Obama Natural Born Citizen Issue Has a New Sinister Twist - Supreme court records have been corrupted
Site Administrator posted on October 23, 2011 18:49
Obama Natural Born Citizen Issue Has a New Sinister Twist - Supreme court records have been corrupted
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By Newsmax Wires
Jonathan Silver, head of the Loan Programs Office, plans to join the organization Third Way as a "distinguished visiting fellow."
The move comes as GOP Congressional investigators are looking into the department's handling of the Solyndra agreement. Obama officials were warned about potential problems with the company as it sought government help, according to documents that have emerged over the last few weeks.
Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., said the resignation resolves nothing in the widening scandal.
“Mr. Silver’s resignation does not solve the problem," Upton and Stearns said in a joint statement. "We are in the midst of the Solyndra investigation and just days removed from Mr. Silver’s mad rush to finalize the last $4.7 billion in loans before the statutory deadline."
"Just this past Monday, the president declared the loan guarantee program sound and said that it was to be expected that one company like Solyndra could fail. But today the president changed his tune, stating, ‘The nature of these programs are going to be ones in which, you know, for every success there may be one that does not work out as well.’"
"Does the Obama administration now expect that half of these companies will fail? American taxpayers are already on the hook for the half billion dollar Solyndra bust — what other shoes does this administration expect to drop?”
Solyndra declared bankruptcy last month and laid off its 1,100 workers in a move that embarrassed the White House after Obama had touted the company as a model for success. The FBI and the GOP-led House Energy and Commerce Committee launched investigations into the company.
Silver presided over what is the largest ever U.S. investment to commercialize clean-energy technologies, allocating more than $35 billion in government-backed loans for energy projects in less than two years.
The agency in early 2011 decided to help keep the company afloat with a restructuring. It did this by allowing some of Solyndra's investors to be paid back ahead of the government in the event of a liquidation of its assets, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Republicans have questioned whether that decision complies with federal law. The Obama administration has defended it, with Silver saying it was the best bet for taxpayers at the time because the company had not yet finished building its factory.
Despite the firm's failure, President Obama defended the vetting and said Thursday the loan guarantee program overall has been successful and has created jobs. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a statement that Silver's departure was expected.
Chu said Silver told him in July that he planned to return to the private sector soon after Sept. 30, when the loan program expired, Fox News reported.
"Since he joined the Department in November 2009, Jonathan assembled and managed a truly outstanding team that has transformed the program into the world leader in financing innovative clean energy projects. Under his leadership, the loan program has demonstrated considerable success, with a broad portfolio of investments that will help American companies compete in the global clean energy market," Chu said. "Because of my absolute confidence in Jonathan and the outstanding work he has done, I would welcome his continued service at the Department, but I completely understand the decision he has made."
Silver joined the department in November 2009, two months after the Solyndra loan guarantee was finalized. Solyndra, which later went bankrupt and is now under multiple investigations, ended up being lent $528 million in taxpayer money.
Obama said Thursday that lending by nature is inherently risky. At a wide ranging news conference, Obama said his administration knew that some companies participating in the loan guarantee program started under the Bush administration would fail.
"There were going to be some companies that did not work out; Solyndra was one of them," he said. "But the process by which the decision was made was on the merits, it was straightforward."
Obama argued that the U.S. must continue to guarantee loans for clean energy companies to compete with Chinese subsidies that compel companies to move offshore.
"We're going to have to keep pushing hard to make sure that manufacturing is located here, new businesses are located here and new technologies are developed here," he said. "And there are going to be times where it doesn't work out, but I'm not going to cave to the competition when they are heavily subsidizing all these industries."
Obama's comments came as the House panel expanded its investigation to include a request for all emails between the White House and the company since January 2009, when Obama took office.
Several documents already released show administration officials had been concerned about the company’s finances. The committee this week also released more emails that showed the Energy Department was considering giving Solyndra a second $469 million loan in the summer of 2010 despite the company's deteriorating financial situation.
Asked about the warnings his administration received, Obama said projects in the loan guarantee program that have succeeded also faced doubts in the marketplace.
"So I mean there's always going to be a debate about whether this particular approach to this particular technology is going to be successful or not," he said. "And all I can say is that the Department of Energy made these decisions based on their best judgment about what would make sense."
Asked to respond to reports that the $38 billion loan guarantee program that promised to save or create 65,000 jobs only produced 3,500, Obama said that historically businesses that rely on new technologies are "going to take awhile before they get takeoff."
"Keep in mind that clean energy companies are competing against traditional energy companies," he said, adding that traditional energy is still cheaper, but running out and polluting the environment.
"And we know that demand is going to keep on increasing, so that if we don't prepare now, if we don't invest now, if we don't get on top of technologies now, we're going to be facing 20 years from now, China and India having a billion new drivers on the road, the trend lines in terms of oil prices, coal, et. cetera, going up, the impact on the planet increasing. And we're not just going to be able to start when all heck is breaking loose and say, 'Boy, we better find some new energy sources.'"
© Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Obama Loan Official Resigns as Solyndra Scandal Widens
Site Administrator posted on October 23, 2011 18:49
Obama Natural Born Citizen Issue Has a New Sinister Twist - Supreme court records have been corrupted
Another "Gate" for the most corrupt, illegal "Presidency" in U.S. history. Case records were altered in the most important legal database in the nation, to cover up hard evidence of what a natural born citizen really is, as cases closed in on "Obama's" ineligibility for the US Presidency.
So far, it's just on a few blogs and NOT in the MSM. Maybe we can correct that little "oversight?"
While you're at it, point out "Obama's":
- E-Verify check FAIL
- Fraudulent draft registration
- Evidence of over 16 stolen Social Security numbers
- Multiple fraudulent "birth certificates." including the one released at the 4/27/11 White House Press conference, amid much fanfare and talk of carnival barkers," "circus side shows" and selling coffee mugs with "Obama's" forged "birth certificate" on them. The "Obama" adminsitration is the biggest and worst horrifying side show in American history. DO something about it, people.
Date Published: October 20, 2011
Someone was incredibly busy in June 2008 working on an illegal front invisible to the public; searching and altering Supreme Court Cases published at Justia.com which cite the only case in American history - Minor v. Happersett (1875) - to directly construe Article 2 Section 1's natural-born citizen clause in determining a citizenship issue as part of its holding and precedent. In this unanimous decision, the Supreme Court defined a "native or natural-born citizen" as a person born in the US to parents who were citizens; a definition which excludes from eligibility both Barack Obama and John McCain.
In June 2008 no one was discussing Minor v. Happersett 88 US 162 (1875) with regard to Obama. In fact, those who were discussing the then Senator’s citizenship status had focused instead on his birth in Hawaii in a attempt to prove the future president was not born in the United States despite publication of the Senator’s short form computer generated Birth Certificate. It would not be until October of 2008 that Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility would be questioned as to his status as a dual citizen at the time of his birth.
Meanwhile, at the “Supreme Court Center” of the influential legal research websiteJustia.com, efforts were underway corrupting at least 25 Supreme Court cases by erasing references to the words "Minor V. Happersett" along with references to other relevant cases on the issue along with the insertion of misleading numerical ciations. And In two documented cases actual text was removed.
Clearly this was done in these specific cases in order to prevent their being found by internet researchers long before anyone had even begun to look for them, even before Obama would win the Democratic Nomination at the DNC Convention in Denver, Colorado in August '08. This is premeditation and intent to deceive.
So far, 25 corrupted SCOTUS have been identified, and this number may continue to rise as the scope of the tampering becomes apparent. These cases all relied upon Minor, some specifically referencing its definition of Natural Born Citizen - a definition which makes Obama ineligible to be President as that definition is part of the holding and continuingprecedent, issued from the highest court in our nation making it the law of the land, even now.
The most extreme sabotage so far discovered appears to have been done to the landmark decision United States v. Wong Kim Ark which was sabotaged to remove "Minor v. Happersett" three times, along with one reference to "Scott v Sandford", another to theSlaughterhouse Cases and some accompanying text relevant to the issue. These surgical alterations would alter and shape the national dialogue; leaving a persistent and incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the 'natural born citizen' clause. There is no doubt whatsoever that this was the specific intent of those responsible for this illegal editing of American history and law.
As previously mentioned, the specific distinction between Citizen and Natural Born Citizen made in Minor v. Happersett is in the holding of the case, the section which creates the Law, and it is this Law which has been repeatedly cited over the decades since. In order to minimize the importance of Minor, someone at Justia deliberately decided to make these supporting citations as difficult as possible to find.
This has had the desired effect, diluting the importance of Minor v. Happersett in the national dialogue across the blogosphere's political spectrum ever since. The end result: the one case which defines Natural Born Citizen was reduced to seeming irrelevance, and thus the conversation never got past doorkeepers already in Obama’s camp in the mainstream media.
Of course, a lawyer going into Court would never rely upon anything but an official source for Supreme Court law, but 99.9% of the population have no access to dusty law texts, or expensive legal research services such as Lexis and Westlaw. Those who committed these crimes were well aware of this, and used it to their advantage.
The manipulation at Justia.com diluted the importance of Minor by killing the citations in Supreme Court cases spanning over 100 years. Since Google most often returns Justia.com's version of the case being searched for as the first or second hit, Justia's version of Supreme Court opinions are most influential in the blogosphere's forums and comments. Erasing those citations and text on the internet literally erases the importance of Minor and its precedents to millions of Americans otherwise unlikely to ever step into physical Law Library.
This is nothing short of appalling. Justia swapped their tampered versions of the cases for the actual Supreme Court opinions and then pawned them off as if the tampered versions contained the "Full Text" of the Supreme Court's opinions. Yet Justia CEO Tim Stanleyclaims that making case law available to the public for free is the mission of Justia. In reality, Justia has been re-inventing our legal history and passing it off as genuine.
Attorney Donofrio's Full report "Justia.com Surgically Removed “Minor v Happersett” from 25 Supreme Court Opinions in run up to ’08 Election", published today explains that exposure to criminal punishment is a direct result of not just the tampering, but more specifically, as a result of placing text on every tampered page which states, "Full text of case":
Regardless of who you supported in 2008, or whether you agree with the assertion of Minor’s relevance, every American should be outraged that 25 Supreme Court cases were surgically sabotaged and then passed off to the public as if the tampered versions contained the “Full Text of Case”. This is the very definition of “Orwellian” fascism. It’s propaganda. And there is no place for it in the United States. The sacrifices for truth and justice which created and have sustained this nation are wantonly debased by the subversive deception emanating from Justia.com servers. - Leo Donofrio Esq.
Clearly, the corruption of Supreme Court Cases was systemic and surgically targeted within Justia.com, one of the largest and best known legal research sites on the internet. Justia is nothing if not efficient in driving traffic to its site; this is after all their business. Today they partner with Google and have Google Analytics within their site which does two things; it increases Justia’s visibility on Google searches, and it pushes their website to the top of those searches done on legal issues. When specific search terms are erased out of a document, naturally that document will not appear on a search. Anyone searching for the case name “Minor v. Happersett” and “citizenship” would never see the dozens of cases manipulated by Justia.com.
Justia founder Tim Stanley has for years prided himself and his companies on principles of ‘freedom of information’. On June 19th, 2008, Stanley addressed the Legislative Council Committee at the Oregon State Legislature with the following statements:
"Our goal is to provide academic researchers, government officials, attorneys, and the public with advanced features, including full‐text search, annotations by legal professionals, and comparison tools to visualize the differences in the law between the individual states…”
"In the end, we both recognize the importance of providing the public with online access to our nation’s laws because such actions promote understanding, participation in and respect for our democratic institutions and legal system."
To describe these comments, made at roughly the same time Supreme Court Cases were being scrubbed and deliberately altered at his site as ironic, is an understatement of gross proportions.
Only a person thoroughly educated in the law would know precisely which cases to look for in order to direct the changes to be made to those cases. Furthermore, only someone with access to Justia.com’s database could physically make these changes from inside the website. This artificially created a near empty result set and the cases which did turn up led those inexperienced in the law, nowhere.
The manipulations at Justia.com were initially discovered by Attorney Leo Donofrio on July 1, 2011, when he published his initial report, “Justia.com Caught Red Handed Hiding References to Minor v. Happersett In Published US Supreme Court Decisions,”. Upon publication of his original discovery documenting the sabotage of Boyd v. Nebraska, andPope v. Williams, two Supreme Court cases which cite to Minor v. Happersett as precedent on citizenship, two things happened almost immediately: First, the altered pages were returned to their original versions at Justia within an hour or so of Donofrio’s publication. Second, despite Justia CEO Tim Stanley's cries for freedom of legal information (and law suits compelling the same), robots have now been placed on the Justia URL's for the Boyd and Pope cases at InternetArchive.org, also known as the Waybackmachine. These robots make it impossible to see the tampering as it unfolded in mid-2008... with those cases.
So much for freedom of information.
One can, however, still see the tampering from screenshots taken by Donofrio and are attached to that original report on July 1, 2011 at his blog, Natural Born Citizen, which has been singularly focused on the issue of Presidential eligibility since late 2008.
As Donofrio documents in his article today, when he discovered a third tampered case, instead of rushing to publish it, he contacted a number of other bloggers and reporters to help document the evidence before Justia dispersed their robots to block it. While Donofrio originally only discovered two cases of tampering, somebody at Justia knew where the bones were buried and went about reinstating "Minor v. Happersett" in the at least 25 cases which it had earlier sabotaged. It appears that whoever knew about these additional despoiled cases, must have believed by fixing them before the corruption was exposed no one would ever suspect they too had been altered.
What tipped Donofrio off last week to the extent of Justia’s tampering was the case “Luria v. United States”. This case also firmly supports Minor on citizenship, and he double checked the text to see if it included references to Minor. It did… something he had not noticed upon previous readings of the case at Justia.com.
With his new insight into SCOTUS case tampering, he plugged the URL into theWaybackmachine to see if it had been altered in the past. Bingo. It had. Furthermore there was nothing blocking his ability to see those snapshotted pages, and how they had been altered compared to the original text. The gun wasn’t just smoking, the bullet was still flying.
A brief explanation of the how the Waybackmachine works. It takes snapshots of internet pages. It may not record the day a given webpage changed, but it documents the changes when it does hit that page. Thus a date on the Waybackmachine of April 13, 2004 means this was the date the snapshot was taken, not when the changes were necessarily made. There is no way of knowing precisely when the change occurred as the waybackmachine does not record the precise instant the change is made, it is only sometime later when the Internet archive records it.
The evidence he discovered there, at the time of publication of this article, is still available and shows the same exact same pattern of behavior - deception - that Justia exhibited with the Boyd and Pope cases Donofrio published back in July.
If Justia hasn't blocked access to the WaybackMachine for their publication of Luria v. US, 231 U.S. 9 (1913) by the time you read this, then it continues to be evident and accessible that on Nov. 4, 2006 the Waybackmachine recorded Justia published the true original opinion issued by the Supreme Court with no tampering evident. Minor v. Happersett is cited on page 22 directly referencing Presidential eligibility as follows:
The July 6, 2008 Waybackmachine snapshot of Luria v. US is the first snapshot that shows the tampering:
Notice that "Minor v. Happersett" has been removed along with the reference to “Osborn v. United States”, another case which causes trouble for Obama (and McCain). All of the WaybackMachine snapshots between July 6, 2008, and April 13, 2010 for this case, show the same tampering. The current, live Justia page for Luria v. US has been un-scrubbed and shows the original Supreme Court text. It is only with an archival resource such as the Waybackmachine that the alterations can be seen.
At publication, insertion of the URL into the Waybackmachine for this page at Justia still reveals the changes made to this page over time. Repeat this entire process with 25 Supreme Court cases and the extent of the tampering becomes evident.
This is disturbing enough, yet there was another subtle and insidious layer of deception. In every single instance of tampering, the numerical citation attached to Minor V. Happersett, has also been altered. (See Donofrio's blog for a complete break down of this.) Changing these numbers is yet another layer of deception practiced at Justia.
While Donofrio documents in detail what the finer points of law in both versions mean in his article, this Examiner.com publication documents what this reporter has personally witnessed – the tampering of Supreme Court Cases online in the guise of “Full Text of Case”. This article is not the legal opinion of an attorney; it is witness to an event.
It's important to note that the only way Justia could block all access to previous versions of their publication of cases would require .txt robots to be placed on their entire domain records at the Waybackmachine. If Tim Stanley were to secure Justia.com from the honest and forthright archiving of the WaybackMachine, he would be an instant pariah in the freedom of information scene of which he is a leader.
Furthermore, if Stanley were to place robots on only the 25 (or more) cases which cite Minor v. Happersett, it would be a de-facto admission of guilt.
It appears that whoever tampered with these cases went back and “fixed” all of them, including 23 Donofrio wasn't aware of until this week when he conclusively established the sabotage by Justia. For all 25, the pattern is precisely the same. In 2006, the cases at Justia are pristine in the Waybackmachine; word for word from official Supreme Court cases. Then at various points in 2008, the cases are corrupted by removal of the case name "Minor v, Happersett" ( as well as some other case names and text.)
The cases remained corrupted, according to the snapshots of the Waybackmachine in most cases, until late 2010.
Today however, all 25 cases have been painstakingly returned to their official Supreme Court versions; all references to Minor are back, the case and page numbers have been restored, as well as all missing text and references to other cases. Still, the pattern is clearly visible to anyone who takes the time to look at the evidence made available by the Waybackmachine. The sophistication and surgical elegance used to sabotage these cases is astounding, and has been personally witnessed by this reporter.
Every case which has been found to date by Mr. Donofrio has been documented with great attention to all these details. This has been accomplished by downloading the full code of the original un-tainted pages and the corrupted revisions from the Waybackmachine’s date stamped archive, along with screenshots of the pages as they appeared in browsers such as Mozilla Firefox before and after the tampering occurred, and the restored pages.
The volume of data is significant and Mr. Donofrio is in the process of making the entire archive available to the public. The article he has published today contains what he refers to as a "document dump". It is in reality evidence. The reader is strongly encouraged to view the images which document Justia's actions. Upon doing so, every member of congress should be notified of the existence of this information. Such usurpation of American history and law cannot be allowed.
Screenshots and links have been sent to several specific media contacts which include theWashington Times, Accuracy In Media, and Free Republic. In the interest of putting this information in front of as many eyes as possible before publication, it has been made freely available since Friday October 18, 2011 in the form of screenshots and saved page code. Should the information presented here be altered on the internet following publication, there will be a significant number of media outlets with knowledge and proof of any further alterations to internet archives.
The penalty associated with violating the “False Writings Statute”, 18 U.S.C. 1018 is jail and a fine for each count. With at least 25 counts if not more, this could mean upwards of 25 years in prison. The manipulation of Supreme Court cases is an offense against all Americans, and the Court itself. If like Fast and Furious this scandal reaches directly to the White House, the ramifications are both dire and catastrophic.
Minor v. Happersett defined the one specific term which Barack Obama could not overcome with “Hope and Change” though he could ‘hope’ someone would ‘change’ the cases which help define the term “Natural Born Citizen,”. This case, if it had been sufficiently known to the public and media, and sufficiently documented by supporting citations, might have eliminated the possibility of Obama's nomination and/or election. Either Obama got lucky in this regard, or the “constitutional law professor” and former editor of the Harvard Law Review had some hand in directing the efforts to erase the very citations in law which define him as a citizen, and at the same time rule him out as a constitutional candidate for President of the United States.
Just as certainly as the corruption at Justia.com has been documented and archived, more will be revealed. Stay tuned, it is expected that this information will generate some significant updates. They will be reported here as they happen.
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Obama Loan Official Resigns as Solyndra Scandal Widens
Thursday, 06 Oct 2011 04:59 PMBy Newsmax Wires
The embattled director of the controversial loan program that approved a $535 million taxpayer guarantee to bankrupt solar firm Solyndra is stepping down, the Energy Department confirmed Thursday.
Jonathan Silver, head of the Loan Programs Office, plans to join the organization Third Way as a "distinguished visiting fellow."
The move comes as GOP Congressional investigators are looking into the department's handling of the Solyndra agreement. Obama officials were warned about potential problems with the company as it sought government help, according to documents that have emerged over the last few weeks.
Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., said the resignation resolves nothing in the widening scandal.
“Mr. Silver’s resignation does not solve the problem," Upton and Stearns said in a joint statement. "We are in the midst of the Solyndra investigation and just days removed from Mr. Silver’s mad rush to finalize the last $4.7 billion in loans before the statutory deadline."
"Just this past Monday, the president declared the loan guarantee program sound and said that it was to be expected that one company like Solyndra could fail. But today the president changed his tune, stating, ‘The nature of these programs are going to be ones in which, you know, for every success there may be one that does not work out as well.’"
"Does the Obama administration now expect that half of these companies will fail? American taxpayers are already on the hook for the half billion dollar Solyndra bust — what other shoes does this administration expect to drop?”
Solyndra declared bankruptcy last month and laid off its 1,100 workers in a move that embarrassed the White House after Obama had touted the company as a model for success. The FBI and the GOP-led House Energy and Commerce Committee launched investigations into the company.
Silver presided over what is the largest ever U.S. investment to commercialize clean-energy technologies, allocating more than $35 billion in government-backed loans for energy projects in less than two years.
The agency in early 2011 decided to help keep the company afloat with a restructuring. It did this by allowing some of Solyndra's investors to be paid back ahead of the government in the event of a liquidation of its assets, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Republicans have questioned whether that decision complies with federal law. The Obama administration has defended it, with Silver saying it was the best bet for taxpayers at the time because the company had not yet finished building its factory.
Despite the firm's failure, President Obama defended the vetting and said Thursday the loan guarantee program overall has been successful and has created jobs. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a statement that Silver's departure was expected.
Chu said Silver told him in July that he planned to return to the private sector soon after Sept. 30, when the loan program expired, Fox News reported.
"Since he joined the Department in November 2009, Jonathan assembled and managed a truly outstanding team that has transformed the program into the world leader in financing innovative clean energy projects. Under his leadership, the loan program has demonstrated considerable success, with a broad portfolio of investments that will help American companies compete in the global clean energy market," Chu said. "Because of my absolute confidence in Jonathan and the outstanding work he has done, I would welcome his continued service at the Department, but I completely understand the decision he has made."
Silver joined the department in November 2009, two months after the Solyndra loan guarantee was finalized. Solyndra, which later went bankrupt and is now under multiple investigations, ended up being lent $528 million in taxpayer money.
Obama said Thursday that lending by nature is inherently risky. At a wide ranging news conference, Obama said his administration knew that some companies participating in the loan guarantee program started under the Bush administration would fail.
"There were going to be some companies that did not work out; Solyndra was one of them," he said. "But the process by which the decision was made was on the merits, it was straightforward."
Obama argued that the U.S. must continue to guarantee loans for clean energy companies to compete with Chinese subsidies that compel companies to move offshore.
"We're going to have to keep pushing hard to make sure that manufacturing is located here, new businesses are located here and new technologies are developed here," he said. "And there are going to be times where it doesn't work out, but I'm not going to cave to the competition when they are heavily subsidizing all these industries."
Obama's comments came as the House panel expanded its investigation to include a request for all emails between the White House and the company since January 2009, when Obama took office.
Several documents already released show administration officials had been concerned about the company’s finances. The committee this week also released more emails that showed the Energy Department was considering giving Solyndra a second $469 million loan in the summer of 2010 despite the company's deteriorating financial situation.
Asked about the warnings his administration received, Obama said projects in the loan guarantee program that have succeeded also faced doubts in the marketplace.
"So I mean there's always going to be a debate about whether this particular approach to this particular technology is going to be successful or not," he said. "And all I can say is that the Department of Energy made these decisions based on their best judgment about what would make sense."
Asked to respond to reports that the $38 billion loan guarantee program that promised to save or create 65,000 jobs only produced 3,500, Obama said that historically businesses that rely on new technologies are "going to take awhile before they get takeoff."
"Keep in mind that clean energy companies are competing against traditional energy companies," he said, adding that traditional energy is still cheaper, but running out and polluting the environment.
"And we know that demand is going to keep on increasing, so that if we don't prepare now, if we don't invest now, if we don't get on top of technologies now, we're going to be facing 20 years from now, China and India having a billion new drivers on the road, the trend lines in terms of oil prices, coal, et. cetera, going up, the impact on the planet increasing. And we're not just going to be able to start when all heck is breaking loose and say, 'Boy, we better find some new energy sources.'"
© Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Obama Loan Official Resigns as Solyndra Scandal Widens
GOP takeover of Congress would mean ‘hand-to-hand combat,’ Obama warns
A Republican majority would threaten policies to stabilize the economy, the president says during a radio interview, part of an effort to rally key Democratic constituencies.Michael A. Memoli
Tribune Washington Bureau
Reporting from Washington — A Republican majority in Congress would mean “hand-to-hand combat” on Capitol Hill for the next two years, threatening policies Democrats have enacted to stabilize the economy, President Obama warned Wednesday.
Speaking on Michael Baisden’s syndicated radio show, Obama also made a direct appeal to African Americans about the importance of the November vote, even though he’s not on the ballot himself…
…Obama said a big voter turnout was vital, both to counter millions of dollars being spent by outside groups and the enthusiasm Republicans have demonstrated.
“They are fired up. They are mobilized. They see an opportunity to take back the House, maybe take back the Senate,” he said. “If they’re successful in doing that, they’ve already said they’re going to go back to the same policies that were in place during the Bush administration. That means that we are going to have just hand-to-hand combat up here on Capitol Hill.”…
Read the entire article at the LA Times.
H/T Red White & Blue News
Posted in Barack Obama, Congress, Elections.
Tagged with 'The Chicago Way', campaigning, partisan politics.
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By dogzilla – October 24, 2011 5:08 pm
October 25, 2011
Jon Stewart Takes a Weed Whacker to Obama’s Squandered Green Initiatives
http://www.mediaite.com/tv/jon-stewart-takes-a-weed-whacker-to-obamas-green-initiatives/By Frances Martel, Mediaite
President Barack Obama has made green jobs and green economy plans one of the strongest pillars of his presidency, but with so many problems with the country currently, Jon Stewart turned to the efficiency of a plan he approved of as being “awesome– and minty.” The glitch with the program? President Obama intended to dole out the money for the initiatives to the states, who would better know how to weatherize homes– which Stewart joked was like giving your teenage kids $1,000 dollars, leaving for the weekend, and telling them to weatherize the house with it.
The Campaign Spot Election-driven news and views . . . by Jim Geraghty. ABOUT | ARCHIVE | E-MAIL | LOG IN | SEND |
‘For every million dollars Obama raises, $6.4 billion is added to our national debt.’ By Jim Geraghty Tags: Barack Obama, RNC Some might say this RNC web ad is tough, but Obama sure makes it easy for them, spending as much time fundraising and on “sure, it’s not really a campaign trip” bus tours through swing states: “For each new campaign office President Obama opens, there are 15,000 new foreclosures. For every million dollars Obama raises, $6.4 billion is added to our national debt.”
creeper : 10/25/11 12:25 |
When I saw the comparison between what Obama raises and how much is added to the national debt I thought the author might have been describing the cost of AFWon. That's the number I'm interested in...how much we taxpayers have coughed up to fly the lame duck around to fundraisers. |
: 10/24/11 12:47 |
Tough? This is precisely the type of ad that should be running constantly, using bambam's own words, and should have been running since the 2010 election. And run them during football on tv, not just on the internet. |
Tea Party movement
(In some states, the Tea Party has declared itself as financially separate or Independent of the GOP, as they hope to become the 2012 registered 3rd party, as Conservatives or Independents. Just because there is a - D or an - R next to a name, this only means that is what party the candidates are registered with, identify with, fundraise with, and predominantly vote with that Party’s stance. This is not always a definitive, as there are Conservatives who are Democrats and Republicans, and they will make that distinction, and others of course will try to lie and claim this status, but Conservative voters look not just at what candidates say, but what they do and how they vote on their behalf. Voters have the most trouble not being able to recognize a political person’s position or how they will vote on their behalf when they do not know anything about them, as when they only vote for “D” or when they only vote for “R” next to a name in the voting booth, and the very few “Independents, or I’s”.)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tea Party protesters fill the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol and the National Mall at the Taxpayer March on Washington on September 12, 2009.
The Tea Party movement (TPM) is an American populist[1][2][3] political movement that is generally recognized as conservative and libertarian,[4] and has sponsored protests and supported political candidates since 2009.[5][6][7]
- It endorses reduced government spending,[8][9] opposition to taxation in varying degrees,[9] reduction of the national debt and federal budget deficit,[8] and adherence to an originalist interpretation of the United States Constitution.[10]
The name "Tea Party" is a reference to the Boston Tea Party, a protest by colonists who objected to a British tax on tea in 1773 and demonstrated by dumping British tea taken from docked ships into the harbor.[11] Some commentators have referred to the Tea in "Tea Party" as the backronym "Taxed Enough Already".[12][13]
- The Tea Party movement has caucuses in the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States.[14] The Tea Party movement has no central leadership, but is composed of a loose affiliation of national and local groups that determine their own platforms and agendas. The Tea Party movement has been cited as an example of grassroots political activity, although it has also been cited as an example of astroturfing.[15]
The Tea Party's most noted national figures include Republican politicians such as Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Eric Cantor, and Michele Bachmann, with Paul described by some as the "intellectual godfather" of the movement.[16][17] The Tea Party movement is not, as of 2011, a national political party; polls show that most Tea Partiers consider themselves to be Republicans[18][19], and the movement's supporters have tended to endorse Republican candidates.[20] Commentators including Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport have suggested that the movement is not a new political group, but simply a rebranding of traditional Republican candidates and policies.[18][21][22] An October 2010 Washington Post canvass of local Tea Party organizers found 87% saying "dissatisfaction with mainstream Republican Party leaders" was "an important factor in the support the group has received so far".[23]
Background and history
See also: Tax revolt, List of Tea Party protests, 2009, and List of Tea Party protests, 2010
The theme of the Boston Tea Party, an iconic event in American history, has long been used by anti-tax protesters.[24][25][26] It was part of Tax Day protests held throughout the 1990s and earlier.[27][28][29][30] More recently, the anniversary of the original Boston Tea Party was commemorated on December 16, 2007, by Republican Congressman Ron Paul supporters who held a fund raising event for the 2008 presidential primaries advocating an end to fiat money and the Federal Reserve System, disengaging from foreign entanglements in Iraq and Afghanistan, and upholding States' rights.[31][32][33]
Fox News commentator Juan Williams says that the TPM emerged from the ashes of Paul's 2008 presidential primary campaign.[34]
A Tea Party protester holds a sign saying "Remember: Dissent is Patriotic" at a Nashville Tea Party on February 27, 2009.
Others have argued that the Koch brothers supported the movement.[35] [36]
Early local protest events
On January 24, 2009, Trevor Leach, chairman of the Young Americans for Liberty in New York State organized a "Tea Party" to protest obesity taxes proposed by New York Governor David Paterson and call for fiscal responsibility on the part of the government. Several of the protesters wore Native American headdresses similar to the band of 18th century colonists who dumped tea in Boston Harbor to express outrage about British taxes.[37]Some of the protests were partially in response to several Federal laws: the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008,[38] the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,[39][40] and a series of healthcare reform bills.[41]
New York Times journalist Kate Zernike reported that leaders within the Tea Party credit Seattle blogger and conservative activist Keli Carender with organizing the first Tea Party in February 2009, although the term "Tea Party" was not used.[42] Other articles, written by Chris Good of The Atlantic[43] and NPR's Martin Kaste,[44] credit Carender as "one of the first" Tea Party organizers and state that she "organized some of the earliest Tea Party-style protests".
Carender first organized what she called a "Porkulus Protest" in Seattle on Presidents Day, February 16, the day before President Barack Obama signed the stimulus bill into law.[45] Carender said she did it without support from outside groups or city officials. "I just got fed up and planned it." Carender said 120 people participated. "Which is amazing for the bluest of blue cities I live in, and on only four days notice! This was due to me spending the entire four days calling and emailing every person, think tank, policy center, university professors (that were sympathetic), etc. in town, and not stopping until the day came."[42][46]
Contacted by Carender, Steve Beren promoted the event on his blog four days before the protest[47] and agreed to be a speaker at the rally.[48] Carender also contacted conservative author and Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin, and asked her to publicize the rally on her blog, which Malkin did the day before the event.[49] The following day, the Colorado branch of Americans for Prosperity held a protest at the Colorado Capitol, also promoted by Malkin.[50] Carender held a second protest on February 27, 2009, reporting "We more than doubled our attendance at this one."[42]
According to pollster Scott Rasmussen, the bailouts of banks by the Bush and Obama administrations triggered the Tea Party's rise. The interviewer[clarification needed] added that the movement's anger centers on two issues, quoting Rasmussen as saying, "They think federal spending, deficits and taxes are too high, and they think no one in Washington is listening to them, and that latter point is really, really important."[51]
First national protests
On February 19, 2009,[52] in a broadcast from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, CNBC Business News editor Rick Santelli criticized the government plan to refinance mortgages, which had just been announced the day before. He said that those plans were "promoting bad behavior"[53] by "subsidizing losers' mortgages". He suggested holding a tea party for traders to gather and dump the derivatives in the Chicago River on July 1.[54][55][56] A number of the floor traders around him cheered on his proposal, to the amusement of the hosts in the studio. Santelli's "rant" became a viral video after being featured on the Drudge Report.[57]Overnight, websites such as ChicagoTeaParty.com (registered in August 2008 by Chicagoan Zack Christenson, radio producer for conservative talk show host Milt Rosenberg,) were live within 12 hours.[58] About 10 hours after Santelli's remarks, reTeaParty.com was bought to coordinate Tea Parties scheduled for Independence Day and, as of March 4, was reported to be receiving 11,000 visitors a day.[58]
According to The New Yorker writer Ben McGrath[52] and New York Times reporter Kate Zernike,[42] this is where the movement was first inspired to coalesce under the collective banner of "Tea Party". By the next day, guests on Fox News had already begun to mention this new "Tea Party".[59]
As reported by The Huffington Post, a Facebook page was developed on February 20 calling for Tea Party protests across the country.[60] Soon, the "Nationwide Chicago Tea Party" protest was coordinated across over 40 different cities for February 27, 2009, thus establishing the first national modern Tea Party protest.[61][62] The movement has been supported nationally by at least 12 prominent individuals and their associated organizations.[63]
Fox news called many of the protests in 2009 "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties" which it promoted on air and sent speakers to.[64][65] This was to include then-host Glenn Beck, though Fox came to discourage him from attending later events.[66]
Beginning in 2009, the Gadsden flag has become a favorite among the Tea Party movement nationwide,[67][68][69] for Tea Party protesters who feel patriotism for their country and are upset at the government.[70] It was also seen being displayed by members of Congress at Tea Party rallies.[71] Some lawmakers have dubbed it a political symbol due to the Tea Party connection,[69] and the political nature of Tea Party supporters.[72]
Gadsden flag
The Second Revolution flag gained national attention on January 19, 2010.[73] It is a version of the Betsy Ross American flag, with a Roman numeral II in the center of the circle of 13 stars, symbolizing the second revolution in America.[74] The Second Revolution flag has been called synonymous with Tea Party causes and events.[75]
See also: List of Tea Party politiciansMixed demographics; mixed European heritage, Native American, Black American, and Hispanic/Mexican: those who value the Constitution, citizenry, and makeup the 53% of those who actually pay taxes: many own their own businesses, work for a living, and they represent the current lower to upper middle class working Americans, aged 25-85. The Tea Party is the most diverse group of voters.
Documents shed light on Rubio history
By ALEX LEARY - ST. PETERSBURG TIMES | 10/26/11 6:38 AM EDT Updated: 10/26/11 7:10 AM EDT
WASHINGTON - On May 18, 1956, Mario and Oriales Rubio walked into the American Consulate in Havana and applied for immigrant visas. The form asked how long they intended to stay in the United States.
"Permanently," Mr. Rubio answered.
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Nine days later, the couple boarded a National Airlines flight to Miami, where a relative awaited.So began a journey that seems as ordinary as any immigrant story, but decades later served as the foundation of an extraordinary and moving narrative told repeatedly by their third child as he became one of the most powerful politicians in Florida and then a national figure.
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio has come under fire for incorrectly linking his parents to the Cubans who fled Fidel Castro beginning in 1959. He insists they are exiles nonetheless and angrily denounced the suggestion he misled for political gain.
"My upbringing taught me that America was special and different from the rest of the world, and also a real sense that you can lose your country," Rubio said in an interview this week.
But the visa documents cast clearer divisions between his parents, who came for economic reasons, and the Cubans who scrambled to leave their homeland but thought they could soon return. And the documents come to light amid new discrepancies since Rubio's time line came under scrutiny last week.
In a 2009 interview with NPR, then-Senate candidate Rubio explained his mother returned to Cuba in 1961 to care for her father, who had been injured in an accident. He said the family wanted to go home to Miami but were blocked by Castro's government for nine months, and that influenced their thinking about leaving for good.
In a widely read piece in POLITICO on Friday, Rubio did not mention the accident and said his family was making preparations to move to Cuba but "after just a few weeks, it became clear that the change happening in Cuba was not for the better. It was communism."
Rubio, 40 and Miami born, mentioned the accident in this week's interview and said he only recently got access to passports showing his family's travel.
The haziness he expressed from events decades ago was echoed by his older brother.
"It was one of those things where they really didn't share much information," said Mario Rubio, who is 61 and lives in Jacksonville. "Their whole life was trying to make a better life for us."
The Rubios filled out applications for immigrant visas and alien registration, not tourist visas. "That expresses an intention to remain indefinitely," said Joseph Reina, an immigration lawyer in Dallas.
Documents show Mr. Rubio was sponsored by his sister-in-law, who was already living in Miami and who signed an affidavit in 1956 stating the family was "desirous of entering the United States of America as permanent residents."
Reina and other experts said that puts the Rubios in a different context but cautioned it was not uncommon for immigrants to seek permanent residency while expecting to return home some day.
Mario Rubio was 29 when he filed for his visa; his wife was 25. They met in Havana. He was a security guard at a five-and-dime; she was a cashier, according to the senator.
They were not politically active, Rubio said, which may discount one possible motivation for leaving. While Castro had not taken over, 1956 was a violent year in Havana with Fulgencio Batista's regime trying to quell the revolution.
"Certainly they felt at that time that they would have a better opportunity to pursue and accomplish their dreams here than they did there, for multiple reasons," Rubio said.
Some who left before Castro took over looked to his takeover, and their return.
"They were hopeful that this was a new beginning for Cuba, that things would get better and they were hoping maybe they can be part of that and made plans to do so," Rubio said, referring to several trips his parents took back to Cuba.
Rubio said his father held various jobs in Miami in the years after arriving but mostly was a bartender. His mother, he said, worked at one time in a factory that made aluminum chairs. Later, she worked at Kmart, a detail he worked into his political narrative.
For reasons unclear still, Rubio's parents waited until 1975 to become U.S. citizens. Experts say that was not uncommon.
On the petition for naturalization, Mr. Rubio, then working as a bartender at Sans Souci Hotel on Miami Beach, was asked if he was ever a member of the Communist Party. No, he wrote. At 9 a.m. on Nov. 5, 1975, he showed up for his hearing at Barry College Auditorium and left a citizen.
A few years later, Mr. Rubio moved the family to Las Vegas, where he tended bar at Sams Town Hotel, and his wife cleaned hotel rooms, according to the senator's biography. They returned to Miami in 1985.
Years later, the Rubios watched their son become the first Cuban-American speaker of the Florida House, then defy naysayers and run for U.S. Senate against a sitting governor. Mario Rubio, 83, died amid the campaign, but his wife was on stage on election night, a euphoric occasion that minted Rubio as a Republican star. (She recently suffered a stroke and is recovering.)
All along the way, Rubio talked eloquently of the Cuban exile experience - words that last week surfaced in a Washington Post article that said he embellished the facts. Rubio was forced to correct a Senate biography that said his parents came after Castro took over, but he angrily rebutted the suggestion he was deliberately misleading.
Miami's exile community rose to Rubio's defense amid questions about whether he was the son of exiles. But some wondered just how he could have gotten his facts so wrong. Every politically active, first-generation Cuban-American knows Castro officially overthrew the Batista regime on Jan. 1, 1959.
"I was pushed out for political reasons. His parents were pulled in for economic reasons. There's a major difference," said Miguel A. De La Torre, a professor at Iliff School of Theology in Denver who grew up in Miami and has studied exiles.
"Does it change the suffering that his parents could not go back? I think every Cuban has that as part of their history. I don't want to minimize that. But that he did not know when his parents came, I find that harder to understand."
Miami Herald staff writer Marc Caputo contributed to this report. Alex Leary writes for the St. Petersburg Times. The St. Petersburg Times and POLITICO are partnering to cover the 2012 presidential elections.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66878.html#ixzz1c3Xswlxn
20 OCT 2011 |
Obama is no Martin Luther King
By Sharon Sebastian – www.DarwinsRacists.comDuring his dedication speech at the Martin Luther King Memorial, Barack Obama could not resist doing some politicking. With the day of remembrance and dedication to Dr. King now rooted in the history of this nation, it is important not to let current political agendas commandeer his memory or purpose.
Dr. King was not only a great leader for black Americans, but for civil rights for all Americans. King was a visionary. King foresaw the day when prejudice was so subdued and irrelevant in America, that a black man would rise through the ranks of opportunities to become President of the United States. What Dr. King could not foresee is that that very first Black President would use race to divide the nation and call on Americans to “snitch” on neighbors who opposed his socialist rooted agendas. (See: LEFT INSULTS BLACK AMERICANS – http://darwinsracists.com/book/?p=111.) It was King who stood in defiance against leaders of the Democrat Party that voted against equality for Blacks. It was Dr. King who cheered on Republican President Dwight Eisenhower for not only pushing through the Civil Rights Act of 1957 over Democrat opposition, but also for sending troops into Arkansas to desegregate schools that cleared the way for national school desegregation. As a life-long member of the Republican Party, Dr. King fought for the republic, its Constitution and its Bill of Rights that formed the very foundations of this great nation.
“When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. King made no extra-Constitutional guarantees, nor did he seek a circuitous route around hard work and education as goals toward a step-up and not a hand-out. That Black Americans or any Americans should expect a free ride from the labors of their neighbors stood against King’s ethics, his faith and his vision of the American Dream. It stood against all he dedicated his life to and against his vision of individual freedom.
King said: “I have a dream that is deeply rooted in the American Dream.” King valued capitalism and free enterprise and could foresee the day when Blacks were not only part of America’s middle class, but were people of wealth and prosperity due to their own merits, education and hard work. That day has dawned in America, but due to the current economic policies of the Obama administration it is quickly slipping away for people of all colors. Barack Obama made it clear in one of his books that he does not identify with the fates of whites, Hispanics, Asians or other peoples of color.
“I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.” Barack Obama – from his book, Dreams From My Father
The catch for Obama is that his anti-capitalist policies equally impact and devastate the Black worker along with all other Americans. Unlike Obama, King sought justice through equal rights for all through civil law and opportunity and not through the enslavement and nihilism of Socialism. Obama’s “redistribution of wealth” socialist scheme holds all people reliant on and under the control of government. Martin Luther King would find Socialism an anathema to freedom: freedom of will, freedom of aspirations, freedom of self-reliance and freedom of expression whether conservative or liberal. King had a dream and it was not the socialist dream that so consumes Barack Obama. King would note that the poorest cities in the United States have continuously elected Democrats, many of which are Black, who have been the overseers that have plunged Black Americans into ever deepening poverty under Democrat rule. It is Obama and the Democrats’ recklessness that destines this nation into third world status if it is allowed to go unchallenged.
King would be against labor unions crossing the line from being an important organization in support of workers to a corrupt, bloated thuggery that breaks the financial backs of companies that provide jobs for all people — as those unions demand extravagant pensions for its members and labor bosses that most Americans could only dream about. King would be horrified at the heresy of some Democrat Black leaders who wanted the educationally disabling dialect of Ebonics or Black English integrated into course study for black children as a second language posing a clear danger to their futures as productive Americans. He would be horrified that Blacks would accuse educated Blacks of not “being black enough” or “not talking like a black” as if not doing so is a cultural or political impediment. He would admonish a president who told an opposing party that they could ”sit in the back of the bus,” and who, as a political maneuver, threatened vulnerable Seniors of all colors that he might withhold “their social security checks” unless he got his way. King would vehemently oppose a government that ignored threatened violence by Black Panther Party members at the polls. Martin Luther King moved mountains and minds through peaceful means. He, like Rosa Parks (a personal hero) stood up against the wrong thing in the right way.
As all visionaries who are pragmatist at heart, King knew that the government as master came with disheartening and demeaning controls over the lives of individuals. King saw the path to equality through self-determination, getting up and going to work every day, raising families as man and wife, respecting education and seeking God’s wisdom and guidance.
King’s greatest disappointment would be the first Black president’s denigration of people of faith as “clinging to their guns and religion.” King could not foresee a strategic move by a government under Obama to hijack Christianity by attempting to “transform” it into a community-organized, Marxist collectivism based on a substitute gospel of “social justice” of forced seizure of your neighbors’ goods and property. (See: CHRISTIAN PURGE: THE OBAMA FACTOR – PART ONE at http://darwinsracists.com/book/?p=155)
Today, a living reflection of King is his niece, Dr. Alveda King. Though portions of Alveda King’s history is in my book, Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, her full story is one of deep abiding Christian faith, higher education, an unfailing work ethic, love of country, a strong Constitutionalist and an advocate for people of all colors and backgrounds who are willing to do their share by contributing to the American Dream. It is the same dream her Uncle Martin had of an America where everyone is judged by their character and not the color of their skin. America elected its first Black President. That, America has lost confidence in Obama is not based on his skin color, but the failing of his character and his determined destruction of the American Dream that Martin Luther King lived and died for.
Posted by Sharon on October 22, 2011 3:00 pm
10-25-2011 - Pence Supports Bill to Award Hoosier Marines with Congressional Gold Medal |
Would Honor Indiana Men for Service in Montford Point Marines Washington, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Mike Pence spoke in support today of H.R. 2447, a bill honoring the first African Americans to serve in the United States Marine Corps with the Congressional Gold Medal. Now known as the Montford Point Marines, approximately 20,000 men received basic training at Camp Montford Point between 1942 and 1949. Pence noted that there are three surviving Hoosier Montford Point Marines. Pence's statement is below: "Later today the House will consider H.R. 2447, a bill awarding the Congressional Medal to the Montford Point Marines, the first African Americans to serve in the United States Marine Corps. "The United States of America owes these heroes a debt of honor that we will endeavor to pay in part today. And I rise in strong support of this measure. "It was President Franklin Roosevelt who issued an Executive Order in June of 1941 that opened the doors for African Americans to enlist in the United States Marine Corps. Between 1942 and 1949 approximately 20,000 African Americans earned the Eagle Globe and Anchor at Camp Montford Point in Jacksonville, North Carolina. And we'll honor them today. "I especially want to commend the Montford Point Marines Indianapolis chapter's surviving members. Since there are no former Marines, allow me to commend Marine Averitte Corley, Johnny Washington and Lancaster Price, along with the late Walter Ezzell and Everette Sweat, who have done yeoman's work in keeping the proud memory of the Montford Point Marines alive in the Hoosier State. "The Congressional Gold Medal is a fitting tribute to the Montford Point Marines. It marks the service and sacrifice of these trailblazing heroes, but it also marks our nation's march toward a more perfect Union, and I heartily endorse it." ### |
Contract from America
Main article: Contract from AmericaThe Contract from America was the idea of Houston-based lawyer Ryan Hecker. He stated that he developed the concept of creating a grassroots call for reform prior to the April 15, 2009, Tax Day Tea Party rallies. To get his idea off the ground, he launched a website, ContractFromAmerica.com, which encouraged people to offer possible planks for the contract.
- Identify constitutionality of every new law
- Reject emissions trading
- Demand a balanced federal budget
- Simplify the tax system
- Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
- Limit annual growth in federal spending
- Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010
- Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
- Reduce Earmarks
- Reduce Taxes
The Tea Party Patriots have asked both Democrats and Republicans to sign on to the Contract. No Democrats signed on, and the contract met resistance from some Republicans who since created "Commitment to America". Candidates in the 2010 elections who signed the Contract from America included Utah's Mike Lee, Nevada's Sharron Angle, Sen. Coburn (R-OK), and Sen. DeMint (R-SC).[121]
Republican Party (United States)
The party's founding members chose the name "Republican Party" in the mid-1850s as homage to the values of republicanism promoted by Thomas Jefferson's Republican party.[11] The idea for the name came from an editorial by the party's leading publicist Horace Greeley, who called for, "some simple name like 'Republican' [that] would more fitly designate those who had united to restore the Union to its true mission of champion and promulgator of Liberty rather than propagandist of slavery."[12] The name reflects the 1776 republican values of civic virtue and opposition to aristocracy and corruption.[13] The term "Grand Old Party" is a traditional nickname for the Republican Party, and the abbreviation "G.O.P." (or "GOP") is a commonly used designation.[14] The traditional mascot of the party is the elephant. A political cartoon by Thomas Nast, published in Harper's Weekly on November 7, 1874, is considered the first important use of the symbol.[15] In the early 20th century, the usual symbol of the Republican Party in Midwestern states such as Indiana and Ohio was the eagle, as opposed to the Democratic rooster. This symbol still appears on Indiana, New York,[16][dead link] and West Virginia[17][dead link] ballots. After the 2000 election, the color red became associated with the GOP, although the party has not officially adopted it. That election night, for the first time, all of the major broadcast networks used the same color scheme for the electoral map: states won by Republican nominee George W. Bush were colored red, and states won by Democratic nominee Al Gore were colored blue. Although the assignment of colors to political parties is unofficial and informal, they have come to be widely recognized by the media to represent the respective political parties (see Political color and Red states and blue states for more details). | Also known as the GOP, for Grand Old Party, the Repubs, the Rhinos, Elephants, (RINO is negative) or Old Hat GOP (also negative) contrary to accusations that the Party is racist because of the white demographic, the Party was founded as the anti-slavery party of 1854 This party has always been pro-business, lobbying, industry, and used to represent America’s wealthy for 25-30yrs.,, but as America’s middle class grew, they joined the Republican Party to have a stake in politics. Eventually, middle class Americans began to feel that even though they had enough money to contribute to the Party, that the Republican Party wasn’t honoring their Conservative values and principles because of corruption, bribery, and trading votes, so the Tea Party emerged again, in likeness of the original at Boston Harbor. The Republican Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, along with the Democratic Party. Founded by anti-slavery expansion activists in 1854, it is often called the GOP (Grand Old Party). The party's platform generally reflects American conservatism in the U.S. political spectrum and is considered center-right, in contrast to the center-left Democratic Party.[1][2][3] In the 112th Congress, elected in 2010, the Republican Party holds a majority of seats in the House of Representatives, and a minority of seats in the Senate. The party holds the majority of governorships, as well as the majority of state legislatures, and control of one chamber in five states. |
Chairperson | Reince Priebus (WI) |
Senate Leader | Mitch McConnell (Minority Leader) (KY) |
House Leader | John Boehner (Speaker) (OH) Eric Cantor (Majority Leader) (VA) |
Chair of Governors Association | Bob McDonnell (VA) |
Founded | 1854 |
Preceded by | Whig Party Free Soil Party |
Headquarters | 310 First Street NE Washington, D.C. 20003 |
Political position | Center-right |
International affiliation | International Democrat Union |
Official colors | Red |
Seats in the Senate | 47 / 100 |
Seats in the House | 240 / 435 |
Governorships | 29 / 50 |
State Upper House Seats | 1,001 / 1,921 |
State Lower House Seats | 3,021 / 5,410 |
Website | |
Democratic Party (United States)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Democratic Party | NAME |
The "Kicking Donkey" party logo is still a well-known symbol for the Democratic Party, despite no longer being the official logo of the party. The Democratic Party evolved from Anti-Federalist factions that opposed the fiscal policies of Alexander Hamilton in the early 1790s. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison organized these factions into the Democratic-Republican Party. The party favored states' rights and strict adherence to the Constitution; it opposed a national bank and wealthy, moneyed interests. The Democratic-Republican Party ascended to power in the election of 1800. The "Kicking Donkey" party logo is still a well-known symbol for the Democratic Party, despite no longer being the official logo of the party. After the War of 1812, the party's chief rival, the Federalist Party disbanded. Democratic-Republicans split over the choice of a successor to President James Monroe, and the party faction that supported many of the old Jeffersonian principles, led by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, became the Democratic Party. Along with the Whig Party, the Democratic Party was the chief party in the United States until the Civil War. The Whigs were a commercial party, and usually less popular, if better financed. The Whigs divided over the slavery issue after the Mexican–American War and faded away. In the 1850s, under the stress of the Fugitive Slave Law and the Kansas-Nebraska Act, anti-slavery Democrats left the party. Joining with former members of existing or dwindling parties, the Republican Party emerged.[5][6] The Democrats split over the choice of a successor to President James Buchanan along Northern and Southern lines, while the Republican Party gained ascendancy in the election of 1860. As the American Civil War broke out, Northern Democrats were divided into War Democrats and Peace Democrats. The Confederate States of America, seeing parties as evils, did not have any. Most War Democrats rallied to Republican President Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans' National Union Party in 1864, which put Andrew Johnson on the ticket as a Democrat from the South. Johnson replaced Lincoln in 1865 but stayed independent of both parties . The Democrats benefited from white Southerners' resentment of Reconstruction after the war and consequent hostility to the Republican Party. After Redeemers ended Reconstruction in the 1870s, and the extremely violent disenfranchisement of African Americans took place in the 1890s, the South, voting Democratic, became known as the "Solid South." | Opinions of liberals in a 2005 Pew Research Center study. Social liberals (modern liberals) and progressives constitute roughly half of the Democratic voter base. Liberals thereby form the largest united typological demographic within the Democratic base. According to the 2008 exit poll results, liberals constituted 22% of the electorate, and 89% of American liberals favored the candidate of the Democratic Party.[19] Also known as Democrats, Dems for short, Donkeys. Stupidcrats, Kleptocrats, the Welfare Party, the NeoSocialism Party, the NWO. With the logo change came a huge change in the party: it used to be Democrats represented the working class and agro sector. Now they are a corporate conglomorate, labor union, and political elite squad with ties to Bilderberg and big banks. Instead of the party of the people, they have become the party for the political machine, to accomplish its goals, not was is good for the common cause or country, by way of corruption. In 2008, the country didn’t really know what it was voting for, except they thought that anything would be better than George Bush Jr., as many had tired of Republican rule for nearly a decade, and when they voted for Obama in 2008, they did not care to question his legitimacy or credentials and thought that by voting Democrat that they would be voting for economic change or style of leadership like Clinton’s, and they were sadly mistaken and disappointed. Most black people who wanted legalization or who were gay/bisexual and anti-war beliefs did not get a satisfactorily performance from Obama for what they voted for, and many are apt to leave to support Ron Paul’s agenda for 2012 because of this. The Democratic Party has suffered the most because of corruption, accountability issues, and Obama functioning more as Clinton’s lackey than his protege groomed for Office. In 3yrs. this Party’s votes have amassed $10 trillion added to the deficit from raising the debt ceiling twice, and in less than 3yrs. Obama has amassed more debt than ALL of the Presidents combined within 235 years of this Nation’s founding. The Democratic Party is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United States, along with the Republican Party. The party's socially liberal and progressive platform is largely considered center-left in the U.S. political spectrum.[1][2][3] The party has the lengthiest record of continuous operation in the United States, and is one of the oldest political parties in the world.[4] Barack Obama is the 15th Democrat to hold the office of President of the United States. As of the 112th Congress following the 2010 elections, the Democratic Party currently holds a minority of seats in the House of Representatives, but holds a majority of seats in the Senate. It currently holds a minority of state governorships, as well as a minority of state legislatures. |
Chairperson | Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) |
President of the United States | Barack Obama (President) (IL) |
Senate Leader | Joe Biden (President) (DE) Daniel Inouye (President pro tempore) (HI) Harry Reid (Majority Leader) (NV) |
House Leader | Nancy Pelosi (CA) |
Chair of Governors Association | Martin O'Malley (MD) |
Founded | 1828 (modern) 1792 (historical) |
Headquarters | 430 South Capital Street SE, Washington, D.C., 20003 |
Student wing | College Democrats of America |
Youth wing | Young Democrats of America |
International affiliation | Alliance of Democrats |
Official colors | Blue |
Position in national political spectrum | Center-leftDisputed (See Talk Page) |
Seats in the Senate | 51 / 100 |
Seats in the House | 194 / 435 |
Governorships | 20 / 50 |
State Upper House Seats | 921 / 1,921 |
State Lower House Seats | 2,368 / 5,410 |
NPR Host Leaves Hosting Duties While Her Husband Works for Obama Campaign
Don Irvine — October 25, 2011Comment | Printer Friendly Tags: Broderick Johnson, Gary Knell, Juan Williams, Michele Norris, NPR
Michele Norris, co-host of NPR’s All Things Considered, is temporarily leaving her post until after the 2012 elections while her husband serves as a senior adviser to the Obama re-election campaign.
Even though she is stepping away from her hosting duties she will continue working at NPR on other projects that don’t involve next year’s elections.
Norris sent a note to the NPR staff explaining her decision:
“I need to share some news and I wanted to make sure my NPR family heard this first. Last week, I told news management that my husband, Broderick Johnson, has just accepted a senior adviser position with the Obama Campaign. After careful consideration, we decided that Broderick’s new role could make it difficult for me to continue hosting ATC. Given the nature of Broderick’s position with the campaign and the impact that it will most certainly have on our family life, I will temporarily step away from my hosting duties until after the 2012 elections. I will be leaving the host chair at the end of this week, but I’m not going far. I will be wearing a different hat for a while, producing signature segments and features and working on new reporting projects. While I will of course recuse myself from all election coverage, there’s still an awful lot of ground that I can till in this interim role.
“This has all happened very quickly, but working closely with NPR management, we’ve been able to make a plan that serves the show, honors the integrity of our news organization and is best for me professionally and personally.
“I will certainly miss hosting, but I will remain part of the ATC team and I look forward to contributing to our show and NPR in new and exciting ways.”
In previous years Norris may not have been forced to step down as co-host as it isn’t specifically required by NPR’s code of ethics, which only mentions being sensitive to apparent conflicts of interest and that the journalist may need to recuse him or herself from certain coverage.
But with the double whammy of the Juan Williams and James O’Keefe scandals rocking the network in the last year, resulting in the departure of two top executives, NPR wanted to make sure that it would be immune from criticism that it has a liberal bias.
Gary Knell the new president and CEO of NPR has vowed to “de-politicize” the network as he attempts to rebuild its image with the public and more importantly on Capitol Hill.
While Norris’ decision is a step in the right direction, NPR has a long way to go before it will be able to convince the public and conservatives in particular that it doesn’t have a liberal bias.
@wabenews consider not being so biased and fluffing Obama constantly, and asking for govt. funds and you may get more donations. #realtalk
Caterpillar's Earnings Show No Recession Is on the Way
ByRobert Holmes, Senior Writer , On Monday October 24, 2011, 12:04 pm EDT
Story updated with look at Caterpillar's third-quarter financials.BOSTON (TheStreet) -- Caterpillar's third-quarter earnings report is a sign the global economy won't suffer a double-dip recession.
Caterpillar, the world's largest construction- and mining-equipment maker, reported a third-quarter profit of $1.71 a share, an increase of 40% from a year earlier. Revenue jumped 41% to $15.7 billion, although the results include the company's acquisition of mining company Bucyrus International. Excluding that, revenue of $14.6 billion was an all-time record.
Most impressive in Caterpillar's results is the company's outlook for 2012, as the company said advanced orders and overall demand is very strong. Revenue should rise 10% to 20% from about $58 billion this year, the company said.
"This earnings report provides further evidence that the world is unlikely to head into a second recession and is likely to continue to show growth divergence with the growth markets leading the way," says Oliver Pursche, manager of the $20 million GMG Defensive Beta Fund, which counts Caterpillar as one of its largest holdings.
Though Caterpillar's forecast isn't calling for a boom in economic activity, Pursche argues that the impressive results "demonstrate that a slowdown in velocity of growth and velocity of demand -- less acceleration, but still acceleration -- should not be confused with an overall slowdown."
Caterpillar's strength internationally is one reason to be optimistic. North America revenue climbed 32% from a year earlier, while Latin America operations posted a 31% increase. The Europe, the Middle East and Africa segment saw a 51% advance, and Asia/Pacific revenue spiked 55%.
"We are defining 'growth markets' as countries such as the BRICs Brazil, Russia, India, China, along with Turkey, Indonesia, Korea and Mexico," Pursche says. "From our perspective, CAT and other multi-nationals that have aggressively pushed and positioned themselves in these growth markets, should continue to perform well and should continue to benefit from the globalization cycle that is exemplified by the growth of a stronger middle-class in the aforementioned countries."
Despite what Caterpillar may indicate about the global economy, there is still some concern for investors in the company based on its quarterly financial results. Revenue may have hit an all-time high for Caterpillar, but the company is having a hard time turning those sales into profits.
Gross margin -- a measure of a company's profitability -- fell to 25.8% in the third quarter, the second straight quarter of declines. In the second quarter, Caterpillar said gross margin fell to 26.1% from 28.5% in the first quarter.
Another potential sign of trouble, as one Twitter user points out, is that Caterpillar's inventory is growing in excess of sales for the second quarter in a row. Inventories rose 60% to $14.4 billion in the third quarter, up from $9 billion a year ago. By comparison, revenue was up 41% from the year-ago quarter.
Still, Caterpillar shares were the bright spot on the Dow Jones Industrial Average on Monday, rising 6% to $92.70. For the year, Caterpillar shares are still down 1%.
-- Written by Robert Holmes in Boston.
>To contact the writer of this article, click here: Robert Holmes.
WikiLeaks says "blockade" threatens its existence
Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome
- Sat, Oct 15 2011
- HIGHLIGHTS-EU's Barroso State of the Union speech
- Wed, Sep 28 2011
By Michael Holden
LONDON | Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:21pm EDT
(Reuters) - WikiLeaks will have to stop publishing secret cables and devote itself to fund-raising if it is unable to end a financial "blockade" by U.S. firms such as Visa and MasterCard by the end of the year, founder Julian Assange said on Monday.
After releasing tens of thousands of confidential U.S. government cables, WikiLeaks needs $3.5 million over the next year to continue operating, Assange said.
Visa and MasterCard stopped processing donations for WikiLeaks in December 2010 after the United States criticized the organization's release of thousands of sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables from its embassies all over the world.
In the 24 hours before credit card donations were blocked, the organization said it had received $135,000. Now, it is receiving on average about 7,000 euros ($9,700)a month.
Assange said there were no lawful grounds for the blockade by Bank of America Corp, Visa Inc, MasterCard Inc, eBay Inc unit PayPal and Western Union Co, which he said had cost Wikileaks 95 percent of its revenue.
"If WikiLeaks does not find a way to remove this blockade, given our current levels of expenditure, we will simply not be able to continue by the turn of the year," Assange told a news conference.
In July, WikiLeaks filed a complaint to the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission, saying Visa and MasterCard had breached antitrust provisions set out by the EU Treaty.
Assange, who is fighting extradition from Britain to Sweden, where he faces allegations of sexual misconduct, said he hoped the European Commission would make a decision to hold a full investigation by mid-November.
In interviews last year, Assange said WikiLeaks had extensive internal documents from a bank, believed to be Bank of America, an announcement that knocked 3 percent off the value of the bank's shares.
However, on Monday he said this data was now out of WikiLeaks' hands and in the possession of an unnamed suspended WikiLeaks employee.
"At this stage, we do not believe, unfortunately, that we will regain that material, which is a great loss," he said.
Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who last year was fired by Assange as WikiLeaks' co-spokesman, told Reuters in August that he had destroyed about 3,000 submissions that WikiLeaks had received relating to Bank of America.
(Editing by Kevin Liffey)
The Super Committee Returns
1:42 am October 26, 2011, by Jamie Dupree
For the first time in over a month, the twelve member Joint Committee on the Deficit will hold a hearing on their work, hearing from the head of the Congressional Budget Office on spending issues.
It's the second time that Elmendorf has testified - in just three hearings held by the so-called Super Committee; in his first appearance, he laid out a blunt bottom line for lawmakers.
"The federal government is confronting significant and fundamental budgetary challenges," Elmendorf said on September 13.
"The task of addressing those formidable challenges is complicated by the weakness of the economy and the large numbers of unemployed workers, empty houses, and underused factories and offices," the CBO chief added.
Since a late September hearing, the Super Committee members have been almost silent, saying little in the hallways and even giving their leadership few indications of what they're up to.
Elmendorf's appearance comes a day after the CBO issued a report on household income, which seems certain to be trumpeted by Democrats in coming weeks to argue that top income earners should pay more in taxes.
The CBO found that between 1979 and 2007:
For the 1 percent of the population with the highest income, average real after-tax household income grew by 275 percent
For others in the 20 percent of the population with the highest income, average real after-tax household income grew by 65 percent
For the 60 percent of the population in the middle of the income scale, the growth in average real after-tax household income was just under 40 percent
For the 20 percent of the population with the lowest income, the growth in average real after-tax household income was about 18 percent.
As for the work of the Super Committee, the calendar is flying by for members to come to a deal on some kind of deficit reduction package.
November 23 is the deadline for the panel to vote on some kind of plan and send it on to the House and Senate - that's the day before Thanksgiving - just four weeks from today.
40,000 polled say that they agree with the proposed Tea Party cuts, and that they would like to seethese cuts implemented listed below. These CUTS are consistent and reflective of the original 5,000 polled, who participated on Facebook that we initially polled in April, in order to determine the $1.7 trillion compromise. Now that voice has now grown 8x stronger in 6 months, and I believe this to be an accurate reflection of the audience of "The Synthesis", being nearly 41,000, and through Tea Party Groups on Facebook who share information verbally and links to their friends (see original documents).
The states have agreed to address entitlement reform, with a plan that addresses tax evasion and abuse of the system of government. We pray that Congress make the right decisions and act expediently, or our credit will be downgraded again, as Congress did not act quickly enough to avoid default though they already had these cuts back in April 2011.
Here listed below are the most immediate changes and budget cuts we want to see in government:
Effective yesterday, states are implementing entitlement reform, under the
by Aja Brooks on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 11:31am :
The State Welfare and Child Support Enforcement Comprehensive Reform Act of 2011-2012
(in conjunction with public drug policy, judicial reform, drug courts, and various programs)
The demand for entitlement reform and the reliance on government, rather than the family being the governing unit of society, are related. Given that the economy has held a steady unemployment rate for three years, as current estimates indicate 42 million are currently in poverty under the Obama Administration and policies with a corresponding 25-30 million as unemployed holding only part-time or transitory jobs, families are lacking full-time employment to care for their families autonomously without government assistance. While there is a purpose for state agencies, I have spoken with and personally know many fathers disgusted with the current child support enforcement agencies in their respective communities. The government can not force society to care for children and the mother, when it is the father’s responsibility to feed his family.
Many men feel displaced by percentage of wage requirements with little or no guarantee of seeing their children once or twice a month. We must decrease the burden courts place on society, by requiring the father subsidize feeding the family that he has created. Child Support Enforcement, D.F.A.C.S., and the state/federal agencies overseeing food stamp distribution and apportionment must coordinate a plan wherein a man pays the state for food stamps apportioned to the family, though his taxes. If this requires an increase for men on state or federal taxes to offset his use, so be it, the I.R.S. can attain records and audit accordingly.
For example, each child should receive $25 per week/$100 per month per month, if a mother can not afford to feed herself or care for her children. By requiring a man to respond by supporting his responsibility through the courts and by applicable taxation, this restores a man’s income: this way, a man can provide for himself, feed his family, and he may be assured the state is overseeing that his money is spent feeding his family, for which he is working and paying taxes. The same thing can be done for children needing health care, wherein, the father pays the premiums. Other than than, there is not a responsibility that a man give more of his income to the government, than he would tithe. He is not bound to provide a woman he does not live with half of his income, or to solely support a woman he does not live with by a standard of living that he can not even provide for himself!
Conversely, the government can get of the food and health insurance businesses, and the government must relegate other issues of child support other than food and health care as a civil court matter. The government must get out of the business of being a mediator in family problems; it is not society’s fault if every child does not have the latest iPhone or Wii! The government may also assess fines for child support, through detention and work release:
for 1 child/1yr. = $1,200 - $2,000
for 2 kids/1yr. = $2,400 - $4,000
(This figure may be amended by states, in consideration of standards of living percentage, as to the father’s responsibility, and this scale may be defined in order to provide reimbursement from state-to-state.)
The father’s responsibility would offset the Earned Income Credit tax break, by lawfully requiring men to pay their fair share into the system. The detention center reimburses the work release hours to the judiciary; wherein, the man has a hearing and his driver’s license is reinstated with an order sent from the judiciary, and meeting this responsibility through taxation pays back into the issuing food stamp program as Earned Income Credit is a tax credit that is paid for prior to yearly tax return. Only by hiring a lawyer to handle paperwork, may a man be released from incarceration to work, after the court agrees to the terms of withholding from his employer; i.e., garnishment for child support payments as written by the scale above. Our men are falling through the cracks, being sucked up into gangs, never reinstating their licenses or being honorable men in supporting their children, and this cycle repeats itself every 15yrs. or so. We must do more than talk about reform; as states, we must hold this as the standard for what we deem acceptable support and responsibility for children. We will begin to report men’s residences, activities, and associations to the courts and agencies without hesitation and without letting up, until the government does something about the problems in society it has created.
Upholding these reforms not only gives us a base-budget model for the populations served, it restores integrity to our communities and courts; this works for the restoration of families, not for creating a vacuum of theft for gangs to pilfer the system. This should decrease paperwork and burden of the courts, by streamlining paperwork. This should also enable us to streamline these agencies concerned to adhere to budget cuts, without failing to provide services, and this permits the I.R.S. to easily investigate and hold accountable their services to taxpayers. In the instance where there is not a father or provider, the state may issue food stamps as a taxable debt to the mother and children.
The purpose of this measure is to reset the current debt held per capita from $40,000, or less, for those not enrolled in these programs, obviously. For men who have not supported their children and can’t prove that they have by money orders, child support checks, garnishment stubs, or tax writeoffs/deductions, a maximum of $25,000 may be levied as taxable debt to be paid into a trust fund, set aside for a child’s education expenses only, who have reached the age of 18, wherein no support has been paid.
Again, it is not the government’s responsibility to be a father, a mother, or a surrogate for a broken family by functioning as a financing mechanism. These reforms properly define government’s role in appropriation. The agencies will then be able to manage case files within 60 days. As we pursue judicial reform, we can then emphasize personal wellness, rather than the government being a catalyst for corruption and broken families; fueling drug abuse, a revolving prison door, and gang activity... the very things government has intended to eradicate, it has perpetuated in a broken system, and this is how we repair it.
Instituting this as policy, or the new standard as “law of the land” for family law, allows the government to assess fines and taxation for drug-related offenses as a matter of public health, rather than violating constitutional rights and mandatory minimum sentences, all of which the system can face serious and expensive lawsuits. As a provision of review, the judge may order and require Medicaid payments and services, as a part of family law, unless other treatment and health care is documented by doctors and naturopathy, after 30 days of arrest. If at such time a person does not agree to receive voluntary treatment and pay for it out-of-pocket, on their own for year, drug possession will not be recognized as only a misdemeanor violation, but regarded as current laws of applicable felony. Within 90 days, the judiciary will offer an offender the option to attend a court-appointed rehab for 9 months, or to be processed with the maximum penalty of law, attained through fines that are to be paid through community service hours or on work release for an entire year, and probation followup for two years. No exceptions.
For a family member who is incarcerated who agrees to receiving treatment, the amount of child support will be assessed at the final hearing, at the end of that year served as determined, to be paid through work release or as agreed to by a lawyer or through a probationer. Streamlining this process will make case loads manageable for probation officers and allow them to communicate with other agencies regarding issues, and probation officers will be instrumental in a restoration plan for the person/family. The probation officer will also coordinate employment for the probation file as a component of societal restoration.
The probation office can not require any more imprisonment or threaten other punishments: it is solely at the discretion of the judge to impose sentencing, revocation of driving privileges, as applicable to the offense, based on evidence of arresting officers, doctors, or failed drug tests. The probation officer does not have to manage a file, except for normal reporting, as community service hours will be accounted by the judiciary in credit regarding consideration for fines and fees. The probation officer is mainly responsible for collecting fees, administering drug tests as ordered and cost assessed to the offender, and for documenting/conferring with other agencies. The culmination of the probation officer’s duties require the restoration plan at the conclusion of sentence, so that the offender is gainfully employed.
Removing the probation officer from the role of judge, jury, and executioner resolves the unethical usage of confidential informants, as this can no longer be used to escape imposition of sentencing or due process of law. Violation of these policies will now result in criminal charges being imposed on probation officers and law enforcement, for feeding and creating corruption. The judge may also require or impose GED classes, substance abuse classes, and the judge may assess fines and fees for those services and education, and order probation, until those services are paid.
Taxation without restoration is a crime against citizens and an egregious abuse of the system: the government can not support a revolving door for those who are not violent offenders, of which violent offenders only make up 15% of the prison demographic. We need both parents of children, to be of sound mind and sound body, in caring for children: not orphaning, abandoning, and imposing children as burdens on taxpayers, due to drug addiction or a broken family.
Each state may implement this Act to avoid losing federal funding, as audits continue from year ending 2011, to fiscal year July 1st, 2012. If audits are not complete, or federal budget cuts are not met accordingly, this causitive action will continue to October 1st, 2012.
As hereby typed and recorded, this day October 24th, 2011, as petitioned and supervised by the Tea Party.
"THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012
6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy':
by Aja Brooks on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 7:07pm
TO RECTIFY THE DEFICIT: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225
by Aja Brooks on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 7:06pm
#1 the primary strategy is DECENTRALIZATION. While many states have already studied and have began enacting "THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012 6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy': http://t.co/p63iYHk as appropriate to their own state, it has not been enough to sustain the market, reduce unemployment, and generate revenue, without making necessary and long overdue cuts to federal spending. While we know what we want to cuthttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150234787261225 andhttps://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225
Restore America Act of 2012: Barbones Budget Strategy Cuts:
(plan developed for states) (5,000 participated on Facebook on what to cut)
1) Defund H.R. 4872 1) DFACS
2) Impeach Obama 2) SNAP
3) Reform Social Security 3) Public Broadcasting
4) Pension Reform 4) Housing Assistance
5) Medicare/Medicaid 5) Unemployment Checks
6) Food Stamps/TANF 6) DMV, Post Office, other services
7) Federal employees
8) Planned Parenthood
9) FDA, Inspectors, streamlining agencies
10) Congress
11) WIC
12) Law Enforcement
We are still having trouble at HOW to go about achieving these goals. While we have done #1, #4, and started #6 in GA, we are not totally there or even close to accomplishing half of our goals at state level. Nor can it not be said enough that we need to reduce federal spending in our state, cut services, and reduce the total size of GA government until it equals 10%. We then show where we’ve given government loans in the private sector to businesses to hire employees, since banks aren’t loaning the money. The government needs the revenue, and banks need to be reminded that they’re too fat.
On the federal level, we have done #3, decreased #4, increased #2 and #5, just now cut #6, and we aren’t even close to attaining 25% of our goals. Here is the scary part: we will have to do all of this by March of next year, or we will be in the same spot we were with 8-2 being the death knell to the economy with interest eating us alive because our debt is so high for refusal to cut Obama’s programs, or any programs substantially for that matter.
This is why I’m pressing for #10. We are preparing for the next election cycle for 2012, and it will be separating the wheat from the tares. Congress seems to be unwilling to go without vacations and make sacrifices in pay for the fact that a $14 trillion dollar deficit exists, so we need to rid ourselves of or shed 250 seats. These seats are based on roll calls votes of those who voted against Cut, Cap&Balance or various measures related to sane budgeting. #4, #5, #7, and #8 must go immediately. We are still working on judicial reform and matters related to Homeland Security until 9/11/2011. After that, we will cut accordingly from #12 through Thanksgiving. That still leaves #1, #2, #6, and #9.
I pray that as we break this down with Super Congress of the 12, that we can prioritize our cuts and decision-making judiciously between now and Thanksgiving. I do realize that if agreements can’t be made to reasonable degree that spending cuts will automatically be triggered like during the Clinton Administration, which I am grateful that call was heard. While the Path to Prosperity is great, we must act upon its principles, and those automatic triggers while a safety net to keep us from being imperiled in March is great, we really need to give the succeeding President something to work with other than Obama’s red Chinese cents, and of course, remove such disgrace.
October 18, 2011 RSS Feed Print
The Tea Party would go much further than the House Republicans, the Simpson-Bowles Commission and the congressional super-committee with its new deficit cutting plan, pushing reductions of $9 trillion over 10 years by eliminating several major programs and agencies.
[Check out political cartoons about the Tea Party.]
Previewing its plan set for a mid-November release, FreedomWorks today reported that most Tea Party supporters want to kill Obamacare, close the doors on the Departments of Education and Housing and Urban Development, and privatize financial giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
"There's a real hunger for bold, principled solutions and an end to bipartisan 'kicking the can down the road.' As we know only too well, many regular citizens out there have pretty much given up on Washington insiders ever listening to their concerns," said the preview provided to Whispers.
Disappointed by the size of the cuts made in July's debt ceiling deal, FreedomWorks created a Tea Party Debt Commission with a goal of cutting $9 trillion over 10 years. It encouraged Tea Party supporters to help and set up a Web page and poll to help sift through potential budget cutting targets.
[Check out political cartoons about the budget and deficit.]
The top 10 suggested cuts by Tea Party members total $6 trillion over 10 years, more than the cuts proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, the president's Simpson-Bowles Commission, and the totals being sought by the congressional "super committee."
The Tea Party's top 10 preferred cuts:
1. Repeal Obamacare (93%)
2. Reduce duplicative purchases of Pentagon Supplies (90%)
3. Eliminate Department of Education (81%)
4. Privatize Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (81%)
5. Reduce discretionary spending to 2008 levels (76%)
6. Block grant Medicaid (74%)
7. End ethanol tax credits (71%)
8. Sell needless federal buildings (71%)
9. Eliminate HUD (70%)
10. Reduce Medicare teaching subsidies (68%)
See the full preliminary report here.
Fannie Mae,
Tea Party,
Freddie Mac,
Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Paul Ryan
1:42 am October 26, 2011, by Jamie Dupree
For the first time in over a month, the twelve member Joint Committee on the Deficit will hold a hearing on their work, hearing from the head of the Congressional Budget Office on spending issues.
It's the second time that Elmendorf has testified - in just three hearings held by the so-called Super Committee; in his first appearance, he laid out a blunt bottom line for lawmakers.
"The federal government is confronting significant and fundamental budgetary challenges," Elmendorf said on September 13.
"The task of addressing those formidable challenges is complicated by the weakness of the economy and the large numbers of unemployed workers, empty houses, and underused factories and offices," the CBO chief added.
Since a late September hearing, the Super Committee members have been almost silent, saying little in the hallways and even giving their leadership few indications of what they're up to.
Elmendorf's appearance comes a day after the CBO issued a report on household income, which seems certain to be trumpeted by Democrats in coming weeks to argue that top income earners should pay more in taxes.
The CBO found that between 1979 and 2007:
For the 1 percent of the population with the highest income, average real after-tax household income grew by 275 percent
For others in the 20 percent of the population with the highest income, average real after-tax household income grew by 65 percent
For the 60 percent of the population in the middle of the income scale, the growth in average real after-tax household income was just under 40 percent
For the 20 percent of the population with the lowest income, the growth in average real after-tax household income was about 18 percent.
As for the work of the Super Committee, the calendar is flying by for members to come to a deal on some kind of deficit reduction package.
November 23 is the deadline for the panel to vote on some kind of plan and send it on to the House and Senate - that's the day before Thanksgiving - just four weeks from today.
40,000 polled say that they agree with the proposed Tea Party cuts, and that they would like to seethese cuts implemented listed below. These CUTS are consistent and reflective of the original 5,000 polled, who participated on Facebook that we initially polled in April, in order to determine the $1.7 trillion compromise. Now that voice has now grown 8x stronger in 6 months, and I believe this to be an accurate reflection of the audience of "The Synthesis", being nearly 41,000, and through Tea Party Groups on Facebook who share information verbally and links to their friends (see original documents).
The states have agreed to address entitlement reform, with a plan that addresses tax evasion and abuse of the system of government. We pray that Congress make the right decisions and act expediently, or our credit will be downgraded again, as Congress did not act quickly enough to avoid default though they already had these cuts back in April 2011.
Here listed below are the most immediate changes and budget cuts we want to see in government:
Effective yesterday, states are implementing entitlement reform, under the
The State Welfare and Child Support Enforcement
Comprehensive Reform Act of 2011-2012https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150359864211225
by Aja Brooks on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 11:31am :
The State Welfare and Child Support Enforcement Comprehensive Reform Act of 2011-2012
(in conjunction with public drug policy, judicial reform, drug courts, and various programs)
The demand for entitlement reform and the reliance on government, rather than the family being the governing unit of society, are related. Given that the economy has held a steady unemployment rate for three years, as current estimates indicate 42 million are currently in poverty under the Obama Administration and policies with a corresponding 25-30 million as unemployed holding only part-time or transitory jobs, families are lacking full-time employment to care for their families autonomously without government assistance. While there is a purpose for state agencies, I have spoken with and personally know many fathers disgusted with the current child support enforcement agencies in their respective communities. The government can not force society to care for children and the mother, when it is the father’s responsibility to feed his family.
Many men feel displaced by percentage of wage requirements with little or no guarantee of seeing their children once or twice a month. We must decrease the burden courts place on society, by requiring the father subsidize feeding the family that he has created. Child Support Enforcement, D.F.A.C.S., and the state/federal agencies overseeing food stamp distribution and apportionment must coordinate a plan wherein a man pays the state for food stamps apportioned to the family, though his taxes. If this requires an increase for men on state or federal taxes to offset his use, so be it, the I.R.S. can attain records and audit accordingly.
For example, each child should receive $25 per week/$100 per month per month, if a mother can not afford to feed herself or care for her children. By requiring a man to respond by supporting his responsibility through the courts and by applicable taxation, this restores a man’s income: this way, a man can provide for himself, feed his family, and he may be assured the state is overseeing that his money is spent feeding his family, for which he is working and paying taxes. The same thing can be done for children needing health care, wherein, the father pays the premiums. Other than than, there is not a responsibility that a man give more of his income to the government, than he would tithe. He is not bound to provide a woman he does not live with half of his income, or to solely support a woman he does not live with by a standard of living that he can not even provide for himself!
Conversely, the government can get of the food and health insurance businesses, and the government must relegate other issues of child support other than food and health care as a civil court matter. The government must get out of the business of being a mediator in family problems; it is not society’s fault if every child does not have the latest iPhone or Wii! The government may also assess fines for child support, through detention and work release:
for 1 child/1yr. = $1,200 - $2,000
for 2 kids/1yr. = $2,400 - $4,000
(This figure may be amended by states, in consideration of standards of living percentage, as to the father’s responsibility, and this scale may be defined in order to provide reimbursement from state-to-state.)
The father’s responsibility would offset the Earned Income Credit tax break, by lawfully requiring men to pay their fair share into the system. The detention center reimburses the work release hours to the judiciary; wherein, the man has a hearing and his driver’s license is reinstated with an order sent from the judiciary, and meeting this responsibility through taxation pays back into the issuing food stamp program as Earned Income Credit is a tax credit that is paid for prior to yearly tax return. Only by hiring a lawyer to handle paperwork, may a man be released from incarceration to work, after the court agrees to the terms of withholding from his employer; i.e., garnishment for child support payments as written by the scale above. Our men are falling through the cracks, being sucked up into gangs, never reinstating their licenses or being honorable men in supporting their children, and this cycle repeats itself every 15yrs. or so. We must do more than talk about reform; as states, we must hold this as the standard for what we deem acceptable support and responsibility for children. We will begin to report men’s residences, activities, and associations to the courts and agencies without hesitation and without letting up, until the government does something about the problems in society it has created.
Upholding these reforms not only gives us a base-budget model for the populations served, it restores integrity to our communities and courts; this works for the restoration of families, not for creating a vacuum of theft for gangs to pilfer the system. This should decrease paperwork and burden of the courts, by streamlining paperwork. This should also enable us to streamline these agencies concerned to adhere to budget cuts, without failing to provide services, and this permits the I.R.S. to easily investigate and hold accountable their services to taxpayers. In the instance where there is not a father or provider, the state may issue food stamps as a taxable debt to the mother and children.
The purpose of this measure is to reset the current debt held per capita from $40,000, or less, for those not enrolled in these programs, obviously. For men who have not supported their children and can’t prove that they have by money orders, child support checks, garnishment stubs, or tax writeoffs/deductions, a maximum of $25,000 may be levied as taxable debt to be paid into a trust fund, set aside for a child’s education expenses only, who have reached the age of 18, wherein no support has been paid.
Again, it is not the government’s responsibility to be a father, a mother, or a surrogate for a broken family by functioning as a financing mechanism. These reforms properly define government’s role in appropriation. The agencies will then be able to manage case files within 60 days. As we pursue judicial reform, we can then emphasize personal wellness, rather than the government being a catalyst for corruption and broken families; fueling drug abuse, a revolving prison door, and gang activity... the very things government has intended to eradicate, it has perpetuated in a broken system, and this is how we repair it.
Instituting this as policy, or the new standard as “law of the land” for family law, allows the government to assess fines and taxation for drug-related offenses as a matter of public health, rather than violating constitutional rights and mandatory minimum sentences, all of which the system can face serious and expensive lawsuits. As a provision of review, the judge may order and require Medicaid payments and services, as a part of family law, unless other treatment and health care is documented by doctors and naturopathy, after 30 days of arrest. If at such time a person does not agree to receive voluntary treatment and pay for it out-of-pocket, on their own for year, drug possession will not be recognized as only a misdemeanor violation, but regarded as current laws of applicable felony. Within 90 days, the judiciary will offer an offender the option to attend a court-appointed rehab for 9 months, or to be processed with the maximum penalty of law, attained through fines that are to be paid through community service hours or on work release for an entire year, and probation followup for two years. No exceptions.
For a family member who is incarcerated who agrees to receiving treatment, the amount of child support will be assessed at the final hearing, at the end of that year served as determined, to be paid through work release or as agreed to by a lawyer or through a probationer. Streamlining this process will make case loads manageable for probation officers and allow them to communicate with other agencies regarding issues, and probation officers will be instrumental in a restoration plan for the person/family. The probation officer will also coordinate employment for the probation file as a component of societal restoration.
The probation office can not require any more imprisonment or threaten other punishments: it is solely at the discretion of the judge to impose sentencing, revocation of driving privileges, as applicable to the offense, based on evidence of arresting officers, doctors, or failed drug tests. The probation officer does not have to manage a file, except for normal reporting, as community service hours will be accounted by the judiciary in credit regarding consideration for fines and fees. The probation officer is mainly responsible for collecting fees, administering drug tests as ordered and cost assessed to the offender, and for documenting/conferring with other agencies. The culmination of the probation officer’s duties require the restoration plan at the conclusion of sentence, so that the offender is gainfully employed.
Removing the probation officer from the role of judge, jury, and executioner resolves the unethical usage of confidential informants, as this can no longer be used to escape imposition of sentencing or due process of law. Violation of these policies will now result in criminal charges being imposed on probation officers and law enforcement, for feeding and creating corruption. The judge may also require or impose GED classes, substance abuse classes, and the judge may assess fines and fees for those services and education, and order probation, until those services are paid.
Taxation without restoration is a crime against citizens and an egregious abuse of the system: the government can not support a revolving door for those who are not violent offenders, of which violent offenders only make up 15% of the prison demographic. We need both parents of children, to be of sound mind and sound body, in caring for children: not orphaning, abandoning, and imposing children as burdens on taxpayers, due to drug addiction or a broken family.
Each state may implement this Act to avoid losing federal funding, as audits continue from year ending 2011, to fiscal year July 1st, 2012. If audits are not complete, or federal budget cuts are not met accordingly, this causitive action will continue to October 1st, 2012.
As hereby typed and recorded, this day October 24th, 2011, as petitioned and supervised by the Tea Party.
"THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012
6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy':
by Aja Brooks on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 7:07pm
TO RECTIFY THE DEFICIT: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225
by Aja Brooks on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 7:06pm
#1 the primary strategy is DECENTRALIZATION. While many states have already studied and have began enacting "THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012 6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy': http://t.co/p63iYHk as appropriate to their own state, it has not been enough to sustain the market, reduce unemployment, and generate revenue, without making necessary and long overdue cuts to federal spending. While we know what we want to cuthttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150234787261225 andhttps://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225
Restore America Act of 2012: Barbones Budget Strategy Cuts:
(plan developed for states) (5,000 participated on Facebook on what to cut)
1) Defund H.R. 4872 1) DFACS
2) Impeach Obama 2) SNAP
3) Reform Social Security 3) Public Broadcasting
4) Pension Reform 4) Housing Assistance
5) Medicare/Medicaid 5) Unemployment Checks
6) Food Stamps/TANF 6) DMV, Post Office, other services
7) Federal employees
8) Planned Parenthood
9) FDA, Inspectors, streamlining agencies
10) Congress
11) WIC
12) Law Enforcement
We are still having trouble at HOW to go about achieving these goals. While we have done #1, #4, and started #6 in GA, we are not totally there or even close to accomplishing half of our goals at state level. Nor can it not be said enough that we need to reduce federal spending in our state, cut services, and reduce the total size of GA government until it equals 10%. We then show where we’ve given government loans in the private sector to businesses to hire employees, since banks aren’t loaning the money. The government needs the revenue, and banks need to be reminded that they’re too fat.
On the federal level, we have done #3, decreased #4, increased #2 and #5, just now cut #6, and we aren’t even close to attaining 25% of our goals. Here is the scary part: we will have to do all of this by March of next year, or we will be in the same spot we were with 8-2 being the death knell to the economy with interest eating us alive because our debt is so high for refusal to cut Obama’s programs, or any programs substantially for that matter.
This is why I’m pressing for #10. We are preparing for the next election cycle for 2012, and it will be separating the wheat from the tares. Congress seems to be unwilling to go without vacations and make sacrifices in pay for the fact that a $14 trillion dollar deficit exists, so we need to rid ourselves of or shed 250 seats. These seats are based on roll calls votes of those who voted against Cut, Cap&Balance or various measures related to sane budgeting. #4, #5, #7, and #8 must go immediately. We are still working on judicial reform and matters related to Homeland Security until 9/11/2011. After that, we will cut accordingly from #12 through Thanksgiving. That still leaves #1, #2, #6, and #9.
I pray that as we break this down with Super Congress of the 12, that we can prioritize our cuts and decision-making judiciously between now and Thanksgiving. I do realize that if agreements can’t be made to reasonable degree that spending cuts will automatically be triggered like during the Clinton Administration, which I am grateful that call was heard. While the Path to Prosperity is great, we must act upon its principles, and those automatic triggers while a safety net to keep us from being imperiled in March is great, we really need to give the succeeding President something to work with other than Obama’s red Chinese cents, and of course, remove such disgrace.
Tea Party Budget Cuts $9 Trillion
Could repeal Obama's healthcare law and eliminate Department of Education and HUD
By PAUL BEDARDOctober 18, 2011 RSS Feed Print
The Tea Party would go much further than the House Republicans, the Simpson-Bowles Commission and the congressional super-committee with its new deficit cutting plan, pushing reductions of $9 trillion over 10 years by eliminating several major programs and agencies.
[Check out political cartoons about the Tea Party.]
Previewing its plan set for a mid-November release, FreedomWorks today reported that most Tea Party supporters want to kill Obamacare, close the doors on the Departments of Education and Housing and Urban Development, and privatize financial giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
"There's a real hunger for bold, principled solutions and an end to bipartisan 'kicking the can down the road.' As we know only too well, many regular citizens out there have pretty much given up on Washington insiders ever listening to their concerns," said the preview provided to Whispers.
Disappointed by the size of the cuts made in July's debt ceiling deal, FreedomWorks created a Tea Party Debt Commission with a goal of cutting $9 trillion over 10 years. It encouraged Tea Party supporters to help and set up a Web page and poll to help sift through potential budget cutting targets.
[Check out political cartoons about the budget and deficit.]
The top 10 suggested cuts by Tea Party members total $6 trillion over 10 years, more than the cuts proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, the president's Simpson-Bowles Commission, and the totals being sought by the congressional "super committee."
The Tea Party's top 10 preferred cuts:
1. Repeal Obamacare (93%)
2. Reduce duplicative purchases of Pentagon Supplies (90%)
3. Eliminate Department of Education (81%)
4. Privatize Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (81%)
5. Reduce discretionary spending to 2008 levels (76%)
6. Block grant Medicaid (74%)
7. End ethanol tax credits (71%)
8. Sell needless federal buildings (71%)
9. Eliminate HUD (70%)
10. Reduce Medicare teaching subsidies (68%)
See the full preliminary report here.
Fannie Mae,
Tea Party,
Freddie Mac,
Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Paul Ryan
Displaying the only post.Aja Brooks
40,000 polled say that they agree with the proposed Tea Party cuts, and that they would like to seethese cuts implemented listed below. These CUTS are consistent and reflective of the original 5,000 polled, who participated on Facebook that we initially polled in April, in order to determine the $1.7 trillion compromise. Now that voice has now grown 8x stronger in 6 months, and I believe this to be an accurate reflection of the audience of "The Synthesis", being nearly 41,000, and through Tea Party Groups on Facebook who share information verbally and links to their friends (see original documents).
The states have agreed to address entitlement reform, with a plan that addresses tax evasion and abuse of the system of government. We pray that Congress make the right decisions and act expediently, or our credit will be downgraded again, as Congress did not act quickly enough to avoid default though they already had these cuts back in April 2011.
Here listed below are the most immediate changes and budget cuts we want to see in government:
Effective yesterday, states are implementing entitlement reform, under the
The State Welfare and Child Support Enforcement
Comprehensive Reform Act of 2011-2012
by Aja Brooks on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 11:31am :
The State Welfare and Child Support Enforcement Comprehensive Reform Act of 2011-2012
(in conjunction with public drug policy, judicial reform, drug courts, and various programs)
The demand for entitlement reform and the reliance on government, rather than the family being the governing unit of society, are related. Given that the economy has held a steady unemployment rate for three years, as current estimates indicate 42 million are currently in poverty under the Obama Administration and policies with a corresponding 25-30 million as unemployed holding only part-time or transitory jobs, families are lacking full-time employment to care for their families autonomously without government assistance. While there is a purpose for state agencies, I have spoken with and personally know many fathers disgusted with the current child support enforcement agencies in their respective communities. The government can not force society to care for children and the mother, when it is the father’s responsibility to feed his family.
Many men feel displaced by percentage of wage requirements with little or no guarantee of seeing their children once or twice a month. We must decrease the burden courts place on society, by requiring the father subsidize feeding the family that he has created. Child Support Enforcement, D.F.A.C.S., and the state/federal agencies overseeing food stamp distribution and apportionment must coordinate a plan wherein a man pays the state for food stamps apportioned to the family, though his taxes. If this requires an increase for men on state or federal taxes to offset his use, so be it, the I.R.S. can attain records and audit accordingly.
For example, each child should receive $25 per week/$100 per month per month, if a mother can not afford to feed herself or care for her children. By requiring a man to respond by supporting his responsibility through the courts and by applicable taxation, this restores a man’s income: this way, a man can provide for himself, feed his family, and he may be assured the state is overseeing that his money is spent feeding his family, for which he is working and paying taxes. The same thing can be done for children needing health care, wherein, the father pays the premiums. Other than than, there is not a responsibility that a man give more of his income to the government, than he would tithe. He is not bound to provide a woman he does not live with half of his income, or to solely support a woman he does not live with by a standard of living that he can not even provide for himself!
Conversely, the government can get of the food and health insurance businesses, and the government must relegate other issues of child support other than food and health care as a civil court matter. The government must get out of the business of being a mediator in family problems; it is not society’s fault if every child does not have the latest iPhone or Wii! The government may also assess fines for child support, through detention and work release:
for 1 child/1yr. = $1,200 - $2,000
for 2 kids/1yr. = $2,400 - $4,000
(This figure may be amended by states, in consideration of standards of living percentage, as to the father’s responsibility, and this scale may be defined in order to provide reimbursement from state-to-state.)
The father’s responsibility would offset the Earned Income Credit tax break, by lawfully requiring men to pay their fair share into the system. The detention center reimburses the work release hours to the judiciary; wherein, the man has a hearing and his driver’s license is reinstated with an order sent from the judiciary, and meeting this responsibility through taxation pays back into the issuing food stamp program as Earned Income Credit is a tax credit that is paid for prior to yearly tax return. Only by hiring a lawyer to handle paperwork, may a man be released from incarceration to work, after the court agrees to the terms of withholding from his employer; i.e., garnishment for child support payments as written by the scale above. Our men are falling through the cracks, being sucked up into gangs, never reinstating their licenses or being honorable men in supporting their children, and this cycle repeats itself every 15yrs. or so. We must do more than talk about reform; as states, we must hold this as the standard for what we deem acceptable support and responsibility for children. We will begin to report men’s residences, activities, and associations to the courts and agencies without hesitation and without letting up, until the government does something about the problems in society it has created.
Upholding these reforms not only gives us a base-budget model for the populations served, it restores integrity to our communities and courts; this works for the restoration of families, not for creating a vacuum of theft for gangs to pilfer the system. This should decrease paperwork and burden of the courts, by streamlining paperwork. This should also enable us to streamline these agencies concerned to adhere to budget cuts, without failing to provide services, and this permits the I.R.S. to easily investigate and hold accountable their services to taxpayers. In the instance where there is not a father or provider, the state may issue food stamps as a taxable debt to the mother and children.
The purpose of this measure is to reset the current debt held per capita from $40,000, or less, for those not enrolled in these programs, obviously. For men who have not supported their children and can’t prove that they have by money orders, child support checks, garnishment stubs, or tax writeoffs/deductions, a maximum of $25,000 may be levied as taxable debt to be paid into a trust fund, set aside for a child’s education expenses only, who have reached the age of 18, wherein no support has been paid.
Again, it is not the government’s responsibility to be a father, a mother, or a surrogate for a broken family by functioning as a financing mechanism. These reforms properly define government’s role in appropriation. The agencies will then be able to manage case files within 60 days. As we pursue judicial reform, we can then emphasize personal wellness, rather than the government being a catalyst for corruption and broken families; fueling drug abuse, a revolving prison door, and gang activity... the very things government has intended to eradicate, it has perpetuated in a broken system, and this is how we repair it.
Instituting this as policy, or the new standard as “law of the land” for family law, allows the government to assess fines and taxation for drug-related offenses as a matter of public health, rather than violating constitutional rights and mandatory minimum sentences, all of which the system can face serious and expensive lawsuits. As a provision of review, the judge may order and require Medicaid payments and services, as a part of family law, unless other treatment and health care is documented by doctors and naturopathy, after 30 days of arrest. If at such time a person does not agree to receive voluntary treatment and pay for it out-of-pocket, on their own for year, drug possession will not be recognized as only a misdemeanor violation, but regarded as current laws of applicable felony. Within 90 days, the judiciary will offer an offender the option to attend a court-appointed rehab for 9 months, or to be processed with the maximum penalty of law, attained through fines that are to be paid through community service hours or on work release for an entire year, and probation followup for two years. No exceptions.
For a family member who is incarcerated who agrees to receiving treatment, the amount of child support will be assessed at the final hearing, at the end of that year served as determined, to be paid through work release or as agreed to by a lawyer or through a probationer. Streamlining this process will make case loads manageable for probation officers and allow them to communicate with other agencies regarding issues, and probation officers will be instrumental in a restoration plan for the person/family. The probation officer will also coordinate employment for the probation file as a component of societal restoration.
The probation office can not require any more imprisonment or threaten other punishments: it is solely at the discretion of the judge to impose sentencing, revocation of driving privileges, as applicable to the offense, based on evidence of arresting officers, doctors, or failed drug tests. The probation officer does not have to manage a file, except for normal reporting, as community service hours will be accounted by the judiciary in credit regarding consideration for fines and fees. The probation officer is mainly responsible for collecting fees, administering drug tests as ordered and cost assessed to the offender, and for documenting/conferring with other agencies. The culmination of the probation officer’s duties require the restoration plan at the conclusion of sentence, so that the offender is gainfully employed.
Removing the probation officer from the role of judge, jury, and executioner resolves the unethical usage of confidential informants, as this can no longer be used to escape imposition of sentencing or due process of law. Violation of these policies will now result in criminal charges being imposed on probation officers and law enforcement, for feeding and creating corruption. The judge may also require or impose GED classes, substance abuse classes, and the judge may assess fines and fees for those services and education, and order probation, until those services are paid.
Taxation without restoration is a crime against citizens and an egregious abuse of the system: the government can not support a revolving door for those who are not violent offenders, of which violent offenders only make up 15% of the prison demographic. We need both parents of children, to be of sound mind and sound body, in caring for children: not orphaning, abandoning, and imposing children as burdens on taxpayers, due to drug addiction or a broken family.
Each state may implement this Act to avoid losing federal funding, as audits continue from year ending 2011, to fiscal year July 1st, 2012. If audits are not complete, or federal budget cuts are not met accordingly, this causitive action will continue to October 1st, 2012.
As hereby typed and recorded, this day October 24th, 2011, as petitioned and supervised by the Tea Party.
"THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012
6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy':
by Aja Brooks on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 7:07pm
TO RECTIFY THE DEFICIT: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225
by Aja Brooks on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 7:06pm
#1 the primary strategy is DECENTRALIZATION. While many states have already studied and have began enacting "THE RESTORE AMERICA ACT OF 2012" also known as the '2011-2012 6pt. Tea Party Deficit Reduction Strategy': http://t.co/p63iYHk as appropriate to their own state, it has not been enough to sustain the market, reduce unemployment, and generate revenue, without making necessary and long overdue cuts to federal spending. While we know what we want to cuthttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150234787261225andhttps://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150175476096225
Restore America Act of 2012: Barbones Budget Strategy Cuts:
(plan developed for states) (5,000 participated on Facebook on what to cut)
1) Defund H.R. 4872 1) DFACS
2) Impeach Obama 2) SNAP
3) Reform Social Security 3) Public Broadcasting
4) Pension Reform 4) Housing Assistance
5) Medicare/Medicaid 5) Unemployment Checks
6) Food Stamps/TANF 6) DMV, Post Office, other services
7) Federal employees
8) Planned Parenthood
9) FDA, Inspectors, streamlining agencies
10) Congress
11) WIC
12) Law Enforcement
We are still having trouble at HOW to go about achieving these goals. While we have done #1, #4, and started #6 in GA, we are not totally there or even close to accomplishing half of our goals at state level. Nor can it not be said enough that we need to reduce federal spending in our state, cut services, and reduce the total size of GA government until it equals 10%. We then show where we’ve given government loans in the private sector to businesses to hire employees, since banks aren’t loaning the money. The government needs the revenue, and banks need to be reminded that they’re too fat.
On the federal level, we have done #3, decreased #4, increased #2 and #5, just now cut #6, and we aren’t even close to attaining 25% of our goals. Here is the scary part: we will have to do all of this by March of next year, or we will be in the same spot we were with 8-2 being the death knell to the economy with interest eating us alive because our debt is so high for refusal to cut Obama’s programs, or any programs substantially for that matter.
This is why I’m pressing for #10. We are preparing for the next election cycle for 2012, and it will be separating the wheat from the tares. Congress seems to be unwilling to go without vacations and make sacrifices in pay for the fact that a $14 trillion dollar deficit exists, so we need to rid ourselves of or shed 250 seats. These seats are based on roll calls votes of those who voted against Cut, Cap&Balance or various measures related to sane budgeting. #4, #5, #7, and #8 must go immediately. We are still working on judicial reform and matters related to Homeland Security until 9/11/2011. After that, we will cut accordingly from #12 through Thanksgiving. That still leaves #1, #2, #6, and #9.
I pray that as we break this down with Super Congress of the 12, that we can prioritize our cuts and decision-making judiciously between now and Thanksgiving. I do realize that if agreements can’t be made to reasonable degree that spending cuts will automatically be triggered like during the Clinton Administration, which I am grateful that call was heard. While the Path to Prosperity is great, we must act upon its principles, and those automatic triggers while a safety net to keep us from being imperiled in March is great, we really need to give the succeeding President something to work with other than Obama’s red Chinese cents, and of course, remove such disgrace.
Tea Party Budget Cuts $9 Trillion
Could repeal Obama's healthcare law and eliminate Department of Education and HUD
October 18, 2011 RSS Feed Print
The Tea Party would go much further than the House Republicans, the Simpson-Bowles Commission and the congressional super-committee with its new deficit cutting plan, pushing reductions of $9 trillion over 10 years by eliminating several major programs and agencies.
[Check out political cartoons about the Tea Party.]
Previewing its plan set for a mid-November release, FreedomWorks today reported that most Tea Party supporters want to kill Obamacare, close the doors on the Departments of Education and Housing and Urban Development, and privatize financial giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
"There's a real hunger for bold, principled solutions and an end to bipartisan 'kicking the can down the road.' As we know only too well, many regular citizens out there have pretty much given up on Washington insiders ever listening to their concerns," said the preview provided to Whispers.
Disappointed by the size of the cuts made in July's debt ceiling deal, FreedomWorks created a Tea Party Debt Commission with a goal of cutting $9 trillion over 10 years. It encouraged Tea Party supporters to help and set up a Web page and poll to help sift through potential budget cutting targets.
[Check out political cartoons about the budget and deficit.]
The top 10 suggested cuts by Tea Party members total $6 trillion over 10 years, more than the cuts proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, the president's Simpson-Bowles Commission, and the totals being sought by the congressional "super committee."
The Tea Party's top 10 preferred cuts:
1. Repeal Obamacare (93%)
2. Reduce duplicative purchases of Pentagon Supplies (90%)
3. Eliminate Department of Education (81%)
4. Privatize Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (81%)
5. Reduce discretionary spending to 2008 levels (76%)
6. Block grant Medicaid (74%)
7. End ethanol tax credits (71%)
8. Sell needless federal buildings (71%)
9. Eliminate HUD (70%)
10. Reduce Medicare teaching subsidies (68%)
See the full preliminary report here.
Read: Tea Party: Stop Comparing Occupy Wall Street To Us.
Check out political cartoons about the Tea Party.
See editorial cartoons about the budget and deficit.
Fannie Mae,
Tea Party,
Freddie Mac,
Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Medicaid,Paul Ryan

Empower Small Business Owners
Small business owners are being bogged down by burdensome regulations from Washington that prevent job creation and hinder economic growth. We must remove onerous regulations that are redundant, harm small businesses, and impede private sector investment and job creation.
Review of Federal Regulations
H.Res. 72 - Passed by the House (391-28) on February 11, 2011
The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
H.R. 872 - Senate has taken no action to date
The Energy Tax Prevention Act
H.R. 910 - Senate has taken no action to date
The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
H.R. 2018 - Senate has taken no action to date
Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
H.R. 1315 - Senate has taken no action to date
Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act
H.R. 2587 - Senate has taken no action to date
Transparency In Regulatory Analysis Of Impacts On The Nation
H.R. 2401 - Senate has taken no action to date
Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2681 - Senate has taken no action to date
EPA Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2250 - Senate has taken no action to date
Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
H.R. 2273 - Senate has taken no action to date
Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators
America’s tax code has grown too complicated and cumbersome. We need a tax code that is flatter, fairer, and simpler to ensure that everyone pays their fair share, lessen the burden on families, generate economic expansion, and create jobs by making America more competitive.
The Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act
H.R. 4 - Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011
Increase Competitiveness for U.S. Manufacturers
The more that American businesses export, the more they produce. The more businesses produce, the more workers they need. This means job creation. Expanding market access for U.S. made products will be a shot in the arm for businesses small and large and will create jobs.
U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3078 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011
U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3079 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3080 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011
Encourage Entrepreneurship and Growth
America has historically been on the cutting edge of innovation and technological development, but we are increasingly falling behind our global competitors. We must make it easier for existing businesses to grow and allow more start-up companies to fourish.
The America Invents Act
H.R. 1249 - Signed into law by the President on September 16, 2011
Maximize Domestic Energy Production
The energy sector is crucial to our economic growth, and high energy costs have a major impact on job creation. We need policies that allow us to harness our abundant supply of natural resources in America, develop new sources of energy, and create jobs here at home.
Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
H.R. 1230 - Senate has taken no action to date
Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
H.R. 1229 - Senate has taken no action to date
Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
H.R. 1231 - Senate has taken no action to date
The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
H.R. 2021 - Senate has taken no action to date
North American-Made Energy Security Act
H.R. 1938 - Senate has taken no action to date
Pay Down America's Unsustainable Debt Burden
The federal government is spending and borrowing so much that the United States will soon go broke. Washington’s spending binge has put our nation in debt, eroded economic confidence, and caused massive uncertainty for private sector job creators. It's time to live within our means.
Budget for Fiscal Year 2012
H.Con.Res. 34 - Senate has not yet considered a budget of its own
House Expected to Consider Another Jobs Bill from President Obama’s Plan
Posted by Don Seymour on October 19, 2011
Empower Small Business Owners
Small business owners are being bogged down by burdensome regulations from Washington that prevent job creation and hinder economic growth. We must remove onerous regulations that are redundant, harm small businesses, and impede private sector investment and job creation.
Review of Federal Regulations
H.Res. 72 - Passed by the House (391-28) on February 11, 2011
The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
H.R. 872 - Senate has taken no action to date
The Energy Tax Prevention Act
H.R. 910 - Senate has taken no action to date
The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
H.R. 2018 - Senate has taken no action to date
Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
H.R. 1315 - Senate has taken no action to date
Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act
H.R. 2587 - Senate has taken no action to date
Transparency In Regulatory Analysis Of Impacts On The Nation
H.R. 2401 - Senate has taken no action to date
Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2681 - Senate has taken no action to date
EPA Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2250 - Senate has taken no action to date
Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
H.R. 2273 - Senate has taken no action to date
Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators
America’s tax code has grown too complicated and cumbersome. We need a tax code that is flatter, fairer, and simpler to ensure that everyone pays their fair share, lessen the burden on families, generate economic expansion, and create jobs by making America more competitive.
The Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act
H.R. 4 - Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011
Increase Competitiveness for U.S. Manufacturers
The more that American businesses export, the more they produce. The more businesses produce, the more workers they need. This means job creation. Expanding market access for U.S. made products will be a shot in the arm for businesses small and large and will create jobs.
U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3078 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011
U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3079 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3080 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011
Encourage Entrepreneurship and Growth
America has historically been on the cutting edge of innovation and technological development, but we are increasingly falling behind our global competitors. We must make it easier for existing businesses to grow and allow more start-up companies to fourish.
The America Invents Act
H.R. 1249 - Signed into law by the President on September 16, 2011
Maximize Domestic Energy Production
The energy sector is crucial to our economic growth, and high energy costs have a major impact on job creation. We need policies that allow us to harness our abundant supply of natural resources in America, develop new sources of energy, and create jobs here at home.
Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
H.R. 1230 - Senate has taken no action to date
Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
H.R. 1229 - Senate has taken no action to date
Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
H.R. 1231 - Senate has taken no action to date
The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
H.R. 2021 - Senate has taken no action to date
North American-Made Energy Security Act
H.R. 1938 - Senate has taken no action to date
Pay Down America's Unsustainable Debt Burden
The federal government is spending and borrowing so much that the United States will soon go broke. Washington’s spending binge has put our nation in debt, eroded economic confidence, and caused massive uncertainty for private sector job creators. It's time to live within our means.
Budget for Fiscal Year 2012
H.Con.Res. 34 - Senate has not yet considered a budget of its own
House Expected to Consider Another Jobs Bill from President Obama’s Plan
Posted by Don Seymour on October 19, 2011
The Hill reports that the House may consider a jobs bill next week repealing the IRS’s three percent withholding tax – another one of the proposals highlighted by House leaders as an area of common ground between the jobs plans outlined by President Obama and Republicans.
In the recent Weekly Republican Address, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said the withholding tax “makes no sense at all” and “allows government to capture and waste money that entrepreneurs could – and should – be using to innovate new products and hire new workers.”
That’s why, as both Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor have said, the House will soon be voting to permanently repeal this tax and protect small business job creators from yet another excessive government rule.The Hill notes that the bill is “high up on the list of GOP priorities for legislation to help create the conditions for job growth” – and it’s backed by President Obama as well:
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
October 9, 2011
Dear Friends,
This Friday we received the latest national unemployment figures and they were not good. America's unemployment rate remained unchanged at the high level of 9.1%. We have now experienced 32 straight months of unemployment levels above 8%, the level President Obama promised would not be exceeded with his 2009 stimulus.
Even with the failure of his "Stimulus One," a trillion-dollar borrow-and-spend disaster, the President is now pushing for "Stimulus Two" and another half trillion in spending. Given the dire performance of "Stimulus One," it is clearly not smart to spend money we do not have on programs that do not work. And, interestingly, not a single member of Congress - not even from his own party - will even cosponsor the President's “jobs bill” in the House, making it very unlikely that it will be brought to the floor.
Jump-Starting America’s Economy Requires Taking the Power Away from Washington
So how do we get our economy moving again?
It begins first with a recognition that government “investment” is not a stimulant for job creation and that the threat of higher taxes and excessive regulation puts a chilling effect on job creation in America. It is unhelpful to quash the entrepreneurial spirit of America by trying to route the path of economic recovery through Washington, rather than through the small businesses of America where innovation is born.
This week we remember Steve Jobs, who created a technological revolution in America. I am sad to say it, but I think that today’s regulatory and tax climate would most certainly discourage the next Steve Jobs from sharing his talents, ideas, and innovations with the world. Why create when government not only expects such a large share of your profit, but almost literally a seat at the table of your business?
Fortunately for Americans, the House is one step ahead of the President: not only has the House advanced a number of pro-job creation bills this year to reduce excessive regulation and create tax certainty, but it also will advance the trade agreements that have been sitting on the President’s desk for months. I look forward to the House’s consideration of trade agreements with Korea, Panama, and Colombia this upcoming week. And, on Thursday I look forward to hearing from President Lee Myung-bak of the Republic of Korea when he addresses a Joint Session of Congress.
Keeping the Pressure on Health & Human Services to Protect Your Privacy
This upcoming week I will release the contents of two letters that I have written - and which many of my colleagues have signed – to prevent the creation of a nationwide database based on your private and confidential patient records. The first letter is one to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, expressing our concern about the proposed database. The second letter is one to the House Appropriations Committee, asking them to defund this database. As I explained in the column I wrote that launched our effort to protect the privacy of your confidential medical records, America should be outraged at the idea of the federal government collecting information about your medical history, especially when there are so many examples of the government losing and exposing data.
I appeared on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren to discuss this matter. I hope you’ll take the time to watch this clip:
Guests in the Office
This week the D.C. staff and I were fortunate to have the opportunities to meet with Dr. Mike Whitehair and Dr. Mark Lutschaunig with the American Veterinary Medical Association and both of whom have practices in Kansas; Lori Avlarado with Salina’s Head Start program; Terry Betzelberger with Moloney Securites Company in Overland Park; Jon Stanfield with VSR Financial Services in Olathe; and representatives of the American Academy of Dermatology, the Plastics Industry Trade Association, the Health Care Leadership Council, the National Association of Chain Drugstores, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative (Taiwanese embassy), and Heartbeat International.
Tim Huelskamp
Member of Congress
It’s All Connected: An Overview of the Euro Crisis
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief

Ben Johnson, The White House Watch
Even controlled opposition occasionally strays from script. This website has described Occupy Wall Street as a latent menace, an inviting domestic terrorist target, and a well-financed new Popular Front. However, as with all mass movements, not everyone is in on the ruse. At least some members of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations raging across the country blame Barack Obama for the mess this country is in and want to see him impeached.
The OccupyWallStreet.org website posted a user-submitted message on Sunday fromImpeachObamaforGlassSteagall entitled, “Impeach Now! Either Obama Goes or [Your] United States Goes.” The message begins by quoting French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on the likelihood of a worldwide financial collapse, adding:
Reuters captured a photo of this placard demanding Obama’s impeachment. It depicts Obama in fatigues morphing into George W. Bush, which is as poisonous on the Left as accusing someone of being Barack Obama is on the Right.
Former RT TV host Adam Kokesh ventured into Occupy D.C., Victoria Jackson-style, to ask a group of protesters if they would support impeachment. The following videos shows….
Read more.
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In the recent Weekly Republican Address, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said the withholding tax “makes no sense at all” and “allows government to capture and waste money that entrepreneurs could – and should – be using to innovate new products and hire new workers.”
That’s why, as both Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor have said, the House will soon be voting to permanently repeal this tax and protect small business job creators from yet another excessive government rule.The Hill notes that the bill is “high up on the list of GOP priorities for legislation to help create the conditions for job growth” – and it’s backed by President Obama as well:
“House Republicans could take up bipartisan legislation next week to repeal a widely scorned law requiring all levels of government to withhold 3 percent of most payments to contractors, Medicare recipients, farmers and vendors. …
“Republicans are not the only ones opposing current law — even President Obama has called the possible withholding rules ‘burdensome withholding requirements that keep capital out of the hands of job creators.’”
While the president continues to push for more of the same failed short-term “stimulus” policies, the House is taking action on pro-growth proposals supported by both parties. Visit jobs.GOP.gov to learn more about the Republican jobs plan, and click here for the memo from House leaders outlining more areas of potential common ground on removing government barriers to private-sector job growth.Comments
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
- John Weeton commented on 10/20/2011
- McCarthy was slammed by Jonathan Capehart, Mika and Austin Goolsbee this a.m. for a comment he made about COMMANDER IN CHIEF OBAMA'S stimulus from 3 yrs. ago that was a complete lie So forgive me if I don't believe anything McCarthy, Cantor, Boehner or McConnell say that is going to happen. They all follow John McCain way of speaking, KEEP TELLING LIES TO AMERICA, they will never catch on. And now, our POTUS has successfully led the NATO forces with USA intellectual help, get, and from latest report KILLED Ghadafi, and without Congress approval. I told you we did not need Congress.
- wade s commented on 10/20/2011
- who passed this goofy bill into law in 2005? --------- also: whoever is in charge of the security phrase on this site needs to change the settings. greek letters and exponents are hard to come by on a standard keyboard.
- Belle Tilley commented on 10/23/2011
- I'm getting a little tired of people like the Weeton comment above. The left accuses everyone that doesn't believe in what they do of telling lies. If they'd do a close survey and scrutiny of their own party they would realize where the lies really come from. Obama is a complete failure in everything and even in foreign affairs the people give him credit for the dead tyrants but Obama himself is working to become a tryant. We can't afford to have people like Obama or others that believe the way he does to have a position of power in this country or we'll wind up servants with no freedom, no country, and not allowed the privilege of free speech. Obama is the worst thing that America has ever faced and he's in the White House of all places. Can't we get him out?? Stop believing his lies. If you have half a grain of sense you already know he's the biggest liar of them all.
- David Ingraham commented on 10/23/2011
- Dear Honorable Speaker John Boehner, I watched C=span televised coverage of the Senate Small Business Committee, where Treasury Secretary Timothy Gaithner was testifying. They were discussing the 30 billion dollars available from the last jobs bill that ended up with not providing much of it for Small business loans, but rather to extend a tarp subsidy to banks so they can say they paid back there tarp funding to the Treasury. We were fooled. The Senator from Maryland, suggested a direct loan from the Government for Small Business development. Which the Treasurer immediately said not wise, and would not support such direct loans, as being to risky. I do not disagree with his thinking. I do have some thoughts about setting up a reserve fund for small businesses at the Federal Reserve that would be specifically available for banks to barrow from to obtain the cash they would need to loan to small business. It would be the responsibility for the Banks to take the risk and repay the Fed. This would make money available dedicated for small business development and not just general Banking finance.
- Joseph Waggoner commented on 10/23/2011
- @ John Weeton, You ask forgiveness, forgive me that I am not able to find it within myself to grant you your'e request. Instead, recall if you might the number of jobs the first stimulus produced. Not to mention the omnibus bill following shortly thereafter. A third "jobs plan" based on the same priniciples as the prior two, while the unemployment has kept steadily rising to the now 10.4%? Who's lying, Mr. Wheeton? The Commander in Chief of the United States of America, who has bowed before our enemies and insulted our allies, circumvented the United States Congress at the urgings of an outside entity. Does this sound like an a person who holds the welfare and good of this Nation in his interest, or someone more interested in tearing our Republic down from the inside? We need Congress, it is less people like you that we don't need.
- charles thomas commented on 10/23/2011
- Were spinning wheels until we take over senate.and geat rid of the 0bamanation group. I have a small business and don't see how any of our young are going to open there own business with the gov. regs and health care issues to come. I thought wall-mart was the biggest employer but i'm told its the US Gov. Lets produce our own oil and create alot of jobs quick skilled and unskilled.
- Audrey Cutler commented on 10/23/2011
- The Democrats' rule is, if you say something often enough, even if it is a lie, people will believe it is the truth. The Democrats convinced the occupiers and protesters in NYC and other states that, Wall Street is to blame for our bad economy, when it is actually our President and his gang.. P.S. I am a Democrat, but not for long, as I am disgusted with the Democrats lies and Socialist agenda.
- Richard Hettinger commented on 10/23/2011
- Define successful. Libya under Sharia Law. All Laws that do not follow Islam will be repealed. 30,000 shoulder missiles missing. Yes, a well thought out plan.
- Michael Severt commented on 10/23/2011
- As for small company owners. IRS is holding in court shop owners for 2008 taxes that were going under [heading to bankrupcy] and now wringing them out to dry! No possible way to make a 'come back' with all these pork gougers waiting in line!! Our economy will heal itself if congress will straighten out their mess in Social Security: [ the illegal aliens drawing having never paid into it.] And the taxes with no representation for the people! [Scraping their bones bare].
- Con Dietz commented on 10/24/2011
- Why do you talk about "maybe" getting something done that Obama and Republicans say they want to happen? Seems that this should already have been done. You have been talking about getting the "jobs bill" done piece meal. Yet nothing seems to be happening. How about a "report card?" I don't want to hear anything more about what "may be taken up." I want to hear about what congress "has done."
- Bruce Hall commented on 10/24/2011
- What we need is the politicians (especially the dumbocrats) to stay the hell out of regulating businesses and out of trying to make business decisions altogether. Democrats have never workd a job in their life nor had to make a payroll, so how the hell can they actually come up with a "create jobs" bill. Especially NOBAMA who is a community ASSociation leader AT BEST.
- Progressive Libertarian commented on 10/24/2011
- Great work Mr. Speaker. Thank you. You and your colleagues are doing a great job of destroying the economy so that all the incumbents (especially Obama) will get voted out of office. But be sure to duck though, because with all the great work by Republicans, it will be hard to ever get the economy back on track. If you ever do get back in the driver's seat, I hope you don't plan on using any of this policy nonsense that you're using now. I'm sure you know that nobody actually thinks it would do anything but promote offshore investment and commodity speculation. I'm sure that you'll use that good old deficit stimulus spending. But instead of using it on things that will benefit the economy as a whole, you'll target it to military contractors, oil companies, wall street, drug companies and the like where you can target it better to reward your pals. Thanks again Mr. Speaker.
- Mark Cooper commented on 10/24/2011
- Remove the temptation, thereby remove the collusion between capitalism and government. New amendment!! Congress shall make no law favoring one business over another. Phase out all subsidies.
- Carl toc commented on 10/24/2011
- If this is the standard withholding tax we all pay then a lot of poor people wil get very angry because they love to get refunds at the end of the year. They will yell and scream about. You dont understand how they think. I have said for years that we should have no witholding so people would know what they are really paying in taxes.
October 9, 2011
Dear Friends,
This Friday we received the latest national unemployment figures and they were not good. America's unemployment rate remained unchanged at the high level of 9.1%. We have now experienced 32 straight months of unemployment levels above 8%, the level President Obama promised would not be exceeded with his 2009 stimulus.
Even with the failure of his "Stimulus One," a trillion-dollar borrow-and-spend disaster, the President is now pushing for "Stimulus Two" and another half trillion in spending. Given the dire performance of "Stimulus One," it is clearly not smart to spend money we do not have on programs that do not work. And, interestingly, not a single member of Congress - not even from his own party - will even cosponsor the President's “jobs bill” in the House, making it very unlikely that it will be brought to the floor.
Jump-Starting America’s Economy Requires Taking the Power Away from Washington
So how do we get our economy moving again?
It begins first with a recognition that government “investment” is not a stimulant for job creation and that the threat of higher taxes and excessive regulation puts a chilling effect on job creation in America. It is unhelpful to quash the entrepreneurial spirit of America by trying to route the path of economic recovery through Washington, rather than through the small businesses of America where innovation is born.
This week we remember Steve Jobs, who created a technological revolution in America. I am sad to say it, but I think that today’s regulatory and tax climate would most certainly discourage the next Steve Jobs from sharing his talents, ideas, and innovations with the world. Why create when government not only expects such a large share of your profit, but almost literally a seat at the table of your business?
Fortunately for Americans, the House is one step ahead of the President: not only has the House advanced a number of pro-job creation bills this year to reduce excessive regulation and create tax certainty, but it also will advance the trade agreements that have been sitting on the President’s desk for months. I look forward to the House’s consideration of trade agreements with Korea, Panama, and Colombia this upcoming week. And, on Thursday I look forward to hearing from President Lee Myung-bak of the Republic of Korea when he addresses a Joint Session of Congress.
Keeping the Pressure on Health & Human Services to Protect Your Privacy
This upcoming week I will release the contents of two letters that I have written - and which many of my colleagues have signed – to prevent the creation of a nationwide database based on your private and confidential patient records. The first letter is one to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, expressing our concern about the proposed database. The second letter is one to the House Appropriations Committee, asking them to defund this database. As I explained in the column I wrote that launched our effort to protect the privacy of your confidential medical records, America should be outraged at the idea of the federal government collecting information about your medical history, especially when there are so many examples of the government losing and exposing data.
I appeared on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren to discuss this matter. I hope you’ll take the time to watch this clip:
Guests in the Office
This week the D.C. staff and I were fortunate to have the opportunities to meet with Dr. Mike Whitehair and Dr. Mark Lutschaunig with the American Veterinary Medical Association and both of whom have practices in Kansas; Lori Avlarado with Salina’s Head Start program; Terry Betzelberger with Moloney Securites Company in Overland Park; Jon Stanfield with VSR Financial Services in Olathe; and representatives of the American Academy of Dermatology, the Plastics Industry Trade Association, the Health Care Leadership Council, the National Association of Chain Drugstores, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative (Taiwanese embassy), and Heartbeat International.
Tim Huelskamp
Member of Congress
European Leaders Deal Directly With Debt Dilemma
Published: October 23, 2011
BRUSSELS — With a new sense of urgency, the leaders of the 27 European Union nations grappled directly on Sunday with their thorniest financial and economic problems, and made progress that they promised could yield a complete package of measures within days.
It’s All Connected: An Overview of the Euro Crisis
Interactive Feature
Tracking Europe's Debt Crisis
European Finance Ministers Shaping Greek Rescue and Effort to Aid Banks (October 23, 2011)
Europeans Seek Bold Debt Deal, Despite Differences (October 22, 2011)
Times Topic: European Sovereign Debt Crisis
Readers’ Comments
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The hope is that the seriousness of the leaders’ effort to finally solve the interrelated problems of Greek debt, weakened banks and a bailout fund in need of reinforcement will keep speculators at bay when the financial markets open on Monday morning. But now there is heavy pressure on the leaders to deliver the goods at their next meeting, set for Wednesday.
“Further work is still needed, and that is why we will take the decisions in the follow-up euro zone summit,” said Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council.
Pervading the summit meeting on Sunday was a consensus that Europe had to attack fundamental issues and stop merely putting out the brushfire of the moment. “We all have a sense that the crisis in the euro zone is reaching very worrisome levels,” said Donald Tusk, the prime minister of Poland, which now holds the rotating presidency of the union. “We have to be happy that the decision-making progress has gained some momentum, although we can’t say we have reached the finish line today.”
Two factors especially drove the urgency of the meeting, which had already been postponed once: the worsening situation in Greece, where strikes and protests erupted last week, and the rising cost for Spain and Italy to borrow money, a sign of mounting speculative pressure. Washington also put considerable pressure on European leaders to make decisions before the Group of 20 summit meeting in early November, because the long euro crisis is straining the global economy.
Even so, participants at the summit meeting, originally intended to be definitive, had to put off some final decisions until Wednesday because of political and financial complexities.
The meeting on Sunday, which included a separate session of the 17 nations that share the euro currency, was tense and sometimes acrimonious. French and German leaders told Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy in blunt terms that he must move faster to reduce his country’s huge debt of nearly two trillion euros ($2.8 trillion), or about 120 percent of gross domestic product, which makes his country a target of speculators.
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany urged Mr. Berlusconi to make “credible cuts” in an effort to reduce pressure on the euro. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, asked if he had confidence in Mr. Berlusconi, said that he had confidence in the collectivity of Italian authorities, “political, financial, economic.”
Mr. Sarkozy, who said that today’s leaders could not be blamed for the mistakes of the past, told Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, which does not use the euro, to stop criticizing the work of the euro zone leaders. Mr. Sarkozy told him, in essence, that if he wanted a say, Britain should join the currency union, officials said. “You say you hate the euro, and now you want to interfere in our meetings,” Mr. Sarkozy said, according to the officials.
Despite the friction, concrete progress was made. The leaders reached overall agreement on recapitalizing Europe’s shaky banks, which they decided required an extra 100 billion euros. They agreed that banks should first raise what capital they can privately, and then turn to their own governments if necessary. If those governments already have debt problems, then the bailout fund, called the European Financial Stability Facility, could be drawn upon, but only “as a last resort,” Mrs. Merkel said.
One big issue remaining to be decided is how to make the stability fund, now set at 440 billion euros ($606 billion), large enough to cover Spain and especially Italy as well as Greece and the smaller troubled countries of the zone. Germany has been firm in rejecting a French idea to turn the bailout fund into a special-purpose bank backed by the European Central Bank, arguing that doing so would violate European treaties, so another approach is needed.
Both France and Germany are reluctant to put more of their own money into the stability fund, so the leaders are discussing how the International Monetary Fund could help expand the pot. There is also a serious conversation about creating a separate fund linked to the stability fund that would be open to investors and sovereign-wealth funds from outside Europe, like the Chinese, Indians and Brazilians, as well as non-euro countries like Sweden and Norway. The goal is to amass resources of 750 billion to 1.25 trillion euros in all, a European official said.
The leaders are also discussing ways to use the stability fund as insurance against partial losses that might be suffered by holders of sovereign bonds, another way to get greater impact from the fund’s resources.
Before the Wednesday summit meeting, the European Union must also strike a deal with bankers who hold Greek government bonds that Greece cannot repay in full. The banks agreed in July to take a 21 percent loss on the bonds, but after a worse-than-expected report on the state of Greece’s finances, they are now being asked to take a “haircut” of as much as 60 percent of the bonds’ value. A deal with the private bondholders is essential to making the rest of the package of measures add up, and there was talk on Sunday that Mr. Sarkozy and Mrs. Merkel would personally take over negotiations with the bankers if necessary.
There was also some discussion of limited changes to the European Union treaty.
Mr. Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, raised the prospect of “deepening economic union, including exploring the possibility of limited treaty changes,” but underlined that such measures would need approval from each of the 27 member countries. “If we need treaty changes in a limited way, it is not a taboo, but it’s not the aim,” he said. “The aim is deepening our economic union and strengthening fiscal discipline.”
“It is normal that those who share a common currency must take some common decisions relating to that currency,” he added. “In fact, one of the origins of the current crisis is that almost everybody has underestimated the extent to which the economies of the euro zone are linked, and we are now remediating that,” Mr. Van Rompuy said.
As usual, Mrs. Merkel emphasized that there was no “magic wand” to solve the problems of the euro in one meeting or proposal. Individual steps mattered, but so does responsible government by all nations that use the euro, she said. “Trust will not be achieved alone through a high firewall,” Mrs. Merkel said. “Trust will not happen from a new package for Greece. Trust will only happen when everyone does their homework.”
European leaders were struggling today with the results of decisions made decades ago by other people, she said. “That’s why there will be many steps to be taken,” she said, and they must fit together.
James Kanter contributed reporting.
A version of this article appeared in print on October 24, 2011, on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: European Leaders Confront Basics of Debt Dilemma.
@RNC it won't matter: Obama's record has become his undoing, faster than his lack of citizenship-faster than his accrual of pending felonies
@BarackObama @KasimReed you have do something about unemployment holding 1yr. at 10.3%, not billboards and politicizing the issue. #RECALL
@wsbtv great reporting Fred Blakenship on unemployment, followed by the truth on Romney, GOLD STAR
@RINORickPerry you can vote based on one twitter profile with a stupid false name like yours: you have to really know the nominees' position
@RINORickPerry Rick Perry isn't a RINO: however, Newt is a WHINO, he whines a lot, Obamoney is really a Democrat-Paul is Libertarian not GOP
@RINORickPerry Builderberg hops on any political train they can to save their riches; they want to take their ideas and make them serve them
@BarackObama @KasimReed that's how it works: or end up like former Sheriff Victor Hill, used car salesman, former Sheriff, still #crackhead
@BarackObama @KasimReed problem is, both of you must resign or you'll lose re-election anyway. If you don't, you won't hold Office again.
Even Occupy Wall Street Says, Impeach Obama
Posted by Ben on October 24, 2011 · Comments (23)Ben Johnson, The White House Watch
Even controlled opposition occasionally strays from script. This website has described Occupy Wall Street as a latent menace, an inviting domestic terrorist target, and a well-financed new Popular Front. However, as with all mass movements, not everyone is in on the ruse. At least some members of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations raging across the country blame Barack Obama for the mess this country is in and want to see him impeached.
The OccupyWallStreet.org website posted a user-submitted message on Sunday fromImpeachObamaforGlassSteagall entitled, “Impeach Now! Either Obama Goes or [Your] United States Goes.” The message begins by quoting French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on the likelihood of a worldwide financial collapse, adding:
Robert Shapiro, an adviser to the International Monetary Fund said, “the trans-Atlantic system will collapse in two to three weeks.” And you know what? All of these individuals are right!
We must act now to kick our Congress in their you know what, to introduce articles of impeachment, to suspend the executive powers of President Obama. For the re-enactment of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 Glass Steagall Banking standard, in House Resolution 1489, to restore the separation between U.S. commercial banks and Wall Street merchant banks. As the first step to a return back to our Federal republic credit system “embedded” in our Constitution. (Emphases and links added.)
Although rare, it is not an isolated sentiment. In this video, an “Impeach Obama” sign comes into view at 1:35Reuters captured a photo of this placard demanding Obama’s impeachment. It depicts Obama in fatigues morphing into George W. Bush, which is as poisonous on the Left as accusing someone of being Barack Obama is on the Right.
Former RT TV host Adam Kokesh ventured into Occupy D.C., Victoria Jackson-style, to ask a group of protesters if they would support impeachment. The following videos shows….
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