I want to thank everyone at First Assembly and everyone who gave such a touching tribute to Johnathon Davis: very well said&proper respects.
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Cain: Allen West for VP
Published: 11:53 AM 04/09/2012
By Alexis Levinson - The Daily Caller
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Photo: AP
Appearing on the Steve Gill Show on Radio America Monday morning, former presidential candidate and pizza mogul Herman Cain said Florida Rep. Allen West should be Mitt Romney’s pick for vice president.
“Here’s why: he is well spoken. He is direct. People in Florida love him. He has a huge following. He is from Florida – Florida is going to be one of those key states,” Cain said. “But more importantly, Col. Allen West is a dedicated patriot; he served in the military, and he’s willing to serve his country some more.”
“Now I know that there might be some push back on his part because he’s just in his first term as a United States congressman,” Cain went on, “but my advice to him, if he were to ask me, is ‘you served your country well, and now you have a higher calling,’ and I would strongly recommend that he consider it, depending on any personal consideration that he might have.”
Cain is not the first major Republican figure to put West’s name forward for the VP slot. Earlier this month, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said West was at the “top of her list” for possible GOP vice presidential candidates.
“I love that he has that military experience,” Palin, a former vice presidential candidate herself, told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “He is a public servant willing to serve for the right reasons. He understands the Constitution. He understands our national foreign policy issues that must be addressed. He has served. I really like him.”
For his part, West told CNN on Friday that he would consider taking the job, but noted that he had a “different vision” for the nation than the former Massachusetts governor.
Nonetheless, West said, “I think we would be able to come together as a team to develop the right type of platform to turn this ship of state around for the United States of America.”
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Tags: Allen West, Elections 2012, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5, rated)

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/09/cain-allen-west-for-vp/#ixzz1reoEpmmo
SINCE 2006, DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN IN CONTROL....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_elections,_2006

The day the Democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007 they took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress. The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77 The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5% The Unemployment rate was 4.6%.
George Bush's Economic policies
Remember the day...January 3rd, 2007 was the day that
BARNEY FRANK took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
Unemployment... to this CRISIS by dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy. And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
OBAMA and the Democrat Congress.
In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets.
.....And where was 'OBAMA'
during this time?
He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills!!

WE WILL NOT BLINDLY DO AS THE GOP WISHES WE WOULD !!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=O3bYBkGgRCE
Rick Santorum's theme song to Obama: "Anything you can do, I can do better" Rick Santorum unveils REPEAL PRESCRIPTION:http://t.co/VcLjBgo
Read the proposed repeal bill, crafted after meeting with local Tea parties in the GA area and composed August of 2010, that led to policy changes and plans laid out on paper...https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jK6-kGCB_Dbb5K98YSS9o9kSNBwLJsSb7XQ5GQSvTks/edit?authkey=CIS_je8I
Why repeal may be the job of your Governor http://t.co/LVgMzPTsee the proposed repeal bill for health care here https://t.co/8TDHAQy
We've had a plan that has been reviewed since last year: TEA PARTY BUDGET $2.5 TRILLION ANNUAL REVENUE http://lnk.ms/Wb6nV we have to have a 10yr. debt payment plan, which entails privatizing Medicare/Medicaid/CHIP to the states as they are unfunded liabilities and the state will have to make up the difference with sales tax revenue. This would end the current fraud we have of federal programs and erase the problem unfunded programs are causing to the federal budget.
- Brian S. Lindsey likes this.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@SpeakerBoehner Thank you, some people are led astray by the media, and I don't want them to think I'm not holding you just as accountable.House is taking action to repeal, defund & dismantle #ObamaCare in its entirety. Learn more: http://on.fb.me/Huc4OG #4jobs #pledgeRetweeted by Tea Party Chief@arthurbrooks You can deal with inflation in your spending habits, the dollar has been devalued to $.33 from not making cuts. Spend wisely.This chart on the White House’s path of exploding national debt shows what we risk doing to the next generation: http://bit.ly/HydyWkRetweeted by Tea Party Chief@DarrellIssa @GOPoversight When is Holder's conclusive hearing? Did I miss that? We should be ramped up to full impeachment hearing now.
@RepTomPrice REPEAL #HR4872 by continuing the process AND FINISH FULL IMPEACHMENT OF OBAMA NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!New study says president’s health care law will add $340 billion to deficit: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/health-care-law-will-add-340-billion-to-deficit-new-study-finds/2012/04/09/gIQAti1o6S_story.html #hcr #brokenpromises
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @RepTomPrice A new study shows Republicans are just as sour on Democrats as on Republicans who waste time doing the job we voted them to do!

Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@Kimsfirst @freddoso We covered it in newsletters already, but a startling shock to see they're tied by Obama's hodge-podge religious stuff.@Kimsfirst @freddoso Obama-Romney connection is that Obama's Mom baptized into their church after her death, which is why they're the same!@Kimsfirst @freddoso March 3rd post, and it got quite dicey. Lots of RomneyBots and his fellow parishioners poll daily like Obama's, etc.Good ?“@freddoso: Are voters really talking about Romney Mormonism, or are journalists just writing about voters possibly talking about it?”
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @Kimsfirst @freddoso We already talked about it http://www.facebook.com/GATeaParty Mormonism is a cult because you can't buy salvation or baptize the dead
10:27 AM - 10 Apr 12 via web · Details
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@SenJohnMcCain If #Ahmedinejad can not round out the circle of the#UN we don't owe loyalties to those who protect #Assad who are not allies
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress When it comes to embracing Jesus, one must often embrace His teachings rather than the teachers, as He is Master and Lord.
7m Tea Party Boise, Inc @TeaPartyBoise
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
6m Janie Johnson @jjauthor
The only “Wars on Women” are being waged in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, & Liberal minds – not on conservative talk radio!
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
6m Senator Hatch Office @SenOrrinHatch Wishing everyone a joyful Easter Sunday.
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
5m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress No conversion occurs if you force someone by violence to confess Allah.
5m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress Jesus did not advocate violence and killing to change someone's heart, which is why radical Islam is not God's way.
6m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress Jesus in death and resurrection triumphed over religion, as he was a radical of his day, who did not convert by death.
7m Andrew Davis @AndyHDavis
Happy Resurrection Sunday! #easter #Jesus #tcot #ocra
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
7m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress Jewish people who are not orthodox will see when Jesus returns. Yet, there is no religion that does not have purpose.
8m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @meetthepress The long contention of divergence is the prophecy of the Mahdi, but the Mahdi appears before Jesus' return.
10m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress Why do the Native Americans love Jesus? Because Jesus came to end religious bigotry, He is the way, the truth, and the life.
11m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress That is why it does not matter how you practice religion and your love of God, Islam is not above or independent of God.
11m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress No matter what you worship or practice, Jesus' death on the cross crucified with it religion as man's way of meeting God.
23m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@TeaPartyBoise However it is the teaching and doctrines of Joseph Smith, rather than Jesus, and that is where Christians and Mormons diverge
23m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@TeaPartyBoise I think the statement reiterated made by MSNBC is inaccurate: but it is one man's revelation of Christianity, Joseph Smith
In reply to Tea Party Boise, Inc
25m Tea Party Boise, Inc @TeaPartyBoise
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
26m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@meetthepress Obama using religion&ideology to mire and bog down budget cuts as needed and distract from his failings http://lnk.ms/Wb6nV
32m anodyne @DiChristine
BREAKING NEWS! CBS Sunday Morning just announced: R.I.P. Mike Wallace He was 93 years old!
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
36m Judson Phillips @teapartynation
Obama says choice between Americans and big oil. Real Americans say the choice is No more Obama. #teaparty #teapartynation #tcot #gop #sgp
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
1h Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@toddstarnes Maybe because..... Google believes that being Christian is every day... not just on Easter and Christmas.....
In reply to toddstarnes
1h Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@newtgingrich @FoxNewsSunday Newt, I'm trying to restrain myself because it's Easter, but you think I won't boo you? <boooooooooooooooh>
1h Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@newtgingrich @FoxNewsSunday when you reference Conservatives, you are the main reason we rebelled and became the Tea Party, it's rhetoric!
1h Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@newtgingrich @FoxNewsSunday problem is-you took lobbying $ for the Center for Health Transformation expecting payout for individual mandate
1h Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@newtgingrich You look foolish now pushing Perry out of the race, and not sending out VOTER ID cards to stack your Primary equally dirty!!
2h Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@lloydbgwells k look fwd to your tweets
In reply to Lloyd Wells
2h Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@PAC43 happy Easter to you too Paul :D

- Erick Barroso likes this.

Aja Brooks
Today · 
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@MittRomney @newtgingrich @RepRonPaul In order to sweeten this bitter Primary battle for Conservatives, begin Vice President considerations:
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@MittRomney @newtgingrich @RepRonPaul Gov. Brewer, Gov. Jindal, Jim Demint, Paul Ryan, Allen West, Michelle Bachmann, Tom Coburn,
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@MittRomney @newtgingrich @RepRonPaul Scott Brown, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, David Vitter (he'd be perfect)
Jamie Dupree @jamiedupree
Richard Viguerie says "Romney must still convince conservatives" to support him
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EstablishmentDC @KurtSchlichter The House is waffling between 3 possibilities on Obama: fully impeach, deport, defeat by election...
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EstablishmentDC @KurtSchlichter then dump the Senate !!
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- via Fox News
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- Aja Brooks Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
- @RickSantorum I have $ in hand, and I thought this was to refocus after Bella leaving the hospital today. Please let us know.
- 2m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
- @RickSantorum Please consider continuing your campaign, there are a lot of people who want to donate, but know family is important.
- 6m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
- cnn live feed sucks
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EstablishmentDC I'll pass.... we'll coalesce right into a third party and I'll take my $$$ and newsletter with me. http://pic.twitter.com/3R15HY6
View photo
2m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@RickSantorum Are you kidding me? http://pic.twitter.com/qFHnjof
Paul Ryan: Obama Throwing 'Tantrum'@Drudge_Report There was no such concession: if #RickSantorum would have persisted it would contradict his family priority message #Bella
@RickSantorum 5 others have already reshared my Tea Pot announcement on your withdrawal from the race http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150718792868670&set=a.441358828669.228886.773523669&type=1&theater
I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/MgEGco0Tw2c?a Rick Santorum Suspends Presidential Campaign@RickSantorum We don't want you in debt, especially w/hardship of Bella's illness. I can do fundraising for Trisomy 18 light blue scarves.GOOD AFTERNOON ATL: FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW, RICK SANTORUM HAS SUSPENDED HIS CAMPAIGN OVER CONCERNS ABOUT HIS DAUGHTER BELLA'S HEALTH.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@WaysandMeansGOP @BloombergNews Ways and Means, we understand that the #BuffettTaxRule is a political ploy by Obama, no explanation needed.

Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
Aja Brooks AjaThank you. For your support, for your encouragement, and for your prayers for our family, especially Bella. You may have heard that we were able to bring her home from the hospital last night.
She has pneumonia, but like her Dad, she's a fighter. It's in the blood.
Today I announced that I am suspending my campaign for the President of the United States. This has been one of the hardest decisions Karen and I have ever had to face together. And it has been hard in large measure because of you. I know that my candidacy has offered you a way to fight for your convictions, and I do not want to let you down.
Since I first ran for Congress in a Democrat-majority district in Pittsburgh, I have fought for struggling families. I have fought for the unborn. I have fought for those losing hope in the American Dream.
And during this Presidential race we have fought hard. Together. You have been with me every step of the way. Every volunteer, donor, friend and family has given sacrificially of their time and their treasure. We are humbled and thankful.
We literally started this campaign in our kitchen with family and a few friends. The way that you make decisions. We believe America is the land of opportunity, and decided to do what we can to protect the hope that our forefathers sacrificed to give us a future for our children. A future of freedom secured through our sacrifices today.
Over 160,000 of you contributed to the campaign. Like you have for your children, we have sacrificed almost everything we have to ensure that this hope and dream is not lost with another four years under Barack Obama. Our average donation has been only $73.10. Few races in history have so many people give so modestly to preserve liberty.
We have been outspent in most states 5-1 or even 10-1. And we still won, or we've come incredibly close. Iowa and the three-state sweep. An over 20-point win in Louisiana. Only a few votes short of victory in Michigan and Ohio. We have made history. There has been no other Presidential comeback race like ours.
Our good friends in Texas have been working non-stop to make sure that they have a say in the choice of our nominee, but without the state changing its delegate allocation to winner-take-all, I do not see a path forward that does not risk our shared objective of defeating Barack Obama in November. I want to thank them for their valiant efforts.
I am planning to do everything in my power to bring a change about in the White House. But our campaign has debt, and I cannot be free to focus on helping defeat him with this burden. I am asking you to consider one more contribution of $25, $50 or even $73.10.
From the start of this race I have offered a unique voice in the debate. One that the party and the country needs to hear. I have been your voice. I have been positive. I have been willing to stand for issues that some believe are controversial and would prefer to sweep under the rug.
We have carried the torch. High. Together we have fought for the principles that this country was founded on; that made this country great. Without fighting for them, this country cannot continue to be great.
And we have fought fair. I am proud of the race we have run. We talked issues. We avoided character attacks. We have run almost entirely positive ads.
I want to continue to be your voice. Please CLICK HERE to contribute $25, $50 or even $73.10. We have had miraculous days of almost $1 million from supporters like you that allowed us to be competitive and win key states. We need you to step up again.
When I ran for the Senate in 1994 and defeated a sitting incumbent Senator, I asked the people of Pennsylvania to Join the Fight. They did.
I know you will. God bless you, and please keep us in your prayers. And know that we keep you in ours.
Working hard for America,
Rick Santorum
- Brian S. Lindsey im sorry to hear both of that hope she gets better, and i guess whoever wins is a signal of stupid times ahead
- 6 hours ago · Like

- Aja Brooks me too -- that's what I was saying to Dad, because Romney hasn't convinced me he deserves it
- Brian S. Lindsey none of em do
- 6 hours ago · Like

- Aja Brooks yeah today is a stinker for sure
- Brian S. Lindsey u tellin me babe
- 6 hours ago · Like
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@RickSantorum the Lord already told me that Bella needs you at home, do not think we are mad in the least :D@GOP NO endorsement or $$ for Romney until he puts it in writing, we want this or no concession from us http://www.ricksantorum.com/news/2012/03/healthcare-freedom-agenda-rick-santorums-prescription-america
@DavidLimbaugh Amen Limbaugh! We won't regard @MittRomney if he won't use @RickSantorm Presidential Health Policyhttp://www.ricksantorum.com/news/2012/03/healthcare-freedom-agenda-rick-santorums-prescription-america@toddstarnes yeah I didn't hear that and we won't either until@MittRomney adopts this as Presidential Health Policy http://www.ricksantorum.com/news/2012/03/healthcare-freedom-agenda-rick-santorums-prescription-americaThe 3 words not mentioned in Santorum's speech -- "I endorse Romney."Retweeted by Tea Party Chief@StevenErtelt @RickSantorum @MittRomneyhttp://www.ricksantorum.com/news/2012/03/healthcare-freedom-agenda-rick-santorums-prescription-america until Romney can put it in writing, I do not hop on board a stinking dead RINO@StevenErtelt Because I have not seen Romney but @RickSantorumPresidential Health Policy as his policy.Can we please stop the in fighting now and focus on Barack Obama & stopping him from destroying our country? PLEASE? #tcot
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @AG_Conservative How is demanding Romney support@RickSantorum Presidential Health Policy condemning anyone to Obama? http://www.ricksantorum.com/news/2012/03/healthcare-freedom-agenda-rick-santorums-prescription-america@2012_TeaParty Then you're condemning us to four more years of Obama. Gee thanks.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @StevenErtelt How is demanding Romney support @RickSantorumPresidential Health Policy condemning anyone to Obama?7h
Steven Ertelt @StevenErtelt
@2012_TeaParty So if Santorum can support Romney why can't you?

Thank You Jesus: clear policy emerges today on Afghanistan policing their own country and reporting to us http://t.co/LKOTI68
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@DeptofDefense I approve of agreement with #Afghanistan as clear emerging policy from issues since 2006 #thanks #Karzai http://pic.twitter.com/GQ1Q8W1
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11:51 AM - 8 Apr 12 via web · Details- Afghanistan - WORLD
US, Afghanistan agree to crucial deal on night raids
Published April 08, 2012
| Associated Press

KABUL – The Afghan government and the U.S. signed a deal Sunday governing night raids by American troops, resolving an issue that had threatened to derail a larger pact governing a U.S. presence in the country for decades to come.
The raids were a constant source of tension between Kabul and Washington. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called repeatedly to stop the raids, saying that they are provocative when carried out by foreign troops. The U.S. military has said such operations are essential for capturing Taliban and Al Qaeda commanders.
- February 21, 2011: A Chinook helicopter lands to pick up U.S. soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division following a night raid in Yahya Khel, Paktika province.
A resolution of this dispute is a key step toward finalizing a long-term "strategic partnership" to govern U.S. forces in Afghanistan after the majority of combat forces leave in 2014. The long-term pact is seen as important for assuring the Afghan people that they will not be abandoned by their international allies.
The memorandum was signed in front of reporters by Kabul's Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak and the commander of U.S. forces, Gen. John Allen.
"Today we are one step closer to the establishment of a strategic partnership," Allen told reporters.
"It opens the way for the signing of the strategic partnership agreement which we hope our two presidents will be able to sign in the near future," said Janan Mosazai, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry. Both U.S. and Afghan officials have said that they expect to sign the full partnership deal in time for a NATO summit in Chicago in May.
The issue over the conduct of night raids had been a major sticking point between the U.S. and the Afghan government.
The Afghans say that foreign-led raids cause widespread resentment and lead to civilian deaths, but the Pentagon disputes this.
More than 97 percent of night operations are combined operations involving Afghan forces and almost 40 percent of night operations are now Afghan-led, according to the Pentagon. Also, 89 percent of night operations occur without a shot fired and fewer than 1 percent result in civilian casualties, the Pentagon says.
However, it's unclear whether Afghan forces have had much authority even in operations that are nominally "Afghan-led." Sometimes this designation means only that an Afghan soldier is the first one through the door, or that officials have given a rubber-stamp to the mission just as it starts.
Under the agreement, all "special operations" will have to be reviewed and approved by a panel pulled from the Afghan military, government and intelligence services, according to an Afghan official familiar with the agreement. The official said "special operation" could mean any "unconventional" operation, but not ordinary patrols or conventional pushes to take territory.
These decisions will be made in consultation with U.S. forces taking into consideration intelligence gathered by the U.S. military, the official said, but it was unclear if the Americans would also have a member on the panel or a say in the final decision.
The official spoke anonymously to discuss the agreement before it was signed.
The night raids deal follows an earlier memorandum signed on the transfer of authority over detentions to the Afghans -- another issue that had threatened to derail the strategic partnership talks.
The detention pact sets forth a timetable to give Afghans operational control of facilities used to hold Afghan detainees, but leaves decisions on who to release to a panel that includes American military officials that must come to a consensus before any detainee is let go -- essentially giving the Americans the ability to veto any release.
There may be similar fine print in the night raid deal that would allow U.S. forces to maintain a significant level of authority.
It's unclear if a higher level of Afghan authority will actually mean that the targets of raids will be treated more humanely. There have been instances of villagers complaining that when Afghan forces conduct raids they also loot houses. Also, the U.S. military stopped transferring detainees to a number of Afghan prisons after the U.N. discovered evidence of torture at the facilities.
U.S. Dept of Defense @DeptofDefense
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@DeptofDefense @evocati1 @USMC make cuts = #SecuringTheFuture we must maintain defense as #1 Constitutional Priority http://lnk.ms/Wb6nV
Would the #UK please educate #Assad that #PepperSpray and#SmokeBombs control riots without bullets?????

#Assad demands #written #agreement from rebels as he continues shooting his own people http://t.co/qB5qFlE
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter

Let us pray for Turkey, who have opened their border to refugees of Syria, now feeling the pains of bullets from the Syrian government.
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@SenatorSessions Make sure the appropriations are in order, we can tackle entitlement privatization this summer to the states.
Ex-Syrian army commander calls for air strikes on Assad troops
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis | Reuters – 18 hrs ago
APAYDEN, Turkey (Reuters) - A former army commander who now leads a military council trying to organize armed resistance to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said air strikes on forces spearheading his military crackdown would be the only way to avoid a protracted civil war.Western and regional powers grappling with how to support the year-long uprising against Assad should shed a reluctance for military action and consider air strikes to force out the Alawite ruling elite, General Mustafa al-Sheikh told Reuters.This would preserve the structure of the armed forces and incur less bloodshed than arming the mostly Sunni Muslim rebels, as advocated by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, the Sunni commander said."You will not need a long air campaign. Seventy percent of the Syrian military is already out of action and air strikes would be a message to the Syrian people that the international community is really with them," he said, referring to Sunni soldiers who make up the bulk of the army and ten of thousands of whom are now confined to barracks.Western powers have little appetite for military intervention in Syria and the NATO military alliance has ruled out a repeat of last year's air campaign in support of rebels who toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.Sheikh said chaos was brewing in Syria because many civilians were joining the rebels after their relatives were killed, imprisoned or tortured by Assad's Alawite led-forces."They're badly outgunned and still want revenge. They will be emboldened if they get serious weapons. Nothing will control them," he said during an interview at a dusty camp for defecting Syrian officers near the border with Syria.Sheikh pointed to people in a nearby tent paying condolences to an officer from Hama province. Twelve of his relatives were hacked to death in an attack by Alawite forces on the Sunni village of al-Latmana this week, Sheikh said"How do you expect his family to react? What do you expect the relatives of those who were raped and tortured to do? The regime is inviting revenge," Sheikh said.The United Nations says Syrian forces have killed 9,000 people since the uprising against Assad erupted in March last year. Syria blames foreign-backed militants for the violence and says they have killed at least 2,500 soldiers and police.Syria has agreed to withdraw forces from cities before a ceasefire on Thursday, but has insisted on written guarantees from rebels and regional powers for a halt to opposition violence. Bloodshed has continued unabated, casting doubt on the proposed truce.REBEL COMMANDSheikh fled his post in the northern command of Assad's army among ground forces based in Aleppo in January and crossed with his family to neighboring Turkey. Eight other generals have since joined him on the Higher Syrian Military Council to create a centralized command structure for the rebels.Their efforts have had limited success, with links still weak with rebels on the inside and divisions among the officers in exile, including a rift between Sheikh and Colonel Riad al-Asaad, the nominal head of the Free Syrian Army, who sits on the council.Sheikh estimated the total number of soldiers who have deserted at 50,000 out of the 280,000 military. Tens of thousands more Sunni soldiers have been confined to their barracks but cannot desert because of the grip of military intelligence and lack of safe areas, he said.The military forces Assad is sending to towns and cities across the country to put down the revolt number no more than 60,000, the grey-haired general said."Bashar does not need many infantry because he is relying on artillery, tanks and missile squadrons in the hands of his loyalists. Once those are hit he is finished," Sheikh said."The rebels are badly outgunned. There are no weapons coming to them from Turkey, and the ones being smuggled from Lebanon and Iraq are of such bad quality," he said.Sheikh said the air strikes could be similar to those by NATO on Serbian troops two decades ago and the ones that helped topple Libya's leader last year, targeting the Fourth Armored Division and the Republican Guards - the army's best equipped units, under the grip of Assad's brother Maher."Preferably air strikes would be accompanied by the establishment of safe zones that will draw in the army divisions who want to defect but currently cannot," he said.Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly said setting up a "safe" or "buffer zone" along the border was an option, but the United States has ruled out military action."I realize that there has been no appetite from the international community to intervene to such degree," Sheikh said. "Seeing the regime's increased brutality, they should recalculate."(Editing by Louise Ireland and Dominic Evans)
France takes new look at radicalization in prisons
French authorities contend the gunman in a killing spree in Toulouse took the path to religious radicalization behind bars, with neither teacher nor network.
Yemen, hot bed of Al Qaeda suicide bomber strongholds, begins with an attack on our Army this week http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/09/world/meast/yemen-attack/index.html?eref=edition&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=cnniMilitants, troops die in al Qaeda attack in Yemen
From Hakim Almasmari, For CNN
April 9, 2012 -- Updated 1530 GMT (2330 HKT) 
Suspected Al-Qaeda militants man a checkpoint in the southern Yemeni province of Shabwa on Tuesday.STORY HIGHLIGHTS- Militants hit an army barracks in Abyan province, officials say
- Al Qaeda has expanded its control over parts of Yemen
- Government warplanes bombed al Qaeda positions last week
- At least 17 suspected al Qaeda militants die in Monday's fighting
(CNN) -- Al Qaeda militants seized control of a military base and two checkpoints during raids in southern Yemen on Monday in which at least 30 people died, security officials and residents said.Hours of firefights erupted after the militants hit an army barracks in the Loder district of Abyan province in an assault that included heavy artillery, according to the officials.The dead included 17 militants, 11 soldiers and two members of pro-government tribes, they said.This is the second militant attempt to take over Loder this year. The first was in early January.Yemen takes a step toward democracyLast week, Yemen poured thousands of troops into the country's south to battle al Qaeda fighters and tighten security, officials said. Yemeni warplanes bombarded al Qaeda hideouts all week in a series of U.S.-supported airstrikes in Abyan and Lahj provinces.The offensive came after militants killed dozens of troops and seized large quantities of weapons when they raided a military zone. Numerous other Yemeni soldiers were taken hostage, officials said.Yemen's al Qaeda movement has expanded its control over parts of the country in the past year, leading politicians to consider the option of dialogue with the militant network.

France takes new look at radicalization in prisons
By ELAINE GANLEY | Associated Press – Mon, Apr 9, 2012
FILE - This undated and unlocated …
You read thisPARIS (AP) — French authorities contend the gunman in a killing spree in Toulouse took the path to religious radicalization behind bars — with neither teacher nor network.They're now looking for ways to detect what may be a new phenomenon in prisons, the arrival of the enigmatic "lone wolf" Islamist radical, already a challenge to law enforcement authorities in the world at large.The investigation will show whether gunman Mohamed Merah, who claimed al-Qaida links, acted alone in the three March attacks that killed seven people.But in the meantime, his case has been seized upon by those who say the model for Islamist radicalization in prisons may be changing, away from networks of extremists and toward more individualized paths to radicalism.President Nicolas Sarkozy ordered a study on the evolving threat in prisons after last month's killings, and the justice minister called for greater intelligence gathering in prisons and more Muslim prison chaplains.Tracking such "lone wolf" radicals presents prison authorities with a new challenge: detecting the Muslim inmate who is not just turning to religion but turning the corner to danger. Some worry that even tighter surveillance may carry the risk of a double-edged sword, stigmatizing a Muslim population already deprived of the means to properly practice their faith behind bars.In countries from Europe to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, prisons have long been known as incubators for Islamist extremism, where self-proclaimed imams or convicted terrorists prey on vulnerable inmates.The problem is acute in France, the country with the largest Muslim population in western Europe, estimated at some 5 million, and, it is said, the most Muslim prisoners. France doesn't count inmatesby ethnicity or religion, but one expert estimates that about half of French inmates are Muslim, far greater than the proportion in the population at large.Yet there are only 151 Muslim prison chaplains to tend to the needs of prisoners of the Islamic faith, compared to 700 Roman Catholic chaplains. Islamic leaders say the dearth of chaplains and the failure to provide basics like halal food for imprisoned Muslims heightens the risk that inmates will feel rejected by the system and seek their own — possibly radical — path.This parallels the emergence of "lone wolf" terrorists in the world at large. Experts say the lone wolf phenomenon is in a way a testimony to succesful Western intelligence, which has made it more difficult for networks to form — outside or inside prisons."In a way this is a modernization of terrorism. They don't need role models," said Farhad Khosrokhavar, who has written a book on Muslims in prison and another on Muslim prison radicals, and is currently researching the development of extremisms of all kinds in French prisons.A terrorist cell in France, dismantled in 2005, was famously born behind French prison walls with members recruited by a convicted terror accomplice, Safe Bourada."My personal view is those parameters that identify ... radicalized (prisoners) have to be deeply revised because they are based on networks," Khosrokhavar said. He estimates the Muslim prison population at 40-60 percent of the 66,455 people in detention in France.Justice Minister Michel Mercier recently announced he wants a full-time security official devoted to intelligence gathering in each large prison and closer working ties between the prison administration and intelligence agencies. He also wants an increase in the number of Muslim chaplains in French prisons."A new phenomenon has appeared, the self-radicalization of some prisoners," Mercier said. "Mohamed Merah read the Quran alone and it is his own interpretation that led him to radicalization."Sarkozy has called self-radicalization "the worst thing for democracies," apparently referring to the difficulty in detecting this solitary transformation without trampling on civil liberties.Sarkozy ordered authorities to find new ways to tackle the emergence of a new breed of radicals behind bars after police said the 23-year-old Merah killed three paratroopers, a rabbi and three Jewish school children. Merah was killed March 22 by an elite police squad after a 32-hour standoff at his Toulouse apartment.Merah spent about a year and half in prison for theft and made trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan after being freed.There are currently 200 inmates in French prisons under surveillance for radical Islamist tendencies — 75 of them already imprisoned for actions linked to Islamist terrorism, according to Justice Ministry spokesman Bruno Badre.The seemingly small number of prisoners tagged as potentially simmering threats has doubled since 2008 and there is a fear that unbeknownst to authorities some inmates may be radicalizing in isolation after petty crimes, like Merah.French authorities have not elaborated on Merah's path to radicalism, nor have they offered proof that he didn't have teachers or guides. His brother was known as an ultraconservative Muslim, and was handed preliminary charges in the investigation as a suspected accomplice.Alain Bauer, a leading French criminologist, believes that self-radicalization of Muslims in a prison is rare, and that religion is part of a larger process of finding identity for disenfranchised minorities, "for kids in the middle ... born in France but not French.""You are just in-between, a mid-level delinquent. You know you won't become chief of the gang." In this context, Bauer said, "religion is just a cover for a personal way to become somebody."Prison intelligence "gets you on a list where you're surveyed" but doesn't explain the road to radicalization. He says that police didn't understand quickly enough that a gangster can also be an Islamist terrorist.French prison officials only started acting to detect the risk of Islamist radicalization in the past decade, several years after deadly bombings around the country in 1995 blamed on a brutal Algerian insurgency movement.Officials trained to decipher early signs of radicalization have been assigned to large prisons on a full-time basis, and part-time in smaller facilities, according to the Justice Ministry spokesman. Since 2002, the ministry collects noteworthy prison intelligence and information can be shared with intelligence services.Experts say standard overt signs of radicalization can include growing a beard, a change in behavior with prison personnel, notably going from a good to a deteriorating relationship, or even hanging out in the exercise yard with the same group of prisoners.A "manual of good practices" enumerating what to look for and how to cope with extremism was distributed to prison officials in 2008, produced in a joint effort by experts from France, Germany and Austria. Its contents have never been made public.While prison officials may track suspected budding radicals or transfer problem cases to another facility, the Muslim chaplain at Fleury-Merogis, France's largest prison, has another approach — to listen to inmates."My role is, above all, to listen ... but if I see there is a lack, a deficiency, then I try to set things straight," said Abdelhak Eddouk."When an inmate sees me, he doesn't say 'I'm radicalizing.'" But Eddouk says some inmates have tested him "to see if I know my religion well or not."He stresses that only a tiny minority of prisoners move toward radicalism and makes a distinction between those with an extremist ideology and those in search of meaning to their lives.For Eddouk, the cure is connection — via family ties, prison administrators and chaplins like himself."Most prisoners are looking for something to hang onto. They just try to keep standing," he said.

Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
Let us praise the Saudis who hold murderers of their own people to account! http://news.yahoo.com/saudi-arabia-puts-50-al-qaeda-suspects-trial-152202276.html
Saudi Arabia puts 50 al Qaeda suspects on trial
Reuters – Sun, Apr 8, 2012
You read thisJEDDAH (Reuters) - Fifty men suspected of links to al Qaeda have gone on trial inSaudi Arabia on charges of killing an American and attacking foreign housing compounds in the capital and in the Eastern Province, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said.The report said five of the suspects had appeared at a special court in the capital Riyadh on Saturday, facing charges including the 2003 bombing of the al-Muhaya compound, where expatriates lived, and planning attacks on the U.S. and British embassies in Saudi Arabia.Of the defendants, 47 are Saudi, two are Syrian and one is Yemeni, SPA said late on Saturday.Saudi Arabia saw a militant insurgency from 2003 to 2006 in which al Qaeda members staged attacks on residential compounds for foreign workers and Saudi government facilities, killing dozens.The kingdom responded by arresting thousands of suspected militants and launching a media campaign to discredit their ideology with the backing of influential clerics and tribal leaders."The Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh started looking into the case, filed by the public prosecution, against 50 men," SPA said. "The first, second, third, fourth and fifth defendants appeared in court today (Saturday) and were read their charges."The session adjourned without setting a date for the next hearing, when the other suspects are also expected to appear.SPA did not give details on the American the suspects are accused of killing but at least one U.S. national was kidnapped and killed by militants in 2004.Saudi lawyers say court verdicts are subject to the authority of the judge, who must follow Sharia, Islamic law, stating that those convicted of killing a Muslim can face the death penalty.Last year the Interior Ministry said nearly 5,700 people had been arrested, and of those 5,000 were tried. Human rights groups in Saudi Arabia put the number of those jailed at more than 12,000, including political prisoners demanding reforms.Saudi Arabia took 41 people to court in September on charges of forming an al Qaeda-linked cell with the aim of attacking U.S. forces in neighboring Kuwait and Qatar. In October, 85 alleged members of an al Qaeda-linked group were also put on trial.The government's Human Rights Commission, which reports directly to King Abdullah, and selected local media attended those hearings.(Reporting By Asma Alsharif; Editing by Sami Aboudi and Karolina Tagaris)

Why Obama is the most anti-woman President with his pro-abortion reconciliation budget #HR4872 & international policies http://t.co/oggJbXZ
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- Larry Hogue The finest purveyor of bovine excrement in America, spreading it around liberally since being put in office!
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Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@SenSanders @WhiteHouse It is hard to hold the wealthy accountable with that kind of poor leadership.1,470 people who made more than $1 million in 2009 paid $0 in federal income tax. (Source: @WhiteHouse) #FairSharehttp://pic.twitter.com/fbnPZS6z@SenSanders @WhiteHouse And Romney has evaded paying 20% annually for 10yrs. and Obama has defrauded the Office of the United States.
April 10, 2012
Oblivious to the Obvious
By Nick Chase
Is Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate a forgery? Definitely yes, for those of us who have spent a lifetime writing and producing technical documents, and who remember how they were produced in pre-computer days, and who have the technical expertise today to produce them using computers. For us, it's been an "open secret" that the document image released by the White House on April 27, 2011 is a complete fake.
Last year, as document experts researched the digital PDF posted at whitehouse.gov and published their findings on the internet, it quickly became clear that the "birth certificate" fails authenticity on at least three levels:
First, in the digital composition of the PDF, where even cursory analysis with Adobe Illustrator will reveal how it was constructed from digital snippets. (My personal favorite is where Illustrator reveals that the supposed rubber-stamp imprint of the registrar, Alvin T. Onaka, was shrunk 24% and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise before it was added to the forgery.)
Second, without fancy (expensive!) software but just by magnifying the PDF about 4x, visible to the naked eye is the mixture of bitmap and grayscale elements which would not have been possible with an ordinary computer scan of a paper document. This is most obvious in the Bates-stamped certificate number, "61 10641" in the upper-right corner of the certificate; the "61 1064" digits are stark black, and the trailing "1" digit is shades of gray, and blurred. Certainly, somebody tampered with this number. Bitmap and grayscale mixtures can also be clearly seen in Line 18a, the parent's signature.
Third, in the typefaces, with at least two different typewriter fonts (maybe more) being used in the single document.
But the problem with most of this research is that it's "geeky," requiring at least some computer knowledge ("layers," "fonts," "anti-aliased," "chromatic aberration," and the like) to understand that the technical arguments for the "birth certificate" being fake are valid. Thus, it's very difficult to prove to the general public, which typically doesn't know much about documents except how to read them, that the Obama "birth certificate" really is a forgery.
So last summer, I wondered if there would be some way to demonstrate that this "birth certificate" is indeed a fake, just by looking at the document itself and without resorting to computer software or to any knowledge about how computers produce documents. And, after studying it for a while, I realized that the forgery fails the "pitch test."
This is a check you can perform yourself, without fancy software of any kind -- or even a computer -- once you have printed out the forgery onto a piece of paper. Even a six-year-old with scissors and the paper image can perform, and understand, this test. (In other words, the test is simple enough that even a dumbass journalist can understand it.)
What do I mean by the "pitch test"? Simple. Manual typewriters (and monospace electric-motor-powered typewriters) have a "pitch" -- so many typed letters per inch. There were many different manual typewriter type styles in the 1960s, but by far the most common were "Courier 10" -- ten characters per inch, including the space bar -- and "Elite 12" -- twelve characters per inch -- with "Courier 10" predominant.
Thus, all of the typed characters in a row of text would, if placed over another typed row of text, be in perfect vertical alignment (including typed spaces), because each typed character occupies exactly the same horizontal space in its row. That's what "monospace" means.
(People over the age of 55 who spent their student years slaving over a typewriter to produce homework papers will know exactly what I'm talking about. People under the age of 30 who have been brought up in the world of tweets and Microsoft Word may not have a clue.)
So, if I took a line of typewritten text from the Obama document and positioned it just above another typewritten line from that same document, if the "birth certificate" were authentic, then the individual letters in the two rows should be in perfect vertical alignment -- one letter directly above another -- right?
For my test I did not use the digital version released by the White House; instead, I used a picture of the actual paper document that Obama claims is a certified copy of his birth certificate. This photo was taken by NBC News reporter Savannah Guthrie, the only reporter from the pool of White House reporters allowed to touch and photograph the paper document, and which she later released to the public.
Using computer software, I copied the text "6085 Kalanianaole Highway" in line 7d of the picture and pasted it above (and touching) the text "Maternity & Gynecological Hospital" in line 6c, in the process placing the "a" of "Highway" directly above the "a" of "Hospital -- the next to last letter in each line. The result is shown in Figure F (F is for forgery) below:
Figure F. In a real typewritten document, the letters line up vertically. In the Obama "birth certificate" forgery, they do not.(Don't worry that the pasted-in line chops off the tops of the letters of the line of text below it. The purpose here is not readability, but to show that the letters do not line up vertically.)
As you scan your eyes to the left, you can see that by the time you reach the "6" of "6085," the vertical alignment is half a character off with the "y" of "Maternity." This is not possible on a manual typewriter. It would appear that the alignment problems originate with the word "Highway," whose letters are slightly narrower and in a different typeface from the text in line 6c. The difference in typefaces is most noticeable in the letter "H" of "Highway" compared to the "H" of "Hospital"tt.
If you still don't quite understand -- look at Figure M (M is for monospace) below, which shows how the two lines of text would line up vertically (with the "6" above the "y," using two spaces following "6085") if the "birth certificate" really had been typed on a typewriter instead of being digitally created. (I have added the bleeding-heart background to make the copy-and-paste more visible.)
Figure M. In a true monospace (typewritten) document, the letters are in vertical alignment. (Courier typeface used here.)I carry a copy of Figure F in my iPhone so I can show people why the "birth certificate" is a forgery whenever the subject comes up. Or, occasionally, even if the subject doesn't come up but I'm in the mood to annoy a liberal.
This pitch test works even with the Obama T-shirt! You know, the white T-shirt that has Barry's picture and "Made in the USA" on the front, and a living-color print of the "birth certificate" digital PDF at shoulder-blade height on the back, just above the legend "BARACKOBAMA.COM"?
If you happen to be in the vicinity of a copier when an Obama supporter wearing the T-shirt passes by, strip off the shirt (male supporters only!), place its backside on the copier glass -- being careful not to wrinkle or stretch the fabric -- and make two photocopies enlarged 200% or more. With scissors, cut out the words "6085 Kalanianaole Highway" on line 7d from one copy and position them above the words "Maternity & Gynecological Hospital" on line 6c on the uncut copy, doing the best you can given the limitations of T-shirt fabric to line them up as was done in Figure F. You should see something similar to Figure T, below:
Figure T. The letters do not line up vertically in the digital version of the "birth certificate" printed on the Obama campaign T-shirt.This alignment was much more difficult for me to achieve than the one shown in Figure F because the T-shirt fabric twists downward at the word "Hospital" in line 6c. I lined up the two "a"s along the vertical threads they touch (which corrects for the twisting of the fabric). When properly aligned, you can see the typewriter letters don't line up vertically, just as they did not in Figure F. This works even if the T-shirt has been worn and put through the wash several times, as was the T-shirt used for Figure T. Some stains just can't be laundered away.
The Republicans must be delighted that the Obama campaign is merchandising on its mugs and T-shirts the fraud that the president has perpetrated on the public.
Armed with this proof, you can now approach any of your liberal friends who are interested and very easily demonstrate why the Obama "birth certificate" is a forgery.
Then you will probably see your friends progress through the classic stages of denial.
You are first likely to hear, "I don't believe you." What your friends really mean is that they are confused because you have disturbed their belief system. Most anybody who has spatial perception and knows even a little bit about typewriters will understand what you have shown them -- even liberals. They can choose -- which are they going to believe, the president, whom they worship, or their own lying eyes? You can almost see the smoke curling out their ears as their brains begin to fry.
This is not an issue of belief -- your liberal friends are entitled to believe whatever they wish. It is an issue of evidence -- concrete proof that the document is a forgery. And it is only one of many (more technical) concrete proofs offered up by respected professionals who have debunked the "birth certificate."
You can challenge your friends to go on the internet and search for any reliable evidence that anybody has posted that disproves Figure F or any of the proofs offered by others dissecting the digital PDF "birth certificate" which was released at whitehouse.gov.
They won't find any, because there isn't any.
Next in line -- get ready for it -- may be the r-word. Now, your friends aren't going to call you a racist, because they know you and they know you're not a racist. So you're likely to hear something more generic like "People wouldn't be looking into this if the president were white. They're only doing it because they don't like having a black man in the White House."
This is still a personal attack on you, because at the very least it implies you share the same views of the president that racists do. So make your reply personal -- something like "You mean, it would be OK for me to look at the president's credentials if he were white -- as was done for candidate John McCain -- but because the president's skin color is black, he gets a pass?" Then envision those curls of smoke erupting into flames as the real racists are exposed.
At some point you will get a very sensible reply from your friends -- that there is no motive for the president to release a fake (therefore it must be genuine).
That we do not know the motive -- this is true.
Researchers have been able to construct a timeline for the birth of Barack Obama. It shows that although legally married, the president's mother, Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama, and his father never lived together. Ann dropped out of college in the spring of 1961 and lived in a cottage behind her parents' house in Hawaii until giving birth. Then, within a month, she moved to Seattle as a single mom, with Barry in tow, to resume her studies. She did not return to Hawaii until the president's father had left for Cambridge, Mass. to attend Harvard. There is nothing in this timeline to even remotely suggest that Barack Obama was born anywhere except in Hawaii.
You might point out to your friends, though, that if police departments across the country waited until they knew the motive behind every criminal act before they took suspects into custody, the country would be awash in crime. Fortunately for the public safety, the police apprehend suspects when appropriate and sort out the motives for the crimes later.
So it should be in this case. We start with the known facts: that (1) the "birth certificate" is fake, and (2) the president has said it's his birth certificate. It is up to researchers to work backward from the known facts to establish why the president was unable or unwilling to release a genuine one.
Your liberal friends may also claim that no one can be sure that the "birth certificate" is a forgery because the paper certificate has never been examined by an expert. This is also true -- the president has not submitted the paper document to independent forensic analysis to establish its authenticity. You might also remind your friends that the proof shown in Figure F is based on the paper document, not on the digital PDF -- and are they implying that there is a difference between the paper and digital versions? If so, that would be fraud right there.
Finally, you may from your friends see some degree of acceptance -- OK, maybe the document really is a forgery. But it's really no big thing. Like, who cares? It's unimportant in relation to the president's accomplishments (if you're a progressive) or destructiveness (if you're a conservative).
This, too, is true. It really isn't a big deal when you place it in context with the very serious issues facing this country and the world. Politicians lie to get elected and stay in office; we the public have come to understand that. It's why Congresscritters rank lower than used-car salesmen in public esteem. So now that one more lie has been exposed, what do we know now that we didn't before?
But that misses the point. The point is, the legitimacy of Obama's "birth certificate" is a taboo subject. People who dare to suggest it might be a forgery are immediately branded as extreme right-wing kooks or racists. The partisans are trying to shut them down so that others will be afraid to look at the obvious -- move along, people; no need to look, there's nothing to see here. (You can understand why, now that you have seen how embarrassingly easy it is to prove the "birth certificate" is phony.)
This is totalitarian; it is antithetical to who we are as free Americans. It attacks the very foundations of the progress of civilization -- inquiry and research -- and it is dangerous.
How ridiculous it is to tell anybody to remain ignorant and oblivious? I invite everybody reading these words to really look. Never mind what the totalitarians say -- look, and think, for yourself.
About the author: Nick Chase is a retired but still very active technical writer, technical editor, computer programmer, and stock market newsletter writer. During his career he has produced documentation on computers, typewriters, typesetters, headline-makers, and other pieces of equipment most people never heard of, and he has programmed typesetting equipment. You can read more of his work at contrariansview.org.
Footnote tt: If you think that the reason why there are two different typewriter typefaces in the document is because two typewriters were used in its preparation, the second typewriter being used because the first broke down -- forget it.
First, remember that the proof of forgery in Figure F is not a unique proof (that is, it's not the case that there is no evidence of forgery except for Figure F). Researchers have conclusively demonstrated that the "birth certificate" is fake in many different ways, and that it was digitally constructed. Figure F is simply an additional proof of forgery that more people are able to understand because it requires very little technical expertise to comprehend it.
Second, three different typewriter typefaces (and likely more) appear in the document, as you can clearly see in Figure Q below:
Figure Q. The Obama "birth certificate" forgery has (at least) three different typewriter typefaces in three slightly different sizes.Figure Q is similar to Figure F, except I have moved the text "6085 Kalanianaole Highway" slightly higher so you can read the word "Hospital" below, and I have vertically lined up the H in "Highway" with the "H" in "Hospital" so you can easily see how different-looking they are.
Then I took the word "Student" in Line 12a of the document and vertically lined up its first "t" with the "t" in "Hospital." As you can see, the two "t"s are also noticeably different, and the word "Student" is distinctly larger than the word "Highway." How many typewriters are we supposed to believe were used to produce this "birth certificate?" Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/04/oblivious_to_the_obvious.html#.T4Q2WsLq-bk.twitter#ixzz1reiPJpHn
Arpaio applauds ‘birther’ congressmen, calls for legislative action
Published: 11:30 PM 04/09/2012

By Steven Nelson - The Daily Caller
Associate Editor
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Photo: APMaricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is pleased that at least two Republican congressmen have publicly expressed doubts about the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
Last week Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler told the Sedalia Democrat, “I have doubts that it is really his real birth certificate, and I think a lot of Americans do.” According to the paper, “Hartzler declined to say whether she believes Obama is a U.S. citizen.”
In February Florida Rep. Cliff Stearns told constituents at a town hall meeting, “The question is, is it legitimate? That’s where we stand now.”
In a statement provided to The Daily Caller, Arpaio applauded the two congressmen.
“I appreciate these two representatives having the courage to speak out about the legitimacy of the Obama Birth Certificate released by the White House,” Arpaio said.
Last month Arpaio released a report compiled by a five-member “cold case posse” whom he had personally selected to evaluate allegations that Obama’s birth certificate was fraudulent.
Obama released the long-form version of his birth certificate last year, after a media firestorm generated by billionaire businessman and reality TV personality Donald Trump — who at the time was exploring the idea of seeking the GOP presidential nomination.
The release of that long-form Hawaii birth certificate was a prominent demand of the so-called “birther” movement. After the document was released, public discussion of the issue largely died out.
During a jaw-dropping March 1 press conference in Phoenix, Apraio refocused attention on the president’s birth certificate by unveiling his long-awaited “posse” report. He told reporters that there was “probable cause” to suspect that the long-form birth certificate is a “computer-generated forgery.”
The sheriff, who oversees law enforcement in the 3-million-person county encompassing Phoenix, said that “the perpetrators” of the alleged crime “should be brought to justice.”
But at the same press conference, Arpaio acknowledged that individuals skeptical of the birth certificate’s authenticity had hit a dead end and were short of pathways to move forward. (SEE ALSO: Former Ariz. GOP congressman: Sheriff Arpaio ‘a major embarrassment to our state’)
The comments from Hartzler and Stearns appear to have given Arpaio a reason to be optimistic about the future of the “birther” movement.
“I feel it is time for a congressional hearing to address the facts in this matter,” said Arpaio, after congratulating the two lawmakers.
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Tags: Birthers, Cliff Stearns, Joe Arpaio, Vicky Hartzler

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Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/09/arpaio-applauds-birther-congressmen-calls-for-legislative-action/#ixzz1remBi9La
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@RWrasse http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=394436987247649&set=a.103410576350293.7912.100000440525757&type=1&theater http://pic.twitter.com/Nller9k@RWrasse Fuck the Senate Democrats !! Have Ways and Means bring them to a hearing and charge them with misappropriation.@wsbtv We might have to stop watching Channel 2 now at lunchtime.@wsbtv DON'T LIE: WOMEN DO NOT LIKE OBAMA
@wsbtv LIES: Obama most anti-woman President-his pro-abortion reconciliation budget #HR4872 & international policies

Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @Kem_Kimbrough YAY !! Sheriff Kimbrough !!

Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/P5p70YbRiPw?a US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered toI liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/P5p70YbRiPw?a US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Tot@TheTeaParty_net there are already several measures to block appropriation and implementation of #HR4872@thehill @DavidAxelrod @ChuckGrassley @aliciacohn GET A NEW DNC NOMINEE OR FACE THE WRATH OF THE TEA PARTY AND THE VOTING BOOTHS !!!!@thehill @DavidAxelrod @ChuckGrassley @aliciacohn HEY AXELROD YOU'RE JUST AS STUPID AS OBAMA IS AND DOES, NOW I JUST CALLED YOU OUT !!!!LET US PRAY FOR A BALANCED BUDGET FOR 2013
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @SpeakerBoehner 1) Impeach Obama 2) Make Cuts 3) Deal with inflation 4) or get out-we can not waste #CommitteeTime on #Politicsand #Romney
9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @SpeakerBoehner While we appreciate you, know this: http://pic.twitter.com/BCVTU8vThe Need for Valid ID When Voting: Man Walks into Poll and Falsely Obtains Eric Holder's Ballot http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=P5p70YbRiPw@SpeakerBohener Draft legislation to ban Obama from fundraising on Yahoo&Facebook: he can't sue when dead people voted http://pic.twitter.com/1HI9Xzb
The Press jumbled a lot of stories to keep people distracted from the fact stocks have slid to the double dip losses. We just don’t have the jobs to sustain growth, we don’t have the revenue from the job losses, and without cuts, inflation is too high to see the economic improvement expected for all of the money forked out to banks....
The public record must be published, regarding the police reports at #Sanford then the public will be satisfied with questions they have.9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew What is more serious is slaughterhouses using steroids (estrogens) and antibiotics on cows, that is not healthy to eat.
9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew Most people do not buy totally organic beef from farm raised to slaughter anyway, as it is expensive to feed organic foods.
9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew Any meat that has #PinkFiller can't be labeled 100% USDA ORGANIC LEAN GROUND BEEF-it must say contains % of filler product
@UnitedStatesNew Treating any food with chemicals is a concern, meat or vegetable, as it can alter the food, but it is more like #PinkFiller9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew We were concerned that if it was #ammonia that the beef shreds were being left out too long, now we're not concerned.@UnitedStatesNew #PinkSlime was sensationalized by #ABC it is really like beef jerky, but they made it out like it was doused with #ammoniaGrand jury canceled in Trayvon Martin case: The Florida special prosecutor investigating the Trayvon Martin shoo... http://bit.ly/Ijvd9c@thinkprogress That is what #Zimmerman would have to be charged with and hard convincing jury he deserves this punishment for being attacked@thinkprogress evidence presented does not support charging for aggravated battery, which is the charge in this case the allegations made@thinkprogress I do not support a conviction for aggravated battery in consideration of evidence #Zimmerman as Trayvon pinned and beat him
@JimHumbert I do not support a conviction for aggravated battery in consideration of evidence #Zimmerman Trayvon had him pinned and beat him
@JimHumbert evidence presented does not support charging for aggravated battery, which is the charge in this case the allegations made
@JimHumbert That is what #Zimmerman would have to be charged with and hard convincing jury he deserves this punishment for being attacked@JimHumbert However, it's difficult to get this conviction as it was self-defense, and he was not arrested after passing voice stress test.@JimHumbert Aggravated Battery 2nd degree felony, maximum penalty of 15 years in jail and a $10,000 fine #FL Criminal Statute §784.045@JimHumbert The state of #FL would have to charge aggravated battery and can not get a conviction under the#StandYourGroundLaw@JimHumbert District Attorney has not charged #Zimmerman as there is no evidence to support a charge of murder or malice murder by #FL #LawWHY are the official in Sanford Fla. caving to what ? INTIMIDATION ?
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @JimHumbert #FL has to overturn the law, #GA black lawmakers are filing petitions to pressure them to do so.9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @JimHumbert No, Georgia black lawmakers are filing to repeal #FL#StandYourGround which they can't do as they're not residents.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty Even after firing a producer, libel still continues to follow NBC, slander for ABC&CNN http://michellemalkin.com/2012/04/09/its-time-for-nbc-news-to-appoint-an-independent-ethics-panel/ #WeWantNews not #SensationalLies
It’s time for NBC News to appoint an independent ethics watchdog
By Michelle Malkin • April 9, 2012 02:06 PM
Those of us in the blogosphere who were around during the CBS News/Rathergate scandal remember how the narrative arc went:
*CBS perpetuated journalistic fraud.
*Conservative bloggers and alternative media called out Dan Rather and his con artist producer Mary Mapes for their malpractice.
*CBS denied and delayed addressing the hoax.
*The mainstream media tried to shoot the messenger and discredit critics of CBS/Rather.
*The evidence of bias was overwhelming — forcing CBS to appoint an independent review panel that concluded that the network “failed to follow basic journalistic principles in the preparation and reporting of the piece,” was “rigid and blind” in its defense, and demonstrated “myopic zeal” in its manufacturing of the Bush/National Guard fraud. After the report was issued, Mapes and three executives were fired and the editorial practices at CBs were revamped.
History now repeats itself.
NBC News has attempted to deny, whitewash, and Friday news dump its way out of Editgate. Thanks to Breitbart.com, Newsbusters.org, Sean Hannity, and the conservative blogosphere, the story’s not going away.
Scapegoating an anonymous producer won’t do.
See Les Jones and Tom Maguire for the latest:
The BS Runs Deep At MSNBC
NBC fires editor for altering Zimmerman 911 call; when will MSNBC fire the writer who did the same?
When everyone from actor Don Cheadle to liberal lawyer/bloggerJeralyn Merritt is questioning the network’s mishandling of the Editgate aftermath, it’s time for the network to put it in someone else’s hands:
So the first article with the bad edit was by Christina Hernandez, Jeff Burnside and Edward B. Colby on March 19. Christina Hernandez is also the author of the article I found published later that night, while Jeff Burnside is the author of the March 20 article. The Today show segments aired March 22 and March 27.
As of today, Jeff Burnside still has a bio at NBC 6 Miami. Edward B. Colby does not, although maybe he never did. Does he work for NBC or is he a free-lancer or AP reporter? It’s hard to tell. This February 12, 2012 article says it is written “By NBC Miami’s Jeff Burnside and Edward B. Colby and MSNBC Staff.” This February 23 article has the byline “Edward B. Colby, NBC Miami.”And while the Associated Press is also credited on the article Colby co-authored on Zimmerman, he wrote a lot for NBC 6 Miami — a search of its website shows more than 155 articles written or co-written by Colby.
Christina Hernandez is still listed on NBC 6 Miami’s website, as is her March 19 article, Father of Teen Shot in Sanford Working “To Bring Justice For My Son”, with the mangled, distorted edit of the call:
In his call to 911, Zimmerman said, “There’s a real suspicious guy. This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. He looks black.”
So the blatant, racially charged distortion of George Zimmerman’s 911 call started on NBC 6 Miami on March 19, appearing in two articles by three different writers. It was repeated on March 20 in an article attributed to one of the three writers. The articles have been updated, but the quotes remain. The mis-quote aired on the Today Show on March 22 during a live segment with reporter Lilia Luciano, and again on March 27 with reporter Ron Allen.
For NBC and MSNBC to characterize the error as a single episode caused by a producer’s time constraints in getting a video clip ready for live morning television, which just unfortunately happened to be missed by layers of editorial control, is not very convincing.
Perhaps Dick Thornburgh, the well-respected, former GOP Pennsylvania governor and U.S. Attorney General under Bush I who chaired the independent CBS Rathergate investigation (his 234-page report in PDF ishere), would consider the job.
Related: The difference between Twitchy, NBC News, and MSNBC
Prosecutor finds that #Zimmerman is not charged with #FirstDegree #murder investigation will not be heard by #GrandJury http://t.co/wEZWfEE
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter

NBC fires producer for editing #Zimmerman 9-1-1 call to avoid lawsuits for slander and calumny http://t.co/AuLhiRa
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@HuffingtonPost Glad to hear that they have been apprehended, but killing those not responsible doesn't quench the thirst for revenge.
48s Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@HuffingtonPost We had been concerned that England and Watts were taking unwarranted and indiscriminate revenge, and they had fled the state
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty Close
Man lashes out at other blacks after his own father was shot by a black man 2yrs ago
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/08/oklahoma-shooting-spree-arrests_n_1410828.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl15%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D150101#Misplaced #hate #disgraces #races
Oklahoma Shooting Spree: Authorities Arrest Suspects Jake England And Alvin Watts For Deadly Attack
TULSA, Okla. — Two men were arrested Sunday in a shooting rampage that left three people dead and terrorized Tulsa's black community, and police said one suspect may have been trying to avenge his father's shooting two years ago by a black man. Police identified both suspects as white, while a...
Man lashes out at other blacks after his own father was shot by a black man 2yrs ago http://t.co/ElQSb95 #Misplaced #hate #disgraces #races
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Oklahoma Shooting Spree: Authorities Arrest Suspects Jake England And Alvin Watts For Deadly Attack

FOLLOW: Video, Alvin Watts, Alvin Watts Arrested, Jake England, Jake England Arrested, Oklahoma,Oklahoma Crime, Oklahoma Shooting Spree, Shooting, Crime News
Jake England, 19, and Alvin Watts, 32, were arrested early Sunday in connection to a recent shooting spree in Oklahoma.TULSA, Okla. — Two men were arrested Sunday in a shooting rampage that left three people dead and terrorized Tulsa's black community, and police said one suspect may have been trying to avenge his father's shooting two years ago by a black man.
Police identified both suspects as white, while all five victims in the rampage early Friday were black.
Police and the FBI said it is too soon to say whether the attacks in Tulsa's predominantly black north side were racially motivated. Police spokesman Jason Willingham said that investigators are considering many possible motives but based on Facebook postings, revenge appeared to be a factor.
In a Thursday update on Facebook that appeared to have been written by 19-year-old Jake England, he angrily blamed his father's death on a black man and used a racial slur. He said Thursday was the second anniversary of his father's death.
"It's hard not to go off," given the anniversary and the death of his fiancee earlier this year, the posting said.
"It's apparent from the posting on the Facebook page that he had an ax to grind, and that was possibly part of the motive," Willingham said. "If you read the Facebook post and see what he's accused of doing, you can see there's link between the two of them."
The Facebook page had been taken down by Sunday afternoon.
A family friend, Susan Sevenstar, told The Associated Press that England was "a good kid" and "a good, hard worker," who "was not in his right mind" after losing his father and the January suicide of his fiancee, with whom he'd recently had a baby.
"If anybody is trying to say this is a racial situation, they've got things confused," said Sevenstar, who described England as Cherokee Indian. "He didn't care what your color was. It wasn't a racist thing."
The Tulsa World reported that England's father, Carl, was shot in the chest during a scuffle with a man who had tried to break into his daughter's apartment. England later died.
The man charged in the shooting is serving a six-year sentence on a weapons charge, according to Department of Corrections records.
Acting on an anonymous tip and backed by a helicopter, police arrested Jake England and Alvin Watts, 32, about 2 a.m. Sunday at a home in Turley, just north of Tulsa. The two men were roommates, and officers went to their home, then followed them several blocks to another home, where they were arrested without incident, police said.
Authorities said they planned to charge them with murder and other offenses. Task force commander Maj. Walter Evans said that investigators recovered a weapon but that it was not clear who fired the shots. They also found a truck that had been burned.
Police previously said they were looking for a man in a white truck.
The Rev. Warren Blakney Sr., president of the Tulsa NAACP, said the arrests came as a big relief. Black community leaders had met Friday night amid fear over the shootings and concerns about possible vigilantism in retaliation.
"The community once again can go about its business without fear of there being a shooter on the streets on today, on Easter morning," Blakney said.
It was not immediately known if the suspects had lawyers.
Police Chief Chuck Jordan said the gunmen appeared to have chosen their victims at random. Police identified those killed as Dannaer Fields, 49, Bobby Clark, 54, and William Allen, 31. Two men were wounded but were released from the hospital, Jordan said.
The shootings come at a fraught moment for black Americans. In late February, an unarmed black teen, Trayvon Martin, was fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla., raising questions about racial profiling and touching off protests across the nation.
While Tulsa police were reluctant to describe the shootings there as racially motivated, City Councilman Jack Henderson was not.
"Being an NAACP president for seven years, I think that somebody that committed these crimes were very upset with black people," Henderson said. "That person happened to be a white person, the people they happened to kill and shoot are black people. That fits the bill for me."
Associated Press writers Rochelle Hines in Oklahoma City and Erica Hunzinger in Chicago contributed to this report.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report That is what the media doesn't understand: the Cherokee is patient to get revenge and the life taken will be paid for@EJM421 @Drudge_Report The failure of the #judiciary in the case of #JakeEngland brewed a simmering vat of rage that boiled over on blacks!@EJM421 @Drudge_Report Jake England thought 2 years about his father's death and got no justice from the judiciary-another problem with this@EJM421 @Drudge_Report Jake England (white name) but he's BROWN CHEROKEE, W/MOHAWK! Oh but he's white... HE'S CHEROKEE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/08/oklahoma-shooting-spree-arrests_n_1410828.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl15%7Csec1_lnk2&pLid=150101
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report JOR~GE Zimmerman clearly HISPANIC, BROWN SKIN and adopted by Jews, Spanish first name@EJM421 @Drudge_Report Again, I heard the news get it wrong last night-everyone who's not black is a White Hispanic, or White, even Cherokee(with mohawks no less!!!!)
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report the young Cherokee man's father was killed and the black man who actually killed him was only serving 6yrs #injustice
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report What happened in Tulsa is a failure of the community to reach out to those their community has harmed:RT @Drudge_Report: White man beaten after black attackers shout 'Trayvon'... http://drudge.tw/IwbNL0 where is Sharpton and calls of injustice?!
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @EJM421 @Drudge_Report That's right... just because a vengeful Cherokee and his white roommate took revenge falsely I don't change details!!

We need to pray for healing in black community: there's 50% murder rate of 12.6% African Americans on each other. #Trayvon #Press #Hypocrisy
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@BillCosby Another thing: #Trayvon was not one of the Cosby kids !!!!
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@BillCosby If you carry a spear, do you intend hunt with it or harm someone? Plenty of blacks carry guns for defense, why is this different?
*Cos and Effect – Bill Hypocritical on Trayvon
By Shadow Patriot on April 10, 2012 at 6:57 am
*To quote the words of Eddie Murphy as he was imitating Richard Prior, “Tell Bill I said have a coke and a smile and shut the &^@$ up.”
What that line was in reference to was a skit wherein Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy to criticize his comedy style. Eddie Murphy then recounts a conversation he had with Richard Prior about the subject.However, the line is just as appropriate when you consider Bill Cosby’s latest comment regarding the Trayvon Martin shooting. “When you carry a gun, you mean to harm somebody, kill somebody.” Let that sink in for a moment.I am a gun owner as are, I suspect, many of you reading this. I can say first-hand that my carrying of a gun has never meant I mean to harm somebody or kill somebody. What it has meant to me was self-defense. The simple act of carrying a gun gives me peace of mind. When deployed, I would carry a gun, as would all military members (and some civilians) around me. Not one person has ever given me pause to think they are intending to kill someone or do someone harm. In fact, the reason to carry is gun is to prevent harm, or should someone intend to do me or others around me harm, I can answer back with lethal force.That is the very nature of self-defense.The fact that shootings make the news should also give you pause. How many of those shootings are in self-defense? Few? Less than 5%? Less than that? Statistics are not easy to come by, and here is why…most acts of self-defense do not end with a discharge of a weapon.
Short story: My family and I are on a long road trip in unfamiliar areas of the country. I had my Beretta 96 strapped to my leg in a Blackhawk thigh holster. It is a full-sized handgun in .40 caliber.NOTE: I personally advocate “open-carry.” For those who do not know what this is, “open-carry” simply means carrying your weapon in the open. In other words, advertising that you have one. I personally believe this is much better, for me, as I would have the weapon at the ready should I need it. However, simply having it visible to everyone is probably enough to deter someone from acting in a threatening manner near me, but I digress.Not once were we bothered on the road, and not once were we bothered in any restaurant we went into where it was legal for me to open carry. I felt safer with it, as I am proficient with it both in draw and accuracy. I also had to come to grips with two very critical realities. 1. Was I prepared to take someone’s life should the need arise? Yes. 2. Would I hesitate in doing so if by doing so I could save the lives of those around me, especially my family? No.Does this make me a violent person?No. Not at all. It makes me a practical person. Guns do not cause someone to be violent. They do not cause someone to shoot
My wife is rather good with guns, and since we lived in a particularly rough section of a large city many years ago, I am glad we had a gun in the house. She felt threatened one day by what she perceived as a home invasion (it was not, but she did not know that at the time), and did exactly as I taught her. I taught her that the first thing she does is put herself between the baby and the threat (in this case, someone messing with the door during the day). Announce that she was armed, and wait. I taught her to always keep her finger off the trigger until she meant to pull it. We practiced this, and discussed this many times, so when the moment came where she felt she had to prepare to act, she was ready. The military teaches us that when faced with a stressful situation, we fall back on our training, and that is what she did. No shots were fired, no one was hurt.Did that make her a violent person?No, not at all. She felt threatened and wanted to protect our son. And she acted as I taught her. Was there a threat? In the end, no. However at the time we did not know that. Did she mean to harm someone? No. She meant to keep our son safe. Did she feel empowered? Indeed she did, but not empowered to hurt someone simply because she had a gun. She had a REASON. That is the crucial aspect Bill Cosby, and other anti-gun advocates, neglect to think about.ALL self-defensive uses of handguns, whether a weapon was discharged or not, had a reason. To keep someone and/or someone’s family safe.In reading through the article, I found out that Bill Cosby was apparently in the Navy. This means he has handled weapons before. Did they turn him into a murder-crazed maniac?
No, definitely not. He was taught that he needed a reason to fire his weapon.
Of course, being the military, the reason would have been a combat situation. Knowing this, he should know better than to claim the
Bill should also realize that criminals conduct their crimes in moments, and sometimes seconds. In those brief seconds, an armed person has to decide whether or not to use deadly force. I am pretty sure police lack the ability to respond to any deadly-force situation in mere seconds, unless they were already there.This is not to say I am defending Zimmerman. I have no idea what happened that night, and the full accounting will only be had after a complete investigation
I am saying that Bill Cosby is hypocritical in stating that guns empower someone to hurt another person because Bill himself has handled guns, and he (as far as we know) has never hurt someone.Bill, guns are the reason you have the freedom to spew mindless drivel attacking guns and by extension, gun owners. You may be doing good work in promoting responsibility among the black community, but you are detached from reality when it comes to guns and gun rights.Bill, have a coke and a smile, and keep making people laugh, including the security at your venues who may be carrying a gun to keep you safe. Stay out of gun politics, you do not know what you are talking about.

Tags: 2nd amendment, bill cosby, gun rights, guns, hypocrite, icon, politics, self-defense, shadow patriot, the national patriot, trayvon martinThis entry was posted on Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 at 657am and is filed under Constitution and Amendments, Shadow Patriot. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Chief Brooks @TeaPartyChief_
#Zimmerman passed this test, which is why he was not arrested by the #SanfordPoliceDepartmenthttp://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/06/tagblogsfindlawcom2012-blotter-idUS214913966420120406
Police Gave George Zimmerman Voice Stress Test
George Zimmerman's defense team is growing, suggesting that he's planning for a grand jury indictment and a subsequent criminal trial. Interestingly, his new attorney has begun releasing some previously
Police Gave George Zimmerman Voice Stress Test
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By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. at FindLaw.com
Fri Apr 6, 2012 1:07am EDT
George Zimmerman's defense team is growing, suggesting that he's planning for a grand jury indictment and a subsequent criminal trial. Interestingly, his new attorney has begun releasing some previously unknown facts.
Did you know that, on the night of Trayvon Martin's death, Sanford police gave George Zimmerman a voice stress test?
They did, and the results probably contributed to his release.
A voice stress test is like a polygraph, but instead of measuring heart rate and blood pressure, it looks for changes in an individual's voice patterns that are thought to suggest psychological stress. With the help of software, investigators record a suspect answering baseline questions and then compare them to answers about the case.
This technology is not unique to Sanford. The National Institute for Truth Verification, a manufacturer of the technology, claims that over 1,800 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies use their product. They also claim to have trained U.S. Military personnel.
Expert opinion is mixed, but a study commissioned by the Justice Department suggests that a voice stress test is "no better than flipping a coin." For this reason, like its cousin the polygraph, George Zimmerman's voice stress test probably wouldn't be admissible at trial. However, it can still be used in the investigatory phase.
George Zimmerman's voice stress test came out clean, according to attorney Hal Uhrig. If the Sanford Police Department is willing to spend more than $10,000 on the product, then it probably trusts its results. And those results probably corroborated what officers initially saw at the scene.
Tyler Perry Pulled Over, Accuses White Cops of Racial Profiling via Facebook
By Andrew Chow, JD at FindLaw.com
Thu Apr 5, 2012 8:13pm EDT
Tyler Perry's April 1 Facebook post about police pulling him over was no April Fool's joke: The highest-paid man in entertainment is accusing a pair of white Atlanta police officers of racial profiling.
Four days later, Perry's post boasts more than 117,000 "likes," 21,000 comments, and 12,000 shares. Atlanta police have launched an internal investigation, E! News reports.
Perry's predicament began when he admittedly made a left turn from a far-right lane -- a trick his security detail taught him, to make sure he wasn't being followed, Perry explained on Facebook.
Two white Atlanta police officers pulled him over, but apparently did not realize they'd just stopped Tyler Perry.
When Perry explained his illegal turn was to make sure no one was tailing him, one officer allegedly asked, "Why do you think someone would be following you?" Perry said in his post.
Before Perry could answer, the second white officer started "banging" on his passenger's side window -- apparently taking issue with the window's tint, Perry told his fans.
As both officers "badgered" Perry about why he thought someone may be following him, Perry said he recalled his mother's advice:
"My mother would always say to me, 'if you get stopped by the police, especially if they are white policemen, you say 'yes sir' and 'no sir', and if they want to take you in, you go with them. Don't resist, you hear me? Don't make any quick moves, don't run, you just go.'"
But then a second police cruiser pulled up, and a black Atlanta policeman emerged. "He took one look at me and had that 'Oh No' look on his face," Perry recounted.
The black officer spoke "in a hushed tone" to the two white officers, Perry said. "After that, one of the officers stayed near his car while one came back, very apologetic."
Perry was released, but news reports do not indicate whether he was cited for his illegal left turn or tinted windows. Georgia law requires drivers to approach a left turn from "the extreme left-hand lane" of a multi-lane road, Georgia Public Broadcasting reports.
Georgia law also makes it a misdemeanor to tint driver's or passenger's side windows under certain conditions, according to the state's Department of Public Safety.
The Atlanta police department's Office of Professional Standards is looking into Tyler Perry's racial-profiling claims, E! News reports.
Tom Graves @RepTomGraves
Disappointed to announce I have to postpone our town hall tomorrow in Hall County to attend a funeral. Will reschedule it soon. #gapol
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @RepTomGraves That's okay, we're holding annual tea parties this weekend/you could always have one of those, and my condolences to you.10:57 AM - 10 Apr 12 via web · Details

Newt Gingrich: I'm 'Slightly Less Than' $4.5 Million In Debt
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Newt Gingrich acknowledged on Sunday that his campaign was in fairly massive debt. But the former House Speaker continued to stress that he would remain in the race for purposes of driving the party, and its platform, in certain ideological directions.
Posted: 04/ 8/2012 9:53 am Updated: 04/ 9/2012 12:37 pm
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Newt Gingrich acknowledged on Sunday that his campaign was in fairly massive debt. But the former House Speaker continued to stress that he would remain in the race for purposes of driving the party, and its platform, in certain ideological directions.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Gingrich was asked about a report that his campaign had spent roughly $4.5 million more than it had raised.
"I think slightly less than that," he replied, declining to offer a more specific number. "We owe much more than we wanted to. Florida got to be a real brawl. And I think, unfortunately, our guys tried to match Romney and it turned out we didn't have anything like his capacity to raise money."
Gingrich admitted that he had to dip into his personal finances to help fund his campaign though he insisted that he had not spent much of his own money. He also acknowledged that he was campaigning heavily in Delaware because it was relatively inexpensive to do so.
"We are operating on a shoestring," he said.
Acknowledging that Romney would likely end up as the nominee, Gingrich pledged to help him once he reached the necessary number of delegates. In what capacity he would serve is unclear. The former Speaker said he would talk to RNC officials about how best to serve the party, post-primary. He added that there would be no lingering animus between him and the former Massachusetts Governor, despite the heated campaigning between the two.
"I hit him as hard as I could," said Gingrich. "He hit me as hard as he could. Turned out he had more things to hit with than I did."

Funny: I don't spend $10,000 a day on the Georgia Legislature to get my point across... my words are worth that much http://t.co/OIky3Oz
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Updated: 1:31 p.m. Sunday, April 8, 2012 | Posted: 1:31 p.m. Sunday, April 8, 2012
Lobbyists spend thousands on gifts for lawmakers
The Associated Press
Lobbyists spent almost $10,000 a day on gifts for Georgia lawmakers during the legislative session, according to an analysis by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution published on Sunday.
The analysis shows (http://bit.ly/HnwTzw) lobbyists spent $866,747 on gifts for lawmakers between Jan. 1 and March 31 — an average of $9,525 per day. It included more than $17,000 in free sports and events tickets, dinners that cost as much as $245 apiece and golf outings.
The expenditures came as a statewide coalition called the Georgia Alliance for Ethics Reform urged legislators to limit lobbyists' gifts to $100 per event. The measure never emerged from committee during the 40-day session.
But there are signs the lobbyist culture is changing. Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle's office told the newspaper on Friday he plans to study the issue of lobbying later this year. And Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers this year quietly decided not to accept any gifts from lobbyists.
It's hard to connect a lobbyist's spending with a development in the Legislature, but state ethics reports make it easier to determine high levels of activity from lobbyists.
State Rep. Mickey Channell, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, went to dozens of dinners with lobbyists representing hospitals, auto dealers, utilities and retailers during the first three months of the year. He was particularly popular because he was the sponsor of a House bill that called for a wide-ranging update to the state's tax structure.
Channell told the newspaper the dinners were "perfectly legal" and a part of doing business at the statehouse.
"The bottom line is, frankly, it extends the legislative day for me," he told the newspaper. "I go to work early, and most often times go out to eat with this group or that group."
It applied even to a Valentine's Day dinner for Channell and his wife Carolyn. Lobbyists for the Georgia Hospital Association and Georgia Power reported spending a total of $236.96 for the couple's dinner that evening.
Rogers, meanwhile, accepted more than $10,000 in gifts from lobbyists in 2011. But this year he said he wanted to go back to his Woodstock district with a zero on his lobbyist balance sheet, so he gave everything back.
"I'm not trying to show up anybody. I'm not even trying to make this an issue," he said.
He said the culture at the statehouse is one in which legislators often receive gifts they never requested — or even wanted.
"I spent considerable amounts of money paying people for things I never asked for," Rogers said. "The problem is you don't know who to go to, to tell them you are not taking it."
Cagle, meanwhile, is planning to name a special Senate committee at the end of the summer to study lobbyist spending and develop recommendations for 2013.
"As he has done throughout his career, the lieutenant governor will continue to advocate for more transparency for all elected officials in an effort to preserve the public's trust," said Cagle spokesman Ben Fry.
That could be welcome news for the groups pushing for reform, which include Common Cause Georgia, the Georgia Tea Party Patriots and Georgia Watch.
Debbie Dooley of the Georgia Tea Party Patriots said lawmakers could get more serious about changing the way they deal with lobbyists if they "feel the pain of primary opposition."
"I think it absolutely will be an issue," she told the newspaper. "I'm already hearing from people in different parts of the state interested in running in the primary against some of the incumbents."
Information from: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, http://www.ajc.com
Copyright The Associated Press

If you receive TANF in Georgia, you may be required to sign a waiver to participate, as to curtail defrauding of the program, you will have to pass an initial drug test. If you are reported for fraud, you will lose the provision for a month, 2 failed tests 3 months, and 3 failed drug tests you will lose the provision for a year:http://www.ajc.com/news/georgia-government/drug-test-bill-draws-1411340.html?cxtype=rss_news_81963
Drug-test bill draws legal heat | ajc.com
Georgia’s proposal to drug-test parents who seek welfare faces significant questions about its constitutionality as well as challenges of how to set up the program, despite support by state lawmakers and similar efforts in other states.
GEORGIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 6:07 a.m. Monday, April 9, 2012
Drug-test bill draws legal heat
Critics say plan is unconstitutional; backers point to savings, ‘tough love’
By Kristina Torres and Christopher Quinn
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Georgia’s proposal to drug-test parents who seek welfare faces significant questions about its constitutionality as well as challenges of how to set up the program, despite support by state lawmakers and similar efforts in other states.
An Atlanta-based advocacy group has already begun preparing a lawsuit, as Gov. Nathan Deal faces a decision of whether to sign House Bill 861 or not. The bill received final passage March 29, supported by a solid Republican majority on the last day of this year’s legislative session. Their approval came despite an ongoing legal challenge in Florida against a similar measure.
Opponents argue that drug testing of welfare recipients violates the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches. Supporters believe it will save the state money and promote personal responsibility. Both sides in Georgia appear willing to fight the issue out in court.
“Tax dollars should never be spent on and enabling illegal activity,” said Sen. John Albers, R-Roswell, a sponsor of the bill. Ideally, he said, it meant “assuring we are giving people a hand up, not just a handout. Level the playing field for others in the private sector and civil service jobs who submit to drug tests. Ultimately, help people with tough love to get clean and become tax-productive members of society.”
HB 861 would require parents who apply for the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program to pay for and pass a drug test that would cost at least $17. TANF provides temporary financial help to low-income families with children. Passing the drug test once would be a condition of eligibility to receive benefits.
Georgia is one of the first states in 2012 to pass a drug-testing law for those receiving public benefits, though more than 25 are considering similar legislation in various combinations.
“They range from bills like Georgia’s bill calling for wholesale suspicionless testing to others who are introducing bills to require testing for a range of services,” said Rachel Bloom, a policy strategist for the American Civil Liberties Union.
Among other mandates in Georgia’s bill, the state would have to:
● Make at least one parent in a two-parent household comply.
● Make a teen parent comply if she does not live with a parent, legal guardian or other adult caretaker.
● Assure results are not subject to the state’s Open Records law or part of a criminal investigation (or subject to subpoena) or in civil action unless consented to.
● Inform a applicant who tests positive of his or her ability to retest.
● Provide a list of substance abuse treatment programs for an applicant who tests positive.
Another adult who passes a test could accept payments on behalf of a child of an ineligible parent. The bill does provide for certain exemptions, including for parents with physical or mental disabilities. The bill also asks the state to figure out how applicants can make officials aware they take medically prescribed drugs that could affect their test.
State officials said it was hard to pinpoint the financial impact of the bill. During the session, they suggested an impact that could range from a net cost of about $84,500 to a savings of about $103,000 annually. They also estimated 800 of 19,000 applicants would likely test positive and be denied TANF.
The bill would become law upon Deal’s signature, unless he vetoes the measure. The $17 testing fee assumes an applicant is on Medicaid. If not, he or she would have to foot the full bill, which some opposing lawmakers said could exceed $30.
The National Conference of State Legislatures is tracking proposed bills including drug testing for unemployment, Medicaid, TANF and food stamps.
Florida was the first to pass a TANF drug-testing bill in 2011, prompting the ACLU to sue on behalf of a military veteran and single father who believed the state was forcing him to pay for and undergo an unconstitutional search without probable cause to believe he used drugs.
A federal judge suspended Florida’s program until the suit is resolved. She noted in her opinion that Florida operated a pilot program before implementing statewide testing that showed 5 percent of TANF applicants tested positive for drug use. That was lower than the estimated 8 percent of the general population that used illegal drugs.
The pilot program “undermined the underlying assumption regarding the prevalence of substance abuse among TANF applicants,” wrote U.S. District Judge Mary S. Scriven.
The case is before the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta.
Gerry Weber, an attorney for the Atlanta-based Southern Center for Human Rights, said the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed suspicionless testing under rare circumstances — tests for school bus drivers, for example. Georgia’s proposal, however, goes too far, he said. “We believe this requirement is unconstitutional,” Weber said. The center is preparing a lawsuit, which it would file if Deal signs the bill.
The ACLU also has issues with the bill. “We think Georgia’s law is problematic, as problematic as Florida’s,” said Jason Williamson, an ACLU staff attorney.
The steady flow of similar bills across the country shows him that states are not going to wait until the 11th Circuit weighs in before trying to pass similar laws, he said.
“These type bills play well politically with the public,” Williamson said, “so even if they are struck down, there is little political risk for the legislators.”
Though Congress authorized drug testing for welfare recipients under the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, it provided no guidance on how to do so constitutionally.
Utah tried to jump the constitutional hurdle this year by passing a law that requires recipients to fill out a questionnaire that may give indications of the likelihood of drug use before the test. The ACLU’s Bloom said the Utah law also set aside money for treatment, and anyone who fails the drug test can continue to get benefits while they remain in treatment.
In committee, Georgia legislators discussed providing drug treatment, but could not get the votes to approve it.
Brian Robinson, Deal’s spokesman, said the bill was under review. Otherwise, “we cannot comment on legislation that was not an explicit part of the governor’s 2012 agenda,” he said.
Georgia has had similar laws struck down by the courts, including a former mandate to drug-test candidates running for public office.
Albers, however, said lawmakers worked hard to make the bill constitutional.
“We have the best attorney general in the country,” Albers said of the state’s Sam Olens. “He and his staff are qualified and annually budgeted to respond to any frivolous litigation that may arise. It is absolutely worth it to change the ideology back to the principles that made America great.”
Drug-testing bill
According to the Georgia proposal that would require parents who apply for the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program to pay for and pass a drug test:
● An applicant who fails one drug test would be ineligible for benefits for a month.
● Test positive twice, and an applicant would not qualify for benefits for three months.
● For a third or subsequent positive result, the applicant would be ineligible for one year. Those with three strikes could qualify earlier than a year if they complete a substance abuse treatment program.
● In all cases, an applicant would still have to pass a drug test before being eligible for the program.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews If they sign a waiver, they can't sue: those are provisions of program, and by receipt of TANF you agree to prevent fraud.
9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews I do like the provisions, because it rewards sobriety though and takes those people off the roll. Make them sign a waiver.9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews We can drug test, but that will not stop people who have a problem, who can't stay sober 4-5 months or years at a time.9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews With a waiver, it is then easy to say they acknowledged they were to not be abusing food stamps and process them for fraud.9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews That way, they acknowledge food stamps are to be used for food, not traded for drugs, cash, cigarettes, beer, etc.#fraud9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews The appropriation of federal or state funds is serious, and it is a waste of money to test. Signing the waiver is the key.
9 Apr
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews This does not violate the 4th Amendment, have them sign a waiver acknowledging the policy
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Richard Viguerie says "Romney must still convince conservatives" to support him
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EstablishmentDC @KurtSchlichter The House is waffling between 3 possibilities on Obama: fully impeach, deport, defeat by election...
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EstablishmentDC @KurtSchlichter then dump the Senate !!
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Aja Brooks Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@RickSantorum I have $ in hand, and I thought this was to refocus after Bella leaving the hospital today. Please let us know.
2m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@RickSantorum Please consider continuing your campaign, there are a lot of people who want to donate, but know family is important.
6m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
cnn live feed sucks
Aja Brooks me too -- that's what I was saying to Dad, because Romney hasn't convinced me he deserves it
Aja Brooks yeah today is a stinker for sure
KABUL – The Afghan government and the U.S. signed a deal Sunday governing night raids by American troops, resolving an issue that had threatened to derail a larger pact governing a U.S. presence in the country for decades to come.
The raids were a constant source of tension between Kabul and Washington. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called repeatedly to stop the raids, saying that they are provocative when carried out by foreign troops. The U.S. military has said such operations are essential for capturing Taliban and Al Qaeda commanders.
- February 21, 2011: A Chinook helicopter lands to pick up U.S. soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division following a night raid in Yahya Khel, Paktika province.
The memorandum was signed in front of reporters by Kabul's Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak and the commander of U.S. forces, Gen. John Allen.
"Today we are one step closer to the establishment of a strategic partnership," Allen told reporters.
"It opens the way for the signing of the strategic partnership agreement which we hope our two presidents will be able to sign in the near future," said Janan Mosazai, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry. Both U.S. and Afghan officials have said that they expect to sign the full partnership deal in time for a NATO summit in Chicago in May.
The issue over the conduct of night raids had been a major sticking point between the U.S. and the Afghan government.
The Afghans say that foreign-led raids cause widespread resentment and lead to civilian deaths, but the Pentagon disputes this.
More than 97 percent of night operations are combined operations involving Afghan forces and almost 40 percent of night operations are now Afghan-led, according to the Pentagon. Also, 89 percent of night operations occur without a shot fired and fewer than 1 percent result in civilian casualties, the Pentagon says.
However, it's unclear whether Afghan forces have had much authority even in operations that are nominally "Afghan-led." Sometimes this designation means only that an Afghan soldier is the first one through the door, or that officials have given a rubber-stamp to the mission just as it starts.
Under the agreement, all "special operations" will have to be reviewed and approved by a panel pulled from the Afghan military, government and intelligence services, according to an Afghan official familiar with the agreement. The official said "special operation" could mean any "unconventional" operation, but not ordinary patrols or conventional pushes to take territory.
These decisions will be made in consultation with U.S. forces taking into consideration intelligence gathered by the U.S. military, the official said, but it was unclear if the Americans would also have a member on the panel or a say in the final decision.
The official spoke anonymously to discuss the agreement before it was signed.
The night raids deal follows an earlier memorandum signed on the transfer of authority over detentions to the Afghans -- another issue that had threatened to derail the strategic partnership talks.
The detention pact sets forth a timetable to give Afghans operational control of facilities used to hold Afghan detainees, but leaves decisions on who to release to a panel that includes American military officials that must come to a consensus before any detainee is let go -- essentially giving the Americans the ability to veto any release.
There may be similar fine print in the night raid deal that would allow U.S. forces to maintain a significant level of authority.
It's unclear if a higher level of Afghan authority will actually mean that the targets of raids will be treated more humanely. There have been instances of villagers complaining that when Afghan forces conduct raids they also loot houses. Also, the U.S. military stopped transferring detainees to a number of Afghan prisons after the U.N. discovered evidence of torture at the facilities.
@DeptofDefense @evocati1 @USMC make cuts = #SecuringTheFuture we must maintain defense as #1 Constitutional Priority http://lnk.ms/Wb6nV
Would the #UK please educate #Assad that #PepperSpray and#SmokeBombs control riots without bullets?????
#Assad demands #written #agreement from rebels as he continues shooting his own people http://t.co/qB5qFlE
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via TwitterLet us pray for Turkey, who have opened their border to refugees of Syria, now feeling the pains of bullets from the Syrian government.
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter@SenatorSessions Make sure the appropriations are in order, we can tackle entitlement privatization this summer to the states.
Ex-Syrian army commander calls for air strikes on Assad troops
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis | Reuters – 18 hrs ago
APAYDEN, Turkey (Reuters) - A former army commander who now leads a military council trying to organize armed resistance to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said air strikes on forces spearheading his military crackdown would be the only way to avoid a protracted civil war.
Western and regional powers grappling with how to support the year-long uprising against Assad should shed a reluctance for military action and consider air strikes to force out the Alawite ruling elite, General Mustafa al-Sheikh told Reuters.
This would preserve the structure of the armed forces and incur less bloodshed than arming the mostly Sunni Muslim rebels, as advocated by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, the Sunni commander said.
"You will not need a long air campaign. Seventy percent of the Syrian military is already out of action and air strikes would be a message to the Syrian people that the international community is really with them," he said, referring to Sunni soldiers who make up the bulk of the army and ten of thousands of whom are now confined to barracks.
Western powers have little appetite for military intervention in Syria and the NATO military alliance has ruled out a repeat of last year's air campaign in support of rebels who toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Sheikh said chaos was brewing in Syria because many civilians were joining the rebels after their relatives were killed, imprisoned or tortured by Assad's Alawite led-forces.
"They're badly outgunned and still want revenge. They will be emboldened if they get serious weapons. Nothing will control them," he said during an interview at a dusty camp for defecting Syrian officers near the border with Syria.
Sheikh pointed to people in a nearby tent paying condolences to an officer from Hama province. Twelve of his relatives were hacked to death in an attack by Alawite forces on the Sunni village of al-Latmana this week, Sheikh said
"How do you expect his family to react? What do you expect the relatives of those who were raped and tortured to do? The regime is inviting revenge," Sheikh said.
The United Nations says Syrian forces have killed 9,000 people since the uprising against Assad erupted in March last year. Syria blames foreign-backed militants for the violence and says they have killed at least 2,500 soldiers and police.
Syria has agreed to withdraw forces from cities before a ceasefire on Thursday, but has insisted on written guarantees from rebels and regional powers for a halt to opposition violence. Bloodshed has continued unabated, casting doubt on the proposed truce.
Sheikh fled his post in the northern command of Assad's army among ground forces based in Aleppo in January and crossed with his family to neighboring Turkey. Eight other generals have since joined him on the Higher Syrian Military Council to create a centralized command structure for the rebels.
Their efforts have had limited success, with links still weak with rebels on the inside and divisions among the officers in exile, including a rift between Sheikh and Colonel Riad al-Asaad, the nominal head of the Free Syrian Army, who sits on the council.
Sheikh estimated the total number of soldiers who have deserted at 50,000 out of the 280,000 military. Tens of thousands more Sunni soldiers have been confined to their barracks but cannot desert because of the grip of military intelligence and lack of safe areas, he said.
The military forces Assad is sending to towns and cities across the country to put down the revolt number no more than 60,000, the grey-haired general said.
"Bashar does not need many infantry because he is relying on artillery, tanks and missile squadrons in the hands of his loyalists. Once those are hit he is finished," Sheikh said.
"The rebels are badly outgunned. There are no weapons coming to them from Turkey, and the ones being smuggled from Lebanon and Iraq are of such bad quality," he said.
Sheikh said the air strikes could be similar to those by NATO on Serbian troops two decades ago and the ones that helped topple Libya's leader last year, targeting the Fourth Armored Division and the Republican Guards - the army's best equipped units, under the grip of Assad's brother Maher.
"Preferably air strikes would be accompanied by the establishment of safe zones that will draw in the army divisions who want to defect but currently cannot," he said.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly said setting up a "safe" or "buffer zone" along the border was an option, but the United States has ruled out military action.
"I realize that there has been no appetite from the international community to intervene to such degree," Sheikh said. "Seeing the regime's increased brutality, they should recalculate."
(Editing by Louise Ireland and Dominic Evans)
France takes new look at radicalization in prisons
French authorities contend the gunman in a killing spree in Toulouse took the path to religious radicalization behind bars, with neither teacher nor network.
Yemen, hot bed of Al Qaeda suicide bomber strongholds, begins with an attack on our Army this week http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/09/world/meast/yemen-attack/index.html?eref=edition&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=cnni
Militants, troops die in al Qaeda attack in Yemen
From Hakim Almasmari, For CNNApril 9, 2012 -- Updated 1530 GMT (2330 HKT)
Suspected Al-Qaeda militants man a checkpoint in the southern Yemeni province of Shabwa on Tuesday.
- Militants hit an army barracks in Abyan province, officials say
- Al Qaeda has expanded its control over parts of Yemen
- Government warplanes bombed al Qaeda positions last week
- At least 17 suspected al Qaeda militants die in Monday's fighting
(CNN) -- Al Qaeda militants seized control of a military base and two checkpoints during raids in southern Yemen on Monday in which at least 30 people died, security officials and residents said.
Hours of firefights erupted after the militants hit an army barracks in the Loder district of Abyan province in an assault that included heavy artillery, according to the officials.
The dead included 17 militants, 11 soldiers and two members of pro-government tribes, they said.
This is the second militant attempt to take over Loder this year. The first was in early January.
Yemen takes a step toward democracy
Last week, Yemen poured thousands of troops into the country's south to battle al Qaeda fighters and tighten security, officials said. Yemeni warplanes bombarded al Qaeda hideouts all week in a series of U.S.-supported airstrikes in Abyan and Lahj provinces.
The offensive came after militants killed dozens of troops and seized large quantities of weapons when they raided a military zone. Numerous other Yemeni soldiers were taken hostage, officials said.
Yemen's al Qaeda movement has expanded its control over parts of the country in the past year, leading politicians to consider the option of dialogue with the militant network.

France takes new look at radicalization in prisons
By ELAINE GANLEY | Associated Press – Mon, Apr 9, 2012
FILE - This undated and unlocated …
You read this
PARIS (AP) — French authorities contend the gunman in a killing spree in Toulouse took the path to religious radicalization behind bars — with neither teacher nor network.
They're now looking for ways to detect what may be a new phenomenon in prisons, the arrival of the enigmatic "lone wolf" Islamist radical, already a challenge to law enforcement authorities in the world at large.
The investigation will show whether gunman Mohamed Merah, who claimed al-Qaida links, acted alone in the three March attacks that killed seven people.
But in the meantime, his case has been seized upon by those who say the model for Islamist radicalization in prisons may be changing, away from networks of extremists and toward more individualized paths to radicalism.
President Nicolas Sarkozy ordered a study on the evolving threat in prisons after last month's killings, and the justice minister called for greater intelligence gathering in prisons and more Muslim prison chaplains.
Tracking such "lone wolf" radicals presents prison authorities with a new challenge: detecting the Muslim inmate who is not just turning to religion but turning the corner to danger. Some worry that even tighter surveillance may carry the risk of a double-edged sword, stigmatizing a Muslim population already deprived of the means to properly practice their faith behind bars.
In countries from Europe to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, prisons have long been known as incubators for Islamist extremism, where self-proclaimed imams or convicted terrorists prey on vulnerable inmates.
The problem is acute in France, the country with the largest Muslim population in western Europe, estimated at some 5 million, and, it is said, the most Muslim prisoners. France doesn't count inmatesby ethnicity or religion, but one expert estimates that about half of French inmates are Muslim, far greater than the proportion in the population at large.
Yet there are only 151 Muslim prison chaplains to tend to the needs of prisoners of the Islamic faith, compared to 700 Roman Catholic chaplains. Islamic leaders say the dearth of chaplains and the failure to provide basics like halal food for imprisoned Muslims heightens the risk that inmates will feel rejected by the system and seek their own — possibly radical — path.
This parallels the emergence of "lone wolf" terrorists in the world at large. Experts say the lone wolf phenomenon is in a way a testimony to succesful Western intelligence, which has made it more difficult for networks to form — outside or inside prisons.
"In a way this is a modernization of terrorism. They don't need role models," said Farhad Khosrokhavar, who has written a book on Muslims in prison and another on Muslim prison radicals, and is currently researching the development of extremisms of all kinds in French prisons.
A terrorist cell in France, dismantled in 2005, was famously born behind French prison walls with members recruited by a convicted terror accomplice, Safe Bourada.
"My personal view is those parameters that identify ... radicalized (prisoners) have to be deeply revised because they are based on networks," Khosrokhavar said. He estimates the Muslim prison population at 40-60 percent of the 66,455 people in detention in France.
Justice Minister Michel Mercier recently announced he wants a full-time security official devoted to intelligence gathering in each large prison and closer working ties between the prison administration and intelligence agencies. He also wants an increase in the number of Muslim chaplains in French prisons.
"A new phenomenon has appeared, the self-radicalization of some prisoners," Mercier said. "Mohamed Merah read the Quran alone and it is his own interpretation that led him to radicalization."
Sarkozy has called self-radicalization "the worst thing for democracies," apparently referring to the difficulty in detecting this solitary transformation without trampling on civil liberties.
Sarkozy ordered authorities to find new ways to tackle the emergence of a new breed of radicals behind bars after police said the 23-year-old Merah killed three paratroopers, a rabbi and three Jewish school children. Merah was killed March 22 by an elite police squad after a 32-hour standoff at his Toulouse apartment.
Merah spent about a year and half in prison for theft and made trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan after being freed.
There are currently 200 inmates in French prisons under surveillance for radical Islamist tendencies — 75 of them already imprisoned for actions linked to Islamist terrorism, according to Justice Ministry spokesman Bruno Badre.
The seemingly small number of prisoners tagged as potentially simmering threats has doubled since 2008 and there is a fear that unbeknownst to authorities some inmates may be radicalizing in isolation after petty crimes, like Merah.
French authorities have not elaborated on Merah's path to radicalism, nor have they offered proof that he didn't have teachers or guides. His brother was known as an ultraconservative Muslim, and was handed preliminary charges in the investigation as a suspected accomplice.
Alain Bauer, a leading French criminologist, believes that self-radicalization of Muslims in a prison is rare, and that religion is part of a larger process of finding identity for disenfranchised minorities, "for kids in the middle ... born in France but not French."
"You are just in-between, a mid-level delinquent. You know you won't become chief of the gang." In this context, Bauer said, "religion is just a cover for a personal way to become somebody."
Prison intelligence "gets you on a list where you're surveyed" but doesn't explain the road to radicalization. He says that police didn't understand quickly enough that a gangster can also be an Islamist terrorist.
French prison officials only started acting to detect the risk of Islamist radicalization in the past decade, several years after deadly bombings around the country in 1995 blamed on a brutal Algerian insurgency movement.
Officials trained to decipher early signs of radicalization have been assigned to large prisons on a full-time basis, and part-time in smaller facilities, according to the Justice Ministry spokesman. Since 2002, the ministry collects noteworthy prison intelligence and information can be shared with intelligence services.
Experts say standard overt signs of radicalization can include growing a beard, a change in behavior with prison personnel, notably going from a good to a deteriorating relationship, or even hanging out in the exercise yard with the same group of prisoners.
A "manual of good practices" enumerating what to look for and how to cope with extremism was distributed to prison officials in 2008, produced in a joint effort by experts from France, Germany and Austria. Its contents have never been made public.
While prison officials may track suspected budding radicals or transfer problem cases to another facility, the Muslim chaplain at Fleury-Merogis, France's largest prison, has another approach — to listen to inmates.
"My role is, above all, to listen ... but if I see there is a lack, a deficiency, then I try to set things straight," said Abdelhak Eddouk.
"When an inmate sees me, he doesn't say 'I'm radicalizing.'" But Eddouk says some inmates have tested him "to see if I know my religion well or not."
He stresses that only a tiny minority of prisoners move toward radicalism and makes a distinction between those with an extremist ideology and those in search of meaning to their lives.
For Eddouk, the cure is connection — via family ties, prison administrators and chaplins like himself.
"Most prisoners are looking for something to hang onto. They just try to keep standing," he said.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
Let us praise the Saudis who hold murderers of their own people to account! http://news.yahoo.com/saudi-arabia-puts-50-al-qaeda-suspects-trial-152202276.html
Saudi Arabia puts 50 al Qaeda suspects on trial
Reuters – Sun, Apr 8, 2012
You read this
JEDDAH (Reuters) - Fifty men suspected of links to al Qaeda have gone on trial inSaudi Arabia on charges of killing an American and attacking foreign housing compounds in the capital and in the Eastern Province, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said.
The report said five of the suspects had appeared at a special court in the capital Riyadh on Saturday, facing charges including the 2003 bombing of the al-Muhaya compound, where expatriates lived, and planning attacks on the U.S. and British embassies in Saudi Arabia.
Of the defendants, 47 are Saudi, two are Syrian and one is Yemeni, SPA said late on Saturday.
Saudi Arabia saw a militant insurgency from 2003 to 2006 in which al Qaeda members staged attacks on residential compounds for foreign workers and Saudi government facilities, killing dozens.
The kingdom responded by arresting thousands of suspected militants and launching a media campaign to discredit their ideology with the backing of influential clerics and tribal leaders.
"The Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh started looking into the case, filed by the public prosecution, against 50 men," SPA said. "The first, second, third, fourth and fifth defendants appeared in court today (Saturday) and were read their charges."
The session adjourned without setting a date for the next hearing, when the other suspects are also expected to appear.
SPA did not give details on the American the suspects are accused of killing but at least one U.S. national was kidnapped and killed by militants in 2004.
Saudi lawyers say court verdicts are subject to the authority of the judge, who must follow Sharia, Islamic law, stating that those convicted of killing a Muslim can face the death penalty.
Last year the Interior Ministry said nearly 5,700 people had been arrested, and of those 5,000 were tried. Human rights groups in Saudi Arabia put the number of those jailed at more than 12,000, including political prisoners demanding reforms.
Saudi Arabia took 41 people to court in September on charges of forming an al Qaeda-linked cell with the aim of attacking U.S. forces in neighboring Kuwait and Qatar. In October, 85 alleged members of an al Qaeda-linked group were also put on trial.
The government's Human Rights Commission, which reports directly to King Abdullah, and selected local media attended those hearings.
(Reporting By Asma Alsharif; Editing by Sami Aboudi and Karolina Tagaris)
Why Obama is the most anti-woman President with his pro-abortion reconciliation budget #HR4872 & international policies http://t.co/oggJbXZ
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter- Kevin Stancer likes this.
- Larry Hogue The finest purveyor of bovine excrement in America, spreading it around liberally since being put in office!
- Yesterday at 10:18am · Unlike ·
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@SenSanders @WhiteHouse It is hard to hold the wealthy accountable with that kind of poor leadership.1,470 people who made more than $1 million in 2009 paid $0 in federal income tax. (Source: @WhiteHouse) #FairSharehttp://pic.twitter.com/fbnPZS6z@SenSanders @WhiteHouse And Romney has evaded paying 20% annually for 10yrs. and Obama has defrauded the Office of the United States.
April 10, 2012
Oblivious to the Obvious
By Nick Chase
Is Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate a forgery? Definitely yes, for those of us who have spent a lifetime writing and producing technical documents, and who remember how they were produced in pre-computer days, and who have the technical expertise today to produce them using computers. For us, it's been an "open secret" that the document image released by the White House on April 27, 2011 is a complete fake.
Last year, as document experts researched the digital PDF posted at whitehouse.gov and published their findings on the internet, it quickly became clear that the "birth certificate" fails authenticity on at least three levels:
First, in the digital composition of the PDF, where even cursory analysis with Adobe Illustrator will reveal how it was constructed from digital snippets. (My personal favorite is where Illustrator reveals that the supposed rubber-stamp imprint of the registrar, Alvin T. Onaka, was shrunk 24% and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise before it was added to the forgery.)
Second, without fancy (expensive!) software but just by magnifying the PDF about 4x, visible to the naked eye is the mixture of bitmap and grayscale elements which would not have been possible with an ordinary computer scan of a paper document. This is most obvious in the Bates-stamped certificate number, "61 10641" in the upper-right corner of the certificate; the "61 1064" digits are stark black, and the trailing "1" digit is shades of gray, and blurred. Certainly, somebody tampered with this number. Bitmap and grayscale mixtures can also be clearly seen in Line 18a, the parent's signature.
Third, in the typefaces, with at least two different typewriter fonts (maybe more) being used in the single document.
But the problem with most of this research is that it's "geeky," requiring at least some computer knowledge ("layers," "fonts," "anti-aliased," "chromatic aberration," and the like) to understand that the technical arguments for the "birth certificate" being fake are valid. Thus, it's very difficult to prove to the general public, which typically doesn't know much about documents except how to read them, that the Obama "birth certificate" really is a forgery.
So last summer, I wondered if there would be some way to demonstrate that this "birth certificate" is indeed a fake, just by looking at the document itself and without resorting to computer software or to any knowledge about how computers produce documents. And, after studying it for a while, I realized that the forgery fails the "pitch test."
This is a check you can perform yourself, without fancy software of any kind -- or even a computer -- once you have printed out the forgery onto a piece of paper. Even a six-year-old with scissors and the paper image can perform, and understand, this test. (In other words, the test is simple enough that even a dumbass journalist can understand it.)
What do I mean by the "pitch test"? Simple. Manual typewriters (and monospace electric-motor-powered typewriters) have a "pitch" -- so many typed letters per inch. There were many different manual typewriter type styles in the 1960s, but by far the most common were "Courier 10" -- ten characters per inch, including the space bar -- and "Elite 12" -- twelve characters per inch -- with "Courier 10" predominant.
Thus, all of the typed characters in a row of text would, if placed over another typed row of text, be in perfect vertical alignment (including typed spaces), because each typed character occupies exactly the same horizontal space in its row. That's what "monospace" means.
(People over the age of 55 who spent their student years slaving over a typewriter to produce homework papers will know exactly what I'm talking about. People under the age of 30 who have been brought up in the world of tweets and Microsoft Word may not have a clue.)
So, if I took a line of typewritten text from the Obama document and positioned it just above another typewritten line from that same document, if the "birth certificate" were authentic, then the individual letters in the two rows should be in perfect vertical alignment -- one letter directly above another -- right?
For my test I did not use the digital version released by the White House; instead, I used a picture of the actual paper document that Obama claims is a certified copy of his birth certificate. This photo was taken by NBC News reporter Savannah Guthrie, the only reporter from the pool of White House reporters allowed to touch and photograph the paper document, and which she later released to the public.
Using computer software, I copied the text "6085 Kalanianaole Highway" in line 7d of the picture and pasted it above (and touching) the text "Maternity & Gynecological Hospital" in line 6c, in the process placing the "a" of "Highway" directly above the "a" of "Hospital -- the next to last letter in each line. The result is shown in Figure F (F is for forgery) below:
Figure F. In a real typewritten document, the letters line up vertically. In the Obama "birth certificate" forgery, they do not.(Don't worry that the pasted-in line chops off the tops of the letters of the line of text below it. The purpose here is not readability, but to show that the letters do not line up vertically.)
As you scan your eyes to the left, you can see that by the time you reach the "6" of "6085," the vertical alignment is half a character off with the "y" of "Maternity." This is not possible on a manual typewriter. It would appear that the alignment problems originate with the word "Highway," whose letters are slightly narrower and in a different typeface from the text in line 6c. The difference in typefaces is most noticeable in the letter "H" of "Highway" compared to the "H" of "Hospital"tt.
If you still don't quite understand -- look at Figure M (M is for monospace) below, which shows how the two lines of text would line up vertically (with the "6" above the "y," using two spaces following "6085") if the "birth certificate" really had been typed on a typewriter instead of being digitally created. (I have added the bleeding-heart background to make the copy-and-paste more visible.)
Figure M. In a true monospace (typewritten) document, the letters are in vertical alignment. (Courier typeface used here.)I carry a copy of Figure F in my iPhone so I can show people why the "birth certificate" is a forgery whenever the subject comes up. Or, occasionally, even if the subject doesn't come up but I'm in the mood to annoy a liberal.
This pitch test works even with the Obama T-shirt! You know, the white T-shirt that has Barry's picture and "Made in the USA" on the front, and a living-color print of the "birth certificate" digital PDF at shoulder-blade height on the back, just above the legend "BARACKOBAMA.COM"?
If you happen to be in the vicinity of a copier when an Obama supporter wearing the T-shirt passes by, strip off the shirt (male supporters only!), place its backside on the copier glass -- being careful not to wrinkle or stretch the fabric -- and make two photocopies enlarged 200% or more. With scissors, cut out the words "6085 Kalanianaole Highway" on line 7d from one copy and position them above the words "Maternity & Gynecological Hospital" on line 6c on the uncut copy, doing the best you can given the limitations of T-shirt fabric to line them up as was done in Figure F. You should see something similar to Figure T, below:
Figure T. The letters do not line up vertically in the digital version of the "birth certificate" printed on the Obama campaign T-shirt.This alignment was much more difficult for me to achieve than the one shown in Figure F because the T-shirt fabric twists downward at the word "Hospital" in line 6c. I lined up the two "a"s along the vertical threads they touch (which corrects for the twisting of the fabric). When properly aligned, you can see the typewriter letters don't line up vertically, just as they did not in Figure F. This works even if the T-shirt has been worn and put through the wash several times, as was the T-shirt used for Figure T. Some stains just can't be laundered away.
The Republicans must be delighted that the Obama campaign is merchandising on its mugs and T-shirts the fraud that the president has perpetrated on the public.
Armed with this proof, you can now approach any of your liberal friends who are interested and very easily demonstrate why the Obama "birth certificate" is a forgery.
Then you will probably see your friends progress through the classic stages of denial.
You are first likely to hear, "I don't believe you." What your friends really mean is that they are confused because you have disturbed their belief system. Most anybody who has spatial perception and knows even a little bit about typewriters will understand what you have shown them -- even liberals. They can choose -- which are they going to believe, the president, whom they worship, or their own lying eyes? You can almost see the smoke curling out their ears as their brains begin to fry.
This is not an issue of belief -- your liberal friends are entitled to believe whatever they wish. It is an issue of evidence -- concrete proof that the document is a forgery. And it is only one of many (more technical) concrete proofs offered up by respected professionals who have debunked the "birth certificate."
You can challenge your friends to go on the internet and search for any reliable evidence that anybody has posted that disproves Figure F or any of the proofs offered by others dissecting the digital PDF "birth certificate" which was released at whitehouse.gov.
They won't find any, because there isn't any.
Next in line -- get ready for it -- may be the r-word. Now, your friends aren't going to call you a racist, because they know you and they know you're not a racist. So you're likely to hear something more generic like "People wouldn't be looking into this if the president were white. They're only doing it because they don't like having a black man in the White House."
This is still a personal attack on you, because at the very least it implies you share the same views of the president that racists do. So make your reply personal -- something like "You mean, it would be OK for me to look at the president's credentials if he were white -- as was done for candidate John McCain -- but because the president's skin color is black, he gets a pass?" Then envision those curls of smoke erupting into flames as the real racists are exposed.
At some point you will get a very sensible reply from your friends -- that there is no motive for the president to release a fake (therefore it must be genuine).
That we do not know the motive -- this is true.
Researchers have been able to construct a timeline for the birth of Barack Obama. It shows that although legally married, the president's mother, Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama, and his father never lived together. Ann dropped out of college in the spring of 1961 and lived in a cottage behind her parents' house in Hawaii until giving birth. Then, within a month, she moved to Seattle as a single mom, with Barry in tow, to resume her studies. She did not return to Hawaii until the president's father had left for Cambridge, Mass. to attend Harvard. There is nothing in this timeline to even remotely suggest that Barack Obama was born anywhere except in Hawaii.
You might point out to your friends, though, that if police departments across the country waited until they knew the motive behind every criminal act before they took suspects into custody, the country would be awash in crime. Fortunately for the public safety, the police apprehend suspects when appropriate and sort out the motives for the crimes later.
So it should be in this case. We start with the known facts: that (1) the "birth certificate" is fake, and (2) the president has said it's his birth certificate. It is up to researchers to work backward from the known facts to establish why the president was unable or unwilling to release a genuine one.
Your liberal friends may also claim that no one can be sure that the "birth certificate" is a forgery because the paper certificate has never been examined by an expert. This is also true -- the president has not submitted the paper document to independent forensic analysis to establish its authenticity. You might also remind your friends that the proof shown in Figure F is based on the paper document, not on the digital PDF -- and are they implying that there is a difference between the paper and digital versions? If so, that would be fraud right there.
Finally, you may from your friends see some degree of acceptance -- OK, maybe the document really is a forgery. But it's really no big thing. Like, who cares? It's unimportant in relation to the president's accomplishments (if you're a progressive) or destructiveness (if you're a conservative).
This, too, is true. It really isn't a big deal when you place it in context with the very serious issues facing this country and the world. Politicians lie to get elected and stay in office; we the public have come to understand that. It's why Congresscritters rank lower than used-car salesmen in public esteem. So now that one more lie has been exposed, what do we know now that we didn't before?
But that misses the point. The point is, the legitimacy of Obama's "birth certificate" is a taboo subject. People who dare to suggest it might be a forgery are immediately branded as extreme right-wing kooks or racists. The partisans are trying to shut them down so that others will be afraid to look at the obvious -- move along, people; no need to look, there's nothing to see here. (You can understand why, now that you have seen how embarrassingly easy it is to prove the "birth certificate" is phony.)
This is totalitarian; it is antithetical to who we are as free Americans. It attacks the very foundations of the progress of civilization -- inquiry and research -- and it is dangerous.
How ridiculous it is to tell anybody to remain ignorant and oblivious? I invite everybody reading these words to really look. Never mind what the totalitarians say -- look, and think, for yourself.
About the author: Nick Chase is a retired but still very active technical writer, technical editor, computer programmer, and stock market newsletter writer. During his career he has produced documentation on computers, typewriters, typesetters, headline-makers, and other pieces of equipment most people never heard of, and he has programmed typesetting equipment. You can read more of his work at contrariansview.org.
Footnote tt: If you think that the reason why there are two different typewriter typefaces in the document is because two typewriters were used in its preparation, the second typewriter being used because the first broke down -- forget it.
First, remember that the proof of forgery in Figure F is not a unique proof (that is, it's not the case that there is no evidence of forgery except for Figure F). Researchers have conclusively demonstrated that the "birth certificate" is fake in many different ways, and that it was digitally constructed. Figure F is simply an additional proof of forgery that more people are able to understand because it requires very little technical expertise to comprehend it.
Second, three different typewriter typefaces (and likely more) appear in the document, as you can clearly see in Figure Q below:
Figure Q. The Obama "birth certificate" forgery has (at least) three different typewriter typefaces in three slightly different sizes.Figure Q is similar to Figure F, except I have moved the text "6085 Kalanianaole Highway" slightly higher so you can read the word "Hospital" below, and I have vertically lined up the H in "Highway" with the "H" in "Hospital" so you can easily see how different-looking they are.
Then I took the word "Student" in Line 12a of the document and vertically lined up its first "t" with the "t" in "Hospital." As you can see, the two "t"s are also noticeably different, and the word "Student" is distinctly larger than the word "Highway." How many typewriters are we supposed to believe were used to produce this "birth certificate?" Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/04/oblivious_to_the_obvious.html#.T4Q2WsLq-bk.twitter#ixzz1reiPJpHn
THE ONLY THING OBAMA PUT IN MY EASTER BASKET, WAS A PREZ DISPENSER:Arpaio applauds ‘birther’ congressmen, calls for legislative action
Published: 11:30 PM 04/09/2012
By Steven Nelson - The Daily Caller
Associate Editor
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Photo: APMaricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is pleased that at least two Republican congressmen have publicly expressed doubts about the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
Last week Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler told the Sedalia Democrat, “I have doubts that it is really his real birth certificate, and I think a lot of Americans do.” According to the paper, “Hartzler declined to say whether she believes Obama is a U.S. citizen.”
In February Florida Rep. Cliff Stearns told constituents at a town hall meeting, “The question is, is it legitimate? That’s where we stand now.”
In a statement provided to The Daily Caller, Arpaio applauded the two congressmen.
“I appreciate these two representatives having the courage to speak out about the legitimacy of the Obama Birth Certificate released by the White House,” Arpaio said.
Last month Arpaio released a report compiled by a five-member “cold case posse” whom he had personally selected to evaluate allegations that Obama’s birth certificate was fraudulent.
Obama released the long-form version of his birth certificate last year, after a media firestorm generated by billionaire businessman and reality TV personality Donald Trump — who at the time was exploring the idea of seeking the GOP presidential nomination.
The release of that long-form Hawaii birth certificate was a prominent demand of the so-called “birther” movement. After the document was released, public discussion of the issue largely died out.
During a jaw-dropping March 1 press conference in Phoenix, Apraio refocused attention on the president’s birth certificate by unveiling his long-awaited “posse” report. He told reporters that there was “probable cause” to suspect that the long-form birth certificate is a “computer-generated forgery.”
The sheriff, who oversees law enforcement in the 3-million-person county encompassing Phoenix, said that “the perpetrators” of the alleged crime “should be brought to justice.”
But at the same press conference, Arpaio acknowledged that individuals skeptical of the birth certificate’s authenticity had hit a dead end and were short of pathways to move forward. (SEE ALSO: Former Ariz. GOP congressman: Sheriff Arpaio ‘a major embarrassment to our state’)
The comments from Hartzler and Stearns appear to have given Arpaio a reason to be optimistic about the future of the “birther” movement.
“I feel it is time for a congressional hearing to address the facts in this matter,” said Arpaio, after congratulating the two lawmakers.
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Tags: Birthers, Cliff Stearns, Joe Arpaio, Vicky Hartzler(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5, rated)
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/09/arpaio-applauds-birther-congressmen-calls-for-legislative-action/#ixzz1remBi9La
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@RWrasse http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=394436987247649&set=a.103410576350293.7912.100000440525757&type=1&theater http://pic.twitter.com/Nller9k@RWrasse Fuck the Senate Democrats !! Have Ways and Means bring them to a hearing and charge them with misappropriation.@wsbtv We might have to stop watching Channel 2 now at lunchtime.@wsbtv DON'T LIE: WOMEN DO NOT LIKE OBAMA
@wsbtv LIES: Obama most anti-woman President-his pro-abortion reconciliation budget #HR4872 & international policies
9hTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @Kem_Kimbrough YAY !! Sheriff Kimbrough !!
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/P5p70YbRiPw?a US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered toI liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/P5p70YbRiPw?a US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Tot@TheTeaParty_net there are already several measures to block appropriation and implementation of #HR4872@thehill @DavidAxelrod @ChuckGrassley @aliciacohn GET A NEW DNC NOMINEE OR FACE THE WRATH OF THE TEA PARTY AND THE VOTING BOOTHS !!!!@thehill @DavidAxelrod @ChuckGrassley @aliciacohn HEY AXELROD YOU'RE JUST AS STUPID AS OBAMA IS AND DOES, NOW I JUST CALLED YOU OUT !!!!LET US PRAY FOR A BALANCED BUDGET FOR 2013Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @SpeakerBoehner 1) Impeach Obama 2) Make Cuts 3) Deal with inflation 4) or get out-we can not waste #CommitteeTime on #Politicsand #Romney
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @SpeakerBoehner While we appreciate you, know this: http://pic.twitter.com/BCVTU8v
The Need for Valid ID When Voting: Man Walks into Poll and Falsely Obtains Eric Holder's Ballot http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=P5p70YbRiPw@SpeakerBohener Draft legislation to ban Obama from fundraising on Yahoo&Facebook: he can't sue when dead people voted http://pic.twitter.com/1HI9Xzb
The Press jumbled a lot of stories to keep people distracted from the fact stocks have slid to the double dip losses. We just don’t have the jobs to sustain growth, we don’t have the revenue from the job losses, and without cuts, inflation is too high to see the economic improvement expected for all of the money forked out to banks....
The public record must be published, regarding the police reports at #Sanford then the public will be satisfied with questions they have.9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew What is more serious is slaughterhouses using steroids (estrogens) and antibiotics on cows, that is not healthy to eat.
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew Most people do not buy totally organic beef from farm raised to slaughter anyway, as it is expensive to feed organic foods.
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew Any meat that has #PinkFiller can't be labeled 100% USDA ORGANIC LEAN GROUND BEEF-it must say contains % of filler product
@UnitedStatesNew Treating any food with chemicals is a concern, meat or vegetable, as it can alter the food, but it is more like #PinkFiller9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @UnitedStatesNew We were concerned that if it was #ammonia that the beef shreds were being left out too long, now we're not concerned.
@UnitedStatesNew #PinkSlime was sensationalized by #ABC it is really like beef jerky, but they made it out like it was doused with #ammoniaGrand jury canceled in Trayvon Martin case: The Florida special prosecutor investigating the Trayvon Martin shoo... http://bit.ly/Ijvd9c@thinkprogress That is what #Zimmerman would have to be charged with and hard convincing jury he deserves this punishment for being attacked@thinkprogress evidence presented does not support charging for aggravated battery, which is the charge in this case the allegations made@thinkprogress I do not support a conviction for aggravated battery in consideration of evidence #Zimmerman as Trayvon pinned and beat him
@JimHumbert I do not support a conviction for aggravated battery in consideration of evidence #Zimmerman Trayvon had him pinned and beat him
@JimHumbert evidence presented does not support charging for aggravated battery, which is the charge in this case the allegations made
@JimHumbert That is what #Zimmerman would have to be charged with and hard convincing jury he deserves this punishment for being attacked@JimHumbert However, it's difficult to get this conviction as it was self-defense, and he was not arrested after passing voice stress test.@JimHumbert Aggravated Battery 2nd degree felony, maximum penalty of 15 years in jail and a $10,000 fine #FL Criminal Statute §784.045@JimHumbert The state of #FL would have to charge aggravated battery and can not get a conviction under the#StandYourGroundLaw@JimHumbert District Attorney has not charged #Zimmerman as there is no evidence to support a charge of murder or malice murder by #FL #LawWHY are the official in Sanford Fla. caving to what ? INTIMIDATION ?Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@JimHumbert #FL has to overturn the law, #GA black lawmakers are filing petitions to pressure them to do so.9 AprEven after firing a producer, libel still continues to follow NBC, slander for ABC&CNN http://michellemalkin.com/2012/04/09/its-time-for-nbc-news-to-appoint-an-independent-ethics-panel/ #WeWantNews not #SensationalLiesTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @JimHumbert No, Georgia black lawmakers are filing to repeal #FL#StandYourGround which they can't do as they're not residents.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
It’s time for NBC News to appoint an independent ethics watchdog
By Michelle Malkin • April 9, 2012 02:06 PM
Those of us in the blogosphere who were around during the CBS News/Rathergate scandal remember how the narrative arc went:
*CBS perpetuated journalistic fraud.
*Conservative bloggers and alternative media called out Dan Rather and his con artist producer Mary Mapes for their malpractice.
*CBS denied and delayed addressing the hoax.
*The mainstream media tried to shoot the messenger and discredit critics of CBS/Rather.
*The evidence of bias was overwhelming — forcing CBS to appoint an independent review panel that concluded that the network “failed to follow basic journalistic principles in the preparation and reporting of the piece,” was “rigid and blind” in its defense, and demonstrated “myopic zeal” in its manufacturing of the Bush/National Guard fraud. After the report was issued, Mapes and three executives were fired and the editorial practices at CBs were revamped.
History now repeats itself.
NBC News has attempted to deny, whitewash, and Friday news dump its way out of Editgate. Thanks to Breitbart.com, Newsbusters.org, Sean Hannity, and the conservative blogosphere, the story’s not going away.
Scapegoating an anonymous producer won’t do.
See Les Jones and Tom Maguire for the latest:
The BS Runs Deep At MSNBC
NBC fires editor for altering Zimmerman 911 call; when will MSNBC fire the writer who did the same?
When everyone from actor Don Cheadle to liberal lawyer/bloggerJeralyn Merritt is questioning the network’s mishandling of the Editgate aftermath, it’s time for the network to put it in someone else’s hands:
So the first article with the bad edit was by Christina Hernandez, Jeff Burnside and Edward B. Colby on March 19. Christina Hernandez is also the author of the article I found published later that night, while Jeff Burnside is the author of the March 20 article. The Today show segments aired March 22 and March 27.
As of today, Jeff Burnside still has a bio at NBC 6 Miami. Edward B. Colby does not, although maybe he never did. Does he work for NBC or is he a free-lancer or AP reporter? It’s hard to tell. This February 12, 2012 article says it is written “By NBC Miami’s Jeff Burnside and Edward B. Colby and MSNBC Staff.” This February 23 article has the byline “Edward B. Colby, NBC Miami.”And while the Associated Press is also credited on the article Colby co-authored on Zimmerman, he wrote a lot for NBC 6 Miami — a search of its website shows more than 155 articles written or co-written by Colby.
Christina Hernandez is still listed on NBC 6 Miami’s website, as is her March 19 article, Father of Teen Shot in Sanford Working “To Bring Justice For My Son”, with the mangled, distorted edit of the call:
In his call to 911, Zimmerman said, “There’s a real suspicious guy. This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. He looks black.”
So the blatant, racially charged distortion of George Zimmerman’s 911 call started on NBC 6 Miami on March 19, appearing in two articles by three different writers. It was repeated on March 20 in an article attributed to one of the three writers. The articles have been updated, but the quotes remain. The mis-quote aired on the Today Show on March 22 during a live segment with reporter Lilia Luciano, and again on March 27 with reporter Ron Allen.
For NBC and MSNBC to characterize the error as a single episode caused by a producer’s time constraints in getting a video clip ready for live morning television, which just unfortunately happened to be missed by layers of editorial control, is not very convincing.
Perhaps Dick Thornburgh, the well-respected, former GOP Pennsylvania governor and U.S. Attorney General under Bush I who chaired the independent CBS Rathergate investigation (his 234-page report in PDF ishere), would consider the job.
Related: The difference between Twitchy, NBC News, and MSNBC
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Prosecutor finds that #Zimmerman is not charged with #FirstDegree #murder investigation will not be heard by #GrandJury http://t.co/wEZWfEE
NBC fires producer for editing #Zimmerman 9-1-1 call to avoid lawsuits for slander and calumny http://t.co/AuLhiRa
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Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@HuffingtonPost Glad to hear that they have been apprehended, but killing those not responsible doesn't quench the thirst for revenge.
48s Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@HuffingtonPost We had been concerned that England and Watts were taking unwarranted and indiscriminate revenge, and they had fled the state
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty Close
Man lashes out at other blacks after his own father was shot by a black man 2yrs ago
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/08/oklahoma-shooting-spree-arrests_n_1410828.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl15%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D150101#Misplaced #hate #disgraces #races
Oklahoma Shooting Spree: Authorities Arrest Suspects Jake England And Alvin Watts For Deadly Attack
TULSA, Okla. — Two men were arrested Sunday in a shooting rampage that left three people dead and terrorized Tulsa's black community, and police said one suspect may have been trying to avenge his father's shooting two years ago by a black man. Police identified both suspects as white, while a...
Man lashes out at other blacks after his own father was shot by a black man 2yrs ago http://t.co/ElQSb95 #Misplaced #hate #disgraces #races
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Oklahoma Shooting Spree: Authorities Arrest Suspects Jake England And Alvin Watts For Deadly Attack
FOLLOW:Video, Alvin Watts, Alvin Watts Arrested, Jake England, Jake England Arrested, Oklahoma,Oklahoma Crime, Oklahoma Shooting Spree, Shooting, Crime News
Jake England, 19, and Alvin Watts, 32, were arrested early Sunday in connection to a recent shooting spree in Oklahoma.TULSA, Okla. — Two men were arrested Sunday in a shooting rampage that left three people dead and terrorized Tulsa's black community, and police said one suspect may have been trying to avenge his father's shooting two years ago by a black man.
Police identified both suspects as white, while all five victims in the rampage early Friday were black.
Police and the FBI said it is too soon to say whether the attacks in Tulsa's predominantly black north side were racially motivated. Police spokesman Jason Willingham said that investigators are considering many possible motives but based on Facebook postings, revenge appeared to be a factor.
In a Thursday update on Facebook that appeared to have been written by 19-year-old Jake England, he angrily blamed his father's death on a black man and used a racial slur. He said Thursday was the second anniversary of his father's death.
"It's hard not to go off," given the anniversary and the death of his fiancee earlier this year, the posting said.
"It's apparent from the posting on the Facebook page that he had an ax to grind, and that was possibly part of the motive," Willingham said. "If you read the Facebook post and see what he's accused of doing, you can see there's link between the two of them."
The Facebook page had been taken down by Sunday afternoon.
A family friend, Susan Sevenstar, told The Associated Press that England was "a good kid" and "a good, hard worker," who "was not in his right mind" after losing his father and the January suicide of his fiancee, with whom he'd recently had a baby.
"If anybody is trying to say this is a racial situation, they've got things confused," said Sevenstar, who described England as Cherokee Indian. "He didn't care what your color was. It wasn't a racist thing."
The Tulsa World reported that England's father, Carl, was shot in the chest during a scuffle with a man who had tried to break into his daughter's apartment. England later died.
The man charged in the shooting is serving a six-year sentence on a weapons charge, according to Department of Corrections records.
Acting on an anonymous tip and backed by a helicopter, police arrested Jake England and Alvin Watts, 32, about 2 a.m. Sunday at a home in Turley, just north of Tulsa. The two men were roommates, and officers went to their home, then followed them several blocks to another home, where they were arrested without incident, police said.
Authorities said they planned to charge them with murder and other offenses. Task force commander Maj. Walter Evans said that investigators recovered a weapon but that it was not clear who fired the shots. They also found a truck that had been burned.
Police previously said they were looking for a man in a white truck.
The Rev. Warren Blakney Sr., president of the Tulsa NAACP, said the arrests came as a big relief. Black community leaders had met Friday night amid fear over the shootings and concerns about possible vigilantism in retaliation.
"The community once again can go about its business without fear of there being a shooter on the streets on today, on Easter morning," Blakney said.
It was not immediately known if the suspects had lawyers.
Police Chief Chuck Jordan said the gunmen appeared to have chosen their victims at random. Police identified those killed as Dannaer Fields, 49, Bobby Clark, 54, and William Allen, 31. Two men were wounded but were released from the hospital, Jordan said.
The shootings come at a fraught moment for black Americans. In late February, an unarmed black teen, Trayvon Martin, was fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla., raising questions about racial profiling and touching off protests across the nation.
While Tulsa police were reluctant to describe the shootings there as racially motivated, City Councilman Jack Henderson was not.
"Being an NAACP president for seven years, I think that somebody that committed these crimes were very upset with black people," Henderson said. "That person happened to be a white person, the people they happened to kill and shoot are black people. That fits the bill for me."
Associated Press writers Rochelle Hines in Oklahoma City and Erica Hunzinger in Chicago contributed to this report.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report That is what the media doesn't understand: the Cherokee is patient to get revenge and the life taken will be paid for@EJM421 @Drudge_Report The failure of the #judiciary in the case of #JakeEngland brewed a simmering vat of rage that boiled over on blacks!@EJM421 @Drudge_Report Jake England thought 2 years about his father's death and got no justice from the judiciary-another problem with this@EJM421 @Drudge_Report Jake England (white name) but he's BROWN CHEROKEE, W/MOHAWK! Oh but he's white... HE'S CHEROKEE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/08/oklahoma-shooting-spree-arrests_n_1410828.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl15%7Csec1_lnk2&pLid=150101
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report JOR~GE Zimmerman clearly HISPANIC, BROWN SKIN and adopted by Jews, Spanish first name@EJM421 @Drudge_Report Again, I heard the news get it wrong last night-everyone who's not black is a White Hispanic, or White, even Cherokee(with mohawks no less!!!!)
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report the young Cherokee man's father was killed and the black man who actually killed him was only serving 6yrs #injustice
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report What happened in Tulsa is a failure of the community to reach out to those their community has harmed:RT @Drudge_Report: White man beaten after black attackers shout 'Trayvon'... http://drudge.tw/IwbNL0 where is Sharpton and calls of injustice?!Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@EJM421 @Drudge_Report That's right... just because a vengeful Cherokee and his white roommate took revenge falsely I don't change details!!
We need to pray for healing in black community: there's 50% murder rate of 12.6% African Americans on each other. #Trayvon #Press #Hypocrisy
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Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@BillCosby Another thing: #Trayvon was not one of the Cosby kids !!!!
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@BillCosby If you carry a spear, do you intend hunt with it or harm someone? Plenty of blacks carry guns for defense, why is this different?
Cos and Effect – Bill Hypocritical on Trayvon
By Shadow Patriot on April 10, 2012 at 6:57 am*To quote the words of Eddie Murphy as he was imitating Richard Prior, “Tell Bill I said have a coke and a smile and shut the &^@$ up.”
What that line was in reference to was a skit wherein Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy to criticize his comedy style. Eddie Murphy then recounts a conversation he had with Richard Prior about the subject.However, the line is just as appropriate when you consider Bill Cosby’s latest comment regarding the Trayvon Martin shooting. “When you carry a gun, you mean to harm somebody, kill somebody.” Let that sink in for a moment.I am a gun owner as are, I suspect, many of you reading this. I can say first-hand that my carrying of a gun has never meant I mean to harm somebody or kill somebody. What it has meant to me was self-defense. The simple act of carrying a gun gives me peace of mind. When deployed, I would carry a gun, as would all military members (and some civilians) around me. Not one person has ever given me pause to think they are intending to kill someone or do someone harm. In fact, the reason to carry is gun is to prevent harm, or should someone intend to do me or others around me harm, I can answer back with lethal force.That is the very nature of self-defense.The fact that shootings make the news should also give you pause. How many of those shootings are in self-defense? Few? Less than 5%? Less than that? Statistics are not easy to come by, and here is why…most acts of self-defense do not end with a discharge of a weapon.Short story: My family and I are on a long road trip in unfamiliar areas of the country. I had my Beretta 96 strapped to my leg in a Blackhawk thigh holster. It is a full-sized handgun in .40 caliber.NOTE: I personally advocate “open-carry.” For those who do not know what this is, “open-carry” simply means carrying your weapon in the open. In other words, advertising that you have one. I personally believe this is much better, for me, as I would have the weapon at the ready should I need it. However, simply having it visible to everyone is probably enough to deter someone from acting in a threatening manner near me, but I digress.Not once were we bothered on the road, and not once were we bothered in any restaurant we went into where it was legal for me to open carry. I felt safer with it, as I am proficient with it both in draw and accuracy. I also had to come to grips with two very critical realities. 1. Was I prepared to take someone’s life should the need arise? Yes. 2. Would I hesitate in doing so if by doing so I could save the lives of those around me, especially my family? No.Does this make me a violent person?No. Not at all. It makes me a practical person. Guns do not cause someone to be violent. They do not cause someone to shootMy wife is rather good with guns, and since we lived in a particularly rough section of a large city many years ago, I am glad we had a gun in the house. She felt threatened one day by what she perceived as a home invasion (it was not, but she did not know that at the time), and did exactly as I taught her. I taught her that the first thing she does is put herself between the baby and the threat (in this case, someone messing with the door during the day). Announce that she was armed, and wait. I taught her to always keep her finger off the trigger until she meant to pull it. We practiced this, and discussed this many times, so when the moment came where she felt she had to prepare to act, she was ready. The military teaches us that when faced with a stressful situation, we fall back on our training, and that is what she did. No shots were fired, no one was hurt.Did that make her a violent person?No, not at all. She felt threatened and wanted to protect our son. And she acted as I taught her. Was there a threat? In the end, no. However at the time we did not know that. Did she mean to harm someone? No. She meant to keep our son safe. Did she feel empowered? Indeed she did, but not empowered to hurt someone simply because she had a gun. She had a REASON. That is the crucial aspect Bill Cosby, and other anti-gun advocates, neglect to think about.ALL self-defensive uses of handguns, whether a weapon was discharged or not, had a reason. To keep someone and/or someone’s family safe.In reading through the article, I found out that Bill Cosby was apparently in the Navy. This means he has handled weapons before. Did they turn him into a murder-crazed maniac?
No, definitely not. He was taught that he needed a reason to fire his weapon.
Of course, being the military, the reason would have been a combat situation. Knowing this, he should know better than to claim theBill should also realize that criminals conduct their crimes in moments, and sometimes seconds. In those brief seconds, an armed person has to decide whether or not to use deadly force. I am pretty sure police lack the ability to respond to any deadly-force situation in mere seconds, unless they were already there.This is not to say I am defending Zimmerman. I have no idea what happened that night, and the full accounting will only be had after a complete investigationI am saying that Bill Cosby is hypocritical in stating that guns empower someone to hurt another person because Bill himself has handled guns, and he (as far as we know) has never hurt someone.Bill, guns are the reason you have the freedom to spew mindless drivel attacking guns and by extension, gun owners. You may be doing good work in promoting responsibility among the black community, but you are detached from reality when it comes to guns and gun rights.Bill, have a coke and a smile, and keep making people laugh, including the security at your venues who may be carrying a gun to keep you safe. Stay out of gun politics, you do not know what you are talking about.
Tags: 2nd amendment, bill cosby, gun rights, guns, hypocrite, icon, politics, self-defense, shadow patriot, the national patriot, trayvon martinThis entry was posted on Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 at 657am and is filed under Constitution and Amendments, Shadow Patriot. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Chief Brooks @TeaPartyChief_
#Zimmerman passed this test, which is why he was not arrested by the #SanfordPoliceDepartmenthttp://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/06/tagblogsfindlawcom2012-blotter-idUS214913966420120406
Police Gave George Zimmerman Voice Stress Test
George Zimmerman's defense team is growing, suggesting that he's planning for a grand jury indictment and a subsequent criminal trial. Interestingly, his new attorney has begun releasing some previously
Police Gave George Zimmerman Voice Stress Test
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Fri Apr 6, 2012 1:07am EDT
George Zimmerman's defense team is growing, suggesting that he's planning for a grand jury indictment and a subsequent criminal trial. Interestingly, his new attorney has begun releasing some previously unknown facts.
Did you know that, on the night of Trayvon Martin's death, Sanford police gave George Zimmerman a voice stress test?
They did, and the results probably contributed to his release.
A voice stress test is like a polygraph, but instead of measuring heart rate and blood pressure, it looks for changes in an individual's voice patterns that are thought to suggest psychological stress. With the help of software, investigators record a suspect answering baseline questions and then compare them to answers about the case.
This technology is not unique to Sanford. The National Institute for Truth Verification, a manufacturer of the technology, claims that over 1,800 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies use their product. They also claim to have trained U.S. Military personnel.
Expert opinion is mixed, but a study commissioned by the Justice Department suggests that a voice stress test is "no better than flipping a coin." For this reason, like its cousin the polygraph, George Zimmerman's voice stress test probably wouldn't be admissible at trial. However, it can still be used in the investigatory phase.
George Zimmerman's voice stress test came out clean, according to attorney Hal Uhrig. If the Sanford Police Department is willing to spend more than $10,000 on the product, then it probably trusts its results. And those results probably corroborated what officers initially saw at the scene.
Tyler Perry Pulled Over, Accuses White Cops of Racial Profiling via Facebook
By Andrew Chow, JD at FindLaw.com
Thu Apr 5, 2012 8:13pm EDT
Tyler Perry's April 1 Facebook post about police pulling him over was no April Fool's joke: The highest-paid man in entertainment is accusing a pair of white Atlanta police officers of racial profiling.
Four days later, Perry's post boasts more than 117,000 "likes," 21,000 comments, and 12,000 shares. Atlanta police have launched an internal investigation, E! News reports.
Perry's predicament began when he admittedly made a left turn from a far-right lane -- a trick his security detail taught him, to make sure he wasn't being followed, Perry explained on Facebook.
Two white Atlanta police officers pulled him over, but apparently did not realize they'd just stopped Tyler Perry.
When Perry explained his illegal turn was to make sure no one was tailing him, one officer allegedly asked, "Why do you think someone would be following you?" Perry said in his post.
Before Perry could answer, the second white officer started "banging" on his passenger's side window -- apparently taking issue with the window's tint, Perry told his fans.
As both officers "badgered" Perry about why he thought someone may be following him, Perry said he recalled his mother's advice:
"My mother would always say to me, 'if you get stopped by the police, especially if they are white policemen, you say 'yes sir' and 'no sir', and if they want to take you in, you go with them. Don't resist, you hear me? Don't make any quick moves, don't run, you just go.'"
But then a second police cruiser pulled up, and a black Atlanta policeman emerged. "He took one look at me and had that 'Oh No' look on his face," Perry recounted.
The black officer spoke "in a hushed tone" to the two white officers, Perry said. "After that, one of the officers stayed near his car while one came back, very apologetic."
Perry was released, but news reports do not indicate whether he was cited for his illegal left turn or tinted windows. Georgia law requires drivers to approach a left turn from "the extreme left-hand lane" of a multi-lane road, Georgia Public Broadcasting reports.
Georgia law also makes it a misdemeanor to tint driver's or passenger's side windows under certain conditions, according to the state's Department of Public Safety.
The Atlanta police department's Office of Professional Standards is looking into Tyler Perry's racial-profiling claims, E! News reports.
Tom Graves @RepTomGraves
Disappointed to announce I have to postpone our town hall tomorrow in Hall County to attend a funeral. Will reschedule it soon. #gapolTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
@RepTomGraves That's okay, we're holding annual tea parties this weekend/you could always have one of those, and my condolences to you.10:57 AM - 10 Apr 12 via web · Details
Newt Gingrich: I'm 'Slightly Less Than' $4.5 Million In Debt
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Newt Gingrich acknowledged on Sunday that his campaign was in fairly massive debt. But the former House Speaker continued to stress that he would remain in the race for purposes of driving the party, and its platform, in certain ideological directions.
Posted: 04/ 8/2012 9:53 am Updated: 04/ 9/2012 12:37 pm
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Newt Gingrich acknowledged on Sunday that his campaign was in fairly massive debt. But the former House Speaker continued to stress that he would remain in the race for purposes of driving the party, and its platform, in certain ideological directions.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Gingrich was asked about a report that his campaign had spent roughly $4.5 million more than it had raised.
"I think slightly less than that," he replied, declining to offer a more specific number. "We owe much more than we wanted to. Florida got to be a real brawl. And I think, unfortunately, our guys tried to match Romney and it turned out we didn't have anything like his capacity to raise money."
Gingrich admitted that he had to dip into his personal finances to help fund his campaign though he insisted that he had not spent much of his own money. He also acknowledged that he was campaigning heavily in Delaware because it was relatively inexpensive to do so.
"We are operating on a shoestring," he said.
Acknowledging that Romney would likely end up as the nominee, Gingrich pledged to help him once he reached the necessary number of delegates. In what capacity he would serve is unclear. The former Speaker said he would talk to RNC officials about how best to serve the party, post-primary. He added that there would be no lingering animus between him and the former Massachusetts Governor, despite the heated campaigning between the two.
"I hit him as hard as I could," said Gingrich. "He hit me as hard as he could. Turned out he had more things to hit with than I did."
Funny: I don't spend $10,000 a day on the Georgia Legislature to get my point across... my words are worth that much http://t.co/OIky3Oz
@2012_TeaParty on Twitter · via Twitter
Updated: 1:31 p.m. Sunday, April 8, 2012 | Posted: 1:31 p.m. Sunday, April 8, 2012
Lobbyists spend thousands on gifts for lawmakers
The Associated Press
Lobbyists spent almost $10,000 a day on gifts for Georgia lawmakers during the legislative session, according to an analysis by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution published on Sunday.
The analysis shows (http://bit.ly/HnwTzw) lobbyists spent $866,747 on gifts for lawmakers between Jan. 1 and March 31 — an average of $9,525 per day. It included more than $17,000 in free sports and events tickets, dinners that cost as much as $245 apiece and golf outings.
The expenditures came as a statewide coalition called the Georgia Alliance for Ethics Reform urged legislators to limit lobbyists' gifts to $100 per event. The measure never emerged from committee during the 40-day session.
But there are signs the lobbyist culture is changing. Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle's office told the newspaper on Friday he plans to study the issue of lobbying later this year. And Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers this year quietly decided not to accept any gifts from lobbyists.
It's hard to connect a lobbyist's spending with a development in the Legislature, but state ethics reports make it easier to determine high levels of activity from lobbyists.
State Rep. Mickey Channell, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, went to dozens of dinners with lobbyists representing hospitals, auto dealers, utilities and retailers during the first three months of the year. He was particularly popular because he was the sponsor of a House bill that called for a wide-ranging update to the state's tax structure.
Channell told the newspaper the dinners were "perfectly legal" and a part of doing business at the statehouse.
"The bottom line is, frankly, it extends the legislative day for me," he told the newspaper. "I go to work early, and most often times go out to eat with this group or that group."
It applied even to a Valentine's Day dinner for Channell and his wife Carolyn. Lobbyists for the Georgia Hospital Association and Georgia Power reported spending a total of $236.96 for the couple's dinner that evening.
Rogers, meanwhile, accepted more than $10,000 in gifts from lobbyists in 2011. But this year he said he wanted to go back to his Woodstock district with a zero on his lobbyist balance sheet, so he gave everything back.
"I'm not trying to show up anybody. I'm not even trying to make this an issue," he said.
He said the culture at the statehouse is one in which legislators often receive gifts they never requested — or even wanted.
"I spent considerable amounts of money paying people for things I never asked for," Rogers said. "The problem is you don't know who to go to, to tell them you are not taking it."
Cagle, meanwhile, is planning to name a special Senate committee at the end of the summer to study lobbyist spending and develop recommendations for 2013.
"As he has done throughout his career, the lieutenant governor will continue to advocate for more transparency for all elected officials in an effort to preserve the public's trust," said Cagle spokesman Ben Fry.
That could be welcome news for the groups pushing for reform, which include Common Cause Georgia, the Georgia Tea Party Patriots and Georgia Watch.
Debbie Dooley of the Georgia Tea Party Patriots said lawmakers could get more serious about changing the way they deal with lobbyists if they "feel the pain of primary opposition."
"I think it absolutely will be an issue," she told the newspaper. "I'm already hearing from people in different parts of the state interested in running in the primary against some of the incumbents."
Information from: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, http://www.ajc.com
Copyright The Associated Press
If you receive TANF in Georgia, you may be required to sign a waiver to participate, as to curtail defrauding of the program, you will have to pass an initial drug test. If you are reported for fraud, you will lose the provision for a month, 2 failed tests 3 months, and 3 failed drug tests you will lose the provision for a year:http://www.ajc.com/news/georgia-government/drug-test-bill-draws-1411340.html?cxtype=rss_news_81963
Drug-test bill draws legal heat | ajc.com
Georgia’s proposal to drug-test parents who seek welfare faces significant questions about its constitutionality as well as challenges of how to set up the program, despite support by state lawmakers and similar efforts in other states.
GEORGIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 6:07 a.m. Monday, April 9, 2012
Drug-test bill draws legal heat
Critics say plan is unconstitutional; backers point to savings, ‘tough love’
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Georgia’s proposal to drug-test parents who seek welfare faces significant questions about its constitutionality as well as challenges of how to set up the program, despite support by state lawmakers and similar efforts in other states.
An Atlanta-based advocacy group has already begun preparing a lawsuit, as Gov. Nathan Deal faces a decision of whether to sign House Bill 861 or not. The bill received final passage March 29, supported by a solid Republican majority on the last day of this year’s legislative session. Their approval came despite an ongoing legal challenge in Florida against a similar measure.
Opponents argue that drug testing of welfare recipients violates the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches. Supporters believe it will save the state money and promote personal responsibility. Both sides in Georgia appear willing to fight the issue out in court.
“Tax dollars should never be spent on and enabling illegal activity,” said Sen. John Albers, R-Roswell, a sponsor of the bill. Ideally, he said, it meant “assuring we are giving people a hand up, not just a handout. Level the playing field for others in the private sector and civil service jobs who submit to drug tests. Ultimately, help people with tough love to get clean and become tax-productive members of society.”
HB 861 would require parents who apply for the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program to pay for and pass a drug test that would cost at least $17. TANF provides temporary financial help to low-income families with children. Passing the drug test once would be a condition of eligibility to receive benefits.
Georgia is one of the first states in 2012 to pass a drug-testing law for those receiving public benefits, though more than 25 are considering similar legislation in various combinations.
“They range from bills like Georgia’s bill calling for wholesale suspicionless testing to others who are introducing bills to require testing for a range of services,” said Rachel Bloom, a policy strategist for the American Civil Liberties Union.
Among other mandates in Georgia’s bill, the state would have to:
● Make at least one parent in a two-parent household comply.
● Make a teen parent comply if she does not live with a parent, legal guardian or other adult caretaker.
● Assure results are not subject to the state’s Open Records law or part of a criminal investigation (or subject to subpoena) or in civil action unless consented to.
● Inform a applicant who tests positive of his or her ability to retest.
● Provide a list of substance abuse treatment programs for an applicant who tests positive.
Another adult who passes a test could accept payments on behalf of a child of an ineligible parent. The bill does provide for certain exemptions, including for parents with physical or mental disabilities. The bill also asks the state to figure out how applicants can make officials aware they take medically prescribed drugs that could affect their test.
State officials said it was hard to pinpoint the financial impact of the bill. During the session, they suggested an impact that could range from a net cost of about $84,500 to a savings of about $103,000 annually. They also estimated 800 of 19,000 applicants would likely test positive and be denied TANF.
The bill would become law upon Deal’s signature, unless he vetoes the measure. The $17 testing fee assumes an applicant is on Medicaid. If not, he or she would have to foot the full bill, which some opposing lawmakers said could exceed $30.
The National Conference of State Legislatures is tracking proposed bills including drug testing for unemployment, Medicaid, TANF and food stamps.
Florida was the first to pass a TANF drug-testing bill in 2011, prompting the ACLU to sue on behalf of a military veteran and single father who believed the state was forcing him to pay for and undergo an unconstitutional search without probable cause to believe he used drugs.
A federal judge suspended Florida’s program until the suit is resolved. She noted in her opinion that Florida operated a pilot program before implementing statewide testing that showed 5 percent of TANF applicants tested positive for drug use. That was lower than the estimated 8 percent of the general population that used illegal drugs.
The pilot program “undermined the underlying assumption regarding the prevalence of substance abuse among TANF applicants,” wrote U.S. District Judge Mary S. Scriven.
The case is before the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta.
Gerry Weber, an attorney for the Atlanta-based Southern Center for Human Rights, said the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed suspicionless testing under rare circumstances — tests for school bus drivers, for example. Georgia’s proposal, however, goes too far, he said. “We believe this requirement is unconstitutional,” Weber said. The center is preparing a lawsuit, which it would file if Deal signs the bill.
The ACLU also has issues with the bill. “We think Georgia’s law is problematic, as problematic as Florida’s,” said Jason Williamson, an ACLU staff attorney.
The steady flow of similar bills across the country shows him that states are not going to wait until the 11th Circuit weighs in before trying to pass similar laws, he said.
“These type bills play well politically with the public,” Williamson said, “so even if they are struck down, there is little political risk for the legislators.”
Though Congress authorized drug testing for welfare recipients under the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, it provided no guidance on how to do so constitutionally.
Utah tried to jump the constitutional hurdle this year by passing a law that requires recipients to fill out a questionnaire that may give indications of the likelihood of drug use before the test. The ACLU’s Bloom said the Utah law also set aside money for treatment, and anyone who fails the drug test can continue to get benefits while they remain in treatment.
In committee, Georgia legislators discussed providing drug treatment, but could not get the votes to approve it.
Brian Robinson, Deal’s spokesman, said the bill was under review. Otherwise, “we cannot comment on legislation that was not an explicit part of the governor’s 2012 agenda,” he said.
Georgia has had similar laws struck down by the courts, including a former mandate to drug-test candidates running for public office.
Albers, however, said lawmakers worked hard to make the bill constitutional.
“We have the best attorney general in the country,” Albers said of the state’s Sam Olens. “He and his staff are qualified and annually budgeted to respond to any frivolous litigation that may arise. It is absolutely worth it to change the ideology back to the principles that made America great.”
Drug-testing bill
According to the Georgia proposal that would require parents who apply for the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program to pay for and pass a drug test:
● An applicant who fails one drug test would be ineligible for benefits for a month.
● Test positive twice, and an applicant would not qualify for benefits for three months.
● For a third or subsequent positive result, the applicant would be ineligible for one year. Those with three strikes could qualify earlier than a year if they complete a substance abuse treatment program.
● In all cases, an applicant would still have to pass a drug test before being eligible for the program.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews If they sign a waiver, they can't sue: those are provisions of program, and by receipt of TANF you agree to prevent fraud.
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews I do like the provisions, because it rewards sobriety though and takes those people off the roll. Make them sign a waiver.
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews We can drug test, but that will not stop people who have a problem, who can't stay sober 4-5 months or years at a time.
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews With a waiver, it is then easy to say they acknowledged they were to not be abusing food stamps and process them for fraud.
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews That way, they acknowledge food stamps are to be used for food, not traded for drugs, cash, cigarettes, beer, etc.#fraud
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews The appropriation of federal or state funds is serious, and it is a waste of money to test. Signing the waiver is the key.
9 AprTea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty @NathanDealNews This does not violate the 4th Amendment, have them sign a waiver acknowledging the policy
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