlement had to go.
Today, they put out the announcement. They will not proceed with implementing this turkey. CLASS is dead.
This is a sweet victory for the many Americans who fought long and hard to stop ObamaCare from passing -- and one tinged with bitter irony, because of CLASS's key role in the law's enactment.
The new entitlement had been added to ObamaCare as a budget gimmick. It had been purposely crafted to look like a revenue-generator during its first 5 years of operation, when the government would be collecting premiums from participants but not yet paying out benefits. This would make the federal books look better by some $70 billion during the period, according to the Congressional Budget Office. And this in turn had enabled congressional Democrats and the President to mask the law's true costs. By appending CLASS to ObamaCare, they had enabled themselves to crow that the controversial legislation "wouldn't cost taxpayers a dime."
Well, their own actuaries knew otherwise, but couldn't say so publicly. CLASS would have cost taxpayers trillions of dimes.
If not repealed, ObamaCare will cost us trillions of dollars, and more important, our freedom to control our own health care.
Meanwhile, the President's egregious mishandling of this issue is already costing the nation billions, with premiums rising and some economists blaming the new law, which doesn't take full effect for another two years, for continuing economic uncertainty and poor job growth.
Folks, the fall of CLASS is just the start.
In jettisoning this one flawed piece, the president's advisors may think they've made their handiwork easier to preserve. But instead, they've confirmed their own cynicism, dishonesty, and wrongheadedness, and thus given momentum to the grassroots movement to replace the government takeover with a truly patient-centered system.
Congress should hold immediate hearings on this fiasco: What did the White House know, and when did they know it?
Meanwhile, we should savor this victory -- as a taste of things to come.
(For more information, read our report on the CLASS Act coverup.)
Dean Clancy is FreedomWorks' Legislative Counsel and VP Health Care Policy.
Undercover Video Shows Planned Parenthood Assisting with Underage Sex Trafficking
Blockbuster investigation: pimps, prostitutes, pro-life activists, Planned Parenthood, and a whole lot of criminality.
by John Hayward
Last week, an FBI probe was requested by Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider in the United States. The target is a man who visited at least 12 of its health centers, and “sought to speak confidentially with a clinic employee and then requested information regarding health services for sex workers, including some who he said were minors and in the U.S. illegally,” according to a January 25 report from CBS News.
After conducting its own investigation, Planned Parenthood determined the man was connected to Live Action, a pro-life group founded and run by young people of college age, which specializes in filming undercover video inside abortion clinics.
Today Live Action released the undercover video it filmed during a sting operation conducted by this “pimp” at Planned Parenthood of New Jersey, and it is devastating. The video can be viewed below:
In the video, which begins by reminding viewers that sex trafficking for minors – or aiding, abetting, or counseling such activity – is a federal crime that carries a sentence of 10 years to life, the Live Action operative gets a cheery reception from Planned Parenthood’s clinic manager. She agrees to provide secret abortions and birth control for his underage prostitutes, and offers him not only assistance for avoiding legal entanglements, but even gives him business advice.
The video was shot on January 13, 2011 at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. The Live Action cameraman begins by asking for prostitutes under his care to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, and later states that some of them “are like fifteen, fourteen” and “don’t speak any English.” The clinic manager makes a point of telling him that minors can be treated without parental consent, and says she and her fellow counselor “want as little information as possible” to avoid any complications. She proceeds to give the “pimp” fairly detailed advice on how to coach his girls to lie about their ages, so those complications do not arise.
It gets worse from there. Much worse.
When the “pimp” asks about abortions for sex workers fourteen years of age and younger, the Planned Parenthood clinic manager whips out a map and shows him where to go. She presents him with a book of minor’s abortion rights, which she calls her “Bible.” She casually assumes his Spanish and Asian girls are “coming in illegally,” and has no problems with this telling indicator of sexual slavery. She’s got some helpful suggestions for what his underage prostitutes could do to generate revenue while they’re recovering from abortions. She’s willing to streamline things even further for the pimp and his underage hookers, in exchange for a little extra compensation.
The video, once again, can be viewed above. Watch it for yourself. There may be more to come. Planned Parenthood did say the undercover team from Live Action visited a dozen clinics…
Virginia Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp of Underage Sex Ring
by Lila Rose
Our investigative team has just released the second undercover video revealing Planned Parenthood counseling a pimp on how to obtain secret abortions for his under age sex slaves, by bypassing Virginia parental consent laws meant to protect children. In the footage, taken January 12, 2011, undercover actors tell the Planned Parenthood worker that they are involved in sex work, and manage 14 and 15 year old girls,
“some of them from out of state, out of country.” The Planned Parenthood staffer assures him it is confidential, that “we see people here from all walks of life,” and goes on to coach the pimp how to obtain secret abortions for his sex slaves by circumventing Virginia law that require parental consent for underage abortions.
Just last Tuesday, our team released footage showing the manager of the second largest clinic of Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey counseling a pimp how to have his under age sex slaves lie on paper, how to purchase cheap birth control, and how to ensure that his young victims can still make money for him “waist up” after coerced abortions. Along with the New Jersey footage, the Virginia footage further reveals the endemic cover up of abuse at Planned Parenthood clinic across the country. For four years, our investigative team has been documenting the widespread abuse cover up at Planned Parenthood.
See it yourself. From 2007-2009, we released 10 cases of sexual abuse cover up in six states. And our footage has led to suspensions and firings, resignations, numerous state investigations and probation.
Institutionally, Planned Parenthood refuses to report the sexual abuse of minors–even if the law requires that they do so, and even if the abuse is as brutal as sex trafficking.
Young girls are going into Planned Parenthood clinics every day, too many the victims of abuse. According to the Department of Justice, an estimated 300 to 400 thousand children are trafficked for sex every year.
Some are taken to Planned Parenthood clinics for secret abortions. Instead of reporting the abusers of minors and young women, Planned Parenthood is enabling pimps and predators with their refusal to
report abuse and willingness to assist the pimp’s underage prostitution business.
Today our team is sending full footage from the Richmond investigation to Federal and state authorities, including Virginia Attorney General Ken Cucchinelli and requesting full-scale state and federal investigations of human trafficking and sexual abuse cover up at Planned Parenthood clinics.
We also call for the immediate freezing of all federal and state funds to this organization–funds that add up to over 300 million of taxpayer dollars.
Please join us in this effort to educate others and expose the rampant sexual abuse cover up and further victimization of underage traffick victims in Planned Parenthood clinics.
Learn more here: liveaction.org

'Pattern emerges' of abortionists covering for child sex-traffickers
3 more Planned Parenthood locations caught aiding 'child prostitution ring'
Posted: February 04, 2011
9:55 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
Live Action President Lila Rose
Check out http://blip.tv/file/4720828
Three more undercover videos taken at separate Planned Parenthood clinics have been released by an organization called Live Action, which claims it's finding "alarming patterns" of abortion providers willing to aid and abet underage sex-trafficking.
"Live Action has previously released more than a dozen hidden camera videos from ten states,"Live Action asserted in a statement. "This body of visual evidence shows several alarming patterns of illegal Planned Parenthood activities including cover-up of sexual abuse of minors, the skirting of parental consent laws, citing unscientific and fabricated medical information to manipulate women to have abortions, and Planned Parenthood's willingness to accept donations earmarked to abort African-American babies."
As WND reported earlier this week, the Live Action team, posing as the leaders of an underage prostitution ring in Richmond, Va., discovered a Planned Parenthood worker assuring them they'd find "no judgment, no sharing of information, like, uh, nothing here," at the clinic and explaining how they could go about getting a "judicial bypass" of abortion laws for girls as young as 14 or 15.
Understand Planned Parenthood's agenda. Get "Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom"
Now Live Action has released three more videos to demonstrate an ongoing "pattern" of ignoring sex-trafficking.
"We are sending [Virginia] Attorney General Cuccinelli and Virginia law enforcement officials new, disturbing footage from three Virginia clinics," says Live Action President Lila Rose. "The footage explicitly shows Planned Parenthood staff willing to engage in activity that sexually exploits minors and young women. The evidence continues to mount and shows a clear pattern where Planned Parenthood is willing aid and abet the sex-trafficking industry.
"These are abhorrent practices, and it is time Planned Parenthood be held accountable," Rose said.
(Story continues below)
The videos capture conversations between the undercover "pimp" and Planned Parenthood staffers in three Virginia cities: Charlottesville, Falls Church and Roanoke.
In the Roanoke video, viewable below, the Planned Parenthoodstaffer offered the "pimp" emergency, 5-day contraceptive pills that he could pick up for his underage "girls." The staffer also encouraged him, if he was worried about having a sexually transmitted disease, to go donate blood, because the plasma places "have to test for everything anyway."
She further explained for his underage girls, "From the age of 12 up, for birth control, you can just come in and do that. You don't have to have a parent, OK?"
The Roanoke video can be seen below:
At Falls Church, the staffer did warn that if the "pimp" sought abortion services for underage girls, there could be issues with statutory rape laws, including mandatory reporting to the authorities.
But the same worker also assured him that his prostitutes who were illegal immigrants didn't have to worry about being reported to the authorities.
"We don't necessarily look at the legal status," the staffer said. "Like I said, abortion appointments do require photo ID. It's nothing as far as records. It's just photo ID that's ever going to be required."
Following a previous Live Action video filmed in New Jersey, where a staffer advised the "pimp" to have his trafficked underage girls lie about their age to avoid mandatory reporting laws, the staffer was reportedly fired, and Planned Parenthood spoke up.
Phyllis Kinsler, a New Jersey Planned Parenthood executive, said that the staffer's behavior "shocked" her and insisted the company has "zero tolerance" for it.
"We are fully committed to delivering high-quality reproductive health care to the women of our communities, complying with all laws, and upholding the highest ethical standards," she told the Associated Press.
After release of the subsequent Richmond video, however, in which a staffer explained how the pimp could obtain "judicial bypass" abortions for underage girls, Planned Parenthood defended its staffer and criticized Live Action.
"The Planned Parenthood staff member reacted professionally to a highly unusual person posing as a patient," said spokesman Stuart Schear in a statement. "After the encounter, the staff member immediately notified her supervisor, who subsequently notified members of Planned Parenthood's national security team, who are working with the FBI, which is investigating these visits."
Lois Shepherd, professor at the University of Virginia Center for Biomedical Ethics, told ABC News the worker was "ethically required" to inform the "pimp" of the judicial bypass process and that "it's not just permissible under Virginia law, it's a clearly recognized constitutional right of minors to seek a judge's approval without their parents knowing."
Rose, however, disagrees.
"It is utterly disgusting that Planned Parenthood's response to this is that their employee reacted 'professionally,'" said Rose. "The only acceptable response to encountering a self-identified sex-trafficker of underage girls is zero tolerance. The only 'professional' response is to immediately call law enforcement to the scene and push for an arrest. Our investigation – and their response – continues to show that an institutional crisis has engulfed the highest levels of Planned Parenthood.
"If you're a sex-trafficker of minors or young women, you have a partner in Planned Parenthood," she continued. "But if you are a minor or a young woman, you are not safe at Planned Parenthood clinics."
Video of the Richmond clinic staffer's "professional" response can be seen below:
Previously, undercover videos filmed and produced by Live Action have documented Planned Parenthood staffers expressing "excitement" at a donation that would kill unborn black children, repeatedly providing medically incorrect information to patients and multiple cases in which statutory rape is hidden.
Live Action founder Lila Rose, a UCLA student, and her team of friends have conducted stings that prompted multiple investigations by states. Investigations in Virginia cost Planned Parenthood $500,000 in funding, in Orange County, Calif., $300,000, the potential loss of $1.1 million in Tennessee and another $4.5 million in California.
Further, the Monroe County, Ind., prosecutor launched a grand jury investigation in response to videos revealing alleged sexual abuse cover-up. In Arizona, the Maricopa County prosecutor asked the legislature to strengthen existing reporting statutes. In Alabama, Attorney General Troy King launched an investigation of Planned Parenthood and in the same state, the Department of Health put Planned Parenthood of Birmingham on probation after finding many violations.
Live Action notes that federal law makes sexual trafficking of minors a crime punishable by a 10-year-to-life prison term. And anyone who aids or abets the crime can be punished as if he or she had committed the crime.
The organization also noted that Planned Parenthood receives in the range of $300 million of taxpayer funding each year.
Previous videos document misinformation coming from Planned Parenthood:
Also uncovered was the willingness to accept race-based donations:
And then there's the issue of concealing sex abuse:
Read more: 'Pattern emerges' of abortionists covering for child sex-traffickershttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=259813#ixzz1D9lmGUJ4
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E-Newsletter April 2012
Congressman Platts Supports Bipartisan Budget
During the month of March, the House of Representatives debated a budget for fiscal year 2013. Congressman Platts supported a bipartisan approach that was offered as an amendment (H. Amdt. 1001) by Reps. Jim Cooper and Steve LaTourette and was based on the principles outlined by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, co-chaired by former Sen. Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles in 2010. That proposal would reduce deficit spending by more than $4 trillion over the next ten years, set discretionary spending below currently established levels, encourage entitlement reform, and reform the tax code.Specifically, the discretionary spending caps in the bipartisan budget are set at 1% below inflation – reducing such spending by more than established in the recently-adopted Budget Control Act of 2011. The entitlement reforms contained in the bipartisan budget would limit increases in spending on federal health care programs to no more Gross Domestic Product (GDP) minus 1%. Health care spending is currently rising at unsustainable levels and is contributing significantly to the overall budget deficit.The tax reform provisions of the bipartisan budget reduce marginal income tax rates for both individuals and corporations to no more than 29%, thereby boosting efforts at job creation and economic growth, while additionally closing tax loopholes.The House rejected H. Amdt. 1001 by a margin of 38-382 and also defeated an amendment based on President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2013 budget, which garnered zero votes. The House instead passed an alternative budget (H. Con. Res 112) along party-lines. Rep. Platts voted in favor of H. Amdt. 1001 and voted against both the President’s budget and H. Con. Res. 112.House Votes to Repeal Rationing, Enact Medical Malpractice ReformOn March 22, 2012, the House voted to pass the Protecting Access to Health Care Act (H.R. 5). Congressman Platts voted in favor of H.R. 5.Part of the new health care law – which Congressman Platts voted against in 2010, but which was signed into law by President Obama – establishes an Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) to cut costs in the Medicare program. The board is unelected, consisting of 15 individuals appointed by the President. There is no appeals process for the decisions made by the IPAB, nor are there checks-and-balances to ensure accountability. Concerns have been raised that the structure of the IPAB will result over time in the rationing of health care services for seniors.H.R. 5 would repeal the IPAB. As an alternative means of controlling health care costs, H.R. 5 would instead enact medical malpractice reform. In part, H.R. 5 limits non-economic damages to $250,000; generally limits punitive damages to no more than twice economic damages; and, limits contingency fees for attorneys to no more than 40% of the total amount awarded.H.R. 5 passed the full House by a vote of 223-181. The legislation is now pending in the Senate.
April 5, 2011
Vitter Applauds Vote to Strike 1099 Provision, Urges Full Obamacare Repeal
(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter today made the following comments after the U.S. Senate passed a repeal of the 1099 reporting mandate under Obamacare that placed a substantial paperwork burden on small businesses. The vote passed 87-12.
“This just happens to be a small part of Obamacare, which is still unacceptable and unconstitutional,” said Vitter. “I’m glad we repealed the 1099 provision because our small businesses would have been buried in regulation, cost and paperwork under this provision. But we can’t stop there. Now we’ve got to repeal the rest of Obamacare like my bill seeks to do.”
On the first day of the 112th Congress that senators were allowed to officially submit legislation, Vitter introduced a bill to repeal Obamacare in its entirety, including the government takeover of student loans.
New Study Shows Obamacare’s Huge Additions to Federal Deficit
Kathryn Nix
April 10, 2012 at 4:39 pm
A study released today by Charles Blahous, one of two public trustees of Medicare and Social Security, once again shows that Obamacare increases federal deficits and significantly worsens the nation’s fiscal outlook. According to the study’s most optimistic scenario, the health law will increase federal spending by $1.16 trillion and increase the deficit by $346 billion between 2012 and 2021. The worst case—and most realistic—scenario: an increase in spending of $1.24 trillion and $527 billion in new deficits.
Obamacare’s failure to reverse the federal government’s abysmal financial situation is not to be taken lightly. The legislation’s primary goal was to expand health coverage. However, Blahous points out that not only were the law’s fiscal benefits “consistently presented as a primary motivation for enacting legislation,” but it was also widely believed that health care reform was inextricably tied to reversing the fiscal outlook, since a significant portion of the nation’s long-term deficits are caused by federal spending on health care.
Blahous makes clear: “Because of the federal government’s untenable long-term fiscal outlook under current law, and because of the political difficulty (and thus infrequency) of comprehensive health care reform, it is essential that such reform unambiguously and significantly improve the government’s fiscal outlook.”
Legislation can, of course, succeed at deficit reduction but perpetuate fiscal irresponsibility—by increasing spending but raising taxes or cutting in other areas by a comparable amount. This scenario, which maintains the trajectory of unaffordable federal health spending, is exactly what will come to fruition under Obamacare. And it is unacceptable.
One of the most significant, and yet most misunderstood, ways in which Obamacare will add to deficits is by double-counting Medicare savings as paying for new health entitlements and extending the solvency of the program itself. This is impossible. Congress can’t spend the dollars twice, and in fact, by law it must apply them to extend Medicare’s solvency or else allow automatic benefit reductions when the trust fund runs dry.
Confusion comes from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis showing Obamacare would reduce the deficit—“when a specific scoring convention was applied,” Blahous explains. The problem is that the CBO’s and the Medicare Actuary’s scorekeeping methods imply that current benefit levels for both Medicare and Social Security will be sustained, even when their trust funds are empty. This serves a valid purpose, making clear the level of savings needed to sustain the programs and encouraging lawmakers to pursue adequate solutions. But it also creates the illusion that current benefits in both programs can be perpetuated without those savings, which is false.
According to Blahous:
In this context, the Medicare savings in the ACA [Obamacare] are not “found money” for the federal government, free to be spent on a new health entitlement without worsening the deficit. This is why, when comparing the ACA not to a common scoring convention but to the actual change in law, a worsening of both federal costs and of federal deficits results.
Without Obamacare, the Medicare Part A Trust Fund would be exhausted by 2016. Any savings in Medicare thereafter would first and foremost maintain seniors’ current benefits. This means that of the $850 billion in Medicare savings expected from Obamacare through 2021, only $290 billion are actually available to offset new spending. And this assumes the cuts go fully into effect; since they’re mainly the result of slashing provider payment rates, this is unlikely.
Taking out double-counted Medicare savings alone puts Obamcare’s impact on federal deficits in the red. But as Blahous writes, “This worsened fiscal situation is exacerbated by the substantial financing risks associated with several of the ACA’s specific provisions.” These include:- The now-assured failure of the CLASS program, which created the illusion of deficit reduction by collecting premiums in its first five years without paying out any benefits;
- The likelihood that participation in subsidized coverage available in the new exchanges will be higher than originally estimated, and that future politicians will face pressure to remove the cost constraints built into the expensive program; and
- The lack of political will to actually implement the new excise tax on “Cadillac plans,” which would otherwise be a significant source of revenue.
The list goes on. Blahous concludes that Obamacare:
[B]oth increases a federal commitment to health care spending that was already unsustainable under prior law and would exacerbate projected federal deficits relative to prior law. This is an unambiguous conclusion, as it would result regardless of the degree of future success attained in upholding various cost-saving provisions now embedded in the law.
Obamacare’s complete and utter failure to improve the federal fiscal outlook is just one of many, many reasonsCongress should repeal it.
Posted in Featured, Health Care
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#GibbsGate (Obama has a not-so secret affair, while sordid details of ex-lovers, gay male call boys surface after nearly 10 die during the time Obama was a Senator, Larry Sinclair speaks out about it, and tickle parties are no stranger to Democrat Eric Massa or male bath houses to Rahm Emanuel that Obama is also a member) the origination of a homosexual agendas in the #WarOnWomen:
2012_TeaParty Tea Party Chief
@BarackObama HEY YOU'RE IMPEACHED, SO GET PACKING, DEBT IS 100% OF ENTIRE ECONOMY: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2…



2012_TeaParty Tea Party Chief
@HuffingtonPost Michelle Obama knew she was buying into the political show: look at her workout program, it is not passionate, but politics!3 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete
2012_TeaParty Tea Party Chief@HuffingtonPost He has yet to convince me that God has purified his penchant for male ass, crack, or money-she is a showpiece/daughters too3 hours ago
2012_TeaParty Tea Party Chief@HuffingtonPost Considering that Obama was a fag, and that he had numerous affairs with call boys, who ended up dead, their marriage is EEW~
2012_TeaParty Tea Party Chief
@BillyHallowell Ha! We don't care about Romney in the Southeast... watch South Carolina break a boot off in Romeny's liberal ties to Obama!!Full Rick Perry statement on New Hampshire: bit.ly/yIEG8b@CindyhM1 Oh shut up... your husband licked Romney's boots for cash, remember that when you lie down next to him, money ain't everything!!Peoria bishop warns on secularism, chides some Catholic politicians. 1/9/2012edition of The Pilot: bit.ly/zcqeCb via @AddThisWashington Insider: Obama Member of Chicago Gay Man’s Club
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Dr. Eowyn | 229 Comments
Design by BKeyser: http://www.cafepress.com/RTKArtistryThe Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) is a mainly subscription news site ($7/month for “individual reader” subscribers) that claims to provide news ”from deep inside the Washington beltway.” Its editor is Wayne Madsen, a former US Navy officer, Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist, with an impressive c.v.
On May 24, 2010, WMR had a blockbuster report for subscribers only, which claims that Obama is a long-time member of a gay man’s club in Chicago, of which his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is also a member.
I first saw this story 3 days ago on Rense.com in an article titled “Madsen Is Vindicating Larry Sinclair.” [Note: Sinclair is a gay man who claims he had 2 sexual encounters with Obama in Chicago.] The article had a short excerpt from the WMR. I did not post it here on Fellowship at the time because I wanted to think about it.
I went back to Rense for the article today, but when I clicked “Obama’s Gay Club,” the article is no longer there, no doubt because its excerpt from WMR violated WMR’s pay-for-view policy. Instead, clicking “Obama’s Gay Club” brought me to the website of the man’s bath house club referenced in the WMR article – Man’s Country club in Chicago. Located at 5015 N. Clark St
Chicago, IL 60640 (phone: 773-878-2069), the club describes itself as:
“a private membership club for men 18 years and older. Man’s Country Chicago is a clean, safe place to hang out, meet guys who share the same interests as you, socialize, make friends, watch porn and play! Man’s Country Chicago / Where real men meet.” The club’s motto “Play hard, Play safe” and logo (below right) leave little doubt that it’s a
“Photos” page, with 8 photos of “the hottest dancers in Chicago” — all men, such as this one (below left):
Fortunately, thanks to alert Fellowship memberTina, the entire WMR article is now posted on The JagHunter blog. Here it is!
President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.
The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.
Members of Man’s Country are also issued club identification cards. WMR learned that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID cards, which were required for entry.
Obama began frequenting Man’s Country in the mid-1990s, during the time he transitioned from a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School to his election as an Illinois State Senator in 1996. Emanuel, reportedly joined Man’s Country after he left the Clinton White Hosue and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his membership during his 2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who was elected governor.
Man’s Country appears to be a “one stop shopping” center for gay men. The club’s website advertises steam rooms, “fantasy rooms,” bed rooms, male strippers, adult movies, and lockers.
However, Man’s Country was not the only location for Obama’s predatory gay sex activities. The Chicago gay community is aware that Obama often made contacts with younger men at his famous “pick-up basketball” games. It was at these “pick up” matches where Obama first met Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign worker and senior bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias. Currently running for Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Roland Burris, Giannoulias successfully ran for Illinois Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by Chicago’s Democratic machine.
The Blagojevich trial: “Sex, Lies, and Audio tapes” — Fitzgerald’s US Attorney’s Office part of White House cover-up of gay sex in the Second City
Giannoulias was a vice president and senior loan officer for his father’s bank, Broadway Bank, from 2002 to 2006. Broadway Bank made real estate loans to Antoin “Tony” Rezko, the chief of Rezmar Corporation. On May 13, 2008, Rezko was found guilty, after being indicted by a grand jury at the behest of the U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, of six counts of wire fraud, six counts of mail fraud, two counts of corrupt solicitation, and two counts of money laundering. Rezko has been in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Detention Center at Van Buren and Clark in Chicago since June 2008. However, Rezko has not yet been officially sentenced to a federal prison. A Syrian-American, Rezko is considered to be a flight risk, even though his one-time fortune of $50 million has been reduced to zero.
One Republican politician in Chicago told WMR that Rezko will be a prime witness for Blagojevich’s defense. “Figure it this way, Rezko’s been in solitary confinement in the city jail since June 0f 2008 . . . if he is released to appear at Blagojevich’s trial as the primary witness, everyone expects him to squeal like a pig,” said the Republican politico.
In 2005, Rezko reportedly engaged in a complicated real estate “flip” through which his wife Rita and Obama agreed to split an empty lot adjoining a home that Obama bought in Chicago’s Kenwood district. The deal saw Obama buy the home for $1.65 million, which was $300,00 below market value. Obama then bought a strip of the adjoining property from Mrs. Rezko, a speculative deal that stood to make Obama a handsome profit. Since Rezko’s conviction, the property has has reportedly gone into bankruptcy. Giannoulias’s Broadway Bank was seized by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation on April 23, 2010, reportedly as Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner was on his way to Chicago to present the bank with a bailout check. Geithner quickly changed his plans.
Giannoulias, Broadway’s then-senior loan officer, has denied being involved in the decision to loan money to Rezko.
Last month, Blagojevich’s trial judge, U.S. District Court judge James Zagel, a crony of former Illinois Republican Governor Jim Thompson, ruled that all 500 hours of phone calls intercepted and taped by Fitzgerald could not be played during Blagojevich’s trial as demanded by Blagojevich and his defense lawyers. Blagojevich demanded that Fitzgerald “show up in court and explain to everybody . . . why you don’t want those tapes that you made played in court.”
WMR has learned that the tapes may contain salty references Obama’s and Emanuel’s private lives.
WMR attempted to interview Blagojevich’s senior defense lawyer Sam Adam to no avail but other informed sources told us that the tapes, if played, would highlight the corruption of not only Obama, Emanuel, and other member of Obama’s Chicago “brain trust” but also Fitzgerald himself. WMR was told that Fitzgerald’s tactics have included providing sex and drugs to imprisoned felons to get them to provide perjured testimony at federal trials.
It is exactly the type of federal prosecutorial misconduct by Fitzgerald that former Republican Governor said was used by state prosecutors when he commuted the death sentences of Illinois’s death row population. Ryan was indicted by Fitzgerald for fraud and he is currently serving out a federal prison sentence.
Blagojevich’s trial is scheduled to begin on June 3 and Fitzgerald’s main interest is to keep the trial focused on Blagojevich, especially after he managed to “flip” Blagojevich’s former chief of staff John Harris to testify against the impeached and ousted governor. WMR learned from informed sources that one lawyer on Harris’s defense team is involved in a gay partner scandal that was discovered by the attorney’s wife.
Some of the wiretaps may reveal that it was not Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s longtime friend and current White House policy adviser who was Obama’s top candidate to fill his U.S. Senate seat, but the young 32-year old “pick up basketball” friend of Obama, Giannoulias, then serving his second year as state Treasurer. However, Obama has avoided campaigning for Giannoulias in Illinois and there are indications that the president has “thrown Giannoulias under the bus,” according to some Democratic political circles in Chicago.
Mutiple Chicago sources report that Republicans who see Giannoulias’s Obama connections as providing an edge in his Senate race this year should not celebrate prematurely. Giannoulias’s GOP opponent, U.S. Representative Mark Kirk, a Naval Reserve intelligence officer, has also been identified as a closeted gay man. Kirk divorced his wife last year after an eight-year marriage. They had no children.
In addition, U.S. Representative Aaron Shock, who took over the House seat vacated by Obama’s Republican Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, is, according to Chicago Boy’s Town sources, a habitué of Minibar, a noted gay bar in Chicago’s gay district. For an extremely young first term member of the House, observers were surprised when GOP Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia named Shock as a Deputy Minority Whip.
Man’s Country, one of Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses” and located at 5015 North Clark Street in Chicago’s “Boystown,” was a frequent hangout for State Senator Obama and Rahm Emanuel
Sources in Chicago’s gay community report that Obama was attracted to Man’s Country’s older white clientele because he generally enjoys being fellated by older white men. Obama would regularly be seen at Man’s Country on Wednesdays.
Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity. The sources also confirm the allegations made during the 2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair, a Chicago visitor who revealed that in 1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack cocaine use with then-State senator Obama on two occasions, once in the back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine Service, and the other at a Chicago area motel, the Comfort Suites in Gurnee, Illinois.
After revealing details of the encounter at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Sinclair was arrested by Washington Metropolitan Police on a fugitive warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of Obama’s vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden. Sinclair was charged with a misdemeanor count of theft of money orders, however, the state of Delaware declined prosecution. Beau Biden later declined to run for his father’s old Senate seat because of his duties to prosecute a major pedophilia case involving Lewes, Delaware pediatrician Dr. Earl Bradley. There are reports that Biden’s office helped to cover up Bradley’s activities, including failing to authorize search warants for Bradley’s office and computer.
Chicago’s “DLC” — not the Democratic Leadership Council but the “Down Low Club” — a gay matchmaking service
WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who reported that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obama’s former church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) on Chicago’s south side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking service for gay married black professional members of the church, including lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with children. The matchmaking club was called the “Down Low Club” but references to it over the phone and email simply referred to the group with the code phrase “DLC.” The ruse, according to our sources, was to make anyone who was eavesdropping on the communications believe that the references were to the Democratic Leadership Council, also known as the DLC.
The gay DLC’s services were intended to keep ensure TUCC’s gay members avoided posting solicitations on web services like Craig’s List and refrain from cruising gay bars. The strategy was to protect them from getting busted and being “outed.”
Among the members of the gay “DLC” were Obama and TUCC’s choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with Obama. Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. Young and Bland were brutally murdered, execution style, in late 2007. Bland was murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young on December 24, 2007. The latter was killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer reportedly died on December 26, 2007, official cause of death: “septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV.”
“DLC” members often went on camping trips arranged by TUCC. Wright reportedly was the head of the “DLC” matchmaking services and ensured that its members protected each other.
The “DLC’s” clientele included Obama and other gay members of TUCC, including, reportedly Young, Bland, and Spencer. Fox 32 Chicago reported that Bland’s mother, Josephine Bland, was so upset at her son inviting men into their home as a result of contacting them through gay web sites like “Adam4Adam,” she moved out.
The gay community in Chicago knows to keep away from the TUCC and “DLC” stories because of the “creepiness” of the operation and the suspicious deaths of the three TUCC gay black men.
Although Obama protected his alternate life style through the secretiveness of the “DLC,” he was not so careful when he proclaimed he was a state senator while frolicking at Man’s Country in uptown Chicago.
Love: Obama’s personal trainer
Reggie Love, a former Duke basketball and football player and unsuccessful National Basketball hopeful, currently serves as Obama’s personal trainer and White House “special assistant” — he has been called Obama’s “body man” — who receives a salary of $104,000 a year. Love is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular gay sex partners. Love joined Obama’s Senate staff in a senior staff position in 2006.
Media General’s tabloid, the National Enquirer, proffered a story last year about Michelle Obama being furious about the relationship between her husband and his “body man.” TheEnquirer’s sister tabloid, The Globe, later floated a story about Obama having a relationship with a Democratic campaign official named Vera Baker. WMR has been told that this relationship was a clever ruse to throw off speculation about Obama’s actual past sex partners. Baker has apparently left the United States for relatively more obscurity in Martinique. Media General’s tabloids have scooped the mainstream media on sex scandals involving Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, and John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.
WMR’s Chicago sources believe the Secret Service records of presidential candidate Obama’s activities in Chicago would show that Obama regularly arrived at Love’s Chicago residence at 9:00 am and departed at 9:15 am. Sources told WMR that while 15 minutes is much too short for a personal training exercise, it is ample time for fellatio.
Bill Frist, “Brokeback Mountain,” and Obama
In 2006, after Obama became the junior senator from Illinois, WMR’s sources in the Congressional Black Caucus reported that there were persistent rumors of gay trysts between Obama and then-GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. The allegations at the time seemed unbelievable.
However, based on Obama’s penchant for receiving fellatio from older white men, a column written by The Washington Post’s “In the Loop” columnist Al Kamen on April 7, 2006, some four months into Obama’s Senate term, may have expanded relevance. Kamen reported he received an invitation to attend Frist’s “5th Annual VOLPAC ’06 Weekend” in Nashville from April 21st to 23rd and that the invitation card required one to “unbuckle the cowboy’s pants and look inside to see what this was all about.” Kamen opined that the invitation seemed “a bit too ‘Brokeback Mountain.’”
The invitation advertised that the shindig would feature “one-of-a-kind music and special friends,” although Kamen said there was no indication what made the “friends” so “special.” Kamen then wrote, “The back of the card shows the cowboy from behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. Wait a minute — wasn’t there something about how this used to be some kind of code in the gay community years ago? A way to signal each other in crowded, noisy bars? So we checked the GayCityUSA.com’s Hanky Codes. Sure enough, there it was in the chart explaining what they mean: red hanky in right pocket. Oh, dear.” 

Rumors about Obama and Frist ran amok in Congressional Black Caucus circles in 2006.
Although Frist ran on the pledge of only serving two terms, he became Senate Majority Leader with all the perks of the office. WMR’s sources in Chicago’s gay community revealed that Frist’s Majority Leader predecessor, Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, was also known to seek the services of male prostitutes. Frist, who said he planned to run for President in 2006, decided against a run for the White House and also declined a run for Tennessee governor in 2010.
With the rumor mill running at full speed in 2006, it is obvious why Frist abandoned politics so quickly for the medical business. Frist later endorsed Obama’s health care proposals. A year later, when GOP Senator Larry Craig was arrested while soliciting for sex in a men’s toilet stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, he changed his mind about immediately resigning his Senate seat. Knowing about his colleagues’ behavior, he dug in his heels and completed his term in January 2009.
Rahm the “Sugar Daddy”
Obama’s chief of staff Emanuel, who won a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet but turned it down to attend college, is married and, like Obama, has children, in Emanuel’s case, a son and two daughters.
However, Emanuel, who is 50, also travel frequently with a male companion, a wealthy Chicago real estate developer, some five to six years his senior. WMR has learned from Chicago’s gay community as well as political sources that Emanuel and his friend have gone together on a trip to India, skiing vacations, and soon plan a vacation in Florida, sans Mrs. Emanuel and the kids.
In Chicago’s gay community, Emanuel is known as “sugar daddy,” promising young men with perks and lucrative positions if they sleep with him. On occasion, Emanuel has been with older men, such as his travel companion, but his preference is young, according to WMR’s sources. Emanuel also often uses bicycling and basketball venues to make his approaches. Being an Emanuel “basketball buddy” is a key to professional success.
WMR spoke to one member of the gay community in Chicago who had first hand knowledge of one of Emanuel’s bed partners, an older man who runs a non-profit symphony organization.
Obama’s other sex partners
WMR has previously reported on Obama’s past trysts with Alabama Democratic U.S. Representative Artur Davis, a current primary candidate for governor of Alabama. Although not in the same class, Obama and Davis attended Harvard Law School during an overlap of their attendance at the law school.
The information on Davis and Obama was gathered by opposition researchers for former Alabama Representative Earl Hilliard, who Davis defeated in the 2002 Democratic primary. Recently, WMR was informed by sources in Alabama that Attorney General Eric Holder traveled three days ago to Alabama to inform Davis that if he loses his primary race, he would be nominated by Obama to fill the job of U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, a position still held by Bush-appointee Leura Canary, one of the main prosecutors of convicted and jailed former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman.
Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner of Obama, Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick.
Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with Barack Obama
- Donald Young, TUCC Choir director
- Larry Sinclair, gay escort
- Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obama’s “body man”
- Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial candidate
- Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader
- Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts
The Clear and Present Blackmail Threat
Leading secret alternate life styles, Obama and his chief of staff provide classic blackmail threats. Considering Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, who is reputedly a semi-open lesbian, the question must be posed how much Obama’s and Emanuel’s own covert life styles led to the decision to nominate Kagan, someone with no experience on a judicial bench. Similarly, the fact that so much is known about Obama’s and Emanuel’s trysts in Chicago begs another important question. If politicians, gay community activists, and journalists in the Windy City are aware of Obama’s and Emanuel’s highly blackmailable gay life styles, the same can certainly hold true for the executives of one of Chicago’s corporate headquarters — that of BP America’s Production Operations.
Throw in the intelligence agencies of America’s allies, friends, enemies, and the situation becomes a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.
Obama is leaving today for an extended Memorial Day weekend vacation in Chicago, returning to Washington, D.C. on Monday. No doubt it is a mere coincidence that the Man’s Country club will have a special event during the weekend: an International Mr. Leather 2010 contest!
If you live in Chicago and find yourself in Man’s Country this weekend, be sure to say “hi” to the Commander Teabagger-in-Chief!
Start reading Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder on your Kindle in under a minute.
Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? [Hardcover]
Lawrence W Sinclair (Author), Jeff Rense (Foreword)
3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (50 customer reviews) | Like(19)
Book Description
Publication Date: June 15, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0578013878 | ISBN-13: 978-0578013879
The biggest untold story of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election... Finally, the no-holds-barred, 100% true story of Barack Obama's use and sale of cocaine; his homosexual affairs and the December 23, 2007 murder of Barack Obama's former lover and choir director of Obama's Chicago church of 20 years, Donald Young, just days before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. This searing candid story begins with Barack Obama meeting Larry Sinclair in November, 1999, and subsequently procuring and selling cocaine, and then engaging in consensual, homosexual sex with Sinclair on November 6th and again on November 7, 1999. You'll read in riveting detail how Sinclair, in 2007, repeatedly contacted and requested that the Obama campaign simply come clean about their candidate's 1999 drug use and sales. You learn how the Obama campaign, David Axelrod and Barack Obama used Donald Young (the homosexual lover of Barack Obama) to contact and seek out information from Sinclair about who he had told of Obama's crimes and actions. You'll read how the Obama campaign used internet porn king Dan Parisi and Ph.D. fraud Edward I. Gelb to conduct a rigged polygraph exam in an attempt to make the Sinclair story go away. The Obama team and the controlled media - specifically MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, the New York Times, CNN, Politico's Ben Smith, The DailyKos, The Huffington Post and others - attacked the National Press Club for making its facilities available to Larry Sinclair for a news conference to present his evidence and allegations to the world media. You'll read how Vice President Joe Biden's son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, issued an arrest warrant on completely false, fabricated charges to attempt to discredit Mr. Sinclair's National Press Club news conference. This is a staggeringly true story of how the sitting U.S.President with the help of the Mainstream Media, the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, the Delaware Attorney General and others got away with murder and more....
#ClimateGate (Chu and Van Jones waste billions of taxpayer dollars on bogus Green Energy agenda on behalf of Obama)
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Live Action President Lila Rose |
E-Newsletter | April 2012 |
Congressman Platts Supports Bipartisan Budget During the month of March, the House of Representatives debated a budget for fiscal year 2013. Congressman Platts supported a bipartisan approach that was offered as an amendment (H. Amdt. 1001) by Reps. Jim Cooper and Steve LaTourette and was based on the principles outlined by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, co-chaired by former Sen. Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles in 2010. That proposal would reduce deficit spending by more than $4 trillion over the next ten years, set discretionary spending below currently established levels, encourage entitlement reform, and reform the tax code. Specifically, the discretionary spending caps in the bipartisan budget are set at 1% below inflation – reducing such spending by more than established in the recently-adopted Budget Control Act of 2011. The entitlement reforms contained in the bipartisan budget would limit increases in spending on federal health care programs to no more Gross Domestic Product (GDP) minus 1%. Health care spending is currently rising at unsustainable levels and is contributing significantly to the overall budget deficit. The tax reform provisions of the bipartisan budget reduce marginal income tax rates for both individuals and corporations to no more than 29%, thereby boosting efforts at job creation and economic growth, while additionally closing tax loopholes. The House rejected H. Amdt. 1001 by a margin of 38-382 and also defeated an amendment based on President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2013 budget, which garnered zero votes. The House instead passed an alternative budget (H. Con. Res 112) along party-lines. Rep. Platts voted in favor of H. Amdt. 1001 and voted against both the President’s budget and H. Con. Res. 112. House Votes to Repeal Rationing, Enact Medical Malpractice Reform On March 22, 2012, the House voted to pass the Protecting Access to Health Care Act (H.R. 5). Congressman Platts voted in favor of H.R. 5. Part of the new health care law – which Congressman Platts voted against in 2010, but which was signed into law by President Obama – establishes an Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) to cut costs in the Medicare program. The board is unelected, consisting of 15 individuals appointed by the President. There is no appeals process for the decisions made by the IPAB, nor are there checks-and-balances to ensure accountability. Concerns have been raised that the structure of the IPAB will result over time in the rationing of health care services for seniors. H.R. 5 would repeal the IPAB. As an alternative means of controlling health care costs, H.R. 5 would instead enact medical malpractice reform. In part, H.R. 5 limits non-economic damages to $250,000; generally limits punitive damages to no more than twice economic damages; and, limits contingency fees for attorneys to no more than 40% of the total amount awarded. H.R. 5 passed the full House by a vote of 223-181. The legislation is now pending in the Senate. |
April 5, 2011
Vitter Applauds Vote to Strike 1099 Provision, Urges Full Obamacare Repeal
(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter today made the following comments after the U.S. Senate passed a repeal of the 1099 reporting mandate under Obamacare that placed a substantial paperwork burden on small businesses. The vote passed 87-12.
“This just happens to be a small part of Obamacare, which is still unacceptable and unconstitutional,” said Vitter. “I’m glad we repealed the 1099 provision because our small businesses would have been buried in regulation, cost and paperwork under this provision. But we can’t stop there. Now we’ve got to repeal the rest of Obamacare like my bill seeks to do.”
On the first day of the 112th Congress that senators were allowed to officially submit legislation, Vitter introduced a bill to repeal Obamacare in its entirety, including the government takeover of student loans.
New Study Shows Obamacare’s Huge Additions to Federal Deficit
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=q8x20P4RpgQKathryn Nix
April 10, 2012 at 4:39 pm
A study released today by Charles Blahous, one of two public trustees of Medicare and Social Security, once again shows that Obamacare increases federal deficits and significantly worsens the nation’s fiscal outlook. According to the study’s most optimistic scenario, the health law will increase federal spending by $1.16 trillion and increase the deficit by $346 billion between 2012 and 2021. The worst case—and most realistic—scenario: an increase in spending of $1.24 trillion and $527 billion in new deficits.
Obamacare’s failure to reverse the federal government’s abysmal financial situation is not to be taken lightly. The legislation’s primary goal was to expand health coverage. However, Blahous points out that not only were the law’s fiscal benefits “consistently presented as a primary motivation for enacting legislation,” but it was also widely believed that health care reform was inextricably tied to reversing the fiscal outlook, since a significant portion of the nation’s long-term deficits are caused by federal spending on health care.
Blahous makes clear: “Because of the federal government’s untenable long-term fiscal outlook under current law, and because of the political difficulty (and thus infrequency) of comprehensive health care reform, it is essential that such reform unambiguously and significantly improve the government’s fiscal outlook.”
Legislation can, of course, succeed at deficit reduction but perpetuate fiscal irresponsibility—by increasing spending but raising taxes or cutting in other areas by a comparable amount. This scenario, which maintains the trajectory of unaffordable federal health spending, is exactly what will come to fruition under Obamacare. And it is unacceptable.
One of the most significant, and yet most misunderstood, ways in which Obamacare will add to deficits is by double-counting Medicare savings as paying for new health entitlements and extending the solvency of the program itself. This is impossible. Congress can’t spend the dollars twice, and in fact, by law it must apply them to extend Medicare’s solvency or else allow automatic benefit reductions when the trust fund runs dry.
Confusion comes from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis showing Obamacare would reduce the deficit—“when a specific scoring convention was applied,” Blahous explains. The problem is that the CBO’s and the Medicare Actuary’s scorekeeping methods imply that current benefit levels for both Medicare and Social Security will be sustained, even when their trust funds are empty. This serves a valid purpose, making clear the level of savings needed to sustain the programs and encouraging lawmakers to pursue adequate solutions. But it also creates the illusion that current benefits in both programs can be perpetuated without those savings, which is false.
According to Blahous:
In this context, the Medicare savings in the ACA [Obamacare] are not “found money” for the federal government, free to be spent on a new health entitlement without worsening the deficit. This is why, when comparing the ACA not to a common scoring convention but to the actual change in law, a worsening of both federal costs and of federal deficits results.
Without Obamacare, the Medicare Part A Trust Fund would be exhausted by 2016. Any savings in Medicare thereafter would first and foremost maintain seniors’ current benefits. This means that of the $850 billion in Medicare savings expected from Obamacare through 2021, only $290 billion are actually available to offset new spending. And this assumes the cuts go fully into effect; since they’re mainly the result of slashing provider payment rates, this is unlikely.
Taking out double-counted Medicare savings alone puts Obamcare’s impact on federal deficits in the red. But as Blahous writes, “This worsened fiscal situation is exacerbated by the substantial financing risks associated with several of the ACA’s specific provisions.” These include:
- The now-assured failure of the CLASS program, which created the illusion of deficit reduction by collecting premiums in its first five years without paying out any benefits;
- The likelihood that participation in subsidized coverage available in the new exchanges will be higher than originally estimated, and that future politicians will face pressure to remove the cost constraints built into the expensive program; and
- The lack of political will to actually implement the new excise tax on “Cadillac plans,” which would otherwise be a significant source of revenue.
[B]oth increases a federal commitment to health care spending that was already unsustainable under prior law and would exacerbate projected federal deficits relative to prior law. This is an unambiguous conclusion, as it would result regardless of the degree of future success attained in upholding various cost-saving provisions now embedded in the law.
Obamacare’s complete and utter failure to improve the federal fiscal outlook is just one of many, many reasonsCongress should repeal it.
Posted in Featured, Health Care
#GibbsGate (Obama has a not-so secret affair, while sordid details of ex-lovers, gay male call boys surface after nearly 10 die during the time Obama was a Senator, Larry Sinclair speaks out about it, and tickle parties are no stranger to Democrat Eric Massa or male bath houses to Rahm Emanuel that Obama is also a member) the origination of a homosexual agendas in the #WarOnWomen:
@BarackObama HEY YOU'RE IMPEACHED, SO GET PACKING, DEBT IS 100% OF ENTIRE ECONOMY: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2…
@HuffingtonPost Michelle Obama knew she was buying into the political show: look at her workout program, it is not passionate, but politics!
3 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete
2012_TeaParty Tea Party Chief
@HuffingtonPost He has yet to convince me that God has purified his penchant for male ass, crack, or money-she is a showpiece/daughters too
3 hours ago
2012_TeaParty Tea Party Chief
@HuffingtonPost Considering that Obama was a fag, and that he had numerous affairs with call boys, who ended up dead, their marriage is EEW~
@BillyHallowell Ha! We don't care about Romney in the Southeast... watch South Carolina break a boot off in Romeny's liberal ties to Obama!!
Full Rick Perry statement on New Hampshire: bit.ly/yIEG8b
@CindyhM1 Oh shut up... your husband licked Romney's boots for cash, remember that when you lie down next to him, money ain't everything!!
Peoria bishop warns on secularism, chides some Catholic politicians. 1/9/2012edition of The Pilot: bit.ly/zcqeCb via @AddThis
Washington Insider: Obama Member of Chicago Gay Man’s Club
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Dr. Eowyn | 229 CommentsDesign by BKeyser: http://www.cafepress.com/RTKArtistry
The Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) is a mainly subscription news site ($7/month for “individual reader” subscribers) that claims to provide news ”from deep inside the Washington beltway.” Its editor is Wayne Madsen, a former US Navy officer, Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist, with an impressive c.v. On May 24, 2010, WMR had a blockbuster report for subscribers only, which claims that Obama is a long-time member of a gay man’s club in Chicago, of which his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is also a member.
I first saw this story 3 days ago on Rense.com in an article titled “Madsen Is Vindicating Larry Sinclair.” [Note: Sinclair is a gay man who claims he had 2 sexual encounters with Obama in Chicago.] The article had a short excerpt from the WMR. I did not post it here on Fellowship at the time because I wanted to think about it.
I went back to Rense for the article today, but when I clicked “Obama’s Gay Club,” the article is no longer there, no doubt because its excerpt from WMR violated WMR’s pay-for-view policy. Instead, clicking “Obama’s Gay Club” brought me to the website of the man’s bath house club referenced in the WMR article – Man’s Country club in Chicago. Located at 5015 N. Clark St
Chicago, IL 60640 (phone: 773-878-2069), the club describes itself as:
“a private membership club for men 18 years and older. Man’s Country Chicago is a clean, safe place to hang out, meet guys who share the same interests as you, socialize, make friends, watch porn and play! Man’s Country Chicago / Where real men meet.”
The club’s motto “Play hard, Play safe” and logo (below right) leave little doubt that it’s aFortunately, thanks to alert Fellowship memberTina, the entire WMR article is now posted on The JagHunter blog. Here it is!
President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city. The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.
Members of Man’s Country are also issued club identification cards. WMR learned that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID cards, which were required for entry.
Obama began frequenting Man’s Country in the mid-1990s, during the time he transitioned from a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School to his election as an Illinois State Senator in 1996. Emanuel, reportedly joined Man’s Country after he left the Clinton White Hosue and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his membership during his 2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who was elected governor.
Man’s Country appears to be a “one stop shopping” center for gay men. The club’s website advertises steam rooms, “fantasy rooms,” bed rooms, male strippers, adult movies, and lockers.
However, Man’s Country was not the only location for Obama’s predatory gay sex activities. The Chicago gay community is aware that Obama often made contacts with younger men at his famous “pick-up basketball” games. It was at these “pick up” matches where Obama first met Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign worker and senior bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias. Currently running for Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Roland Burris, Giannoulias successfully ran for Illinois Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by Chicago’s Democratic machine.
The Blagojevich trial: “Sex, Lies, and Audio tapes” — Fitzgerald’s US Attorney’s Office part of White House cover-up of gay sex in the Second City
Giannoulias was a vice president and senior loan officer for his father’s bank, Broadway Bank, from 2002 to 2006. Broadway Bank made real estate loans to Antoin “Tony” Rezko, the chief of Rezmar Corporation. On May 13, 2008, Rezko was found guilty, after being indicted by a grand jury at the behest of the U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, of six counts of wire fraud, six counts of mail fraud, two counts of corrupt solicitation, and two counts of money laundering. Rezko has been in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Detention Center at Van Buren and Clark in Chicago since June 2008. However, Rezko has not yet been officially sentenced to a federal prison. A Syrian-American, Rezko is considered to be a flight risk, even though his one-time fortune of $50 million has been reduced to zero.
One Republican politician in Chicago told WMR that Rezko will be a prime witness for Blagojevich’s defense. “Figure it this way, Rezko’s been in solitary confinement in the city jail since June 0f 2008 . . . if he is released to appear at Blagojevich’s trial as the primary witness, everyone expects him to squeal like a pig,” said the Republican politico.
In 2005, Rezko reportedly engaged in a complicated real estate “flip” through which his wife Rita and Obama agreed to split an empty lot adjoining a home that Obama bought in Chicago’s Kenwood district. The deal saw Obama buy the home for $1.65 million, which was $300,00 below market value. Obama then bought a strip of the adjoining property from Mrs. Rezko, a speculative deal that stood to make Obama a handsome profit. Since Rezko’s conviction, the property has has reportedly gone into bankruptcy. Giannoulias’s Broadway Bank was seized by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation on April 23, 2010, reportedly as Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner was on his way to Chicago to present the bank with a bailout check. Geithner quickly changed his plans.
Giannoulias, Broadway’s then-senior loan officer, has denied being involved in the decision to loan money to Rezko.
Last month, Blagojevich’s trial judge, U.S. District Court judge James Zagel, a crony of former Illinois Republican Governor Jim Thompson, ruled that all 500 hours of phone calls intercepted and taped by Fitzgerald could not be played during Blagojevich’s trial as demanded by Blagojevich and his defense lawyers. Blagojevich demanded that Fitzgerald “show up in court and explain to everybody . . . why you don’t want those tapes that you made played in court.”
WMR has learned that the tapes may contain salty references Obama’s and Emanuel’s private lives.
WMR attempted to interview Blagojevich’s senior defense lawyer Sam Adam to no avail but other informed sources told us that the tapes, if played, would highlight the corruption of not only Obama, Emanuel, and other member of Obama’s Chicago “brain trust” but also Fitzgerald himself. WMR was told that Fitzgerald’s tactics have included providing sex and drugs to imprisoned felons to get them to provide perjured testimony at federal trials.
It is exactly the type of federal prosecutorial misconduct by Fitzgerald that former Republican Governor said was used by state prosecutors when he commuted the death sentences of Illinois’s death row population. Ryan was indicted by Fitzgerald for fraud and he is currently serving out a federal prison sentence.
Blagojevich’s trial is scheduled to begin on June 3 and Fitzgerald’s main interest is to keep the trial focused on Blagojevich, especially after he managed to “flip” Blagojevich’s former chief of staff John Harris to testify against the impeached and ousted governor. WMR learned from informed sources that one lawyer on Harris’s defense team is involved in a gay partner scandal that was discovered by the attorney’s wife.
Some of the wiretaps may reveal that it was not Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s longtime friend and current White House policy adviser who was Obama’s top candidate to fill his U.S. Senate seat, but the young 32-year old “pick up basketball” friend of Obama, Giannoulias, then serving his second year as state Treasurer. However, Obama has avoided campaigning for Giannoulias in Illinois and there are indications that the president has “thrown Giannoulias under the bus,” according to some Democratic political circles in Chicago.
Mutiple Chicago sources report that Republicans who see Giannoulias’s Obama connections as providing an edge in his Senate race this year should not celebrate prematurely. Giannoulias’s GOP opponent, U.S. Representative Mark Kirk, a Naval Reserve intelligence officer, has also been identified as a closeted gay man. Kirk divorced his wife last year after an eight-year marriage. They had no children.
In addition, U.S. Representative Aaron Shock, who took over the House seat vacated by Obama’s Republican Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, is, according to Chicago Boy’s Town sources, a habitué of Minibar, a noted gay bar in Chicago’s gay district. For an extremely young first term member of the House, observers were surprised when GOP Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia named Shock as a Deputy Minority Whip.
Man’s Country, one of Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses” and located at 5015 North Clark Street in Chicago’s “Boystown,” was a frequent hangout for State Senator Obama and Rahm Emanuel
Sources in Chicago’s gay community report that Obama was attracted to Man’s Country’s older white clientele because he generally enjoys being fellated by older white men. Obama would regularly be seen at Man’s Country on Wednesdays.
Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity. The sources also confirm the allegations made during the 2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair, a Chicago visitor who revealed that in 1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack cocaine use with then-State senator Obama on two occasions, once in the back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine Service, and the other at a Chicago area motel, the Comfort Suites in Gurnee, Illinois.
After revealing details of the encounter at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Sinclair was arrested by Washington Metropolitan Police on a fugitive warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of Obama’s vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden. Sinclair was charged with a misdemeanor count of theft of money orders, however, the state of Delaware declined prosecution. Beau Biden later declined to run for his father’s old Senate seat because of his duties to prosecute a major pedophilia case involving Lewes, Delaware pediatrician Dr. Earl Bradley. There are reports that Biden’s office helped to cover up Bradley’s activities, including failing to authorize search warants for Bradley’s office and computer.
Chicago’s “DLC” — not the Democratic Leadership Council but the “Down Low Club” — a gay matchmaking service
WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who reported that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obama’s former church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) on Chicago’s south side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking service for gay married black professional members of the church, including lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with children. The matchmaking club was called the “Down Low Club” but references to it over the phone and email simply referred to the group with the code phrase “DLC.” The ruse, according to our sources, was to make anyone who was eavesdropping on the communications believe that the references were to the Democratic Leadership Council, also known as the DLC.
The gay DLC’s services were intended to keep ensure TUCC’s gay members avoided posting solicitations on web services like Craig’s List and refrain from cruising gay bars. The strategy was to protect them from getting busted and being “outed.”
Among the members of the gay “DLC” were Obama and TUCC’s choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with Obama. Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. Young and Bland were brutally murdered, execution style, in late 2007. Bland was murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young on December 24, 2007. The latter was killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer reportedly died on December 26, 2007, official cause of death: “septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV.”
“DLC” members often went on camping trips arranged by TUCC. Wright reportedly was the head of the “DLC” matchmaking services and ensured that its members protected each other.
The “DLC’s” clientele included Obama and other gay members of TUCC, including, reportedly Young, Bland, and Spencer. Fox 32 Chicago reported that Bland’s mother, Josephine Bland, was so upset at her son inviting men into their home as a result of contacting them through gay web sites like “Adam4Adam,” she moved out.
The gay community in Chicago knows to keep away from the TUCC and “DLC” stories because of the “creepiness” of the operation and the suspicious deaths of the three TUCC gay black men.
Although Obama protected his alternate life style through the secretiveness of the “DLC,” he was not so careful when he proclaimed he was a state senator while frolicking at Man’s Country in uptown Chicago.
Love: Obama’s personal trainer
Reggie Love, a former Duke basketball and football player and unsuccessful National Basketball hopeful, currently serves as Obama’s personal trainer and White House “special assistant” — he has been called Obama’s “body man” — who receives a salary of $104,000 a year. Love is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular gay sex partners. Love joined Obama’s Senate staff in a senior staff position in 2006.
Media General’s tabloid, the National Enquirer, proffered a story last year about Michelle Obama being furious about the relationship between her husband and his “body man.” TheEnquirer’s sister tabloid, The Globe, later floated a story about Obama having a relationship with a Democratic campaign official named Vera Baker. WMR has been told that this relationship was a clever ruse to throw off speculation about Obama’s actual past sex partners. Baker has apparently left the United States for relatively more obscurity in Martinique. Media General’s tabloids have scooped the mainstream media on sex scandals involving Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, and John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.
WMR’s Chicago sources believe the Secret Service records of presidential candidate Obama’s activities in Chicago would show that Obama regularly arrived at Love’s Chicago residence at 9:00 am and departed at 9:15 am. Sources told WMR that while 15 minutes is much too short for a personal training exercise, it is ample time for fellatio.
Bill Frist, “Brokeback Mountain,” and Obama
In 2006, after Obama became the junior senator from Illinois, WMR’s sources in the Congressional Black Caucus reported that there were persistent rumors of gay trysts between Obama and then-GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. The allegations at the time seemed unbelievable.
However, based on Obama’s penchant for receiving fellatio from older white men, a column written by The Washington Post’s “In the Loop” columnist Al Kamen on April 7, 2006, some four months into Obama’s Senate term, may have expanded relevance. Kamen reported he received an invitation to attend Frist’s “5th Annual VOLPAC ’06 Weekend” in Nashville from April 21st to 23rd and that the invitation card required one to “unbuckle the cowboy’s pants and look inside to see what this was all about.” Kamen opined that the invitation seemed “a bit too ‘Brokeback Mountain.’”
The invitation advertised that the shindig would feature “one-of-a-kind music and special friends,” although Kamen said there was no indication what made the “friends” so “special.” Kamen then wrote, “The back of the card shows the cowboy from behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. Wait a minute — wasn’t there something about how this used to be some kind of code in the gay community years ago? A way to signal each other in crowded, noisy bars? So we checked the GayCityUSA.com’s Hanky Codes. Sure enough, there it was in the chart explaining what they mean: red hanky in right pocket. Oh, dear.”
Rumors about Obama and Frist ran amok in Congressional Black Caucus circles in 2006.
Although Frist ran on the pledge of only serving two terms, he became Senate Majority Leader with all the perks of the office. WMR’s sources in Chicago’s gay community revealed that Frist’s Majority Leader predecessor, Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, was also known to seek the services of male prostitutes. Frist, who said he planned to run for President in 2006, decided against a run for the White House and also declined a run for Tennessee governor in 2010.
With the rumor mill running at full speed in 2006, it is obvious why Frist abandoned politics so quickly for the medical business. Frist later endorsed Obama’s health care proposals. A year later, when GOP Senator Larry Craig was arrested while soliciting for sex in a men’s toilet stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, he changed his mind about immediately resigning his Senate seat. Knowing about his colleagues’ behavior, he dug in his heels and completed his term in January 2009.
Rahm the “Sugar Daddy”
Obama’s chief of staff Emanuel, who won a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet but turned it down to attend college, is married and, like Obama, has children, in Emanuel’s case, a son and two daughters.
However, Emanuel, who is 50, also travel frequently with a male companion, a wealthy Chicago real estate developer, some five to six years his senior. WMR has learned from Chicago’s gay community as well as political sources that Emanuel and his friend have gone together on a trip to India, skiing vacations, and soon plan a vacation in Florida, sans Mrs. Emanuel and the kids.
In Chicago’s gay community, Emanuel is known as “sugar daddy,” promising young men with perks and lucrative positions if they sleep with him. On occasion, Emanuel has been with older men, such as his travel companion, but his preference is young, according to WMR’s sources. Emanuel also often uses bicycling and basketball venues to make his approaches. Being an Emanuel “basketball buddy” is a key to professional success.
WMR spoke to one member of the gay community in Chicago who had first hand knowledge of one of Emanuel’s bed partners, an older man who runs a non-profit symphony organization.
Obama’s other sex partners
WMR has previously reported on Obama’s past trysts with Alabama Democratic U.S. Representative Artur Davis, a current primary candidate for governor of Alabama. Although not in the same class, Obama and Davis attended Harvard Law School during an overlap of their attendance at the law school.
The information on Davis and Obama was gathered by opposition researchers for former Alabama Representative Earl Hilliard, who Davis defeated in the 2002 Democratic primary. Recently, WMR was informed by sources in Alabama that Attorney General Eric Holder traveled three days ago to Alabama to inform Davis that if he loses his primary race, he would be nominated by Obama to fill the job of U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, a position still held by Bush-appointee Leura Canary, one of the main prosecutors of convicted and jailed former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman.
Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner of Obama, Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick.
Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with Barack Obama
- Donald Young, TUCC Choir director
- Larry Sinclair, gay escort
- Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obama’s “body man”
- Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial candidate
- Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader
- Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts
Leading secret alternate life styles, Obama and his chief of staff provide classic blackmail threats. Considering Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, who is reputedly a semi-open lesbian, the question must be posed how much Obama’s and Emanuel’s own covert life styles led to the decision to nominate Kagan, someone with no experience on a judicial bench. Similarly, the fact that so much is known about Obama’s and Emanuel’s trysts in Chicago begs another important question. If politicians, gay community activists, and journalists in the Windy City are aware of Obama’s and Emanuel’s highly blackmailable gay life styles, the same can certainly hold true for the executives of one of Chicago’s corporate headquarters — that of BP America’s Production Operations.
Throw in the intelligence agencies of America’s allies, friends, enemies, and the situation becomes a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.
Obama is leaving today for an extended Memorial Day weekend vacation in Chicago, returning to Washington, D.C. on Monday. No doubt it is a mere coincidence that the Man’s Country club will have a special event during the weekend: an International Mr. Leather 2010 contest!If you live in Chicago and find yourself in Man’s Country this weekend, be sure to say “hi” to the Commander Teabagger-in-Chief!
Start reading Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder on your Kindle in under a minute. |
Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? [Hardcover]
Lawrence W Sinclair (Author), Jeff Rense (Foreword)3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (50 customer reviews) | Like(19)
Book Description
Publication Date: June 15, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0578013878 | ISBN-13: 978-0578013879The biggest untold story of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election... Finally, the no-holds-barred, 100% true story of Barack Obama's use and sale of cocaine; his homosexual affairs and the December 23, 2007 murder of Barack Obama's former lover and choir director of Obama's Chicago church of 20 years, Donald Young, just days before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. This searing candid story begins with Barack Obama meeting Larry Sinclair in November, 1999, and subsequently procuring and selling cocaine, and then engaging in consensual, homosexual sex with Sinclair on November 6th and again on November 7, 1999. You'll read in riveting detail how Sinclair, in 2007, repeatedly contacted and requested that the Obama campaign simply come clean about their candidate's 1999 drug use and sales. You learn how the Obama campaign, David Axelrod and Barack Obama used Donald Young (the homosexual lover of Barack Obama) to contact and seek out information from Sinclair about who he had told of Obama's crimes and actions. You'll read how the Obama campaign used internet porn king Dan Parisi and Ph.D. fraud Edward I. Gelb to conduct a rigged polygraph exam in an attempt to make the Sinclair story go away. The Obama team and the controlled media - specifically MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, the New York Times, CNN, Politico's Ben Smith, The DailyKos, The Huffington Post and others - attacked the National Press Club for making its facilities available to Larry Sinclair for a news conference to present his evidence and allegations to the world media. You'll read how Vice President Joe Biden's son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, issued an arrest warrant on completely false, fabricated charges to attempt to discredit Mr. Sinclair's National Press Club news conference. This is a staggeringly true story of how the sitting U.S.President with the help of the Mainstream Media, the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, the Delaware Attorney General and others got away with murder and more....
#ClimateGate (Chu and Van Jones waste billions of taxpayer dollars on bogus Green Energy agenda on behalf of Obama) Go to the link here to finish the blog, and to enjoy a whole archive of Tea Party newsletters, free: