@joebiden 99wks. unemployment, and surtaxing investors even more, so that more jobs can't be created and more would die SENATE VOTED NO #duh@joebiden oh and don't forget the 200+ regulations Obama wanted passed that killed jobs, the BSJobsAct kills more -- cheese for Union votes@BarackObama another thing: maybe if your donors are slack you shouldn't be calling from Health Stimulus and other b.s. govt. numbers for $
@BarackObama hatred, retribution, and punishment that awaits you by impeachment and criminal charges will carry so much more weight #RESIGN
@AmyKremer @sanuzis "The Synthesis" was the first in print really, to determine real unemployment is 25-30 million docs.google.com/document/d/1YF…
AmyKremer Amy Kremer
by 2011teapartyWorst POTUS ever! RT @sanuzis: Obamanomics: An Unprecedented 26 Million Americans Are Now Underemployedmoney.usnews.com/money/careers/…TEA PARTY CHIEF TELLS OBAMA TO GET HIS ASS IN GEAR:
Aja Brooks
On my way back from my morning walk, someone threw this out on the side of the road for me to find/delivered a message. 
Georgia Folks have a message that they want delivered to Obama, since most don't use email/unable to pay for phone/internet since school started this year...http://lnk.ms/V3d9t
— with Mandy Parks, Atticus Alberts, Jonathan Austin,Alonzo M. Borja, FlowerMound TeaParty, Stephen Aaron, Luis Daniel Amaro-Ortiz, Arizona Militia, David Beverage, RepubIican Rave II, Hank Burnham,Jeremiah Behr, Crystal Davis, Zoe Adeline Byers, Jacob-delgodis Sims, John W. Gaissert, Erika Harper, Barbara Wilkinson, D.j. LetsgetF'dup Briggs,Susan Dunn Kravarik, Randy Evans, Allison Brooks, H Michael Doss,Conservatives Rising, Glynn Dasher Cop, South Carolina Patriots, Coleman B Lovejoy III, Brian S. Lindsey, Ben Nelms, Tom Inskeep, Gary Tillman, Jason Brooks, Georgia Front Page, Alan Powell, Jim Galloway, Adrian Palmerson,Holly Rivers Hensley, Chemtrails Hurt, Amy Broich, Liberty Force, Ashley Wilson, Allissa Nielsen, America Rising and Alan Wolfe at GA Tea Party.
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Aja Brooks feel free to tag yourself and reshareLike · · Share · 11 minutes ago
Aja Brooks 2011teaparty Tea Party Chief @BarackObama [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL]6 seconds ago2011teaparty Tea Party Chief @BarackObama While POTUS goes on the road, 11+ #GOP bills #4jobs sit stalled in the Senate. bit.ly/k1aQjv GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR11 minutes ago · LikePoll: Most think Washington, not Wall Street, is to blame for economic troubles http://bit.ly/qd2sdp Ya think
http://teapartychief.blogspot.com/ and http://ga-teapartychief.blogspot.com
COMPLETE ARCHIVE AND YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/The2011Phoenix
@GMA the pictures of Gaddafi are terrible quality, but you can tell from the video that he is deader than a door nail huff.to/pv4Q3r»
@GMA Libya says yes/maybe his son. My what a news cluster, everything is very jumbled about the final details of Gaddafi's demise.@GMA AP confirms death; HUFFPost has pics, WSJ confirms with statement from the ground, USAToday unclear on kill or capture/Sirte conquered by 2011teapartyLibyan prime minister: "We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Moammar Gadhafi has been killed" on.wsj.com/mWYjBy by 2011teaparty@GMA AP confirms death; Huffington Post has pics, USA today unclear on kill or capture, Libya says yes/maybe his son. My what a news cluster
@dailykos rof fl see me tell Obamoney I don't think his policies are good for anything, except for him to take his Mormon self to salt hills

@GMA USA today reports conflicting reports of death or capture of Gaddafi, so Huffington has pics-USA today says no-Libya says yes/maybe son@GovMikeHuckabee we know what your thoughts are on the GOP Debate: vote Obamoney or Huntsman because THEY'RE A MORMON.... #overthat
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@HeyTammyBruce ding dong Gaddafi's dead! The tyrant's dead, the tyrant's dead: Muammar Gaddafi's really dead - high 'ho the derry-o....Obama to confirm death of Gaddafi at 2pm EST today, y'all tell me how arrogant this bastardo gets and claims it as his own personal victory by 2011teapartyUpdate: The White House press briefing has been delayed until later today. Please disregard earlier post pointing to live video.@TIME @elizabethjdias well Obamoney is starting to ig me with his Mormonism and gelled hair... but I don't spit on a man once he's dead.
@GMA @HuffingtonPost plus it has been taken down from YOUTUBE, a good indication that the video is indeed, authentic.

@TheEconomist the pics of Gaddafi are terrible quality, but you can tell from video that he is deader than a door nail huff.to/pv4Q3r
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@LeviJohnston05 OH LOOKS LIKE THE DNC ALREADY APPOINTED THEIR DICTATOR LEVI: OBAMA, INSTEAD OF US, AS CITIZENS TO RULE OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!@LeviJohnston05 well when you oppress your people and hoard the natural resources' wealth from your own people, yes Levi by 2011teaparty<--- EXCLUSIVE .. Check photos of a DEAD Gaddaffi ..omgwire.com/2011/10/20/pho… <-- this is what you when there's OIL in your country hoe@DianeSawyer @Camanpour @ABC I don't care about his last interview ABC -- ding dong Gaddafi's dead - the tyrant's dead the tyrant's dead@BarackObama Osama, Gaddafi, Anwar-they may all be dead, but what about the living? 42 million in poverty 25-30 million unemployed #RESIGNAja Brooks
Obama to confirm death of Gaddafi at 2pm EST today, y'all tell me how arrogant this bastardo gets and claims it as his own personal victory
Like · · Unfollow Post · @2011teaparty on Twitter · 44 minutes ago via Twitter
Jeff Kerbo I can not stand to hear his voice.....
2 minutes ago · Unlike ·
1 person
Aja Brooks there has been such media saturation of Obama, I get tired of hearing about it first thing, all day, and before bed... this Obama hell media machine is about to go up in flames, wait and see how I don't spare the media in the next edition
2 seconds ago · Like
@Twin66 yip yip yip rannanananana that is Cherokee for President Ratchet Jaw Obama, in non-citizen tonalities@Twin66 media zoo on, sharp at 2pm, and the spider monkey speaks --- yip yip yip rannanananana we got GADDAFISURPRISE, SURPRISE, OBAMACARE DOESN’T REALLY HELP ELDERLY....
Congressional Working Group Releases Investigative Report on Unsustainable CLASS Act
September 15, 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The bicameral Repeal CLASS Working Group today issued “CLASS’ Untold Story: Taxpayers, Employers, and States on the Hook for Flawed Entitlement Program,” a report detailing the insolvency of a massive new entitlement program included in the new health care law called the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act.
Documents obtained through a bicameral Congressional investigation reveal that the Obama Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was acutely aware that the program was unsustainable and suppressed this information from Congressional leaders and the American people prior to the passage of the law, all in the effort to achieve phony savings to offset the bill’s massive spending and taxpayer-funded price tag.
The Repeal CLASS Working Group is comprised of Republican leadership in both the House and Senate charged with overseeing implementation of the new health care law.
The Working Group’s key findings include:
-Senior HHS officials publicly pronounced the CLASS program solvent in the fall of 2009, even as their own employees were calling CLASS “a recipe for disaster” in internal emails.
-Secretary Sebelius and other HHS officials have claimed through much of 2011 that the Department has sufficient authority to modify the CLASS program to make it solvent, yet internal HHS documents from 2010 cast significant doubt on those assertions.
-HHS has already discussed requiring employers to participate in CLASS as a remedy for low participation, which forces a fiduciary responsibility on employers to collect premiums that could open the door to a blizzard of litigation.
-In addition to the $118 billion in unfunded Medicaid mandates from the health care law, the administration of the CLASS program will largely fall on the shoulders of the states.
"It is no secret that the CLASS program is fiscally unsound and was used as a budget gimmick in the health care law. However, 'CLASS' Untold Story' reveals that during the program's development, high-level officials within HHS were already aware the program was likely to collapse and privately expressed their own doubts, but continued to publicly tout the program's benefits and savings," said Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.-06), co-chair of the Working Group.
“This report is further confirmation that the Obama Administration willfully chose to ignore the fiscal insolvency of the CLASS program in order to achieve a political victory by pushing the president’s health care bill through Congress,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), co-chair of the Working Group. “The CLASS Act is a ticking time bomb that will place taxpayers’ money at risk due to fatal flaws in the entitlement program’s design and structure. The American people had a right to know the information revealed in our report before they were put on the hook to pay for this massive new entitlement program.”
“The CLASS Act is an ocean liner that was put to sea with a giant hole in the hull,” said Rep. Joe Pitts (Pa.-16), co-chair of the Working Group. “This report clearly shows that the authors of last year’s health care bill were aware of the flaws, and launched the program anyway. What we see here is legislative malpractice. When the CLASS program fails, the taxpayer will be left to foot the bill. The time to terminate this program is now, before it begins enrolling participants and taking premiums. The government has to stop making promises that it can’t keep.”
“The CLASS report reveals that the American people are not the only ones skeptical of the president's health care reforms, so are officials at HHS,” said Rep. Cliff Stearns (Fla.-6), co-chair of the Working Group. “According to the 185 pages of internal emails we've uncovered, HHS officials expressed numerous concerns about the structure and viability of the CLASS program. And still, they continued to claim it would result in deficit savings. This is yet another example of a less-than-transparent administration burdening the American taxpayer with a new, unfunded entitlement program.”
“While President Obama's health care law is full of new government programs, budget tricks and accounting gimmicks, the CLASS Act may take the cake for government at its worst,” said Rep. Denny Rehberg (Mont.-AL), co-chair of the Working Group. “As if creating a massive new health entitlement at a time when we’re struggling to save Medicare and Medicaid isn’t enough, there’s evidence to suggest the program was created with full knowledge that it was unworkable and unsustainable. The CLASS Act’s sole purpose appears to have been a budget gimmick. In a nut shell, hard working Americans are being forced to pay into the CLASS Act program for five years - to the tune of $70 billion – and then their money is immediately taken out to be spent elsewhere. This kind of boiler-room trick shows exactly how out of touch Washington is with the American people.”
“This report on the CLASS Act demonstrates the Obama administration’s willingness to inflict harm on taxpayers and the economy in order to advance its political agenda,” said Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala). “It is particularly troubling that the administration wants to start a new and unsustainable entitlement when we are already struggling to put existing programs and our national finances on the path to stability.”
“To advance the president’s healthcare agenda, it appears a deliberate effort was made by administration officials to hide CLASS’s true cost from lawmakers and the public,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). “The deception exposed in this report paved the way to imposing additional financial burdens on taxpayers, businesses, and cash-strapped states—at a time when they can least afford them. The unsustainable CLASS program should be immediately repealed and, without a doubt, this troubling evidence warrants further inquiry.”
“The CLASS Act is billed as an insurance program for long-term care, but really it's just a huge and very costly government accounting trick,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). “Remember Enron accounting? Well, I believe even Enron executives would be embarrassed by the accounting gimmicks created by the CLASS Act."
“The CLASS Program was one of the many ill-advised provisions contained in President Obama’s health care law,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (Calif.-49). "The Chief Actuary at CMS and numerous private sector actuaries publicized their belief that CLASS would suffer from severe adverse selection and place taxpayers at risk of a substantial bailout. This report provides evidence that the Administration was well aware of their concerns, but ignored them for political reasons as it pushed the health care law through Congress.”
“The Working Group’s report will further exacerbate the public’s lack of trust in their government,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy (S.C.-04). “The Obama Administration continues to ignore reality. The American people deserve to know the facts behind this expansive entitlement.”
“There is near unanimous agreement among experts that the CLASS programs will add billions to our nation’s debt in the coming years. Congress should repeal CLASS before implementation. Our children and grandchildren cannot afford another unfunded entitlement program,” said Rep. Charles Boustany, Jr., M.D. (La.-07). “The Obama Administration and Senator Harry Reid disregarded independent actuaries' concerns when slipping the flawed CLASS program into the new health law. They did so knowing revenue from CLASS premiums could be diverted to fund unrelated parts of the law.”
“The CLASS Act was a budgetary deception included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as an attempt to mask the actual cost of the law,” said Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Texas-26). “From the beginning we knew this program was structured in a way that would not allow the program to be properly paid for and would only add even more to the deficit. Complaints about the insolvency of the program have come from both sides of the aisle as well as from the administration’s own Chief Actuary. Instead of focusing on reducing the costs of long term care insurance for Americans, the president’s health care law exploits tax payer confidence through creating another program that is poorly structured and will cost taxpayers even more money.”
“This report proves that the CLASS Act is nothing more than a new entitlement nightmare created by ObamaCare,” said Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D. (Ga.-11). “Adding another entitlement is the last thing we should do, especially when we are struggling to maintain programs already in place, like Medicare and Medicaid. The CLASS Act is wholly irresponsible and blatantly ignores the economic crisis our country is in. By eliminating this program, we will prevent an unnecessary bureaucratic ordeal from further burdening the American taxpayer.”
The Working Group’s full report can be found HERE.
Planned Parenthood Denied $397K in Tax Funding in Tennessee
by Steven Ertelt | Memphis, TN | LifeNews.com | 10/17/11 7:31 PM
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The Planned Parenthood abortion business has lost its battle to keep a $397,000 taxpayer-funded contract in Memphis, Tennessee after pro-life advocates contacted members of the county commission requesting that the grant be given to someone else.
Shelby County Health Department director Yvonne Madlock had announced in September that , after significant lobbying from pro-life advocates, Christ Community Health Services would receive the $397,000 contract with the county for family planning rather than Planned Parenthood. Then, in a 6-4 party-line vote, the Shelby County Commission decided to postpone its decision and allow Planned Parenthood more time to make its case that it should continue receiving the tax money.
reportsthat the abortion business has a pending bid protest with the county government.
According to the paper, members of the commission voting in favor of ending the contract with the abortion business included Brent Taylor, James Harvey, Terry Roland, Mike Ritz, Chris Thomas, Justin Ford, Steve Mulroy, Heidi Shafer and Wyatt Bunker. Henri E. Brooks, Melvin Burgess, Walter Bailey and Sidney Chism voted to continue funding Planned Parenthood.
Baily had previously said he would vote to change the contact to Christ Community, but reneged on his vote after it said it would not dispense so-called emergency contraception to women — the morning after pill that could cause an abortion in some instances. The medical center said it would refer such cases to a third party.
Jeff Drzycimski, a Catholic deacon and one of several pro-life advocates who spoke before the commission, told the newspaper he was pleased with the vote.
“It is about abortion. That’s why so many people are here,” he said. “We want our tax dollars not to fund Planned Parenthood, not to fund the killing of children.”
Initially, a committee of six people reviewed the grant requests and Christ Community scored higher than Planned Parenthood for its ability to provide the family planning services. However, Planned Parenthood executive Barry Chase complained to the press about the scoring and the county commission agreed to delay the change in funding.
Meanwhile, Christ Community leader Burt Waller initially told the newspaper the medical facility refers women for abortions, although it doesn’t do them. However, it later contacted it to correct the record.
“We really try to provide women with other options and make sure they have those possibilities and if they at the end still want a pregnancy termination, we know they know where to go,” Dr. Rick Donlon, a founding physician at the clinic, said.
“We’re persuaded that a pregnancy is a human life and that is worthy of all the protections,” Donlon said, adding that women know where to get abortions and doesn’t need Christ Community to direct them to them.
The money comes from the Title X family planning grants states are given by the federal government and Davidson County, the location of Nashville, made the decision earlier this year to move the recipient of its funding elsewhere from the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Because Shelby County was the lone holdout, pro-life advocates focused their efforts on persuading the county government to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
At the time of the initial announcement, Brian Harris of Tennessee Right to Life told LifeNews he is delighted by the decision.
“Pro-life Tennesseans have proven again today what can be positively accomplished for the protection of human life when we work together,” he said. “Pro-life voters have spoken in a consistent manner over the course of years and their elected officials–councilmen, commissioners, legislators, mayors, congressmen and our Governor—they have all joined the long effort to protect life and Tennessee’s taxpayers. Tennessee Right to Life thanks them all for this good news today.”
Even if Shelby County ultimately revokes the grant, the Planned Parenthood abortion business is still receiving taxpayer dollars from the state of Tennessee.
As LifeNews reported earlier this month, the Tennessee Department of Health gave Parenthood Greater Memphis Region (PPGMR) a grant to combat syphilis in Shelby County that allows Planned Parenthood to prop itself up by adding legitimate medical services to its abortion business. PPGGMR will able to provide free syphilis testing starting next month at its 2430 Poplar Avenue facility.
The Centers for Disease Control chose the county as a target area because of high rates of the disease as it ranked fifteenth in the United States for syphilis rates and WMC-TV indicates “Shelby County has the highest number of newly-diagnosed syphilis cases in Tennessee, and the infection rate for all stages of syphilis is five times higher in Shelby County than in the U.S. overall.”
PPGMR CEO Barry Chase told WMC-TV 5: “The syphilis elimination project dovetails well with PPGMR’s community HIV testing and prevention counseling program. Thousands of Mid-South women and teens rely on Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region for preventive and reproductive health care. This is another way we can serve vulnerable and at-risk populations who may have nowhere else to turn for health care.”
Harris was disappointed the abortion business received a grant that should have gone to a legitimate medical provider that can better treat potential patients and be free of the ethical concerns of having Tennesseans fund the nation’s biggest abortion business with its tax dollars.
Harris’ group worked to eliminate taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and successfully won legislative approval of a provision to do so, but someone in the legislature secretly removed it from the final bill that Governor Bill Haslam eventually signed. In response, Tennessee Right to Life called on Haslam to keep his campaign promise not to fund Planned Parenthood if elected to office.
ACTION: Contact the Shelby County Commission at http://www.shelbycountytn.gov/index.aspx?nid=71 and thank them for voting to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Home / News / Press Releases
Press Releases
Oct 18 2011
Let’s Try Something That Might Actually Work

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding the President’s failed stimulus and the need for a new approach to solve the jobs crisis:
“It’s no secret that the vast majority of Americans aren’t happy with Washington right now. They say that 13 percent of the public approve of Congress, but I for one haven’t met many of them.
“It’s also no secret that the President of the United States is trying to use this displeasure with Washington for political gain. And I think that’s a pretty sad commentary on the state of affairs over at the White House these days.
“As the only person elected to represent every American, the President should speak for all Americans, especially in times of crisis, not divide them for short-term partisan political gain.
“But it’s perfectly obvious why the President would find the path of division appealing — because on the number one issue we face, jobs and the economy, the President’s policies haven’t worked as advertised.
“After nearly three years in office, he’s failed to make good on his promises to turn the jobs crisis around. And I think you can pretty much sum up that failure with a single number: 1.5 million. That’s how many fewer jobs there are right now in America since the President signed his first stimulus, according to the Obama administration’s own Labor Department: 1.5 million.
“So he’s trying to change the topic.
“He wants to deflect attention from that record.
“He wants people to think that the problem isn’t his policies. It’s those mean Republicans in Congress who oppose them.
“But the President leaves a few things out of the reelection script that he brought along on his bus tour.
“First of all, it wasn’t just the Republicans who defeated his latest stimulus bill last week.
“The only reason a majority of Democrats voted to debate it is they knew they wouldn’t have to vote for it.
“That’s why the Majority Leader repeatedly moved to block a vote on the measure itself.
“Second: we’re now living under economic policies that President Obama himself put in place.
“This isn’t something you’ll hear on the bus tour, but let’s be clear: the President got everything he wanted from a Democrat-controlled Congress during the first two years of his Presidency.
“Now we’re living with the hard reality that those policies have brought to bear on the American worker.
“So at this point, anytime the President says ‘pass this bill,’ people have very good reason to be skeptical.
“Because this isn’t the first time President Obama’s demanded that Congresses pass what he calls a ‘jobs bill.’
“But if this one were to pass, and it worked as advertised, then it would be the first one that did.
“Again and again, the President’s response to America’s ongoing jobs crisis has been to insist that Congress pass some urgent piece of legislation right away, or an even worse calamity would result. Those bills were supposed to create jobs and prevent layoffs too. But he keeps coming back for more.
“I guess the President is counting on the American people to forget that part. He’s counting on us to forget about the other stimulus legislation he’s already signed into law, and that it’s failed to live up to the hype every time.
“Again and again, the President has demanded that Congress do something to create jobs — and the only thing we seem to end up with at the end of the day is more debt, more government, and fewer jobs.
“Let’s just review the record for a second.
“Two and a half years ago, President Obama went down to Florida and said the first stimulus — the nearly one trillion dollar government spending bill he signed shortly after taking office — would save or create millions of jobs, including jobs for firefighters, nurses, police officers, and teachers.
“What happened?
“Well, the states got their bailout, the national unemployment rate didn’t budge, and a year and a half later, the President was back asking for another one.
“That’s right, a year and a half after the first stimulus, the White House was back last August, saying they needed another $26 billion right away or else 160,000 teachers would get pink slips, and police and firefighters across the country would be off the job. And what happened then?
“Well, the states got another bailout, the unemployment rate didn’t budge, and now the President’s riding around on a bus saying that if they don’t get another one, teachers, police and firefighters will lose their jobs. Again.
“Anybody notice a pattern here?
“We’ve been doing this for nearly three years now. It doesn’t work as advertised.
“Bailouts don’t solve the problem. They perpetuate it.
“Yet all we get from the President and Democrats in Congress is ‘Do it again — or else!’
“We’ve been mired in a jobs crisis for three years now, and all Democrats ever want to do is throw more taxpayer money at it.
“It never works the way they claim it will.
“And yet they want to keep doing it with other people’s money.
“Just throw another bailout together, slap the word ‘jobs’ on the cover page, and dare people to vote against it.
“That’s the Democrats’ governing philosophy — three years into this jobs crisis.
“It wouldn’t be irresponsible to oppose an approach like this; it would be irresponsible to consider it.
“It didn’t work the first time. It didn’t work the second time.
“The third time won’t be the charm.
“And that’s why Republicans, and a growing number of our Democrat friends, want a different approach.
“There is growing bipartisan opposition to trying the same failed policies again.
“And there’s bipartisan opposition to raising taxes, especially at a time when 14 million Americans are out of work.
“I mean, if there’s one thing we should agree on right now it’s that we should be making it easier for businesses to hire, not harder.
“So, the President should drop his obsession with raising taxes.
“And if he really wants to create jobs, maybe he should consider doing something different.
“They’ve tried the bailout approach.
“They’ve tried more regulations, more debt and more taxes.
“Let’s try a new idea for a change.
“One that has bipartisan support.
“One that isn’t a two-time proven failure.
“Let’s try something that might actually work.
“Because the American people didn’t send us here to kick our problems down the road. And they certainly didn’t send us here to repeat the same mistakes over and over again — and then stick them and their children with the tab. That might be how you maintain a sense of urgency, by failing to solve the problem the first two times around. But it isn’t how you solve a jobs crisis.
“The American people deserve better than this.“They deserve better than false promises they’re getting.
“The President got everything he wanted from a Democrat-led Congress for two years.
“A health care law that was designed to take over of one-sixth of the entire U.S. economy.
“A financial reform bill that punishes businesses that had nothing to do with the financial crisis.
“Out-of-control regulations that are forcing otherwise healthy businesses to shut down — businesses like Smart Papers in Hamilton Ohio, a paper mill that said last week it’s shutting down because of onerous new federal regulations that make it too costly to do business.
“And a trillion dollar stimulus that was supposed to solve this jobs crisis two and half years ago.
“For two years, when he said ‘Pass this bill right away,’ Democrats acted. And here’s what we got despite all that: trillions in debt and more than a million and a half fewer jobs.
“We don’t need more of that. We can’t afford more of the same.”
FINANCE-DOCUMENT Oct-19-2011 (310 words) xxxi
Vatican to issue document on global financial reform
Activists kick off "Occupy Detroit" with a rally and march through downtown Detroit Oct. 10. The group was protesting the actions of U.S. banks and other financial institutions during the country's economic crisis. (CNS/Jim West)
By John Thavis
Catholic News Service
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican has prepared a document on reform of the global financial system and the potential role of a public regulatory authority.
The document, prepared by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, was to be released Oct. 24 in four languages, and presented the same day at a Vatican news conference by Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the council.
The Vatican said the document would address "reform of the international financial system with a view toward a general public authority."
The wording refers to a section of the 1963 encyclical "Peace on Earth" ("Pacem in Terris"), which stated: "Today the universal common good presents us with problems which are worldwide in their dimensions; problems, therefore, which cannot be solved except by a public authority with power, organization and means co-extensive with these problems, and with a worldwide sphere of activity."
In recent months, the Vatican's justice and peace council has convened experts for discussions of the ethical dimension of the global financial crisis. At one conference sponsored by the council last May, participants said Catholics were looking for guidance from the Vatican on ethical principles for the world of finance and the environment.
In his 2009 encyclical "Charity in Truth" ("Caritas in Veritate"), Pope Benedict XVI addressed the worsening effects of the global crisis and said there was "an urgent need of a true world political authority" that could give poorer nations a bigger voice in financial decision-making, help manage the global economy, guarantee food security, better protect the environment and regulate migration.
"Such an authority would need to be regulated by law, to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, to seek to establish the common good, and to make a commitment to securing authentic integral human development inspired by the values of charity in truth," the pope said.
Copyright (c) 2011 Catholic News Service/USCCB. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed. CNS · 3211 Fourth St NE · Washington DC 20017 · 202.541.3250
Social Security Needs to Be Fixed, Says Senate Finance Minority, but How?
David C. John
October 18, 2011 at 10:45 am
Senate Finance Committee Republicans have some good advice for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (sometimes known as the super committee): Fix Social Security now.
As part of a 21-page comprehensive set of recommendations on issues under Finance Committee jurisdiction, the Republicans note that “Social Security reform, aimed at solvency and integrity of the program, and not for near-term deficit reduction, needs to occur as soon as possible and should not be delayed.”
Further, the recommendations note:
Reform of the Social Security program to ensure sustainable solvency and protection against poverty will:- Restore the long-term viability of the Social Security program upon which seniors, disabled workers, and dependents depend;
- Provide younger workers with clear signals and ample time to adjust their lifetime savings plans;
- Protect general government finances from irreversible deterioration and further future stresses;
- Help restore our AAA credit rating;
- Help guard against future ratings downgrades; and
- Send useful signals to financial markets of serious action on unsustainable entitlement promises.
As the recent 2011 trustees report showed, Social Security has entered into a time of permanent cash flow deficits, and failure to fix the system will mean that all Social Security recipients will face 22 percent across-the-board benefit cuts.
The Finance Committee Republicans follow their general recommendation with seven specific thoughts about how to fix Social Security, most of which are quite good. For instance:
The objectives of Social Security reform should be to ensure lasting solvency of the program over the infinite horizon and to maintain Social Security as a safety net program that protects against poverty in old age or when a worker becomes disabled.…
Comprehensive reform of the Disability Insurance component of the Social Security system, funded by Trust Fund assets that will be depleted as early as 2016, must be a part of any overall Social Security reform effort.
However, one of their specific recommendations is not nearly strong enough and has wording that could be interpreted as giving the Joint Committee permission to increase Social Security taxes:
Increasing payroll taxes or lifting the taxable wage cap means higher taxes on labor and small businesses, which will slow growth in jobs and the economy. Moreover, higher payroll taxes levied on employers are ultimately borne primarily by workers in the form of lower wages and other benefits. The JSC should be mindful of those negative economic effects in any deliberations over payroll taxes. [Emphasis added.]
The Joint Committee needs to be much more than “mindful” of the negative effects of increasing Social Security payroll taxes or increasing the taxable wage cap. It needs to just say no to them both.
As the Finance Committee Republicans noted, increasing Social Security payroll taxes would slow economic and employment growth. The Senate Finance Committee Republicans should have told the Joint Committee in no uncertain terms to avoid increasing Social Security taxes.
Further, the recommendations fail to include any concrete recommendations about how this reform is to be made other than some vague hinting around. Fixing Social Security requires some specific steps such asincreasing the retirement age to reflect the longevity changes that have already taken place.
In addition, the way that annual COLA changes are made should be improved by switching to the Chained CPI index and changing the benefit formula to focus scarce resources on those who need them the most by reducing benefits for upper-income retirees.
Without hard decisions like these specific steps, Social Security’s financial problems will continue to blight the retirement security of today’s workers.
YOU WILL HAVE TO CONVERT ALL YOUR DISCUSSIONS TO NOTES TO SAVE YOUR INFO BY 10/31/11. This from cryptogon.com. Looks like these "persons" are as evil as Google.
Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users October 20th, 2011
Via: Slashdot:
“As noted previously, Max Schrems of Europe Versus Facebook has
filed numerous complaints about Facebook’s data collection practices.
One complaint that has failed to draw much scrutiny regards Facebook’s
creation of Shadow Profiles. ‘This is done by different functions that
encourage users to hand personal data of other users and non-users to
Facebook… (e.g. synchronizing mobile phones, importing personal data
from e-mail providers, importing personal information from instant
messaging services, sending invitations to friends or saving search
queries when users search for other people on facebook.com). This means
that even if you don’t use it, you may already have a profile on
A Tea Party Panel Supports Health Care Law’s Repeal
Published: October 17, 2011
A Tea Party commission trying to “crowd-source” a plan to reduce the federal budget deficit says it found broad support for repealing the health care legislation passed last year and eliminating entire federal departments, but much less enthusiasm for changes to Medicare and Social Security.
Chip Litherland for The New York Times
The report was issued by FreedomWorks, which is led by Matt Kibbe, left, and Dick Armey.Multimedia
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Those programs are two of the biggest contributors to the nation’s deficit. Still, the Tea Party Debt Commission says that its proposals, which will be released in preliminary form on Tuesday, add up to $6 trillion in savings over 10 years — more than the reductions proposed by President Obama, or Representative Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin who is the chairman of the House Budget Committee, or the report of a bipartisan commission last year.The Tea Party commission is hoping that with the help of conservative senators, it can influence the work of a bipartisan panel of 12 lawmakers that has been charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in cuts over the next decade.A copy of the preliminary findings was provided to The New York Times. A more formal report of the commission’s plans will be presented at a hearing on Capitol Hill on Nov. 17 — a week before the bipartisan panel is expected to complete its recommendations.The Tea Party commission was formed by FreedomWorks, the libertarian advocacy group that is led by Dick Armey, the former House majority leader, and was one of the first organizations to cultivate the Tea Party. FreedomWorks named 12 commissioners and held nine hearings across the country where it gave presentations on the budget deficit and solicited ideas on how to cut it.The group also set up a Web site on which people were presented a series of choices about what to cut from the budget.“What we’re trying to prove,” said Adam Brandon, a spokesman for FreedomWorks, “is that No. 1, there’s popular support for cuts, and that No. 2, it is possible to make the cuts that we’re talking about without raising new revenue.”The commission’s preliminary recommendations tend to be ideas that conservatives have long supported. The FreedomWorks presentation argued that raising taxes could not balance the budget.The menu of choices on the debt commission Web site did not include options Democrats have suggested; for instance, requiring hedge fund managers to pay ordinary tax rates, rather than the lower 15 percent they pay now on so-called carried interest income.Instead, would-be budget architects were offered stark choices: Would you prefer to reduce Social Security benefits for those with high incomes or raise the retirement age for Social Security to 70? End all foreign aid or eliminate the Department of Energy? Eliminate ethanol tax credits or end farm subsidies? Other proposals included privatizing air traffic control, reducing the pay for federal employees by 10 percent and eliminating AmeriCorps, the youth volunteer program.A FreedomWorks memo on the preliminary findings said that more than 40,000 people visited the Web site to make recommendations for cuts.The most popular idea, supported by 93 percent, was repealing what the site referred to as “Obamacare,” the health care overhaul legislation passed in March 2010. After that, the most popular ideas were reducing duplicative purchases of Pentagon supplies (90 percent), eliminating the Department of Education and privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (81 percent each), and reducing discretionary spending to 2008 levels (76 percent).When it comes to cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, the report said visitors to the site were “more cautious,” and “prefer reductions in peripheral elements,” like tightening eligibility for Social Security disability payments and reducing subsidies to teaching hospitals.The report said that the top 10 choices would add up to $6 trillion in savings. But some of these proposals are vague or subject to year-to-year change (selling “underused” federal buildings, ending earmarks). Others are subject to dispute: FreedomWorks says that repealing the health care legislation would cut $1.2 trillion, but the Congressional Budget Office has projected that repealing the legislation would actually increase the deficit by $210 billion over the next 10 years.Still, the report offers some sense of how the Tea Party might influence the debate when the joint Congressional panel makes its recommendations in November.The staff of Senator Mike Lee of Utah, a Republican who was elected last year with heavy Tea Party support, will conduct the November hearing on the Tea Party plan.The 12-member Congressional committee, named as part of the deficit reduction deal in August, will release its proposal for at least $1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years by Nov. 23. If a majority of its members can agree, the House and Senate must vote on their proposal by Dec. 23.A version of this article appeared in print on October 18, 2011, on page A17 of the New York edition with the headline: A Tea Party Panel Supports Health Care Law’s Repeal.

RESTORING FISCAL SANITY: “THE 2011-2012 TEA PARTY-CONSERVATIVE STRATEGY AND DETAILED PLAN TO ECONOMIC STABILIZATION” RESTORING FISCAL SANITY: “THE 2011-2012 TEA PARTY-CONSERVATIVE STRATEGY AND DETAILED PLAN TO ECONOMIC STABILIZATION” “Efficiency of state governments is impaired as they relinquish and turn over to the federal government responsibilities which are rightfully theirs.” -Calvin Coolidge Contrary to the most recent sound bites from Obama’s Campaign Advisor David Axelrod and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, our economic issues have nothing to do with: the Arab Spring, Japanese earthquakes, or the European debt crisis. Such travesty when the issue is the $14 trillion dollar deficit; $9 trillion obligated by Obama, up to and by the 2010 budget and the 2011 budget unwritten: from unfunded mandates, programs, and Obama’s constituent lobbying and empty promises of payouts indebting taxpayers. The way to govern is not to expand government, or misappropriate, by levying debt onto states and individual taxpayers to finance a bogus and unlawful agenda against the will of the American people. While we anxiously await Obama’s impeachment, and while many of us thought this was the only way to rectify at least half of the deficit, by kicking him out, this is still necessary because Obama has treated the national debt as his own personal tab of taxpayers’ dollars, (which is treacherous and treasonous). During the legal process of criminal investigations against Obama for fundraising fraud with Tony Rezko and purchased property, voter election fraud 2008 (dead people and Mickey Mouse voted but Clinton did not press another ballot as long as she became Secretary of State), corruption allegations that he was the #2 highest recipient of Fannie Mae contributions, and numerous indications that the birth certificate is indeed a forgery, we still worked and continued to push for cuts. When proposing cuts did not work but to accomplish exhausting debate, the House introduced various measures that passed: repeal of H.R. 4872, nearly passed Cut, Cap & Balance and pushed for a Balanced Budget Amendment, and the House even completed negotiations on emergency legislation to reduce the interest from the debt supercycle of bumping our head on the debt ceiling by making cuts and compromising. Yet we still have had repeal legislation for an entire year https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jK6-kGCB_Dbb5K98YSS9o9kSNBwLJsSb7XQ5GQSvTks/edit?authkey=CIS_je8I&hl=en_US, that has not been brought to the floor, simply because the debt ceiling debate and finding the funds to run the federal government had usurped our entire time working together since March. This instability has contributed to a roller coaster market and investor uncertainty; heck, if the government can’t pay their bills or afford the interest on their loans, surely the private sector would have never recovered and we would be stuck in the same ditch Obama touted, that he spun his wheels in and dug us even deeper in debt by $9 trillion all by himself. Still want Obama in the driver seat and Harry Reid as Senate copilot? I don't think so! All of the hard work and compromise in the House of Representatives was met with retraction from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid since losing super majority power in 2010 by the replacement of 59 seats: despite court rulings against H.R. 4872, despite nearly 1,500 waivers being filed to opt-out of H.R. 4872 with half the states rejecting the levying of debt for an unconstitutional health insurance program and suing the federal government, despite the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling 2 to 1 that H.R. 4872 poses issues that violate the Constitution, especially the individual mandate clause http://www.wsbtv.com/politics/28848345/detail.html -- it is not the Tea Party, the GOP, or the majority of the American people failing to see futility and fiscal insanity this has created, only Obama, Senator Reid, and about seven Democrats.Most working class Americans, those that comprise the Tea Party as middle class, have watched their 401K’s lose the entire value that they have paid in all this year, due to the uncertainty that H.R. 4872 created over taxation and business practices, along with Democrats refusing to acknowledge the seriousness of the deficit, continuing to charge their will on the taxpayers’ dime; no matter the consequences regarding interest, the debt ceiling, sinking the recovery, and sabotaging the stock market, and stinting our future, according to the Democrats they are still not to blame even though they have obligated $9 trillion unwisely. The Tea Party which now claims 59 seats in the House is the rising Independent third party for 2012 representation, and we are tired of being exploited for the government machine. Additionally, we are bewildered with being placated, lied to, and stolen from from a small handful of corrupt Democrats abusing their power in the Senate, and by a President who is not even a citizen, let alone someone who we respect as a leader. Since government is supposed to be for the people and by the people, we intend to financially take control back of our country. If that takes an election of replacing 250 seats, or if that takes eradicating 10% of the federal government to invest in the private sector, or permanently doing away with those seats by not funding those positions and permanently striking them, we will do all three if that is what it takes. The Holy Grail of the Tea Party, in partnership with the Balanced Budget Amendment, is limited government. We revile the abuse of power of Senator Harry Reid and others, and as taxpayers, we refuse to be subject to his whims as Obama’s right hand. Therefore, we will continue to iron out these plans and see to their implementation in some form or fashion, as we certainly can not afford to have bad leadership ruin our country by refusing to do anything but wait for them to do the right thing that they should have done in the first place! #1 the primary strategy is DECENTRALIZATION. While many states have already studied and have began enacting "THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012 6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy': http://t.co/p63iYHk as appropriate to their own state, it has not been enough to sustain the market, reduce unemployment, and generate revenue, without making necessary and long overdue cuts to federal spending. While we know what we want to cut http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150234787261225 and https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225 LIST A LIST B Restore America Act of 2012: Barbones Budget Strategy Cuts:(plan developed for states) (5,000 participated on Facebook on what to cut)1) Defund H.R. 4872 1) DFACS2) Impeach Obama 2) SNAP3) Reform Social Security 3) Public Broadcasting4) Pension Reform 4) Housing Assistance5) Medicare/Medicaid 5) Unemployment Checks6) Food Stamps/TANF 6) DMV, Post Office, other services 7) Federal employees 8) Planned Parenthood 9) FDA, Inspectors, streamlining agencies 10) Congress 11) WIC 12) Law Enforcement We are still having trouble at HOW to go about achieving these goals. While we have done #1, #4, and started #6 in GA, we are not totally there or even close to accomplishing half of our goals at state level. Nor can it not be said enough that we need to reduce federal spending in our state, cut services, and reduce the total size of GA government until it equals 10%. We then show where we’ve given government loans in the private sector to businesses to hire employees, since banks aren’t loaning the money. The government needs the revenue, and banks need to be reminded that they’re too fat. On the federal level, we have done #3, decreased #4, increased #2 and #5, just now cut #6, and we aren’t even close to attaining 25% of our goals. Here is the scary part: we will have to do all of this by March of next year, or we will be in the same spot we were with 8-2 being the death knell to the economy with interest eating us alive because our debt is so high for refusal to cut Obama’s programs, or any programs substantially for that matter. This is why I’m pressing for #10. We are preparing for the next election cycle for 2012, and it will be separating the wheat from the tares. Congress seems to be unwilling to go without vacations and make sacrifices in pay for the fact that a $14 trillion dollar deficit exists, so we need to rid ourselves of or shed 250 seats. These seats are based on roll calls votes of those who voted against Cut, Cap&Balance or various measures related to sane budgeting. #4, #5, #7, and #8 must go immediately. We are still working on judicial reform and matters related to Homeland Security until 9/11/2011. After that, we will cut accordingly from #12 through Thanksgiving. That still leaves #1, #2, #6, and #9. I pray that as we break this down with Super Congress of the 12, that we can prioritize our cuts and decision-making judiciously between now and Thanksgiving. I do realize that if agreements can’t be made to reasonable degree that spending cuts will automatically be triggered like during the Clinton Administration, which I am grateful that call was heard. While the Path to Prosperity is great, we must act upon its principles, and those automatic triggers while a safety net to keep us from being imperiled in March is great, we really need to give the succeeding President something to work with other than Obama’s red Chinese cents, and of course, remove such disgrace.
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Hans Von Bumbler likes this.View 1 share
Hans Von Bumbler I wish I could get my hopes up, but I don't see anything happening until the dems in the Senate turn on Obama, hoping to survive the 2012 elections. I think that's happening now.
August 23 at 2:19am · Like
Hans Von Bumbler I should add that Obama's appeal is fading dramatically. I almost wonder if he'll stick it out until 2012. I know that's wishful thinking, but his media cronies are turning on him, too. His ego won't be able to stand it. That does, however, make him even more dangerous than ever.
August 23 at 2:26am · Like
A lot has already happened, if we are to judge the barometer by the response of our opposition in Maxine Waters condemning the Tea Party to hell, then 'To subdue the enemy without fighting is the pinnacle of success.' Hans Von Bumbler yourperception of politics doesn't change the course of established criminal investigation; it is a sad fact that he's facing impeachment, pathetic he robbed of us of a fair election in 2008, and even more stupid to condone mediocrity and not hold him accountable. The Hawaii Dept. of Health could not produce the birth certificate, so they are schedule to be in court 9-14, with more people to be implicated in assisting criminal wrongdoing. What they thought was a good deed, was surely illegal, and why it was wrong everyone sees clearly know the the fruit of it. They will reap what they've sown, but we're tired of everyone suffering for it.Another thing: do you think I ever stopped in 3yrs. from pursuing the truth, writing newsletters, or writing Congress? No, and a subpoena was delivered on 8-8 because of it. Many of us believed from the start that he was lying, the Press was lying, and that it was corruption. I pressed on: despite losing Facebook friends, despite drawing criticism from friends I've had for years and even though my family treated me like I was nuts. Now guess what they are all saying? Not that I have wishful thinking, not that I'm a racist, not that I dislike Obama without cause, but that I am indeed right; how terrible that is for us all for not acting sooner, and that Obama needs to go!!! Hans Von Bumbler I never would have gotten there listening to naysaying. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't, we you certainly can make a difference, now matter how you contribute to the cause of truth, justice, and righteousness.August 23 at 8:56am · Like
Aja Brooks I also caused Obama to lose 40,000 twitter followers: the day that happened, copies of the subpoena that we obtained were all over the internet. Rethink your power and position to act,Hans Von Bumbler and be inspired past your perception of politics.Aja Brooks "It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn." --George Washington, letter to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1789August 23 at 8:59am · Like
Dennis M. Palaruan take action Iran.
September 22 at 9:15pm · Like
Alex Scott as a box of frogs...
October 10 at 4:20pm · Like
by Aja Brooks on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 7:06pm

DFACS - state should be in total control under the Governor/Feds should have no control or appropriated funding for this entity, no borrowing from the federal government to keep this running
the state needs to trade the cost of immigration enforcement for DFACS, meaning federal appropriations are to be used to enforce immigration laws only, not fund DFACS.
Clayton County DFACS should be audited for their reluctance or unwillingness to adhere to 30 day inquiry/complaint resolution within 60 days.
Spalding County DFACS should have funding cut for refusal to investigate and cooperate with other agencies.
(this is like the difference between civil and military matters, and the funding should be viewed as such that which takes precedence.)
2. SNAP - is an intrusion into state finance with a federally funded food subsidy
too easily received food stamps/not readily taken away
food stamps are being traded for drugs
food stamps are being sold for cash
DFACS is not assisting or abiding by laws and reporting and wasting our tax dollars, won't accept related emails regarding cases or individuals who receive child support.
the federal government needs to get out of the media business!
the federal government needs to govern and enforce laws, not indoctrinate, proselytize or garner political messages with tax dollars.
4. HOUSING ASSISTANCE and related reform:
eradicate NACA and other groups that have a vested interest in the housing market that are receiving tax dollars to operate.
FHA loans to resolve solvency issues, if you are current on your taxes.
Prevent IRS fraud in the vulnerable mortgage market.
FHA loan standards are stringent, other mortgage companies need to convert to these standards or be fined immediately.
Go after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, fine them, and get the revenue back in the system for the damage done to taxpayers.
no unemployment unless you are current on your federal taxes
no unemployment if you're on probation
no unemployment if you are a single person with no dependents
make shorter periods of 3 months of aid, remove federal appropriations for unemployement, (Nancy Pelosi has passed this out like candy and indebted state governments) remove the federal appropriation for this.
disband Department of Labor in each state, the government needs to get out of employment services, concentrate on: governing, legislation, tax revenue, and ethical managment.
6. DMV, POST OFFICE, and other services:
layoffs, cut hours to Mon.-Thurs. 9AM-3PM.
IRS audit of these agencies to determine if they are operating efficiently.
shut Congress down until September
use this to to audit other agencies and submit finding for further analyses and cuts
review sunset laws
all Congress and Obama Admin. receive minimum wage until the deficit is corrected, per year; they get to serve the people not Lord over them!
Defund Planned Parenthood federal appropriation
the government needs to be out of the egg harvesting business, and the scientific manipulation of fetuses.
the government is not a lobbying mechanism for this, unless it is committee-approved earmarked spending
women's health issues should be state-to-state cost, not receive federal funds, health insurance should be the same way, not another federally-funded government appropriated program
full repeal and nullification of H.R. 4872
County health departments should be state-run, not receive federal funding
take big Pharma out by reducing government contracts, the government is not a pill mill lobbying business!
Big Pharma does not run our country, our health, our citizens do!
9. FDA, Inspectors, and streamlining government agencies
realign these agencies to work more cohesively with the FBI
consider them under the umbrella of homeland security
give agencies data based community access to information
10. Congress
term limits
review pension plans
election practices - reform Obama fraud, fine DNC, Clinton, and the like
impeachment proceedings
no deals on spending cuts, no going back on minimum wage pay consequence until the deficit is resolved in conjunction with reforming Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and related fraud issues.
6 month lay off should give Congress plenty of time to hammer out the problems they've created
11. WIC
a mother produces milk, it is not the government's responsibility to feed your child bread, milk, cheese, eggs, and formula.
it is not the taxpayers' job or the government's job to provide you with formula so that you can work or that you can use the money to spend on drugs to avoid breastfeeding.
WIC should be a state-run program, not receiving any welfare or federal dollars.
reduce routine patrol officers to walking the beat, as they need the exercise, and we can't afford their health problems associated with obesity and poor habits.
routine patrol officers must maintain health and standards that they enforce upon the community or face discipline, up to and including termination, being a cop doesn't mean you waste gas, going around harassing people, and stuffing your face with our tax dollars: you're a contracted employee, and you will be relieved of your duty.
police officers can afford their own vests/should be appropriated under state equipment costs and avoid accepting grants if all possible.
in conjunction with judicial reform through next January, officers can't play the system and work the streets and the jail, double-dipping and being corrupt: you face termination.
release mandatory minimum sentenced offenders into the work force, increase sentencing fines imposition, if fines are not paid or if you can't cooperate with your probation officer and agreed sentencing terms, you will be resentenced to work release until those fines are paid!
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Stephen Aaron Aja, i'm going to make some waves and say that i am unsure if i agree 100% on the congressional bullets.
April 18 at 10:13pm · Like
Aja Brooks hey this is a template, so that doesn't mean that this won't be modified these are goals, and what we need to do between now and September, and have Obama impeached by thenApril 18 at 10:20pm · Like
Stephen Aaron As weird as this sounds, we don't need to impeach Obama, just let his first term expire and make sure we get someone good in there, like Herman Cain. Secondly, how much of a term limit are we talking? I'm thinking 30 years is a good number for a limit for a congressman
April 18 at 10:22pm · Like
Aja Brooks I'm sorry Mr. Aaron, the bastardo is rich enough to retire now, he defrauded John McCain and all of us of a fair election. We should've had Colin Powell. Now if you'll excuse me, I think you're more suited to join a GOP suck@ss group instead of the Tea Party. Sorry, I've got to boot you, you seem nice but very misguided, and we can't have people like you speaking for us or representing us.April 18 at 10:24pm · Like
Aja Brooks I want a button on Facebook that permits you to block someone, and when you hit other, you can put: wasting my time, money, and patience!!April 18 at 10:27pm · Like
Albert R. PryorEVERYONE HAS HIS/HER OWN OPINION WE MUST RESPECT THAT,EVEN IF YOU DISAGREE.46 minutes ago · Like · · UnsubscribeAja Brooks I beg your pardon? Which opinion? I think we're all in agreement something needs to be done about the deficit, 2500 voted in the poll yesterday, and we came up with a 12 point plan. Did I miss getting your input Sir?32 minutes ago · LikeAlbert R. Pryor comment made by Steven Aaron22 minutes ago · LikeAja Brooks Mr. Aaron's comments were more about GOP demagoguery than deficit reduction. You're welcome to comment.10 minutes ago · LikeAja Brooks With respect to what Mr. Aaron said, we do support impeachment process, and we hope to reach that by this September. Thank you for participating, but his comments were too "red".about a minute ago · LikeApril 19 at 2:38pm · Like
Allison Brooks
Stephen Aaron April 18 at 10:51pm Report
Ms. Brooks,
I fail to see why i was removed and blocked on your other profile. I did nothing offensive or derogatory, I represent no one in my speech but myself. What was the reasoning behind this? Before you block me entirely at least satisfy my curiosity as to what I have done wrong against you
Allison Brooks April 19 at 11:24pm
Surely, your stance on corruption and how deeply this has impacted us with him wasting $9 trillion, is derogatory in my book. Secondly term limits proposed are being discussed at 4-6yrs. While I think that is too short, they want these gaps in order to prevent the type of robbery Obama has exacted upon us.
(Mr. Aaron's remarks)
As weird as this sounds, we don't need to impeach Obama, just let his first term expire and make sure we get someone good in there, like Herman Cain. Secondly, how much of a term limit are we talking? I'm thinking 30 years is a good number for a limit for a congressman
April 19 at 11:25pm · Like
Allison Brooks
Stephen Aaron April 19 at 11:31pm Report
I agree he is corrupted, but if we impeach him it only makes us look bad. Do I like Obama and what he has done to this country any more than you? Hell no! We still have to consider the future though...See More
April 19 at 11:36pm · Like
Allison Brooks Stephen Aaron April 19 at 11:49pm Report
WOW! I don't know whether to be offended or what lol i'm only 20 Ms. Brooks, and the new Chair of my College Republican Chapter, I pray never to be a lobbyist.
Allison Brooks April 19 at 11:55pm
rofl you shouldn't they are rapacious creatures lol
April 19 at 11:55pm · Like

Posted in Entitlements Print This Post
Tea Party Group Targets Entire Agencies for Cuts- By Janie Lorber
- Roll Call Staff
- Oct. 18, 2011, 2:22 p.m.
If tea partiers had their way, the super committee would completely ax the Department of Education.
And, of course, repeal President Barack Obama’s health care law.
At least that’s the conclusion of an online survey of more than 40,000 people who visited TeaPartyDebtCommission.com, a website set up by FreedomWorks, a Washington-based conservative group run by former Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) that has claimed the tea party banner.
The poll found that 93 percent of respondents would like to shutter the Department of Education.
But, why stop there?
Tea partiers also want to eliminate the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a move that would save $530 billion over the next 10 years, according to a FreedomWorks estimate.
“People love the idea of cutting out whole departments,” Dean Clancy, the organization’s legislative counsel and vice president of health care policy, wrote in a memo to colleagues on Monday. “This confirms our findings at the field hearings, where eliminating departments always gets very loud applause, especially the Department of Education.”
FreedomWorks will incorporate the results into a proposal that its 12-member citizen debt commission plans to deliver to Congress by Thanksgiving — as a contrast to whatever the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction presents to Congress for a vote.
The goal is to come up with a plan that reduces the national debt by at least $9 trillion and to counter the perception that the movement has no concrete proposals to offer lawmakers as they struggle to come up with at least $1.2 trillion in budget savings.
The survey could be completed by any visitor to the website and asked respondents to select programs to abolish from a list chosen by FreedomWorks.
The winning cost-saving proposals:
1. Repeal Obamacare (93%)
2. Reduce duplicative purchases of Pentagon supplies (90%)
3. Eliminate the Department of Education (81%)
4. Privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (81%)
5. Reduce discretionary spending to 2008 levels (76%)
6. Block grant Medicaid (73%)
7. End ethanol tax credits (71%)
8. Sell under used federal buildings (71%)
9. Eliminate HUD (70%)
10. End earmarks (68%)
JanieLorber@rollcall.com | @SJLorber
October 18, 2011
Trump Tough on Republicans, Democrats During Bachmann Tele-town Hall
Trump tough on Republicans, Democrats during Bachmann tele-town hall
By Josh Lederman, The Hill - 10/17/11 09:12 PM ET
Donald Trump, joining Michele Bachmann for a tele-town hall, launched barbs against Bachmann’s Democratic opponents, but also at fellow Republicans.
Trump’s comments and others he made before the town hall called attention to the awkward nature of the event, where Trump’s purpose was unclear and his support for Bachmann vague.
Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/donald-trump/2011/10/18/trump-tough-republicans-democrats-during-bachmann-tele-town-hall#ixzz1bA2G9B5F
Philadelphia Investigators Probe Alleged Imprisonment of 4 Mentally Disabled Adults
Authorities say Linda Ann Weston and two others locked four mentally disabled victims in the basement of a northeast Philadelphia apartment building in a plot to profit from their Social Security disability checks.
Oct. 17: Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey waits to address the media in front of the Philadelphia apartment building where four weak and malnourished mentally disabled adults, one chained to the boiler, were found locked inside a sub-basement room.
Police arrested three adults staying in an apartment upstairs, including the person accused of being the ringleader, Linda Ann Weston, in what authorities say is a scheme to steal the Social Security disability checks of defenseless and vulnerable people.
Source: AP


Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/us/2011/10/18/philadelphia-investigators-probe-alleged-imprisonment-4-mentally-disabled/#slide=1#ixzz1b9rCQYPt
Oct 18 2011
Hearing Statement: "Ten Years After 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks: Protecting Against Biological Threats"
WASHINGTON - Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, released the following statement on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing, "Ten Years After 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks: Protecting Against Biological Threats."
"As we witnessed during the anthrax attacks of 2001 and the pandemic flu that swept across the country in 2009, the impact of biological threats on our communities can be severe, and even deadly. That is why it is important that we continue to make preparedness for biological threats a priority and improve our response efforts.
"Since 2001, the federal government has taken many steps to better prepare our nation for biological threats and better coordinate our response capabilities. More tools, for instance, are now available to detect biological agents and share critical information across all levels of government. Still, we know that biological weapons and the spread of deadly diseases across the world pose a significant risk, so we must remain vigilant and committed to addressing this threat.
"While our biosecurity has improved in some areas, a recent report by the Bipartisan WMD Terrorism Research Center (The WMD Center) concludes that we do not yet have adequate response capabilities to meet fundamental expectations during a large-scale biological event. The report's findings are very troubling and I will be looking for answers at today's hearing about how we can better prepare our country for biological threats with bold, yet fiscally responsible methods.
"To address this significant threat in these uncertain economic times, I believe we must continue to work smarter with our limited federal dollars and find programs where we can get better results for less money or, at the very least, better results for the same amount of money. For example, as noted in The WMD Center's report, we should redouble our efforts to leverage the nation's collective capabilities to respond to bio threats and ensure that there is true regional collaboration taking place among all stakeholders, so that no city or state is overwhelmed by a biological incident. We must also look for smarter, more innovative ways to develop medical countermeasures in a timely and cost-effective manner.
"I would like to thank the Chairman and Ranking Member for calling this important hearing so that we can better assess the progress we have made in addressing biological threats over the last 10 years. I look forward to hearing from all our witnesses about how we can improve our efforts to address this very serious challenge."
###Permalink: http://carper.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2011/10/hearing-statement-ten-years-after-9-11-and-the-anthrax-attacks-protecting-against-biological-threats
Scarborough: Obama Can't Side With Protesters - 'He Got More Money From Wall Street Than Any Candidate' in History
Noel Sheppard
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 9:49am
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LightOfReasonTheir show must be highly scripted because she tells Scarborough "you said you weren't going to say it".FYI, Mr. President drilling more, regulating less & revoking ObommaCare are all great things & will help create jobs.Navigate:
- Poll: More blame D.C. than Wall St.
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Poll: More blame D.C. than Wall St.
By MJ LEE | 10/18/11 6:16 AM EDT
More Americans blame Washington than Wall Street for the country’s economic problems, a new poll shows.
In a new USA Today/Gallup survey, 78 percent of those surveyed said Wall Street deserves “a great deal” or a “fair amount” of blame for the poor economy, but even more - 87 percent - said the same about Washington.
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On who is more to blame for the weak state of the economy, 64 percent of people chose the federal government, while just 30 percent pointed the figure at big financial institutions.
Asked whether individuals felt that the economic system was fair to them 54 percent said it was fair, while 44 percent said it was not.
The survey, taken on the weekend of Oct. 15-16 as the Occupy Wall Street movement neared its one-month anniversary, also examined how Americans feel about the protest, and the majority of people indicated they didn’t know enough about the demonstrations to express an opinion.
Of those surveyed, 22 percent of people said they approve of the movement’s goals, while 15 percent said they disapprove. More than six out of 10 people, 63 percent, said they “don’t know enough” about the movement to lean in either direction.
Asked about the way the Occupy Wall Street protests are being conducted, 25 percent said they approved, while 20 percent said they disapproved. Again, a majority of people, 55 percent, said they didn’t know enough about the movement to express an opinion.
On the whole, 26 percent of people said they support the Occupy Wall Street movement, while 19 percent said they are opposed to it. The majority of people, 52 percent, said they do not support or oppose the protest.
Democrats were more inclined to show support the movement than Republicans – 42 percent of Democrats said they support Occupy Wall Street, while only 9 percent of Republicans said the same.
The poll was conducted among 1,026 adults and has a sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66224.html#ixzz1bAeyR5pl
Morning Bell: Wall Street is the Wrong Place to Occupy

Mike Brownfield
October 18, 2011 at 10:02 am
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows that when it comes to assigning blame for the country’s economic woes, more Americans point the finger at Washington, not Wall Street. Yet for weeks, the so-called Occupy Wall Street protesters have camped out in the heart of America’s financial district–and have raised their voices in cities across the country and around the world–decrying the capitalist system as the root of all evil.
On Sunday, these anti-capitalist protesters got a helping hand from none other than the President of the United States. Barack Obama was all too glad to lend support to the protests–which have at times been marked by shows of violence and lawlessness–saying during a speech dedicating the Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial that King would have supported the movement. And yesterday, a White House official said that during his latest “jobs” bus tour, the President would be speaking to the ”the interests of the 99 percent of Americans”–echoing the protesters’ “99 percent” slogan.
It’s all very ironic. President Obama’s policies have helped create and prolong the economic conditions that are causing America’s frustrations. It’s not surprising that, at a time of 9.1 percent unemployment, there is great dissatisfaction with policies that hurt the economy while helping political cronies and bailing out banks and financial groups.
But the policies that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are advocating–and their rejection of the capitalist system–won’t make the economy any better for the 14 million unemployed Americans and all those who are struggling in this stagnant economy. In fact, many of the demands voiced by the protesters are outright dangerous and would send us further from their own stated goal of improving economic conditions for the “99 percent.”
For instance, calls for severe limits on trade are a prescription for a second Great Depression and would hurt the poor in America and around the world most of all. The same is true for penalizing financial transactions through additional taxation or regulation. Capital is the lifeblood of job creation–starting viable new businesses or expanding existing employment opportunities is impossible without a thriving financial sector.
As the life of Steve Jobs shows, the free market has provided more wealth and spurred more innovation than any other system in history. Much as they try to vilify private enterprise, the protesters cannot deny this fact, especially as they use their iPhones to connect to AT&T or Verizon wireless networks in order to spread their messages on Facebook and Twitter. All of those innovations were bred and put into their hands because of the free market. Capitalism, by which is meant nothing more or less than respect for private ownership and the freedom to transact with other human beings, has provided more opportunity, increases in living standards, and overall well-being for the greatest number than any other system ever devised. It depends on freedom and in turn generates more freedom.
The protesters are right to decry out-of-control bailouts and corporate subsidies. The Heritage Foundation, too, has long denounced out-of-control bailouts and subsidies. Expanding the size of government will not end such policies, however. Instead it will expand them, as Obama’s expansion of bailout programs and support for aid to favored, politically connected energy companies shows. Moreover, while the protesters are decrying Wall Street bailouts, many are advocating for more bailouts for themselves, such as student loan forgiveness and mortgage bailouts. This is just as contrary to the capitalist system as is bailing out failed industries.
Ultimately, the protesters are expressing dissatisfaction with the direction America is heading. That dissatisfaction is shared by many Americans on the right, left, and center. America is headed in the wrong direction. But the answer is not to accelerate the present course of more government and less freedom. Instead we need to free ourselves from over intrusive government and trust the 99 percent to make their own decisions in a free marketplace.
The protesters are right to be frustrated with the state of the economy, the continued unemployment, and the lack of job creation and opportunity. But there’s a better way to solve the problem–the government should do no more harm, get out of the way, and let private, free enterprise work.
Quick Hits:- The Heritage Foundation will co-host a Republican presidential debate on foreign policy and national security with the American Enterprise Institute and CNN Tuesday, November 15, at 8 p.m. in Washington.
- House Republicans are investigating whether the Obama Administration broke the law when it restructured a $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra, the bankrupt solar energy company that the President once held up as a model for green jobs.
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Libya meeting with the country’s new rulers. She is expected to pledge millions of dollars in aid for the transitional government.
- China’s economic growth has slowed from 9.5 percent to 9.1 percent as its government undertakes efforts to prevent runaway growth and reduce inflation.
- The IRS is having trouble collecting Obamacare’s tanning tax, and that’s a troubling sign. Find out why on Foundry.org.
Posted in Enterprise and Free Markets
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*Liberals…You ARE Who You Stand With
By Craig Andresen on October 18, 2011 at 1:57 pm
Well, conservatives have been saying and saying it and liberals have been denying it and denying it – but it is getting VERY hard to for liberals to say it with a straight face.
We have sited over and over the links between the socialists, the communists and the democrats. Now, the communists and socialists are helping to make our argument for u,s but they’re not the only ones.
Obama, Pelosi and liberal after liberal have stood up and backed the “Occupy” mobs and offered THEIR words of support to them. Did I mention the unions are right there in the mix too.
The Unions stand WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Obama Stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Pelosi stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Liberal Hollywood stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Now…so does the Communist Party USA!!!
Liberals and the MSM have been trying, REALLY trying, to convince us that the “Occupy” mobs are just like the Tea Party. Hmmm…I don’t recall the Tea Party events being backed by…THE COMMUNIST PARTY…do you?
Well, let’s just do some visual comparison between the Tea Party and the Flea Party shall we?
Ummm…yeah…pretty much the same thing huh?
Okay, let’s recap.
The SEIU and George Soros have been the backers and financial push behind Obama.
The SEIU, Soros, the Socialist and Communist parties have been the sponsors and planners of recent liberal protests in Wisconsin and Washington.
The SEIU, Soros, the Socialist and Communist parties have backed Obama’s reelection efforts.
Now we have yet another “party” endorsing the “Occupy” mobs…the Nazi Party…Isn’t THAT special?
Liberals will, as they have before, try to disassociate themselves with these groups by being dismissive of them and of conservatives who dare to bring it up but here is the truth of this situation. If the Communist party, the Socialist party and the Nazi party are all endorsing the same thing YOU are endorsing…YOU and THEY are ONE.
In THIS case, the Communist Party, the Socialist party, the Nazi party and Liberal Democrats are ALL in lockstep, ALL standing with, ALL standing behind and ALL endorsing the “Occupy” mobs.
Okay, now we must add a couple more folks to this rather dire list.
ALSO endorsing the “Occupy” mobs are the Supreme Leader of…IRAN and the miserable HUGO CHAVEZ. They think this whole “Occupy” thing is just GREAT.
Oh…LOOK…There’s Code Pink backing the “Occupy” mobs.
Code Pink has quite a resume don’t they? They were in Egypt backing the same uprising backed by…the Muslim Brotherhood and they also sided with…HAMAS in the flotilla against Israel.
clicking here!
Liberals will tell you that just because these various and distasteful groups stand with the “Occupy” mobs, as do they, it doesn’t mean that liberals and these various and distasteful groups are one and the same. Liberals will claim they have not sought out these groups to endorse the same ideals as they themselves endorse.
Here is the question then. Why don’t liberals denounce these groups?
Instead of denouncing these various and distasteful groups, liberals stand with them, side by side, in lockstep. Liberals are right there, side by side with the Communist party. Liberals are right there, side by side with the Socialist party. Liberals are right there, side by side with the Nazi Party. Liberals are right there, side by side with people like Hugo Chavez and the Supreme Leader of Iran. Liberals are right there side by side with those who support Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Liberals, for the last few weeks, have been tripping all over themselves to draw parallels between the Tea Party and their “Occupy” mobs. Liberals have been saying there is no difference between the two and have been questioning why conservatives don’t give the same support to the “Occupy” mobs as to the Tea Party?
Saying these “Occupy” mobs are just like the Tea Party is almost as viable a comparison as saying an apple is the same thing as the moon.
Liberals, while they stand side by side with the Nazi party will, no doubt, continue to call the Tea Party a racist organization.
Liberals are so desperate to connect to anything making noise that they will stand with the likes of those who’s agenda is to destroy America and at the same time, condemn the Tea Party.
The Tea Party clearly stands with the principles and values of the Founders and the Constitution.
The “Occupy” mobs and those who endorse them are clearly aligned with those who would tear down the principles and values of the Founders and the Constitution.
Liberals…You ARE who you stand with.
Aja Brooks
#OccupyATHENS let us not waste the day - in March government could shut down totally, and it is them, not Wall Street or Jews, to focus on!
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Aja Brooks
#OccupyATHENS -- there is no need for you to go Jared Loughner on anyone: 14 officers injured in Greece; there is a better way than this!!!
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Aja Brooks
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Aja Brooks
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Aja Brooks
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Aja Brooks
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Aja Brooks
Yesterday was a great day: Senate passed measure to withhold ALL $ from any "Fast and Furious" operations, no more $ for Atty. General Holder, guns that killed a border patrol agent (investigations ongoing). Solyndra $535 million or is it really $535 billion, that changed hands as campaign funds that potential donors have of taxpayer money that they have or just gave to Obama?! (investigations ongoing and White House doesn't want you to know the whole truth) AND WENDELL BEAM WON RUNOFF ELECTION, NOW SHERIFF OF SPALDING CO. GA !!!!!
Like · · Share · Yesterday at 10:46am

Man accused of exposing self to children arrested
By KOMO Staff Published: Oct 18, 2011 at 10:36 AM PDT
SEATTLE -- A man accused of exposing himself to children at least five times across Seattle was arrested early Tuesday morning.
Seattle police say he was taken into custody at his Kenmore residence around 1 a.m.
Officers had been given a composite sketch of the suspect and detectives learned he had been at Westlake Park taking part in the Occupy Seattle protests.
The man is accused of exposing himself three times on Sept. 29 -- once in Crown Hill, once near Alki Beach, and a third time on Capitol Hill. Three days later, he was spotted at Pinehurst Playfield near Northgate, and then again on Oct. 3 at the Lakeside soccer field in North Seattle.
In one instance, the man allegedly approached two 13-year-old girls on swings, made a comment and was engaged in a lewd act when they turned to look, according to police.
The man was booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Indecent Exposure.
BSJobsAct, now only not dead, but stinkin’...
The Leader Board
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Money For Jobs?
Oct 17 2011
Dems' 'Education Jobs Money' Has Been Spent On 'iPads,' 'Prisons,' 'Tickets For Movies,' And 'A Trip To A Water Park'
INDIANA: "The [Monroe County School Corporation] district is using federal stimulus money to purchase the iPads. There will be 120 for staff members and 670 for students." ("Stimulus Funds Help MCCSC Purchase Hundreds of iPads," Indiana Public Media, 9/28/11)
MISSISSIPPI: "The NASD School Board approved the purchase 125 iPads from Apple at a Sept. 29 meeting for $80,450 to be paid with federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act funds or stimulus funds." ("Public Schools Investing In 100 iPads," Natchez Democrat [MS], 10/17/11)
MAINE: "The City of Auburn has planned to provide iPad 2 tablets to kindergartners this fall. … The fall 2011 purchase of 309 iPads, at a cost of $228,000, will come from $96,000 in leftover federal economic stimulus money." ("Auburn explains iPad funding," Sun Journal [ME], 6/24/11)
UTAH: "In order to provide quality coaching and support the iObservation system, funds from the Title I, Part A grant were used to purchase 28 Apple iPads. The iPads were used to support district and school administrators in their use of iObservation and support them in their efforts to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state standards. Another focus of the grant is to improve the technology connectivity for teachers and students at two high schools.Total Amount: $156,000; Location: Sevier School District in Utah; AWARD DATE: 7/1/2010; Project Status: Less Than 50% Completed; Jobs Reported: 0.0." (Sevier School Distract, Inc. Grants - Award Summary, Recovery.Gov)
TEXAS: "When teachers in the Clint Independent School District want a new classroom activity, they turn to their iPads - because there's an application for it. The district has purchased about 750 iPad 2's with $480,000 in federal stimulus money." ("New Tool In Classroom: Clint Teachers Pleased With iPads," El Paso Times [TX], 9/2/11)
ALABAMA: "Alabama's biggest recipient of federal education stimulus dollars thus far is not a local school system or a college: It's the Department of Corrections, according to a Press-Register analysis. The agency has received $118 million of $1.1 billion in stimulus funding doled out to the state by the U.S. Department of Education since 2009." ("Prisons The Biggest Recipient Of Alabama's Education Stimulus Dollars," Press-Register [AL], 12/19/10)
VIRGINIA: "Virginia Beach, on the other hand, used relatively little of its stimulus money for salaries. According to Farrell Hanzaker, chief financial officer for the division, $16 million was used to build a new College Park Elementary School, and other money went toward supplies, materials and technology like laptop computers and reading and math remediation software. About 85 salaries are being paid with education jobs money. 'We didn't want to use the stimulus money to fund ongoing kinds of expenditures,' Hanzaker said. 'We knew that was one-time money that would go away in two years.'" ("Federal Stimulus Money Is Running Out For Schools,"The Virginian-Pilot, 7/12/11)
Movie, Water Park Tickets
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Schools used stimulus money for "tickets for movies, a water park, fast food, and other entertainment." "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) mandates GAO to review states' and localities' use of funds made available under the act. … In our review of documents, we found evidence that in addition to paying teachers a total of $17,270 in salaries, HAWS [Housing Authority of Winston-Salem] also used ESEA [Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965] Title I funds to pay for STEP [Summer Teaching Enrichment Program] activities that included other salaries and field trip-related expenses, including tickets for movies, a water park, fast food, and other entertainment." (GAO, "GAO Review of LEA Controls over and Uses of Recovery Act Education Funds (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools)," 7/9/10)- GAO: "For example, activities for students included a trip to the movie theatre to see movies entitled Ice Age (for K-5 graders) and Terminator (6-12 graders) for a total of $405.50 and a trip to a water park, Wet and Wild Emerald Point, for $961.23 (including food and locker rentals)." (GAO, "GAO Review of LEA Controls over and Uses of Recovery Act Education Funds (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools)," 7/9/10)
STIMULUS PROMISE FLASHBACK: Will Prevent 'Laying Off Firefighters, And Teachers, And Police.'
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "It's a plan that will save or create up to four million jobs over the next two years … And the jobs of firefighters, teachers, nurses, and police officers that would otherwise be eliminated if we don't provide states with some relief." (President Obama, Town Hall Remarks, Fort Myers, FL, 2/10/09)- OBAMA: "This plan will … help prevent our states and local communities from laying off firefighters, and teachers, and police." (President Obama, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 2/5/09)
- OBAMA: "We've created and saved, as you said, Joe, at least 150,000 Jobs - jobs of teachers and nurses and firefighters and police officers. People who had been laid off are not being laid off…" (President Obama, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 6/8/09)
###SENATE REPUBLICAN COMMUNICATIONS CENTERPermalink: http://republican.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2011/10/money-for-jobs
- THEN A TOTAL SOURING OF 54% DISAPPROVING (Entire US Majority voters - mixed demographic and party affiliation) and only 38% APPROVAL, (1/3 OF THE COUNTRY-GAY 10%, BLACK 15%, LATINO 13% hard core Democrat constituent voter base).
Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Each result is based on a three-day rolling average
Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. Results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.
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@DunkinDonutsATL why yes it is a Monday, headed for that 2nd cup of Turbo... I have expended my energy and morning protesting before work by 2011teapartyGood morning, Atlanta! Happy Monday!@lr3031 don't send me stupid messages to my box to delete@lr3031 this is twitter, not Facebook, I don't have to use censorship of the F-WORD just because YOU~~~~~ SAY SO.... if you don't like it
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@lr3031 just because you don't use the F-WORD or SPEAK YOUR MIND, that doesn't make you BETTER than me, IT MAKES YOU MORE STUPID THAN DUMB@lr3031 I would rather not follow you if you are too afraid to use the F-WORD to tell Obama and our leadership how you feel@lr3031 who are you to tell me what to say?! THIS IS AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS FREE SPEECH !!!!! FIRST AMENDMENT - DON'T LIKE IT?! #FU@lr3031 another thing: I used the F-WORD conservatively, I do not believe just because it has negative connotation that it is TABOO@lr3031 if you want to be an Old Hat Republican not a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, that is your business, but don't pretend you're Tea Party #YOUNOT@lr3031 maybe you don't like the word, but there are times when people need to know how ridiculous things are, and that I am angry about it@lr3031 sure I'll kindly delete your tweet@lfbill @palinpal1 @danthebarbarian @GenesSmile @PATR2012@RedBrightandTru @TpaforSarah [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL]»

@FoxNews [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL]@wsbtv @jamiedupree THE MAJORITY of Americans are not stupid, WE KNOW we were cheated of a fair election AND WE WILL GET OUR MONEY BACK !!!@wsbtv @jamiedupree now don't play one way on the radio and another on tv Jamie, don't turn the other way then slam him on tv, BE CONSISTENT@HuffingtonPost no one is depriving them a ceremony, albeit idolatry, but the Constitution is not legislating morality either for being gay.@HuffingtonPost Gay people were created unique, set apart by God, that is why they are different, the world tells them they are gay.@HuffingtonPost Constitution does not deprive people of pursing life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness; conversely, death, bondage, misery@SenGillibrand that BSJobsAct is proven: surtax that kills job creation, 99wks. unemployment, and cheese for Union bosses SENATE SAID NO !!!
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@PerryTweets2012 Biden's 2nd gaffe of the day?! You don't say...@jamiedupree WE MUST: IMPEACH OBAMA/FORMALLY PRESS THE CRIMINAL CHARGES SUBSEQUENT TO SOLYNDRA AND GET OUR MONEY BACK AND PUT HIM IN JAIL!!!@jamiedupree if dead people and Mickey Mouse won an election for Obama in the 50's or 60's, Obama would be laying dead in the street.@jamiedupree another thing: 08 election fraud where dead people/Mickey Mouse voted for Obama wouldn't have happened in my grandfather's time@jamiedupree OBAMA HAS BEATEN HIMSELF; IMPEACHMENT HEARING HAS BEEN HOLD BECAUSE OF SOLYNDRA AND HE HAS PENDING FEDERAL CHARGES -- DON'T LIE@jamiedupree OBAMA DEFRAUDED THE TREASURY AND BRIBED PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR HIM AND GAVE OUT WELFARE TO FEED THE STATUS QUO TO SILENCE TRUTH@jamiedupree blames us for 42 million in poverty, 25-30 million unemployed - WE DIDN'T WASTE $10 TRILLION - OBAMA DID IN FOOD STAMPS/WELFARE@jamiedupree Obama acts like a dictator/tyrant: wasted $10 trillion through misappropriation/fraud since 2006, election fraud '08, Solyndra
Sec. Geithner Testifies About Small Business Loans
Banks complained about red tape, slow process
Senate Small Business Cmte.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner is taking questions today on two loan programs before the Senate Small Business Committee. Created under the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, the programs were designed to encourage job growth by making funds available for small banks and private lenders.
The full committee, chaired by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), is looking into the results of two programs, created under the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, to encourage job growth by supporting small banks and businesses.
The Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) made $30 billion available to community banks while the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) encouraged private lenders to support small businesses and manufacturers.
Critics, however, point out that SBLF only approved 332 loans to small banks, or roughly a third of the 933 applications, lending just $4 billion of the $30 billion reserve before the program ended on September 27. Small banks complained that stringent requirements and a slow approval process hurt the program.
As the deadline approached, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) issued a letter to Sec. Geithner warning Treasury to avoid another Solyndra-like blunder by rushing unqualified loans through the approval process.
Updated: 21 min. ago
Senate Small Business Cmte. Hearing on Small Business Jobs Act Implementation
Thursday, May 19, 2011 Washington, DC
The Senate Small Business Committee held a hearing on the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. The committee reviewed the act’s implementation and if it is fulfilling the purpose of helping small businesses. The Act calls for $12 billion in tax cuts for small business, increases access to capital and strengthens the core mission of the Small Business Administration. This week marks National Small Business Week, a yearly event to recognize the contributions of small businesses to the American economy.
Clinton arrives in Libya on unannounced visit
From Elise Labott, CNN
updated 6:35 AM EST, Tue October 18, 2011
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Tags: Middle East | Israel | israel | soldier | released | hamas
Israeli Soldier Shalit Freed in Mass Prisoner Swap
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011 06:21 AM
By Newsmax Wires
GAZA/JERUSALEM - Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit returned home to a national outpouring of joy on Tuesday after five years in captivity as hundreds of Palestinian prisoners exchanged for him were greeted with kisses from Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip.
"I missed my family," a gaunt Shalit, his breathing laboured at times, said in an interview with Egyptian TV conducted before he was transferred to Israel and broadcast after he went free.
"I hope this deal will promote peace between Israel and the Palestinians," said the tank crewman, the only Israeli soldier to be held by Palestians.
Shalit, 25, was taken across the frontier from the Gaza Strip into Egypt's Sinai peninsula and driven to Israel's Vineyard of Peace border crossing, where a helicopter awaited to fly him to an Israeli air base for a reunion with his parents.
Simultaneously Israel freed 477 Palestinian prisoners, most of them to the Gaza Strip, where Hamas leaders greeted them piling off buses bearing Red Cross insignia. Another 550 prisoners are to be released in the next two months, the most lopsided exchange in Israeli history.
The Israeli military announced hours later that a medical examination has found Schalit to be in good condition.The army said Schalit held an emotional phone conversation with his family. It released a still photo of the smiling soldier speaking on the phone.
Schalit is to be flown later to his family at an air base in central Israel.
The Israeli military says Palestinians waiting for released prisoners at a West Bank checkpoint clashed with troops, who fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. There were no immediate reports of injuries.
In the television interview, Shalit said he found out a week ago that he was to be released. The soldier, who had not been seen since a 2009 video, said he had feared he would be held "for many more years".
Political commentators said it appeared unlikely the prisoner exchange agreed by the two bitter enemies would have any immediate impact on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that broke down last year.
The mood in Israel was one of elation, with "welcome home" signs on street corners and morning commuters watching live broadcasts of the swap on cellular telephones.
Shalit has been popularly portrayed as "everyone's son" and opinion polls showed that an overwhelming majority of Israeli backed the thousand-for-one deal, although many of the prisoners going free were convicted of deadly attacks.
For Palestinians, it was a time to celebrate what Hamas hailed as a victory, and a heroes' welcome awaited the released prisoners. Palestinians see brethren jailed by Israel as prisoners of war in a struggle for statehood.
"This is the greatest joy for the Palestinian people," said Azzia al-Qawasmeh, who waited at a West Bank checkpoint for her son Amer, whom she said had been in prison for 24 years.
The deal received a green light from Israel's Supreme Court late on Monday after it rejected petitions from the public to prevent the mass release of prisoners, many serving life sentences imposed by Israeli courts for deadly attacks.
The deal caps a five-and-a-half-year saga that has seen multiple Israeli military offensives in Gaza, an Israeli blockade on the territory and numerous rounds of failed negotiations.
The Palestinian prisoners, who included dozens of people who had been serving life sentences for deadly attacks, were returning to heroes' welcomes, while dozens of people prepared a joyous homecoming in Schalit's tiny hometown in northern Israel.
"Until we see him, we are following with concern and anticipation," Schalit's father, Noam, told Israel Radio from an air base inside Israel where his family was waiting to reunite with him.
The swap got under way early Tuesday as Hamas moved Schalit across Gaza's border with Egypt, while Israel simultaneously began freeing the Palestinian prisoners.
Shalit was abducted in June 2006 by militants who tunnelled into Israel from the Gaza Strip and surprised his tank crew, killing two of his comrades. He was whisked back into Gaza and has since been held incommunicado.
Israel, which withdrew troops and settlers from Gaza in 2005, tightened its blockade of the small coastal enclave after Shalit's disappearance.
The deal with Hamas, a group classified by the United States and European Union as a terrorist organisation over its refusal to recognise Israel and renounce violence, is not expected to spur peace negotiations.
Those talks, led by Israel and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a Hamas rival, collapsed 13 months ago in a dispute over settlement building in the occupied West Bank. Abbas now wants the U.N. to recognise Palestinian statehood, a unilateral bid opposed by Israel and its main ally, the United States.
At Tel Nof air base in central Israel, Shalit was to see his parents, whose public campaign for his release put pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a deal with a bitter enemy. Netanyahu will also meet Shalit there. Later, Shalit will fly by helicopter to his family home in northern Israel.
The repatriation of captured soldiers, alive or dead, has long been an emotionally charged issue for Israelis. Many have served in the military as conscripts and see it as sacrosanct. But they also feel stung by the high price they feel Israel is paying for Shalit.
"I understand the difficulty in accepting that the vile people who committed the heinous crimes against your loved ones will not pay the full price they deserve," Netanyahu wrote in a letter, released by his office, to bereaved Israeli families.
© Newsmax. All rights reserved.Read more on Newsmax.com: Israeli Soldier Shalit Freed in Mass Prisoner Swaphttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1va06sK0-_HzJrwLrmTmBbCD49zDLZFcOpE0Mh6rvhhE/edit?hl=en_USGary Johnson On Marijuana Legalization: Politicians Won't 'Speak The Truth' On The Issue

The Huffington Post Luke Johnson First Posted: 10/18/11 11:20 AM ET Updated: 10/18/11 11:38 AM ETSHARE THIS STORY
Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson is baffled that more politicians don't support legalizing marijuana, after a new Gallup poll shows that an all-time high of 50 percent of Americans favor legalization."Where is the political leadership that should be reflecting that common sense belief?" said the former New Mexico governor in a statement on Tuesday
"This may be the only issue on the national scene where half the American people support something, but zero percent, statistically speaking, of elected officials and politicians will publicly agree with them," he added. "Yet, for the most part, there are no politicians who will speak that truth, much less act upon it. With 50% of Americans open to the idea of legalization, why won't the ruling class at least let us have the conversation?"
The support for legalizing marijuana jumped from 36 percent in 2006 to 50 percent. Majorities of self-identified liberals, 18-49 year-olds, moderates, independents and Democrats favor legalizing marijuana use. Those over the age of 65, conservatives and Republicans were most opposed.
Johnson has said he smoked marijuana in his youth and from 2005 to 2008, to alleviate pain after an accident. He dubbed marijuana smokers "the largest untapped voting bloc." In 1999, he came out for the legalization of marijuana as governor of New Mexico. He left office in 2003 after being term-limited after two terms.
Though the Republican candidates are debating tonight in Las Vegas, CNN has excluded Johnson from tonight's debate, as has been the case for several of the previous debates.
Aja Brooks
Like · · Share · Tuesday at 9:57pm
Aja Brooks 2011teaparty Tea Party Chief thank you for giving the winner of last debate the intro #Santorum1 hour ago »
mboyle1 Matthew Boyle by 2011teapartyWho's throwing out the first pitch at tonight's baseball game... I mean #cnndebate1 hour ago
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief @jamiedupree pulls out the bag of Dunkin Donuts Turbo to power through 16hrs. and this debate with no nap.....1 hour ago
@joebiden 99wks. unemployment, and surtaxing investors even more, so that more jobs can't be created and more would die SENATE VOTED NO #duh
@joebiden oh and don't forget the 200+ regulations Obama wanted passed that killed jobs, the BSJobsAct kills more -- cheese for Union votes
@BarackObama another thing: maybe if your donors are slack you shouldn't be calling from Health Stimulus and other b.s. govt. numbers for $
@BarackObama hatred, retribution, and punishment that awaits you by impeachment and criminal charges will carry so much more weight #RESIGN
@AmyKremer @sanuzis "The Synthesis" was the first in print really, to determine real unemployment is 25-30 million docs.google.com/document/d/1YF…
by 2011teaparty
Worst POTUS ever! RT @sanuzis: Obamanomics: An Unprecedented 26 Million Americans Are Now Underemployedmoney.usnews.com/money/careers/…
Aja BrooksOn my way back from my morning walk, someone threw this out on the side of the road for me to find/delivered a message.
Georgia Folks have a message that they want delivered to Obama, since most don't use email/unable to pay for phone/internet since school started this year...http://lnk.ms/V3d9t
— with Mandy Parks, Atticus Alberts, Jonathan Austin,Alonzo M. Borja, FlowerMound TeaParty, Stephen Aaron, Luis Daniel Amaro-Ortiz, Arizona Militia, David Beverage, RepubIican Rave II, Hank Burnham,Jeremiah Behr, Crystal Davis, Zoe Adeline Byers, Jacob-delgodis Sims, John W. Gaissert, Erika Harper, Barbara Wilkinson, D.j. LetsgetF'dup Briggs,Susan Dunn Kravarik, Randy Evans, Allison Brooks, H Michael Doss,Conservatives Rising, Glynn Dasher Cop, South Carolina Patriots, Coleman B Lovejoy III, Brian S. Lindsey, Ben Nelms, Tom Inskeep, Gary Tillman, Jason Brooks, Georgia Front Page, Alan Powell, Jim Galloway, Adrian Palmerson,Holly Rivers Hensley, Chemtrails Hurt, Amy Broich, Liberty Force, Ashley Wilson, Allissa Nielsen, America Rising and Alan Wolfe at GA Tea Party.
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Aja Brooks feel free to tag yourself and reshare
Like · · Share · 11 minutes agoAja Brooks 2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
6 seconds ago
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@BarackObama While POTUS goes on the road, 11+ #GOP bills #4jobs sit stalled in the Senate. bit.ly/k1aQjv GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR
11 minutes ago · Like
@GMA the pictures of Gaddafi are terrible quality, but you can tell from the video that he is deader than a door nail huff.to/pv4Q3r
@GMA Libya says yes/maybe his son. My what a news cluster, everything is very jumbled about the final details of Gaddafi's demise.
@GMA AP confirms death; HUFFPost has pics, WSJ confirms with statement from the ground, USAToday unclear on kill or capture/Sirte conquered
by 2011teaparty
Libyan prime minister: "We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Moammar Gadhafi has been killed" on.wsj.com/mWYjBy
by 2011teaparty
@GMA AP confirms death; Huffington Post has pics, USA today unclear on kill or capture, Libya says yes/maybe his son. My what a news cluster
@dailykos rof fl see me tell Obamoney I don't think his policies are good for anything, except for him to take his Mormon self to salt hills
@GMA USA today reports conflicting reports of death or capture of Gaddafi, so Huffington has pics-USA today says no-Libya says yes/maybe son
@GovMikeHuckabee we know what your thoughts are on the GOP Debate: vote Obamoney or Huntsman because THEY'RE A MORMON.... #overthat
@HeyTammyBruce ding dong Gaddafi's dead! The tyrant's dead, the tyrant's dead: Muammar Gaddafi's really dead - high 'ho the derry-o....
Obama to confirm death of Gaddafi at 2pm EST today, y'all tell me how arrogant this bastardo gets and claims it as his own personal victory
by 2011teaparty
Update: The White House press briefing has been delayed until later today. Please disregard earlier post pointing to live video.
@TIME @elizabethjdias well Obamoney is starting to ig me with his Mormonism and gelled hair... but I don't spit on a man once he's dead.
@GMA @HuffingtonPost plus it has been taken down from YOUTUBE, a good indication that the video is indeed, authentic.
@TheEconomist the pics of Gaddafi are terrible quality, but you can tell from video that he is deader than a door nail huff.to/pv4Q3r
@LeviJohnston05 well when you oppress your people and hoard the natural resources' wealth from your own people, yes Levi
by 2011teaparty
<--- EXCLUSIVE .. Check photos of a DEAD Gaddaffi ..omgwire.com/2011/10/20/pho… <-- this is what you when there's OIL in your country hoe
@DianeSawyer @Camanpour @ABC I don't care about his last interview ABC -- ding dong Gaddafi's dead - the tyrant's dead the tyrant's dead
@BarackObama Osama, Gaddafi, Anwar-they may all be dead, but what about the living? 42 million in poverty 25-30 million unemployed #RESIGN
Aja Brooks
Obama to confirm death of Gaddafi at 2pm EST today, y'all tell me how arrogant this bastardo gets and claims it as his own personal victory
Like · · Unfollow Post · @2011teaparty on Twitter · 44 minutes ago via TwitterJeff Kerbo I can not stand to hear his voice.....
2 minutes ago · Unlike ·
2 seconds ago · Like
@Twin66 yip yip yip rannanananana that is Cherokee for President Ratchet Jaw Obama, in non-citizen tonalities
@Twin66 media zoo on, sharp at 2pm, and the spider monkey speaks --- yip yip yip rannanananana we got GADDAFI
Congressional Working Group Releases Investigative Report on Unsustainable CLASS Act
September 15, 2011WASHINGTON, D.C.—The bicameral Repeal CLASS Working Group today issued “CLASS’ Untold Story: Taxpayers, Employers, and States on the Hook for Flawed Entitlement Program,” a report detailing the insolvency of a massive new entitlement program included in the new health care law called the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act.
Documents obtained through a bicameral Congressional investigation reveal that the Obama Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was acutely aware that the program was unsustainable and suppressed this information from Congressional leaders and the American people prior to the passage of the law, all in the effort to achieve phony savings to offset the bill’s massive spending and taxpayer-funded price tag.
The Repeal CLASS Working Group is comprised of Republican leadership in both the House and Senate charged with overseeing implementation of the new health care law.
The Working Group’s key findings include:
-Senior HHS officials publicly pronounced the CLASS program solvent in the fall of 2009, even as their own employees were calling CLASS “a recipe for disaster” in internal emails.
-Secretary Sebelius and other HHS officials have claimed through much of 2011 that the Department has sufficient authority to modify the CLASS program to make it solvent, yet internal HHS documents from 2010 cast significant doubt on those assertions.
-HHS has already discussed requiring employers to participate in CLASS as a remedy for low participation, which forces a fiduciary responsibility on employers to collect premiums that could open the door to a blizzard of litigation.
-In addition to the $118 billion in unfunded Medicaid mandates from the health care law, the administration of the CLASS program will largely fall on the shoulders of the states.
"It is no secret that the CLASS program is fiscally unsound and was used as a budget gimmick in the health care law. However, 'CLASS' Untold Story' reveals that during the program's development, high-level officials within HHS were already aware the program was likely to collapse and privately expressed their own doubts, but continued to publicly tout the program's benefits and savings," said Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.-06), co-chair of the Working Group.
“This report is further confirmation that the Obama Administration willfully chose to ignore the fiscal insolvency of the CLASS program in order to achieve a political victory by pushing the president’s health care bill through Congress,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), co-chair of the Working Group. “The CLASS Act is a ticking time bomb that will place taxpayers’ money at risk due to fatal flaws in the entitlement program’s design and structure. The American people had a right to know the information revealed in our report before they were put on the hook to pay for this massive new entitlement program.”
“The CLASS Act is an ocean liner that was put to sea with a giant hole in the hull,” said Rep. Joe Pitts (Pa.-16), co-chair of the Working Group. “This report clearly shows that the authors of last year’s health care bill were aware of the flaws, and launched the program anyway. What we see here is legislative malpractice. When the CLASS program fails, the taxpayer will be left to foot the bill. The time to terminate this program is now, before it begins enrolling participants and taking premiums. The government has to stop making promises that it can’t keep.”
“The CLASS report reveals that the American people are not the only ones skeptical of the president's health care reforms, so are officials at HHS,” said Rep. Cliff Stearns (Fla.-6), co-chair of the Working Group. “According to the 185 pages of internal emails we've uncovered, HHS officials expressed numerous concerns about the structure and viability of the CLASS program. And still, they continued to claim it would result in deficit savings. This is yet another example of a less-than-transparent administration burdening the American taxpayer with a new, unfunded entitlement program.”
“While President Obama's health care law is full of new government programs, budget tricks and accounting gimmicks, the CLASS Act may take the cake for government at its worst,” said Rep. Denny Rehberg (Mont.-AL), co-chair of the Working Group. “As if creating a massive new health entitlement at a time when we’re struggling to save Medicare and Medicaid isn’t enough, there’s evidence to suggest the program was created with full knowledge that it was unworkable and unsustainable. The CLASS Act’s sole purpose appears to have been a budget gimmick. In a nut shell, hard working Americans are being forced to pay into the CLASS Act program for five years - to the tune of $70 billion – and then their money is immediately taken out to be spent elsewhere. This kind of boiler-room trick shows exactly how out of touch Washington is with the American people.”
“This report on the CLASS Act demonstrates the Obama administration’s willingness to inflict harm on taxpayers and the economy in order to advance its political agenda,” said Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala). “It is particularly troubling that the administration wants to start a new and unsustainable entitlement when we are already struggling to put existing programs and our national finances on the path to stability.”
“To advance the president’s healthcare agenda, it appears a deliberate effort was made by administration officials to hide CLASS’s true cost from lawmakers and the public,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). “The deception exposed in this report paved the way to imposing additional financial burdens on taxpayers, businesses, and cash-strapped states—at a time when they can least afford them. The unsustainable CLASS program should be immediately repealed and, without a doubt, this troubling evidence warrants further inquiry.”
“The CLASS Act is billed as an insurance program for long-term care, but really it's just a huge and very costly government accounting trick,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). “Remember Enron accounting? Well, I believe even Enron executives would be embarrassed by the accounting gimmicks created by the CLASS Act."
“The CLASS Program was one of the many ill-advised provisions contained in President Obama’s health care law,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (Calif.-49). "The Chief Actuary at CMS and numerous private sector actuaries publicized their belief that CLASS would suffer from severe adverse selection and place taxpayers at risk of a substantial bailout. This report provides evidence that the Administration was well aware of their concerns, but ignored them for political reasons as it pushed the health care law through Congress.”
“The Working Group’s report will further exacerbate the public’s lack of trust in their government,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy (S.C.-04). “The Obama Administration continues to ignore reality. The American people deserve to know the facts behind this expansive entitlement.”
“There is near unanimous agreement among experts that the CLASS programs will add billions to our nation’s debt in the coming years. Congress should repeal CLASS before implementation. Our children and grandchildren cannot afford another unfunded entitlement program,” said Rep. Charles Boustany, Jr., M.D. (La.-07). “The Obama Administration and Senator Harry Reid disregarded independent actuaries' concerns when slipping the flawed CLASS program into the new health law. They did so knowing revenue from CLASS premiums could be diverted to fund unrelated parts of the law.”
“The CLASS Act was a budgetary deception included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as an attempt to mask the actual cost of the law,” said Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Texas-26). “From the beginning we knew this program was structured in a way that would not allow the program to be properly paid for and would only add even more to the deficit. Complaints about the insolvency of the program have come from both sides of the aisle as well as from the administration’s own Chief Actuary. Instead of focusing on reducing the costs of long term care insurance for Americans, the president’s health care law exploits tax payer confidence through creating another program that is poorly structured and will cost taxpayers even more money.”
“This report proves that the CLASS Act is nothing more than a new entitlement nightmare created by ObamaCare,” said Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D. (Ga.-11). “Adding another entitlement is the last thing we should do, especially when we are struggling to maintain programs already in place, like Medicare and Medicaid. The CLASS Act is wholly irresponsible and blatantly ignores the economic crisis our country is in. By eliminating this program, we will prevent an unnecessary bureaucratic ordeal from further burdening the American taxpayer.”
The Working Group’s full report can be found HERE.
Planned Parenthood Denied $397K in Tax Funding in Tennessee
by Steven Ertelt | Memphis, TN | LifeNews.com | 10/17/11 7:31 PMState
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Shelby County Health Department director Yvonne Madlock had announced in September that , after significant lobbying from pro-life advocates, Christ Community Health Services would receive the $397,000 contract with the county for family planning rather than Planned Parenthood. Then, in a 6-4 party-line vote, the Shelby County Commission decided to postpone its decision and allow Planned Parenthood more time to make its case that it should continue receiving the tax money.
According to the paper, members of the commission voting in favor of ending the contract with the abortion business included Brent Taylor, James Harvey, Terry Roland, Mike Ritz, Chris Thomas, Justin Ford, Steve Mulroy, Heidi Shafer and Wyatt Bunker. Henri E. Brooks, Melvin Burgess, Walter Bailey and Sidney Chism voted to continue funding Planned Parenthood.
Baily had previously said he would vote to change the contact to Christ Community, but reneged on his vote after it said it would not dispense so-called emergency contraception to women — the morning after pill that could cause an abortion in some instances. The medical center said it would refer such cases to a third party.
Jeff Drzycimski, a Catholic deacon and one of several pro-life advocates who spoke before the commission, told the newspaper he was pleased with the vote.
“It is about abortion. That’s why so many people are here,” he said. “We want our tax dollars not to fund Planned Parenthood, not to fund the killing of children.”
Initially, a committee of six people reviewed the grant requests and Christ Community scored higher than Planned Parenthood for its ability to provide the family planning services. However, Planned Parenthood executive Barry Chase complained to the press about the scoring and the county commission agreed to delay the change in funding.
Meanwhile, Christ Community leader Burt Waller initially told the newspaper the medical facility refers women for abortions, although it doesn’t do them. However, it later contacted it to correct the record.
“We really try to provide women with other options and make sure they have those possibilities and if they at the end still want a pregnancy termination, we know they know where to go,” Dr. Rick Donlon, a founding physician at the clinic, said.
“We’re persuaded that a pregnancy is a human life and that is worthy of all the protections,” Donlon said, adding that women know where to get abortions and doesn’t need Christ Community to direct them to them.
The money comes from the Title X family planning grants states are given by the federal government and Davidson County, the location of Nashville, made the decision earlier this year to move the recipient of its funding elsewhere from the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Because Shelby County was the lone holdout, pro-life advocates focused their efforts on persuading the county government to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
At the time of the initial announcement, Brian Harris of Tennessee Right to Life told LifeNews he is delighted by the decision.
“Pro-life Tennesseans have proven again today what can be positively accomplished for the protection of human life when we work together,” he said. “Pro-life voters have spoken in a consistent manner over the course of years and their elected officials–councilmen, commissioners, legislators, mayors, congressmen and our Governor—they have all joined the long effort to protect life and Tennessee’s taxpayers. Tennessee Right to Life thanks them all for this good news today.”
Even if Shelby County ultimately revokes the grant, the Planned Parenthood abortion business is still receiving taxpayer dollars from the state of Tennessee.
As LifeNews reported earlier this month, the Tennessee Department of Health gave Parenthood Greater Memphis Region (PPGMR) a grant to combat syphilis in Shelby County that allows Planned Parenthood to prop itself up by adding legitimate medical services to its abortion business. PPGGMR will able to provide free syphilis testing starting next month at its 2430 Poplar Avenue facility.
The Centers for Disease Control chose the county as a target area because of high rates of the disease as it ranked fifteenth in the United States for syphilis rates and WMC-TV indicates “Shelby County has the highest number of newly-diagnosed syphilis cases in Tennessee, and the infection rate for all stages of syphilis is five times higher in Shelby County than in the U.S. overall.”
PPGMR CEO Barry Chase told WMC-TV 5: “The syphilis elimination project dovetails well with PPGMR’s community HIV testing and prevention counseling program. Thousands of Mid-South women and teens rely on Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region for preventive and reproductive health care. This is another way we can serve vulnerable and at-risk populations who may have nowhere else to turn for health care.”
Harris was disappointed the abortion business received a grant that should have gone to a legitimate medical provider that can better treat potential patients and be free of the ethical concerns of having Tennesseans fund the nation’s biggest abortion business with its tax dollars.
Harris’ group worked to eliminate taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and successfully won legislative approval of a provision to do so, but someone in the legislature secretly removed it from the final bill that Governor Bill Haslam eventually signed. In response, Tennessee Right to Life called on Haslam to keep his campaign promise not to fund Planned Parenthood if elected to office.
ACTION: Contact the Shelby County Commission at http://www.shelbycountytn.gov/index.aspx?nid=71 and thank them for voting to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Home / News / Press ReleasesPress Releases
Oct 18 2011
Let’s Try Something That Might Actually Work
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding the President’s failed stimulus and the need for a new approach to solve the jobs crisis:
“It’s no secret that the vast majority of Americans aren’t happy with Washington right now. They say that 13 percent of the public approve of Congress, but I for one haven’t met many of them.
“It’s also no secret that the President of the United States is trying to use this displeasure with Washington for political gain. And I think that’s a pretty sad commentary on the state of affairs over at the White House these days.
“As the only person elected to represent every American, the President should speak for all Americans, especially in times of crisis, not divide them for short-term partisan political gain.
“But it’s perfectly obvious why the President would find the path of division appealing — because on the number one issue we face, jobs and the economy, the President’s policies haven’t worked as advertised.
“After nearly three years in office, he’s failed to make good on his promises to turn the jobs crisis around. And I think you can pretty much sum up that failure with a single number: 1.5 million. That’s how many fewer jobs there are right now in America since the President signed his first stimulus, according to the Obama administration’s own Labor Department: 1.5 million.
“So he’s trying to change the topic.
“He wants to deflect attention from that record.
“He wants people to think that the problem isn’t his policies. It’s those mean Republicans in Congress who oppose them.
“But the President leaves a few things out of the reelection script that he brought along on his bus tour.
“First of all, it wasn’t just the Republicans who defeated his latest stimulus bill last week.
“The only reason a majority of Democrats voted to debate it is they knew they wouldn’t have to vote for it.
“That’s why the Majority Leader repeatedly moved to block a vote on the measure itself.
“Second: we’re now living under economic policies that President Obama himself put in place.
“This isn’t something you’ll hear on the bus tour, but let’s be clear: the President got everything he wanted from a Democrat-controlled Congress during the first two years of his Presidency.
“Now we’re living with the hard reality that those policies have brought to bear on the American worker.
“So at this point, anytime the President says ‘pass this bill,’ people have very good reason to be skeptical.
“Because this isn’t the first time President Obama’s demanded that Congresses pass what he calls a ‘jobs bill.’
“But if this one were to pass, and it worked as advertised, then it would be the first one that did.
“Again and again, the President’s response to America’s ongoing jobs crisis has been to insist that Congress pass some urgent piece of legislation right away, or an even worse calamity would result. Those bills were supposed to create jobs and prevent layoffs too. But he keeps coming back for more.
“I guess the President is counting on the American people to forget that part. He’s counting on us to forget about the other stimulus legislation he’s already signed into law, and that it’s failed to live up to the hype every time.
“Again and again, the President has demanded that Congress do something to create jobs — and the only thing we seem to end up with at the end of the day is more debt, more government, and fewer jobs.
“Let’s just review the record for a second.
“Two and a half years ago, President Obama went down to Florida and said the first stimulus — the nearly one trillion dollar government spending bill he signed shortly after taking office — would save or create millions of jobs, including jobs for firefighters, nurses, police officers, and teachers.
“What happened?
“Well, the states got their bailout, the national unemployment rate didn’t budge, and a year and a half later, the President was back asking for another one.
“That’s right, a year and a half after the first stimulus, the White House was back last August, saying they needed another $26 billion right away or else 160,000 teachers would get pink slips, and police and firefighters across the country would be off the job. And what happened then?
“Well, the states got another bailout, the unemployment rate didn’t budge, and now the President’s riding around on a bus saying that if they don’t get another one, teachers, police and firefighters will lose their jobs. Again.
“Anybody notice a pattern here?
“We’ve been doing this for nearly three years now. It doesn’t work as advertised.
“Bailouts don’t solve the problem. They perpetuate it.
“Yet all we get from the President and Democrats in Congress is ‘Do it again — or else!’
“We’ve been mired in a jobs crisis for three years now, and all Democrats ever want to do is throw more taxpayer money at it.
“It never works the way they claim it will.
“And yet they want to keep doing it with other people’s money.
“Just throw another bailout together, slap the word ‘jobs’ on the cover page, and dare people to vote against it.
“That’s the Democrats’ governing philosophy — three years into this jobs crisis.
“It wouldn’t be irresponsible to oppose an approach like this; it would be irresponsible to consider it.
“It didn’t work the first time. It didn’t work the second time.
“The third time won’t be the charm.
“And that’s why Republicans, and a growing number of our Democrat friends, want a different approach.
“There is growing bipartisan opposition to trying the same failed policies again.
“And there’s bipartisan opposition to raising taxes, especially at a time when 14 million Americans are out of work.
“I mean, if there’s one thing we should agree on right now it’s that we should be making it easier for businesses to hire, not harder.
“So, the President should drop his obsession with raising taxes.
“And if he really wants to create jobs, maybe he should consider doing something different.
“They’ve tried the bailout approach.
“They’ve tried more regulations, more debt and more taxes.
“Let’s try a new idea for a change.
“One that has bipartisan support.
“One that isn’t a two-time proven failure.
“Let’s try something that might actually work.
“Because the American people didn’t send us here to kick our problems down the road. And they certainly didn’t send us here to repeat the same mistakes over and over again — and then stick them and their children with the tab. That might be how you maintain a sense of urgency, by failing to solve the problem the first two times around. But it isn’t how you solve a jobs crisis.
“The American people deserve better than this.
“The President got everything he wanted from a Democrat-led Congress for two years.
“A health care law that was designed to take over of one-sixth of the entire U.S. economy.
“A financial reform bill that punishes businesses that had nothing to do with the financial crisis.
“Out-of-control regulations that are forcing otherwise healthy businesses to shut down — businesses like Smart Papers in Hamilton Ohio, a paper mill that said last week it’s shutting down because of onerous new federal regulations that make it too costly to do business.
“And a trillion dollar stimulus that was supposed to solve this jobs crisis two and half years ago.
“For two years, when he said ‘Pass this bill right away,’ Democrats acted. And here’s what we got despite all that: trillions in debt and more than a million and a half fewer jobs.
“We don’t need more of that. We can’t afford more of the same.”
FINANCE-DOCUMENT Oct-19-2011 (310 words) xxxi
Vatican to issue document on global financial reform
Activists kick off "Occupy Detroit" with a rally and march through downtown Detroit Oct. 10. The group was protesting the actions of U.S. banks and other financial institutions during the country's economic crisis. (CNS/Jim West) |
By John Thavis
Catholic News Service
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican has prepared a document on reform of the global financial system and the potential role of a public regulatory authority.
The document, prepared by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, was to be released Oct. 24 in four languages, and presented the same day at a Vatican news conference by Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the council.
The Vatican said the document would address "reform of the international financial system with a view toward a general public authority."
The wording refers to a section of the 1963 encyclical "Peace on Earth" ("Pacem in Terris"), which stated: "Today the universal common good presents us with problems which are worldwide in their dimensions; problems, therefore, which cannot be solved except by a public authority with power, organization and means co-extensive with these problems, and with a worldwide sphere of activity."
In recent months, the Vatican's justice and peace council has convened experts for discussions of the ethical dimension of the global financial crisis. At one conference sponsored by the council last May, participants said Catholics were looking for guidance from the Vatican on ethical principles for the world of finance and the environment.
In his 2009 encyclical "Charity in Truth" ("Caritas in Veritate"), Pope Benedict XVI addressed the worsening effects of the global crisis and said there was "an urgent need of a true world political authority" that could give poorer nations a bigger voice in financial decision-making, help manage the global economy, guarantee food security, better protect the environment and regulate migration.
"Such an authority would need to be regulated by law, to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, to seek to establish the common good, and to make a commitment to securing authentic integral human development inspired by the values of charity in truth," the pope said.
Copyright (c) 2011 Catholic News Service/USCCB. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed. CNS · 3211 Fourth St NE · Washington DC 20017 · 202.541.3250
Social Security Needs to Be Fixed, Says Senate Finance Minority, but How?
David C. JohnOctober 18, 2011 at 10:45 am
Senate Finance Committee Republicans have some good advice for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (sometimes known as the super committee): Fix Social Security now.
As part of a 21-page comprehensive set of recommendations on issues under Finance Committee jurisdiction, the Republicans note that “Social Security reform, aimed at solvency and integrity of the program, and not for near-term deficit reduction, needs to occur as soon as possible and should not be delayed.”
Further, the recommendations note:
Reform of the Social Security program to ensure sustainable solvency and protection against poverty will:
- Restore the long-term viability of the Social Security program upon which seniors, disabled workers, and dependents depend;
- Provide younger workers with clear signals and ample time to adjust their lifetime savings plans;
- Protect general government finances from irreversible deterioration and further future stresses;
- Help restore our AAA credit rating;
- Help guard against future ratings downgrades; and
- Send useful signals to financial markets of serious action on unsustainable entitlement promises.
As the recent 2011 trustees report showed, Social Security has entered into a time of permanent cash flow deficits, and failure to fix the system will mean that all Social Security recipients will face 22 percent across-the-board benefit cuts.
The Finance Committee Republicans follow their general recommendation with seven specific thoughts about how to fix Social Security, most of which are quite good. For instance:
The objectives of Social Security reform should be to ensure lasting solvency of the program over the infinite horizon and to maintain Social Security as a safety net program that protects against poverty in old age or when a worker becomes disabled.…
Comprehensive reform of the Disability Insurance component of the Social Security system, funded by Trust Fund assets that will be depleted as early as 2016, must be a part of any overall Social Security reform effort.
However, one of their specific recommendations is not nearly strong enough and has wording that could be interpreted as giving the Joint Committee permission to increase Social Security taxes:
Increasing payroll taxes or lifting the taxable wage cap means higher taxes on labor and small businesses, which will slow growth in jobs and the economy. Moreover, higher payroll taxes levied on employers are ultimately borne primarily by workers in the form of lower wages and other benefits. The JSC should be mindful of those negative economic effects in any deliberations over payroll taxes. [Emphasis added.]
The Joint Committee needs to be much more than “mindful” of the negative effects of increasing Social Security payroll taxes or increasing the taxable wage cap. It needs to just say no to them both.
As the Finance Committee Republicans noted, increasing Social Security payroll taxes would slow economic and employment growth. The Senate Finance Committee Republicans should have told the Joint Committee in no uncertain terms to avoid increasing Social Security taxes.
Further, the recommendations fail to include any concrete recommendations about how this reform is to be made other than some vague hinting around. Fixing Social Security requires some specific steps such asincreasing the retirement age to reflect the longevity changes that have already taken place.
In addition, the way that annual COLA changes are made should be improved by switching to the Chained CPI index and changing the benefit formula to focus scarce resources on those who need them the most by reducing benefits for upper-income retirees.
Without hard decisions like these specific steps, Social Security’s financial problems will continue to blight the retirement security of today’s workers.
YOU WILL HAVE TO CONVERT ALL YOUR DISCUSSIONS TO NOTES TO SAVE YOUR INFO BY 10/31/11. This from cryptogon.com. Looks like these "persons" are as evil as Google.
Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users October 20th, 2011
Via: Slashdot:“As noted previously, Max Schrems of Europe Versus Facebook has
filed numerous complaints about Facebook’s data collection practices.
One complaint that has failed to draw much scrutiny regards Facebook’s
creation of Shadow Profiles. ‘This is done by different functions that
encourage users to hand personal data of other users and non-users to
Facebook… (e.g. synchronizing mobile phones, importing personal data
from e-mail providers, importing personal information from instant
messaging services, sending invitations to friends or saving search
queries when users search for other people on facebook.com). This means
that even if you don’t use it, you may already have a profile on
A Tea Party Panel Supports Health Care Law’s Repeal
Published: October 17, 2011
A Tea Party commission trying to “crowd-source” a plan to reduce the federal budget deficit says it found broad support for repealing the health care legislation passed last year and eliminating entire federal departments, but much less enthusiasm for changes to Medicare and Social Security.
Chip Litherland for The New York Times
The report was issued by FreedomWorks, which is led by Matt Kibbe, left, and Dick Armey.
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Those programs are two of the biggest contributors to the nation’s deficit. Still, the Tea Party Debt Commission says that its proposals, which will be released in preliminary form on Tuesday, add up to $6 trillion in savings over 10 years — more than the reductions proposed by President Obama, or Representative Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin who is the chairman of the House Budget Committee, or the report of a bipartisan commission last year.
The Tea Party commission is hoping that with the help of conservative senators, it can influence the work of a bipartisan panel of 12 lawmakers that has been charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in cuts over the next decade.
A copy of the preliminary findings was provided to The New York Times. A more formal report of the commission’s plans will be presented at a hearing on Capitol Hill on Nov. 17 — a week before the bipartisan panel is expected to complete its recommendations.
The Tea Party commission was formed by FreedomWorks, the libertarian advocacy group that is led by Dick Armey, the former House majority leader, and was one of the first organizations to cultivate the Tea Party. FreedomWorks named 12 commissioners and held nine hearings across the country where it gave presentations on the budget deficit and solicited ideas on how to cut it.
The group also set up a Web site on which people were presented a series of choices about what to cut from the budget.
“What we’re trying to prove,” said Adam Brandon, a spokesman for FreedomWorks, “is that No. 1, there’s popular support for cuts, and that No. 2, it is possible to make the cuts that we’re talking about without raising new revenue.”
The commission’s preliminary recommendations tend to be ideas that conservatives have long supported. The FreedomWorks presentation argued that raising taxes could not balance the budget.
The menu of choices on the debt commission Web site did not include options Democrats have suggested; for instance, requiring hedge fund managers to pay ordinary tax rates, rather than the lower 15 percent they pay now on so-called carried interest income.
Instead, would-be budget architects were offered stark choices: Would you prefer to reduce Social Security benefits for those with high incomes or raise the retirement age for Social Security to 70? End all foreign aid or eliminate the Department of Energy? Eliminate ethanol tax credits or end farm subsidies? Other proposals included privatizing air traffic control, reducing the pay for federal employees by 10 percent and eliminating AmeriCorps, the youth volunteer program.
A FreedomWorks memo on the preliminary findings said that more than 40,000 people visited the Web site to make recommendations for cuts.
The most popular idea, supported by 93 percent, was repealing what the site referred to as “Obamacare,” the health care overhaul legislation passed in March 2010. After that, the most popular ideas were reducing duplicative purchases of Pentagon supplies (90 percent), eliminating the Department of Education and privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (81 percent each), and reducing discretionary spending to 2008 levels (76 percent).
When it comes to cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, the report said visitors to the site were “more cautious,” and “prefer reductions in peripheral elements,” like tightening eligibility for Social Security disability payments and reducing subsidies to teaching hospitals.
The report said that the top 10 choices would add up to $6 trillion in savings. But some of these proposals are vague or subject to year-to-year change (selling “underused” federal buildings, ending earmarks). Others are subject to dispute: FreedomWorks says that repealing the health care legislation would cut $1.2 trillion, but the Congressional Budget Office has projected that repealing the legislation would actually increase the deficit by $210 billion over the next 10 years.
Still, the report offers some sense of how the Tea Party might influence the debate when the joint Congressional panel makes its recommendations in November.
The staff of Senator Mike Lee of Utah, a Republican who was elected last year with heavy Tea Party support, will conduct the November hearing on the Tea Party plan.
The 12-member Congressional committee, named as part of the deficit reduction deal in August, will release its proposal for at least $1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years by Nov. 23. If a majority of its members can agree, the House and Senate must vote on their proposal by Dec. 23.
A version of this article appeared in print on October 18, 2011, on page A17 of the New York edition with the headline: A Tea Party Panel Supports Health Care Law’s Repeal.

“Efficiency of state governments is impaired as they relinquish and turn over to the federal government responsibilities which are rightfully theirs.” -Calvin Coolidge
Contrary to the most recent sound bites from Obama’s Campaign Advisor David Axelrod and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, our economic issues have nothing to do with: the Arab Spring, Japanese earthquakes, or the European debt crisis. Such travesty when the issue is the $14 trillion dollar deficit; $9 trillion obligated by Obama, up to and by the 2010 budget and the 2011 budget unwritten: from unfunded mandates, programs, and Obama’s constituent lobbying and empty promises of payouts indebting taxpayers. The way to govern is not to expand government, or misappropriate, by levying debt onto states and individual taxpayers to finance a bogus and unlawful agenda against the will of the American people.
While we anxiously await Obama’s impeachment, and while many of us thought this was the only way to rectify at least half of the deficit, by kicking him out, this is still necessary because Obama has treated the national debt as his own personal tab of taxpayers’ dollars, (which is treacherous and treasonous). During the legal process of criminal investigations against Obama for fundraising fraud with Tony Rezko and purchased property, voter election fraud 2008 (dead people and Mickey Mouse voted but Clinton did not press another ballot as long as she became Secretary of State), corruption allegations that he was the #2 highest recipient of Fannie Mae contributions, and numerous indications that the birth certificate is indeed a forgery, we still worked and continued to push for cuts.
When proposing cuts did not work but to accomplish exhausting debate, the House introduced various measures that passed: repeal of H.R. 4872, nearly passed Cut, Cap & Balance and pushed for a Balanced Budget Amendment, and the House even completed negotiations on emergency legislation to reduce the interest from the debt supercycle of bumping our head on the debt ceiling by making cuts and compromising. Yet we still have had repeal legislation for an entire year https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jK6-kGCB_Dbb5K98YSS9o9kSNBwLJsSb7XQ5GQSvTks/edit?authkey=CIS_je8I&hl=en_US, that has not been brought to the floor, simply because the debt ceiling debate and finding the funds to run the federal government had usurped our entire time working together since March. This instability has contributed to a roller coaster market and investor uncertainty; heck, if the government can’t pay their bills or afford the interest on their loans, surely the private sector would have never recovered and we would be stuck in the same ditch Obama touted, that he spun his wheels in and dug us even deeper in debt by $9 trillion all by himself.
Still want Obama in the driver seat and Harry Reid as Senate copilot? I don't think so!
All of the hard work and compromise in the House of Representatives was met with retraction from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid since losing super majority power in 2010 by the replacement of 59 seats: despite court rulings against H.R. 4872, despite nearly 1,500 waivers being filed to opt-out of H.R. 4872 with half the states rejecting the levying of debt for an unconstitutional health insurance program and suing the federal government, despite the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling 2 to 1 that H.R. 4872 poses issues that violate the Constitution, especially the individual mandate clause http://www.wsbtv.com/politics/28848345/detail.html -- it is not the Tea Party, the GOP, or the majority of the American people failing to see futility and fiscal insanity this has created, only Obama, Senator Reid, and about seven Democrats.
Most working class Americans, those that comprise the Tea Party as middle class, have watched their 401K’s lose the entire value that they have paid in all this year, due to the uncertainty that H.R. 4872 created over taxation and business practices, along with Democrats refusing to acknowledge the seriousness of the deficit, continuing to charge their will on the taxpayers’ dime; no matter the consequences regarding interest, the debt ceiling, sinking the recovery, and sabotaging the stock market, and stinting our future, according to the Democrats they are still not to blame even though they have obligated $9 trillion unwisely.
The Tea Party which now claims 59 seats in the House is the rising Independent third party for 2012 representation, and we are tired of being exploited for the government machine. Additionally, we are bewildered with being placated, lied to, and stolen from from a small handful of corrupt Democrats abusing their power in the Senate, and by a President who is not even a citizen, let alone someone who we respect as a leader. Since government is supposed to be for the people and by the people, we intend to financially take control back of our country. If that takes an election of replacing 250 seats, or if that takes eradicating 10% of the federal government to invest in the private sector, or permanently doing away with those seats by not funding those positions and permanently striking them, we will do all three if that is what it takes.
The Holy Grail of the Tea Party, in partnership with the Balanced Budget Amendment, is limited government. We revile the abuse of power of Senator Harry Reid and others, and as taxpayers, we refuse to be subject to his whims as Obama’s right hand. Therefore, we will continue to iron out these plans and see to their implementation in some form or fashion, as we certainly can not afford to have bad leadership ruin our country by refusing to do anything but wait for them to do the right thing that they should have done in the first place!
#1 the primary strategy is DECENTRALIZATION. While many states have already studied and have began enacting "THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012 6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy': http://t.co/p63iYHk as appropriate to their own state, it has not been enough to sustain the market, reduce unemployment, and generate revenue, without making necessary and long overdue cuts to federal spending. While we know what we want to cut http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150234787261225 and https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225
Restore America Act of 2012: Barbones Budget Strategy Cuts:
(plan developed for states) (5,000 participated on Facebook on what to cut)
1) Defund H.R. 4872 1) DFACS
2) Impeach Obama 2) SNAP
3) Reform Social Security 3) Public Broadcasting
4) Pension Reform 4) Housing Assistance
5) Medicare/Medicaid 5) Unemployment Checks
6) Food Stamps/TANF 6) DMV, Post Office, other services
7) Federal employees
8) Planned Parenthood
9) FDA, Inspectors, streamlining agencies
10) Congress
11) WIC
12) Law Enforcement
We are still having trouble at HOW to go about achieving these goals. While we have done #1, #4, and started #6 in GA, we are not totally there or even close to accomplishing half of our goals at state level. Nor can it not be said enough that we need to reduce federal spending in our state, cut services, and reduce the total size of GA government until it equals 10%. We then show where we’ve given government loans in the private sector to businesses to hire employees, since banks aren’t loaning the money. The government needs the revenue, and banks need to be reminded that they’re too fat.
On the federal level, we have done #3, decreased #4, increased #2 and #5, just now cut #6, and we aren’t even close to attaining 25% of our goals. Here is the scary part: we will have to do all of this by March of next year, or we will be in the same spot we were with 8-2 being the death knell to the economy with interest eating us alive because our debt is so high for refusal to cut Obama’s programs, or any programs substantially for that matter.
This is why I’m pressing for #10. We are preparing for the next election cycle for 2012, and it will be separating the wheat from the tares. Congress seems to be unwilling to go without vacations and make sacrifices in pay for the fact that a $14 trillion dollar deficit exists, so we need to rid ourselves of or shed 250 seats. These seats are based on roll calls votes of those who voted against Cut, Cap&Balance or various measures related to sane budgeting. #4, #5, #7, and #8 must go immediately. We are still working on judicial reform and matters related to Homeland Security until 9/11/2011. After that, we will cut accordingly from #12 through Thanksgiving. That still leaves #1, #2, #6, and #9.
I pray that as we break this down with Super Congress of the 12, that we can prioritize our cuts and decision-making judiciously between now and Thanksgiving. I do realize that if agreements can’t be made to reasonable degree that spending cuts will automatically be triggered like during the Clinton Administration, which I am grateful that call was heard. While the Path to Prosperity is great, we must act upon its principles, and those automatic triggers while a safety net to keep us from being imperiled in March is great, we really need to give the succeeding President something to work with other than Obama’s red Chinese cents, and of course, remove such disgrace.
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Hans Von Bumbler likes this.
View 1 shareHans Von Bumbler I wish I could get my hopes up, but I don't see anything happening until the dems in the Senate turn on Obama, hoping to survive the 2012 elections. I think that's happening now.
August 23 at 2:19am · Like
Hans Von Bumbler I should add that Obama's appeal is fading dramatically. I almost wonder if he'll stick it out until 2012. I know that's wishful thinking, but his media cronies are turning on him, too. His ego won't be able to stand it. That does, however, make him even more dangerous than ever.
August 23 at 2:26am · Like
A lot has already happened, if we are to judge the barometer by the response of our opposition in Maxine Waters condemning the Tea Party to hell, then 'To subdue the enemy without fighting is the pinnacle of success.' Hans Von Bumbler yourperception of politics doesn't change the course of established criminal investigation; it is a sad fact that he's facing impeachment, pathetic he robbed of us of a fair election in 2008, and even more stupid to condone mediocrity and not hold him accountable. The Hawaii Dept. of Health could not produce the birth certificate, so they are schedule to be in court 9-14, with more people to be implicated in assisting criminal wrongdoing. What they thought was a good deed, was surely illegal, and why it was wrong everyone sees clearly know the the fruit of it. They will reap what they've sown, but we're tired of everyone suffering for it.
Another thing: do you think I ever stopped in 3yrs. from pursuing the truth, writing newsletters, or writing Congress? No, and a subpoena was delivered on 8-8 because of it. Many of us believed from the start that he was lying, the Press was lying, and that it was corruption. I pressed on: despite losing Facebook friends, despite drawing criticism from friends I've had for years and even though my family treated me like I was nuts. Now guess what they are all saying? Not that I have wishful thinking, not that I'm a racist, not that I dislike Obama without cause, but that I am indeed right; how terrible that is for us all for not acting sooner, and that Obama needs to go!!! Hans Von Bumbler I never would have gotten there listening to naysaying. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't, we you certainly can make a difference, now matter how you contribute to the cause of truth, justice, and righteousness.
August 23 at 8:56am · Like
Aja Brooks I also caused Obama to lose 40,000 twitter followers: the day that happened, copies of the subpoena that we obtained were all over the internet. Rethink your power and position to act,Hans Von Bumbler and be inspired past your perception of politics.
Aja Brooks "It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn." --George Washington, letter to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1789
August 23 at 8:59am · Like
Dennis M. Palaruan take action Iran.September 22 at 9:15pm · Like
Alex Scott as a box of frogs...
October 10 at 4:20pm · Like
DFACS - state should be in total control under the Governor/Feds should have no control or appropriated funding for this entity, no borrowing from the federal government to keep this running
the state needs to trade the cost of immigration enforcement for DFACS, meaning federal appropriations are to be used to enforce immigration laws only, not fund DFACS.
Clayton County DFACS should be audited for their reluctance or unwillingness to adhere to 30 day inquiry/complaint resolution within 60 days.
Spalding County DFACS should have funding cut for refusal to investigate and cooperate with other agencies.
(this is like the difference between civil and military matters, and the funding should be viewed as such that which takes precedence.)
2. SNAP - is an intrusion into state finance with a federally funded food subsidy
too easily received food stamps/not readily taken away
food stamps are being traded for drugs
food stamps are being sold for cash
DFACS is not assisting or abiding by laws and reporting and wasting our tax dollars, won't accept related emails regarding cases or individuals who receive child support.
the federal government needs to get out of the media business!
the federal government needs to govern and enforce laws, not indoctrinate, proselytize or garner political messages with tax dollars.
4. HOUSING ASSISTANCE and related reform:
eradicate NACA and other groups that have a vested interest in the housing market that are receiving tax dollars to operate.
FHA loans to resolve solvency issues, if you are current on your taxes.
Prevent IRS fraud in the vulnerable mortgage market.
FHA loan standards are stringent, other mortgage companies need to convert to these standards or be fined immediately.
Go after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, fine them, and get the revenue back in the system for the damage done to taxpayers.
no unemployment unless you are current on your federal taxes
no unemployment if you're on probation
no unemployment if you are a single person with no dependents
make shorter periods of 3 months of aid, remove federal appropriations for unemployement, (Nancy Pelosi has passed this out like candy and indebted state governments) remove the federal appropriation for this.
disband Department of Labor in each state, the government needs to get out of employment services, concentrate on: governing, legislation, tax revenue, and ethical managment.
6. DMV, POST OFFICE, and other services:
layoffs, cut hours to Mon.-Thurs. 9AM-3PM.
IRS audit of these agencies to determine if they are operating efficiently.
shut Congress down until September
use this to to audit other agencies and submit finding for further analyses and cuts
review sunset laws
all Congress and Obama Admin. receive minimum wage until the deficit is corrected, per year; they get to serve the people not Lord over them!
Defund Planned Parenthood federal appropriation
the government needs to be out of the egg harvesting business, and the scientific manipulation of fetuses.
the government is not a lobbying mechanism for this, unless it is committee-approved earmarked spending
women's health issues should be state-to-state cost, not receive federal funds, health insurance should be the same way, not another federally-funded government appropriated program
full repeal and nullification of H.R. 4872
County health departments should be state-run, not receive federal funding
take big Pharma out by reducing government contracts, the government is not a pill mill lobbying business!
Big Pharma does not run our country, our health, our citizens do!
9. FDA, Inspectors, and streamlining government agencies
realign these agencies to work more cohesively with the FBI
consider them under the umbrella of homeland security
give agencies data based community access to information
10. Congress
term limits
review pension plans
election practices - reform Obama fraud, fine DNC, Clinton, and the like
impeachment proceedings
no deals on spending cuts, no going back on minimum wage pay consequence until the deficit is resolved in conjunction with reforming Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and related fraud issues.
6 month lay off should give Congress plenty of time to hammer out the problems they've created
11. WIC
a mother produces milk, it is not the government's responsibility to feed your child bread, milk, cheese, eggs, and formula.
it is not the taxpayers' job or the government's job to provide you with formula so that you can work or that you can use the money to spend on drugs to avoid breastfeeding.
WIC should be a state-run program, not receiving any welfare or federal dollars.
reduce routine patrol officers to walking the beat, as they need the exercise, and we can't afford their health problems associated with obesity and poor habits.
routine patrol officers must maintain health and standards that they enforce upon the community or face discipline, up to and including termination, being a cop doesn't mean you waste gas, going around harassing people, and stuffing your face with our tax dollars: you're a contracted employee, and you will be relieved of your duty.
police officers can afford their own vests/should be appropriated under state equipment costs and avoid accepting grants if all possible.
in conjunction with judicial reform through next January, officers can't play the system and work the streets and the jail, double-dipping and being corrupt: you face termination.
release mandatory minimum sentenced offenders into the work force, increase sentencing fines imposition, if fines are not paid or if you can't cooperate with your probation officer and agreed sentencing terms, you will be resentenced to work release until those fines are paid!
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Stephen Aaron Aja, i'm going to make some waves and say that i am unsure if i agree 100% on the congressional bullets.
April 18 at 10:13pm · Like
Aja Brooks hey this is a template, so that doesn't mean that this won't be modified these are goals, and what we need to do between now and September, and have Obama impeached by then
April 18 at 10:20pm · Like
Stephen Aaron As weird as this sounds, we don't need to impeach Obama, just let his first term expire and make sure we get someone good in there, like Herman Cain. Secondly, how much of a term limit are we talking? I'm thinking 30 years is a good number for a limit for a congressmanApril 18 at 10:22pm · Like
Aja Brooks I'm sorry Mr. Aaron, the bastardo is rich enough to retire now, he defrauded John McCain and all of us of a fair election. We should've had Colin Powell. Now if you'll excuse me, I think you're more suited to join a GOP suck@ss group instead of the Tea Party. Sorry, I've got to boot you, you seem nice but very misguided, and we can't have people like you speaking for us or representing us.
April 18 at 10:24pm · Like
Aja Brooks I want a button on Facebook that permits you to block someone, and when you hit other, you can put: wasting my time, money, and patience!!
April 18 at 10:27pm · Like
Albert R. Pryor
46 minutes ago · Like · · Unsubscribe
Aja Brooks I beg your pardon? Which opinion? I think we're all in agreement something needs to be done about the deficit, 2500 voted in the poll yesterday, and we came up with a 12 point plan. Did I miss getting your input Sir?
32 minutes ago · Like
Albert R. Pryor comment made by Steven Aaron
22 minutes ago · Like
Aja Brooks Mr. Aaron's comments were more about GOP demagoguery than deficit reduction. You're welcome to comment.
10 minutes ago · Like
Aja Brooks With respect to what Mr. Aaron said, we do support impeachment process, and we hope to reach that by this September. Thank you for participating, but his comments were too "red".
about a minute ago · Like
April 19 at 2:38pm · Like
Allison Brooks Stephen Aaron April 18 at 10:51pm Report
Ms. Brooks,
I fail to see why i was removed and blocked on your other profile. I did nothing offensive or derogatory, I represent no one in my speech but myself. What was the reasoning behind this? Before you block me entirely at least satisfy my curiosity as to what I have done wrong against you
Allison Brooks April 19 at 11:24pm
Surely, your stance on corruption and how deeply this has impacted us with him wasting $9 trillion, is derogatory in my book. Secondly term limits proposed are being discussed at 4-6yrs. While I think that is too short, they want these gaps in order to prevent the type of robbery Obama has exacted upon us.
(Mr. Aaron's remarks)
As weird as this sounds, we don't need to impeach Obama, just let his first term expire and make sure we get someone good in there, like Herman Cain. Secondly, how much of a term limit are we talking? I'm thinking 30 years is a good number for a limit for a congressman
April 19 at 11:25pm · Like
Allison Brooks
Stephen Aaron April 19 at 11:31pm Report
I agree he is corrupted, but if we impeach him it only makes us look bad. Do I like Obama and what he has done to this country any more than you? Hell no! We still have to consider the future though...See More
April 19 at 11:36pm · Like
Allison Brooks Stephen Aaron April 19 at 11:49pm Report
WOW! I don't know whether to be offended or what lol i'm only 20 Ms. Brooks, and the new Chair of my College Republican Chapter, I pray never to be a lobbyist.
Allison Brooks April 19 at 11:55pm
rofl you shouldn't they are rapacious creatures lol
April 19 at 11:55pm · Like
Posted in Entitlements Print This Post
Tea Party Group Targets Entire Agencies for Cuts
- By Janie Lorber
- Roll Call Staff
- Oct. 18, 2011, 2:22 p.m.
And, of course, repeal President Barack Obama’s health care law.
At least that’s the conclusion of an online survey of more than 40,000 people who visited TeaPartyDebtCommission.com, a website set up by FreedomWorks, a Washington-based conservative group run by former Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) that has claimed the tea party banner.
The poll found that 93 percent of respondents would like to shutter the Department of Education.
But, why stop there?
Tea partiers also want to eliminate the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a move that would save $530 billion over the next 10 years, according to a FreedomWorks estimate.
“People love the idea of cutting out whole departments,” Dean Clancy, the organization’s legislative counsel and vice president of health care policy, wrote in a memo to colleagues on Monday. “This confirms our findings at the field hearings, where eliminating departments always gets very loud applause, especially the Department of Education.”
FreedomWorks will incorporate the results into a proposal that its 12-member citizen debt commission plans to deliver to Congress by Thanksgiving — as a contrast to whatever the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction presents to Congress for a vote.
The goal is to come up with a plan that reduces the national debt by at least $9 trillion and to counter the perception that the movement has no concrete proposals to offer lawmakers as they struggle to come up with at least $1.2 trillion in budget savings.
The survey could be completed by any visitor to the website and asked respondents to select programs to abolish from a list chosen by FreedomWorks.
The winning cost-saving proposals:
1. Repeal Obamacare (93%)
2. Reduce duplicative purchases of Pentagon supplies (90%)
3. Eliminate the Department of Education (81%)
4. Privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (81%)
5. Reduce discretionary spending to 2008 levels (76%)
6. Block grant Medicaid (73%)
7. End ethanol tax credits (71%)
8. Sell under used federal buildings (71%)
9. Eliminate HUD (70%)
10. End earmarks (68%)
JanieLorber@rollcall.com | @SJLorber
October 18, 2011
Trump Tough on Republicans, Democrats During Bachmann Tele-town Hall
Trump tough on Republicans, Democrats during Bachmann tele-town hall
By Josh Lederman, The Hill - 10/17/11 09:12 PM ET
Donald Trump, joining Michele Bachmann for a tele-town hall, launched barbs against Bachmann’s Democratic opponents, but also at fellow Republicans.
Trump’s comments and others he made before the town hall called attention to the awkward nature of the event, where Trump’s purpose was unclear and his support for Bachmann vague.
Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/donald-trump/2011/10/18/trump-tough-republicans-democrats-during-bachmann-tele-town-hall#ixzz1bA2G9B5F
Philadelphia Investigators Probe Alleged Imprisonment of 4 Mentally Disabled Adults
Authorities say Linda Ann Weston and two others locked four mentally disabled victims in the basement of a northeast Philadelphia apartment building in a plot to profit from their Social Security disability checks.Oct. 17: Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey waits to address the media in front of the Philadelphia apartment building where four weak and malnourished mentally disabled adults, one chained to the boiler, were found locked inside a sub-basement room.
Police arrested three adults staying in an apartment upstairs, including the person accused of being the ringleader, Linda Ann Weston, in what authorities say is a scheme to steal the Social Security disability checks of defenseless and vulnerable people.
Source: AP
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/us/2011/10/18/philadelphia-investigators-probe-alleged-imprisonment-4-mentally-disabled/#slide=1#ixzz1b9rCQYPt
Oct 18 2011
Hearing Statement: "Ten Years After 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks: Protecting Against Biological Threats"
WASHINGTON - Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, released the following statement on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing, "Ten Years After 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks: Protecting Against Biological Threats.""As we witnessed during the anthrax attacks of 2001 and the pandemic flu that swept across the country in 2009, the impact of biological threats on our communities can be severe, and even deadly. That is why it is important that we continue to make preparedness for biological threats a priority and improve our response efforts.
"Since 2001, the federal government has taken many steps to better prepare our nation for biological threats and better coordinate our response capabilities. More tools, for instance, are now available to detect biological agents and share critical information across all levels of government. Still, we know that biological weapons and the spread of deadly diseases across the world pose a significant risk, so we must remain vigilant and committed to addressing this threat.
"While our biosecurity has improved in some areas, a recent report by the Bipartisan WMD Terrorism Research Center (The WMD Center) concludes that we do not yet have adequate response capabilities to meet fundamental expectations during a large-scale biological event. The report's findings are very troubling and I will be looking for answers at today's hearing about how we can better prepare our country for biological threats with bold, yet fiscally responsible methods.
"To address this significant threat in these uncertain economic times, I believe we must continue to work smarter with our limited federal dollars and find programs where we can get better results for less money or, at the very least, better results for the same amount of money. For example, as noted in The WMD Center's report, we should redouble our efforts to leverage the nation's collective capabilities to respond to bio threats and ensure that there is true regional collaboration taking place among all stakeholders, so that no city or state is overwhelmed by a biological incident. We must also look for smarter, more innovative ways to develop medical countermeasures in a timely and cost-effective manner.
"I would like to thank the Chairman and Ranking Member for calling this important hearing so that we can better assess the progress we have made in addressing biological threats over the last 10 years. I look forward to hearing from all our witnesses about how we can improve our efforts to address this very serious challenge."
Permalink: http://carper.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2011/10/hearing-statement-ten-years-after-9-11-and-the-anthrax-attacks-protecting-against-biological-threatsScarborough: Obama Can't Side With Protesters - 'He Got More Money From Wall Street Than Any Candidate' in History
Noel Sheppard
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 9:49am
Showing 1 comment
Their show must be highly scripted because she tells Scarborough "you said you weren't going to say it".
FYI, Mr. President drilling more, regulating less & revoking ObommaCare are all great things & will help create jobs.
- Poll: More blame D.C. than Wall St.
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Poll: More blame D.C. than Wall St.
More Americans blame Washington than Wall Street for the country’s economic problems, a new poll shows.
In a new USA Today/Gallup survey, 78 percent of those surveyed said Wall Street deserves “a great deal” or a “fair amount” of blame for the poor economy, but even more - 87 percent - said the same about Washington.
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On who is more to blame for the weak state of the economy, 64 percent of people chose the federal government, while just 30 percent pointed the figure at big financial institutions.Asked whether individuals felt that the economic system was fair to them 54 percent said it was fair, while 44 percent said it was not.
The survey, taken on the weekend of Oct. 15-16 as the Occupy Wall Street movement neared its one-month anniversary, also examined how Americans feel about the protest, and the majority of people indicated they didn’t know enough about the demonstrations to express an opinion.
Of those surveyed, 22 percent of people said they approve of the movement’s goals, while 15 percent said they disapprove. More than six out of 10 people, 63 percent, said they “don’t know enough” about the movement to lean in either direction.
Asked about the way the Occupy Wall Street protests are being conducted, 25 percent said they approved, while 20 percent said they disapproved. Again, a majority of people, 55 percent, said they didn’t know enough about the movement to express an opinion.
On the whole, 26 percent of people said they support the Occupy Wall Street movement, while 19 percent said they are opposed to it. The majority of people, 52 percent, said they do not support or oppose the protest.
Democrats were more inclined to show support the movement than Republicans – 42 percent of Democrats said they support Occupy Wall Street, while only 9 percent of Republicans said the same.
The poll was conducted among 1,026 adults and has a sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66224.html#ixzz1bAeyR5pl
Morning Bell: Wall Street is the Wrong Place to Occupy

Mike BrownfieldOctober 18, 2011 at 10:02 am
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows that when it comes to assigning blame for the country’s economic woes, more Americans point the finger at Washington, not Wall Street. Yet for weeks, the so-called Occupy Wall Street protesters have camped out in the heart of America’s financial district–and have raised their voices in cities across the country and around the world–decrying the capitalist system as the root of all evil.
On Sunday, these anti-capitalist protesters got a helping hand from none other than the President of the United States. Barack Obama was all too glad to lend support to the protests–which have at times been marked by shows of violence and lawlessness–saying during a speech dedicating the Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial that King would have supported the movement. And yesterday, a White House official said that during his latest “jobs” bus tour, the President would be speaking to the ”the interests of the 99 percent of Americans”–echoing the protesters’ “99 percent” slogan.
It’s all very ironic. President Obama’s policies have helped create and prolong the economic conditions that are causing America’s frustrations. It’s not surprising that, at a time of 9.1 percent unemployment, there is great dissatisfaction with policies that hurt the economy while helping political cronies and bailing out banks and financial groups.
But the policies that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are advocating–and their rejection of the capitalist system–won’t make the economy any better for the 14 million unemployed Americans and all those who are struggling in this stagnant economy. In fact, many of the demands voiced by the protesters are outright dangerous and would send us further from their own stated goal of improving economic conditions for the “99 percent.”
For instance, calls for severe limits on trade are a prescription for a second Great Depression and would hurt the poor in America and around the world most of all. The same is true for penalizing financial transactions through additional taxation or regulation. Capital is the lifeblood of job creation–starting viable new businesses or expanding existing employment opportunities is impossible without a thriving financial sector.
As the life of Steve Jobs shows, the free market has provided more wealth and spurred more innovation than any other system in history. Much as they try to vilify private enterprise, the protesters cannot deny this fact, especially as they use their iPhones to connect to AT&T or Verizon wireless networks in order to spread their messages on Facebook and Twitter. All of those innovations were bred and put into their hands because of the free market. Capitalism, by which is meant nothing more or less than respect for private ownership and the freedom to transact with other human beings, has provided more opportunity, increases in living standards, and overall well-being for the greatest number than any other system ever devised. It depends on freedom and in turn generates more freedom.
The protesters are right to decry out-of-control bailouts and corporate subsidies. The Heritage Foundation, too, has long denounced out-of-control bailouts and subsidies. Expanding the size of government will not end such policies, however. Instead it will expand them, as Obama’s expansion of bailout programs and support for aid to favored, politically connected energy companies shows. Moreover, while the protesters are decrying Wall Street bailouts, many are advocating for more bailouts for themselves, such as student loan forgiveness and mortgage bailouts. This is just as contrary to the capitalist system as is bailing out failed industries.
Ultimately, the protesters are expressing dissatisfaction with the direction America is heading. That dissatisfaction is shared by many Americans on the right, left, and center. America is headed in the wrong direction. But the answer is not to accelerate the present course of more government and less freedom. Instead we need to free ourselves from over intrusive government and trust the 99 percent to make their own decisions in a free marketplace.
The protesters are right to be frustrated with the state of the economy, the continued unemployment, and the lack of job creation and opportunity. But there’s a better way to solve the problem–the government should do no more harm, get out of the way, and let private, free enterprise work.
Quick Hits:
- The Heritage Foundation will co-host a Republican presidential debate on foreign policy and national security with the American Enterprise Institute and CNN Tuesday, November 15, at 8 p.m. in Washington.
- House Republicans are investigating whether the Obama Administration broke the law when it restructured a $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra, the bankrupt solar energy company that the President once held up as a model for green jobs.
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Libya meeting with the country’s new rulers. She is expected to pledge millions of dollars in aid for the transitional government.
- China’s economic growth has slowed from 9.5 percent to 9.1 percent as its government undertakes efforts to prevent runaway growth and reduce inflation.
- The IRS is having trouble collecting Obamacare’s tanning tax, and that’s a troubling sign. Find out why on Foundry.org.
Posted in Enterprise and Free Markets
Liberals…You ARE Who You Stand WithBy Craig Andresen on October 18, 2011 at 1:57 pm |
Well, conservatives have been saying and saying it and liberals have been denying it and denying it – but it is getting VERY hard to for liberals to say it with a straight face.
We have sited over and over the links between the socialists, the communists and the democrats. Now, the communists and socialists are helping to make our argument for u,s but they’re not the only ones.
Obama, Pelosi and liberal after liberal have stood up and backed the “Occupy” mobs and offered THEIR words of support to them. Did I mention the unions are right there in the mix too.
The Unions stand WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Obama Stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Pelosi stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Liberal Hollywood stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.
Now…so does the Communist Party USA!!!
Liberals and the MSM have been trying, REALLY trying, to convince us that the “Occupy” mobs are just like the Tea Party. Hmmm…I don’t recall the Tea Party events being backed by…THE COMMUNIST PARTY…do you?
Well, let’s just do some visual comparison between the Tea Party and the Flea Party shall we?
Ummm…yeah…pretty much the same thing huh?
Okay, let’s recap.
The SEIU and George Soros have been the backers and financial push behind Obama.
The SEIU, Soros, the Socialist and Communist parties have been the sponsors and planners of recent liberal protests in Wisconsin and Washington.
The SEIU, Soros, the Socialist and Communist parties have backed Obama’s reelection efforts.
Now we have yet another “party” endorsing the “Occupy” mobs…the Nazi Party…Isn’t THAT special?
Liberals will, as they have before, try to disassociate themselves with these groups by being dismissive of them and of conservatives who dare to bring it up but here is the truth of this situation. If the Communist party, the Socialist party and the Nazi party are all endorsing the same thing YOU are endorsing…YOU and THEY are ONE.
In THIS case, the Communist Party, the Socialist party, the Nazi party and Liberal Democrats are ALL in lockstep, ALL standing with, ALL standing behind and ALL endorsing the “Occupy” mobs.
Okay, now we must add a couple more folks to this rather dire list.
ALSO endorsing the “Occupy” mobs are the Supreme Leader of…IRAN and the miserable HUGO CHAVEZ. They think this whole “Occupy” thing is just GREAT.
Oh…LOOK…There’s Code Pink backing the “Occupy” mobs.
Code Pink has quite a resume don’t they? They were in Egypt backing the same uprising backed by…the Muslim Brotherhood and they also sided with…HAMAS in the flotilla against Israel.
Liberals will tell you that just because these various and distasteful groups stand with the “Occupy” mobs, as do they, it doesn’t mean that liberals and these various and distasteful groups are one and the same. Liberals will claim they have not sought out these groups to endorse the same ideals as they themselves endorse.
Here is the question then. Why don’t liberals denounce these groups?
Instead of denouncing these various and distasteful groups, liberals stand with them, side by side, in lockstep. Liberals are right there, side by side with the Communist party. Liberals are right there, side by side with the Socialist party. Liberals are right there, side by side with the Nazi Party. Liberals are right there, side by side with people like Hugo Chavez and the Supreme Leader of Iran. Liberals are right there side by side with those who support Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Liberals, for the last few weeks, have been tripping all over themselves to draw parallels between the Tea Party and their “Occupy” mobs. Liberals have been saying there is no difference between the two and have been questioning why conservatives don’t give the same support to the “Occupy” mobs as to the Tea Party?
Saying these “Occupy” mobs are just like the Tea Party is almost as viable a comparison as saying an apple is the same thing as the moon.
Liberals, while they stand side by side with the Nazi party will, no doubt, continue to call the Tea Party a racist organization.
Liberals are so desperate to connect to anything making noise that they will stand with the likes of those who’s agenda is to destroy America and at the same time, condemn the Tea Party.
The Tea Party clearly stands with the principles and values of the Founders and the Constitution.
The “Occupy” mobs and those who endorse them are clearly aligned with those who would tear down the principles and values of the Founders and the Constitution.
Liberals…You ARE who you stand with.
Aja Brooks
#OccupyATHENS let us not waste the day - in March government could shut down totally, and it is them, not Wall Street or Jews, to focus on!
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 12:52pm viaTwitterAja Brooks
#OccupyATHENS -- there is no need for you to go Jared Loughner on anyone: 14 officers injured in Greece; there is a better way than this!!!
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 12:51pm viaTwitterAja Brooks
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Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:04am viaTwitterAja Brooks
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:03am viaTwitterAja Brooks
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:02am viaTwitterAja Brooks
Yesterday was a great day: Senate passed measure to withhold ALL $ from any "Fast and Furious" operations, no more $ for Atty. General Holder, guns that killed a border patrol agent (investigations ongoing). Solyndra $535 million or is it really $535 billion, that changed hands as campaign funds that potential donors have of taxpayer money that they have or just gave to Obama?! (investigations ongoing and White House doesn't want you to know the whole truth) AND WENDELL BEAM WON RUNOFF ELECTION, NOW SHERIFF OF SPALDING CO. GA !!!!!
Like · · Share · Yesterday at 10:46amMan accused of exposing self to children arrested
By KOMO Staff Published: Oct 18, 2011 at 10:36 AM PDTSEATTLE -- A man accused of exposing himself to children at least five times across Seattle was arrested early Tuesday morning.
Seattle police say he was taken into custody at his Kenmore residence around 1 a.m.
Officers had been given a composite sketch of the suspect and detectives learned he had been at Westlake Park taking part in the Occupy Seattle protests.
The man is accused of exposing himself three times on Sept. 29 -- once in Crown Hill, once near Alki Beach, and a third time on Capitol Hill. Three days later, he was spotted at Pinehurst Playfield near Northgate, and then again on Oct. 3 at the Lakeside soccer field in North Seattle.
In one instance, the man allegedly approached two 13-year-old girls on swings, made a comment and was engaged in a lewd act when they turned to look, according to police.
The man was booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Indecent Exposure.
The Leader Board
Home / The Leader BoardMoney For Jobs?
Oct 17 2011
Dems' 'Education Jobs Money' Has Been Spent On 'iPads,' 'Prisons,' 'Tickets For Movies,' And 'A Trip To A Water Park'
INDIANA: "The [Monroe County School Corporation] district is using federal stimulus money to purchase the iPads. There will be 120 for staff members and 670 for students." ("Stimulus Funds Help MCCSC Purchase Hundreds of iPads," Indiana Public Media, 9/28/11)MISSISSIPPI: "The NASD School Board approved the purchase 125 iPads from Apple at a Sept. 29 meeting for $80,450 to be paid with federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act funds or stimulus funds." ("Public Schools Investing In 100 iPads," Natchez Democrat [MS], 10/17/11)
MAINE: "The City of Auburn has planned to provide iPad 2 tablets to kindergartners this fall. … The fall 2011 purchase of 309 iPads, at a cost of $228,000, will come from $96,000 in leftover federal economic stimulus money." ("Auburn explains iPad funding," Sun Journal [ME], 6/24/11)
UTAH: "In order to provide quality coaching and support the iObservation system, funds from the Title I, Part A grant were used to purchase 28 Apple iPads. The iPads were used to support district and school administrators in their use of iObservation and support them in their efforts to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state standards. Another focus of the grant is to improve the technology connectivity for teachers and students at two high schools.Total Amount: $156,000; Location: Sevier School District in Utah; AWARD DATE: 7/1/2010; Project Status: Less Than 50% Completed; Jobs Reported: 0.0." (Sevier School Distract, Inc. Grants - Award Summary, Recovery.Gov)
TEXAS: "When teachers in the Clint Independent School District want a new classroom activity, they turn to their iPads - because there's an application for it. The district has purchased about 750 iPad 2's with $480,000 in federal stimulus money." ("New Tool In Classroom: Clint Teachers Pleased With iPads," El Paso Times [TX], 9/2/11)
ALABAMA: "Alabama's biggest recipient of federal education stimulus dollars thus far is not a local school system or a college: It's the Department of Corrections, according to a Press-Register analysis. The agency has received $118 million of $1.1 billion in stimulus funding doled out to the state by the U.S. Department of Education since 2009." ("Prisons The Biggest Recipient Of Alabama's Education Stimulus Dollars," Press-Register [AL], 12/19/10)Laptops
VIRGINIA: "Virginia Beach, on the other hand, used relatively little of its stimulus money for salaries. According to Farrell Hanzaker, chief financial officer for the division, $16 million was used to build a new College Park Elementary School, and other money went toward supplies, materials and technology like laptop computers and reading and math remediation software. About 85 salaries are being paid with education jobs money. 'We didn't want to use the stimulus money to fund ongoing kinds of expenditures,' Hanzaker said. 'We knew that was one-time money that would go away in two years.'" ("Federal Stimulus Money Is Running Out For Schools,"The Virginian-Pilot, 7/12/11)Movie, Water Park Tickets
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Schools used stimulus money for "tickets for movies, a water park, fast food, and other entertainment." "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) mandates GAO to review states' and localities' use of funds made available under the act. … In our review of documents, we found evidence that in addition to paying teachers a total of $17,270 in salaries, HAWS [Housing Authority of Winston-Salem] also used ESEA [Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965] Title I funds to pay for STEP [Summer Teaching Enrichment Program] activities that included other salaries and field trip-related expenses, including tickets for movies, a water park, fast food, and other entertainment." (GAO, "GAO Review of LEA Controls over and Uses of Recovery Act Education Funds (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools)," 7/9/10)- GAO: "For example, activities for students included a trip to the movie theatre to see movies entitled Ice Age (for K-5 graders) and Terminator (6-12 graders) for a total of $405.50 and a trip to a water park, Wet and Wild Emerald Point, for $961.23 (including food and locker rentals)." (GAO, "GAO Review of LEA Controls over and Uses of Recovery Act Education Funds (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools)," 7/9/10)
STIMULUS PROMISE FLASHBACK: Will Prevent 'Laying Off Firefighters, And Teachers, And Police.'
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "It's a plan that will save or create up to four million jobs over the next two years … And the jobs of firefighters, teachers, nurses, and police officers that would otherwise be eliminated if we don't provide states with some relief." (President Obama, Town Hall Remarks, Fort Myers, FL, 2/10/09)- OBAMA: "This plan will … help prevent our states and local communities from laying off firefighters, and teachers, and police." (President Obama, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 2/5/09)
- OBAMA: "We've created and saved, as you said, Joe, at least 150,000 Jobs - jobs of teachers and nurses and firefighters and police officers. People who had been laid off are not being laid off…" (President Obama, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 6/8/09)
Permalink: http://republican.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2011/10/money-for-jobsSUMMER OF SOUR GRAPES ON OBAMA:
- THEN A TOTAL SOURING OF 54% DISAPPROVING (Entire US Majority voters - mixed demographic and party affiliation) and only 38% APPROVAL, (1/3 OF THE COUNTRY-GAY 10%, BLACK 15%, LATINO 13% hard core Democrat constituent voter base).
Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
Each result is based on a three-day rolling average
Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. Results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.
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@DunkinDonutsATL why yes it is a Monday, headed for that 2nd cup of Turbo... I have expended my energy and morning protesting before work
by 2011teaparty
Good morning, Atlanta! Happy Monday!
@lr3031 don't send me stupid messages to my box to delete
@lr3031 this is twitter, not Facebook, I don't have to use censorship of the F-WORD just because YOU~~~~~ SAY SO.... if you don't like it
@lr3031 just because you don't use the F-WORD or SPEAK YOUR MIND, that doesn't make you BETTER than me, IT MAKES YOU MORE STUPID THAN DUMB
@lr3031 I would rather not follow you if you are too afraid to use the F-WORD to tell Obama and our leadership how you feel
@lr3031 who are you to tell me what to say?! THIS IS AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@lr3031 another thing: I used the F-WORD conservatively, I do not believe just because it has negative connotation that it is TABOO
@lr3031 if you want to be an Old Hat Republican not a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, that is your business, but don't pretend you're Tea Party #YOUNOT
@lr3031 maybe you don't like the word, but there are times when people need to know how ridiculous things are, and that I am angry about it
@lr3031 sure I'll kindly delete your tweet
@lfbill @palinpal1 @danthebarbarian @GenesSmile @PATR2012@RedBrightandTru @TpaforSarah [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL] [FUCK THAT BILL]
@wsbtv @jamiedupree THE MAJORITY of Americans are not stupid, WE KNOW we were cheated of a fair election AND WE WILL GET OUR MONEY BACK !!!
@wsbtv @jamiedupree now don't play one way on the radio and another on tv Jamie, don't turn the other way then slam him on tv, BE CONSISTENT
@HuffingtonPost no one is depriving them a ceremony, albeit idolatry, but the Constitution is not legislating morality either for being gay.
@HuffingtonPost Gay people were created unique, set apart by God, that is why they are different, the world tells them they are gay.
@HuffingtonPost Constitution does not deprive people of pursing life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness; conversely, death, bondage, misery
@SenGillibrand that BSJobsAct is proven: surtax that kills job creation, 99wks. unemployment, and cheese for Union bosses SENATE SAID NO !!!
@PerryTweets2012 Biden's 2nd gaffe of the day?! You don't say...
@jamiedupree if dead people and Mickey Mouse won an election for Obama in the 50's or 60's, Obama would be laying dead in the street.
@jamiedupree another thing: 08 election fraud where dead people/Mickey Mouse voted for Obama wouldn't have happened in my grandfather's time
@jamiedupree blames us for 42 million in poverty, 25-30 million unemployed - WE DIDN'T WASTE $10 TRILLION - OBAMA DID IN FOOD STAMPS/WELFARE
@jamiedupree Obama acts like a dictator/tyrant: wasted $10 trillion through misappropriation/fraud since 2006, election fraud '08, Solyndra
Sec. Geithner Testifies About Small Business Loans
Banks complained about red tape, slow process
Senate Small Business Cmte.

WASHINGTON, DC Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner is taking questions today on two loan programs before the Senate Small Business Committee. Created under the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, the programs were designed to encourage job growth by making funds available for small banks and private lenders.
The full committee, chaired by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), is looking into the results of two programs, created under the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, to encourage job growth by supporting small banks and businesses.
The Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) made $30 billion available to community banks while the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) encouraged private lenders to support small businesses and manufacturers.
Critics, however, point out that SBLF only approved 332 loans to small banks, or roughly a third of the 933 applications, lending just $4 billion of the $30 billion reserve before the program ended on September 27. Small banks complained that stringent requirements and a slow approval process hurt the program.
As the deadline approached, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) issued a letter to Sec. Geithner warning Treasury to avoid another Solyndra-like blunder by rushing unqualified loans through the approval process.
Updated: 21 min. ago
Senate Small Business Cmte. Hearing on Small Business Jobs Act Implementation
Thursday, May 19, 2011 Washington, DC
The Senate Small Business Committee held a hearing on the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. The committee reviewed the act’s implementation and if it is fulfilling the purpose of helping small businesses. The Act calls for $12 billion in tax cuts for small business, increases access to capital and strengthens the core mission of the Small Business Administration. This week marks National Small Business Week, a yearly event to recognize the contributions of small businesses to the American economy.Clinton arrives in Libya on unannounced visit
From Elise Labott, CNNupdated 6:35 AM EST, Tue October 18, 2011
Tags: Middle East | Israel | israel | soldier | released | hamas
Israeli Soldier Shalit Freed in Mass Prisoner Swap
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011 06:21 AMBy Newsmax Wires
GAZA/JERUSALEM - Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit returned home to a national outpouring of joy on Tuesday after five years in captivity as hundreds of Palestinian prisoners exchanged for him were greeted with kisses from Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip.
"I missed my family," a gaunt Shalit, his breathing laboured at times, said in an interview with Egyptian TV conducted before he was transferred to Israel and broadcast after he went free.
"I hope this deal will promote peace between Israel and the Palestinians," said the tank crewman, the only Israeli soldier to be held by Palestians.
Shalit, 25, was taken across the frontier from the Gaza Strip into Egypt's Sinai peninsula and driven to Israel's Vineyard of Peace border crossing, where a helicopter awaited to fly him to an Israeli air base for a reunion with his parents.
Simultaneously Israel freed 477 Palestinian prisoners, most of them to the Gaza Strip, where Hamas leaders greeted them piling off buses bearing Red Cross insignia. Another 550 prisoners are to be released in the next two months, the most lopsided exchange in Israeli history.
The Israeli military announced hours later that a medical examination has found Schalit to be in good condition.The army said Schalit held an emotional phone conversation with his family. It released a still photo of the smiling soldier speaking on the phone.
Schalit is to be flown later to his family at an air base in central Israel.
The Israeli military says Palestinians waiting for released prisoners at a West Bank checkpoint clashed with troops, who fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. There were no immediate reports of injuries.
In the television interview, Shalit said he found out a week ago that he was to be released. The soldier, who had not been seen since a 2009 video, said he had feared he would be held "for many more years".
Political commentators said it appeared unlikely the prisoner exchange agreed by the two bitter enemies would have any immediate impact on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that broke down last year.
The mood in Israel was one of elation, with "welcome home" signs on street corners and morning commuters watching live broadcasts of the swap on cellular telephones.
Shalit has been popularly portrayed as "everyone's son" and opinion polls showed that an overwhelming majority of Israeli backed the thousand-for-one deal, although many of the prisoners going free were convicted of deadly attacks.
For Palestinians, it was a time to celebrate what Hamas hailed as a victory, and a heroes' welcome awaited the released prisoners. Palestinians see brethren jailed by Israel as prisoners of war in a struggle for statehood.
"This is the greatest joy for the Palestinian people," said Azzia al-Qawasmeh, who waited at a West Bank checkpoint for her son Amer, whom she said had been in prison for 24 years.
The deal received a green light from Israel's Supreme Court late on Monday after it rejected petitions from the public to prevent the mass release of prisoners, many serving life sentences imposed by Israeli courts for deadly attacks.
The deal caps a five-and-a-half-year saga that has seen multiple Israeli military offensives in Gaza, an Israeli blockade on the territory and numerous rounds of failed negotiations.
The Palestinian prisoners, who included dozens of people who had been serving life sentences for deadly attacks, were returning to heroes' welcomes, while dozens of people prepared a joyous homecoming in Schalit's tiny hometown in northern Israel.
"Until we see him, we are following with concern and anticipation," Schalit's father, Noam, told Israel Radio from an air base inside Israel where his family was waiting to reunite with him.
The swap got under way early Tuesday as Hamas moved Schalit across Gaza's border with Egypt, while Israel simultaneously began freeing the Palestinian prisoners.
Shalit was abducted in June 2006 by militants who tunnelled into Israel from the Gaza Strip and surprised his tank crew, killing two of his comrades. He was whisked back into Gaza and has since been held incommunicado.
Israel, which withdrew troops and settlers from Gaza in 2005, tightened its blockade of the small coastal enclave after Shalit's disappearance.
The deal with Hamas, a group classified by the United States and European Union as a terrorist organisation over its refusal to recognise Israel and renounce violence, is not expected to spur peace negotiations.
Those talks, led by Israel and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a Hamas rival, collapsed 13 months ago in a dispute over settlement building in the occupied West Bank. Abbas now wants the U.N. to recognise Palestinian statehood, a unilateral bid opposed by Israel and its main ally, the United States.
At Tel Nof air base in central Israel, Shalit was to see his parents, whose public campaign for his release put pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a deal with a bitter enemy. Netanyahu will also meet Shalit there. Later, Shalit will fly by helicopter to his family home in northern Israel.
The repatriation of captured soldiers, alive or dead, has long been an emotionally charged issue for Israelis. Many have served in the military as conscripts and see it as sacrosanct. But they also feel stung by the high price they feel Israel is paying for Shalit.
"I understand the difficulty in accepting that the vile people who committed the heinous crimes against your loved ones will not pay the full price they deserve," Netanyahu wrote in a letter, released by his office, to bereaved Israeli families.
© Newsmax. All rights reserved.Read more on Newsmax.com: Israeli Soldier Shalit Freed in Mass Prisoner Swaphttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1va06sK0-_HzJrwLrmTmBbCD49zDLZFcOpE0Mh6rvhhE/edit?hl=en_US
Gary Johnson On Marijuana Legalization: Politicians Won't 'Speak The Truth' On The Issue

The Huffington Post Luke Johnson First Posted: 10/18/11 11:20 AM ET Updated: 10/18/11 11:38 AM ETSHARE THIS STORYRepublican presidential candidate Gary Johnson is baffled that more politicians don't support legalizing marijuana, after a new Gallup poll shows that an all-time high of 50 percent of Americans favor legalization.
"Where is the political leadership that should be reflecting that common sense belief?" said the former New Mexico governor in a statement on Tuesday"This may be the only issue on the national scene where half the American people support something, but zero percent, statistically speaking, of elected officials and politicians will publicly agree with them," he added. "Yet, for the most part, there are no politicians who will speak that truth, much less act upon it. With 50% of Americans open to the idea of legalization, why won't the ruling class at least let us have the conversation?"
The support for legalizing marijuana jumped from 36 percent in 2006 to 50 percent. Majorities of self-identified liberals, 18-49 year-olds, moderates, independents and Democrats favor legalizing marijuana use. Those over the age of 65, conservatives and Republicans were most opposed.
Johnson has said he smoked marijuana in his youth and from 2005 to 2008, to alleviate pain after an accident. He dubbed marijuana smokers "the largest untapped voting bloc." In 1999, he came out for the legalization of marijuana as governor of New Mexico. He left office in 2003 after being term-limited after two terms.
Though the Republican candidates are debating tonight in Las Vegas, CNN has excluded Johnson from tonight's debate, as has been the case for several of the previous debates.
Aja Brooks
Aja Brooks 2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
thank you for giving the winner of last debate the intro #Santorum
1 hour ago
mboyle1 Matthew Boyle
by 2011teaparty
Who's throwing out the first pitch at tonight's baseball game... I mean #cnndebate
1 hour ago
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@jamiedupree pulls out the bag of Dunkin Donuts Turbo to power through 16hrs. and this debate with no nap.....
1 hour ago
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