Aja Brooks recommends a link.
PARIS (Reuters) - France announced 65 billion euros of tax hikes and budget cuts over five years on Monday, as President Nicolas Sarkozy seeks to protect the country's creditworthiness in financial markets
Like · · Share · Yesterday at 1:20pmAja Brooks
250 polled: http://t.co/T6cK7cP: Paul-109 Bachmann-6 Perry-10 Santorum-3 Newt-27 Herman Cain-86 Mitt Romney-4 Buddy Roemer-1 Huntsman-1
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Obama is not a math major. Earning $200K doesn't make you a MILLIONAIRE. #tcot #teaparty #tpp #iamthe53 #gop #p2 #ocra #ampat #patriot #tlot
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 12:28pm viaTwitterAja Brooks
While the other networks have generated new hits, NBC has not. The network’s new leadership has made clear to its staff that rebuilding will take time and great patience.
Like · · Share · Yesterday at 12:22pm2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@BarackObama "Clarence: don't-rub-up-against-me Thomas" then "Please-wet-my-cigar-Clinton" then "Jesse Pussy-on-the-side Jackson"...
5 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@BarackOba...See More
Yesterday at 12:31pm · Like
Gee; I can't imagine WHY the propaganda arm of the Obama administration would EVER have to worry about a backlash? I mean, it's not like they spent the last 3 years or more parroting a bunch of liberal rhetoric that demeaned the majority of Conservative and middle-of-the-road American viewers, while making sure to whore themselves out to Al Gore's "glo-BULL warming/carbon credit" scheme by making sure that EVERY freakin' show on their network took the time to beat its audience over the head with that theme (in addition to the usual liberal shovelfull of guilt and PC nonsense). Right? Right... To paraphrase one of their own, I think perhaps NBC's "Peacocks have come home to roost"?
Aja Brooks
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 12:17pm viaTwitterAja Brooks
For men who seem to think quite a bit alike, we can't seem to get them to get along on any other subject............
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 12:15pm viaTwitterAja Brooks NOW IT'S: HERMAN "HOE-CHASIN' " CAIN !! AIN'T POLITICS WONDERFUL?? WE GOT THEM ON BOTH SIDES OF AISLE !!! ONLY BIPARTISANSHIP WE HAVE TODAY!
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 12:15pm viaTwitterAja Brooks
first it was "Clarence: don't-rub-up-against-me Thomas" then it was "Please-wet-my-cigar-Clinton" then "Jesse P-ssy-on-the-side Jackson"...
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 12:13pm viaTwitterAja Brooks
#OWS rape victims embrace the Tea Party Rattlesnake banner: "DON'T RAPE ME"http://t.co/vnecdxV
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:56am viaTwitter
Aja Brooks
Obama's safe schools czar Kevin Jennings reigning champion Gay Man Olympics/his 2 specialist competition categories cannot be detailed here:
Aja Brooks
if you want to know, just turn up at any Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network outreach pgms coming soon to kindergarten classes near you
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Aja Brooks
we must choose the next President #2012
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Aja Brooks
Sharon Linhart Why would a Muslim go to a Catholic school in the first place. They don't even think a like. Maybe, it is to take down the Catholic School.Aja Brooks
ABSOLUTELY BASELESS LAWSUIT BY LAW; NO CASE, as a Native American, I'd say, go outside to pray toward Mecca... let me get the door for you.
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Aja Brooks
expletive: is there anything worth reading/tweeting about, other than 9-9-9, Cain's accusers and fucking Occupy Wall Street dookey du jour?
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Aja Brooks
We make decisions all the time in life, in those around us, to stay sober or to indulge and we must also be mindful of those who partake too
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Aja Brooks
CHEW ON THIS: if Jackson was addicted to propofol, that he called milk, as the Hippocratic Oath states, you should do no harm: CUT HIM OFF
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U.N. Officials Reluctant to Disclose Financial Relationships and Assets, Putting Spotlight on Ethics
Published November 07, 2011
| FoxNews.com
- AP
- July 20, 2010: U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon takes a question during a joint press conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
After he first took office in late 2006, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon proudly proclaimed that he was willing to disclose his private financial assets and other interests -- and urged his top officials to follow suit.
To make that easier, he created a public website where the U.N.’s senior officials -- under secretaries general and assistant secretaries general -- could post highly sanitized versions of the confidential financial disclosure statements they were required -- as of May 2006 -- to file with the U.N. Ethics Office in connection with their jobs.
The decision to participate was voluntary, Ban said. Nonetheless, he declared, such public disclosure was important “as it demonstrates that U.N. staff members understand the importance of the general public and U.N. member states being assured that, in the discharge of their official duties and responsibilities, staff members will not be influenced by any consideration associated with his/her private interests.”
If the aim of the website is to provide, as Ban says, assurance that U.N. officials are not influenced by private concerns, there is a lot not to be assured about.
Using an official list of the 185 top-ranking officials in the United Nations, Fox News has calculated that just fewer than half -- about 90 -- have made the voluntary disclosure statements urged by Ban five years ago.
The 2010 declarations actually refer to financial interests held by officials in the previous year. Thus, some of Ban’s highest-level appointees, even if they have held office for more than a year, do not appear on the website, if they did not hold their jobs in 2009.
In fact, the real ratio is substantially lower than that -- more like one-third. Reason: Ban offered his top officials an easier way out, if they chose, which would count as equivalent to public disclosure: a public declaration that they were choosing not to disclose -- a kind of opaque transparency, as it were, that the U.N. apparently considers a valid participation in Ban’s confidence-building effort. More than 20 officials took that route.
Despite that virtual freebie, about 44 percent of the U.N.’s top officialdom have ignored the website and Ban’s example entirely, at least for 2010, the most recent year online. A smaller number of top appointees won’t be eligible to file until next year.
While Ban has made much of the fact that he and his deputy secretary general, Asha-Rose Migiro, have voluntarily filed their finances, some of those absent from the website are nearly as important.
Among them:
-- Helen Clark, the head Administrator of the powerful United Nations Development Program, the U.N.’s anti-poverty flagship. Clark’s No. 2, Associate Administrator Rebeca Grynspan, has filed a reasonably detailed statement.
--Lynn Pascoe, the U.N.’s under secretary general for political affairs.
--Robert Orr, an Assistant Secretary General responsible for policy planning.
A number of $1-a-year U.N. appointees, including Ban-appointed special envoys and representatives who nonetheless hold U.N. rankings equivalent to under secretary general and assistant secretary general, have also held out.
One of them is former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Ban’s special envoy for Haiti. Questions from Fox News to Clinton’s office about his absence from the list, sent on November 2, had not been answered before this article was published.
Another is Jeffrey Sachs, Ban’s high-profile special adviser for the Millennium Development Goals and a major fundraiser for all U.N. anti-poverty activities.
Most of the forms that were actually filed as a disclosure of financial interest offer such cursory statements under assets as “house, joint with family members,” “ mutual funds,” or unspecified numbers of shares in often unspecified companies.
One high official, Ad Melkert, most recently Ban’s powerful special representative for Iraq, and previously associate administrator of UNDP, lists as his sole asset “Boat, U.S.A.”
Most forms list no liabilities, except for the occasional mortgage. The same goes for outside board memberships.
Indeed, the most common word on all of the public disclosure forms is “nil.”
Ban himself had no comment on the success of the voluntary disclosure effort or the participation of his officials when queried by Fox News.
George Russell is executive editor of Fox News and can be found on Twitter@GeorgeRussell.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/11/07/un-senior-officials-reluctant-to-disclose-financial-relationships-and-assets/#ixzz1d8tfOfkU
@DailyCaller Holder failed to lead by example: you can't supply drug dealers weapons they should not have and not expect dead border agents
Holder to face gun-walking music at Senate hearing
Published: 12:24 AM 11/08/2011 | Updated: 10:20 AM 11/08/2011
By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller
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Attorney General Eric Holder will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning, and he’s likely to face a barrage of tough questions from senators about Operation Fast and Furious.
Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the committee’s ranking minority member, is set to lead the charge against Holder, whose prepared testimony The Daily Caller obtained Monday. That prepared statement makes no mention of Holder’s May 3 House Judiciary Committee testimony, when he told Congress under oath that he had only known about Operation Fast and Furious for a few weeks.
Many members of Congress believe that May 3 answer Holder gave is either a lie or the product of incompetence. At least 36 have called for Holder’s immediate resignation.
Doubts about Holder’s truthfulness have arisen in part because Grassley previously told TheDC he personally handed Holder a letter about Fast and Furious months earlier. Senior aides also sent Holder numerous briefing memos on the subject, including the name and specific details of the failed operation, as early as July 2010. Holder now claims he didn’t read the memos.
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also both discussed Operation Fast and Furious in media interviews about a month before Holder claims he knew of the gun-walking program. Two congressmen have asked Obama to clarify how he was able to speak about Operation Fast and Furious in a media interview while Holder was apparently, at least according to his own statements, unaware of the operation.
Grassley is likely to push Holder on these inconsistencies and possibly some others.
Congressional aides told reporters on Monday, too, that Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn plans to focus his line of questioning on reports of tactics similar to those used in Fast and Furious coming from a Texas ATF office.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/11/08/holder-to-face-gun-walking-music-at-senate-hearing/#ixzz1d8tN0k6l
Jailed border agent's family warned of massive fine
'Notice of intent to offset' sent to home, even though Diaz is in federal custody
Posted: November 07, 2011
9:11 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
Jesus Diaz Jr.
The federal government has sent a collection notice to the family of a Border Patrol agent who was jailed and fined for pulling on the arms of a handcuffed suspect to get him to comply with orders, according to a charitable organization working on a defense for Jesus E. Diaz Jr.
WND reported earlier on a call for Congress to hold hearings to uncover why U.S. law enforcement officers are being charged, prosecuted and sent to prison for apparently doing what their jobs require.
That call came from President Andy Ramirez of the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council,which is working on Diaz' case. The officer was sentenced to 24 months in jail and fined nearly $7,000 for his conviction based on the testimony of a drug smuggler who was given immunity to testify.
WND reported earlier that U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.,wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking an explanation for the federal government's actions.
Click here to sign a petition sending a message to the federal government about Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz
Now, Ramirez has confirmed that Diaz' wife, also an agent with the U.S Border Patrol, got a "Notice of Intent to Offset" regarding the fine in her husband's case. Her husband, in federal custody, was served with his termination papers in his cell. But Ramirez said the collection notice was sent to Diaz' home, where his wife continues to live and care for their children.
"We strongly urge you to pay this debt immediately," states the unsigned letter. "If you do not pay your debt, federal law allows agencies to refer debts to the United States Department of the Treasury for the purpose of collecting debts through the Treasury Offset Program."
The letter warns that if 60 days pass and the "debt" is not paid – or a repayment agreement isn't signed – the government will target federal income tax refunds, federal salary, any retirement pay, other federal benefits and any payments made by states.
If there is to be an exemption from the collection procedures for a spouse, the spouse would have to submit a special application.
Ramirez confirmed to WND that his group has begun fundraising efforts for the Diaz family, but he is alarmed that the government would not consider the evidence that suggests the Diaz case was a "miscarriage" of justice.
"It is outrageous that the government, having already prosecuted and convicted an innocent agent of the U.S. Border Patrol, continues to persecute this family in the form of these imposed fines. We do understand that this is a common practice given successful prosecutions. However, this case was a miscarriage of justice as the transcripts and 'discovery' demonstrated to our organization, which was why we accepted their request for assistance in the first place," Ramirez said.
"We call on the American people to assist us with this effort so that the persecution of the Diaz family ends. What is the next form of persecution, a suit by 'MBE' the narco-terrorist whose criminal acts were granted immunity from prosecution, while his perjury was ignored by the Justice Department and district court in the Western District of Texas? The persecution of an innocent agent and his family must cease immediately," he said.
WND previously reported that Diaz was sentenced to 24 months in jail for grabbing the arms of the drug smuggler and lifting them to make him comply with orders. According to the FreeAgentDiaz.com website, Diaz was "maliciously prosecuted at the request of the Mexican consul in Eagle Pass, Texas."
The legal case against the officer, who previously had been cleared of wrongdoing in two separate investigations, was "solely motivated by politics and is yet another example of prosecutorial abuse and misconduct while protecting Mexico's narco-terror influences," organizers of the website said.
The prosecution was conducted after the juvenile suspect, who reportedly was caught with some 75 pounds of drugs he had smuggled into the U.S., was given immunity by the U.S. government.
The sentence was announced by U.S. District Judge Alia Moses Ludlum in San Antonio.
Ramirez, whose organization's activities include raising funds for defense counsel for an appeal, told WND, "We do not hold hope that President Barack H. Obama will do the proper and appropriate thing by issuing presidential pardon of agent Diaz given his administration's zeal in pushing amnesty for illegal aliens via ordering our agencies to cease deportation and removal of illegal aliens and ignoring the laws long set by the Congress."
He cited "misconduct" known as Operation Fast and Furious, which resulted in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
Ramirez said the prosecution of Diaz "is all about sending a message to law enforcement, 'thou shalt not do thy job and protect America's borders, coastlines, ports of entry, waterways, or transit hubs, as well as citizens and resident aliens for to do so is risk the wrath of the Mexican government and be served up as a scalp for prosecution.'"
A separate online petition on support of Diaz in just days already has collected thousands of signatures.
Ramirez contended the federal case against Diaz is based on "lies and misrepresentation of the facts."
The facts, he said, are in the record of the court proceedings. One "star witness" "changed his story so many times, including with the field agents, at the Eagle Pass-South BP station, to the Mexican consulate, to the investigators, grand jury and at trial … that he has zero credibility."
Border watchers will remember the extended battle fought by Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean after they were prosecuted, convicted and jailed, again at the request of the Mexican government, for shooting at and striking a drug smuggler who reportedly dropped a load in the U.S. and was fleeing back to Mexico.
Their punishments ultimately were commuted by President George W. Bush, although they did not receive pardons, leaving their convictions on their records.
The wife of Agent Diaz, Diana, also an employee of the Border Patrol, told WND in an interview that the maneuver used by her husband in the incident in 2009 was one that agents are trained to do.
"It was what we were taught at the academy," she said.
She said the couple at first thought the case was simply a mistake and Jesus Diaz soon would be cleared and back to work. However, a first trial, which was declared a mistrial because the judge ordered jurors not to take notes on the various stories they were told, and one did, enlightened both Jesus and Diana Diaz, she said.
She said there was manipulation of testimony, evidence and even jury instructions.
They realized then that "this was going south," she told WND.
She cited some of the same concerns as LEOAC: conflicting testimony from the same witnesses at different times; changed testimonies, testimonies that contradicted reality (how could someone at a distance see what was going on at 2 a.m. without lights?) and the like.
She also noted that Jesus Diaz had been cleared of wrongdoing – twice – before federal prosecutors finally insisted on bringing a case. Diaz previously was cleared by the Office of Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility.
She noted her husband even refused to "apologize" to the drug smuggler when ordered by the judge, because he hadn't done anything wrong.
She said there was no logical or reasonable reason for such an intensive prosecution.
"There was nothing there. If he had broken his [the smuggler's] skin, or a bone, if there was blood. But there was nothing wrong with him," she said. "Just markings on his shoulders from the drugs [carried in a backpack]."
Diana Diaz said her suspicion is that there was some high-level favor trading going on between the U.S. and Mexican governments.
Ramos and Compean were convicted of various charges that stemmed from firing their service weapons at a fleeing drug smuggler, and they were given prison terms of more than a decade.
Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean
Their original case stemmed from the Feb. 17, 2005, shooting of Oswaldo Aldrete-Davila. The two officers said they thought Aldrete-Davila was armed and made a threatening move.
WND was among the first to report Aldrete-Davila then committed a second drug offense, smuggling a second load of 750 pounds of marijuana across the border while he was under the protection of immunity from federal prosecutor Johnny Sutton's office and in possession of a border-pass card authorized by the Department of Homeland Security.
WND also reported when Aldrete-Davila admitted to federal drug smuggling charges,was convicted and sentenced to federal prison for a 57 months.
In a commentary on WND,former Congressman Tom Tancredo explained how Diaz "mistreated" the suspect.
"The man was handcuffed, and allegedly, Diaz lifted his handcuffs to force him to the ground because he was not cooperative" he wrote. "These two Border Patrol prosecutions have more in common than the eternal vigilance of Johnny Sutton. In these cases and many others, the U.S. attorney's office was responding to protests from the Mexican government that its citizens were being mistreated by Border Patrol agents.
"Why do we see this acute sensitivity to the wishes and interests of the corrupt government of Mexico in matters of U.S. criminal law and U.S. border security? This is almost laughable, but to the 20,400 officers of the Border Patrol, it is more than a nuisance. It is a threat held over their heads daily," Tancredo said.
Aldrete-Davila was granted immunity for his drug smuggling by federal prosecutors in exchange for his testimony against the agents. He had crossed the Rio Grande and picked up a marijuana-loaded vehicle near El Paso. After a car chase in which he fled from the officers, he abandoned the vehicle and ran back across the border on foot. He was shot in the buttocks as he ran.
Click here to sign a petition sending a message to the federal government about Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz
Read more:Jailed border agent's family warned of massive finehttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=365373#ixzz1d8pm9yyg
'Better than Obama' isn't going to cut it. We've got a country to save.Retweeted by 2011teaparty
Our thanks to France, for destroying our enemy.Little unknown fact: “Obama believes that we are state property” -Neal Boortz; [that was his reason for H.R. 4872, bogus legislation for health care that in the details, was a funnel for Thomson Prison. You would be paying higher taxes to put yourself in prison for not having government health care. The details also included a local county prison expansion to medicate you into submission, the devil was in the details! Did you read the bill???] this means, “Obama believes our wealth belongs to him, and what the government spends on you he sees as a tax expenditure”.... that we must be able to keep a little bit to spend, while he runs away with the rest from unconstitutional laws. This explains his pro-abortion status... fetuses may be resold for carcass harvesting at the government becomes a massively funded abortion funding machine. Did you read the bill? Did you follow the money? Obama believes that for all the money his constituents receive for food stamps etc., must be offset by the services that they use; i.e., abortion and health care because he believes ALL taxpayers are state property. This protection requires federal funding of abortion, health care, and food stamps.
http://teapartychief.blogspot.com/ and http://ga-teapartychief.blogspot.com/
to see my library collection (what I’ve read and studied the past 10yrs. add me on Facebook)
@JimDeMint all of you cowering in impeaching Obama we will remember you at the ballot box, maybe ridding ourselves 211 Dems not sufficient@JimDeMint CUT SPENDING OR GET CUT OUT IN THE NEXT ELECTION: the Super Committee will be bumped to top off 211 pink slips already listedWe're still not cutting spending bit.ly/vgqPqwRetweeted by 2011teaparty
What Republicans mean by 'revenue'
By Jeanne Sahadi @CNNMoney November 8, 2011: 5:00 AM ET
"I believe that we can create revenue out of fixing our tax code and bring that revenue to the table, as long as our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are serious about cutting spending," House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday on ABC.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- It's been a big bone of contention from Day 1 on the congressional debt committee. Will Republicans accept any kind ofrevenue dedicated to debt reduction, and if so what kind and how much?
The question has greater urgency as the so-called super committee gets closer to its Nov. 23 deadline.
After all, budget experts say anycredible debt-reduction planmust have some revenue in it. And revenue is a must-have to secure many Democrats' votes.
So can a majority of Republicans get behind a plan that includes some revenue? Definitely not if it means raising rates. But they might get on board if the revenue can be generated by ...
Boosting economic growth: A lot of Republicans stand behind the idea of pro-growth tax reform that reduces both rates and breaks. And many have gone on record as insisting any reform be "revenue neutral" -- meaning the new tax system wouldn't raise any more revenue than the current one.
Taxes and debt: Left and right dare to agree
But reform could help address deficits organically, they say, because a simpler, more efficient tax code can help spur the economy or at least not hinder it as much. And a more robust economy will generate more growth and therefore more tax revenue.
Last week, Republican Sen. John Thune said a tax plan that lowered rates, reduced tax breaks and closed "a lot of the lobbyist loopholes" would boost the economy and thus increase revenue. "I don't think there's anybody on our side who is opposed to that," he said.
But the problem is that it's highly uncertain how much growth any tax reform would generate and nearly impossible to measure since so many other factors can affect the economy, tax experts say.
Closing tax loopholes: The idea that tax credits and deductions are, in essence, aform of spending through the tax code is now widely accepted by both Democrats and Republicans.
GOP and taxes: Mixed message
And both parties are happy to disparage loopholes -- special tax breaks that have outlived any useful economic purpose or were wrangled by lobbyists on behalf of clients who stand to benefit.
Some Republicans may be amenable to closing loopholes before any broader tax code overhaul.
But some in the GOP say they only want to consider loophole closing in the context of tax reform.
Bumping up non-tax federal revenue: Not all revenue going into federal coffers is tax-based.
Consider the revenue generated from government auctions. There's been bipartisan support, for instance, for proposals to extend and expand the Federal Communications Commission's ability to auction licenses for commercial use of the radio spectrum.
And the co-sponsors of one such bill -- Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison and Democrat Jay Rockefeller -- have asked super committee members to consider including their bill to expand FCC spectrum auctions in the committee's proposed legislation. 
CNN, ABC Announce New GOP Debates
The Huffington Post Katherine Fung First Posted: 10/18/11 12:07 PM ET Updated: 10/18/11 01:21 PM ET
GOP Debate , Republican Debate , Video , 2012 Gop Debate , 2012 Republican Debate , ABC Debate , CNN Debate , Abc Gop Debate , Cnn Gop Debate , Diane Sawyer Debate , Slidepollajax , Media News
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On Monday, CNN and ABC both announced new GOP debates, adding to an extremely busy primary season that has already seen five debates in just the past two months.
ABC will host a debate the Saturday before the country's first 2012 Republican primary race in New Hampshire. ABC's Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos will moderate the debate, which starts at 9 p.m. E/T, in front of a live audience at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH. CNN hosted a previous debate in June in the same venue.
The day after, voters can look forward to another debate to be hosted by NBC and Facebook on the Sunday before the race.
Meanwhile, CNN has also announced that it will host a debate on national security and foreign policyon Tuesday, November 15 at 8 p.m. E/T. The network will be co-sponsoring the event in partnership with the think tanks Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The location and format have yet to be announced.
The network is already preparing for its third GOP debate on Tuesday night in Las Vegas. Anderson Cooper, the debate's moderator, offered viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the set-up on Monday.
There have already been eight debates since May, with CNN and Fox News each having co-sponsored three. Below, see the debates that have taken place this election season.
GOP Contenders Debate In New Hampshire
1 of 9
PLAYFULLSCREENZOOMSHARE THIS SLIDE Charlie Rose moderated the GOP debate at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011. Bloomberg and The Washington Post co-hosted the debate, which focused on the economy.

Don't forget to #VOTE today! Please support our Republican Mayors and other local officials on the ballot today!Retweeted by 2011teapartyYou know what will cure all this infighting and division in the GOP? A nice Obama speech telling us we're not taxing and spending enough.@keder when you are Governor, you must decide how to reciprocitate the tax revenue illegals drain in your state-Perry inherited but owned it@keder we intend to legitimize this debt through legalization legislation and not let it remain a stalemate or racial issue against Mexicans@keder Mexico owes the state of GA $20 million for lost immigration fees unpaid, in addition to 2-3% of tax revenue for services we paid for@keder I am fixing to rattle the cage of the GOP with my immigration/and drug policy reform legislation in the works. Look for a big shakeupWHEN JUSTICE DRAGS ITS FEET...... OBAMA’S 8-9-11 SUBPOENA AND SUBSEQUENT WAVING AWAY OF THE JUDGE FACES WRIT OF MANDAMUS:
Cases 09-56827 and 10-55084
Submitted on behalf of all 40 Plaintiffs in Barnett et al v Obama et al 10-55084 Attorney Taitz represents all plaintiffs in 10-55084 Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al
Pamela Barnett, Alan Keyes et al.,
Barack Obama, et al.,
Reply to Opposition to Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus
CSB #223433
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy
Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411
fax 949-766-7603
On 11.03.2011 Appellants filed “Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus”.
On 11.04.2011 Appellants received a notification from the clerk of the court, stating, that a filing from 11.03.2011cannot be processed by the court. (Exhibit 1) As the petition was never processed by the court, the opposition filed by Appellees became moot and cannot be processed by the court as well.
Appellants will be submitting a different petition shortly.
/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
I declare, that I served the Appellees on 11.07.2011 via ECF through their counsel, Assistant U.S. Attorneys David DeJutte and Roger West.
/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Exhibit 1
Orly Taitz
ACTION REQUIRED: Deficient filing in 09-56827 Wiley Drake, et al v. Barack Obama, et al
3 messages
CMECF_CA9help@ca9.uscourts.gov Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 11:41 AM
Reply-To: CMECF_CA9help@ca9.uscourts.govTo: orly.taitz@gmail.com
Cc: CMECF_CA9help@ca9.uscourts.gov
Hello,On 11/03/2011, you entered a filing in the case in subject:
#52 Submitted (ECF) Letter brief for review. Submitted by Appellants Capt.
Pamela Barnett, Richard Norton Bauerbach, Capt. Robin D. Biron, Col. John
D. Blair, Mr. David L. Bosley, Ms. Loretta G. Bosley, Capt. Harry G.
Butler, Rep. Glenn Casada, Jennifer Leah Clark, Timothy Comerford, Charles
Crusemire, Thomas S. Davidson, Rep. Cynthia Davis, Matthew Michael Edwards,
Lt. Jason Freese, Mr. Kurt C. Fuqua, Officer Clint Grimes, Julliett
Ireland, D. Andrew Johnson, Israel D. Jones, Timothy Jones, Alan Keyes, Ph.
D., David Fullmer LaRoque, Gail Lightfoot, Lita M. Lott, Major David Grant
Mosby, Steven Kay Neuenschwander, Frank Niceley, Robert Lee Perry, Col.
Harry Riley, Sgt. Jeffrey Wayne Rosner, Capt. David Smithey, John Bruce
Steidel, Douglas Earl Stoeppelwerth, Rep. Eric Swafford, Capt. Neil B.
Turner, Richard E. Venable, Jeff Graham Winthrope and Mark Wriggle in
10-55084. Date of service: 11/03/2011. [7953875] [10-55084, 09-56827] (OT)
[Date of Entry: 11/03/2011]
The Court cannot process this filing for the following reason:
1. The document was filed using an incorrect event. This should have been
filed as a motion for miscellaneous relief.
To correct this error, do the following ASAP but not later than Monday,
November 07, 2011, 5 PM PST:
1. In ECF, choose Motions/ Responses/ Replies > File a Motion. On the next
screen, choose “motion tfor miscellaneous” as the relief click “Apply.” In
the description box, you will be able to enter exactly what you are filing.
2. Reply to this email (cmecf_ca9help@ca9.uscourts.gov) to let us know you
filed the motion so that we can notify the clerk and delete entry #52 from
the docket.
Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to this request.
Thierry Wang
The CM/ECF Help Team
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
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Governor Buddy Roemer on Finance Reform and theHunt for a Presidential Nomination - Without Corporate Cash
November 04 2011 03:24 PM
Topics: Get Money Out, Buddy Roemer
Benzinga Radio spoke with with Buddy Roemer, former governor of Louisiana and candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, on his reform platform and running for president without contributions from political action committees (PACs). Partial transcript below:On how his experience in the banking industry informs his perspective on finance:“I formed a different kind of bank. Both banking in general and the kind of bank I formed have really affected my thinking over the last 10 years. I'm an economics major in college and I have a masters degree in banking and business, and that affected my thoughts for a long time.But the real world of banking has had a decided shift in some of my beliefs. For example, my bank is a small bank–-it has about $700MM dollars in assets. We have about $500MM dollars in loans. We service small businesses--we're not a retail bank. We didn't receive any bailout money, although we were eligible for it. We didn't foreclose on a single homeowner; we didn't shut down a single business.One thing I have learned about the banking system is that there is a stark difference between a community bank and a Wall Street bank, an investment bank. These banks are different. In the old days, these banks could not merge--a commercial bank could not be an investment bank. That limited the size and power of investment banks. It also improved their safety.
In 1998 and 1999, when Bill Clinton was president, he and Congress eliminated Glass-Steagall--a 70-year law put in during the Great Depression--which kept investment banks from becoming commercial banks. They couldn't be the same. They had to be different entities because they were different risks. Well, the bankers were greedy on Wall Street, and they payed a lot of money into the campaign coffers of the president and members of Congress, and guess what? They eliminated Glass-Steagall.
Guess what happened eight years later? The banking system collapsed. The big bankers, trying to grow at any cost, took risks that a prudent banker would not take. It's called "moral hazard" in the business. And so banking didn't divide any more between commercial banks and investment banks; it divided between giant mega-banks on Wall Street and all the other banks in America. It's a conflict that exists today, it has Too Big to Fail as part of its premise, it has lower capital ratios for the negative banks, and it killed Glass-Steagall. It was stupid, it was economically punishing to America--and particularly small business--and it was fed by greed: greed of Wall Street and greed of the Washington politicians. They screwed the average American.”How far would a reinstatement of Glass Steagall go in solving America's banking issues?“It would go a long way. More is needed. I think we need to have capital ratios increase as the size of a bank increases. There is greater risk to larger banks [because] there are no small accidents or mistakes there. They could tumble the entire system. Under current law and current practice, capital ratios go down as a bank gets bigger.I would reinstate Glass-Steagall as my first priority, I would increase capital ratios as my second priority, and Too Big to Fail would be eliminated.”How do you counter arguments that increasing capital ratios would slow credit growth and thereby hurt the economy?”It's not a good argument. How [much] slower can we get? They had it wide open. Capital ratios went down, Too Big to Fail was the law, and the whole system was paralyzed [as a result]. One argument I've heard on capital ratios and Glass-Steagall is that they will make us unable to compete in the world marketplace, [that] we won't be able to compete with European banks who don't have these restrictions. Nonsense. It's a system that's out of control. It's a system that keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.Here's my argument: the best way to compete is relationships. The best way to compete is to eliminate fat, be honest with your clients, and to have transparency in the way you operate your bank. Look at what happened on Wall Street. Goldman Sachs went to the Senate Banking Committee and testified under pressure that they had lied to their own customers and had hidden it from the regulators, from shareholders, and from the Banking Committee. It's an industry that has been corrupted by its power and its influence.I'm a conservative. I think regulation ought to be as little as possible, but I think we need a speed limit on the highway. I think we need to do bank reform, and not allow our Congressmen and our president to take money from the banks. If you're going to reform them, reform them--but quit taking their cash
while you reform them. It doesn't work.”
What do you identify as the failures of those who have gone before you in attempting to reform campaign finance and how will you address those failures?I thought John McCain particularly did a good job of making it an issue. John's problem was that he wasn't able to be free of the money. He took PAC money in large sums. He took contributions from those [interests] that had to be regulated. At the end of the day, to try to get elected, he had to take the money.It was a mistake; I argued against it. People will tell you that I was basically alone in that campaign. I just felt that the way to be president and the way to serve America's interest was to vote against the bank bailout that President Bush asked John to vote for and Barack Obama did vote for. I asked John to consider not voting for it, to actually put the interest of the American people first. That's the change that makes me different.There's one thing on which I will not budge: I think this country is in trouble, I think it needs a president free to lead, and I think you've got to practice what you preach. I do not take PAC money. I have never taken PAC money. As a Congressman, they laughed at me, [but] I got re-elected every time. Running for governor of Louisiana, basically a corrupt state, I didn't take the oil money, I didn't take the chemical money, I didn't take PAC money.There's nothing wrong with America that a president free to lead and a Congress committed to the people--and not the special interests--can't change.”On the Occupy Wall Street Movement:I love it. I spent three and a half hours there walking and listening. I didn't give a speech. I was a Republican, [so] they booed and hollered, and then they started talking to me. The number one issue [on their agenda] is one that I endorse wholeheartedly, and that is that something is wrong. The taxpayers are paying for it. I don't know if Occupy Wall Street is in the right place – I think it it ought to be Occupy Washington, D.C. But they've got it right--they're the same place, they're connected at the hip. You know where Congressmen and presidents get their money? From the wealthy 1% and from Wall Street. Look at the records: the biggest contributor over four years was General Electric; the second biggest was Goldman Sachs.The lobbyists and PACs with Washington, D.C. addresses gave more money four years ago to Obama and McCain than 32 states combined. Occupy Wall Street has it right: there's something rotten on Wall Street; there's something rotten on K Street.It's the Democrats and the Republicans. They all take the money from the few and pretend that they represent the many.”On the next few weeks in the campaign:"We're about to qualify for matching funds, the only candidate to do that. These are monies under $100. We'll double our campaign chest when we do that. We've raised a quarter of a million dollars from all 50 states. We're running a very special campaign. We don't have huge staff, but we're knowledgeable, we're on the ground in New Hampshire.
Our focus is not Florida, South Carolina, Iowa--it's a state with independent-minded people, it's a state of small business men and women, and it's a state that picks a winner in the Republican nomination. In addition to focusing on New Hampshire, we are focusing on our online, real-time campaign, from Facebook to email to Twitter. We are at the top of the campaign list at doing that. From the beginning, we focused on New Hampshire and on the Internet media."
Read more: http://www.benzinga.com/content/2098080/governor-buddy-roemer-on-finance-reform-and-the-hunt-for-a-presidential-nomination-w?page=1&destination=node%2F2098080&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed#ixzz1d7OWi9HE
BuddyRoemer Gov. Buddy Roemer
Jeff Immelt, GE CEO and top advisor to Obama's new job bill, defends sending US jobs overseas. "We've globalized"online.wsj.com/article/SB1000…
WSJ's David Wessel has the story of the downside of economic globalization: U.S. multinational corporations, that employ 20% of all U.S. workers, are increasingly hiring overseas workers.
U.S. multinational corporations, the big brand-name companies that employ a fifth of all American workers, have been hiring abroad while cutting back at home, sharpening the debate over globalization's effect on the U.S. economy.The companies cut their work forces in the U.S. by 2.9 million during the 2000s while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million, new data from the U.S. Commerce Department show. That's a big switch from the 1990s, when they added jobs everywhere: 4.4 million in the U.S. and 2.7 million abroad.Enlarge Image
Bloomberg NewsA General Electric worker in Belfort, France, examines a component for a gas turbine. These days, GE gets about 60% of its business overseas.In all, U.S. multinationals employed 21.1 million people at home in 2009 and 10.3 million elsewhere, including increasing numbers of higher-skilled foreign workers.The trend highlights the growing importance of other economies, particularly in rapidly growing Asia, to big U.S. businesses such as General ElectricCo., Caterpillar Inc., Microsoft Corp. andWal-Mart Stores Inc.The data also underscore the vulnerability of the U.S. economy, particularly at a time when unemployment is high and wages aren't rising. Jobs at multinationals tend to pay above-average wages and, for decades, sustained the American middle class.Where the Jobs Are
Multinational companies are creating jobs overseas and cutting their U.S. staffs. See cumulative changes in the U.S. and abroad since 1999.Corporate Globalization
See the percentage of workers overseas for selected U.S.-based companies, from Caterpillar to Walmart.Some on the left view the job trend as reason for the U.S. government to keep companies from easily exporting work overseas and importing products back to the U.S. or to more aggressively match job-creating policies used in some foreign markets. More business-friendly analysts view the same data as the sign that the U.S. may be losing its appeal as a place for big companies to invest and hire."It's definitely something to worry about," says economist Matthew Slaughter, who served as an adviser to former president George W. Bush. Mr. Slaughter, now at Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business, is among those who think the U.S. has lost some allure.A decade ago, Mr. Slaughter, who consults for several big companies and trade associations, drew attention with his observation that "for every one job that U.S. multinationals created abroad...they created nearly two U.S. jobs in their [U.S.-based] parents." That was true in the 1990s, he says. It is no longer.The Commerce Department's summary of its latest annual survey shows that in 2009, a recession year in which multinationals' sales and capital spending fell, the companies cut 1.2 million, or 5.3%, of their workers in the U.S. and 100,000, or 1.5%, of those abroad.The growth of their overseas work forces is a sensitive point for U.S. companies. Many of them don't disclose how many of their workers are abroad. And some who do won't talk about it. "We will decline to comment on future hiring or head-count numbers," says Kimberly Pineda, director of corporate public relations for Oracle Corp.Those who will talk say the trend, in some instances, reflects the rising productivity of U.S. factories and, in general, a world in which the U.S. represents a smaller piece of a bigger whole. "As a greater percentage of our sales have been outside the U.S., we have seen our work force outside the U.S. grow," says Jim Dugan, spokesman for construction-equipment maker Caterpillar, which has added jobs more rapidly abroad than in the U.S.Enlarge Image
Bloomberg NewsA Caterpillar assembly line England. The company has added jobs more rapidly abroad than in the U.S.The Commerce Department's totals mask significant differences among the big companies. Some are shrinking employment at home and abroad while increasing productivity. Others are hiring everywhere. Still others are cutting jobs at home while adding them abroad.At some companies, hiring to sell or make products abroad means more research or design jobs in the U.S. At others, overseas hiring simply shifts production away from the U.S. The government plans to release details about various industries and countries in November.While hiring, firing, acquiring and divesting in recent years, GE has been reducing the overall size of its work force both domestically and internationally. Between 2005 and 2010, the industrial conglomerate cut 1,000 workers overseas and 28,000 in the U.S.Jeffrey Immelt, GE's chief executive, says these cuts don't reflect a relentless search for the lowest wages, or at least they don't any longer. "We've globalized around markets, not cheap labor. The era of globalization around cheap labor is over," he said in a speech in Washington last month. "Today we go to Brazil, we go to China, we go to India, because that's where the customers are."In 2000, 30% of GE's business was overseas; today, 60% is. In 2000, 46% of GE employees were overseas; today, 54% are.Mr. Immelt says GE did or will add 16,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing or high-tech services in 2010 and 2011, including 150 in Erie, Pa., making locomotives for China, and 400 at a smart-grid technology center in Atlanta.Enlarge Image
Caterpillar increasingly relies on foreign markets for its sales. It has been adding workers world-wide—except for global layoffs in 2009, amid the recession—but is hiring much faster abroad. Between 2005 and 2010, its work force grew by 3,400 workers, or 7.8%, in the U.S. and 15,900, or nearly 39%, overseas.Mr. Dugan, the company spokesman, says Caterpillar still does most of its research and development in Peoria, Ill., where it is based, and that "a little over half" of its planned $3 billion in capital spending this year is earmarked for facilities in the U.S.Several high-tech companies have been expanding their work forces both domestically and abroad, but doing much more of their hiring outside the U.S.Oracle, which makes business hardware and software, added twice as many workers overseas over the past five years as in the U.S. At the beginning of the 2000s, it had more workers at home than abroad; at the end of 2010, 63% of its employees were overseas. The company says it still does 80% of its R&D in the U.S.Similarly, Cisco Systems Inc., which makes networking gear, has been creating jobs much more rapidly abroad. Over the past five years, it has added 10,900 employees in the U.S. and 21,350 outside it. At the beginning of the decade, 26% of its work force was abroad; at the end, 46% was.Microsoft is an exception. It cut its head count globally last year, but over the past five years, the software giant has added more jobs in the U.S. (15,300) than abroad (13,000). About 60% of Microsoft's employees are in the U.S.While small, young companies are vital to U.S. economic growth, big multinationals remain a major force. A report by McKinsey Global Institute, the think-tank arm of the big consulting firm, estimates that multinationals account for 23% of the nation's private-sector output and 48% of its exports of goods.These companies are more exposed to global competition than many smaller ones, but also more capable of taking advantage of globalization by shifting production, and thus can be a harbinger of things to come.The economists who advised McKinsey on its report dubbed multinationals "canaries in the coal mine." They include Mr. Slaughter and Clinton White House veterans Laura Tyson, of the University of California, Berkeley, and Martin Baily, of the Brookings Institution.They warn that a combination of the U.S. tax code, the declining state of U.S. infrastructure, the quality of the country's education system and barriers to the immigration of skilled workers may be making the U.S. less attractive to multinationals. "We can excoriate them" and also listen to them, Mr. Slaughter says of the multinationals. "But we can't just excoriate them."Other observers see the trend as a failure of U.S. policies to counter aggressive foreign governments. "All the incentives in the global economy—an overvalued U.S. dollar, lower corporate taxes abroad, very aggressive investment incentives abroad, government pressure abroad versus none at home—are such as to steadily move the production of tradable goods and the provision of tradable services out of the U.S.," says Clyde Prestowitz, a former trade negotiator turned critic of U.S. trade policy. "That has been having, and will continue to have, a negative impact on U.S. employment and wages."—Scott L. Greenberg contributed to this article.
Write to David Wessel at capital@wsj.com
@governpoint Super Committee is right on track, they have the Tea Party approved cuts and entitlement reform in their arsenal and support.@BarackObama leave now while you still have breath in your body, I'm pleading with you: are your mistakes worth dying over????Anti-Abortion Violence Missing In Government's Main Terrorism Database
First Posted: 11/7/11 01:01 PM ET Updated: 11/7/11 11:55 PM ET
The casket of Dr. George Tiller is brought out of College Hill United Methodist Church on June 6, 2009 in Wichita, Kan. Dr. Tiller, a longtime abortion doctor, was shot and killed May 31, 2009 at Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita. In the government's main global terrorism database, Tiller's murder is listed, but abortion is never referred to in the entry. (Getty)Get Politics AlertsSubmit this storyWASHINGTON -- The federal government's main database of global terrorism includes tens of thousands of attacks over the last seven years, a survey of strikes by Islamic extremists, secular anarchists, animal rights activists and eco-terrorists.
But missing among the statistics are numerous cases of anti-abortion violence in the United States, an omission that raises questions about what defines terrorism and underscores how sensitive the issue of reproductive rights remains -- even when dealing with statistics.
A search of "abortion" in the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System, a database created after the 9/11 terrorist attacks by the National Counterterrorism Center, brings up just two abortion-related incidents -- one of them in Nepal. Though the database includes the 2009 murder of prominent abortion doctor George Tiller by an anti-abortion extremist, it is effectively whitewashed, making no reference to abortion in the entire entry. In the summary, Tiller is described merely as a "medical doctor," even though he and his clinic had been a target of anti-abortion activists for years.
The only other domestic case of abortion related violence in the WITS database took place on the fifth anniversary of the al-Qaeda attack that led to NCTC's creation. The incident on Sept. 11, 2006, involved a man who crashed a gasoline-soaked car into a Davenport, Iowa, women's health clinic that he mistakenly thought performed abortions.
In all, the government database includes 34 terrorism cases in the United States between 2004 and 2010, the majority of which involve property damage, but no victims.
But it doesn't include the 2007 attempted bombing of an abortion clinic in Austin, Texas. William Pierce, the attack's perpetrator, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the crime. There also isn't any mention of a bullet fired through the front door of Planned Parenthood of Indiana's offices in Bloomington in 2005.
Carl Kropf, an NCTC spokesman, declined to address why those specifics cases were not included in WITS. He said the database "employs the statutory definition of terrorism provided by U.S. Code, Title 22, Section 2656, which states that terrorism is 'premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents.' Any incident that meets this criteria is listed by WITS."
But those two cases are among nine abortion-related incidents included in another terrorism database that's federally-supported.
The principal investigator of that database, which is based at the University of Maryland, said NCTC has overlooked ideologically motivated violence against abortion providers and clinics since it began keeping records in 2004.
"There's probably some politics involved," said Gary LaFree, who oversees the Global Terrorism Database. "We are incredibly inclusive."
The question of whether to include attacks on abortion providers is more than a matter of keeping score. As the conservative blow back over a 2009 Department of Homeland Security report warning of rising right-wing extremism illustrated, even talking about a link between certain ideologies and violence can cause political problems.
The report, which did not specifically address anti-abortion groups, sparked a firestorm of protest from conservatives and veterans groups, which objected to the conclusion that extremist groups may try to recruit veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.
"I think it is important for all of us to remember that Americans are not the enemy. The terrorists are," David K. Rehbein, the American Legion's national commander, wrote at the time to Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano in response to the report.
The broader reaction highlighted the political minefield awaiting government officials who suggest ultra-conservative groups of any stripe are as dangerous as Islamist extremists. But by downplaying or failing to include religiously or politically inspired attacks against abortion providers in its official statistics, WITS may tacitly imply that such violence is of little import to the nation.
"There is no single definition of terrorism," said LaFree, a criminology professor who also directs theNational Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, which was founded in 2005 with DHS funding and includes the GTD database. "Even different branches of the U.S. government disagree on terrorism definitions."
WITS, which began recording data in 2004, states on its website that determining what constitutes a terrorist act "can be more art than science; information is often incomplete, fact patterns may be open to interpretation, and perpetrators' intent is rarely clear." And it warns database users to "recognize that reasonable people may differ on whether a particular attack actually constitutes terrorism or some other form of political violence."
When asked why WITS listed the Tiller killing as a generic armed attack and not one motivated by anti-abortion ideology, Kropf repeatedly referred back to the U.S. Code, which requires the Department of State to issue an annual report on terrorism.
"If it's identifiable as a primarily politically motivated event, then we will include it," Kropf said. "We think the START [GTD] database is a good database, an excellent resource for terrorism information, but there are different criteria that are applied by any organization that collects data."
The Global Terrorism Database is built on information dating back to 1970 gathered by Pinkerton Global Intelligence Services and obtained by Maryland researchers a decade ago, and now contains more than 98,000 terrorist attacks. It too has had to go through the data to account for overlooked cases.
"For mostly political reasons (i.e., the head of the PGIS data collection unit was opposed to abortion), the original PGIS data did not include abortion clinic attacks," LaFree said in an email. "When we tried to reconstruct and improve the data, we spent quite a bit of time looking at abortion related cases to determine whether they fit the GTD terrorism definition. Quite a few cases did. But there are real complexities."
GTD now lists "abortion related" among target types. But it doesn't include less serious offensessuch as vandalism, trespassing or burglary. And so far, it doesn't include attacks from earlier this year.
It also doesn't include attacks using butyric acid, a nauseating smelling liquid, which was often used to disrupt abortion clinics in the 1990s. At first the incidents were coded as "chemical" attacks, but researchers later removed them from the database after deciding they were more nuisance than true threat.
"Our position is that some abortion-related attacks do fit the GTD definition of terrorism," LeFree said, "but many are criminal without being terrorist."
Erin Miller, who manages the GTD, also said "it can be political" which incidents are included and how they are categorized.
"It's helpful to have target types that are globally applicable, so one could argue that because anti-abortion violence seems to be somewhat unique to the United States, it doesn't make sense to include it as a category in a global database and 'health care' is more practical," Miller said in an email. "On the other hand, one could argue that abortion-related violence is somewhat substantively unique and warrants it's own category."
The GTD has focused on filling the gaps in its domestic tally. In 2009 and 2010, graduate students scouring numerous databases -- including those of the FBI, the National Abortion Federation and even WITS -- helped double the number of domestic attacks related to abortion, eco-terrorism and animal rights cited in the GTD.
Katherine Spillar, executive vice president of the nonprofit Feminist Majority Foundation, has tracked violence against abortion providers for 25 years. She said she's dismayed that the government has omitted shooting and arson incidents that she said clearly come under the heading of terrorism.
"The violence that is orchestrated against abortion providers in this country is for a political purpose, to terrorize and intimidate them and to have an impact on the political arena -- the courts and lawmakers," she said. "We would like a more definitive characterization of this violence as terrorism."
She added: "There has been a reluctance to call a terrorist act a terrorist act."
ERROL CASTENS: Initiative 26: A life or death decision
byErrol Castens/NEMS Daily Journal

If voters pass it on Nov. 8, Initiative 26 - the "Mississippi Personhood Initiative" - will amend the Mississippi Constitution such that that word "person" refers to "every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof."
If successful, it will extend to unborn humans the same protections that law gives to others - most especially, legal protection from being killed.
Many an argument has been made against the initiative. Many of those arguments don't hold water.
In-vitro fertilization would be illegal, personhood opponents say. (Disposing of embryos presumably would be, but not implanting them.)
Women wouldn't be able to get health care, they say - mentioning specifically the state's high rates of Chlamydia, gonorrhea and maternal and infant mortality. Personhood won't preclude either treatment or prevention of any of those issues, unless one's theory of reducing infant mortality is that every child killed in the womb is one that won't show up in our statistics. And all the pro-life people I know agree that in cases where the mother's life is threatened, it's better to save one life than end both.
"This initiative does nothing to prevent abortions," says one opposition website.
Of course it will prevent abortions. Not only will it outlaw abortions in Mississippi, but it will also almost certainly be challenged through state and federal courts all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. It could well help overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that created a legal justification for abortion.
Justice Byron White said in his dissent, "I find nothing in the language or history of the Constitution to support the Court's judgment. The Court simply fashions and announces a new constitutional right for pregnant mothers ... ."
During Roe arguments, Justice Potter Stewart asked Sarah Weddington, the lawyer arguing on behalf of "Jane Roe," a piercing question, even though he voted with the majority.
"If it were established that the unborn fetus is a person, within the protection of the 14th amendment, you would have almost an impossible case here, would you not?"
Weddington replied - with a laugh, the transcript records - "I would have a very difficult case."
Since Roe v. Wade pronounced the law's blessing on abortion, some 50 million babies have been pulled limb from limb, chemically scalded and otherwise mutilated to death. Even if all the fearmongering of the antipersonhood crowd were true, the problems wouldn't hold a candle to that injustice.
Vote YES on 26.
Contact former embryo and Daily Journal Oxford Bureau reporter Errol Castens at errol.castens@journalinc.com.
Read more:NEMS360.com - ERROL CASTENS Initiative 26 A life or death decision
Case against Tiller associate Neuhaus could cost her license
By admin on November 7, 2011 12:23 PM
November 7, 2011/Topeka, KS/Operation Rescue --
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts completed its disciplinary hearings on Friday for abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus, who is accused of making improper referrals for late-term abortions to George Tiller's now-closed Women's Health Care Services in 2003.
Neuhaus seemed uninterested in Friday's hearings, and displayed a continued pattern of disrespect by often texting or otherwise playing with her cell phone under the table during the proceedings.
KSBHA prosecutor Reese Hays concluded cross examination of Neuhaus' expert witness, brought in to counter testimony from Dr. Liza Gold, who stated repeatedly during earlier questioning, that Neuhaus' records and the supposed mental health evaluations of eleven late-term patients ages 10-18 fell below the standard of care.
Hays skillfully used Dr. K. Allen Greiner's testimony to methodically make his case that Neuhaus' records were woefully lacking in content and the basis for mental health diagnoses that were used to justify otherwise illegal late-term abortions. Kansas law at that time required that a second, unaffiliated physician concur that the pregnant woman would suffer "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function" if she continued the pregnancy.
Greiner agreed that Neuhaus' records do not document that she conducted complete mental health exams, mental status exams, physical exams to rule out a medical reason for symptoms, or order any lab work to determine if medication was a factor. The file for "Patient 8" contained no diagnosis or evidence that any examination was made by Neuhaus. Two other files contained diagnoses made well after the abortion process had begun.
Neuhaus plugged "yes or no" answers into a computer program called "PsychManager Lite" which generated a printout and calculated a psychiatric diagnosis. The print out from the computer program was placed in the record in place of a true medical record that should have contained information, including Neuhaus' personal observances, to document her diagnoses. Neuhaus also seemed to rely heavily on intake forms produced by unlicensed clinic employees who interviewed prospective patients over the telephone.
Comments from patients recorded in the intake forms were used as indicators of mental health disease, including statements like "Some nights I can sleep and some nights I can't." Another patient expressed "a little bit of guilt" over her situation of been an unwed pregnant teenager. Yet another did not participate in basketball because she could not run as fast being in her third trimester of pregnancy. This was used to illustrate a "loss of interest" in activities.
Under questioning by Hays, Greiner agreed that many of the "symptoms" could have been attributable to normal feelings or symptoms common to women in their late stages of pregnancy instead of mental health disease.
Occasionally, Greiner would attempt to defend a particular point, but Hays would refer him to his deposition where he made statements damaging to Neuhaus, which Greiner had to admit were true.
The disciplinary case is based on a complaint filed by Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullenger in 2006 and amended in February, 2007. In April, 2010, KSHE filed an 11-count petition based on their investigation opened by Sullenger's complaint.
Attorneys for KDHE and for Neuhaus have until January 17, 2011, to submit their final information to the presiding officer, who will made a recommendation within 30 days, in time for any disciplinary order to go to the full Board for finalization in late February. Neuhaus faces the possibility of license revocation.
Alicia Keys and her husband Swizz Beatz worked the red carpet recently, and it looked like he subconsciously revealed that she is pregnant by pointing out a baby bump. While at the 8th Annual Keep A Child Alive Black Ball in New York City, Swizz held her belly in a way that expectant fathers usually do when their mate is with child.
If Alicia Keys is pregnant, this would be her second child with Swizzy. Take a look at these photos of Alicia and let us know if you think she’s covering something up with her flowing top.RELATED POSTS:
Peter Landy shared Tord Berg's photo.
By: Tord Berg
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14 people like this.2 shares
Hockey Dino winner winner chicken dinnerTravis Nevels Ron's message is "just stop,havent you done enough already ?!"lolAja Brooks lol wouldn't this make Ron Paul King?? No one has answered that....Mark Rocka Aja, I interpret your question 2 different ways. How did you mean it?Mark as SpamGary Johnson Any Politician who will not join OWS cannot be trusted. If they try to lead OWS they cannot be trustedCraig Powers So Gary who do you trust?Craig Powers I trust Ron Paul over all of them

Aja Brooks
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@wsbradio @EWErickson POLLING NOW: http://t.co/qAB2tOA Bachmann gains 3 votes to Perry w/her latest remarks-Huntsman gained 1 vote finally
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@wsbradio Erick Erickson 1 person drops vote for Romney-Newt picked up 6 votes since Cain scandal, Cain no more new votes

Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
very good -- interesting the first 3 picks are who the media has ignored (Paul), neglected (Perry), and pigeonholed (Cain)...
on Saturday · Like · · Share
John Manning Moore · Answered Herman Cain
Herman Cain is, still, the best candidate of the bunch, IMHO, and Herman Cain, also, cancels out the politically correct "race card excuse" with Barack Obama. Herman Cain is capable of defeating establishment Republicans, RINO Republicans, elitist Republicans, and all non-conservatives on the side of the Democratic Party. As President, Herman Cain plans to surround himself with experienced people on all of the significant issues. Herman Cain will, truly, be a decent change from Barack Obama, on all of the issues.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Neal Mccorkle This is not meant to stand in judgement but there is no cancelling out the "race excuse card", those who vote for black liberals view black conservatives as the worst of the worst.Saturday at 8:16am · Like
Neal Mccorkle and by that I mean those who vote for black liberals because they are black and not the issuesSaturday at 8:16am · Like
John Manning Moore The mainstream media would, definitely, attack all of the other '12 GOP Presidential candidates for being white candidates challenging a black president. Also, if Herman Cain does become the final '12 GOP Presidential pick, then he will be able to attract many more minority voters to his side, compared to all of the other '12 GOP Presidential candidates. Whoever is the final '12 GOP Presidential candidate will need all of the general election votes that they can, possibly, get.Neal Mccorkle John...I humbly ask you to do some electoral psychology research about the minority voters.Saturday at 3:24pm · Like
Valerie Stone Witscher @Neal-and all that electoral psychology research is 100% accurate in what appears to be a non-typical election? Every one keeps saying they've never seen anything like this so I don't believe those numbers would hold up if Herman Cain is the Republican '12 nominee. I don't think they would all vote for him but I DO believe there are a larger percentage that would vote Republican if he is our guy. You can be sure that if there is a "white guy", your typical Republican we usually put up, the black vote will stay just as it is now.Saturday at 4:55pm · Like
Neal Mccorkle not necessarily but most minorities would never vote for a minority conservative (except the gender minority).Saturday at 5:13pm · Like
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
I can't help but notice that I also asked for you to say why your candidate is THE PICK for you for nomination.... and that y'all aren't answering that. Why should I nominate Cain or Paul? Y'all aren't convincing me....
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
I like the Texas model that Perry uses: while all state policies will not be his federal policies, he has the best job creation record, and Texas has a surplus. Perry's tax plan has also been the best proposal laid on the table. The only person who has the moral integrity to eradicate corruption is Roemer, but it is hard for any nominee to duplicate Perry's job creation and leadership as Governor of Texas.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Becky: tell us why you pick Newt, without bashing anyone else
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Brandon Baker · Answered Newt Gingrich
I am non-plussed about most of the candidates and am most concerned with the issues and ideas that will save our country. At this point and until the election and beyond, I want someone that will challenge the conventional thinking and not worry about going against the grain at this point and I figure that Newt has ve...
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on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks thank you for sticking to topic, it is important people know why you select a candidate, not just that you made a choice, thank you for participatingSaturday at 5:35am · Like
Brandon Baker Not a problem, I have to admit that I have been pretty unplugged by most standards with the debates. My first choice didnt run so I am sort of left here hanging. I do appreciate you letting me on your friends list Aja Brooks and look forward to hearing more from your views.Aja Brooks sweet thanks and you're welcomeDavid Colwell Pick the most conservative candidate who has a chance of winning. Cain is the one. Has actually run something besides his mouth, has been a success at several jobs. Isn't a career politician. I like his attitude and his drive.Brandon Baker As I said, I haven't been watching the other candidates. Why is Herman Cain the most conservative choice? Can you show me his voting record? Is running a business the same thing as fighting for my rights and freedoms back? I am tired of talk, I want ideas and substance. Do we just find people out in the street and make them president now?David Colwell Brandon, it appears we do just pick someone from the streets. That's how we got whats his face. Cain's biggest appeal to me is that he has turned a profit. He understands money and how it is made. Since he isn't a career politician he doesn't have a voting record, of couse, which is a good thing to me.Thinking any of the above would be a good choice. I really do like Rep. Paul. Problem is he is seen as a true nut by many. He has some good ideas but with his foreign policy views and legaliing drugs, he puts people off, and likely can't win.Saturday at 8:34am · Like
Brandon Baker Conservatively speaking having to vote for someone, anyone but the other guy doesn't do a thing for me. We have a great leviathan of a state which threatens us every day to suck us into the mealstrom.Saturday at 1:51pm · Like
Brandon Baker We need so much reform that the magic wand of politics threatens with the Sorcerer's Aprentice looks like the best possible outcome. So much so that only possible outcome of this election will be utter destruction into dictatorship or a lasting rancor on a par with the Reconstruction. Why do we need to copy the mistakes of that past?Saturday at 1:56pm · Like
Brandon Baker I get that people are tired of rancor and threatened with loss of power and status but I am apalled at the lack of clear leadership and the lack of clear thinking. Sorry, I haven't good sentence structure in the above. I think Newt can handle the job.Saturday at 2:01pm · Like
David Colwell You are right in your thinking there, bud. It serves little for the future if all we can do is choose the lesser of two evils. that's the choice we were presented with last election. Had to vote for Sarah and the old RINO even though my heart wasn't in it. I really think Cain should get a shot at it because we haven't yet proven he is a fraud, and he hasn't robbed us or limited our freedoms yet. What a great slap at the race baiting punks who call Republicans racist, too, as a bonus.Sunday at 12:03am · Like
Brandon Baker That's exactly what I was afraid of, that race had any sort of entitlement or affirmative properties. Whether you use it as a tool, or too denigrate it is still an appropriation which is not suited for the general welfare and that error will grow exponentially based on the assumptions we make about character. The same mistake was made about Obama and Sarah Palin. Both of them proved to be much more than the bargain price they paid for them.Sunday at 9:41am · Like
Brandon Baker Giving a man 'A shot' really makes me leary as we each have huge stake in the next election. Its our shot really, on prescribing the right medicine to fix what ails us, while we are ourselves the patient. You know how self prescribded medication goes, right?Sunday at 9:49am · Like
David Colwell It is a shame that race has been given any bearing at all on human progress or activities. There is no measure of capability, capacity, value, or any other virtue which can be determined by ethnicity or national origin. In this case it is just an added zinger for the racists who continue to exploit perceived differences in people based on appearance.Sunday at 9:50am · Like
David Colwell I'm sorry that so many seem to favor Ron Paul. He can not prevail, no matter how valid his points and plans are, bit many more do not favor him. It seems to me time spent pushing his campaign is time wasted. I know a lot of people who talk up Rep. Paul, despite knowing his is a hopeless cause. People claim they want the same things Paul wants, but in the end don't have the determination or the numbers to see them come to pass. I am committed to voting (however much good one vote will do) for whomever the Republican party nominates. I will also work at the local and state level to see the candidate with the best chance of winning is selected.Sunday at 9:55am · Like
Brandon Baker I am more and more convinced that politics is a poison. If Ron Paul was the GOP nominee, much of the Democratic base will be attracted to him, based on his staunch libertarian values. Remember, the true separation in individual political values is between libertarian and federalist, or that the individual should decide for themselves what is valued most for the state, or that the state should proscribe what is best for the individual. Much of what passes for politics is based on manipulation of groups along these lines with red or blue switching positions based on satisying the current needs of the political base.Sunday at 10:18am · LikeDavid Colwell Libertarian ideas are a great hope for America. What a shame that a majority of our voters don't relalize that. The best we can hope for is some trace of the ideals get through to a few at a time. There has yet to be enough votes to make libertarians more than a fond wish. Love the concept, but convinced it can't be sold to a majority.Sunday at 1:20pm · Like
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
wow, just like I thought: 4th person pulls out Newt... tell us why Newt Brandon...
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser likes this.
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Paul Ryan: read the directions, you may only comment about why Paul is great without bashing the others
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Lion's Roar · Answered Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul, because he follows the Constituion literally, the way that it's supposed to be according to the federalist papers if you read them. When it says "the right of The People to keep and bear arms shall not not be infringed", it means just that.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Archimedes: why would you vote Paul, without bashing any other candidate?
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser · Answered Newt Gingrich
My vote would also go to Newt if the election was today. I think each candidate has something to bring to the table......... but all in all Newt has a proven track record and like him or not, the man is brilliant. He was speaker of the house while Clinton was in office. Everyone loves to talk about how wonderful a p...
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on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks very well, nice and thoroughJohn Pohlson Newt has always been my first choice.Becky Hauser Did you select him from the choices above? I believe the pollster is looking to see how people feel, without relying on the media to promote selective polls.Aja Brooks I think he just likes Newt, but we are encouraging to see what makes them top pick in their eyesSaturday at 7:10am · Like
John Pohlson Just did. Didn't before because these kind of things used to make you give an app permission and I don'y do that.Becky Hauser John is a pretty smart guy! He's pretty funny too, in that dry humor kind of way.John Pohlson I don't just like Newt. I never vote based on whether I just like someone. I always vote based on the criteria which actually counts. It's not a personality contest. Newt is the most honest straight foreward knowledgeable, intelligent grounded choice in the group. He's not Perfect but more so than the others by far.Cheryl Smith-Flamm Newt Gingrich understands the dangers our country faces, he's a very intelligent guy and knows how to get us back on the right path. If Newt were the president we wouldn't be a laughing stock we would gain some respect back as the great country we are.John Pohlson Amen, Cheryl.Saturday at 1:34pm · Like
Dawn Lynge I agree with Cheryl that he has much to offer to the table, well spoken, no nonsense, Chris Christe like, but he does have history and baggage, but America would be respected again. I still love Ron Paul, I think his support is growing and his international views that many people disagree with-happen to be right on, look at Israel threatening to bomb Iran,because of a "Fear" that they have about nukes, so sorry but I think this is an "Iraq" thing all over again and as much as OWS is getting co-opted the original thought actually agrees with Ron Paul, too big government, big corp.s too big too fail, the Fed, etc., etc.,as much as people don't like it, facts are facts and Ron Paul has been right onAja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
make your own comments on why your candidate is your pick, do not comment on someone else's candidate to do so, thank you
on Saturday · Like · · Share

Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
David Colwell: Pick the most conservative candidate who has a chance of winning. Cain is the one. Has actually run something besides his mouth, has been a success at several jobs. Isn't a career politician. I like his attitude and his drive.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks I had to repaste David's remark, everyone should speak on behalf who they PICK, as that is what it means to nominate someone.... it's like, you put their name in the hat, with why you like themZack Patman · Answered Ron Paul .com
We need to rethink our policies abroad. We can no longer afford to police the world or to promote our ideals through force. Peace through strength doesn't require bases all over. To be that 'shining city on a hill', we don't need to force democracy in places that don't want it.
War, and things that lead up to war, should be our last resort, not our first thought anytime we have disputes. Diplomacy works if we try it.
We need to downsize our government drastically and fix this broken monetary policy.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
Aja Brooks I agree: the downsizing of government must come now to set the Successor up for success and support, not like electing one problem (George Bush Jr.) out of office for even more chaos (Obama).Bruce Shell · Answered Rick Perry
Primaries would vote as morally as possible, then general would consider what Josh Craddock has expressed. Why? I believe our dilemma is NOT brought on by fiscal irresponsibility, but by dissing our Creator!
We "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" in song, then corporat...
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on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks alrighty thenSaturday at 6:42am · Like
Mark H Emerson · Answered Newt Gingrich
He's got good idea's and knows all the players. Can't be bullied by EITHER SIDE!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Gailann Chicks · Answered Herman Cain
Herman Cain!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser okay................... why? Love you girl! You rock.Saturday at 7:19am · Like
Gailann Chicks He is most like me! NO artifice! He is honest and real.Becky Hauser This is a great idea......... It's pretty cool seeing why people select the candidate they do.Saturday at 7:22am · Like
Becky Hauser without bashing the other candidates. I've had enough of that BS.Gailann Chicks He really doesn't.........Gailann Chicks I don't, either....It is NOT about faults, who is best to lead us back to the way we need to be.Becky Hauser And that's why I like this poll. The feedback is the best part!Nick Blosser · Answered Herman Cain
I actually want John Stossel but the Stash is not running and who can blame him; Washington sucks. I chose Cain because he is the underdog, the only "outsider", and a proven businessman (something I think the country needs right now)
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser lol.......... the Stash would get my vote too, Nick!Nick Blosser Oh! with Judge Napolitano as his running mate, could you imagine the media with that ticket.....they'd wet themselves :DBecky Hauser I adore the Judge......... he's another straight forward tell it like it is kind of guy........ who loves and knows the Constitution. The media couldn't handle it!!!Becky Hauser I'm kind of surprised that neither one of us picked Ron Paul. I would have most likely selected Gary Johnson, but he wasn't offered as a choice.Saturday at 8:09am · Like
Nick Blosser I think Ron is a nice well intentioned man. but he is as much an insider as the rest. I want anything but Washington same old same old....Victoria Linker Nick cain is the ultimate insider & is no where near ready for prime time his women issues is the least of his problems. FYI if you did research you know that his VERY short tenure at Godfather's is very questionable. Try researching Aquila-oh & he sure tries to minimize that little scam however, he also refuses to release tax returns from those years to show how much he benefitted from screwing people.Aja Brooks He didn't pay his state taxes either in 2006. Now that he has fought cancer and won, I would've paid the taxes knowing I was running in such a hotly contested race. I too was really impressed with Cain's military background, wish he would've responded that douche with how duty to his country and changing military culture from the inside was closer to his heart than going to protest civil rights inequalities du jour. I just don't like the fact that he lied about lascivious behavior: all he needed to say was, well it happened 10yrs. ago, I was having problems with my marriage or I was just too drunk to remember I hit on a fellow coworker. I embarrassed myself, my family, and the association over a couple of drinks. When I drink, I am not the Herman Cain everyone knows and loves. I am a brute beast animal. That is why I don't drink all the time. I have learned my lesson, and I don't want drinking or bad conduct to interfere with my service to those in America if they elect me. I was scared to admit it, because of lawsuits, I didn't want the lawsuits to cash out my campaign. ---- What is so hard about humility???Saturday at 5:30pm · Like
Becky Hauser Ummmmmmmmmmmmm........ no bashing! Isn't that the rules? :-)Saturday at 8:20pm · Like
Mark H Emerson · Answered Newt Gingrich
He's got good idea's and knows all the players. Can't be bullied by EITHER SIDE!
on Saturday · Like · · Share

Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
At 3hr mark: Rick Perry-III Herman Cain-XII Ron Paul-XVIII Newt-VII Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks TOP 4: PAUL (+6 PTS.) CAIN (+5 PTS.) NEWT (+4PTS.) PERRY (+2) ------BACHMANN (+1) --- all others received no votes on FacebookSaturday at 7:59am · Like
Aja Brooks Aja Brooks now that is what I call accurate polling: 3hrs. - 40 people, not including myself, and that is what the REAL snapshot isa few seconds ago · LikeAja Brooks this may change as more people wake up, but that spread means this race is very close for the top 4, and the others are not engaging the GOP or Tea Party as nomineesAja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
POLLING NOW lnk.ms/X1X4F Rick Perry-III Herman Cain-X Ron Paul-XVI Newt-VI Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks please continue voting and why your pick is important to you, without bashing any other candidateCindy Melton · Answered Herman Cain
Currently I would support Cain as top choice. I believe Cain will focus on common sense solutions. Cain is an experienced executive, understands the bottom up mentality of success and clearly has had to fight his way in many respects. A leader will never be successful without the right team, and Cain knows how to select and motivate a team. Being largely a self made man, I don't think he will be influenced by the special interest groups to the detriment of our country. He is a great orator and brings both a charismatic personality as well as a less politically correct attitude. He does not hold himself "above" the People.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
yeah I too was really impressed with Cain's military background, wish he would've responded that douche with how duty to his country and changing military culture from the inside was closer to his heart than going to protest civil rights inequalities du jour. I just don't like the fact that he lied about lascivious behavior: all he needed to say was, well it happened 10yrs. ago, I was having problems with my marriage or I was just too drunk to remember I hit on a fellow coworker. I embarrassed myself, my family, and the association over a couple of drinks. When I drink, I am not the Herman Cain everyone knows and loves. I am a brute beast animal. That is why I don't drink all the time. I have learned my lesson, and I don't want drinking or bad conduct to interfere with my service to those in America if they elect me. I was scared to admit it, because of lawsuits, I didn't want the lawsuits to cash out my campaign. ---- What is so hard about humility???Saturday at 5:29pm · Like

Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
3.5 hrs. later, Paul leads 21 to Cain 17 -- Newt 8 and Perry 3
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Neal Mccorkle · Answered Ron Paul .com
I stand fully with Paul because he is the one with a record for standing up for the people and does not stand for the establishment's desire to continue to push for unnecessary and unending war.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks very well then, we have had a great realistic micro mock primary todaySaturday at 8:15am · Like
Neal Mccorkle glad to see the one i like is actually leading this one lol.Saturday at 8:17am · Like
Aja Brooks well I want to correct the media: they have virtually ignored Paul and now I know it is not a fake-induced phone or computer multiple vote phenomenon... the support is genuine, albeit out thereSaturday at 8:20am · Like
Neal Mccorkle the support is genuine and we are guaranteed to show up rain or shine. Most people will still vote for who the media tells them to though.Saturday at 8:22am · Like
Aja Brooks I will say this: Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0 do not stand a chance 1yr. from now of being President seriously, because they have not engaged anyone who is actively studying and seeking Conservative leadershipSaturday at 8:23am · Like
Aja Brooks well most people ride the train of mediocrity, hey that netted Obama did it not? It wasn't right or popular at first, and it ended up way worse than mediocrity.... that is why you should always set you sights high... that way if you miss the sun, you land on the moon.Saturday at 8:24am · Like
Neal Mccorkle most of them wont be in the race until this time next year lol..Bachmann, Santorum and Roemer will be out before you and I even voteSaturday at 8:24am · Like
Neal Mccorkle unfortunately, another term for Obama is the media's agenda this time as wellSaturday at 8:25am · Like
Aja Brooks Roemer should have started earlier, really impressed with his integrity and Conservative debate he was the GOP's October surprise to separate the men from the boys so-to-speak. Nothing against Bachmann, I just wouldn't support someone solely because of being female.Saturday at 8:26am · Like
Neal Mccorkle glad to see you seem to have more credibility than a former governor or 2.Saturday at 8:30am · Like
Aja Brooks rof flSaturday at 8:30am · Like
Neal Mccorkle I actually admire Palin, but have to say that her endorsements was all about the ladies...if there was just 1 female Republican in a race they had her endorsement last year.Saturday at 8:32am · Like
Aja Brooks Well everyone wanted to be like her, rather than become like her. We need more Conservative Lion Women, if you know what I mean....Saturday at 5:13pm · Like
Aja Brooks You know, those that actually roar load enough to draw attention that they are about to do the enemy in and those who also take care of the Pride.... right now, we have a lot of Marthas without the heart of Mary !Saturday at 5:14pm · Like
Neal Mccorkle we need more statsmen and stateswomen that actually know how to govern fairly.Aja Brooks Yes, we need people who are willing to step outside the walls of church. I left a church after ending a relationship with a Pastor's son, because at that time, they wanted me to be about the work of "their church". God's church is His people, it is not the walls of the building. I thought they were going to fundraise us and activity us to death, when we should be studying and expanding into a new building. Plus, the Pastor's son dumped me because I couldn't pay half his bills, so he could live on his own, and he bought in by marrying someone else of the fellowship because she already had children, a teacher's salary, and I think that is what his parents wanted. When I didn't put all our family's money into their church before nuptials, he dropped me like a hot potato. Love had nothing to do with it; he loved me more deeply with that black heart of his than I ever thought he was capable of when I met him 10yrs. ago. I hope his holiness makes their relationship holy, because I hate to think what will happen to him or the church if God does not bless their redeemer-type relationship. Going my own way permitted me to change the government, and if the church is going to survive and them as a couple, they will need me to stop the government from dictating everything in our lives as they want to expand education at the church and just opened that up. It is my duty as a Christian to help protect them, I have to lay all selfishness aside. That is what statesmen and stateswomen do.Saturday at 5:23pm · Like
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Jerry D. Sullivan · Answered Herman Cain
Cain is the true outsider and he understands the threat of Radical Islam --- limit your comments to your pick, why they are great
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks I don't mind your opinion, but this is not a debate or discussion; just your PICK and whyAja Brooks I will keep this up as it is specific

John Rickell · Answered Herman Cain
It will take a real "Black" man to beat Obama.
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Aja Brooks so Obama is a white-washed turd and Cain is a real authentic American black citizen... I get ya: Obama is media harlot from Kenya anywaysSaturday at 5:10pm · Like
John Rickell A real Black man who is a real United States of American. Anyone who is not a closet Muslim with an agenda to turn this Country into a Communist / Socialist society.Sunday at 2:41pm · Like
Ellen Hillwig · Answered Ron Paul .com
This is a must watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Qr7nL2xIZqI
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Harry Thomas · Answered Ron Paul .com
But I am going to vote for who is running against Obama, and is NOT a third party candidate.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks well Ron Paul reminds me of Ross Perot, except he has other exorbitant ideas beyond fiscal conservatism.Harry Thomas · Answered Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul, is the only one who is serious about getting this country back on track. The others, and sadly Herman Cain think they can save it with BIG GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS. They either don't realize that it's big government that is destroying this country or they are blowing smoke up our asses.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks yeah, that is how I felt reading: 9-9-9 = 27% on everyone, otherwise, Cain would have no money to do anything as President, and I don't see by employment or deficit figures listed on his website how this fixes anything for the common man.Saturday at 5:12pm · Like
Ashford Schwall · Answered Herman Cain
All the candidates have/ say something I like. Only Herman Cain has nothing I dislike.
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Aja Brooks What is it Cain says the most you like??Saturday at 5:12pm · Like
Tanya Rahzen · Answered Ron Paul .com
I would vote for Ron Paul. His voting record and the fact that he upholds the oath he took nearly 50 years ago. He is consistent. He honors the Constitution. I like Newt too but I trust Dr Paul more.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Tanya Rahzen I also admire the fact that he has refused to give up on certain issues that everyone else deemed non issues. Those issues are now what is important. Imagine if people had actually listened to Ron Paul 10 or 15 years ago, even just 5 years ago.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Tom Rankin · Answered Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul = Spirit of Liberty
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James Dennis Lee · Answered Ron Paul .com
My only choice would be Him
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William Beers · Answered Herman Cain
Odd that you would include Buddy Roemer, a life long democrat that chose to run as a republican, and ignored Gary Johnson who was elected governor as a republican
on Saturday · Like · · Share
William Beers Aja, I don't realy care for Johnson I just found it offensive that a life long democrat (changed parties this year) was included in the pollSaturday at 5:13pm · Like
Well I think Roemer it right to change, Nathan Deal did too. Democrats neglected the white working class or anyone who works for that matter, and the Democrat leadership has been poisoned by Socialism and Spend-It-All mentality. Not all Democrats, just the leadership, and now Senate Democrats have dug in their heels and said "NO MORE". I just want to know where the real blue dogs where, the real Democrats that have purple and black in their veins when it comes to writing a budget and making budget cuts. Even Clinton just come out with a new book, and he has cut his losses on Obama.Saturday at 5:17pm · Like

Michael Wyrick · Answered Herman Cain
Folks we gotta stay focused on the goal ... Get Odamn-0 out of office!! I fully agree with Mr. Thomas below. Whoever wins the Republican nomination must get our 100% support and our votes!!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Kathy Bokon If said candidate is just another bought and sold WallStreet bankster pimp, what does it matter that he/she is republican? Said candidate will just represent special interests like the rest of them. No grassroots legislation...just more hyperbolic, vacuous, sensationalist politics.Michael Wyrick I understan Kathy. Again really, I think our goal should be to save our country and to do that, we gotta get Obama out of office!!Saturday at 10:55pm · Like
Sharon Linhart · Answered Ron Paul .com
I don't like any of the other candidates that is why I voted for Gingrich.
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Aja Brooks why do you like him?Saturday at 5:08pm · Like

Dayne Herr Jr · Answered Ron Paul .com
I am going to vote for Ron Paul because I believe that he is far and away the best candidate in regards to the most important issues facing us today.
The size and scope of government: Ron Paul Is the only candidate who is serious about limiting the scope of the federal government what is enumerated in article 1 section 8. Whereas the other candidates want to reduce government spending to a more conservative amount, Paul wanta to eliminate bad parts of the government that are not clearly constitutional. Much of the growth of government that is happened, especially over the past 100 years, has happened because we have departed from the principles that were debated and settled during the ratification, the federalist and anti federalist papers.
Ron Paul's economic plan calls for the elimination of 5 extra constitutional departments and an immediate cut of 1,000,000,000,000 dollars to the federal budget.
Ron Paul has never voted to raise taxes.
Ron Paul has never voted to expand government.
Monetary policy: Ron Paul was far ahead of the pack when it came to recognizing our financial crisis & accurately predicted the housing crash while many famed economists & political figures were saying everything was okay. Ron paul was also way ahead of the pack when it came to pointing out the corruption in the federal reserve banking system and how fast money loaned out at interest Benefits huge corporations and subsequently the politicians they buy off, while it hurts the people who have the least amount of money.
Foreign policy: Ron Paul's foreign policy is the policy that was a espoused by the framers & founders of this country.
Peace and honest trade with all.
Our country's current foreign policy is a disaster.
Many continue to advocate the status quo by echoing platitudes like " peace through strength"
If that was the case, why are we currently fighting 5 wars while having the largest military budget in the world ( more than every other country in the world combined)?
Our troops need to come home now.
Our military has served as a protectorate for countries in europe and asia while they used their own money to experiment in failed social welfare policies.
A Ron Paul Presidency would in no way signify a weaker united states in regards to national defense.
Providing for national defense is 1 of the clearly enumerated powers of the federal government.
Our navy would still be used to protect our merchant vessels overseas.
President Paul would not hesitate to use the maximum amount of military force necessary to prevent an invasion or imminent threat.
That is the power of the presidency as per article 2 in the constitution.
These 3 issues are the most important ones facing our country and I feel that they also show why Ron Paul is head and shoulders above the rest vying to be president
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Torsten Leibold · Answered Ron Paul .com
The only one who understands the need for a constitutionally small federal government and means it!
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John Wetzel · Answered Herman Cain
Sing It with Me!
Here I am.
Rock you like a Herman Cain!
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John Wetzel Also i will add I can't help imagining what a contrast it would be to have Herman Cain representing the Republican party,standing on the same stage as Resident Obama (I Left out The "P" For A Reason)Saturday at 11:05am · Like
Aja Brooks good one! Make a clip of you singing that! You can replace the smoking man!!! lmaoJohn Wetzel I just might do that Aja :)Aja Brooks that would be awesome we need stuff worth watching for ads from any GOP candidate

David Welden
Newt: He is the only one with the savvy and the articulation skills necessary to defeat the incumbent. Otherwise I like Cain.
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Aja Brooks fair enoughSaturday at 4:56pm · Like
Don Mashak · Answered Ron Paul .com
We are the 66% - 1%, 99%, GOP, Dems, #TEAParty & Occupy Please Take Noticehttp://shar.es/bdj7S #WETHEPEOPLE #TCOT #TLOT #66% #99% #occupy
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Don Mashak · Answered Ron Paul .com
THERE R NOT 2 MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES http://t.co/WLDJAYlv #WETHEPEOPLE #TCOT #TLOT #military #militia #Liberal #Conservative #Democrat #GOP
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Lauren Suderman Stone · Answered Ron Paul .com
I'm torn between Ron Paul and Herman Cain. I supported Paul in the last election, and no matter how much I believed in him the media and American public just wouldn't accept him. That will probably happen again, and then I'd vote Cain.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
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Lauren Suderman Stone And I've never even heard of Buddy Roemer. Who is that?Saturday at 11:52am · Like
the media has their egg$ in a basket, and they break the ones they don't like to get more egg$ that they do..... Paul is the golden egg right now that no one in the media dares bash or praise, because then they can claim surprise is he clinches GOP nomination rather than a 3rd party nomination. Faking surprise is way easier than owning up that they elected Obama and that the corruption of the Press has ruined our nation to the tune of -$15 trillion. Buddy Roemer did reform of corruption in Louisianna, and he switched parties when Democrats stopped being the party of the working people and become societal sponges and political elites. Obama is feces under some fingernails, if you ask me. I real life, he is nothing, and it the political realm he is nothing to them unless he gives them money, and he gave them ours in the form of hellatious debt! Roemer is a great reformer and man of political integrity. Like Paul, I can stand to listen to him for an hour about his Conservative ideas. He is more serious on fiscal matters wherein Paul is a social Conservative, keeping the government out of our private lives. Roemer would actually tear the government down in the areas it's not working and then repair it. Thanks for telling me how you feel.

@ @thehill Cain lied; Obama's Presidency still died, and sun has shone again in GA to a brighter and better day, Hallelujah thank You Jesus!!@wsbradio no: former Sheriff Victor Hill did in fact use GPS to track movement of drugs he let out on the street from evidence room #illegal@davidflaig K2 is banned in GA see our legislation there is some other b.s. going around called green ghost synthetic potBig day this week yesterday 3-6 was 3hrs. of Herman Cain's sour grapes; today real interviews with all candidates-tomorrow first real debateAt 9:50 EST, I'll be interviewing RON PAUL--live streamed on Yahoo, one of 8 presidential intvws ABC/Yahoo do today. 1st up: Huntsman at 8.@DailyCaller a pisser, Cain lied, I refuse to watch until he passes a lie detector. Better yet: ALL those whose names are on ballet must.@BillyHallowell a pisser, Cain lied, I refuse to watch until he passes a lie detector. Better yet: ALL those whose names are on ballet must.@FreedomWorks I would hardly call them Czars... more like debt demi gods.... lolDecision Week for the Super Committee Czars
By Ted Abram on November 07, 2011
Democracy and Power 116: The citizen’s voteThe national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced. If the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt, people must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- attributed to Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC
The American voter has a single vote to choose a person to represent them in Congress, the Senate and the Presidency. The citizen has no vote on policy.
With the growth of the federal government, it is imperative for a citizen to understand the process. Only through an appreciation of our government can “We the People” begin to seek a means of beneficially controlling the power of government.
Decision Week for the Super Committee Czars
Six Democrats and six Republicans need to reach agreement on reducing the deficit by $1.2 billion or legislatively imposed cuts will occur. Congress and the President have arbitrarily mandated cuts to necessary and big budget items, e.g. defense. Congress and the President intend to force the Super Committee to agree to a combination of tax increases and program cuts.
First, one must recognize that American politicians were not always honorable or adult enough to make reasoned and necessary decisions. Hence, 536 Senators, Members of Congress and the President delegated the enormous power to 12 politicians.
These "Beltway Czars" will make decisions affecting every American...our children and our grandchildren. This is a horrific indictment of the federal government. Tragically, the federal government is morally and institutionally incapable of governing. Why? The federal government, violating Constitutional restrains, has usurped societal functions best managed and tended to by family, neighbors, community organizations and local governments.
Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal writes about the ongoing negotiations of the 12 Czars. They are contemplating raising taxes, raising taxes on the rich, raising the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare, indexing the cost of living increases for Social Security and Medicare, seeking repatriation of out of county corporate profits, capping tax deductions on charitable gifts, home mortgages, state and local taxes, reducing corporate taxes, stopping green energy tax breaks, and the list goes on.
Obviously, the federal government confiscates and controls much of the time, energy and productivity of Americans. The federal government is too big and too burdensome to be competent. Notice, repealing ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank and restricting and reducing the bureaucracy and their pernicious rules is not being discussed. Why, you wonder. Politicians loathe to cut programs. No, government is incapable of cutting programs. Again, government is too big to be competent, and the politicians are too deficient to be principled. So, America awaits the decision of the 12 czars.
What does Stephen Moore expect from the 12 Beltway Oracles? Not much. He writes about his discussion with Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) in the Wall Street Journal:
If there is no deal, there will be a $1.2 trillion sequester of spending over the next 10 years with nearly $600 billion coming out of the defense budget. Mr. Hensarling fears the military cuts would be "draconian," but he adds, "I have a hard time believing a 10-year sequester of national defense of that magnitude would ever happen." He continues to state, "At some point the American people will rise up and say 'Wait a second, we continue to live in a dangerous world, this is not smart.'"
Does Mr. Hensarling think there will be a deficit agreement? "Our backs are finally against the wall," he says, and both sides are "finally starting to get serious." Still, his expectations are modest. "We're not going to be high-fiving each other over any deal that's reached."
The 12 Czars will do little. Again, it will be up to We the People to propose big cuts. Fortunately, Freedomworks and the Tea Party Debt Commission will propose big and beneficial cuts. When enacted, these cuts will help the federal government focus on their defined Constitutional responsibilities.
On November 17th, the Tea Party Debt Commission will issue its report. Stay tuned for very significant proposals that will truly reduce the size, scope and the intrusion of the federal government.
Aja Brooks
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
John Wooden
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Today 11/8/392 Theodosius established Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire: uniting East and West under one head, with the help of Gothic soldiers: Theodosius I (Latin: Flavius Theodosius Augustus;[1] 11 January 347 – 17 January 395), also known as Theodosius the Great, was Roman Emperor from 379 to 395. Theodosius was the last emperor to rule over both the eastern and the western halves of the Roman Empire. During his reign, the Goths secured control of Illyricum after the Gothic War, establishing their homeland south of the Danube within the empire's borders. He also issued decrees that effectively made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire.[2][3]He is recognized by the Eastern Orthodox Church as Saint Theodosius. He defeated the usurpers Magnus Maximus and Eugenius and fostered the destruction of some prominent pagan temples: the Serapeum in Alexandria, the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, and the Vestal Virgins in Rome. After his death, Theodosius' sons Arcadius and Honorius inherited the East and West halves respectively, and the Roman Empire was never again re-united. The Goths (Gothic: Gutans, Old Norse: Gutar/Gotar; German: Goten; Latin: Gothi; Greek: Γότθοι, Gótthoi) were an East Germanic tribe of Scandinavian origin who played an important role in the history of the Roman Empire after they appeared on its lower Danube frontier in the 3rd century. Their language, Gothic is the oldest attested Germanic language. Throughout their history, the Goths founded several powerful kingdoms in Europe, and played the major role in the defeat of the Huns and the initiation of the Reconquista.The first recorded incursion of Goths into the Roman Empire took place in 238. Written records about the Goths prior to this date are scarce. The most important source is Jordanes' 6th-century, semi-fictional Getica which describes a migration from Scandza, believed to be located somewhere in southern Sweden (Gotland or/and Götaland), to Gothiscandza, which is believed to be the lower Vistula region in modern Pomerania (Poland), and from there to the coast of the Black Sea. The Pomeranian Wielbark culture and the Chernyakhov culture northeast of the lower Danube are widely believed to be the archaeological traces of this migration. Centered around their capital Arheimar at the Dnieper, the Goths established a vast empire referred to as Oium, which at its peak under king Ermanaric stretched from the Danube to the Volga river, and from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea.[1][2] In the mid 3rd century the Goths launched several raids against the Roman Empire in Anatolia and the Balkans, conquered Dacia and launched several amphibious expeditions into the Aegean, Mediterranean and the Black sea.[3]During the third and fourth centuries, the Goths were divided into at least two distinct groups separated by the Dniester River, the Thervingi, ruled by the Amali dynasty, and the Greuthungi, ruled by the Balti dynasty. In the late fourth century, the Huns invaded the Gothic region from the east. While many Goths were subdued and integrated into the Hunnic Empire, others were pushed towards the Roman Empire, sparking the Gothic war of 375–82, culminating in the Battle of Adrianople, which marked the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire. Meanwhile, the Goths were converted to Arian Christianity by the half-Gothic missionary Wulfila, who devised a Gothic alphabet to translate the Bible. The Goths formed the core of the army that defeated Attila at the Battle of the Catalunian Plains, and in 454 the Goths ended the Hunnic domination in Europe with their victory at the Battle of Nedao.3 hours ago · Like
GA Tea Party
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@BarackObama I registered to vote today: my first vote, ever will be cast against you, if you even make it past being impeached
5 minutes ago

@BarackObama 5 Words for a MAN to live by, "NEVER MAKE A WOMAN ANGRY." You have awoken the rattlesnake in me, and you have pissed me off!!!
@JohnCornyn unemployment remained 9-10%, despite stimulus, and in troubled GA counties 13-15%. IMPEACH OBAMA NOW-STOP DELAYING WHAT IS RIGHT
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@FBIPressOffice if Congress does not move on impeachment being mired in fiscal problems that Obama created, you must formally charge him.@FBIPressOffice this will prevent Acorn fraud for why Obama is in Office/Congress not evicting him to this day, we want ethical elections!!@FBIPressOffice I like the piloted voting machines, that permit you to print your ballot and mail it in to make it easier for them to verify
By Aja Brooks and Greg Williams in SYNTHESIS · Edit Doc · Delete
Didn't Luquire also endorse Karen Handel, who also supported unethical use of stem cells like Roy Barnes??? Why yes he did! http://www.examiner.com/paulding-county-republican-in-atlanta/georgia-christian-coalition-endorses-karen-handel
GA needs to watch who is spending their money, and what they're
spending their money on: TAXPAYERS BEWARE!! The scariest thing that I
saw was Roy Barnes getting an endorsement by only around 10-15 law
enforcement people, mostly retired, who support Obama's Reconciliation
bill-H.R. 4872, for the expansion of Thomson prison to house
terrorists on U.S. soil, just so they can get more money at their
county jails for generic pills! Less people working = more people in
prison, and for each person in jail, it costs taxpayers $60,000 each
to house them for an entire year!
Not only this, but Barnes thinks JOBS will be generated by paying
$3,000 a pop+ for abortions, so then the aborted bodies can be sold
for stem cell research... hey, how much is a dead fetus going for
these days? I guess if you consider it an organ, if it cannot survive
outside the womb on its own, then maybe it goes for the price of a
kidney or an eye! This is not only the most morally depraved way to
pitch making money, it's also a FACT that stem cells harvested from
aborted fetuses that are used to make vaccines cause autism, cancer,
and genetic rejection side effects. Stem cells have ONLY been proven
to be successful in organ regeneration and certain experimental AIDS
vaccines. This means that MS, diabetes, and a whole host of chronic
diseases can’t be treated with a magic shot of stem cells without
terrible side effects, and nothing can replace good nutrition, rest,
stress management, and good lifestyle choices for total well-being.
While Barnes openly supports the pro-abortion/ flimflamming Obama
agenda, Karen Handel covertly supports it as well, as she is not a
REAL CONSERVATIVE, but an impeccable liar! She’s the one that should
have an open federal investigation against her for failing to collect
25% of tax revenue while GA’s operating in the red, and why she failed
to charge former Sheriff Victor Hill with misappropriation when county
funds went missing from him gambling them away in the stock market.
Instead, she padded the numbers until Perdue confronted her, as Hill
was double dipping from the county funds and from seized drug money to
gamble the stocks while ‘supposedly’ manning the jail. YEAH, I know
WHO YOU ARE, Victor Hill, and I don’t forget! Karen Handel had the
audacity to ask lobbyists to pay $300 per badge per year, instead of
doing her job to collect tax revenue and failed as the head of the
Ethics Department to stop Clayton County and DeKalb County from
straining the state budget!! This was her big idea, to charge it to
the lobbyists when GA fell behind the 8 ball, when bonds weren’t
getting that lucrative flow of drug money anymore! Karen Handel
failed to supervise Clayton County, and when I had to file a complaint
with Perdue about my constitutional rights being violated, Clayton
County was investigated, and they were ordered by Superior Court to
burn over $12 million in drugs that were backlogged in the evidence
room, and the FBI discovered a backlog of weapons that would’ve made
Manuel Noriega proud:
ALL YOU LAID OFF TEACHERS need to thank KAREN HANDEL for your lack of
jobs!! Karen Handel’s liberal stance on IVF treatments will make
breeding a taxable profession, and with her campaign money, she is
sure to become not just the female contender, but OCT-O-MOM for
Governor! Karen Handel does support the Reconciliation bill, because
she supports IVF.
You need to know the positions the candidates have, not just what
party they are in! With Karen Handel being infertile and then having
that many children at one time would surely hinder her ability to put
GA’s jobs first, as if she ever did that, as unemployment has held
steady under her watch and her lack of accounting for waste, her not
preventing fraud, and her failure to prosecute abuse put us in this
Please tell me why her ad says that Deal spent all of our tax
dollars.... ON WHAT?! He doesn’t support the Reconciliation bill as
written, and there is a replacement bill that’s being considered now
for an extra withholding for insurance premiums and an open bid for an
insurance company to take up offering an insurance product THAT IS
PAID FOR and optional through tax deduction or government check
withholding, or employee optional withholding.
Certainly, Nathan Deal wouldn’t still be around for 2 decades later,
if he wasn’t doing his job, so I’m telling Karen Handel to not just
get a handle on herself, but GET A GRIP: IT’S ALREADY BEEN BROUGHT’N!!
Take your same little IHOP speech about fiscal responsibility and 21st
century focus down the road, because you’re preaching to the choir!!
Maybe if people had to put their brain in their wallet, they'd make better decisions about their personal choices and what that means regarding state tax revenue! About Sunday sales, as long as you buy it on Saturday you can still imbibe Sunday, so what difference does it make? If you act unholy every day except on Sunday, are you still holy?? No! Only the blood of Christ makes us holy anyway, it is a matter of religious tradition to not partake of alcohol on whichever day you set aside for worship, so it is different observance if you are Jewish. Additionally, there are all different types of religious observance forgotten by the Christian churches in modern times.
Are you doing it for man's approval, not to drink, or are you doing it because you put God first, and that drinking would interfere with your worship day? We're not promised tomorrow, so I tithe my time to God. I spend over an hour each day in prayer or Bible study, worshiping God every day, not just on Sunday. It is manmade tradition, preaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
I would really like everyone who is “Christian” arguing against this bill to cite supporting Scripture. If you’re going to be our moral compass in Georgia instead of Christ, maybe you should aspire to know the Bible as well as Him, considering that He is the Word!!
Once again, the state of Georgia is balking on attempts to allow local municipalities to determine if Sunday sales of alcohol will be permitted. Current legislation has already passed the Georgia State House, and is now in the hands of the Senate, SB number 10...On Monday Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers said he’s not sure it will reach the Senate floor for a vote this session. Rogers is one of the bill co-sponsors, and had previously stated the bill had a strong chance to pass. In a FB post, Rogers advised irate constituents to contact Republican state senators who are not currently co-sponsors of the bill...The GOP controls all three legislative branches for the first time in history and many have expected the bill to finally
pass that would give local control over Sunday sales...Rumor is the Christian Coalition has ramped up the rhetoric and scared many of the GOP Senators from allowing the measure to come to a vote. My advice to these cojone-less senators is this:
"Time to put your big boy pants on fellas...We are not a theocracy...Not allowing this measure to at least come to a vote is a direct infringement on all of our freedoms. It's not about buying beer at a Kroger on Sunday afternoon. Its about enjoying the liberty to do so..,We should have the right to self determination on a local level in this state, one size does not fit all...i don't like government intrusion from either side of the aisle, whether its the liberals telling me what kind of health insurance I need to buy or some podunk pastor in South Georgia telling me what I can or cannot buy on a Sunday! We respect the faith community, we let you worship unscathed and unhindered as often and openly as you want. Your demagoguery of this issue not only costs us freedom, but also hits us in the pocketbook as estimates show the state of Ga is missing out on upwards of $5 million annually by the reactionary, backwards policy of prohibition on Sunday. To
put that in perspective, That's 142 teaching jobs at 35k per year annually. Members of the Christian coalition claim its a safety issue, with absolutely no evidence to back up that statement. Folks are no more likely to drive drunk on a Sunday than any other day of the week. In fact, the argument could be made that Prohibition actually increases the risk on Sundays, as people are forced to go to restaurants to grab a drink increasing the drunk driving risk...In the year 1755 Benjamin Franklin wrote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
The people of Georgia reserve the right to self-determination. They did not bequeath this right to the state, nor abdicate it to the Holier than thou crowd...Allow Senate Bill 10 to come to a vote, or suffer the consequences. Rant by Gregory E Williams
GEORGIA POLITICS 10:25 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, 2011
House gives final passage to Sunday alcohol sales bill
By James Salzer
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
After five years of heated lobbying that pitted grocery and convenience stores against preachers, the General Assembly gave final approval Tuesday to legislation that could lead to Sunday package sales.
Bob Andres, bandres@ajc.comGrocery and convenience stores, alcoholic beverage distributors and others have pushed for the Sunday sales legislation for the past five sessions.Related
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Gov. Nathan Deal has already said he will sign Senate Bill 10, which the House approved Tuesday by a vote of 127-44. The measure had earlier passed the Senate after being stalled there since early 2007.
The legislation would allow city councils and county commissions to call for referendums on Sunday alcohol sales at stores. Voters could see it on ballots as early as November in cities with elections. They will likely have to wait until next year in counties and cities without 2011 elections.
That means some parts of metro Atlanta could have Sunday sales by next year while others won’t.
Georgia is one of only three states with a complete ban on Sunday alcohol sales at stores. Georgians can already buy beer, wine and liquor at restaurants and bars on Sunday in many locations.
"This is about fairness. It's not about religion, it's not about drinking," said House Regulated Industries Chairman Roger Williams, R-Dalton, who handled the bill in the chamber.
During debate on the bill, Rep. Joe Heckstall, D-East Point, said: "It's good to see Georgia is joining the 21st century. ... We are in the Dark Ages if we don't think people are going to drink. I want us to get away from the hypocrisy.I want to set people free to do what they want to do.”
But religious conservatives fought the latest Sunday sales bill hard, arguing that it was an attempt to chip away at the Christian Sabbath.They also said it would lead to an increase in alcohol-related traffic deaths.
Rep. Len Walker, R-Loganville, a minister, suggested lawmakers were allowing voters to decide on Sunday sales because they didn't have the "courage" to make a decision on the issue themselves.
Walker said counties and cities that don't allow Sunday sales would be affected by surrounding ones that do. "The quality of life ... will be greatly affected by the counties that surround you," he said.
Rep. Randy Nix, R-LaGrange, told colleagues he is the son of an alcoholic and that his sister died of cirrhosis of the liver.
"Isn't it hypocritical to pass this legislation that has the effect of promoting and encouraging greater alcoholic availability?" Nix said.
Former Gov. Sonny Perdue, a religious conservative, was a leading opponent and long promised to veto Sunday sales legislation. When he left office in January, it gave new life to supporters.
The grocery store industry supplied much of the lobbying muscle, hiring some of the best-connected lobbyists at the Capitol. Besides stores and the liquor industry, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and other business groups backed the measure.
Senate Bill 10 sailed through a Senate committee early in the session, but some Senate Republican leaders bottled it up. For weeks it looked dead, with Republican leaders vowing to table the measure because a majority of GOP senators didn't support it. Republican leaders had stalled the bill for four previous sessions, and 2011 looked like it wasn't going to be any different.
But the lobbying effort chipped away at the opposition, and Senate Republicans decided last month to bring it up for a vote. It passed 32-22.
That opened the door for the House to vote on the issue for the first time. House members had long said it would easily pass the chamber if it ever got out of the Senate.
Jerry Luquire, president of the Georgia Christian Coalition, said his group will work to keep the issue off local ballots or defeat Sunday sales referendums at the polls.
"Those who have fought for local control will encounter a negative component by the local voters as we continue to try and keep Sunday safer by not having retail whiskey, beer and wine sales," he said.
Kathy Kuzava of the Georgia Food Industry Association, the grocery store lobby, said, "The voters of Georgia won by passage of local-option Sunday sales. We applaud legislators for listening to their constituents."
More from ajc.com- Arrest warrant issued for WR Terrell Owens
- Voters get their say on Sunday sales ban
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- Gov. Deal: No expansion of gambling
- Atlanta Gas Light makes final push for natural gas fueling stations

@Talkmaster it is fine when they get more federal/state funding but they view alcohol as a detractor from funds-not their own evil and greed@Talkmaster the problem with the hypocrisy of the modern churches is that votes are convenient to THEIR agenda, not God's laws..... #Sundays
Wed., November 2, 2011 5:21pm (EDT)
Counties Debate Education Sales TaxesBy Orlando MontoyaListen: Updated: 6 days ago
Penny sales taxes for education are used in most Georgia counties. (photo Aldo Gonzalez)Voters in dozens of Georgia counties will decide next week if they want to extend penny sales taxes generating millions of dollars for schools.
The campaigns for and against them share common themes.
The Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax or ESPLOST only can be used for capital projects, like new buildings, or for paying down debt.
Savannah-Chatham County School Board President Joe Buck says, the sales tax cuts down on property taxes.
"No one really likes taxes," Buck says. "But we've saved one mill of taxes by virtue of having the sales tax."
Opponents like the Tea Party's Jeanne Seaver, however, say, new buildings aren't necessary for quality education.
"The people who said, 'Give it to us and we won't raise your taxes,' it's not true," Seaver says. "They raised our taxes this year."
Voters also are weighing new transportation sales taxes up for votes next year.
Habersham, McDuffie and Fulton are among counties deciding ESPLOSTs next week.
BONUS CONTENT: Savannah-Chatham County School Board President Joe Buck and anti-tax activist Jeanne Seaver both present their arguments.
Related Articles
Tags: Education | E-SPLOST | education | GPB News | Jeannie Seaver | Joe Buck | one percent sales tax | penny sales tax |penny sales tax referendum | sales taxes | Savannah-Chatham County schools | special purlose local option sales tax |
medicine wheel painting - email me at teapartychief@gmail.com
— with Allison Brooks, Aja Brooks, Brian S. Lindsey and Cholorecords Aja.
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LET US PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING, THAT THEIR HEARTS MAY TURN TO GOD: Communist Party USASources:Communist Party USA, OWS speech, The Daily Caller
American Nazi PartySources:Media Matters, American Nazi Party, White Honor, Sunshine State News
Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of IranSources:The Guardian, Tehran Times, CBS News
Barack ObamaSources:ABC News, CBS News, ForexTV, NBC New York
The government of North KoreaSources:Korean Central News Agency (North Korean state-controlled news outlet), The Marxist-Leninist, Wall Street Journal, Times of India
Louis Farrakhan, Nation of IslamSources:video statement (starting at 8:28), Black in America, Weasel Zippers, Philadelphia Weekly
Revolutionary Communist PartySources:Revolutionary Communist Party, Revolution newspaper, in-person appearance
David DukeSources:Talking Points Memo, video statement, davidduke.com
Joe BidenSources:Talking Points Memo, video statement, Mother Jones
Hugo ChavezSources:Mother Jones, Reuters, Examiner.com
Revolutionary Guards of IranSources:Associated Press, FARS News Agency, UPI
Black Panthers (original)Sources:in-person appearance, Occupy Oakland, Oakland Tribune
Socialist Party USASources:Socialist Party USA, IndyMedia, The Daily Caller
US Border GuardSources:
Industrial Workers of the WorldSources:IWW web site, iww.org, in-person appearances
CAIRSources:in-person appearance, Washington Post, CAIR, CAIR New York
Nancy PelosiSources:Talking Points Memo, video statement, ABC News, The Weekly Standard
Communist Party of ChinaSources:People’s Daily (Communist Party organ), Reuters, chinataiwan.org, The Telegraph
HezbollahSources:almoqawama.org, almoqawama.org (2), almoqawama.org (3), wikipedia
9/11Truth.orgSources:911truth.org (1), 911truth.org (2), 911truth.org (3)
International Bolshevik TendencySources:bolshevik.org, Wire Magazine
AnonymousSources:Adbusters, The Guardian, video statement
White RevolutionSource:whiterevolution.com
International Socialist OrganizationSources:Socialist Worker, socialistworker.org, in-person appearance
PressTV (Iranian government outlet)Sources:PressTV, wikipedia
Marxist Student UnionSources:Marxist Student Union, Big Government, marxiststudentunion.blogspot.com
Freedom Road Socialist OrganizationSources:FightBack News, fightbacknews.org
ANSWERSources:ANSWER press release, ANSWER web site, Xinhua
Party for Socialism and LiberationSources:Liberation News (1), pslweb.org, The Daily Free Press, Liberation News (2)Sunday at 7:17am · Like

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#OWS rape victims embrace the Tea Party Rattlesnake banner: "DON'T RAPE ME"http://t.co/vnecdxV
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:56am viaTwitterAja Brooks
Obama's safe schools czar Kevin Jennings reigning champion Gay Man Olympics/his 2 specialist competition categories cannot be detailed here:
Aja Brooks
if you want to know, just turn up at any Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network outreach pgms coming soon to kindergarten classes near you
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Aja Brooks
we must choose the next President #2012
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:41am viaTwitterAja Brooks
Sharon Linhart Why would a Muslim go to a Catholic school in the first place. They don't even think a like. Maybe, it is to take down the Catholic School.
Aja Brooks
ABSOLUTELY BASELESS LAWSUIT BY LAW; NO CASE, as a Native American, I'd say, go outside to pray toward Mecca... let me get the door for you.
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:32am viaTwitterAja Brooks
expletive: is there anything worth reading/tweeting about, other than 9-9-9, Cain's accusers and fucking Occupy Wall Street dookey du jour?
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Aja Brooks
We make decisions all the time in life, in those around us, to stay sober or to indulge and we must also be mindful of those who partake too
Like · · @2011teaparty on Twitter · Yesterday at 11:16am viaTwitterAja Brooks
CHEW ON THIS: if Jackson was addicted to propofol, that he called milk, as the Hippocratic Oath states, you should do no harm: CUT HIM OFF
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U.N. Officials Reluctant to Disclose Financial Relationships and Assets, Putting Spotlight on Ethics
Published November 07, 2011| FoxNews.com
- AP
- July 20, 2010: U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon takes a question during a joint press conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
After he first took office in late 2006, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon proudly proclaimed that he was willing to disclose his private financial assets and other interests -- and urged his top officials to follow suit.
To make that easier, he created a public website where the U.N.’s senior officials -- under secretaries general and assistant secretaries general -- could post highly sanitized versions of the confidential financial disclosure statements they were required -- as of May 2006 -- to file with the U.N. Ethics Office in connection with their jobs.
The decision to participate was voluntary, Ban said. Nonetheless, he declared, such public disclosure was important “as it demonstrates that U.N. staff members understand the importance of the general public and U.N. member states being assured that, in the discharge of their official duties and responsibilities, staff members will not be influenced by any consideration associated with his/her private interests.”
If the aim of the website is to provide, as Ban says, assurance that U.N. officials are not influenced by private concerns, there is a lot not to be assured about.
Using an official list of the 185 top-ranking officials in the United Nations, Fox News has calculated that just fewer than half -- about 90 -- have made the voluntary disclosure statements urged by Ban five years ago.
The 2010 declarations actually refer to financial interests held by officials in the previous year. Thus, some of Ban’s highest-level appointees, even if they have held office for more than a year, do not appear on the website, if they did not hold their jobs in 2009.
In fact, the real ratio is substantially lower than that -- more like one-third. Reason: Ban offered his top officials an easier way out, if they chose, which would count as equivalent to public disclosure: a public declaration that they were choosing not to disclose -- a kind of opaque transparency, as it were, that the U.N. apparently considers a valid participation in Ban’s confidence-building effort. More than 20 officials took that route.
Despite that virtual freebie, about 44 percent of the U.N.’s top officialdom have ignored the website and Ban’s example entirely, at least for 2010, the most recent year online. A smaller number of top appointees won’t be eligible to file until next year.
While Ban has made much of the fact that he and his deputy secretary general, Asha-Rose Migiro, have voluntarily filed their finances, some of those absent from the website are nearly as important.
Among them:
-- Helen Clark, the head Administrator of the powerful United Nations Development Program, the U.N.’s anti-poverty flagship. Clark’s No. 2, Associate Administrator Rebeca Grynspan, has filed a reasonably detailed statement.
--Lynn Pascoe, the U.N.’s under secretary general for political affairs.
--Robert Orr, an Assistant Secretary General responsible for policy planning.
A number of $1-a-year U.N. appointees, including Ban-appointed special envoys and representatives who nonetheless hold U.N. rankings equivalent to under secretary general and assistant secretary general, have also held out.
One of them is former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Ban’s special envoy for Haiti. Questions from Fox News to Clinton’s office about his absence from the list, sent on November 2, had not been answered before this article was published.
Another is Jeffrey Sachs, Ban’s high-profile special adviser for the Millennium Development Goals and a major fundraiser for all U.N. anti-poverty activities.
Most of the forms that were actually filed as a disclosure of financial interest offer such cursory statements under assets as “house, joint with family members,” “ mutual funds,” or unspecified numbers of shares in often unspecified companies.
One high official, Ad Melkert, most recently Ban’s powerful special representative for Iraq, and previously associate administrator of UNDP, lists as his sole asset “Boat, U.S.A.”
Most forms list no liabilities, except for the occasional mortgage. The same goes for outside board memberships.
Indeed, the most common word on all of the public disclosure forms is “nil.”
Ban himself had no comment on the success of the voluntary disclosure effort or the participation of his officials when queried by Fox News.
George Russell is executive editor of Fox News and can be found on Twitter@GeorgeRussell.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/11/07/un-senior-officials-reluctant-to-disclose-financial-relationships-and-assets/#ixzz1d8tfOfkU
@DailyCaller Holder failed to lead by example: you can't supply drug dealers weapons they should not have and not expect dead border agents
Holder to face gun-walking music at Senate hearing
Published: 12:24 AM 11/08/2011 | Updated: 10:20 AM 11/08/2011By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller
Bio | Archive | Email Matthew Boyle
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Attorney General Eric Holder will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning, and he’s likely to face a barrage of tough questions from senators about Operation Fast and Furious.
Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the committee’s ranking minority member, is set to lead the charge against Holder, whose prepared testimony The Daily Caller obtained Monday. That prepared statement makes no mention of Holder’s May 3 House Judiciary Committee testimony, when he told Congress under oath that he had only known about Operation Fast and Furious for a few weeks.
Many members of Congress believe that May 3 answer Holder gave is either a lie or the product of incompetence. At least 36 have called for Holder’s immediate resignation.
Doubts about Holder’s truthfulness have arisen in part because Grassley previously told TheDC he personally handed Holder a letter about Fast and Furious months earlier. Senior aides also sent Holder numerous briefing memos on the subject, including the name and specific details of the failed operation, as early as July 2010. Holder now claims he didn’t read the memos.
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also both discussed Operation Fast and Furious in media interviews about a month before Holder claims he knew of the gun-walking program. Two congressmen have asked Obama to clarify how he was able to speak about Operation Fast and Furious in a media interview while Holder was apparently, at least according to his own statements, unaware of the operation.
Grassley is likely to push Holder on these inconsistencies and possibly some others.
Congressional aides told reporters on Monday, too, that Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn plans to focus his line of questioning on reports of tactics similar to those used in Fast and Furious coming from a Texas ATF office.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/11/08/holder-to-face-gun-walking-music-at-senate-hearing/#ixzz1d8tN0k6l
Jailed border agent's family warned of massive fine
'Notice of intent to offset' sent to home, even though Diaz is in federal custody
Posted: November 07, 2011
9:11 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
Jesus Diaz Jr. |
The federal government has sent a collection notice to the family of a Border Patrol agent who was jailed and fined for pulling on the arms of a handcuffed suspect to get him to comply with orders, according to a charitable organization working on a defense for Jesus E. Diaz Jr.
WND reported earlier on a call for Congress to hold hearings to uncover why U.S. law enforcement officers are being charged, prosecuted and sent to prison for apparently doing what their jobs require.
That call came from President Andy Ramirez of the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council,which is working on Diaz' case. The officer was sentenced to 24 months in jail and fined nearly $7,000 for his conviction based on the testimony of a drug smuggler who was given immunity to testify.
WND reported earlier that U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.,wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking an explanation for the federal government's actions.
Click here to sign a petition sending a message to the federal government about Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz
Now, Ramirez has confirmed that Diaz' wife, also an agent with the U.S Border Patrol, got a "Notice of Intent to Offset" regarding the fine in her husband's case. Her husband, in federal custody, was served with his termination papers in his cell. But Ramirez said the collection notice was sent to Diaz' home, where his wife continues to live and care for their children.
"We strongly urge you to pay this debt immediately," states the unsigned letter. "If you do not pay your debt, federal law allows agencies to refer debts to the United States Department of the Treasury for the purpose of collecting debts through the Treasury Offset Program."
The letter warns that if 60 days pass and the "debt" is not paid – or a repayment agreement isn't signed – the government will target federal income tax refunds, federal salary, any retirement pay, other federal benefits and any payments made by states.
If there is to be an exemption from the collection procedures for a spouse, the spouse would have to submit a special application.
Ramirez confirmed to WND that his group has begun fundraising efforts for the Diaz family, but he is alarmed that the government would not consider the evidence that suggests the Diaz case was a "miscarriage" of justice.
"It is outrageous that the government, having already prosecuted and convicted an innocent agent of the U.S. Border Patrol, continues to persecute this family in the form of these imposed fines. We do understand that this is a common practice given successful prosecutions. However, this case was a miscarriage of justice as the transcripts and 'discovery' demonstrated to our organization, which was why we accepted their request for assistance in the first place," Ramirez said.
"We call on the American people to assist us with this effort so that the persecution of the Diaz family ends. What is the next form of persecution, a suit by 'MBE' the narco-terrorist whose criminal acts were granted immunity from prosecution, while his perjury was ignored by the Justice Department and district court in the Western District of Texas? The persecution of an innocent agent and his family must cease immediately," he said.
WND previously reported that Diaz was sentenced to 24 months in jail for grabbing the arms of the drug smuggler and lifting them to make him comply with orders. According to the FreeAgentDiaz.com website, Diaz was "maliciously prosecuted at the request of the Mexican consul in Eagle Pass, Texas."
The legal case against the officer, who previously had been cleared of wrongdoing in two separate investigations, was "solely motivated by politics and is yet another example of prosecutorial abuse and misconduct while protecting Mexico's narco-terror influences," organizers of the website said.
The prosecution was conducted after the juvenile suspect, who reportedly was caught with some 75 pounds of drugs he had smuggled into the U.S., was given immunity by the U.S. government.
The sentence was announced by U.S. District Judge Alia Moses Ludlum in San Antonio.
Ramirez, whose organization's activities include raising funds for defense counsel for an appeal, told WND, "We do not hold hope that President Barack H. Obama will do the proper and appropriate thing by issuing presidential pardon of agent Diaz given his administration's zeal in pushing amnesty for illegal aliens via ordering our agencies to cease deportation and removal of illegal aliens and ignoring the laws long set by the Congress."
He cited "misconduct" known as Operation Fast and Furious, which resulted in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
Ramirez said the prosecution of Diaz "is all about sending a message to law enforcement, 'thou shalt not do thy job and protect America's borders, coastlines, ports of entry, waterways, or transit hubs, as well as citizens and resident aliens for to do so is risk the wrath of the Mexican government and be served up as a scalp for prosecution.'"
A separate online petition on support of Diaz in just days already has collected thousands of signatures.
Ramirez contended the federal case against Diaz is based on "lies and misrepresentation of the facts."
The facts, he said, are in the record of the court proceedings. One "star witness" "changed his story so many times, including with the field agents, at the Eagle Pass-South BP station, to the Mexican consulate, to the investigators, grand jury and at trial … that he has zero credibility."
Border watchers will remember the extended battle fought by Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean after they were prosecuted, convicted and jailed, again at the request of the Mexican government, for shooting at and striking a drug smuggler who reportedly dropped a load in the U.S. and was fleeing back to Mexico.
Their punishments ultimately were commuted by President George W. Bush, although they did not receive pardons, leaving their convictions on their records.
The wife of Agent Diaz, Diana, also an employee of the Border Patrol, told WND in an interview that the maneuver used by her husband in the incident in 2009 was one that agents are trained to do.
"It was what we were taught at the academy," she said.
She said the couple at first thought the case was simply a mistake and Jesus Diaz soon would be cleared and back to work. However, a first trial, which was declared a mistrial because the judge ordered jurors not to take notes on the various stories they were told, and one did, enlightened both Jesus and Diana Diaz, she said.
She said there was manipulation of testimony, evidence and even jury instructions.
They realized then that "this was going south," she told WND.
She cited some of the same concerns as LEOAC: conflicting testimony from the same witnesses at different times; changed testimonies, testimonies that contradicted reality (how could someone at a distance see what was going on at 2 a.m. without lights?) and the like.
She also noted that Jesus Diaz had been cleared of wrongdoing – twice – before federal prosecutors finally insisted on bringing a case. Diaz previously was cleared by the Office of Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility.
She noted her husband even refused to "apologize" to the drug smuggler when ordered by the judge, because he hadn't done anything wrong.
She said there was no logical or reasonable reason for such an intensive prosecution.
"There was nothing there. If he had broken his [the smuggler's] skin, or a bone, if there was blood. But there was nothing wrong with him," she said. "Just markings on his shoulders from the drugs [carried in a backpack]."
Diana Diaz said her suspicion is that there was some high-level favor trading going on between the U.S. and Mexican governments.
Ramos and Compean were convicted of various charges that stemmed from firing their service weapons at a fleeing drug smuggler, and they were given prison terms of more than a decade.
Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean |
Their original case stemmed from the Feb. 17, 2005, shooting of Oswaldo Aldrete-Davila. The two officers said they thought Aldrete-Davila was armed and made a threatening move.
WND was among the first to report Aldrete-Davila then committed a second drug offense, smuggling a second load of 750 pounds of marijuana across the border while he was under the protection of immunity from federal prosecutor Johnny Sutton's office and in possession of a border-pass card authorized by the Department of Homeland Security.
WND also reported when Aldrete-Davila admitted to federal drug smuggling charges,was convicted and sentenced to federal prison for a 57 months.
In a commentary on WND,former Congressman Tom Tancredo explained how Diaz "mistreated" the suspect.
"The man was handcuffed, and allegedly, Diaz lifted his handcuffs to force him to the ground because he was not cooperative" he wrote. "These two Border Patrol prosecutions have more in common than the eternal vigilance of Johnny Sutton. In these cases and many others, the U.S. attorney's office was responding to protests from the Mexican government that its citizens were being mistreated by Border Patrol agents.
"Why do we see this acute sensitivity to the wishes and interests of the corrupt government of Mexico in matters of U.S. criminal law and U.S. border security? This is almost laughable, but to the 20,400 officers of the Border Patrol, it is more than a nuisance. It is a threat held over their heads daily," Tancredo said.
Aldrete-Davila was granted immunity for his drug smuggling by federal prosecutors in exchange for his testimony against the agents. He had crossed the Rio Grande and picked up a marijuana-loaded vehicle near El Paso. After a car chase in which he fled from the officers, he abandoned the vehicle and ran back across the border on foot. He was shot in the buttocks as he ran.
Click here to sign a petition sending a message to the federal government about Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz
Read more:Jailed border agent's family warned of massive finehttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=365373#ixzz1d8pm9yyg
'Better than Obama' isn't going to cut it. We've got a country to save.
Retweeted by 2011teaparty
Our thanks to France, for destroying our enemy.
Little unknown fact: “Obama believes that we are state property” -Neal Boortz; [that was his reason for H.R. 4872, bogus legislation for health care that in the details, was a funnel for Thomson Prison. You would be paying higher taxes to put yourself in prison for not having government health care. The details also included a local county prison expansion to medicate you into submission, the devil was in the details! Did you read the bill???] this means, “Obama believes our wealth belongs to him, and what the government spends on you he sees as a tax expenditure”.... that we must be able to keep a little bit to spend, while he runs away with the rest from unconstitutional laws. This explains his pro-abortion status... fetuses may be resold for carcass harvesting at the government becomes a massively funded abortion funding machine. Did you read the bill? Did you follow the money? Obama believes that for all the money his constituents receive for food stamps etc., must be offset by the services that they use; i.e., abortion and health care because he believes ALL taxpayers are state property. This protection requires federal funding of abortion, health care, and food stamps.

"I believe that we can create revenue out of fixing our tax code and bring that revenue to the table, as long as our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are serious about cutting spending," House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday on ABC.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- It's been a big bone of contention from Day 1 on the congressional debt committee. Will Republicans accept any kind ofrevenue dedicated to debt reduction, and if so what kind and how much?
The question has greater urgency as the so-called super committee gets closer to its Nov. 23 deadline.
So can a majority of Republicans get behind a plan that includes some revenue? Definitely not if it means raising rates. But they might get on board if the revenue can be generated by ...
Boosting economic growth: A lot of Republicans stand behind the idea of pro-growth tax reform that reduces both rates and breaks. And many have gone on record as insisting any reform be "revenue neutral" -- meaning the new tax system wouldn't raise any more revenue than the current one.
Last week, Republican Sen. John Thune said a tax plan that lowered rates, reduced tax breaks and closed "a lot of the lobbyist loopholes" would boost the economy and thus increase revenue. "I don't think there's anybody on our side who is opposed to that," he said.
But the problem is that it's highly uncertain how much growth any tax reform would generate and nearly impossible to measure since so many other factors can affect the economy, tax experts say.
Closing tax loopholes: The idea that tax credits and deductions are, in essence, aform of spending through the tax code is now widely accepted by both Democrats and Republicans.
Some Republicans may be amenable to closing loopholes before any broader tax code overhaul.
But some in the GOP say they only want to consider loophole closing in the context of tax reform.
Bumping up non-tax federal revenue: Not all revenue going into federal coffers is tax-based.
Consider the revenue generated from government auctions. There's been bipartisan support, for instance, for proposals to extend and expand the Federal Communications Commission's ability to auction licenses for commercial use of the radio spectrum.
And the co-sponsors of one such bill -- Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison and Democrat Jay Rockefeller -- have asked super committee members to consider including their bill to expand FCC spectrum auctions in the committee's proposed legislation.
CNN, ABC Announce New GOP Debates
The Huffington Post Katherine Fung First Posted: 10/18/11 12:07 PM ET Updated: 10/18/11 01:21 PM ET
GOP Debate , Republican Debate , Video , 2012 Gop Debate , 2012 Republican Debate , ABC Debate , CNN Debate , Abc Gop Debate , Cnn Gop Debate , Diane Sawyer Debate , Slidepollajax , Media News
ABC will host a debate the Saturday before the country's first 2012 Republican primary race in New Hampshire. ABC's Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos will moderate the debate, which starts at 9 p.m. E/T, in front of a live audience at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH. CNN hosted a previous debate in June in the same venue.
The day after, voters can look forward to another debate to be hosted by NBC and Facebook on the Sunday before the race.
Meanwhile, CNN has also announced that it will host a debate on national security and foreign policyon Tuesday, November 15 at 8 p.m. E/T. The network will be co-sponsoring the event in partnership with the think tanks Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The location and format have yet to be announced.
The network is already preparing for its third GOP debate on Tuesday night in Las Vegas. Anderson Cooper, the debate's moderator, offered viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the set-up on Monday.
There have already been eight debates since May, with CNN and Fox News each having co-sponsored three. Below, see the debates that have taken place this election season.
GOP Contenders Debate In New Hampshire
1 of 9

Cases 09-56827 and 10-55084
Submitted on behalf of all 40 Plaintiffs in Barnett et al v Obama et al 10-55084 Attorney Taitz represents all plaintiffs in 10-55084 Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al
Pamela Barnett, Alan Keyes et al.,
Barack Obama, et al.,
Reply to Opposition to Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus
CSB #223433
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy
Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411
fax 949-766-7603
On 11.03.2011 Appellants filed “Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus”.
On 11.04.2011 Appellants received a notification from the clerk of the court, stating, that a filing from 11.03.2011cannot be processed by the court. (Exhibit 1) As the petition was never processed by the court, the opposition filed by Appellees became moot and cannot be processed by the court as well.
Appellants will be submitting a different petition shortly.
/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
I declare, that I served the Appellees on 11.07.2011 via ECF through their counsel, Assistant U.S. Attorneys David DeJutte and Roger West.
/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Exhibit 1
ACTION REQUIRED: Deficient filing in 09-56827 Wiley Drake, et al v. Barack Obama, et al
3 messages
Read more at Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire
Governor Buddy Roemer on Finance Reform and the
ALSO HEREBY KNOWN AS “THE TEA PARTY RECORDER” -- ENJOY OUR TEA PARTY JOURNALS http://teapartychief.blogspot.com/ and http://ga-teapartychief.blogspot.com/ to see my library collection (what I’ve read and studied the past 10yrs. add me on Facebook) http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150377708318670.370366.773523669&type=3 OFFICIAL INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM VOLUNTEER FOR THE BLACK RIBBON OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN AGAINST MEDIA BIAS AND FORMER 2009-2010 GA LOBBYIST FOR “LIFE AND LIBERTY” NOW: |
@JimDeMint all of you cowering in impeaching Obama we will remember you at the ballot box, maybe ridding ourselves 211 Dems not sufficient
@JimDeMint CUT SPENDING OR GET CUT OUT IN THE NEXT ELECTION: the Super Committee will be bumped to top off 211 pink slips already listed
We're still not cutting spending bit.ly/vgqPqw
Retweeted by 2011teaparty
What Republicans mean by 'revenue'
By Jeanne Sahadi @CNNMoney November 8, 2011: 5:00 AM ET"I believe that we can create revenue out of fixing our tax code and bring that revenue to the table, as long as our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are serious about cutting spending," House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday on ABC.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- It's been a big bone of contention from Day 1 on the congressional debt committee. Will Republicans accept any kind ofrevenue dedicated to debt reduction, and if so what kind and how much?
The question has greater urgency as the so-called super committee gets closer to its Nov. 23 deadline.
So can a majority of Republicans get behind a plan that includes some revenue? Definitely not if it means raising rates. But they might get on board if the revenue can be generated by ...
Boosting economic growth: A lot of Republicans stand behind the idea of pro-growth tax reform that reduces both rates and breaks. And many have gone on record as insisting any reform be "revenue neutral" -- meaning the new tax system wouldn't raise any more revenue than the current one.
Taxes and debt: Left and right dare to agree
But reform could help address deficits organically, they say, because a simpler, more efficient tax code can help spur the economy or at least not hinder it as much. And a more robust economy will generate more growth and therefore more tax revenue.Last week, Republican Sen. John Thune said a tax plan that lowered rates, reduced tax breaks and closed "a lot of the lobbyist loopholes" would boost the economy and thus increase revenue. "I don't think there's anybody on our side who is opposed to that," he said.
But the problem is that it's highly uncertain how much growth any tax reform would generate and nearly impossible to measure since so many other factors can affect the economy, tax experts say.
Closing tax loopholes: The idea that tax credits and deductions are, in essence, aform of spending through the tax code is now widely accepted by both Democrats and Republicans.
GOP and taxes: Mixed message
And both parties are happy to disparage loopholes -- special tax breaks that have outlived any useful economic purpose or were wrangled by lobbyists on behalf of clients who stand to benefit.Some Republicans may be amenable to closing loopholes before any broader tax code overhaul.
But some in the GOP say they only want to consider loophole closing in the context of tax reform.
Bumping up non-tax federal revenue: Not all revenue going into federal coffers is tax-based.
Consider the revenue generated from government auctions. There's been bipartisan support, for instance, for proposals to extend and expand the Federal Communications Commission's ability to auction licenses for commercial use of the radio spectrum.
And the co-sponsors of one such bill -- Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison and Democrat Jay Rockefeller -- have asked super committee members to consider including their bill to expand FCC spectrum auctions in the committee's proposed legislation.
CNN, ABC Announce New GOP Debates
The Huffington Post Katherine Fung First Posted: 10/18/11 12:07 PM ET Updated: 10/18/11 01:21 PM ETGOP Debate , Republican Debate , Video , 2012 Gop Debate , 2012 Republican Debate , ABC Debate , CNN Debate , Abc Gop Debate , Cnn Gop Debate , Diane Sawyer Debate , Slidepollajax , Media News
Submit this story
On Monday, CNN and ABC both announced new GOP debates, adding to an extremely busy primary season that has already seen five debates in just the past two months.ABC will host a debate the Saturday before the country's first 2012 Republican primary race in New Hampshire. ABC's Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos will moderate the debate, which starts at 9 p.m. E/T, in front of a live audience at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH. CNN hosted a previous debate in June in the same venue.
The day after, voters can look forward to another debate to be hosted by NBC and Facebook on the Sunday before the race.
Meanwhile, CNN has also announced that it will host a debate on national security and foreign policyon Tuesday, November 15 at 8 p.m. E/T. The network will be co-sponsoring the event in partnership with the think tanks Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The location and format have yet to be announced.
The network is already preparing for its third GOP debate on Tuesday night in Las Vegas. Anderson Cooper, the debate's moderator, offered viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the set-up on Monday.
There have already been eight debates since May, with CNN and Fox News each having co-sponsored three. Below, see the debates that have taken place this election season.
GOP Contenders Debate In New Hampshire
1 of 9
Charlie Rose moderated the GOP debate at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011. Bloomberg and The Washington Post co-hosted the debate, which focused on the economy.Don't forget to #VOTE today! Please support our Republican Mayors and other local officials on the ballot today!
Retweeted by 2011teaparty
You know what will cure all this infighting and division in the GOP? A nice Obama speech telling us we're not taxing and spending enough.
@keder when you are Governor, you must decide how to reciprocitate the tax revenue illegals drain in your state-Perry inherited but owned it
@keder we intend to legitimize this debt through legalization legislation and not let it remain a stalemate or racial issue against Mexicans
@keder Mexico owes the state of GA $20 million for lost immigration fees unpaid, in addition to 2-3% of tax revenue for services we paid for
@keder I am fixing to rattle the cage of the GOP with my immigration/and drug policy reform legislation in the works. Look for a big shakeup
Cases 09-56827 and 10-55084
Submitted on behalf of all 40 Plaintiffs in Barnett et al v Obama et al 10-55084 Attorney Taitz represents all plaintiffs in 10-55084 Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al
Pamela Barnett, Alan Keyes et al.,
Barack Obama, et al.,
Reply to Opposition to Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus
CSB #223433
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy
Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411
fax 949-766-7603
On 11.03.2011 Appellants filed “Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus”.
On 11.04.2011 Appellants received a notification from the clerk of the court, stating, that a filing from 11.03.2011cannot be processed by the court. (Exhibit 1) As the petition was never processed by the court, the opposition filed by Appellees became moot and cannot be processed by the court as well.
Appellants will be submitting a different petition shortly.
/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
I declare, that I served the Appellees on 11.07.2011 via ECF through their counsel, Assistant U.S. Attorneys David DeJutte and Roger West.
/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Exhibit 1
Orly Taitz |
ACTION REQUIRED: Deficient filing in 09-56827 Wiley Drake, et al v. Barack Obama, et al
3 messages
CMECF_CA9help@ca9.uscourts.gov | Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 11:41 AM | |
Reply-To: CMECF_CA9help@ca9.uscourts.govTo: orly.taitz@gmail.com Cc: CMECF_CA9help@ca9.uscourts.gov | ||
Read more at Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire
Governor Buddy Roemer on Finance Reform and the
Hunt for a Presidential Nomination - Without Corporate Cash
Topics: Get Money Out, Buddy Roemer
In 1998 and 1999, when Bill Clinton was president, he and Congress eliminated Glass-Steagall--a 70-year law put in during the Great Depression--which kept investment banks from becoming commercial banks. They couldn't be the same. They had to be different entities because they were different risks. Well, the bankers were greedy on Wall Street, and they payed a lot of money into the campaign coffers of the president and members of Congress, and guess what? They eliminated Glass-Steagall.
while you reform them. It doesn't work.”
Read more: http://www.benzinga.com/content/2098080/governor-buddy-roemer-on-finance-reform-and-the-hunt-for-a-presidential-nomination-w?page=1&destination=node%2F2098080&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed#ixzz1d7OWi9HE
BuddyRoemer Gov. Buddy Roemer
Jeff Immelt, GE CEO and top advisor to Obama's new job bill, defends sending US jobs overseas. "We've globalized"online.wsj.com/article/SB1000…
WSJ's David Wessel has the story of the downside of economic globalization: U.S. multinational corporations, that employ 20% of all U.S. workers, are increasingly hiring overseas workers.

But missing among the statistics are numerous cases of anti-abortion violence in the United States, an omission that raises questions about what defines terrorism and underscores how sensitive the issue of reproductive rights remains -- even when dealing with statistics.
A search of "abortion" in the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System, a database created after the 9/11 terrorist attacks by the National Counterterrorism Center, brings up just two abortion-related incidents -- one of them in Nepal. Though the database includes the 2009 murder of prominent abortion doctor George Tiller by an anti-abortion extremist, it is effectively whitewashed, making no reference to abortion in the entire entry. In the summary, Tiller is described merely as a "medical doctor," even though he and his clinic had been a target of anti-abortion activists for years.
The only other domestic case of abortion related violence in the WITS database took place on the fifth anniversary of the al-Qaeda attack that led to NCTC's creation. The incident on Sept. 11, 2006, involved a man who crashed a gasoline-soaked car into a Davenport, Iowa, women's health clinic that he mistakenly thought performed abortions.
In all, the government database includes 34 terrorism cases in the United States between 2004 and 2010, the majority of which involve property damage, but no victims.
But it doesn't include the 2007 attempted bombing of an abortion clinic in Austin, Texas. William Pierce, the attack's perpetrator, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the crime. There also isn't any mention of a bullet fired through the front door of Planned Parenthood of Indiana's offices in Bloomington in 2005.
Carl Kropf, an NCTC spokesman, declined to address why those specifics cases were not included in WITS. He said the database "employs the statutory definition of terrorism provided by U.S. Code, Title 22, Section 2656, which states that terrorism is 'premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents.' Any incident that meets this criteria is listed by WITS."
But those two cases are among nine abortion-related incidents included in another terrorism database that's federally-supported.
The principal investigator of that database, which is based at the University of Maryland, said NCTC has overlooked ideologically motivated violence against abortion providers and clinics since it began keeping records in 2004.
"There's probably some politics involved," said Gary LaFree, who oversees the Global Terrorism Database. "We are incredibly inclusive."
The question of whether to include attacks on abortion providers is more than a matter of keeping score. As the conservative blow back over a 2009 Department of Homeland Security report warning of rising right-wing extremism illustrated, even talking about a link between certain ideologies and violence can cause political problems.
The report, which did not specifically address anti-abortion groups, sparked a firestorm of protest from conservatives and veterans groups, which objected to the conclusion that extremist groups may try to recruit veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.
"I think it is important for all of us to remember that Americans are not the enemy. The terrorists are," David K. Rehbein, the American Legion's national commander, wrote at the time to Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano in response to the report.
The broader reaction highlighted the political minefield awaiting government officials who suggest ultra-conservative groups of any stripe are as dangerous as Islamist extremists. But by downplaying or failing to include religiously or politically inspired attacks against abortion providers in its official statistics, WITS may tacitly imply that such violence is of little import to the nation.
"There is no single definition of terrorism," said LaFree, a criminology professor who also directs theNational Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, which was founded in 2005 with DHS funding and includes the GTD database. "Even different branches of the U.S. government disagree on terrorism definitions."
WITS, which began recording data in 2004, states on its website that determining what constitutes a terrorist act "can be more art than science; information is often incomplete, fact patterns may be open to interpretation, and perpetrators' intent is rarely clear." And it warns database users to "recognize that reasonable people may differ on whether a particular attack actually constitutes terrorism or some other form of political violence."
When asked why WITS listed the Tiller killing as a generic armed attack and not one motivated by anti-abortion ideology, Kropf repeatedly referred back to the U.S. Code, which requires the Department of State to issue an annual report on terrorism.
"If it's identifiable as a primarily politically motivated event, then we will include it," Kropf said. "We think the START [GTD] database is a good database, an excellent resource for terrorism information, but there are different criteria that are applied by any organization that collects data."
The Global Terrorism Database is built on information dating back to 1970 gathered by Pinkerton Global Intelligence Services and obtained by Maryland researchers a decade ago, and now contains more than 98,000 terrorist attacks. It too has had to go through the data to account for overlooked cases.
"For mostly political reasons (i.e., the head of the PGIS data collection unit was opposed to abortion), the original PGIS data did not include abortion clinic attacks," LaFree said in an email. "When we tried to reconstruct and improve the data, we spent quite a bit of time looking at abortion related cases to determine whether they fit the GTD terrorism definition. Quite a few cases did. But there are real complexities."
GTD now lists "abortion related" among target types. But it doesn't include less serious offensessuch as vandalism, trespassing or burglary. And so far, it doesn't include attacks from earlier this year.
It also doesn't include attacks using butyric acid, a nauseating smelling liquid, which was often used to disrupt abortion clinics in the 1990s. At first the incidents were coded as "chemical" attacks, but researchers later removed them from the database after deciding they were more nuisance than true threat.
"Our position is that some abortion-related attacks do fit the GTD definition of terrorism," LeFree said, "but many are criminal without being terrorist."
Erin Miller, who manages the GTD, also said "it can be political" which incidents are included and how they are categorized.
"It's helpful to have target types that are globally applicable, so one could argue that because anti-abortion violence seems to be somewhat unique to the United States, it doesn't make sense to include it as a category in a global database and 'health care' is more practical," Miller said in an email. "On the other hand, one could argue that abortion-related violence is somewhat substantively unique and warrants it's own category."
The GTD has focused on filling the gaps in its domestic tally. In 2009 and 2010, graduate students scouring numerous databases -- including those of the FBI, the National Abortion Federation and even WITS -- helped double the number of domestic attacks related to abortion, eco-terrorism and animal rights cited in the GTD.
Katherine Spillar, executive vice president of the nonprofit Feminist Majority Foundation, has tracked violence against abortion providers for 25 years. She said she's dismayed that the government has omitted shooting and arson incidents that she said clearly come under the heading of terrorism.
"The violence that is orchestrated against abortion providers in this country is for a political purpose, to terrorize and intimidate them and to have an impact on the political arena -- the courts and lawmakers," she said. "We would like a more definitive characterization of this violence as terrorism."
She added: "There has been a reluctance to call a terrorist act a terrorist act."
ERROL CASTENS: Initiative 26: A life or death decision
byErrol Castens/NEMS Daily Journal

If voters pass it on Nov. 8, Initiative 26 - the "Mississippi Personhood Initiative" - will amend the Mississippi Constitution such that that word "person" refers to "every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof."
If successful, it will extend to unborn humans the same protections that law gives to others - most especially, legal protection from being killed.
Many an argument has been made against the initiative. Many of those arguments don't hold water.
In-vitro fertilization would be illegal, personhood opponents say. (Disposing of embryos presumably would be, but not implanting them.)
Women wouldn't be able to get health care, they say - mentioning specifically the state's high rates of Chlamydia, gonorrhea and maternal and infant mortality. Personhood won't preclude either treatment or prevention of any of those issues, unless one's theory of reducing infant mortality is that every child killed in the womb is one that won't show up in our statistics. And all the pro-life people I know agree that in cases where the mother's life is threatened, it's better to save one life than end both.
"This initiative does nothing to prevent abortions," says one opposition website.
Of course it will prevent abortions. Not only will it outlaw abortions in Mississippi, but it will also almost certainly be challenged through state and federal courts all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. It could well help overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that created a legal justification for abortion.
Justice Byron White said in his dissent, "I find nothing in the language or history of the Constitution to support the Court's judgment. The Court simply fashions and announces a new constitutional right for pregnant mothers ... ."
During Roe arguments, Justice Potter Stewart asked Sarah Weddington, the lawyer arguing on behalf of "Jane Roe," a piercing question, even though he voted with the majority.
"If it were established that the unborn fetus is a person, within the protection of the 14th amendment, you would have almost an impossible case here, would you not?"
Weddington replied - with a laugh, the transcript records - "I would have a very difficult case."
Since Roe v. Wade pronounced the law's blessing on abortion, some 50 million babies have been pulled limb from limb, chemically scalded and otherwise mutilated to death. Even if all the fearmongering of the antipersonhood crowd were true, the problems wouldn't hold a candle to that injustice.
Vote YES on 26.
Contact former embryo and Daily Journal Oxford Bureau reporter Errol Castens at errol.castens@journalinc.com.
Read more:NEMS360.com - ERROL CASTENS Initiative 26 A life or death decision
November 7, 2011/Topeka, KS/Operation Rescue --
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts completed its disciplinary hearings on Friday for abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus, who is accused of making improper referrals for late-term abortions to George Tiller's now-closed Women's Health Care Services in 2003.
Neuhaus seemed uninterested in Friday's hearings, and displayed a continued pattern of disrespect by often texting or otherwise playing with her cell phone under the table during the proceedings.
KSBHA prosecutor Reese Hays concluded cross examination of Neuhaus' expert witness, brought in to counter testimony from Dr. Liza Gold, who stated repeatedly during earlier questioning, that Neuhaus' records and the supposed mental health evaluations of eleven late-term patients ages 10-18 fell below the standard of care.
Hays skillfully used Dr. K. Allen Greiner's testimony to methodically make his case that Neuhaus' records were woefully lacking in content and the basis for mental health diagnoses that were used to justify otherwise illegal late-term abortions. Kansas law at that time required that a second, unaffiliated physician concur that the pregnant woman would suffer "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function" if she continued the pregnancy.
Greiner agreed that Neuhaus' records do not document that she conducted complete mental health exams, mental status exams, physical exams to rule out a medical reason for symptoms, or order any lab work to determine if medication was a factor. The file for "Patient 8" contained no diagnosis or evidence that any examination was made by Neuhaus. Two other files contained diagnoses made well after the abortion process had begun.
Neuhaus plugged "yes or no" answers into a computer program called "PsychManager Lite" which generated a printout and calculated a psychiatric diagnosis. The print out from the computer program was placed in the record in place of a true medical record that should have contained information, including Neuhaus' personal observances, to document her diagnoses. Neuhaus also seemed to rely heavily on intake forms produced by unlicensed clinic employees who interviewed prospective patients over the telephone.
Comments from patients recorded in the intake forms were used as indicators of mental health disease, including statements like "Some nights I can sleep and some nights I can't." Another patient expressed "a little bit of guilt" over her situation of been an unwed pregnant teenager. Yet another did not participate in basketball because she could not run as fast being in her third trimester of pregnancy. This was used to illustrate a "loss of interest" in activities.
Under questioning by Hays, Greiner agreed that many of the "symptoms" could have been attributable to normal feelings or symptoms common to women in their late stages of pregnancy instead of mental health disease.
Occasionally, Greiner would attempt to defend a particular point, but Hays would refer him to his deposition where he made statements damaging to Neuhaus, which Greiner had to admit were true.
The disciplinary case is based on a complaint filed by Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullenger in 2006 and amended in February, 2007. In April, 2010, KSHE filed an 11-count petition based on their investigation opened by Sullenger's complaint.
Attorneys for KDHE and for Neuhaus have until January 17, 2011, to submit their final information to the presiding officer, who will made a recommendation within 30 days, in time for any disciplinary order to go to the full Board for finalization in late February. Neuhaus faces the possibility of license revocation.
Alicia Keys and her husband Swizz Beatz worked the red carpet recently, and it looked like he subconsciously revealed that she is pregnant by pointing out a baby bump. While at the 8th Annual Keep A Child Alive Black Ball in New York City, Swizz held her belly in a way that expectant fathers usually do when their mate is with child.
Peter Landy shared Tord Berg's photo.
By: Tord Berg
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
very good -- interesting the first 3 picks are who the media has ignored (Paul), neglected (Perry), and pigeonholed (Cain)...
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John Manning Moore · Answered Herman Cain
Herman Cain is, still, the best candidate of the bunch, IMHO, and Herman Cain, also, cancels out the politically correct "race card excuse" with Barack Obama. Herman Cain is capable of defeating establishment Republicans, RINO Republicans, elitist Republicans, and all non-conservatives on the side of the Democratic Party. As President, Herman Cain plans to surround himself with experienced people on all of the significant issues. Herman Cain will, truly, be a decent change from Barack Obama, on all of the issues.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
I can't help but notice that I also asked for you to say why your candidate is THE PICK for you for nomination.... and that y'all aren't answering that. Why should I nominate Cain or Paul? Y'all aren't convincing me....
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
I like the Texas model that Perry uses: while all state policies will not be his federal policies, he has the best job creation record, and Texas has a surplus. Perry's tax plan has also been the best proposal laid on the table. The only person who has the moral integrity to eradicate corruption is Roemer, but it is hard for any nominee to duplicate Perry's job creation and leadership as Governor of Texas.
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Becky: tell us why you pick Newt, without bashing anyone else
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Brandon Baker · Answered Newt Gingrich
I am non-plussed about most of the candidates and am most concerned with the issues and ideas that will save our country. At this point and until the election and beyond, I want someone that will challenge the conventional thinking and not worry about going against the grain at this point and I figure that Newt has ve...
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
wow, just like I thought: 4th person pulls out Newt... tell us why Newt Brandon...
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Paul Ryan: read the directions, you may only comment about why Paul is great without bashing the others
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Lion's Roar · Answered Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul, because he follows the Constituion literally, the way that it's supposed to be according to the federalist papers if you read them. When it says "the right of The People to keep and bear arms shall not not be infringed", it means just that.
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Archimedes: why would you vote Paul, without bashing any other candidate?
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Becky Hauser · Answered Newt Gingrich
My vote would also go to Newt if the election was today. I think each candidate has something to bring to the table......... but all in all Newt has a proven track record and like him or not, the man is brilliant. He was speaker of the house while Clinton was in office. Everyone loves to talk about how wonderful a p...
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on Saturday · Like · · Share
make your own comments on why your candidate is your pick, do not comment on someone else's candidate to do so, thank you
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
David Colwell: Pick the most conservative candidate who has a chance of winning. Cain is the one. Has actually run something besides his mouth, has been a success at several jobs. Isn't a career politician. I like his attitude and his drive.
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We need to rethink our policies abroad. We can no longer afford to police the world or to promote our ideals through force. Peace through strength doesn't require bases all over. To be that 'shining city on a hill', we don't need to force democracy in places that don't want it.
War, and things that lead up to war, should be our last resort, not our first thought anytime we have disputes. Diplomacy works if we try it.
We need to downsize our government drastically and fix this broken monetary policy.
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Primaries would vote as morally as possible, then general would consider what Josh Craddock has expressed. Why? I believe our dilemma is NOT brought on by fiscal irresponsibility, but by dissing our Creator!
We "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" in song, then corporat...
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on Saturday · Like · · Share
He's got good idea's and knows all the players. Can't be bullied by EITHER SIDE!
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Gailann Chicks · Answered Herman Cain
Herman Cain!
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I actually want John Stossel but the Stash is not running and who can blame him; Washington sucks. I chose Cain because he is the underdog, the only "outsider", and a proven businessman (something I think the country needs right now)
on Saturday · Like · · Share
He's got good idea's and knows all the players. Can't be bullied by EITHER SIDE!
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
At 3hr mark: Rick Perry-III Herman Cain-XII Ron Paul-XVIII Newt-VII Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0
on Saturday · Like · · Share
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
POLLING NOW lnk.ms/X1X4F Rick Perry-III Herman Cain-X Ron Paul-XVI Newt-VI Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0
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Currently I would support Cain as top choice. I believe Cain will focus on common sense solutions. Cain is an experienced executive, understands the bottom up mentality of success and clearly has had to fight his way in many respects. A leader will never be successful without the right team, and Cain knows how to select and motivate a team. Being largely a self made man, I don't think he will be influenced by the special interest groups to the detriment of our country. He is a great orator and brings both a charismatic personality as well as a less politically correct attitude. He does not hold himself "above" the People.
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Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
3.5 hrs. later, Paul leads 21 to Cain 17 -- Newt 8 and Perry 3
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Neal Mccorkle · Answered Ron Paul .com
I stand fully with Paul because he is the one with a record for standing up for the people and does not stand for the establishment's desire to continue to push for unnecessary and unending war.
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Jerry D. Sullivan · Answered Herman Cain
Cain is the true outsider and he understands the threat of Radical Islam --- limit your comments to your pick, why they are great
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John Rickell · Answered Herman Cain
It will take a real "Black" man to beat Obama.
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This is a must watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Qr7nL2xIZqI
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Harry Thomas · Answered Ron Paul .com
But I am going to vote for who is running against Obama, and is NOT a third party candidate.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Ron Paul, is the only one who is serious about getting this country back on track. The others, and sadly Herman Cain think they can save it with BIG GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS. They either don't realize that it's big government that is destroying this country or they are blowing smoke up our asses.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
All the candidates have/ say something I like. Only Herman Cain has nothing I dislike.
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I would vote for Ron Paul. His voting record and the fact that he upholds the oath he took nearly 50 years ago. He is consistent. He honors the Constitution. I like Newt too but I trust Dr Paul more.
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Tom Rankin · Answered Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul = Spirit of Liberty
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James Dennis Lee · Answered Ron Paul .com
My only choice would be Him
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William Beers · Answered Herman Cain
Odd that you would include Buddy Roemer, a life long democrat that chose to run as a republican, and ignored Gary Johnson who was elected governor as a republican
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Michael Wyrick · Answered Herman Cain
Folks we gotta stay focused on the goal ... Get Odamn-0 out of office!! I fully agree with Mr. Thomas below. Whoever wins the Republican nomination must get our 100% support and our votes!!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
I don't like any of the other candidates that is why I voted for Gingrich.
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Dayne Herr Jr · Answered Ron Paul .com
I am going to vote for Ron Paul because I believe that he is far and away the best candidate in regards to the most important issues facing us today.
The size and scope of government: Ron Paul Is the only candidate who is serious about limiting the scope of the federal government what is enumerated in article 1 section 8. Whereas the other candidates want to reduce government spending to a more conservative amount, Paul wanta to eliminate bad parts of the government that are not clearly constitutional. Much of the growth of government that is happened, especially over the past 100 years, has happened because we have departed from the principles that were debated and settled during the ratification, the federalist and anti federalist papers.
Ron Paul's economic plan calls for the elimination of 5 extra constitutional departments and an immediate cut of 1,000,000,000,000 dollars to the federal budget.
Ron Paul has never voted to raise taxes.
Ron Paul has never voted to expand government.
Monetary policy: Ron Paul was far ahead of the pack when it came to recognizing our financial crisis & accurately predicted the housing crash while many famed economists & political figures were saying everything was okay. Ron paul was also way ahead of the pack when it came to pointing out the corruption in the federal reserve banking system and how fast money loaned out at interest Benefits huge corporations and subsequently the politicians they buy off, while it hurts the people who have the least amount of money.
Foreign policy: Ron Paul's foreign policy is the policy that was a espoused by the framers & founders of this country.
Peace and honest trade with all.
Our country's current foreign policy is a disaster.
Many continue to advocate the status quo by echoing platitudes like " peace through strength"
If that was the case, why are we currently fighting 5 wars while having the largest military budget in the world ( more than every other country in the world combined)?
Our troops need to come home now.
Our military has served as a protectorate for countries in europe and asia while they used their own money to experiment in failed social welfare policies.
A Ron Paul Presidency would in no way signify a weaker united states in regards to national defense.
Providing for national defense is 1 of the clearly enumerated powers of the federal government.
Our navy would still be used to protect our merchant vessels overseas.
President Paul would not hesitate to use the maximum amount of military force necessary to prevent an invasion or imminent threat.
That is the power of the presidency as per article 2 in the constitution.
These 3 issues are the most important ones facing our country and I feel that they also show why Ron Paul is head and shoulders above the rest vying to be president
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Torsten Leibold · Answered Ron Paul .com
The only one who understands the need for a constitutionally small federal government and means it!
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John Wetzel · Answered Herman Cain
Sing It with Me!
Here I am.
Rock you like a Herman Cain!
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David Welden
Newt: He is the only one with the savvy and the articulation skills necessary to defeat the incumbent. Otherwise I like Cain.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
We are the 66% - 1%, 99%, GOP, Dems, #TEAParty & Occupy Please Take Noticehttp://shar.es/bdj7S #WETHEPEOPLE #TCOT #TLOT #66% #99% #occupy
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Don Mashak · Answered Ron Paul .com
THERE R NOT 2 MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES http://t.co/WLDJAYlv #WETHEPEOPLE #TCOT #TLOT #military #militia #Liberal #Conservative #Democrat #GOP
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Lauren Suderman Stone · Answered Ron Paul .com
I'm torn between Ron Paul and Herman Cain. I supported Paul in the last election, and no matter how much I believed in him the media and American public just wouldn't accept him. That will probably happen again, and then I'd vote Cain.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share

By Ted Abram on November 07, 2011
Democracy and Power 116: The citizen’s vote
November 04 2011 03:24 PM
Topics: Get Money Out, Buddy Roemer
Benzinga Radio spoke with with Buddy Roemer, former governor of Louisiana and candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, on his reform platform and running for president without contributions from political action committees (PACs). Partial transcript below:
On how his experience in the banking industry informs his perspective on finance:
“I formed a different kind of bank. Both banking in general and the kind of bank I formed have really affected my thinking over the last 10 years. I'm an economics major in college and I have a masters degree in banking and business, and that affected my thoughts for a long time.
But the real world of banking has had a decided shift in some of my beliefs. For example, my bank is a small bank–-it has about $700MM dollars in assets. We have about $500MM dollars in loans. We service small businesses--we're not a retail bank. We didn't receive any bailout money, although we were eligible for it. We didn't foreclose on a single homeowner; we didn't shut down a single business.
One thing I have learned about the banking system is that there is a stark difference between a community bank and a Wall Street bank, an investment bank. These banks are different. In the old days, these banks could not merge--a commercial bank could not be an investment bank. That limited the size and power of investment banks. It also improved their safety.In 1998 and 1999, when Bill Clinton was president, he and Congress eliminated Glass-Steagall--a 70-year law put in during the Great Depression--which kept investment banks from becoming commercial banks. They couldn't be the same. They had to be different entities because they were different risks. Well, the bankers were greedy on Wall Street, and they payed a lot of money into the campaign coffers of the president and members of Congress, and guess what? They eliminated Glass-Steagall.
Guess what happened eight years later? The banking system collapsed. The big bankers, trying to grow at any cost, took risks that a prudent banker would not take. It's called "moral hazard" in the business. And so banking didn't divide any more between commercial banks and investment banks; it divided between giant mega-banks on Wall Street and all the other banks in America. It's a conflict that exists today, it has Too Big to Fail as part of its premise, it has lower capital ratios for the negative banks, and it killed Glass-Steagall. It was stupid, it was economically punishing to America--and particularly small business--and it was fed by greed: greed of Wall Street and greed of the Washington politicians. They screwed the average American.”
How far would a reinstatement of Glass Steagall go in solving America's banking issues?
“It would go a long way. More is needed. I think we need to have capital ratios increase as the size of a bank increases. There is greater risk to larger banks [because] there are no small accidents or mistakes there. They could tumble the entire system. Under current law and current practice, capital ratios go down as a bank gets bigger.
I would reinstate Glass-Steagall as my first priority, I would increase capital ratios as my second priority, and Too Big to Fail would be eliminated.”
How do you counter arguments that increasing capital ratios would slow credit growth and thereby hurt the economy?
”It's not a good argument. How [much] slower can we get? They had it wide open. Capital ratios went down, Too Big to Fail was the law, and the whole system was paralyzed [as a result]. One argument I've heard on capital ratios and Glass-Steagall is that they will make us unable to compete in the world marketplace, [that] we won't be able to compete with European banks who don't have these restrictions. Nonsense. It's a system that's out of control. It's a system that keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.
Here's my argument: the best way to compete is relationships. The best way to compete is to eliminate fat, be honest with your clients, and to have transparency in the way you operate your bank. Look at what happened on Wall Street. Goldman Sachs went to the Senate Banking Committee and testified under pressure that they had lied to their own customers and had hidden it from the regulators, from shareholders, and from the Banking Committee. It's an industry that has been corrupted by its power and its influence.
I'm a conservative. I think regulation ought to be as little as possible, but I think we need a speed limit on the highway. I think we need to do bank reform, and not allow our Congressmen and our president to take money from the banks. If you're going to reform them, reform them--but quit taking their cashWhat do you identify as the failures of those who have gone before you in attempting to reform campaign finance and how will you address those failures?
I thought John McCain particularly did a good job of making it an issue. John's problem was that he wasn't able to be free of the money. He took PAC money in large sums. He took contributions from those [interests] that had to be regulated. At the end of the day, to try to get elected, he had to take the money.
It was a mistake; I argued against it. People will tell you that I was basically alone in that campaign. I just felt that the way to be president and the way to serve America's interest was to vote against the bank bailout that President Bush asked John to vote for and Barack Obama did vote for. I asked John to consider not voting for it, to actually put the interest of the American people first. That's the change that makes me different.
There's one thing on which I will not budge: I think this country is in trouble, I think it needs a president free to lead, and I think you've got to practice what you preach. I do not take PAC money. I have never taken PAC money. As a Congressman, they laughed at me, [but] I got re-elected every time. Running for governor of Louisiana, basically a corrupt state, I didn't take the oil money, I didn't take the chemical money, I didn't take PAC money.
There's nothing wrong with America that a president free to lead and a Congress committed to the people--and not the special interests--can't change.”
On the Occupy Wall Street Movement:
I love it. I spent three and a half hours there walking and listening. I didn't give a speech. I was a Republican, [so] they booed and hollered, and then they started talking to me. The number one issue [on their agenda] is one that I endorse wholeheartedly, and that is that something is wrong. The taxpayers are paying for it. I don't know if Occupy Wall Street is in the right place – I think it it ought to be Occupy Washington, D.C. But they've got it right--they're the same place, they're connected at the hip. You know where Congressmen and presidents get their money? From the wealthy 1% and from Wall Street. Look at the records: the biggest contributor over four years was General Electric; the second biggest was Goldman Sachs.
The lobbyists and PACs with Washington, D.C. addresses gave more money four years ago to Obama and McCain than 32 states combined. Occupy Wall Street has it right: there's something rotten on Wall Street; there's something rotten on K Street.
It's the Democrats and the Republicans. They all take the money from the few and pretend that they represent the many.”
On the next few weeks in the campaign:
"We're about to qualify for matching funds, the only candidate to do that. These are monies under $100. We'll double our campaign chest when we do that. We've raised a quarter of a million dollars from all 50 states. We're running a very special campaign. We don't have huge staff, but we're knowledgeable, we're on the ground in New Hampshire.Our focus is not Florida, South Carolina, Iowa--it's a state with independent-minded people, it's a state of small business men and women, and it's a state that picks a winner in the Republican nomination. In addition to focusing on New Hampshire, we are focusing on our online, real-time campaign, from Facebook to email to Twitter. We are at the top of the campaign list at doing that. From the beginning, we focused on New Hampshire and on the Internet media."
Read more: http://www.benzinga.com/content/2098080/governor-buddy-roemer-on-finance-reform-and-the-hunt-for-a-presidential-nomination-w?page=1&destination=node%2F2098080&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed#ixzz1d7OWi9HE
BuddyRoemer Gov. Buddy Roemer
Jeff Immelt, GE CEO and top advisor to Obama's new job bill, defends sending US jobs overseas. "We've globalized"online.wsj.com/article/SB1000…
WSJ's David Wessel has the story of the downside of economic globalization: U.S. multinational corporations, that employ 20% of all U.S. workers, are increasingly hiring overseas workers.U.S. multinational corporations, the big brand-name companies that employ a fifth of all American workers, have been hiring abroad while cutting back at home, sharpening the debate over globalization's effect on the U.S. economy.
The companies cut their work forces in the U.S. by 2.9 million during the 2000s while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million, new data from the U.S. Commerce Department show. That's a big switch from the 1990s, when they added jobs everywhere: 4.4 million in the U.S. and 2.7 million abroad.
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Bloomberg News
A General Electric worker in Belfort, France, examines a component for a gas turbine. These days, GE gets about 60% of its business overseas.
In all, U.S. multinationals employed 21.1 million people at home in 2009 and 10.3 million elsewhere, including increasing numbers of higher-skilled foreign workers.
The trend highlights the growing importance of other economies, particularly in rapidly growing Asia, to big U.S. businesses such as General ElectricCo., Caterpillar Inc., Microsoft Corp. andWal-Mart Stores Inc.
The data also underscore the vulnerability of the U.S. economy, particularly at a time when unemployment is high and wages aren't rising. Jobs at multinationals tend to pay above-average wages and, for decades, sustained the American middle class.
Where the Jobs Are
Multinational companies are creating jobs overseas and cutting their U.S. staffs. See cumulative changes in the U.S. and abroad since 1999.
Corporate Globalization
See the percentage of workers overseas for selected U.S.-based companies, from Caterpillar to Walmart.
Some on the left view the job trend as reason for the U.S. government to keep companies from easily exporting work overseas and importing products back to the U.S. or to more aggressively match job-creating policies used in some foreign markets. More business-friendly analysts view the same data as the sign that the U.S. may be losing its appeal as a place for big companies to invest and hire.
"It's definitely something to worry about," says economist Matthew Slaughter, who served as an adviser to former president George W. Bush. Mr. Slaughter, now at Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business, is among those who think the U.S. has lost some allure.
A decade ago, Mr. Slaughter, who consults for several big companies and trade associations, drew attention with his observation that "for every one job that U.S. multinationals created abroad...they created nearly two U.S. jobs in their [U.S.-based] parents." That was true in the 1990s, he says. It is no longer.
The Commerce Department's summary of its latest annual survey shows that in 2009, a recession year in which multinationals' sales and capital spending fell, the companies cut 1.2 million, or 5.3%, of their workers in the U.S. and 100,000, or 1.5%, of those abroad.
The growth of their overseas work forces is a sensitive point for U.S. companies. Many of them don't disclose how many of their workers are abroad. And some who do won't talk about it. "We will decline to comment on future hiring or head-count numbers," says Kimberly Pineda, director of corporate public relations for Oracle Corp.
Those who will talk say the trend, in some instances, reflects the rising productivity of U.S. factories and, in general, a world in which the U.S. represents a smaller piece of a bigger whole. "As a greater percentage of our sales have been outside the U.S., we have seen our work force outside the U.S. grow," says Jim Dugan, spokesman for construction-equipment maker Caterpillar, which has added jobs more rapidly abroad than in the U.S.
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Bloomberg News
A Caterpillar assembly line England. The company has added jobs more rapidly abroad than in the U.S.
The Commerce Department's totals mask significant differences among the big companies. Some are shrinking employment at home and abroad while increasing productivity. Others are hiring everywhere. Still others are cutting jobs at home while adding them abroad.
At some companies, hiring to sell or make products abroad means more research or design jobs in the U.S. At others, overseas hiring simply shifts production away from the U.S. The government plans to release details about various industries and countries in November.
While hiring, firing, acquiring and divesting in recent years, GE has been reducing the overall size of its work force both domestically and internationally. Between 2005 and 2010, the industrial conglomerate cut 1,000 workers overseas and 28,000 in the U.S.
Jeffrey Immelt, GE's chief executive, says these cuts don't reflect a relentless search for the lowest wages, or at least they don't any longer. "We've globalized around markets, not cheap labor. The era of globalization around cheap labor is over," he said in a speech in Washington last month. "Today we go to Brazil, we go to China, we go to India, because that's where the customers are."
In 2000, 30% of GE's business was overseas; today, 60% is. In 2000, 46% of GE employees were overseas; today, 54% are.
Mr. Immelt says GE did or will add 16,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing or high-tech services in 2010 and 2011, including 150 in Erie, Pa., making locomotives for China, and 400 at a smart-grid technology center in Atlanta.
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Caterpillar increasingly relies on foreign markets for its sales. It has been adding workers world-wide—except for global layoffs in 2009, amid the recession—but is hiring much faster abroad. Between 2005 and 2010, its work force grew by 3,400 workers, or 7.8%, in the U.S. and 15,900, or nearly 39%, overseas.
Mr. Dugan, the company spokesman, says Caterpillar still does most of its research and development in Peoria, Ill., where it is based, and that "a little over half" of its planned $3 billion in capital spending this year is earmarked for facilities in the U.S.
Several high-tech companies have been expanding their work forces both domestically and abroad, but doing much more of their hiring outside the U.S.
Oracle, which makes business hardware and software, added twice as many workers overseas over the past five years as in the U.S. At the beginning of the 2000s, it had more workers at home than abroad; at the end of 2010, 63% of its employees were overseas. The company says it still does 80% of its R&D in the U.S.
Similarly, Cisco Systems Inc., which makes networking gear, has been creating jobs much more rapidly abroad. Over the past five years, it has added 10,900 employees in the U.S. and 21,350 outside it. At the beginning of the decade, 26% of its work force was abroad; at the end, 46% was.
Microsoft is an exception. It cut its head count globally last year, but over the past five years, the software giant has added more jobs in the U.S. (15,300) than abroad (13,000). About 60% of Microsoft's employees are in the U.S.
While small, young companies are vital to U.S. economic growth, big multinationals remain a major force. A report by McKinsey Global Institute, the think-tank arm of the big consulting firm, estimates that multinationals account for 23% of the nation's private-sector output and 48% of its exports of goods.
These companies are more exposed to global competition than many smaller ones, but also more capable of taking advantage of globalization by shifting production, and thus can be a harbinger of things to come.
The economists who advised McKinsey on its report dubbed multinationals "canaries in the coal mine." They include Mr. Slaughter and Clinton White House veterans Laura Tyson, of the University of California, Berkeley, and Martin Baily, of the Brookings Institution.
They warn that a combination of the U.S. tax code, the declining state of U.S. infrastructure, the quality of the country's education system and barriers to the immigration of skilled workers may be making the U.S. less attractive to multinationals. "We can excoriate them" and also listen to them, Mr. Slaughter says of the multinationals. "But we can't just excoriate them."
Other observers see the trend as a failure of U.S. policies to counter aggressive foreign governments. "All the incentives in the global economy—an overvalued U.S. dollar, lower corporate taxes abroad, very aggressive investment incentives abroad, government pressure abroad versus none at home—are such as to steadily move the production of tradable goods and the provision of tradable services out of the U.S.," says Clyde Prestowitz, a former trade negotiator turned critic of U.S. trade policy. "That has been having, and will continue to have, a negative impact on U.S. employment and wages."
—Scott L. Greenberg contributed to this article.Write to David Wessel at capital@wsj.com
@governpoint Super Committee is right on track, they have the Tea Party approved cuts and entitlement reform in their arsenal and support.
@BarackObama leave now while you still have breath in your body, I'm pleading with you: are your mistakes worth dying over????
Anti-Abortion Violence Missing In Government's Main Terrorism Database
First Posted: 11/7/11 01:01 PM ET Updated: 11/7/11 11:55 PM ETThe casket of Dr. George Tiller is brought out of College Hill United Methodist Church on June 6, 2009 in Wichita, Kan. Dr. Tiller, a longtime abortion doctor, was shot and killed May 31, 2009 at Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita. In the government's main global terrorism database, Tiller's murder is listed, but abortion is never referred to in the entry. (Getty)
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WASHINGTON -- The federal government's main database of global terrorism includes tens of thousands of attacks over the last seven years, a survey of strikes by Islamic extremists, secular anarchists, animal rights activists and eco-terrorists.But missing among the statistics are numerous cases of anti-abortion violence in the United States, an omission that raises questions about what defines terrorism and underscores how sensitive the issue of reproductive rights remains -- even when dealing with statistics.
A search of "abortion" in the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System, a database created after the 9/11 terrorist attacks by the National Counterterrorism Center, brings up just two abortion-related incidents -- one of them in Nepal. Though the database includes the 2009 murder of prominent abortion doctor George Tiller by an anti-abortion extremist, it is effectively whitewashed, making no reference to abortion in the entire entry. In the summary, Tiller is described merely as a "medical doctor," even though he and his clinic had been a target of anti-abortion activists for years.
The only other domestic case of abortion related violence in the WITS database took place on the fifth anniversary of the al-Qaeda attack that led to NCTC's creation. The incident on Sept. 11, 2006, involved a man who crashed a gasoline-soaked car into a Davenport, Iowa, women's health clinic that he mistakenly thought performed abortions.
In all, the government database includes 34 terrorism cases in the United States between 2004 and 2010, the majority of which involve property damage, but no victims.
But it doesn't include the 2007 attempted bombing of an abortion clinic in Austin, Texas. William Pierce, the attack's perpetrator, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the crime. There also isn't any mention of a bullet fired through the front door of Planned Parenthood of Indiana's offices in Bloomington in 2005.
Carl Kropf, an NCTC spokesman, declined to address why those specifics cases were not included in WITS. He said the database "employs the statutory definition of terrorism provided by U.S. Code, Title 22, Section 2656, which states that terrorism is 'premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents.' Any incident that meets this criteria is listed by WITS."
But those two cases are among nine abortion-related incidents included in another terrorism database that's federally-supported.
The principal investigator of that database, which is based at the University of Maryland, said NCTC has overlooked ideologically motivated violence against abortion providers and clinics since it began keeping records in 2004.
"There's probably some politics involved," said Gary LaFree, who oversees the Global Terrorism Database. "We are incredibly inclusive."
The question of whether to include attacks on abortion providers is more than a matter of keeping score. As the conservative blow back over a 2009 Department of Homeland Security report warning of rising right-wing extremism illustrated, even talking about a link between certain ideologies and violence can cause political problems.
The report, which did not specifically address anti-abortion groups, sparked a firestorm of protest from conservatives and veterans groups, which objected to the conclusion that extremist groups may try to recruit veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.
"I think it is important for all of us to remember that Americans are not the enemy. The terrorists are," David K. Rehbein, the American Legion's national commander, wrote at the time to Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano in response to the report.
The broader reaction highlighted the political minefield awaiting government officials who suggest ultra-conservative groups of any stripe are as dangerous as Islamist extremists. But by downplaying or failing to include religiously or politically inspired attacks against abortion providers in its official statistics, WITS may tacitly imply that such violence is of little import to the nation.
"There is no single definition of terrorism," said LaFree, a criminology professor who also directs theNational Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, which was founded in 2005 with DHS funding and includes the GTD database. "Even different branches of the U.S. government disagree on terrorism definitions."
WITS, which began recording data in 2004, states on its website that determining what constitutes a terrorist act "can be more art than science; information is often incomplete, fact patterns may be open to interpretation, and perpetrators' intent is rarely clear." And it warns database users to "recognize that reasonable people may differ on whether a particular attack actually constitutes terrorism or some other form of political violence."
When asked why WITS listed the Tiller killing as a generic armed attack and not one motivated by anti-abortion ideology, Kropf repeatedly referred back to the U.S. Code, which requires the Department of State to issue an annual report on terrorism.
"If it's identifiable as a primarily politically motivated event, then we will include it," Kropf said. "We think the START [GTD] database is a good database, an excellent resource for terrorism information, but there are different criteria that are applied by any organization that collects data."
The Global Terrorism Database is built on information dating back to 1970 gathered by Pinkerton Global Intelligence Services and obtained by Maryland researchers a decade ago, and now contains more than 98,000 terrorist attacks. It too has had to go through the data to account for overlooked cases.
"For mostly political reasons (i.e., the head of the PGIS data collection unit was opposed to abortion), the original PGIS data did not include abortion clinic attacks," LaFree said in an email. "When we tried to reconstruct and improve the data, we spent quite a bit of time looking at abortion related cases to determine whether they fit the GTD terrorism definition. Quite a few cases did. But there are real complexities."
GTD now lists "abortion related" among target types. But it doesn't include less serious offensessuch as vandalism, trespassing or burglary. And so far, it doesn't include attacks from earlier this year.
It also doesn't include attacks using butyric acid, a nauseating smelling liquid, which was often used to disrupt abortion clinics in the 1990s. At first the incidents were coded as "chemical" attacks, but researchers later removed them from the database after deciding they were more nuisance than true threat.
"Our position is that some abortion-related attacks do fit the GTD definition of terrorism," LeFree said, "but many are criminal without being terrorist."
Erin Miller, who manages the GTD, also said "it can be political" which incidents are included and how they are categorized.
"It's helpful to have target types that are globally applicable, so one could argue that because anti-abortion violence seems to be somewhat unique to the United States, it doesn't make sense to include it as a category in a global database and 'health care' is more practical," Miller said in an email. "On the other hand, one could argue that abortion-related violence is somewhat substantively unique and warrants it's own category."
The GTD has focused on filling the gaps in its domestic tally. In 2009 and 2010, graduate students scouring numerous databases -- including those of the FBI, the National Abortion Federation and even WITS -- helped double the number of domestic attacks related to abortion, eco-terrorism and animal rights cited in the GTD.
Katherine Spillar, executive vice president of the nonprofit Feminist Majority Foundation, has tracked violence against abortion providers for 25 years. She said she's dismayed that the government has omitted shooting and arson incidents that she said clearly come under the heading of terrorism.
"The violence that is orchestrated against abortion providers in this country is for a political purpose, to terrorize and intimidate them and to have an impact on the political arena -- the courts and lawmakers," she said. "We would like a more definitive characterization of this violence as terrorism."
She added: "There has been a reluctance to call a terrorist act a terrorist act."
ERROL CASTENS: Initiative 26: A life or death decision
byErrol Castens/NEMS Daily Journal
If voters pass it on Nov. 8, Initiative 26 - the "Mississippi Personhood Initiative" - will amend the Mississippi Constitution such that that word "person" refers to "every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof."
If successful, it will extend to unborn humans the same protections that law gives to others - most especially, legal protection from being killed.
Many an argument has been made against the initiative. Many of those arguments don't hold water.
In-vitro fertilization would be illegal, personhood opponents say. (Disposing of embryos presumably would be, but not implanting them.)
Women wouldn't be able to get health care, they say - mentioning specifically the state's high rates of Chlamydia, gonorrhea and maternal and infant mortality. Personhood won't preclude either treatment or prevention of any of those issues, unless one's theory of reducing infant mortality is that every child killed in the womb is one that won't show up in our statistics. And all the pro-life people I know agree that in cases where the mother's life is threatened, it's better to save one life than end both.
"This initiative does nothing to prevent abortions," says one opposition website.
Of course it will prevent abortions. Not only will it outlaw abortions in Mississippi, but it will also almost certainly be challenged through state and federal courts all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. It could well help overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that created a legal justification for abortion.
Justice Byron White said in his dissent, "I find nothing in the language or history of the Constitution to support the Court's judgment. The Court simply fashions and announces a new constitutional right for pregnant mothers ... ."
During Roe arguments, Justice Potter Stewart asked Sarah Weddington, the lawyer arguing on behalf of "Jane Roe," a piercing question, even though he voted with the majority.
"If it were established that the unborn fetus is a person, within the protection of the 14th amendment, you would have almost an impossible case here, would you not?"
Weddington replied - with a laugh, the transcript records - "I would have a very difficult case."
Since Roe v. Wade pronounced the law's blessing on abortion, some 50 million babies have been pulled limb from limb, chemically scalded and otherwise mutilated to death. Even if all the fearmongering of the antipersonhood crowd were true, the problems wouldn't hold a candle to that injustice.
Vote YES on 26.
Contact former embryo and Daily Journal Oxford Bureau reporter Errol Castens at errol.castens@journalinc.com.
Read more:NEMS360.com - ERROL CASTENS Initiative 26 A life or death decision
Case against Tiller associate Neuhaus could cost her license
By admin on November 7, 2011 12:23 PMShareThis
November 7, 2011/Topeka, KS/Operation Rescue --
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts completed its disciplinary hearings on Friday for abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus, who is accused of making improper referrals for late-term abortions to George Tiller's now-closed Women's Health Care Services in 2003.
Neuhaus seemed uninterested in Friday's hearings, and displayed a continued pattern of disrespect by often texting or otherwise playing with her cell phone under the table during the proceedings.
KSBHA prosecutor Reese Hays concluded cross examination of Neuhaus' expert witness, brought in to counter testimony from Dr. Liza Gold, who stated repeatedly during earlier questioning, that Neuhaus' records and the supposed mental health evaluations of eleven late-term patients ages 10-18 fell below the standard of care.
Hays skillfully used Dr. K. Allen Greiner's testimony to methodically make his case that Neuhaus' records were woefully lacking in content and the basis for mental health diagnoses that were used to justify otherwise illegal late-term abortions. Kansas law at that time required that a second, unaffiliated physician concur that the pregnant woman would suffer "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function" if she continued the pregnancy.
Greiner agreed that Neuhaus' records do not document that she conducted complete mental health exams, mental status exams, physical exams to rule out a medical reason for symptoms, or order any lab work to determine if medication was a factor. The file for "Patient 8" contained no diagnosis or evidence that any examination was made by Neuhaus. Two other files contained diagnoses made well after the abortion process had begun.
Neuhaus plugged "yes or no" answers into a computer program called "PsychManager Lite" which generated a printout and calculated a psychiatric diagnosis. The print out from the computer program was placed in the record in place of a true medical record that should have contained information, including Neuhaus' personal observances, to document her diagnoses. Neuhaus also seemed to rely heavily on intake forms produced by unlicensed clinic employees who interviewed prospective patients over the telephone.
Comments from patients recorded in the intake forms were used as indicators of mental health disease, including statements like "Some nights I can sleep and some nights I can't." Another patient expressed "a little bit of guilt" over her situation of been an unwed pregnant teenager. Yet another did not participate in basketball because she could not run as fast being in her third trimester of pregnancy. This was used to illustrate a "loss of interest" in activities.
Under questioning by Hays, Greiner agreed that many of the "symptoms" could have been attributable to normal feelings or symptoms common to women in their late stages of pregnancy instead of mental health disease.
Occasionally, Greiner would attempt to defend a particular point, but Hays would refer him to his deposition where he made statements damaging to Neuhaus, which Greiner had to admit were true.
The disciplinary case is based on a complaint filed by Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullenger in 2006 and amended in February, 2007. In April, 2010, KSHE filed an 11-count petition based on their investigation opened by Sullenger's complaint.
Attorneys for KDHE and for Neuhaus have until January 17, 2011, to submit their final information to the presiding officer, who will made a recommendation within 30 days, in time for any disciplinary order to go to the full Board for finalization in late February. Neuhaus faces the possibility of license revocation.
If Alicia Keys is pregnant, this would be her second child with Swizzy. Take a look at these photos of Alicia and let us know if you think she’s covering something up with her flowing top.
Peter Landy shared Tord Berg's photo.
0-0-0!By: Tord Berg
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14 people like this.
2 sharesHockey Dino winner winner chicken dinner
Travis Nevels Ron's message is "just stop,havent you done enough already ?!"lol
Aja Brooks lol wouldn't this make Ron Paul King?? No one has answered that....
Mark Rocka Aja, I interpret your question 2 different ways. How did you mean it?
Mark as Spam
Gary Johnson Any Politician who will not join OWS cannot be trusted. If they try to lead OWS they cannot be trusted
Craig Powers So Gary who do you trust?
Craig Powers I trust Ron Paul over all of them
Aja Brooks
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@wsbradio @EWErickson POLLING NOW: http://t.co/qAB2tOA Bachmann gains 3 votes to Perry w/her latest remarks-Huntsman gained 1 vote finally
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@wsbradio Erick Erickson 1 person drops vote for Romney-Newt picked up 6 votes since Cain scandal, Cain no more new votes
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
very good -- interesting the first 3 picks are who the media has ignored (Paul), neglected (Perry), and pigeonholed (Cain)...
on Saturday · Like · · Share
John Manning Moore · Answered Herman Cain
Herman Cain is, still, the best candidate of the bunch, IMHO, and Herman Cain, also, cancels out the politically correct "race card excuse" with Barack Obama. Herman Cain is capable of defeating establishment Republicans, RINO Republicans, elitist Republicans, and all non-conservatives on the side of the Democratic Party. As President, Herman Cain plans to surround himself with experienced people on all of the significant issues. Herman Cain will, truly, be a decent change from Barack Obama, on all of the issues.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Neal Mccorkle This is not meant to stand in judgement but there is no cancelling out the "race excuse card", those who vote for black liberals view black conservatives as the worst of the worst.
Saturday at 8:16am · Like
Neal Mccorkle and by that I mean those who vote for black liberals because they are black and not the issues
Saturday at 8:16am · Like
John Manning Moore The mainstream media would, definitely, attack all of the other '12 GOP Presidential candidates for being white candidates challenging a black president. Also, if Herman Cain does become the final '12 GOP Presidential pick, then he will be able to attract many more minority voters to his side, compared to all of the other '12 GOP Presidential candidates. Whoever is the final '12 GOP Presidential candidate will need all of the general election votes that they can, possibly, get.
Neal Mccorkle John...I humbly ask you to do some electoral psychology research about the minority voters.
Saturday at 3:24pm · Like
Valerie Stone Witscher @Neal-and all that electoral psychology research is 100% accurate in what appears to be a non-typical election? Every one keeps saying they've never seen anything like this so I don't believe those numbers would hold up if Herman Cain is the Republican '12 nominee. I don't think they would all vote for him but I DO believe there are a larger percentage that would vote Republican if he is our guy. You can be sure that if there is a "white guy", your typical Republican we usually put up, the black vote will stay just as it is now.
Saturday at 4:55pm · Like
Neal Mccorkle not necessarily but most minorities would never vote for a minority conservative (except the gender minority).
Saturday at 5:13pm · Like
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick PerryI can't help but notice that I also asked for you to say why your candidate is THE PICK for you for nomination.... and that y'all aren't answering that. Why should I nominate Cain or Paul? Y'all aren't convincing me....
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
I like the Texas model that Perry uses: while all state policies will not be his federal policies, he has the best job creation record, and Texas has a surplus. Perry's tax plan has also been the best proposal laid on the table. The only person who has the moral integrity to eradicate corruption is Roemer, but it is hard for any nominee to duplicate Perry's job creation and leadership as Governor of Texas.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Becky: tell us why you pick Newt, without bashing anyone else
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Brandon Baker · Answered Newt Gingrich
I am non-plussed about most of the candidates and am most concerned with the issues and ideas that will save our country. At this point and until the election and beyond, I want someone that will challenge the conventional thinking and not worry about going against the grain at this point and I figure that Newt has ve...
See More
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks thank you for sticking to topic, it is important people know why you select a candidate, not just that you made a choice, thank you for participating
Saturday at 5:35am · Like
Brandon Baker Not a problem, I have to admit that I have been pretty unplugged by most standards with the debates. My first choice didnt run so I am sort of left here hanging. I do appreciate you letting me on your friends list Aja Brooks and look forward to hearing more from your views.
Aja Brooks sweet thanks and you're welcome
David Colwell Pick the most conservative candidate who has a chance of winning. Cain is the one. Has actually run something besides his mouth, has been a success at several jobs. Isn't a career politician. I like his attitude and his drive.
Brandon Baker As I said, I haven't been watching the other candidates. Why is Herman Cain the most conservative choice? Can you show me his voting record? Is running a business the same thing as fighting for my rights and freedoms back? I am tired of talk, I want ideas and substance. Do we just find people out in the street and make them president now?
David Colwell Brandon, it appears we do just pick someone from the streets. That's how we got whats his face. Cain's biggest appeal to me is that he has turned a profit. He understands money and how it is made. Since he isn't a career politician he doesn't have a voting record, of couse, which is a good thing to me.Thinking any of the above would be a good choice. I really do like Rep. Paul. Problem is he is seen as a true nut by many. He has some good ideas but with his foreign policy views and legaliing drugs, he puts people off, and likely can't win.
Saturday at 8:34am · Like
Brandon Baker Conservatively speaking having to vote for someone, anyone but the other guy doesn't do a thing for me. We have a great leviathan of a state which threatens us every day to suck us into the mealstrom.
Saturday at 1:51pm · Like
Brandon Baker We need so much reform that the magic wand of politics threatens with the Sorcerer's Aprentice looks like the best possible outcome. So much so that only possible outcome of this election will be utter destruction into dictatorship or a lasting rancor on a par with the Reconstruction. Why do we need to copy the mistakes of that past?
Saturday at 1:56pm · Like
Brandon Baker I get that people are tired of rancor and threatened with loss of power and status but I am apalled at the lack of clear leadership and the lack of clear thinking. Sorry, I haven't good sentence structure in the above. I think Newt can handle the job.
Saturday at 2:01pm · Like
David Colwell You are right in your thinking there, bud. It serves little for the future if all we can do is choose the lesser of two evils. that's the choice we were presented with last election. Had to vote for Sarah and the old RINO even though my heart wasn't in it. I really think Cain should get a shot at it because we haven't yet proven he is a fraud, and he hasn't robbed us or limited our freedoms yet. What a great slap at the race baiting punks who call Republicans racist, too, as a bonus.
Sunday at 12:03am · Like
Brandon Baker That's exactly what I was afraid of, that race had any sort of entitlement or affirmative properties. Whether you use it as a tool, or too denigrate it is still an appropriation which is not suited for the general welfare and that error will grow exponentially based on the assumptions we make about character. The same mistake was made about Obama and Sarah Palin. Both of them proved to be much more than the bargain price they paid for them.
Sunday at 9:41am · Like
Brandon Baker Giving a man 'A shot' really makes me leary as we each have huge stake in the next election. Its our shot really, on prescribing the right medicine to fix what ails us, while we are ourselves the patient. You know how self prescribded medication goes, right?
Sunday at 9:49am · Like
David Colwell It is a shame that race has been given any bearing at all on human progress or activities. There is no measure of capability, capacity, value, or any other virtue which can be determined by ethnicity or national origin. In this case it is just an added zinger for the racists who continue to exploit perceived differences in people based on appearance.
Sunday at 9:50am · Like
David Colwell I'm sorry that so many seem to favor Ron Paul. He can not prevail, no matter how valid his points and plans are, bit many more do not favor him. It seems to me time spent pushing his campaign is time wasted. I know a lot of people who talk up Rep. Paul, despite knowing his is a hopeless cause. People claim they want the same things Paul wants, but in the end don't have the determination or the numbers to see them come to pass. I am committed to voting (however much good one vote will do) for whomever the Republican party nominates. I will also work at the local and state level to see the candidate with the best chance of winning is selected.
Sunday at 9:55am · Like
Brandon Baker I am more and more convinced that politics is a poison. If Ron Paul was the GOP nominee, much of the Democratic base will be attracted to him, based on his staunch libertarian values. Remember, the true separation in individual political values is between libertarian and federalist, or that the individual should decide for themselves what is valued most for the state, or that the state should proscribe what is best for the individual. Much of what passes for politics is based on manipulation of groups along these lines with red or blue switching positions based on satisying the current needs of the political base.
Sunday at 10:18am · Like
David Colwell Libertarian ideas are a great hope for America. What a shame that a majority of our voters don't relalize that. The best we can hope for is some trace of the ideals get through to a few at a time. There has yet to be enough votes to make libertarians more than a fond wish. Love the concept, but convinced it can't be sold to a majority.
Sunday at 1:20pm · Like
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
wow, just like I thought: 4th person pulls out Newt... tell us why Newt Brandon...
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser likes this.
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Paul Ryan: read the directions, you may only comment about why Paul is great without bashing the others
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Lion's Roar · Answered Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul, because he follows the Constituion literally, the way that it's supposed to be according to the federalist papers if you read them. When it says "the right of The People to keep and bear arms shall not not be infringed", it means just that.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
Archimedes: why would you vote Paul, without bashing any other candidate?
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser · Answered Newt Gingrich
My vote would also go to Newt if the election was today. I think each candidate has something to bring to the table......... but all in all Newt has a proven track record and like him or not, the man is brilliant. He was speaker of the house while Clinton was in office. Everyone loves to talk about how wonderful a p...
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on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks very well, nice and thorough
John Pohlson Newt has always been my first choice.
Becky Hauser Did you select him from the choices above? I believe the pollster is looking to see how people feel, without relying on the media to promote selective polls.
Aja Brooks I think he just likes Newt, but we are encouraging to see what makes them top pick in their eyes
Saturday at 7:10am · Like
John Pohlson Just did. Didn't before because these kind of things used to make you give an app permission and I don'y do that.
Becky Hauser John is a pretty smart guy! He's pretty funny too, in that dry humor kind of way.
John Pohlson I don't just like Newt. I never vote based on whether I just like someone. I always vote based on the criteria which actually counts. It's not a personality contest. Newt is the most honest straight foreward knowledgeable, intelligent grounded choice in the group. He's not Perfect but more so than the others by far.
Cheryl Smith-Flamm Newt Gingrich understands the dangers our country faces, he's a very intelligent guy and knows how to get us back on the right path. If Newt were the president we wouldn't be a laughing stock we would gain some respect back as the great country we are.
John Pohlson Amen, Cheryl.
Saturday at 1:34pm · Like
Dawn Lynge I agree with Cheryl that he has much to offer to the table, well spoken, no nonsense, Chris Christe like, but he does have history and baggage, but America would be respected again. I still love Ron Paul, I think his support is growing and his international views that many people disagree with-happen to be right on, look at Israel threatening to bomb Iran,because of a "Fear" that they have about nukes, so sorry but I think this is an "Iraq" thing all over again and as much as OWS is getting co-opted the original thought actually agrees with Ron Paul, too big government, big corp.s too big too fail, the Fed, etc., etc.,as much as people don't like it, facts are facts and Ron Paul has been right on
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perrymake your own comments on why your candidate is your pick, do not comment on someone else's candidate to do so, thank you
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
David Colwell: Pick the most conservative candidate who has a chance of winning. Cain is the one. Has actually run something besides his mouth, has been a success at several jobs. Isn't a career politician. I like his attitude and his drive.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks I had to repaste David's remark, everyone should speak on behalf who they PICK, as that is what it means to nominate someone.... it's like, you put their name in the hat, with why you like them
Zack Patman · Answered Ron Paul .comWe need to rethink our policies abroad. We can no longer afford to police the world or to promote our ideals through force. Peace through strength doesn't require bases all over. To be that 'shining city on a hill', we don't need to force democracy in places that don't want it.
War, and things that lead up to war, should be our last resort, not our first thought anytime we have disputes. Diplomacy works if we try it.
We need to downsize our government drastically and fix this broken monetary policy.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
Aja Brooks I agree: the downsizing of government must come now to set the Successor up for success and support, not like electing one problem (George Bush Jr.) out of office for even more chaos (Obama).
Bruce Shell · Answered Rick Perryhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rScPlpBBIA
Primaries would vote as morally as possible, then general would consider what Josh Craddock has expressed. Why? I believe our dilemma is NOT brought on by fiscal irresponsibility, but by dissing our Creator!
We "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" in song, then corporat...
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on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks alrighty then
Saturday at 6:42am · Like
Mark H Emerson · Answered Newt GingrichHe's got good idea's and knows all the players. Can't be bullied by EITHER SIDE!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Gailann Chicks · Answered Herman Cain
Herman Cain!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser okay................... why? Love you girl! You rock.
Saturday at 7:19am · Like
Gailann Chicks He is most like me! NO artifice! He is honest and real.
Becky Hauser This is a great idea......... It's pretty cool seeing why people select the candidate they do.
Saturday at 7:22am · Like
Becky Hauser without bashing the other candidates. I've had enough of that BS.
Gailann Chicks He really doesn't.........
Gailann Chicks I don't, either....It is NOT about faults, who is best to lead us back to the way we need to be.
Becky Hauser And that's why I like this poll. The feedback is the best part!
Nick Blosser · Answered Herman CainI actually want John Stossel but the Stash is not running and who can blame him; Washington sucks. I chose Cain because he is the underdog, the only "outsider", and a proven businessman (something I think the country needs right now)
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Becky Hauser lol.......... the Stash would get my vote too, Nick!
Nick Blosser Oh! with Judge Napolitano as his running mate, could you imagine the media with that ticket.....they'd wet themselves :D
Becky Hauser I adore the Judge......... he's another straight forward tell it like it is kind of guy........ who loves and knows the Constitution. The media couldn't handle it!!!
Becky Hauser I'm kind of surprised that neither one of us picked Ron Paul. I would have most likely selected Gary Johnson, but he wasn't offered as a choice.
Saturday at 8:09am · Like
Nick Blosser I think Ron is a nice well intentioned man. but he is as much an insider as the rest. I want anything but Washington same old same old....
Victoria Linker Nick cain is the ultimate insider & is no where near ready for prime time his women issues is the least of his problems. FYI if you did research you know that his VERY short tenure at Godfather's is very questionable. Try researching Aquila-oh & he sure tries to minimize that little scam however, he also refuses to release tax returns from those years to show how much he benefitted from screwing people.
Aja Brooks He didn't pay his state taxes either in 2006. Now that he has fought cancer and won, I would've paid the taxes knowing I was running in such a hotly contested race. I too was really impressed with Cain's military background, wish he would've responded that douche with how duty to his country and changing military culture from the inside was closer to his heart than going to protest civil rights inequalities du jour. I just don't like the fact that he lied about lascivious behavior: all he needed to say was, well it happened 10yrs. ago, I was having problems with my marriage or I was just too drunk to remember I hit on a fellow coworker. I embarrassed myself, my family, and the association over a couple of drinks. When I drink, I am not the Herman Cain everyone knows and loves. I am a brute beast animal. That is why I don't drink all the time. I have learned my lesson, and I don't want drinking or bad conduct to interfere with my service to those in America if they elect me. I was scared to admit it, because of lawsuits, I didn't want the lawsuits to cash out my campaign. ---- What is so hard about humility???
Saturday at 5:30pm · Like
Becky Hauser Ummmmmmmmmmmmm........ no bashing! Isn't that the rules? :-)
Saturday at 8:20pm · Like
Mark H Emerson · Answered Newt GingrichHe's got good idea's and knows all the players. Can't be bullied by EITHER SIDE!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry
At 3hr mark: Rick Perry-III Herman Cain-XII Ron Paul-XVIII Newt-VII Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks TOP 4: PAUL (+6 PTS.) CAIN (+5 PTS.) NEWT (+4PTS.) PERRY (+2) ------BACHMANN (+1) --- all others received no votes on Facebook
Saturday at 7:59am · Like
Aja Brooks Aja Brooks now that is what I call accurate polling: 3hrs. - 40 people, not including myself, and that is what the REAL snapshot is
a few seconds ago · Like
Aja Brooks this may change as more people wake up, but that spread means this race is very close for the top 4, and the others are not engaging the GOP or Tea Party as nominees
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick Perry2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
POLLING NOW lnk.ms/X1X4F Rick Perry-III Herman Cain-X Ron Paul-XVI Newt-VI Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks please continue voting and why your pick is important to you, without bashing any other candidate
Cindy Melton · Answered Herman CainCurrently I would support Cain as top choice. I believe Cain will focus on common sense solutions. Cain is an experienced executive, understands the bottom up mentality of success and clearly has had to fight his way in many respects. A leader will never be successful without the right team, and Cain knows how to select and motivate a team. Being largely a self made man, I don't think he will be influenced by the special interest groups to the detriment of our country. He is a great orator and brings both a charismatic personality as well as a less politically correct attitude. He does not hold himself "above" the People.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
yeah I too was really impressed with Cain's military background, wish he would've responded that douche with how duty to his country and changing military culture from the inside was closer to his heart than going to protest civil rights inequalities du jour. I just don't like the fact that he lied about lascivious behavior: all he needed to say was, well it happened 10yrs. ago, I was having problems with my marriage or I was just too drunk to remember I hit on a fellow coworker. I embarrassed myself, my family, and the association over a couple of drinks. When I drink, I am not the Herman Cain everyone knows and loves. I am a brute beast animal. That is why I don't drink all the time. I have learned my lesson, and I don't want drinking or bad conduct to interfere with my service to those in America if they elect me. I was scared to admit it, because of lawsuits, I didn't want the lawsuits to cash out my campaign. ---- What is so hard about humility???
Saturday at 5:29pm · Like
3.5 hrs. later, Paul leads 21 to Cain 17 -- Newt 8 and Perry 3
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Neal Mccorkle · Answered Ron Paul .com
I stand fully with Paul because he is the one with a record for standing up for the people and does not stand for the establishment's desire to continue to push for unnecessary and unending war.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks very well then, we have had a great realistic micro mock primary today
Saturday at 8:15am · Like
Neal Mccorkle glad to see the one i like is actually leading this one lol.
Saturday at 8:17am · Like
Aja Brooks well I want to correct the media: they have virtually ignored Paul and now I know it is not a fake-induced phone or computer multiple vote phenomenon... the support is genuine, albeit out there
Saturday at 8:20am · Like
Neal Mccorkle the support is genuine and we are guaranteed to show up rain or shine. Most people will still vote for who the media tells them to though.
Saturday at 8:22am · Like
Aja Brooks I will say this: Bachmann-I Santorum-0 Romney-0 Huntsman-0 Roemer-0 do not stand a chance 1yr. from now of being President seriously, because they have not engaged anyone who is actively studying and seeking Conservative leadership
Saturday at 8:23am · Like
Aja Brooks well most people ride the train of mediocrity, hey that netted Obama did it not? It wasn't right or popular at first, and it ended up way worse than mediocrity.... that is why you should always set you sights high... that way if you miss the sun, you land on the moon.
Saturday at 8:24am · Like
Neal Mccorkle most of them wont be in the race until this time next year lol..Bachmann, Santorum and Roemer will be out before you and I even vote
Saturday at 8:24am · Like
Neal Mccorkle unfortunately, another term for Obama is the media's agenda this time as well
Saturday at 8:25am · Like
Aja Brooks Roemer should have started earlier, really impressed with his integrity and Conservative debate he was the GOP's October surprise to separate the men from the boys so-to-speak. Nothing against Bachmann, I just wouldn't support someone solely because of being female.
Saturday at 8:26am · Like
Neal Mccorkle glad to see you seem to have more credibility than a former governor or 2.
Saturday at 8:30am · Like
Aja Brooks rof fl
Saturday at 8:30am · Like
Neal Mccorkle I actually admire Palin, but have to say that her endorsements was all about the ladies...if there was just 1 female Republican in a race they had her endorsement last year.
Saturday at 8:32am · Like
Aja Brooks Well everyone wanted to be like her, rather than become like her. We need more Conservative Lion Women, if you know what I mean....
Saturday at 5:13pm · Like
Aja Brooks You know, those that actually roar load enough to draw attention that they are about to do the enemy in and those who also take care of the Pride.... right now, we have a lot of Marthas without the heart of Mary !
Saturday at 5:14pm · Like
Neal Mccorkle we need more statsmen and stateswomen that actually know how to govern fairly.
Aja Brooks Yes, we need people who are willing to step outside the walls of church. I left a church after ending a relationship with a Pastor's son, because at that time, they wanted me to be about the work of "their church". God's church is His people, it is not the walls of the building. I thought they were going to fundraise us and activity us to death, when we should be studying and expanding into a new building. Plus, the Pastor's son dumped me because I couldn't pay half his bills, so he could live on his own, and he bought in by marrying someone else of the fellowship because she already had children, a teacher's salary, and I think that is what his parents wanted. When I didn't put all our family's money into their church before nuptials, he dropped me like a hot potato. Love had nothing to do with it; he loved me more deeply with that black heart of his than I ever thought he was capable of when I met him 10yrs. ago. I hope his holiness makes their relationship holy, because I hate to think what will happen to him or the church if God does not bless their redeemer-type relationship. Going my own way permitted me to change the government, and if the church is going to survive and them as a couple, they will need me to stop the government from dictating everything in our lives as they want to expand education at the church and just opened that up. It is my duty as a Christian to help protect them, I have to lay all selfishness aside. That is what statesmen and stateswomen do.
Saturday at 5:23pm · Like
Aja Brooks · Answered Rick PerryJerry D. Sullivan · Answered Herman Cain
Cain is the true outsider and he understands the threat of Radical Islam --- limit your comments to your pick, why they are great
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks I don't mind your opinion, but this is not a debate or discussion; just your PICK and why
Aja Brooks I will keep this up as it is specific
John Rickell · Answered Herman Cain
It will take a real "Black" man to beat Obama.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
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Aja Brooks so Obama is a white-washed turd and Cain is a real authentic American black citizen... I get ya: Obama is media harlot from Kenya anyways
Saturday at 5:10pm · Like
John Rickell A real Black man who is a real United States of American. Anyone who is not a closet Muslim with an agenda to turn this Country into a Communist / Socialist society.
Sunday at 2:41pm · Like
Ellen Hillwig · Answered Ron Paul .comThis is a must watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Qr7nL2xIZqI
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Harry Thomas · Answered Ron Paul .com
But I am going to vote for who is running against Obama, and is NOT a third party candidate.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks well Ron Paul reminds me of Ross Perot, except he has other exorbitant ideas beyond fiscal conservatism.
Harry Thomas · Answered Ron Paul .comRon Paul, is the only one who is serious about getting this country back on track. The others, and sadly Herman Cain think they can save it with BIG GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS. They either don't realize that it's big government that is destroying this country or they are blowing smoke up our asses.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Aja Brooks yeah, that is how I felt reading: 9-9-9 = 27% on everyone, otherwise, Cain would have no money to do anything as President, and I don't see by employment or deficit figures listed on his website how this fixes anything for the common man.
Saturday at 5:12pm · Like
Ashford Schwall · Answered Herman CainAll the candidates have/ say something I like. Only Herman Cain has nothing I dislike.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
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Aja Brooks What is it Cain says the most you like??
Saturday at 5:12pm · Like
Tanya Rahzen · Answered Ron Paul .comI would vote for Ron Paul. His voting record and the fact that he upholds the oath he took nearly 50 years ago. He is consistent. He honors the Constitution. I like Newt too but I trust Dr Paul more.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Tanya Rahzen I also admire the fact that he has refused to give up on certain issues that everyone else deemed non issues. Those issues are now what is important. Imagine if people had actually listened to Ron Paul 10 or 15 years ago, even just 5 years ago.
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Tom Rankin · Answered Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul = Spirit of Liberty
on Saturday · Like · · Share
James Dennis Lee · Answered Ron Paul .com
My only choice would be Him
on Saturday · Like · · Share
William Beers · Answered Herman Cain
Odd that you would include Buddy Roemer, a life long democrat that chose to run as a republican, and ignored Gary Johnson who was elected governor as a republican
on Saturday · Like · · Share
William Beers Aja, I don't realy care for Johnson I just found it offensive that a life long democrat (changed parties this year) was included in the poll
Saturday at 5:13pm · Like
Well I think Roemer it right to change, Nathan Deal did too. Democrats neglected the white working class or anyone who works for that matter, and the Democrat leadership has been poisoned by Socialism and Spend-It-All mentality. Not all Democrats, just the leadership, and now Senate Democrats have dug in their heels and said "NO MORE". I just want to know where the real blue dogs where, the real Democrats that have purple and black in their veins when it comes to writing a budget and making budget cuts. Even Clinton just come out with a new book, and he has cut his losses on Obama.
Saturday at 5:17pm · Like
Michael Wyrick · Answered Herman Cain
Folks we gotta stay focused on the goal ... Get Odamn-0 out of office!! I fully agree with Mr. Thomas below. Whoever wins the Republican nomination must get our 100% support and our votes!!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Kathy Bokon If said candidate is just another bought and sold WallStreet bankster pimp, what does it matter that he/she is republican? Said candidate will just represent special interests like the rest of them. No grassroots legislation...just more hyperbolic, vacuous, sensationalist politics.
Michael Wyrick I understan Kathy. Again really, I think our goal should be to save our country and to do that, we gotta get Obama out of office!!
Saturday at 10:55pm · Like
Sharon Linhart · Answered Ron Paul .comI don't like any of the other candidates that is why I voted for Gingrich.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
You like this.
Aja Brooks why do you like him?
Saturday at 5:08pm · Like
Dayne Herr Jr · Answered Ron Paul .com
I am going to vote for Ron Paul because I believe that he is far and away the best candidate in regards to the most important issues facing us today.
The size and scope of government: Ron Paul Is the only candidate who is serious about limiting the scope of the federal government what is enumerated in article 1 section 8. Whereas the other candidates want to reduce government spending to a more conservative amount, Paul wanta to eliminate bad parts of the government that are not clearly constitutional. Much of the growth of government that is happened, especially over the past 100 years, has happened because we have departed from the principles that were debated and settled during the ratification, the federalist and anti federalist papers.
Ron Paul's economic plan calls for the elimination of 5 extra constitutional departments and an immediate cut of 1,000,000,000,000 dollars to the federal budget.
Ron Paul has never voted to raise taxes.
Ron Paul has never voted to expand government.
Monetary policy: Ron Paul was far ahead of the pack when it came to recognizing our financial crisis & accurately predicted the housing crash while many famed economists & political figures were saying everything was okay. Ron paul was also way ahead of the pack when it came to pointing out the corruption in the federal reserve banking system and how fast money loaned out at interest Benefits huge corporations and subsequently the politicians they buy off, while it hurts the people who have the least amount of money.
Foreign policy: Ron Paul's foreign policy is the policy that was a espoused by the framers & founders of this country.
Peace and honest trade with all.
Our country's current foreign policy is a disaster.
Many continue to advocate the status quo by echoing platitudes like " peace through strength"
If that was the case, why are we currently fighting 5 wars while having the largest military budget in the world ( more than every other country in the world combined)?
Our troops need to come home now.
Our military has served as a protectorate for countries in europe and asia while they used their own money to experiment in failed social welfare policies.
A Ron Paul Presidency would in no way signify a weaker united states in regards to national defense.
Providing for national defense is 1 of the clearly enumerated powers of the federal government.
Our navy would still be used to protect our merchant vessels overseas.
President Paul would not hesitate to use the maximum amount of military force necessary to prevent an invasion or imminent threat.
That is the power of the presidency as per article 2 in the constitution.
These 3 issues are the most important ones facing our country and I feel that they also show why Ron Paul is head and shoulders above the rest vying to be president
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Torsten Leibold · Answered Ron Paul .com
The only one who understands the need for a constitutionally small federal government and means it!
on Saturday · Like · · Share
John Wetzel · Answered Herman Cain
Sing It with Me!
Here I am.
Rock you like a Herman Cain!
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John Wetzel Also i will add I can't help imagining what a contrast it would be to have Herman Cain representing the Republican party,standing on the same stage as Resident Obama (I Left out The "P" For A Reason)
Saturday at 11:05am · Like
Aja Brooks good one! Make a clip of you singing that! You can replace the smoking man!!! lmao
John Wetzel I just might do that Aja :)
Aja Brooks that would be awesome we need stuff worth watching for ads from any GOP candidate
David Welden
Newt: He is the only one with the savvy and the articulation skills necessary to defeat the incumbent. Otherwise I like Cain.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
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Aja Brooks fair enough
Saturday at 4:56pm · Like
Don Mashak · Answered Ron Paul .comWe are the 66% - 1%, 99%, GOP, Dems, #TEAParty & Occupy Please Take Noticehttp://shar.es/bdj7S #WETHEPEOPLE #TCOT #TLOT #66% #99% #occupy
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Don Mashak · Answered Ron Paul .com
THERE R NOT 2 MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES http://t.co/WLDJAYlv #WETHEPEOPLE #TCOT #TLOT #military #militia #Liberal #Conservative #Democrat #GOP
on Saturday · Like · · Share
Lauren Suderman Stone · Answered Ron Paul .com
I'm torn between Ron Paul and Herman Cain. I supported Paul in the last election, and no matter how much I believed in him the media and American public just wouldn't accept him. That will probably happen again, and then I'd vote Cain.
on Saturday · Unlike · · Share
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Lauren Suderman Stone And I've never even heard of Buddy Roemer. Who is that?
Saturday at 11:52am · Like
the media has their egg$ in a basket, and they break the ones they don't like to get more egg$ that they do..... Paul is the golden egg right now that no one in the media dares bash or praise, because then they can claim surprise is he clinches GOP nomination rather than a 3rd party nomination. Faking surprise is way easier than owning up that they elected Obama and that the corruption of the Press has ruined our nation to the tune of -$15 trillion. Buddy Roemer did reform of corruption in Louisianna, and he switched parties when Democrats stopped being the party of the working people and become societal sponges and political elites. Obama is feces under some fingernails, if you ask me. I real life, he is nothing, and it the political realm he is nothing to them unless he gives them money, and he gave them ours in the form of hellatious debt! Roemer is a great reformer and man of political integrity. Like Paul, I can stand to listen to him for an hour about his Conservative ideas. He is more serious on fiscal matters wherein Paul is a social Conservative, keeping the government out of our private lives. Roemer would actually tear the government down in the areas it's not working and then repair it. Thanks for telling me how you feel.
@thehill Cain lied; Obama's Presidency still died, and sun has shone again in GA to a brighter and better day, Hallelujah thank You Jesus!!
@wsbradio no: former Sheriff Victor Hill did in fact use GPS to track movement of drugs he let out on the street from evidence room #illegal
@davidflaig K2 is banned in GA see our legislation there is some other b.s. going around called green ghost synthetic pot
Big day this week yesterday 3-6 was 3hrs. of Herman Cain's sour grapes; today real interviews with all candidates-tomorrow first real debate
At 9:50 EST, I'll be interviewing RON PAUL--live streamed on Yahoo, one of 8 presidential intvws ABC/Yahoo do today. 1st up: Huntsman at 8.
@DailyCaller a pisser, Cain lied, I refuse to watch until he passes a lie detector. Better yet: ALL those whose names are on ballet must.
@BillyHallowell a pisser, Cain lied, I refuse to watch until he passes a lie detector. Better yet: ALL those whose names are on ballet must.
@FreedomWorks I would hardly call them Czars... more like debt demi gods.... lol
Decision Week for the Super Committee CzarsBy Ted Abram on November 07, 2011
Democracy and Power 116: The citizen’s vote
The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced. If the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt, people must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- attributed to Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC
The American voter has a single vote to choose a person to represent them in Congress, the Senate and the Presidency. The citizen has no vote on policy.
With the growth of the federal government, it is imperative for a citizen to understand the process. Only through an appreciation of our government can “We the People” begin to seek a means of beneficially controlling the power of government.
First, one must recognize that American politicians were not always honorable or adult enough to make reasoned and necessary decisions. Hence, 536 Senators, Members of Congress and the President delegated the enormous power to 12 politicians.
These "Beltway Czars" will make decisions affecting every American...our children and our grandchildren. This is a horrific indictment of the federal government. Tragically, the federal government is morally and institutionally incapable of governing. Why? The federal government, violating Constitutional restrains, has usurped societal functions best managed and tended to by family, neighbors, community organizations and local governments.
Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal writes about the ongoing negotiations of the 12 Czars. They are contemplating raising taxes, raising taxes on the rich, raising the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare, indexing the cost of living increases for Social Security and Medicare, seeking repatriation of out of county corporate profits, capping tax deductions on charitable gifts, home mortgages, state and local taxes, reducing corporate taxes, stopping green energy tax breaks, and the list goes on.
Obviously, the federal government confiscates and controls much of the time, energy and productivity of Americans. The federal government is too big and too burdensome to be competent. Notice, repealing ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank and restricting and reducing the bureaucracy and their pernicious rules is not being discussed. Why, you wonder. Politicians loathe to cut programs. No, government is incapable of cutting programs. Again, government is too big to be competent, and the politicians are too deficient to be principled. So, America awaits the decision of the 12 czars.
What does Stephen Moore expect from the 12 Beltway Oracles? Not much. He writes about his discussion with Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) in the Wall Street Journal:
If there is no deal, there will be a $1.2 trillion sequester of spending over the next 10 years with nearly $600 billion coming out of the defense budget. Mr. Hensarling fears the military cuts would be "draconian," but he adds, "I have a hard time believing a 10-year sequester of national defense of that magnitude would ever happen." He continues to state, "At some point the American people will rise up and say 'Wait a second, we continue to live in a dangerous world, this is not smart.'"
Does Mr. Hensarling think there will be a deficit agreement? "Our backs are finally against the wall," he says, and both sides are "finally starting to get serious." Still, his expectations are modest. "We're not going to be high-fiving each other over any deal that's reached."
The 12 Czars will do little. Again, it will be up to We the People to propose big cuts. Fortunately, Freedomworks and the Tea Party Debt Commission will propose big and beneficial cuts. When enacted, these cuts will help the federal government focus on their defined Constitutional responsibilities.
On November 17th, the Tea Party Debt Commission will issue its report. Stay tuned for very significant proposals that will truly reduce the size, scope and the intrusion of the federal government.
GA Tea Party
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@BarackObama I registered to vote today: my first vote, ever will be cast against you, if you even make it past being impeached
5 minutes ago

2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
Didn't Luquire also endorse Karen Handel, who also supported unethical use of stem cells like Roy Barnes??? Why yes he did! http://www.examiner.com/paulding-county-republican-in-atlanta/georgia-christian-coalition-endorses-karen-handel
GA needs to watch who is spending their money, and what they're
spending their money on: TAXPAYERS BEWARE!! The scariest thing that I
saw was Roy Barnes getting an endorsement by only around 10-15 law
enforcement people, mostly retired, who support Obama's Reconciliation
bill-H.R. 4872, for the expansion of Thomson prison to house
terrorists on U.S. soil, just so they can get more money at their
county jails for generic pills! Less people working = more people in
prison, and for each person in jail, it costs taxpayers $60,000 each
to house them for an entire year!
Not only this, but Barnes thinks JOBS will be generated by paying
$3,000 a pop+ for abortions, so then the aborted bodies can be sold
for stem cell research... hey, how much is a dead fetus going for
these days? I guess if you consider it an organ, if it cannot survive
outside the womb on its own, then maybe it goes for the price of a
kidney or an eye! This is not only the most morally depraved way to
pitch making money, it's also a FACT that stem cells harvested from
aborted fetuses that are used to make vaccines cause autism, cancer,
and genetic rejection side effects. Stem cells have ONLY been proven
to be successful in organ regeneration and certain experimental AIDS
vaccines. This means that MS, diabetes, and a whole host of chronic
diseases can’t be treated with a magic shot of stem cells without
terrible side effects, and nothing can replace good nutrition, rest,
stress management, and good lifestyle choices for total well-being.
While Barnes openly supports the pro-abortion/ flimflamming Obama
agenda, Karen Handel covertly supports it as well, as she is not a
REAL CONSERVATIVE, but an impeccable liar! She’s the one that should
have an open federal investigation against her for failing to collect
25% of tax revenue while GA’s operating in the red, and why she failed
to charge former Sheriff Victor Hill with misappropriation when county
funds went missing from him gambling them away in the stock market.
Instead, she padded the numbers until Perdue confronted her, as Hill
was double dipping from the county funds and from seized drug money to
gamble the stocks while ‘supposedly’ manning the jail. YEAH, I know
WHO YOU ARE, Victor Hill, and I don’t forget! Karen Handel had the
audacity to ask lobbyists to pay $300 per badge per year, instead of
doing her job to collect tax revenue and failed as the head of the
Ethics Department to stop Clayton County and DeKalb County from
straining the state budget!! This was her big idea, to charge it to
the lobbyists when GA fell behind the 8 ball, when bonds weren’t
getting that lucrative flow of drug money anymore! Karen Handel
failed to supervise Clayton County, and when I had to file a complaint
with Perdue about my constitutional rights being violated, Clayton
County was investigated, and they were ordered by Superior Court to
burn over $12 million in drugs that were backlogged in the evidence
room, and the FBI discovered a backlog of weapons that would’ve made
Manuel Noriega proud:
ALL YOU LAID OFF TEACHERS need to thank KAREN HANDEL for your lack of
jobs!! Karen Handel’s liberal stance on IVF treatments will make
breeding a taxable profession, and with her campaign money, she is
sure to become not just the female contender, but OCT-O-MOM for
Governor! Karen Handel does support the Reconciliation bill, because
she supports IVF.
You need to know the positions the candidates have, not just what
party they are in! With Karen Handel being infertile and then having
that many children at one time would surely hinder her ability to put
GA’s jobs first, as if she ever did that, as unemployment has held
steady under her watch and her lack of accounting for waste, her not
preventing fraud, and her failure to prosecute abuse put us in this
Please tell me why her ad says that Deal spent all of our tax
dollars.... ON WHAT?! He doesn’t support the Reconciliation bill as
written, and there is a replacement bill that’s being considered now
for an extra withholding for insurance premiums and an open bid for an
insurance company to take up offering an insurance product THAT IS
PAID FOR and optional through tax deduction or government check
withholding, or employee optional withholding.
Certainly, Nathan Deal wouldn’t still be around for 2 decades later,
if he wasn’t doing his job, so I’m telling Karen Handel to not just
get a handle on herself, but GET A GRIP: IT’S ALREADY BEEN BROUGHT’N!!
Take your same little IHOP speech about fiscal responsibility and 21st
century focus down the road, because you’re preaching to the choir!!
Maybe if people had to put their brain in their wallet, they'd make better decisions about their personal choices and what that means regarding state tax revenue! About Sunday sales, as long as you buy it on Saturday you can still imbibe Sunday, so what difference does it make? If you act unholy every day except on Sunday, are you still holy?? No! Only the blood of Christ makes us holy anyway, it is a matter of religious tradition to not partake of alcohol on whichever day you set aside for worship, so it is different observance if you are Jewish. Additionally, there are all different types of religious observance forgotten by the Christian churches in modern times.
Are you doing it for man's approval, not to drink, or are you doing it because you put God first, and that drinking would interfere with your worship day? We're not promised tomorrow, so I tithe my time to God. I spend over an hour each day in prayer or Bible study, worshiping God every day, not just on Sunday. It is manmade tradition, preaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
I would really like everyone who is “Christian” arguing against this bill to cite supporting Scripture. If you’re going to be our moral compass in Georgia instead of Christ, maybe you should aspire to know the Bible as well as Him, considering that He is the Word!!
Once again, the state of Georgia is balking on attempts to allow local municipalities to determine if Sunday sales of alcohol will be permitted. Current legislation has already passed the Georgia State House, and is now in the hands of the Senate, SB number 10...On Monday Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers said he’s not sure it will reach the Senate floor for a vote this session. Rogers is one of the bill co-sponsors, and had previously stated the bill had a strong chance to pass. In a FB post, Rogers advised irate constituents to contact Republican state senators who are not currently co-sponsors of the bill...The GOP controls all three legislative branches for the first time in history and many have expected the bill to finally
pass that would give local control over Sunday sales...Rumor is the Christian Coalition has ramped up the rhetoric and scared many of the GOP Senators from allowing the measure to come to a vote. My advice to these cojone-less senators is this:
"Time to put your big boy pants on fellas...We are not a theocracy...Not allowing this measure to at least come to a vote is a direct infringement on all of our freedoms. It's not about buying beer at a Kroger on Sunday afternoon. Its about enjoying the liberty to do so..,We should have the right to self determination on a local level in this state, one size does not fit all...i don't like government intrusion from either side of the aisle, whether its the liberals telling me what kind of health insurance I need to buy or some podunk pastor in South Georgia telling me what I can or cannot buy on a Sunday! We respect the faith community, we let you worship unscathed and unhindered as often and openly as you want. Your demagoguery of this issue not only costs us freedom, but also hits us in the pocketbook as estimates show the state of Ga is missing out on upwards of $5 million annually by the reactionary, backwards policy of prohibition on Sunday. To
put that in perspective, That's 142 teaching jobs at 35k per year annually. Members of the Christian coalition claim its a safety issue, with absolutely no evidence to back up that statement. Folks are no more likely to drive drunk on a Sunday than any other day of the week. In fact, the argument could be made that Prohibition actually increases the risk on Sundays, as people are forced to go to restaurants to grab a drink increasing the drunk driving risk...In the year 1755 Benjamin Franklin wrote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
The people of Georgia reserve the right to self-determination. They did not bequeath this right to the state, nor abdicate it to the Holier than thou crowd...Allow Senate Bill 10 to come to a vote, or suffer the consequences. Rant by Gregory E Williams
GEORGIA POLITICS 10:25 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
After five years of heated lobbying that pitted grocery and convenience stores against preachers, the General Assembly gave final approval Tuesday to legislation that could lead to Sunday package sales.
Gov. Nathan Deal has already said he will sign Senate Bill 10, which the House approved Tuesday by a vote of 127-44. The measure had earlier passed the Senate after being stalled there since early 2007.
The legislation would allow city councils and county commissions to call for referendums on Sunday alcohol sales at stores. Voters could see it on ballots as early as November in cities with elections. They will likely have to wait until next year in counties and cities without 2011 elections.
That means some parts of metro Atlanta could have Sunday sales by next year while others won’t.
Georgia is one of only three states with a complete ban on Sunday alcohol sales at stores. Georgians can already buy beer, wine and liquor at restaurants and bars on Sunday in many locations.
"This is about fairness. It's not about religion, it's not about drinking," said House Regulated Industries Chairman Roger Williams, R-Dalton, who handled the bill in the chamber.
During debate on the bill, Rep. Joe Heckstall, D-East Point, said: "It's good to see Georgia is joining the 21st century. ... We are in the Dark Ages if we don't think people are going to drink. I want us to get away from the hypocrisy.I want to set people free to do what they want to do.”
But religious conservatives fought the latest Sunday sales bill hard, arguing that it was an attempt to chip away at the Christian Sabbath.They also said it would lead to an increase in alcohol-related traffic deaths.
Rep. Len Walker, R-Loganville, a minister, suggested lawmakers were allowing voters to decide on Sunday sales because they didn't have the "courage" to make a decision on the issue themselves.
Walker said counties and cities that don't allow Sunday sales would be affected by surrounding ones that do. "The quality of life ... will be greatly affected by the counties that surround you," he said.
Rep. Randy Nix, R-LaGrange, told colleagues he is the son of an alcoholic and that his sister died of cirrhosis of the liver.
"Isn't it hypocritical to pass this legislation that has the effect of promoting and encouraging greater alcoholic availability?" Nix said.
Former Gov. Sonny Perdue, a religious conservative, was a leading opponent and long promised to veto Sunday sales legislation. When he left office in January, it gave new life to supporters.
The grocery store industry supplied much of the lobbying muscle, hiring some of the best-connected lobbyists at the Capitol. Besides stores and the liquor industry, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and other business groups backed the measure.
Senate Bill 10 sailed through a Senate committee early in the session, but some Senate Republican leaders bottled it up. For weeks it looked dead, with Republican leaders vowing to table the measure because a majority of GOP senators didn't support it. Republican leaders had stalled the bill for four previous sessions, and 2011 looked like it wasn't going to be any different.
But the lobbying effort chipped away at the opposition, and Senate Republicans decided last month to bring it up for a vote. It passed 32-22.
That opened the door for the House to vote on the issue for the first time. House members had long said it would easily pass the chamber if it ever got out of the Senate.
Jerry Luquire, president of the Georgia Christian Coalition, said his group will work to keep the issue off local ballots or defeat Sunday sales referendums at the polls.
"Those who have fought for local control will encounter a negative component by the local voters as we continue to try and keep Sunday safer by not having retail whiskey, beer and wine sales," he said.
Kathy Kuzava of the Georgia Food Industry Association, the grocery store lobby, said, "The voters of Georgia won by passage of local-option Sunday sales. We applaud legislators for listening to their constituents."
More from ajc.com

-- attributed to Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC
The American voter has a single vote to choose a person to represent them in Congress, the Senate and the Presidency. The citizen has no vote on policy.
With the growth of the federal government, it is imperative for a citizen to understand the process. Only through an appreciation of our government can “We the People” begin to seek a means of beneficially controlling the power of government.
Decision Week for the Super Committee Czars
Six Democrats and six Republicans need to reach agreement on reducing the deficit by $1.2 billion or legislatively imposed cuts will occur. Congress and the President have arbitrarily mandated cuts to necessary and big budget items, e.g. defense. Congress and the President intend to force the Super Committee to agree to a combination of tax increases and program cuts.First, one must recognize that American politicians were not always honorable or adult enough to make reasoned and necessary decisions. Hence, 536 Senators, Members of Congress and the President delegated the enormous power to 12 politicians.
These "Beltway Czars" will make decisions affecting every American...our children and our grandchildren. This is a horrific indictment of the federal government. Tragically, the federal government is morally and institutionally incapable of governing. Why? The federal government, violating Constitutional restrains, has usurped societal functions best managed and tended to by family, neighbors, community organizations and local governments.
Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal writes about the ongoing negotiations of the 12 Czars. They are contemplating raising taxes, raising taxes on the rich, raising the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare, indexing the cost of living increases for Social Security and Medicare, seeking repatriation of out of county corporate profits, capping tax deductions on charitable gifts, home mortgages, state and local taxes, reducing corporate taxes, stopping green energy tax breaks, and the list goes on.
Obviously, the federal government confiscates and controls much of the time, energy and productivity of Americans. The federal government is too big and too burdensome to be competent. Notice, repealing ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank and restricting and reducing the bureaucracy and their pernicious rules is not being discussed. Why, you wonder. Politicians loathe to cut programs. No, government is incapable of cutting programs. Again, government is too big to be competent, and the politicians are too deficient to be principled. So, America awaits the decision of the 12 czars.
What does Stephen Moore expect from the 12 Beltway Oracles? Not much. He writes about his discussion with Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) in the Wall Street Journal:
If there is no deal, there will be a $1.2 trillion sequester of spending over the next 10 years with nearly $600 billion coming out of the defense budget. Mr. Hensarling fears the military cuts would be "draconian," but he adds, "I have a hard time believing a 10-year sequester of national defense of that magnitude would ever happen." He continues to state, "At some point the American people will rise up and say 'Wait a second, we continue to live in a dangerous world, this is not smart.'"
Does Mr. Hensarling think there will be a deficit agreement? "Our backs are finally against the wall," he says, and both sides are "finally starting to get serious." Still, his expectations are modest. "We're not going to be high-fiving each other over any deal that's reached."
The 12 Czars will do little. Again, it will be up to We the People to propose big cuts. Fortunately, Freedomworks and the Tea Party Debt Commission will propose big and beneficial cuts. When enacted, these cuts will help the federal government focus on their defined Constitutional responsibilities.
On November 17th, the Tea Party Debt Commission will issue its report. Stay tuned for very significant proposals that will truly reduce the size, scope and the intrusion of the federal government.
Aja Brooks
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
John Wooden
Like · · Share · 3 hours agoToday 11/8/392 Theodosius established Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire: uniting East and West under one head, with the help of Gothic soldiers: Theodosius I (Latin: Flavius Theodosius Augustus;[1] 11 January 347 – 17 January 395), also known as Theodosius the Great, was Roman Emperor from 379 to 395. Theodosius was the last emperor to rule over both the eastern and the western halves of the Roman Empire. During his reign, the Goths secured control of Illyricum after the Gothic War, establishing their homeland south of the Danube within the empire's borders. He also issued decrees that effectively made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire.[2][3]
He is recognized by the Eastern Orthodox Church as Saint Theodosius. He defeated the usurpers Magnus Maximus and Eugenius and fostered the destruction of some prominent pagan temples: the Serapeum in Alexandria, the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, and the Vestal Virgins in Rome. After his death, Theodosius' sons Arcadius and Honorius inherited the East and West halves respectively, and the Roman Empire was never again re-united. The Goths (Gothic: Gutans, Old Norse: Gutar/Gotar; German: Goten; Latin: Gothi; Greek: Γότθοι, Gótthoi) were an East Germanic tribe of Scandinavian origin who played an important role in the history of the Roman Empire after they appeared on its lower Danube frontier in the 3rd century. Their language, Gothic is the oldest attested Germanic language. Throughout their history, the Goths founded several powerful kingdoms in Europe, and played the major role in the defeat of the Huns and the initiation of the Reconquista.
The first recorded incursion of Goths into the Roman Empire took place in 238. Written records about the Goths prior to this date are scarce. The most important source is Jordanes' 6th-century, semi-fictional Getica which describes a migration from Scandza, believed to be located somewhere in southern Sweden (Gotland or/and Götaland), to Gothiscandza, which is believed to be the lower Vistula region in modern Pomerania (Poland), and from there to the coast of the Black Sea. The Pomeranian Wielbark culture and the Chernyakhov culture northeast of the lower Danube are widely believed to be the archaeological traces of this migration. Centered around their capital Arheimar at the Dnieper, the Goths established a vast empire referred to as Oium, which at its peak under king Ermanaric stretched from the Danube to the Volga river, and from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea.[1][2] In the mid 3rd century the Goths launched several raids against the Roman Empire in Anatolia and the Balkans, conquered Dacia and launched several amphibious expeditions into the Aegean, Mediterranean and the Black sea.[3]
During the third and fourth centuries, the Goths were divided into at least two distinct groups separated by the Dniester River, the Thervingi, ruled by the Amali dynasty, and the Greuthungi, ruled by the Balti dynasty. In the late fourth century, the Huns invaded the Gothic region from the east. While many Goths were subdued and integrated into the Hunnic Empire, others were pushed towards the Roman Empire, sparking the Gothic war of 375–82, culminating in the Battle of Adrianople, which marked the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire. Meanwhile, the Goths were converted to Arian Christianity by the half-Gothic missionary Wulfila, who devised a Gothic alphabet to translate the Bible. The Goths formed the core of the army that defeated Attila at the Battle of the Catalunian Plains, and in 454 the Goths ended the Hunnic domination in Europe with their victory at the Battle of Nedao.
3 hours ago · Like
GA Tea Party
2011teaparty Tea Party Chief
@BarackObama I registered to vote today: my first vote, ever will be cast against you, if you even make it past being impeached
5 minutes ago
@BarackObama 5 Words for a MAN to live by, "NEVER MAKE A WOMAN ANGRY." You have awoken the rattlesnake in me, and you have pissed me off!!!
@JohnCornyn unemployment remained 9-10%, despite stimulus, and in troubled GA counties 13-15%. IMPEACH OBAMA NOW-STOP DELAYING WHAT IS RIGHT
@FBIPressOffice if Congress does not move on impeachment being mired in fiscal problems that Obama created, you must formally charge him.
@FBIPressOffice this will prevent Acorn fraud for why Obama is in Office/Congress not evicting him to this day, we want ethical elections!!
@FBIPressOffice I like the piloted voting machines, that permit you to print your ballot and mail it in to make it easier for them to verify
By Aja Brooks and Greg Williams in SYNTHESIS · Edit Doc · DeleteSUNDAY ALCOHOL SALES SB 10 -- 2011
Didn't Luquire also endorse Karen Handel, who also supported unethical use of stem cells like Roy Barnes??? Why yes he did! http://www.examiner.com/paulding-county-republican-in-atlanta/georgia-christian-coalition-endorses-karen-handel
GA needs to watch who is spending their money, and what they're
spending their money on: TAXPAYERS BEWARE!! The scariest thing that I
saw was Roy Barnes getting an endorsement by only around 10-15 law
enforcement people, mostly retired, who support Obama's Reconciliation
bill-H.R. 4872, for the expansion of Thomson prison to house
terrorists on U.S. soil, just so they can get more money at their
county jails for generic pills! Less people working = more people in
prison, and for each person in jail, it costs taxpayers $60,000 each
to house them for an entire year!
Not only this, but Barnes thinks JOBS will be generated by paying
$3,000 a pop+ for abortions, so then the aborted bodies can be sold
for stem cell research... hey, how much is a dead fetus going for
these days? I guess if you consider it an organ, if it cannot survive
outside the womb on its own, then maybe it goes for the price of a
kidney or an eye! This is not only the most morally depraved way to
pitch making money, it's also a FACT that stem cells harvested from
aborted fetuses that are used to make vaccines cause autism, cancer,
and genetic rejection side effects. Stem cells have ONLY been proven
to be successful in organ regeneration and certain experimental AIDS
vaccines. This means that MS, diabetes, and a whole host of chronic
diseases can’t be treated with a magic shot of stem cells without
terrible side effects, and nothing can replace good nutrition, rest,
stress management, and good lifestyle choices for total well-being.
While Barnes openly supports the pro-abortion/ flimflamming Obama
agenda, Karen Handel covertly supports it as well, as she is not a
REAL CONSERVATIVE, but an impeccable liar! She’s the one that should
have an open federal investigation against her for failing to collect
25% of tax revenue while GA’s operating in the red, and why she failed
to charge former Sheriff Victor Hill with misappropriation when county
funds went missing from him gambling them away in the stock market.
Instead, she padded the numbers until Perdue confronted her, as Hill
was double dipping from the county funds and from seized drug money to
gamble the stocks while ‘supposedly’ manning the jail. YEAH, I know
WHO YOU ARE, Victor Hill, and I don’t forget! Karen Handel had the
audacity to ask lobbyists to pay $300 per badge per year, instead of
doing her job to collect tax revenue and failed as the head of the
Ethics Department to stop Clayton County and DeKalb County from
straining the state budget!! This was her big idea, to charge it to
the lobbyists when GA fell behind the 8 ball, when bonds weren’t
getting that lucrative flow of drug money anymore! Karen Handel
failed to supervise Clayton County, and when I had to file a complaint
with Perdue about my constitutional rights being violated, Clayton
County was investigated, and they were ordered by Superior Court to
burn over $12 million in drugs that were backlogged in the evidence
room, and the FBI discovered a backlog of weapons that would’ve made
Manuel Noriega proud:
ALL YOU LAID OFF TEACHERS need to thank KAREN HANDEL for your lack of
jobs!! Karen Handel’s liberal stance on IVF treatments will make
breeding a taxable profession, and with her campaign money, she is
sure to become not just the female contender, but OCT-O-MOM for
Governor! Karen Handel does support the Reconciliation bill, because
she supports IVF.
You need to know the positions the candidates have, not just what
party they are in! With Karen Handel being infertile and then having
that many children at one time would surely hinder her ability to put
GA’s jobs first, as if she ever did that, as unemployment has held
steady under her watch and her lack of accounting for waste, her not
preventing fraud, and her failure to prosecute abuse put us in this
Please tell me why her ad says that Deal spent all of our tax
dollars.... ON WHAT?! He doesn’t support the Reconciliation bill as
written, and there is a replacement bill that’s being considered now
for an extra withholding for insurance premiums and an open bid for an
insurance company to take up offering an insurance product THAT IS
PAID FOR and optional through tax deduction or government check
withholding, or employee optional withholding.
Certainly, Nathan Deal wouldn’t still be around for 2 decades later,
if he wasn’t doing his job, so I’m telling Karen Handel to not just
get a handle on herself, but GET A GRIP: IT’S ALREADY BEEN BROUGHT’N!!
Take your same little IHOP speech about fiscal responsibility and 21st
century focus down the road, because you’re preaching to the choir!!
Maybe if people had to put their brain in their wallet, they'd make better decisions about their personal choices and what that means regarding state tax revenue! About Sunday sales, as long as you buy it on Saturday you can still imbibe Sunday, so what difference does it make? If you act unholy every day except on Sunday, are you still holy?? No! Only the blood of Christ makes us holy anyway, it is a matter of religious tradition to not partake of alcohol on whichever day you set aside for worship, so it is different observance if you are Jewish. Additionally, there are all different types of religious observance forgotten by the Christian churches in modern times.
Are you doing it for man's approval, not to drink, or are you doing it because you put God first, and that drinking would interfere with your worship day? We're not promised tomorrow, so I tithe my time to God. I spend over an hour each day in prayer or Bible study, worshiping God every day, not just on Sunday. It is manmade tradition, preaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
I would really like everyone who is “Christian” arguing against this bill to cite supporting Scripture. If you’re going to be our moral compass in Georgia instead of Christ, maybe you should aspire to know the Bible as well as Him, considering that He is the Word!!
Once again, the state of Georgia is balking on attempts to allow local municipalities to determine if Sunday sales of alcohol will be permitted. Current legislation has already passed the Georgia State House, and is now in the hands of the Senate, SB number 10...On Monday Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers said he’s not sure it will reach the Senate floor for a vote this session. Rogers is one of the bill co-sponsors, and had previously stated the bill had a strong chance to pass. In a FB post, Rogers advised irate constituents to contact Republican state senators who are not currently co-sponsors of the bill...The GOP controls all three legislative branches for the first time in history and many have expected the bill to finally
pass that would give local control over Sunday sales...Rumor is the Christian Coalition has ramped up the rhetoric and scared many of the GOP Senators from allowing the measure to come to a vote. My advice to these cojone-less senators is this:
"Time to put your big boy pants on fellas...We are not a theocracy...Not allowing this measure to at least come to a vote is a direct infringement on all of our freedoms. It's not about buying beer at a Kroger on Sunday afternoon. Its about enjoying the liberty to do so..,We should have the right to self determination on a local level in this state, one size does not fit all...i don't like government intrusion from either side of the aisle, whether its the liberals telling me what kind of health insurance I need to buy or some podunk pastor in South Georgia telling me what I can or cannot buy on a Sunday! We respect the faith community, we let you worship unscathed and unhindered as often and openly as you want. Your demagoguery of this issue not only costs us freedom, but also hits us in the pocketbook as estimates show the state of Ga is missing out on upwards of $5 million annually by the reactionary, backwards policy of prohibition on Sunday. To
put that in perspective, That's 142 teaching jobs at 35k per year annually. Members of the Christian coalition claim its a safety issue, with absolutely no evidence to back up that statement. Folks are no more likely to drive drunk on a Sunday than any other day of the week. In fact, the argument could be made that Prohibition actually increases the risk on Sundays, as people are forced to go to restaurants to grab a drink increasing the drunk driving risk...In the year 1755 Benjamin Franklin wrote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
The people of Georgia reserve the right to self-determination. They did not bequeath this right to the state, nor abdicate it to the Holier than thou crowd...Allow Senate Bill 10 to come to a vote, or suffer the consequences. Rant by Gregory E Williams
GEORGIA POLITICS 10:25 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, 2011
House gives final passage to Sunday alcohol sales bill
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
After five years of heated lobbying that pitted grocery and convenience stores against preachers, the General Assembly gave final approval Tuesday to legislation that could lead to Sunday package sales.
Bob Andres, bandres@ajc.comGrocery and convenience stores, alcoholic beverage distributors and others have pushed for the Sunday sales legislation for the past five sessions.
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Gov. Nathan Deal has already said he will sign Senate Bill 10, which the House approved Tuesday by a vote of 127-44. The measure had earlier passed the Senate after being stalled there since early 2007.
The legislation would allow city councils and county commissions to call for referendums on Sunday alcohol sales at stores. Voters could see it on ballots as early as November in cities with elections. They will likely have to wait until next year in counties and cities without 2011 elections.
That means some parts of metro Atlanta could have Sunday sales by next year while others won’t.
Georgia is one of only three states with a complete ban on Sunday alcohol sales at stores. Georgians can already buy beer, wine and liquor at restaurants and bars on Sunday in many locations.
"This is about fairness. It's not about religion, it's not about drinking," said House Regulated Industries Chairman Roger Williams, R-Dalton, who handled the bill in the chamber.
During debate on the bill, Rep. Joe Heckstall, D-East Point, said: "It's good to see Georgia is joining the 21st century. ... We are in the Dark Ages if we don't think people are going to drink. I want us to get away from the hypocrisy.I want to set people free to do what they want to do.”
But religious conservatives fought the latest Sunday sales bill hard, arguing that it was an attempt to chip away at the Christian Sabbath.They also said it would lead to an increase in alcohol-related traffic deaths.
Rep. Len Walker, R-Loganville, a minister, suggested lawmakers were allowing voters to decide on Sunday sales because they didn't have the "courage" to make a decision on the issue themselves.
Walker said counties and cities that don't allow Sunday sales would be affected by surrounding ones that do. "The quality of life ... will be greatly affected by the counties that surround you," he said.
Rep. Randy Nix, R-LaGrange, told colleagues he is the son of an alcoholic and that his sister died of cirrhosis of the liver.
"Isn't it hypocritical to pass this legislation that has the effect of promoting and encouraging greater alcoholic availability?" Nix said.
Former Gov. Sonny Perdue, a religious conservative, was a leading opponent and long promised to veto Sunday sales legislation. When he left office in January, it gave new life to supporters.
The grocery store industry supplied much of the lobbying muscle, hiring some of the best-connected lobbyists at the Capitol. Besides stores and the liquor industry, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and other business groups backed the measure.
Senate Bill 10 sailed through a Senate committee early in the session, but some Senate Republican leaders bottled it up. For weeks it looked dead, with Republican leaders vowing to table the measure because a majority of GOP senators didn't support it. Republican leaders had stalled the bill for four previous sessions, and 2011 looked like it wasn't going to be any different.
But the lobbying effort chipped away at the opposition, and Senate Republicans decided last month to bring it up for a vote. It passed 32-22.
That opened the door for the House to vote on the issue for the first time. House members had long said it would easily pass the chamber if it ever got out of the Senate.
Jerry Luquire, president of the Georgia Christian Coalition, said his group will work to keep the issue off local ballots or defeat Sunday sales referendums at the polls.
"Those who have fought for local control will encounter a negative component by the local voters as we continue to try and keep Sunday safer by not having retail whiskey, beer and wine sales," he said.
Kathy Kuzava of the Georgia Food Industry Association, the grocery store lobby, said, "The voters of Georgia won by passage of local-option Sunday sales. We applaud legislators for listening to their constituents."
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- Atlanta Gas Light makes final push for natural gas fueling stations
@Talkmaster it is fine when they get more federal/state funding but they view alcohol as a detractor from funds-not their own evil and greed
@Talkmaster the problem with the hypocrisy of the modern churches is that votes are convenient to THEIR agenda, not God's laws..... #Sundays
Wed., November 2, 2011 5:21pm (EDT)
Counties Debate Education Sales Taxes
By Orlando Montoya
Updated: 6 days ago
Penny sales taxes for education are used in most Georgia counties. (photo Aldo Gonzalez)
Voters in dozens of Georgia counties will decide next week if they want to extend penny sales taxes generating millions of dollars for schools.
The campaigns for and against them share common themes.
The Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax or ESPLOST only can be used for capital projects, like new buildings, or for paying down debt.
Savannah-Chatham County School Board President Joe Buck says, the sales tax cuts down on property taxes.
"No one really likes taxes," Buck says. "But we've saved one mill of taxes by virtue of having the sales tax."
Opponents like the Tea Party's Jeanne Seaver, however, say, new buildings aren't necessary for quality education.
"The people who said, 'Give it to us and we won't raise your taxes,' it's not true," Seaver says. "They raised our taxes this year."
Voters also are weighing new transportation sales taxes up for votes next year.
Habersham, McDuffie and Fulton are among counties deciding ESPLOSTs next week.
BONUS CONTENT: Savannah-Chatham County School Board President Joe Buck and anti-tax activist Jeanne Seaver both present their arguments.
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Tags: Education | E-SPLOST | education | GPB News | Jeannie Seaver | Joe Buck | one percent sales tax | penny sales tax |penny sales tax referendum | sales taxes | Savannah-Chatham County schools | special purlose local option sales tax |
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