Democratic lawmaker called on to resign after having oral sex with teen in bushes http://bit.ly/NVDRfv @abc @nbc @cbs this is news
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
Democratic lawmaker called on to resign for having oral sex with boy, 17, in bushes at public rest stop after meeting him on Craigslist
- Representative Kerry Gauthier was found engaging in oral sex on July 22
- Police investigated whether or not there was wrongdoing in Duluth rest stop encounter with 17-year-old
- Charges were dropped, but political pressure for Representative to resign is mounting
PUBLISHED: 15:49 EST, 20 August 2012 | UPDATED: 01:00 EST, 23 August 2012
Caught: Police revealed that a Minnesota's Representative Kerry Gauthier had a sexual encounter with a 17-year-old boy
After police revealed that a Minnesota lawmaker had a sexual encounter with a 17-year-old boy, both Republicans and Democrats have banded together to ask Representative Kerry Gauthier not to seek re-election.Representative Gauthier had been hospitalized in the wake of the scandal, denying any and all interview requests.
Charges will not be pressed against the high-profile politician as the sex, which occurred at a Duluth rest stop, was found to be consensual.
'I am deeply disappointed with Rep Kerry Gauthier’s conduct,' Minnesota House Minority Leader Paul Thissen said in a statement to the Duluth News Tribune.
'The conduct was wrong and no one in the DFL House caucus condones the behavior. I expect he will address these issues publicly and soon.'
Previously, Republicans lobbied for his resignation.
'I believe we have given Rep. Gauthier and the Democrat caucus a respectful amount of time to address this situation on their own,' House Speaker Kurt Zellers, R-Maple Grove, said Friday.
'Rep. Gauthier’s actions are not becoming of a member of the House of Representatives, and today I am calling on him to resign from the Legislature.'
Mr Gauthier was treated for shortness of breath following the public investigation of his interactions with a 17-year-old teen he met on Craigslist.
The two met for a rendezvous on July 22 at the Thompson Hill rest stop around 11 p.m.
The Duluth News Tribune reported that a state trooper happened upon the pair after a report of 'suspicious activity.'
Police reports of the incident reveal that Mr Gauthier, 56, put out an ad for an encounter on Craigslist and the 17-year-old responded.
The two walked to a wooded area behind the rest stop pavilion for five minutes, where they engaged in oral sex and touching, police records show.
Bipartisan: House Minority Leader and fellow Democrat Paul Thissen, left, as well as House Speaker and Republican Kurt Zellers, right, have condemned Mr Gauthier's actions
A trooper approached Mr Gauthier on his way back from the encounter.
'It was at that time I noted his zipper was open and part of his shirt was hanging out. I asked him why his zipper was down and he said he didn’t know,' the officer wrote in his police report. 'I told him to zip it up and leave. The male seemed nervous.'
Then, the trooper said, he saw the teen.
'It was at that time I noted his zipper was open and part of his shirt was hanging out. I asked him why his zipper was down and he said he didn’t know. I told him to zip it up and leave.'
State Trooper
'He stated that he had met an older man at the rest area after corresponding with him in a response to a Craigslist ad,' the trooper wrote.The teen told the police that his parents were unaware of his sexual orientation and begged them not to tell his family of the incident.
Both men said the interaction was consensual and there was no money exchanged. The teen also told police that he lied about his age, telling Mr Gauthier he was 18 years old.
'I think it’s a private matter and I don’t need to talk about it,' Mr Gauthier said to the Duluth News Tribune following the explosive investigation.
No charges were pressed against the representative as the age of consent is 16 in Minnesota.
Read more:
- Minnesota DFL House leader: Gauthier should not run | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota
- No charges for Gauthier in rest stop case | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota
Posted August 17, 2012 by TPT Admin in Announcements, AZ News, Events, News, Tea P
Obama I have a big fat clue for you & your campaign! AMERICANS from all over US will vote for a Future and Jobs and vote for Romney & Ryan
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@CawleyforLG Thank you for the recognition and for presentation of your positions.
@ZekeJMiller no food stamps are #GovtSlavery because of the rate of inflation forcing such an increase never seen onto them for survival
@GOPconvention Due process is violated by abuse of the#PatriotAct @GovernorDeal unethical use of confidential informants/sentence bartering
@GOPconvention right on our soil we are not at a declared state of war, and those rights should not be restricted
@GOPconvention No we have to clearly define groups that don't operate constitutionally, by violence or anarchy. That is different totally.
@GOPconvention Exactly so I am suing CCSO and HCPD for violation of arrest procedures/abuse of the #PatriotAct in violation of Habeas corpus
@GOPconvention no one should be voting by mail unless they are military
21 Aug
Exactly we can't take the risk when hacking @GOPconvention is so prevalent in jeopardizing our vote and our freedom.
While I don't disagree with the accuracy @GOPconvention paper is not the standard, but it is the verification and proof our vote counts!
21 Aug
#2008 fraudulent @GOPconvention @USMC @USArmy @USNavy@usairforce @BarackObama #DeadPeople #FakeNameSSI#VoteBuyingByRemuneration #Obamacare
@GOPconvention @USMC @USArmy @USNavy @usairforce we support your right to vote & TIRED OF A NON-CITIZEN@BarackObama UNDERMINING YOUR RIGHTS
@GOPconvention yes #HenryCo forbid me voting in the #Primaryuntil I complained to @GovernorDeal and they do not print paper ballots there
@GOPconvention YES next to national security, VOTER INTEGRITY is the biggest threat to freedom we face next to our debt!
@GOPconvention While I agree it's a burden, how will you fund Congress and Defense without Income/Payroll Taxes?
@GOPconvention THANK YOU to the gentleman that just spoke. This is not a religious freedom issue, it is actually idolatry anyway.
@GOPconvention Polygamy is tax evasion, drug sales is withholding sales tax and drug abuse is a form of tax evasion. NEXT......
@GOPconvention PRESENT but not in the room -- we are still at war, why are we STILL discussing marriage? Others are not denied a ceremony.
@karzai you are not to blame: my words 8-14-12 are #AlQaeda response to make us want to not trust you-we abandon no one to them #Afghanistan
You @BarackObama can pursue @MittRomney in court on#TaxReturns not through @SenatorReid as I pursued your lack of provable citizenship!
how dare you @barackobama when all of you took bets on@SenJohnMcCain 's life and he didn't keel over calling you a murderous Tyrant
I have the right @BarackObama to question your private medical records over our Nation's security when you have no provable citizenship
@GovernorDeal 89 people checked this blog today:http://teapartychief.blogspot.com/ they want to know about the budget, Iran, or report on Victor Hill....
Aja Brooks shared a link.
89 people checked the blog today:http://teapartychief.blogspot.com/ they want to know about the budget, Iran, or report on Victor Hill....
My guess is this election is far from decided by voters in #ClaytonCounty who suspect fraud and want to see the FBI report.
The Real Clayton County Crime Fighter
Posted on August 17, 2012 by VirusDataYes Clayton County Sheriff Kem Kimbrough is the real Crime Fighter of Clayton County and not like the false prophet Victor Hill that’s been corrupted since his was in office as sheriff in 2004, Victor Hill belongs to the Lee/Jewel Scott click click that they only serves themselves and not the Clayton County Taxpayers, as anyone that belongs to any type of click click only has the interest of the click click and not the Clayton County Taxpayers.
Clayton County Sheriff Kem Kimbrough has done lots of work to get the crime down in Clayton County and also going after all the backlogged warrants that the Crooked Victor Hill did not do, hell all Victor Hill wanted to do is to look after his click click and hiring his personal friends and his friends of Lee/Jewel Scott into the Clayton County Sheriff’s Department.
This Reporter hopes that the Clayton County Taxpayers will not put Victor Hill back into this very High Position within the Clayton County Government because we can not go back to Victor Hill because of all the Lawsuits that is still pending against the Clayton County or the Sheriff’s Department because the actions of someone that and not manage the Sheriff’s Department or even himself and also still being under 37 indictment from the Clayton County Grand Jury and yes they have to have charges that Victor Hill broke in State and Local Laws to bring forward through the Court System.
Victor Hill has also lost his accreditation to even be a police officer here in the State of Georgia, and P.O.S.T. is a total separate State Agency that meets annually to hear any charges that they might bring against Victor Hill and he can also be found guilty on them and then Victor Hill still will NOT get his accreditation back to be a police officer to be any type of Law Enforcement Officer in the State or Clayton County.
The Clayton County Taxpayers can not afford Victor Hill with over 7,000,000 dollars in lawsuits.
Posted in Clayton County Government | Tagged Clayton County, Clayton County Crime, Clayton County Kim Kimbrough, Clayton County real Crime Fighter, Clayton County Sheriff Department,Crime | Leave a reply
Kem Kimbrough
Well, we fought the good fight and gave it our best for the last three and a half years - but the people have spoken and I respect their decision. God has a plan for us all, and I will set about trying to get on with the plan... Thank you to all of my supporters and those who voted for me; words can not express how much I appreciate you!! We will be okay...3Unlike · · Share
50 of 78
Faye McGill Terrazas Alot of us who were raised in Clayton County back in the day (living elsewhere) are saddened that the current residents have given up and prefer crooked lies rather than bringing it back to what it used to be. We are all shaking our heads in disbelief and hope you dont give up and regain your position once he is found guilty and must resign!
16 hours ago · Unlike · 6
Tammy Buchanan Avant I agree Faye McGill Terrazas. UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!
16 hours ago · Like · 1
Mindy Koplon Binderman So sorry.
16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Aja Brooks Don't be so quick to roll over: this stinks to me, and not just because of the lack of turnout, but that the numbers are exactly the same in the other direction only a month later. I assure you, being Sheriff is not a popularity contest, and I will be there at Victor Hill's trial. You are still Sheriff and will be Sheriff because he can not assume office for the things that he did as Sheriff because of that suspension, and he will be held an accountable. Obama has set a bad trend for this country, but no election exonerates you or lets you off the hook.
Matthew Lavendar God Speed- Well wishes with wherever life's journey may take you. Thanks for the great job you did for Clayton County16 hours ago · Like · 1
Brad Clark Well when V.H. Is found guilty ( he will) we will protest to Gov. Deal to choose you!!! Until then God Bless
16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Audrey Murphy Lee You fought a good fight but your course is not finished.... I have a feeling you'll be back!! Keep your head to the sky!!!
16 hours ago · Like · 1
Aja Brooks Victor Hill can not assume office, so Sheriff Kem Kimbrough is still Sheriff. You can't be a criminal and be a Sheriff -- that is my message to Victor Hill. Everything he caused, he can keep it with him and take it with him to jail with all the other people he put there.
Alicia Alford Batts Although I do not work for you nor live in your county, I would like to commend you for the exemplary job that you have done for your department and for Clayton County! I would also like to commend you for being very tactful in what you have posted on here, and I have yet to hear you speak anything to the public belittling the candidate that was elected Sheriff. That says a lot for your integrity! I had the pleasure of working closely with some of your deputies on cases in which I worked the last few years, many of which were in an undercover capacity, and you have a great "team", if I will, that was always there to assist whenever needed. Your fugitive squad tracked a suspect for me, taking him into custody within a matter of just a few hours, and they were all very helpful to me! That also says a lot as to the deputies that you hire! Truthfully, I have never heard any of your personnel speak anything but admiration of you...also an indication of your integrity! I hope, for the citizens of Clayton County, that your department does not see a mass exit of those deputies or other personnel of which I have spoken...it would certainly be a great loss to Clayton County as well as to the department! Thank you, as well, for what you have done for the Daly family...also another indication of, not only your integrity, but also the true person that you are...not just as a Sheriff! I appreciate what you have done for them, as they are personal friends of mine, and I know that not all departments would do what you have done for one of their own! God bless you, sir, and I have no doubt that Clayton County will suffer tremendously as to the actions they have taken.15 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 6
Aja Brooks yes that is why he must remain
Toni C. Tooks Kendrick Praying for you. My heart is so heavy this morning- Clayton county put the wrong person in office for Sheriff. It's going to be another long 3.5 years- Head Up and Pushing Forward. I know it sounds cliche but what God has for u it is for u! God bless! :-)15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
John McNair sorry buddy, you are the best man for the job, the people that voted Hill in are the same one's that believe Elvis is still alive.
15 hours ago · Unlike · 6
Aja Brooks An election does not negate Victor Hill's criminal record, no more than it creates legitimate citizenship for Obama. For Hill, he had to be certified 6mos. prior, and it was suspended for criminal activity. He can't assume office.
Brian Byars They'll appoint you when walking small is convicted14 hours ago · Like · 2
Laura Eller Smith It amazes me that Clayton County would do this! How can he assume office with the background he has??? I respect you so much for being a real man and taking it the way you are. That says alot for your character!
14 hours ago · Like
Gail Buckner Thank you for your service. I'm sure you'll land on your feet!
14 hours ago · Like
Aja Brooks I am very angry that Victor Hill chose to attack your marriage: that is the surest sign of the CLASS A LOSER that he is. It worries me that the incident of joking at work seems to be concocted and turned into something it is not to disparage you: Victor Hill DID sexually harass inmates, he solicited Roberta for sex for sentence bartering, he fraternized with Officer Powell and they had an unprofessional relationship, AND it is no secret Victor Hill abused his position and access to paid bodyguards to post as lookouts at apartment complexes, while he slept with underage girls. Victor Hill is in no position to judge you as a man, or a Sheriff! His religious references are a put-on for votes and a mask!!! Victor Hill will answer for it !!!!
Buoch Nichols Will continue to pray that justice will be done and GOD will prevail for all of you14 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
Brandon Lin I think you did a good job sir!
14 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
Bill McCutcheon Well, my house will be up for forclosure by the end of the year, already under water. Time to make that move....
13 hours ago · Like
Buddy Ortagus-Thompson I still can't believe this happened what is Clayton County thinking....
13 hours ago · Like
Aja Brooks I know, I don't want to move here or keep doing business here/work here until this gets resolved. It sets us all on edge, and I will feel better when the ink dries on Hill's conviction.
Leroy Cleveland good luck sheriff..13 hours ago · Like · 1
Recie Ball Bagwell I am sick about Hill winning, Clayton Co. will go to hell now.
13 hours ago · Like
Adam Spence Sheriff Kimbrough will have to officially "step aside" in January BUT assuming that Hill has been convicted by then or hopefully at least shortly after on at least JUST ONE of his felony charges he will no longer be legally eligible for office and Governor Deal will disqualify Hill from taking office. In the interim the Governor will appoint a Sheriff until a special election is held and the people get to vote again without Hill in the equation. THAT is when Sheriff Kimbrough should run again and almost assuredly retake office.
12 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Ricky Town Ala, How do you blame President Obama for Victor Hill's mess? You Obama haters are sick.
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Ricky Town I agree with Adam. He will get his job back on the special election. You can't dodge that many bullets.
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Norma Jean Kohler This is what I pray happens...so disappointed in the election
11 hours ago · Like · 1
Cherry Unique Costict This Election is deeper than you think !! and for those of you who think he " Victor Hill" want take office ask yourself " why, How was he able to run " are you still with me are you listening w/ your eyes ?? My personal opinion crime rate nearly trippled when Vic left along w/ alot more things that happened I will say watch Victor Hill take office I know for sure he will like i said it' s deeper than you think ...
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Kris Craft I am very appalled at the outcome of this election and disappointed at the overall decisions of my fellow county dwellers. As a resident, tax payer and business owner I rely heavily on the efficiency and effectiveness of the local law enforcement and am now saddened by the election results and the future of Clayton County. However, the damage is done. So Kem Kimbrough keep in your heart and mind that you still have the support of many people here and we will fight again whenever the time presents itself; next time ending victoriously.
10 hours ago · Like · 1
Dabryar Sr Stafford Congrats Sheriff, i dnt like victor hill they cheated.
10 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rhonda Payne Lillibridge I am so sorry about the outcome of this election! I do not understand the people of Clayton County and how they could elect a convicted felon!! Are we missing something???
10 hours ago · Like · 1
Alton Anderson Kem, it aint over yet!
9 hours ago · Like · 4
Darlene Parker Taylor Speechless....after his trial he will see how The Lovejoy Hilton runs from the inside!!!
9 hours ago · Like
Walter Burns MOREHOUSE Man, God has another Place ForYou!!!!!!!!
8 hours ago · Like
William Hildebrand We wish you nothing but the best in the future. You have been a formidable law enforcement professional.
8 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jo Ann Cooper Blessings to you Sheriff Kimbrough. God has another plan for you. Keep trusting in him.
7 hours ago · Like
Joy Brantley Day Sit steady in the boat, Sheriff...It's not over yet. Just when you think you know what's ahead, God throws you a curve ball...
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Vicki Smith Maybe God has bigger plans for you. I am disgusted by the out come. Thanks for your service. Good luck. I hope we see you again.
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Tacie Michelle Carter I don't live in Clayton county. However, I know the reputation of both you and Victor Hill. There is no comparison. I cannot believe the citizens of Clayton county allowed this to happened. Whoever voted for Victor Hill clearly does not watch the news or read the paper. I do not see how he was even able to run for office with the indictments currently against him.
5 hours ago · Like
Joe Wiley Well, "citizens" of Clayton County, it looks as if you got what you want and even a little more. You think businesses are not interested in Clayton County now? This is worse than being a red-headed step child.
5 hours ago · Like
Joe Wiley Let's hope Governor Deal steps in before January, and also hope Victor Hill's trial comes quicker than later.
5 hours ago · Like · 1
Chet Morris If justice works as it should, VH will never get the chance to step into the Sheriff's office. While we no longer live in Clayton Co., we still have many fond memories and it saddens us to see a majority of voters make such a foolish decision...just shows the importance of getting out and voting responsibly, which apparently many didn't do.
4 hours ago · Like
Will Thomas Sheriff, it was my very great pride to vote for you four years ago and again this year. Thank you for your service. I dread how horribly Clayton County is going to miss you.
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Bruce LaBier Dont ever Quit fighting the Good Fight Sheriff Kimbrough. Though I dont live in your county and work for another,, I like alot of others respect what you have done. YOu brought integrity back to the Sheriffs office. Its never over. You have alot more good to do..
3 hours ago · Like
Martha Myers Maybe some day the truth will come out!!
3 hours ago · Like
Wesley Smith I'm sorry for your loss. Clayton doesn't know what they've brought on themselves. Once again a laughingstock of the state.
2 hours ago · Like
Cheryl A. LaSusa Hang in there...He still has to pass muster!!
59 minutes ago · Like
Tommy George So sorry to hear the news man! Though I'm no longer in Clayton County, I KNOW, that you were the man for the job there. I hate to see the direction Clayton is going now, but, I do wish you the best, and hope that the future is bright for you sir!!
49 minutes ago · Like
@2Investigates #SteveFrey can't bank his reputation as saving the corrupt #VictorHill
5:59 PM - 22 Aug 12 via web · Details
Voters In Clayton County Thinks Ex-Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner Will Become Their Saviors or Knight In Shining Armor To Save Them “NOT”
From: Don Geary, Chief Assistant District Attorney
To: File (Clayton SI 09-12-013/Dekalb D0210679
Date: March 4, 2010
Subj: Clayton County Police Department (CCP) Chief Jeff Turner
1: On February 8, 2010, Chief Investigator John Richey and I interviewed Deputy Chief Porter, Major Colburn, Captain McCain and Agent Foster; We was told the follows:
On or about October 19, 2009 , Chief Porter suggested to Chief Turner that the department employ tracking devices to assist in an internal CCPD investigation. Chief Porter stated that Chief Turner appeared to like the idea and asked Chief Porter to have someone contact him concerning these devices.
Chief Porter instructed Captain McCain to get a tracking device to Chief Turner. Captain McCain instructed Agent Foster , the CCPD custodian for the tracking devices, to take a tracking device to Chief Turner. Agent Foster complied. Agent Foster was directed by Chief Turner to show him how the device worked. Agent Foster stated he became alarmed concerning Chief’s Turner’s intended use for the tracker though he states he did not know what the use was.
Chief Turner did not sign for or acknowledge in writing that he had taken possession of the device (nor did Agent Foster ask him to). Agent Foster was directed by Chief Turner not to let anyone know that he had the device, or to permit anyone to see the tracking data from the device, to include Agent Foster.
However, contrary to his instructions, Agent Foster began tracking the device possessed by Chief Turner. Agent Foster reported that the battery on the unit possessed by Chief Turner appeared to go dead on or about November 3, 2009. Nothing more was discussed concerning the tracking device until the issue of Chief Turner’s employment arose in December of 2009. On or about December 28, 2009, Chief Turner was removed as the Chief of CCPD.
Chief Turner cleaned out his office and brought the device back to Agent Foster on December 29, 2009. Agent Foster stated Chief Turner order him to wipe the memory of the device ( though Agent Foster’s December 29, 2009, memo omits this claim). Agent Foster stated he knew that CCPD did not have the capability to clear the memory of the device, and also knew that all the tracking information was radio transmitted to a commercial entity and stored by a web based service, but he ran a self test operation on the device.
End of Memo
In other findings, Chief Jeff Turner, order his staff to get him a tracking device for an “internal investigation”. But there was no internal investigation According to an investigation by the District Attorney’s Office, Ex-Chief of Police Jeff Turner actually hid the spying device on his owns wife’s car. He then used Clayton County Police Department property to track her hummmm for what hummm?
He then directed his staff to ” not let anyone know that he had the device. ” according to the above Official Memo and Investigation.
Then in another serious case Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner’s staff recruited a female police officer, then brought her in for an interview.
A police supervisor brought her to an office alone, closed the door and assaulted her against her will. According to the Official Investigation, the Sergeant grabbed her, fondled her, and kissed her breast
She fled, frightened of the very police she trusted.
Chief Jeff Turner refused to fire his his Sergeant, he then failed to even notify the County of the allegations as required by law, even though the taxpayers were liable.
The victim sued the County because of Chief Jeff Turner’s failure to act, and Clayton County had to settle her lawsuit to avoid serious damaging liability.
Clayton County Commissioner Chairman Eldrin Bell was seriously outraged and called on Chief Jeff Turner to be fired. Adding to the long list of serious failures by Chief Jeff Turner, the Clayton County Commissioners removed him from his job as Clayton County Police Chief.
Chief Jeff Turner also had a lot of serious missed management while he was Clayton County Police Chief, like a lot more of 100 guns and Confiscated drugs disappeared from the a secured Clayton County evidence room only police officers can get too.
This reporter really believes that Jeff Turner is running for the Clayton County Commissioner Chairman seat is to seek total revenge to get back at the current Clayton County Commissioner Chairman Eldrin Bell because he called for his firing in the above memo and story this reporter really worked hard on the give the total facts to the Clayton County Taxpayers.
On a personal note from this reporter I would not want Jeff Turner as Clayton County Commissioner Chairman because of his work history as the Clayton County Police Chief, and it also proves that Jeff Turner is another crooked AssClown, looking to get his or their hooks into the tax dollars of the Clayton County Taxpayers.
But Clayton County Commissioner Chairman Eldrin Bell is the only person that can move Clayton County forward with putting Clayton County Taxpayers back to work and bring in smart growth to Clayton County for the betterment of the whole County. Chairman Bell has always followed the law and never overstepped his bounds or thrown his weight around like some other Clayton County Commissioners has and their butt buddy County Manager Wade Starr. Chairman Bell has always fought for the taxpayers of Clayton County under bad working conditions by other Commissioners and County Manager ( That took Bell’s Chairman power away from him so they can make the County Manager position for their Butt Buddy Crooked Wade Starr ) that is only self serving and looking after their little click click which can not have the best interest of the taxpayers of Clayton County.
Regarding the acquisition of evidence without a warrant, violation of Habeas corpus, and standard arrest procedures...
In 2006, Henry County Police Department partnered out of their jurisdiction with former Sheriff Victor Hill: to get in on the use of unethical confidential informants, though it is believed that this illegal practice was being used in 2004.
When I was tired one afternoon, in the summer of 2004, I permitted Steve Jett to use my vehicle. When he returned my vehicle, the glove box had been damaged and the stereo system altered. There was also a noticeable break in the plastic molding where the windshield meets the hood of the car and where the actual hood ends, on the passenger side, near the antenna. One of the GPS devices used by Victor Hill without a warrant had been installed and only functioned when the stereo of the vehicle was on, by activation of the power knob on the stereo console.
This device was later shorted out by use of tin foil and water, applied into the area of the stereo knob, where the stereo knob area underneath the cover had been altered, as noticed by a melting of the plastic, visible when the console cover was removed. One of Victor Hill’s informants shorted out the device in my vehicle, when I explained to him what happened to my vehicle and that I refused to transport him back and forth to work, until the device was rendered inoperable.
Glove Compartment that was broken into where GPS tracking device was added to 1998 Chrysler Cirrus - color Red
last known location and whereabouts of the vehicle was impounded by HCPD at Elkins Wrecker

When I complained about the abuse of the Patriot Act, I received this response:
Response from Senator Johanns on the Patriot Act

The complaints that I had actually went farther than just the problems the legislation presents, but in fact how it was abused to violate citizens’ rights, Habeas corpus, and used as an umbrella of law to violate typical and standard arrest procedures and protocol.
When I was arrested for the first time by one of Victor Hill’s officers, the officer who issued the citation below asked if he could search my person without obtaining or presenting a search warrant and without a female officer present, who then instructed me to shake out my bra in front in front him. This officer made the statement that if I did not comply with him that I could be arrested for obstruction. When I shook my bra out, which was very humiliating being treated in this manner for never having a criminal record or warrant presented, the officer got mad that I had nothing on my person that he could arrest me for, so he called a dog out to the scene that falsely alerted to marijuana on the passenger side door of the vehicle, when there was no marijuana even found at the scene, which he used as his reason to search my vehicle.
This is a clear violation of my rights in accordance to proper procedure during an arrest of a female, and not only did I feel humiliated, I felt very intimidated by a male officer, something I’ve never felt in my life because I knew that what the officer did was wrong. 
My other complaint is against HCPD officers, who were using Victor Hill’s unethical informants. I was stopped at a Waffle House off of Jodeco Rd. on my home, and though my insurance and license were valid and legitimate, 4 other cops were called to the scene and they asked if I could search my person and my vehicle when I was pulled over for a tag light. Even after I showed the original officer on scene, by turning my vehicle on, that the tag light worked.
Not happy that I exposed their lack of probable cause, they too did not present a warrant or have a female officer to search me on scene. They called for backup, and then without identifying who they were by name or their issue with pulling me over as anything other than the tag light, they threatened me with the statement: “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
Needless to say, the arresting officer has since been fired from HCPD.
I am submitting these complaints to the public in relation to the corruption involving the collaboration of the Henry County Police Department, with former Sheriff Victor Hill, and because I was not wrong about Victor Hill breaking the law he was sworn to practice and enforce, so I am considering suing both police departments.
What I am concerned about is the fact that justice has been delayed in my total restoration. I have asked for a pardon from the Governor’s Office, I lobbied for drug reform laws and got those changed, and I want the vehicle back from Elkins Wrecker Service Property returned to me free and clear, because it is evidence to the fact my vehicle was indeed altered with GPS and should not have been seized or used to demand thousands in payment for the year that I was in jail and not able to hire a decent lawyer to handle this, after my public defender was fired for pleading me not guilty.
I have not considered what calumny I should seek yet, for the stress I endured for being imprisoned for a year and being denied to be at my grandmother’s death bed, because of the Patriot Act statute and the corrupt practices of HCPD and CCSD.
Also for the fact that my lawyer was fired from the Public Defender’s Office, who plead me not guilty, when Victor Hill’s informant’s lawyer Maccione had him fired after I refused Maccione to represent me, and for the fact that I could not afford the representation of Lee Sexton or a lawyer that specializes in defense in matters involving law enforcement corruption.
I do hereby duly submit these statements to the Office of Lee Sexton, in regards to consideration of representing me in a calumny lawsuit against both HCPD and CCSD, and to substantiate the unethical practices and arrest procedures that my statement hereby also verifies occurrence and fact of practice, in conjunction to other cases involving HCPD’s lack of proper arrest procedure and racial intimidation used against the recent arrests of 2 U.S. Air Marshals that were arrested for DUI, with these cases being dismissed/resolved for no evidence being presented to the court.
I also have as evidence in my possession sets of keys and computer hard drive that were procured as evidence against former (now deceased) Sheriff Dee Stewart
running a chop shop from the impound lot vehicles with his set of informants, and other receipts and financial information that connects former Sheriff Victor Hill to that operation as well, in the form of a receipt for a car, as Victor Hill would resell the cars at his car lots, when he seized informants’ cars for payment of drug debts.
.@TribLive editorial: WH “finally must tell the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth about #FastandFurious" http://j.mp/RvYzIb
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
2 U.S. Air Marshals arrested in Henry County
2 U.S. Air Marshals arrested in Henry County
EWV18 87J6DG Website is still not working FINAL CONFIRMATION SUBMISSION: Z8WQ6A
To whom it may concern:
The state of GA has in recent years been probed by the GBI, as several law enforcement agencies have been investigated on issues of corruption: taking in drug money and withholding county funds, mishandling drug evidence and weapons/backlogging evidence, and violating the constitutional rights of those arrested in an effort to promote fear and control to silence the truth. The Patriot Act has been misinterpreted and abused, and I can be silent no more.
Relying on the Henry County Police to follow up on leads at a burglary at parents' home in 2004 has proven fruitless, and they have the audacity to ask me why I don't trust them. They send a letter to my father every year, asking if his property has been returned, so this issue to say the least is still not resolved. Upon talking to more people after not getting results from Henry County, a web of deceit emerged. I have been lied to, threatened, and imprisoned in my quest to find out the truth.
In the summer of 2004, I was told by a co-worker at Acme Hardwood Floor and Tile (Anthony Bruce), that he knew of what had happened at my parents' home, though I hadn't told him of the burglary. I was reluctant to talk about the details, as Henry County was actively investigating, but Mr. Bruce insisted he knew the whereabouts of the weapons and that he could get them back for me, if I requested that of him. Very concerned that my co-worker knew too much about this, but not sure how, I took him to the residence of his friend's house after work one day, as he wanted me to meet his friend Mark Knowles and his daughter. Mark had been a body guard and bouncer and was a hunter, who owned a cross bow and hunting equipment. I was tired, so I hung out with Mark's daughter instead of them, when we got to Mark's place off of Thrailkill Rd. in Clayton County. Not too long after being there, Mr. Bruce was in a hurry to leave, very anxious that he was offered a drink by an undercover Clayton County narcotics officer.
All he would say was that he was a black man who wore a badge dangling around his neck, whose residence was a house a few houses down in the neighborhood. Mr. Bruce implied that they wanted him to sell some drugs to get out of some trouble that he had gotten into, and when I pressed him about it, they basically said that they would look the other way for him to sell drugs for them. I was very dismayed and shocked, but he insisted that in Clayton that they were "all corrupt" but that no one would believe him, and he felt that he had no choice. After what happened at my parents' home in Henry, I could understand why he may have felt that way, but this became more clear as the next couple of years came and went.
Mr. Bruce and I parted ways later that year, as his friends and lifestyle choices were not the same as mine. He owed me money for car insurance/using my vehicle and for being his personal assistant, as he was a supervisor at the tile company listed above, and they were going out of business. He called me from jail in the Spring of 2005, and he asked me if I would ever use anything he'd ever told me about himself against him. I told him that I wouldn't, but that changed a year later. I decided it best that I not speak to him for quite sometime, until he could get his life back together, and be a grandfather to his newest grandchildren.
This helped for awhile, until he insisted that I pick him up and take him somewhere when he was drunk one night. Not wanting him to drive, or knowing that we were going to Matt Brown's house, I took him up to Joy Lake Rd. We stopped on the way back, where he apologized for how he'd treated me as a friend over the past year or so, and so on, but since we'd stopped in a subdivision that wasn't finished, a cop on patrol was concerned why we there and questioned us. Once he ran Mr. Bruce's name, the officer told me to exit the vehicle, and asked me if it was okay to search my person. Since I had nothing to hide, that was fine, but he then asked me if I could shake out my bra. Nothing came out of course, but I was offended and this violated my rights to be searched by a female officer on 4-18-06. Even though I ended up being arrested that night, I didn't want any hard feeling between me and Mr. Bruce, regardless of the circumstances. I had never been arrested before, and the last thing I wanted was someone who felt like they had nothing to lose to be angry with me. Mr. Bruce felt so guilty that he was going to provide me with an attorney, but found out that I'd chosen a public defender. I was out six weeks later, but I never regarded our friendship the same.
I found out later that year that his nephew, Jerry Shellnutt, had been released from jail. Jerry confided in me that he thought that his Uncle was getting sloppy, and Mr. Bruce had taken to carrying a Mossberg pump shotgun around with him. Jerry said that he felt Mr. Bruce feared for his life, and that he had gotten into trouble with police who entered an old motel in Forest Park without a warrant. I understand that he was a convicted felon facing a 5yr. sentence for weapons charges. His nephew encouraged him to get a lawyer, and for awhile his life improved and he had gotten a job doing pest control. I agreed to meet him and his new girlfriend, Jodi Cobb, and I helped them when they moved into their place off of ---- Rd. in Forest Park. He even seemed to be more interested in his son, who was 17, and I met him a couple of times after stopping by after work to bring him some food that he requested from where I worked at the East Lake Diner in 2006. By the end of the summer two weeks before 10/11/06, something had changed with Mr. Bruce. He said that he'd been pulled over and harassed by the Forest Park police in his work vehicle, and he wouldn't tell me all the details. It was then that I decided Mr. Bruce was up to something. He wouldn't tell me everything, so I felt that he was way in over his head.
On 10/11/06, I came to his residence to pay him back $80 that I owed him. I had needed money to pay someone to put some used tires on my car. Hesitant to borrow the money from him, after what had happened in April when I was in his company, I paid him back as quickly as possible. He called me into his room, which I thought was strange, as at first he wanted me to hang out with his son and nephew playing video games and stick around. Then he threatened me. He forced me to do something for him that I didn't want to do. He whipped out a bunch of drugs and a scale right there in his bedroom on ---- Rd. I had a suspicion that the drugs he was forcing me to run for him may possibly be tainted with heroin, as his girlfriend was really thin and looked like she had been getting thinner since they moved into their new place.
I am compelled to come forward and offer you the following information regarding the possibility of tainted drugs, a blend of meth and opium hit the street in 2006, as Mr. Bruce had acquired these drugs, insisting that they were "stronger", and I wanted no part of it. I left his residence that night, knowing that I might not come back with the money for what he had threatened me to do: drop off at 3 places, OR ELSE. I have tried to be patient, for justice to take its course, but Henry County's Public Defender's Office fired my lawyer. I ended up spending a year in jail, and after serving time for two charges without a trial, I was offered plea bargains, but Judge Crumbley in Henry County wanted to hear my case, and he told me that even if I accepted the plea, that I could retry my case in Henry.
I'm writing this to assist you, that this establishes the allegations of corruption in Clayton County as fact. Since my release, I have emailed Governor Perdue, and I told him that as a taxpayer, he can't look the other way as long as corruption in local counties benefits him: in the fact that my rights were violated, I was threatened, and that Henry County cared nothing of how my cooperation could assist them with other cases, only that I would help them with cell cases or setting someone up. I'm not a drug dealer, I'm not on Henry County's payroll, and they need to realize that by not allowing me full disclosure, that the evidence that I WILLINGLY turned over to them may have not just been meth, but something else, like methopium, something no one had heard of, nor did I want to know what I knew from what Mr. Bruce said about it being stronger.
At this time, it is a matter of our national security, not just a crime involving illegal drugs and local corruption. I have followed the chain of command, but it is important for you to know these details, as our law enforcement doesn't see how this could've started a gang war, with innocent people caught between drug cartels and corrupt law enforcement, (like what's been going on across the border), and they have participated in receiving drug money and putting drugs back out on the street not knowing or having evidence properly tested for its exact chemical structure. This has not only made the justice system broken, but the system in GA has failed to protect us from our enemies abroad, and taxpayers have been jeopardized by those entrusted to protect us.
This particularly concerns me, with heroin being introduced into the illegal drug market crystallized into meth, would usurp the funding from Mexican cartels and transfer that money to homegrown dormant cells tied to Al Qaida. I have tried to pursue these matters the past two years, and Clayton County taxpayers and the council have pressed the issues of investigating the leadership under former Sheriff Victor Hill. I emailed Eldrin Bell, asking him if he had spoken to Porter about the incident in 2004 listed above, and I told him that I would testify at the council meeting if necessary. The recent demotion of Jeff Turner, Chief of Police, has not been satisfactory to resolve all of Clayton's issues, or the cost left to taxpayers in funds that former Sheriff Hill exploited in a day trading scam and declaring bankruptcy after costing the county millions in lawsuits. Turner has only requested the G.B.I. investigate after his performance was found lacking by the council; the same mismanagement of evidence as under Hill: with drugs and weapons, along with backlogging, sexual harassment, and bystanders dying in high speed chases under Turner's watch. It's easy for Turner to take credit for reducing crime when he and Hill simply removed the criminal that they had cut deals with to run drugs/having Mr. Bruce beaten up by their thugs, with Mr. Bruce's lawyer's son at the residence upstairs hearing the entire ordeal and calling the police, afraid that they were going to kill him.
I trust that you will communicate with the G.B.I., so that evidence and cases can be examined to aid you in uncovering how Al Qaida wanted to take over the illegal drug market here in GA in recent years. I can only think that my great grandfather, who was a Sheriff in Sebring FL, would want nothing more than for me to bring forth what was done in the shadows into the light. I come forward in honor of his memory, since my life has already been threatened already, at least I can say that I told the truth. What follows below are the emails that concern my correspondence with local authorities, for your reference, as a time frame to recent events:
from CREATIVE INNOVATIONS <creativeinnovations27@gmail.com>
to Aja Brooks <aja.brooks28@yahoo.com>
date Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:23 PM
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hide details 12/11/09
I have two concerns, Sir:
1) Your statement to the media on 11alive.com 6pm segment this evening is very disconcerting: to know that you do not consider taxpayers as "family" when we pay your bills and have kept you as Governor for so long. That you would hinder the process of democracy, which is unconstitutional, in a public building by violating Amendment I (1791) to assemble peaceably, by your censorship of the press, and to redress the grievances we have in this process.
2) Your failure to uphold the Constitution's integrity extends to the former Sheriff of Clayton County, Victor Hill: who violated my constitutional rights by improper search and seizure without a warrant, physical person search administered by a male officer when I am female as being instructed to shake out my bra, and by Hill's coordination using officers outside of his jurisdiction to have me arrested under the premise of coercion. I was arrested twice, 4/18/06 in which the citation was dismissed, with no prior criminal record entered First Offender and completed all but a few hours of community service and paid regularly on my probation for over five months with no violation, until I was threatened on 10/11/06 by the co-defendant who was let go by police on 4/18/06, when I was arrested the first time.
I was told by Judge Crumbley that my situation was one of double jeopardy, one that seemed to contain elements of bill of attainder/ex post facto, and that my I was entitled to pursue Habeas corpus with respect to the nature of illegal search and seizure, search by male officer(s), and threat of physical force by the arresting officer, even when complying with instructions with a total a five officers present with the statement of "We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way." When I cooperated and did not resist arrest or refuse questioning by Henry County police. I was also told that I have the right to retry my case.
These abuses under your governorship have occurred by misapplication or misinterpretation of the Patriot Act and by your laissez-faire attitude of letting crime and corruption continue at a local level for revolving profit for the state.
Your recent statement is indicative that you have failed to reign in this wild stallion operation, telling all local departments that you won't investigate them or hold them accountable to the G.B.I.'s recent years' probes, pressured by federal regulation and inquiry, but that you just won't support them anymore monetarily, as the game has been cashed out.
I challenge you to clean up this mess you've created for me; as a diligent taxpayer of 10yrs. who has not bled the system of welfare, that even though you imprisoned me unlawfully in your state for an entire year+, as to keep from my grandmother's death bed, when I earned an early release for charges that should've been dropped after adequate investigation, I ask you to please address the problems Victor Hill left current Sheriff Kem Kimbrough, and the burden that Hill has imposed on taxpayers of Clayton and the state of GA.
I am a journalist, and I made the most of my ill-inflicted situation and cited Hill with the violations, that the facility was operating against state standard operation as a private facility that also received state/federal funding. He is now on the run for passing out 100 fake badges, stealing money from the county credit card, and leaving the boiler equipment in the facility's kitchen in shambles! Since 10-21-09, cold food has been served to inmates, and this is a violation of GA law.
I know by my own experience of this finely provided state cuisine in 2007, that the boilers were not working properly even then for the production of 2 hot inmate meals, but now they are completely shot! You looked the other way, while Hill was Sheriff, and I ask you nicely not to neglect fixing this issue IMMEDIATELY! All of those people who are in that jail pay taxes, whether or not they still have the right to vote, but I promise you, our voice is just as strong when I tell you that we will not stop until we see Hill and you held to the same standards of accountability and GA law that you so enforce upon others and have not upheld yourselves!!
Please do not make me report you to a federal agency before you vacate office, as I think I would relish the opportunity to do so!
Cordially yours,
Ms. Aja Brooks
Official Investigative Journalism Volunteer
for the Black Ribbon Offensive Campaign against media bias
from CREATIVE INNOVATIONS <creativeinnovations27@gmail.com>
to Aja Brooks <aja.brooks28@yahoo.com>,
Marcsu Kinney <marcusjk3611@yahoo.com>
date Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 12/15/09
In reference to my letter to you Friday evening, I want to know:
what have you done to rectify the problems that former Sheriff Victor Hill left Kem Kimbrough, and the taxpayers in Clayton County, and the burden Hill left on state budget appropriations?
Let's recap: Since 10-21-09, cold food has been served to inmates, and this is a violation of GA law.
I know by my own experience of this finely provided state cuisine in 2007, that the boilers were not working properly even then for the production of 2 hot inmate meals, but now they are completely shot! You looked the other way, while Hill was Sheriff, and I ask you nicely not to neglect fixing this issue IMMEDIATELY! All of those people who are in that jail pay taxes, whether or not they still have the right to vote, but I promise you, our voice is just as strong when I tell you that we will not stop until we see Hill and you held to the same standards of accountability and GA law that you so enforce upon others and have not upheld yourselves!!
If you don't get this equipment fixed or replaced by 1/1/2010 and assist Kimbrough, I will simply forward the contents of this email, and the first one, to the appropriate federal agencies.
To get very specific with you, Sir, these are the matters of corruption that you've looked the other way about when it comes to local departments handling drug cases, allowing corruption to continue while it was lucrative for the state to pay to house prisoners for mandatory minimum sentences in local county jails, paying them $180 a day per prisoner. Maybe this will help you to understand the position that I have about certain things, as this is the compilation of several articles and local events in recent past:
Don't you remember that the GA TECH student Ahmed had stolen private information that was on a computer about people who were receiving drug treatment? There was also a Dr. Aly Ahmed that worked for McIntosh Trails Counseling Centers in the South Metro area, McDonough, Griffin, etc., who thinks that American women should be more like the women of his culture... that's insulting to judge someone's total character, just because they're getting counseling. So either way: both Ahmeds are either family, with the GA TECH STUDENT having access to Dr. Ahmed's records, or by hacking or directly stealing them from Dr. Ahmed, to monitor those who were receiving state supervised care, having undergone drug treatment. I'm convinced that this was to monitor and prevent information about their operations out of GA from being discovered.
We should not be so quick to forget the things we first heard reported in the news about the GA TECH STUDENT, nor neglect the shadow game of the meth market, and terrorist groups trying to control the product by crystallizing opium into meth. As if 6,000 didn't die last yr. from prescription pills, they want to take over the money from the meth user market of 1.4 million, not put anthrax in the drugs, like first thought, though they could do this easier once they infiltrated the meth market here in the U.S. if they became suppliers to local dealers. They wanted to get people addicted to their designer form of methopium, which was the strongest to hit the streets yet.
They tried to cut out the Mexicans in 10/2006, so this is a major issue of methopium slipping right under the radar of local police in Henry and Clayton County, who refused to listen and arrests were made under coercion of co-defendants, involving high-profile lawyer Maccione, and one of his clients; the other who had a Public Defender, who was fired when he, Mr. Herring, took up the case. There are other details, but before a trial could be done, I served the time for the charge as I didn't have a prior record, and Judge Crumbley said that my constitutional rights were violated.
I have since made the military aware of the methopium blend, and they made a statement against Clinton and Obama for supporting Karzai for opium intelligence info, for which they paid him 8yrs. to get information from him.
Instead of working with me on issues of crime and corruption, Detective Hardy and Officer Jason Sanders in Henry County have not aggressively pursued leads that I've provided them, and they've proven inept to deal with the corruption and coordinating instead with the likes of Hill; even though Hill's thugs beat up Maccione's client in his own home, in order to rob Maccione's client of money and drugs. Maccione's client not having knowledge that the synthesized meth contained heroin, that looked like meth, but was way more addictive and dangerous. Hill wanted to run the racket, having his thugs run things, and he used other officers in Henry to make arrests without search warrants, and this process hindered accurate information being provided to the GBI, all for Hill's benefit. Probes had been conducted on Clayton Co., Spalding Co., and one was almost conducted on Henry Co. in 2005.
Here is how this relates to Al Qaida using the Metro area as a hub for funding their operations and trying to take over the illegal drug market in the state of GA:
GA TECH AHMED and companions
They were hackers:
For almost two years, intelligence services around the world tried to uncover the identity of an Internet hacker who had become a key conduit for al-Qaeda. The savvy, English-speaking, presumably young webmaster taunted his pursuers, calling himself Irhabi -- Terrorist -- 007. He
hacked into American university computers, propagandized for the Iraq insurgents led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and taught other online jihadists how to wield their computers for the cause. The indictment also formally lays out the conspirators’ ties to Zubair Ahmed. Ahmed and his
cousin Khaleel Ahmed were charged in December 2007 in Toledo, Ohio with conspiring to "kill, kidnap or maim persons outside of the United States, to include U.S. armed forces personnel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan." Also relevant in the wake of the Mumbai attacks is the conspirators’ interest in joining Lashkar-e-Taiba.
White House Fact Sheet on Designation as Foreign Narcotics Kingpin
(Added 2/27/08) In June 2005, the White House announced that Afghan drug
dealer Baz Mohammad had been named a Foreign Narcotics Kingpin.
- DOJ Press Release on Extradition (Added 2/27/08) In October 2005, DOJ
"announced the extradition from Afghanistan to New York of Baz Mohammad, a Taliban-linked narco-terrorist charged with conspiring to import more
than $25 million worth of heroin from Afghanistan into the United States and other countries." According to DOJ, "the Baz Mohammad Organization was closely aligned with the Taliban and other Islamic-extremist groups in Afghanistan. During the course of the conspiracy, the Baz Mohammad Organization provided financial support to the Taliban. More specifically, between 1994 and 2000, the Baz Mohammad
Organization collected heroin proceeds in the United States for the Taliban in Afghanistan.
In exchange for its financial support, the Taliban provided the Baz Mohammad Organization protection for its opium crops, heroin laboratories, drug-transportation routes, and members and associates. According to the Indictment, in or about 1990, BAZ MOHAMMAD met with members of the Baz Mohammad Organization in his Karachi, Pakistan, residence and told them that selling heroin in the United States was a
'Jihad' because they were taking the Americans’ money at the same time the heroin they were paying for was killing them. More recently, in June 2004, BAZ MOHAMMAD and other members of his organization possessed approximately 120 kilograms of chemical powder, a drug ledger, and
written records reflecting sales of missile explosive devices, rocket shells, rocket accessories, AK-47s, pistols, bullets, and other weaponry at a petrol station in the Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan."
from CREATIVE INNOVATIONS <creativeinnovations27@gmail.com>
to Aja Brooks <aja.brooks28@yahoo.com>,
Marcsu Kinney <marcusjk3611@yahoo.com>
date Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 11:32 PM
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hide details 12/15/09
Thank you for contacting those in support of Bell to be appointed over Turner, so that there are checks and balances. This doesn't address the issue though of the boiler equipment, nor does this rectify that Hill cost Clayton Co.'s and GA's taxpayers MILLIONS in court decisions, and that he withheld over $1 and 1/2 million that was rightfully county money that was returned by Gibson.
This happened under your watch, and I expect you to follow through to the letter of getting this equipment fixed by 1/1/2010. I will include all 3 of my emails if I must report you for failing to reign in Hill and discipline him, as he has disappeared and not is not facing the music:
from CREATIVE INNOVATIONS <creativeinnovations27@gmail.com>
to "eldrin.bell@co.clayton.ga.us" <eldrin.bell@co.clayton.ga.us>
date Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:47 PM
subject Thank you...
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hide details 12/16/09
for stepping up to the plate - someone has to do it!
-Ms. Aja Brooks
to eldrin.bell
show details 12/23/09 (11 days ago)
I'm under the impression that former Sheriff Hill never procured orders for Turner to have narcotics destroyed, as he was putting those drugs back out on the street. Someone that I know met with an undercover officer in 2005 on Thrailkill Rd., the same person who threatened me on 10/11/06, when I was arrested later that night. The person who threatened me, whose name is Anthony Richard Bruce, was caught up in some agreement I presume with Hill or who was doing Hill's dirty work.
If I may be of any more assistance to you Mr. Bell, or to the council, please let me know. Mr. Bruce also acknowledged having knowledge of guns stolen from my parents' home in McDonough, GA in 2004, that he could get them back for me (how I don't know), and he knew about what happened before he and I ever met. I thought it strange that he knew about that, and I have been concerned that Henry County never followed up on leads and information that I reported to them in 2004 under Detective Hardy and Officer Jason Sanders, so I went deeper to find out the truth. I wonder if any of the weapons in the evidence room there in Clayton can be used to resolve this case in Henry, or if the rumor is true that they were destroyed after they were used to harm someone over a rap contract.
I can't tell you how deeply grateful I am to you and the council, that you have not ignored your duties of service and civic duties to us as taxpayers.
Ms. Aja Brooks
Have you spoken to Porter about this?
12/28/09 (5 days ago)
to eldrin.bell
show details 12/28/09 (5 days ago)
from CREATIVE INNOVATIONS <creativeinnovations27@gmail.com>
to "eldrin.bell@co.clayton.ga.us" <eldrin.bell@co.clayton.ga.us>
date Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 2:03 PM
subject Re: Thank you...
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hide details 12/28/09 (5 days ago)
Have you spoken to Porter about this?
to eldrin.bell
show details 12/31/09 (2 days ago)
from CREATIVE INNOVATIONS <creativeinnovations27@gmail.com>
to "eldrin.bell@co.clayton.ga.us" <eldrin.bell@co.clayton.ga.us>
date Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 6:14 PM
subject Re: Thank you...
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hide details 12/31/09 (2 days ago)
Since Turner wants to ask for a GBI investigation after his performance is questioned, I have no choice but to turn this over to federal authority. The GBI's inquiries have been unsuccessful in the past 5yrs. to monitor and hold local authorities accountable to the law, and this has lead to taxpayer dollars being misappropriated, and there have been people who have had their constitutional rights violated.
I have taken this issue up with Perdue, and when confronted with the former Sheriff's abuses and failure to follow arrest procedures (males searching females)/using police out of his jurisdiction in Henry County when the GBI should've been involved, Karen Handel resigned. I will submit the emails to Perdue, and our conversations, that it may stand that Hill and Turner be held accountable for their actions, to Clayton County, and to the taxpayers of the state of GA.
Thank you again,
Ms. Aja Brooks
Aja Brooks shared Nafbpo Ferg's photo.
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Oversight committee files contempt case against Holder
By the CNN Wire Staffupdated 4:50 PM EDT, Mon August 13, 2012
Republicans say Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department are concealing details on Fast and Furious.
- Top House Democrat says lawsuit is a waste of time, political distraction
- House committee files lawsuit in dispute over "Fast and Furious" documents
- Lawsuit seeks order rolling back White House executive privilege claim in case
- The dispute centers on controversial weapons tracking program
Washington (CNN) -- The House Oversight Committee filed a civil contempt lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday seeking the release of documents linked to a controversial weapons crackdown.
The lawsuit asks a federal court judge to rule that President Barack Obama overstepped his authority in claiming executive privilege over documents sought by the committee in its investigation of the Fast and Furious weapons tracking program. The lawsuit also seeks an order requiring Holder to turn the documents over to House investigators.
"Waiting nearly eight months after the subpoena had been issued to assert a meritless claim of privilege, the President's decision was a calculated political maneuver designed to stop the release of documents until after November's elections, Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-California, said in a statement.
The lawsuit stems from a contempt of Congress citation passed by the House of Representatives last month, and was expected.
The House resolution gave lawmakers the option of filing a lawsuit if the Justice Department declined to file criminal charges against Holder.
Democrats say the GOP is using the issue to try to score political points by discrediting Holder and Obama in an election year.
"This partisan lawsuit wastes taxpayer dollars and resources, and is a distraction from the urgent business before Congress: acting to create jobs and grow our economy," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said in a written statement. "It is also designed to distract the Justice Department from its critical job of challenging state laws designed to restrict the rights of Americans to vote."
Justice Department Director of Public Affairs Tracy Schmaler said in a statement that Holder's department had been "always willing to work with the Committee, instead the House and the Committee have said they prefer to litigate."
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives launched the Fast and Furious program in Arizona to track weapons purchases by Mexican drug cartels. It followed similar programs started in the Bush administration.
The program lost track of more than 1,000 firearms, two of which turned up in the 2010 killing of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
The Justice Department announced on July 6 that it would not prosecute. The department said it has had a longstanding position across administrations of both parties not to proceed with prosecution when a president has asserted executive privilege, as Obama did.
Executive privilege refers to a president's authority to refuse to comply with some demands from lawmakers and judges to turn over documents and other materials.
The Obama administration said it was asserting the doctrine in the Fast and Furious case to shield documents that include internal deliberations traditionally protected from outside eyes.
Issa said the president was violating his promise to operate openly.
"After promising an unprecedented level of transparency, the President is attempting to expand the reach of executive privilege to obstruct the truth about the reckless conduct that contributed to the death of a Border Patrol Agent and countless Mexican citizens," Issa said. "The family of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, whistleblowers who faced retaliation for exposing the Justice Department's reckless tactics, and the public have a right to know the full extent of what occurred."
House Speaker John Boehner applauded the filing.
"After providing -- then retracting -- inaccurate information to Congress, Attorney General Holder has gone to extraordinary lengths to block access to subpoenaed documents and deny the efforts of the Terry family to get the truth," he said in a statement.
The showdown between Issa and Holder over the program dates to subpoenas issued last year by the House committee seeking a wide range of documents and other materials. Eventually, the committee reduced its demand to focus on documents involving decision-making after the administration shut down the Fast and Furious program.
In particular, the committee wanted documents relating to the period after February 2011, when the Justice Department sent Congress an erroneous letter -- later withdrawn -- that said top officials knew nothing about Fast and Furious until early that year.
In July, Issa conceded that investigators lack evidence that Holder knew of the failed weapons-tracking tactics of Fast and Furious. The contempt citation, he said, was for Holder's failure to comply with subpoenas seeking specific documents.
"It's not for what the attorney general knew about Fast and Furious," Issa said. "It's about the attorney general's refusal to provide the documents."
White House press secretary Jay Carney said last month that Issa's comment showed the contempt citation was about politics.
CNN's Kate Bolduan, Tom Cohen, Carol Cratty, Terry Frieden and Alan Silverleib contributed to this report.

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@2012_TeaParty @ariannahuff @AOL @PaulRyanVP SEE OUR PLAN TO REDUCE VIOLENT CRIME ARIANNAhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1L2ZmGM-izViR2QkN_RRhV9lG82z-n7VZcUpetHQi2F0/edit … #30States30weeks #evolving
@ariannahuff @AOL @PaulRyanVP @BarackObama Unemployment is a huge contributor to sponsoring/motivating violent crime !!
9:46 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
9:45 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
@ariannahuff @AOL @PaulRyanVP @BarackObama It would not be so bad in 2002, but in 2008, stimulus was defrauded/put in zip codes not existing
9:44 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
9:44 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
@ariannahuff @AOL I guess #AOL is now #Arianna online.... not to defend @PaulRyanVP but I supported #stimulus before@BarackObama abused it.
9:43 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
Stocks kick off the week slightly lower as traders mull reports on the European Central Bank. Dow -22 pts. http://fxn.ws/TPt7C7 #FoxMkts
@FoxBusiness I got 2 things for the Europeans: 1) Expel Hezbollah 2) or we boycott your goods and country and strengthen our dollar not EURO
9:41 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
Home » How Government Creates Unemployment
How Government Creates Unemployment
Economics isn’t hard, unless you’re a liberal. Before Paul Ryan was picked by Mitt Romney to be his running mate, there was speculation that New Jersey governor Chris Christie was in the running.
Republican governor Christie mocked a network graphic insisting that 55 percent of New Jersey residents think he would be the VP pick and 68 percent said he wouldn’t be. In case you don’t see the problem with these numbers, 68% + 55% = 123%. We’ve heard about giving “100 and 10 percent,” but that’s a sports number. Christie remarked about the 123% number, “That sounds like Democratic math!” Indeed.The same is true when it comes to things like youth unemployment. Liberals can’t understand why the unemployment number for teenagers is so high. It’s quite simple: minimum wage laws coupled with inexperience.
It used to be that when two people competed for the same job, the person who could undercut the cost an employer was willing to pay would move to the head of the employment line, even if he didn’t have a lot of experience.
An employer could take a risk on someone with a lack of experience because he didn’t have to pay him what an experienced worker might demand. Many of the jobs available to teens were low skilled anyway.
By making it illegal to pay someone less than a government-mandated minimum wage, those with less experience are at a disadvantage. Employing teenagers is now a classic Catch-22 challenge.
“Do you have experience?,” the shop owner asks.
“No, but I’m willing to work at a lower wage to gain experience.”
“Sorry,” the shop owner says. “I would be breaking the law if I hired you for any amount less than the minimum wage. I can hire someone with experience at the same wage I’d have to pay you.”
“But I can’t get experience if you won’t hire me.”
“Tough luck. Write your congressman.”
Brian Levine, co-owner of Tropical Smoothie Café, knows how to add, but he also knows the law and the logic of the market place:
“A lot of it comes down to what we can afford, versus the hours they’re available to work. We are more or less, the minimum wage type of place. I would obviously prefer to pay minimum wage, but I’d also go for an adult and pay them an extra dollar an hour. They’re available, have more experience and are quicker to train.”
Renee Ward, founder of job posting site Teens4Hire.org, can also add. “If you have two candidates for a job, and one has experience and will take $10 an hour, and the other is a teen with no experience, who do you think would get the job? When jobs aren’t there for anyone, it’s that much harder.”
Once again, government is the problem not the solution to job growth.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6660/how-government-creates-unemployment-2/#ixzz24617VNJk
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Morning Bell: Obama Edits Official State Department Documents to Tout Himself
Amy PayneAugust 17, 2012 at 8:52 am
Inserting himself into the biographies of past presidents on the White House website apparently wasn’t enough for President Obama. His State Department is now editing its descriptions of foreign countries into yet another taxpayer-subsidized campaign commercial for the Obama Administration.
The State Department has recently ended its long-running series of Background Notes, which were analytical, objective histories of other countries. In their place, new “Fact Sheets” now tout Obama’s policies and actions toward each nation. No more historical context, no recounting of complex and long-standing issues in the country. Just cut to the chase—that is, the time when the current Administration came to power.
Heritage’s Jim Roberts, one of the editors of Heritage’s Index of Economic Freedom, was struck by the disproportionate change in emphasis while doing some research recently. Roberts, who worked at the State Department from 1982 to 2007 and used to write these country profiles, said he had never seen edits like these under either previous Republican or Democratic Administrations.
Roberts noted that “They seem to be not ‘fact sheets’ but brag sheets,” adding that the edits appear to treat countries more favorably when the Obama Administration agrees with their leaders.
Roberts is in the process of examining the differences between the historical Background Notes and the new, Obama-centric Fact Sheets. He reveals:
Compare the nearly 1,200-word “Fact Sheet” published this week by the U.S. embassy in Brazil with the last Background Note on Brazil written during the George W. Bush Administration.
The 4,100-word Bush document, chock full of facts and figures helpful in analyzing the country and its importance to the U.S., never once mentions the name of any U.S. President. The 300-word section on U.S.–Brazil relations takes up about 7 percent of the document.
Conversely, fully 70 percent (830 words) of the Brazil Fact Sheet, which is focused exclusively on U.S. relations with Brazil, discusses President Obama either directly by name (twice!) or in the context of the plethora of programs his Administration has launched with Brazil, including a shared “commitment to combat discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) status; to advance gender equality; a bilateral instrument that targets racism; support for HIV/AIDS prevention, promotion of clean energy technologies in Brazil, and mitigation of climate change.”
Thus far, Roberts has not found a comprehensive explanation for the debut of the Fact Sheets. The State Department’s website simply says, “As of May 2012, Background Notes are no longer being updated or produced. They are in the process of being replaced by Fact Sheets that focus on U.S. relations with each country.”
Since President Obama took office, the budget of the State Department has increased from $38.7 billion to $50.2 billion, and thousands have been added to the payroll. Finding that these taxpayer-funded resources are being used to eliminate neutral publications that were highly useful to researchers—only to replace them with lopsided “facts” akin to a campaign commercial—is something the American people deserve to know.
This follows an Administration trend that goes back to 2009. In March of that year, the Administration was caught editing President George W. Bush’s biography to soften his listed accomplishments, and it quickly reversed course. Just a few months ago, it was discovered that White House staff had edited the biographies of many past presidents on whitehouse.gov to include a bullet point or two inserting President Obama into each historical narrative. These remain on the site, including a fabrication they inserted about President Ronald Reagan’s tax policy to make it seem similar to Obama’s.
American officeholders are supposed to take great pains to separate their campaigns from their official duties. Using taxpayer resources to blatantly promote the president’s positions on foreign policy—and even editing the historical record—is an egregious abuse of power.
Quick Hits:
- “A group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives is launching a media campaign to scold the president for taking credit for killing Osama bin Laden and endangering lives with self-serving leaks,” reports Investor’s Business Daily.
- In The Wall Street Journal, Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) writes about the “regulatory cliff”—all the punishing rules created by the Obama Administration that are scheduled to hit after the election.
- Members of a band who protested in a Russian cathedral against President Vladimir Putin will be sentenced for “hooliganism” today. They face a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.
- Attacks in Iraq killed more than 90 people yesterday and are suspected to be linked to the al-Qaeda affiliate in Iraq.
- The shooting at the Family Research Council this week emphasizes the need for civil disagreement on issues like same-sex marriage, writes Heritage’s Jennifer Marshall.
Thank God and our soldiers for right of free speechhttp://news.yahoo.com/pakistan-police-arrest-christian-girl-under-pressure-neighbours-134319919.html …
“Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.”
― Richard Dawkins
Home » Michigan School District Lies to Christians and Jews Then Sells School Building to Muslims
Michigan School District Lies to Christians and Jews Then Sells School Building to Muslims
There is no question that the Detroit suburbs have become the Muslim capital of America. First they moved in and took over Dearborn and now they seem to be exerting their influence in Farmington.
Located about seventeen miles northwest of Dearborn, Farmington is a community of just over 10,000 people. Founded in 1824 by a New York Quaker named Arthur Power, the city was originally named Quakertown. Two years later, the name was changed to Farmington after Power’s hometown in New York.After what Farmington Public Schools did, they may want to consider changing the name of the town to Muslimtown.
Apparently, the school district had a vacant school property that was valued at $2 million back in 2008. A Christian church and a Jewish learning center both inquired into the availability to purchase the property and they were both told by the school district that it was not for sale. Then the school district turned right around and sold the vacant property to the Islamic Cultural Association for $1.1 million.
The school district not only lied to the Christian and Jewish parties interested in the property, they also did not open the sale to outside bids. Evidently, the school district said it took this action in fear of the Islamic group. Erin Mersino, an attorney representing the Thomas More Law Center, explained it saying:
“The superintendent from Farmington Public Schools issued a letter and sent it to the attorney general, claiming that they were in fear that the Islamic Cultural Association, the ICA, who purchased Eagle Elementary School, may take some action against the school district under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.”
“It seems like a very strange, new excuse that was issued by the Farmington Public School District, and also one that is inapplicable.”
Head of the Thomas More Law Center, Richard Thompson has requested that a grand jury investigation be launched into the matter. TMLC gives a list of several items that indicates that the sale of the school property was a ‘backroom deal with the Islamic Cultural Center’:- Two FPS Board members accepted campaign contributions from known leaders of ICA.
- FPS ignored the recommendations of its own specially convened committee NOT TO SELL EAGLE.
- FPS never listed the property, never retained a broker, never advertised the sale or otherwise engaged the market, as recommended by its own legal counsel and others.
- FPS repeatedly turned away parties wanting to purchase Eagle Elementary.
- FPS violated the Open Meetings Act by going into closed session to discuss the sale of Eagle.
- FPS never notified the public that the vote to sell Eagle was to take place until the public learned about this in the local newspaper.
- An earlier statement published on the FPS website enumerated several reasons it would not consider closing Eagle Elementary, including the considerable transportation costs that would result from redistricting.
“ The Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan, reports that ICA shares direct ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (hereinafter “CAIR”) and the North American Islamic Trust, Inc. (hereinafter “NAIT”), both of which were named as unindicted co-conspirators/joint venturers in U.S. v. Holy Land Found. for Relief & Dev. (“HLF”), the largest terrorism funding trial in U.S. history. Federal prosecutors proved that HLF worked closely with the U.S. designated terrorist organization Hamas to fund terrorist activities.”
“Moreover, during the HLF trial, several FBI agents testified to the unmistakable financial connections and dealings between HLF, CAIR, and NAIT. After the trial, the FBI severed ties with CAIR and NAIT due to their status as unsuitable liaison partners. Steven Pomerantz, the FBI’s former chief of counterterrorism, even noted that “’CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups.’”
If the ICA is known to have ties to organizations that our government has already identified in court as being terrorist groups, then why are they still being allowed to exist on U.S. soil? Shouldn’t the FBI do their job and run them out of the country? We need to start sending a clear and strong message that we are not going to allow Muslim organizations with ties to know terrorists to operate in our country and that message needs to start with the group in Farmington, Michigan.Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6651/michigan-school-district-lies-to-christians-and-jews-then-sells-school-building-to-muslims/#ixzz24LhlKZFV
Hamas vows to help Egypt to secure Sinai border
AFP – Sun, Aug 19, 2012
- The Palestinian Islamist group …
The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas on Sunday renewed its pledge to cooperate with Egypt to restore order along the border between Gaza and the lawless Sinai Peninsula.
"We reiterate our readiness to cooperate with our brothers in Egypt to ensure the security of our borders and our common interests," the head of the Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, said.
"We want security cooperation with Egypt but not with the Zionist enemy," Haniya said as he addressed thousands of worshippers gathered in Gaza City for traditional prayers marking the Eid al-Fitr holiday.
The Gaza Strip "will never be a source of instability or a threat to Egyptian security," he pledged.
The Egyptian security forces launched a campaign to crush increasingly brazen Islamist militants in the Sinai after an attack on an army post killed 16 soldiers on August 5.
Sources in Cairo have said that some of the gunmen involved in the attack had entered Sinai through a network of smuggling tunnels which run under the Gaza border.
And Egypt has asked Hamas for information on three Islamists suspected of involvement in the attack, an Egyptian security official has said.
In the latest violence on Saturday, militants wounded three Egyptian policemen in an ambush on their vehicle with a rocket propelled grenade.
Pakistan police arrest Christian girl under pressure from neighbours in alleged blasphemy case
ISLAMABAD - Pakistani authorities arrested a Christian girl and are investigating whether she violated the country's strict blasphemy laws after furious neighbours surrounded her house and demanded police take action, a police officer said Monday.
The arrest of the girl and outrage among the local community demonstrates the deep emotion that suspected blasphemy cases can evoke in this conservative Muslim country, where rising extremism often means religious minorities live in fear of persecution.
In Pakistan, anyone found guilty of insulting Islam's Prophet Muhammad, or holy book, the Qur’an, can be sentenced to death, although they're rarely if ever executed.
A Pakistani police officer, Zabi Ullah, said Monday that the girl was arrested Thursday after hundreds of neighbours, angry over reports she had allegedly burned religious papers, gathered outside her house in a poor outlying district of the capital, Islamabad.
He said the police took the girl to the police station, and that she's been held for 14 days while authorities investigate.
"About 500-600 people had gathered outside her house in Islamabad, and they were very emotional, angry and they might have harmed her if we had not quickly reacted," he said.
"Some Muslims from the area claim the girl had burned pages of the Qur’an, and we are investigating, and we have not reached any conclusion," he said.
Another police official, Qasim Niazi, said when the girl was brought to the police station she had a shopping bag that contained various religious and Arabic-language papers that had been partly burned but no Qur’an.
Another police officer said the matter would likely be dropped once the investigation is completed and the atmosphere is defused, saying there was "nothing much to the case." He did not want to be identified due to the sensitivity of the case.
There were varying reports on the girl's age and whether she was mentally handicapped. Ullah said she was 16 while other officials have said she was either 12 or 11. Niazi said that when the girl was brought to the police station she was scared and unable to speak normally, but he did not know whether she was mentally handicapped.
Christians often live in fear that they will be accused of blasphemy, and many critics say the legislation is sometimes used to settle scores.
Angry mobs have been known to sometimes take the law into their own hands and beat or kill people who are accused of violating the blasphemy laws. In July, thousands of people dragged a Pakistani man accused of desecrating the Qur’an from a police station in the central Pakistani city of Bahawalpur, beat him to death and then set his body on fire.
Attempts to revoke or alter the blasphemy laws have been met with violent opposition, however.
Last year, two prominent Pakistani political figures who spoke out against the laws were killed, in attacks that raised concerns about the rise of religious extremism in Pakistan.
Liberal politician Salman Taseer was shot and killed by one of his own guards in January 2011, and in March 2011, militants gunned down Shahbaz Bhatti, the only Christian minister in Pakistan's Cabinet.
A spokesperson for Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Farhatullah Babar, said the president has taken "serious note" of reports of the girl's arrest and has asked the Interior Ministry to look into the case.
Romney slams Rep Todd Akin (R-MO) remarks as "insulting, inexcusable, and frankly wrong" http://is.gd/UEstet
@jamiedupree Not to defend choice of wording but #RepToddAkin is just as concerned as I am with abuse of #PlannedParenthood sex trafficking.
10:08 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
@MittRomney Before you criticize @RepToddAkin understand context of entire argument against #PlannedParenthoodhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1-wwsP_p5BDdBIH0RiTl-mdwpJlNI7V13PySyJ-RR2SE/edit …
10:34 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
@RepToddAkin #PlannedParenthood is not only promoting#SexTrafficking #Idolatry defrauding taxpayers it is being used as an#ObamaCoffer
@RepToddAkin I like you, agree that your statement was not against true victims but against #PlannedParenthoodAbuses ties to#SexTrafficking
@RepToddAkin A child may never develop properly in a womb that has been assaulted by a penis like a sword.
@RepToddAkin Rape not only takes soul of the victim, but sows seed in violence, potentially can cause the child to be killed by womb damage.
@RepToddAkin The female body particularly hostile to sperm not of a spouse or lover, but so much damage from rape can prevent this expelling
@RepToddAkin Your remarks are most correctly, albeit not what people want to hear: the female body is hostile to all sperm, most of the time
10:28 AM - 20 Aug 12 via web · Details
Most Late-Term Abortions Are Not Done for Medical Reasons
by James Agresti | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/10/12 11:59 AMOpinion
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This allegation that abortions after 20 weeks are mostly performed for medical reasons has long been discredited by the public disclosures of abortion providers. The salient facts are documented in Just Facts’ research on partial-birth abortion and are summarized below.
I’ll be quite frank: most of my abortions are elective in that 20-24 week range…. In my particular case, probably 20% are for genetic reasons. And the other 80% are purely elective….
After this statement was published in a U.S. Congressional report, proponents of legalized abortion adamantly contested it:
• The American Civil Liberties Union, National Organization for Women, People For the American Way, and 50 other organizations sent a joint letter to Congress stating that partial-birth abortions were “most often performed” in cases “of severe fetal anomalies or a medical condition that threatens the pregnant woman’s life or health.”
• Planned Parenthood issued a press release asserting that partial-birth abortions are performed “only in cases when the woman’s life is in danger or in cases of extreme fetal abnormality.”
• The executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers appeared on ABC’sNightline and stated that partial-birth abortions were done only in extreme situations of danger to a woman’s life and fetal anomalies.
Within the next year and half, the claims above were bluntly discredited by abortion providers:
• Ronald Fitzsimmons, the executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, told the New York Times and American Medical News that he “lied through [his] teeth” when he appeared on Nightline because he was afraid that the truth would erode public support for abortion. Disowning his previous statements, he stated that partial-birth abortions are “primarily done on healthy women and healthy fetuses….”
• Two doctors at a New Jersey abortion clinic spoke with a North Jersey newspaper under condition of anonymity. Both independently stated that their clinic was performing roughly 1,500 partial-birth abortions per year, most of which are elective and not for medical reasons.
• Renee Chelian, president of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers confessed:
The Guttmacher Institute is a research organization that operates under “guiding principles” that include support for legalized abortion. In 2004, the institute conducted asurvey of women who had abortions. The survey did not isolate abortions that were performed after 20 weeks, but it is otherwise instructive: When women having abortions were asked what their primary reason was, 4% said it was because of their personal health, 3% said it was because of possible problems affecting the health of their unborn child, and less than 1% said it was because of rape or incest.
Without credible evidence that would overturn these candid admissions of abortion providers, there is no factual basis to claim that most abortions performed after 20 weeks are for medical reasons.
Although partial-birth abortions are now prohibited except if “necessary to save the life of a mother,” late-term abortions are still performed for elective reasons by another method called “dismemberment dilation and extraction.” During this procedure, as explained in the Washington Post, “the fetal limbs are pulled off the body in utero, sometimes while the fetus is still alive.” A 2007 Supreme Court ruling details this procedure in greater depth (WARNING: graphic content).
LifeNews Note: James D. Agresti is the president of Just Facts, a nonprofit institute dedicated to researching and publishing verifiable facts about public policy.
Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
#Akin does not threaten me as a woman or my rights: Obama's #WarOnWomen goes after our wealth and fertility by his pro-abortion position.
2m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
The issue #Akin states is #Taxpayer$ is being abused to promote idolatry and fraud with the #DNC --not to deal with a seed sown in violence.
3m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
In that respect #
LegitimateRape usually damages the womb too much to carry the child: yes rape is rape, it murders the soul, Akin is right.
4m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
Akin refers to #PlannedParenthood and #Taxpayer$ promoting child murder, fraud, and idolatry of today, as in chattel rape #HumanTrafficking
7m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
#Idolatry is what drove primitive people to sacrifice their children to #Molech and greedy people today to sacrifice what is God's to greed.
7m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
#Idolatry is a set of practices: #sexual #religious #worldly that involve a perversion of religion with money and healthy sexuality.
10m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
The Bible explains the #TestOfFidelity #FaithfulnessToGod #Numbers5-6 what is considered #SexualSin #Sirach23 wherein children suffer for it
25m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
The Bible also explains other laws on #SexualPurity #Deuteronomy22-24 and purification rituals #Lev12&15 #Exodus21-22 on violent crime
44m Tea Party Chief @2012_TeaParty
The Bible explains the penalties for #ForbiddenSexPractices used in the worship of other gods #Leviticus18-20 where people were put to death
1:37 PM - 22 Aug 12 via web · Details
April 18th, 2012 | Author: Chris Roubis
Republican strategists should generally be wary of campaign advice from liberals – and when it’s from the media, generally becomes definitely. Washington Post political writer Chris Cillizza recently suggested Mitt Romney’s general-election strategy should start with getting a “positive first introduction” to voters through the liberal media because “only the national media can provide that megaphone and serve as a sort of validator for him.”
How hard did he laugh after he wrote that?
No Republican should think he can end-run the liberal media establishment entirely and not suffer damage. Ask Dick Cheney. On the other hand, no Republican can expect fairness from these people, either. Romney should enter the national-media coliseum fully aware he’s designed to be food for the lions.
Exhibit A comes from ABC’s Diane Sawyer. This is how Sawyer probed Obama just after the 2006 elections: “Do you think that residual resistance is greater for race or for gender? Is the nation secretly, I guess, more racist or more sexist?”
In keeping with that line, Sawyer would be expected to ask Romney today if he felt his wealth would be used against him by those who begrudge success. Not even close. Instead, she implied Romney should be dismissed as a Richie Rich or Thurston Howell type who can’t connect to the Little People. On “World News,” she hammered Romney with five questions about his wealth and his tax returns.
Sawyer announced “the Obama campaign is working overtime to paint the portrait of a man whose riches have put him out of touch.” She then offered the Obama spin: “The speaking fees, the Cadillacs, the story out now that there’s an elevator for your cars in the new house you’re planning in La Jolla. Are you too rich to relate?”
There’s an obvious answer that Romney did not give. “Diane, you make $12 million a year. The ritzy Manhattan penthouse, the wealthy movie director husband, the estate on Martha’s Vineyard. Does that make you too rich and elitist to relate to your audience?”
Romney’s actual answer wasn’t bad. “We don’t divide America based upon success and wealth and other dimensions of that nature. We’re one nation under God. We come together. This is a time when people of different backgrounds and experiences need to come together.”
Sawyer simply replied by calling it “fairness” to resent the rich: “Do you think the fairness question is about envy?”
Romney adroitly tossed the fairness issue right back. “I think it’s unfair that this President has been in office three and a half years and 93 percent of the people who lost their jobs have been women.”
Sawyer hammered him about the tax returns: “Why not release 12 years, as your father did?” She said Romney gave 23 years of tax returns to the McCain campaign during the vice-presidential vetting process in 2008, so why not release those?
Do you recall Sawyer even asking for this from John Kerry?
By contrast, Sawyer’s last interview with the current president ended with her asking how much Kentucky would win by in the NCAA basketball tournament and she compared Obama to Lincoln as she encouraged him to talk about his prayer life: “What about the famous quote from another beleaguered President, Abraham Lincoln, who said he had been driven many times to his knees because his own wisdom and that around him ‘was insufficient for the day’?”
Obama replied: “I do a lot of praying.” Actually, he does a lot more golfing on Sundays.
Sawyer asked Romney about Mormonism and whether he “could really about something that holds a lot of curiosity for people? So, do the people think you’re reluctant to talk about being Mormon?” Sawyer did not ask Obama, “Your mother was an atheist who married two Muslim men. Are you reluctant to talk about that?” Never mind Jeremiah Wright.
Sawyer even stooped to raising that stupid – and 29-year-old – story about Romney putting his incontinent dog Seamus in a cartop carrier on a family trip. “First about Seamus– which as you know is out there forever– would you do it again?”
One host on NPR actually called Romney “the Michael Vick of presidential candidates.” Sawyer underlined the vulnerability: “You said it was the most wounding thing in the campaign so far.” That’s why she wanted to ask it.
So, for the record: Bill Clinton was never asked by a TV anchor if he raped Juanita Broaddrick in 1978. But they can ask Mitt Romney if he shouldn’t have put the doggie in a cartop carrier in 1983.
If anyone can point to anything Sawyer has ever asked the Obamas that compares to this low personal blow, they should speak up. This is just the opening mudbath. It’s going to get only worse for Romney as we get closer to November.
JULY 23, 2012 3:00 P.M.
The Media Botches Aurora
Some more advice for gun-ignorant journalists
By Robert VerBruggen
In the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting last year, I offered my fellow journalists some tips for writing about guns. One of the hardest things about being a journalist is that you’re expected to cover a wide variety of topics on short notice — and most journalists know almost nothing about guns and gun policy. So I pointed out some common errors as a friendly heads-up.Unfortunately, the shooting in Aurora, Colo., has once again driven the subject of guns into the media spotlight. Here are five additional ways that journalists can avoid sounding stupid when they write about guns in the wake of tragic events.
1. Before declaring that gun control is the answer, think of a gun-control policy that actually could have made a difference.
A hat tip here to Ramesh Ponnuru, who pointed out that The New Yorker made this error immediately after the shooting. That distinguished publication wasn’t alone – countless writers and intellectuals immediately snapped into the “so, can we talk about gun control now?” mind-set.
When news arrives that a dangerous person was able to get a gun, many are understandably tempted to assume that bad gun laws are to blame. But that instinct does not constitute a solid basis for an article; you need facts to back it up. And there just aren’t many in this case.
James Holmes passed a background check — his worst prior infraction was a traffic ticket — and although some of his acquaintances found him “creepy,” there is no evidence that he was diagnosed with any mental illness. Further, while it’s true that one of Holmes’s guns was a so-called “assault weapon” similar to an AR-15, this gun does not differ from standard hunting rifles in most of the important ways. Holmes’s rifle fires at a semiautomatic rate — one bullet for each pull of the trigger, unlike a machine gun, which fires continuously when the trigger is held down — and uses .223-caliber ammo. This ammo is frequently found in “varmint rifles”; it is on the small side even for shooting deer.
Admittedly, one aspect of Holmes’s arsenal does depart from standard equipment: his high-capacity magazines, in particular a 100-round drum-style magazine for the rifle. (The 1994 assault-weapons ban, which has since expired, capped magazine size at ten rounds.) Mayor Bloomberg is wrong that these magazines have no legitimate purpose — I personally own an extended magazine for my 9mm pistol; it cuts down on loading time at the range if you fill a big magazine before leaving the house. But one can make the case, and many have, that high-capacity magazines make these kinds of shootings easier to pull off by decreasing the number of times that the shooter has to reload or change guns. Some shooters, including Jared Lee Loughner, have been tackled while reloading.
However, changing magazines can take less than a second — here is an extreme example of a fast change — and someone who takes as much time preparing as Holmes did will practice doing this. Further, Holmes’s choice of a drum magazine might have made him less effective — there are reports that the magazine jammed, as large magazines are known to do. He might have killed and injured even more people if he had brought many smaller magazines and changed them as necessary. And at any rate, Holmes’s proficiency with explosives is an indicator that he could have been incredibly lethal even with no access to guns at all.
2. Make sure the way your story is framed matches the information in it.
This piece of advice could have saved the New York Times from the embarrassment that was its leading next-day story about the massacre.
Under the surface, the story is actually fairly well reported. If anything, the sourcing leans to the right — Second Amendment scholars Eugene Volokh and David Kopel are quoted, as is a spokesman for the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. Volokh notes that the shooter had “normal guns” and that virtually no gun-control policy could have stopped this particular man from buying them. The story also admits that Colorado’s concealed-carry law is similar to those found in about 40 other states.
Yet the story was given the title “Colorado Gun Laws Remain Lax, Despite Some Changes” — these would be the gun laws that earned Colorado a coveted top-15 place on the anti-gun Brady Campaign’s state rankings. And here is the third paragraph of the story:
[Despite numerous new gun-control laws], James Holmes, 24, the former neuroscience student believed to be the lone gunman in Friday’s shootings in Aurora, armed himself with an assault rifle, a shotgun and a handgun to allegedly kill 12 and wound 59 others, many critically. All were weapons that would probably be legal for him to possess.
The obvious implication here is that without “lax” gun laws, this wouldn’t have happened — even though information elsewhere in the story demolishes this theory.3. Verify facts before reporting them.
Obviously, here I’m referring to ABC’s Brian Ross, who the day of the shooting speculated — without making any attempt to verify — that the “Jim Holmes” of Aurora, Colo., who had a Tea Party Patriots website, was the same person as the shooter. As we all now know, these are two different people.
I know the temptation to avoid making phone calls. Reporting is a huge pain. In fact, when I heard about Ross’s claim, I did some reporting myself — I tried to track down the Jim Holmes with the Tea Party website. I was quickly scooped by Breitbart.
I might as well have just slept in. I could have avoided getting yelled at by the assistant to one James Holmes in the area, who apparently misunderstood my message and thought I was accusing her boss of the shooting. But that’s what we sign up for as journalists.
4. Don’t forget: A law about where you can take your guns won’t stop a pre-planned massacre.
Colorado grants permits for concealed carry and allows loaded weapons in cars.
How are these facts relevant to the Aurora shooting? Well, they’re not, particularly. There’s no evidence that Holmes had a carry license, and at any rate, no law will stop a madman from bringing his guns to the site of his planned massacre. Further, the movie theater had a policy of not allowing guns, and apparently, no one else at the movie came armed — which raises the question of whether concealed carry could have stopped the massacre, if only the theater chain had allowed it to work. Instead, innocent movie patrons respected the chain’s right to ban guns on its property, while the killer ignored it.
And yet many writers — see, for example, here, here, and here – feel the need to emphasize these policies, as though they somehow enabled the shooting.
In fairness, the Right was often wrong on this subject, too. Numerous writers have claimed that Aurora doesn’t allow concealed carry. In fact, the state of Colorado overrode local policies on concealed carry in 2003.
5. If you’ve heard an anti-gun talking point repeated a million times, look into it before publishing it.
No article about bad gun writing is complete without a few paragraphs on Gail Collins of the New York Times, but it’s hard to say anything insightful about her most recent column. She simply repeats a number of often-debunked talking points. She may know better, but many other writers do not.
Collins claims that semiautomatic assault weapons “allow crazy people to easily mow down a flock of victims in a couple of minutes”; in fact, as I explained above, they are basically hunting rifles with cosmetic features added. Collins claims that in some states it’s legal “to shoot someone you sort of suspect may intend to hurt you”; if she’s referring to Stand Your Ground, she simply doesn’t understand how the law works. She claims there’s a “loophole” that allows people to buy firearms at gun shows without a background check, but gun shows operate under the same laws that apply everywhere else. (Gun dealers need to conduct background checks, but private sellers do not.)
She also notes that people on the “terrorist watch list” are allowed to buy guns, as if that is self-evidently absurd. But the simple reality is that in America, due process is required before the government can take someone’s rights away. The terrorist watch list, which contains something like a million names, is just a list of people the government finds suspicious. These people have been convicted of no crime.
The underlying theme of so much Aurora coverage has been that we need to have an “honest conversation about guns.” Such a conversation would be easier to have if the media didn’t provide so much bad information.
— Robert VerBruggen is a deputy managing editor of National Review. Follow him on Twitter here.
Gretchen Carlson On ABC Reporting Shooter Was Tea Party Member: ‘Bigger Than Just Making A Mistake’
VIDEOby Noah Rothman | 8:45 am, July 23rd, 2012
RELATED: UPDATE – ABC Corrects Report: ABC News’ Brian Ross Links Colorado Shooter To Local Tea Party
After complimenting both President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign’s for focusing on the Colorado shooting victims and not politics in the wake of Friday’s attack, Carlson asked Perino when she thought the campaign would regain steam.
Co-host Brian Kilmeade said that he hoped the attack would prompt a more thoughtful political dialogue. “I hope we change the dialogue,” said Kilmeade. “Can we make it a more intelligent debate?”
“I thought it was very good that the gun control conversation that people wanted to have actually isn’t getting as much traction as usual,” said Perino. She said she thought that the public debate has focused more on mental health and prevention of tragedies like these via more proactive diagnoses of mental illness.
Carlson then asked Perino how she thought ABC News’ Brian Ross could have reported just hours after the shooting occurred that the alleged shooter was a member of the tea party – an accusation which Ross later apologized for after it proved false.
“I remember on Gabby Giffords – watching on Twitter – as soon as that happened, people not necessarily in the media that I follow were tweeting to me, ‘this is not how we should solve problems,’” said Perino. “Immediately going to that – it was political. Turns out not to be.”
Perino acted out what she thought might have been the newsroom decision making process that led ABC’s Ross to go on the air with the news that alleged shooter James Holmes was a tea party member.
“They probably thought it was true,” said Perino. “And instead of double checking which is—a first-year journalism student knows you should double check that beforehand. I think it was a real shame.”
Carlson said that Holmes listed his politics on a dating website profile as “middle of the road.”
“So, it’s not political,” replied Perino. “If I were ABC, I would be embarrassed.”
She went on to say that “being first is not as important as being right.”
“You can embarrass your whole network, your peers and yourself,” said Perino. “He’s a good investigative journalist. I would have, at least, hedged it more than they did.” Perino said that the media would not be spared the fallout from ABC’s mistake.
Carlson implied that there may have been bias at work. “I think there is a deeper meaning here that they immediately went to a political…”
“It does seem suspicious,” said Perino.
Watch the segment below via Fox News Channel:
> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter
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@ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss I ask you again: are you a reporter, willing to abandon the bias you've practiced or a moth eating holes for $?
@ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss basically there is no safe haven, no congruent support system, in the unraveling fabric of society.
@ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss When you put all 3 together, largely the government, church condition in the last days, and broken families...
Yes the current govt. is to blame for the state of things @ABC@DianeSawyer @BrianRoss but church is failing to bring to maturity/family too
People feel violence is the last recourse @ABC @DianeSawyer@BrianRoss so how did we get there? Unemployment, bad govt., poor communication.
That is the problem with our world today @ABC @DianeSawyer@BrianRoss people do not have conflict resolution skills to confront and resolve
There should be a collective societal blame @ABC @DianeSawyer@BrianRoss and a time for self-examination
#Loughner #Holmes #LGBTactivist all displayed same immaturity@ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss problems with valuing women and life in general
The other thing is: the #LGBTactivist was running on the emotion@ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss when no one cared/they didn't get their way
I'm not saying that free speech isn't a protected right but some things step over the line @ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss
As such #RahmEmanuel is wrong to command #boycott #KissIn of#ChickFilA @ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss and rev up this#LGBTactivist like that
#ChickFilA does not force anyone to be straight or refuse service to gay people @ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss which should be commended.
Jesus tells us clearly-Matt. 19:12 we shouldn't expect everyone to be the same @ABC @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss or to force anyone to accept it.
I mean, I know #RahmEmanuel can't see that far ahead, but people choose to ignore what they don't accept @ABC @DianeSawyer@BrianRoss
#RahmEmanuel demanding 10% boycott #ChickFilA who doesn't refuse service, with no one caring about the #KissIn @ABC@DianeSawyer @BrianRoss
I suppose @ABC conveniently left out that yesterday's shooter at#FRC was #LGBTvolunteer @DianeSawyer @BrianRoss#RahmEmanuel provoked this.
Yeah #ABC is gaining the reputation not as the #FirstToReport as there is instantaneous news via Twitter etc., but the #FirstToFuckItUp
4:51 AM - 16 Aug 12 via web · Details
Accused gunman ripped Family Research Council policies before opening fire, sources say
Published August 16, 2012FoxNews.com
Family Research Council president speaks out on shooting
FBI probing shooting at Family Research Council in DC
Deadly cop shooting outside of New Orleans
Floyd Lee Corkins II, of Herndon, Va., 28, is charged with assault with intent to kill, in addition to federal firearms charges.
Corkins was wearing a white prison jumpsuit and showed no visible emotions or reactions at federal court Thursday.
When the judge asked if the 28-year-old could afford a private attorney, Corkins responded that he only had $300 to his name. The judge assigned a public defender.
He was ordered to be held without bond and a detention hearing was scheduled for next Friday. Prosecutors also asked for a mental evaluation.
Leo Johnson, an unarmed building operations manager, is being lauded by D.C. police as a hero for stopping and disarming Corkins before he could get into the building.
Surveillance video shows Johnson interacting with Corkins before he allegedly opened fire, striking Johnson in the arm. The security guard managed to wrestle Corkins to the ground and disarm him before he could get inside the group's offices.
"The security guard here is a hero, as far as I¹m concerned," D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said. "He did his job. The person never made it past the front."
Sources told Fox News that after Johnson disarmed Corkins, the gunman said: "Don't shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for."
Johnson underwent surgery late Wednesday. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, visited the hospital and said the surgery "went well" in a statement to Fox News.
"When I told him his actions were heroic in protecting his colleagues, he told me that he just reacted in the way he thought anyone at FRC would have responded," Perkins' statement read. "We are very grateful for the outpouring of prayers from literally around the world."
Perkins gave his first interview to Fox News' "America Live." He made it clear that he blamed the suspect for the shooting, but said he was "given a license" by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which labeled the Family Research Council as a hate group.
"I think it's time for people to realize what the Southern Poverty Law Center is doing with their reckless labeling of organizations that they disagree with," he said.
The Southern Poverty Law Center declined an interview request from the program.
Corkins had volunteered recently at a community center for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Two law enforcement officials said Corkins was carrying sandwiches from Chick-fil-A, a fast-food chain whose chief executive¹s public opposition to same-sex marriage led to a heated national cultural debate, including boycotts and events held in support of the Atlanta-based chain.
Authorities say Corkins was carrying a 9-mm. Sig Sauer handgun that was purchased and owned legally, said Richard Marianos, special agent in charge of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' Washington field office.
Corkins' backpack contained 50 rounds of ammunition and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches, the FBI affidavit said.
The accused gunman's parents also told the FBI that their son held "strong opinions with respect to those who do not treat homosexuals in a fair manner," the affidvit said.
Authorities were investigating the attack as a case of domestic terrorism, although James McJunkin, the head of the FBI¹s Washington Field Office, said authorities do not yet know the gunman's motive.
"We don't know enough about him or his circumstances to determine what his connection is to this group [the research council] or his mental state, or what he was doing or thinking of doing," McJunkin said Wednesday. "So we're going to try to sort this all out, pull the evidence together, do all the interviews we can."
Corkins had been volunteering for roughly six months at The DC Center for the LGBT Community, according to David Mariner, executive director of the northwest Washington community center. Corkins usually staffed the center's front desk on Saturdays, and his most recent shift was about two weeks ago.
"He always struck me as a kind, gentle and unassuming young man," Mariner said. "I'm very surprised that he could be involved in something like this."
Mariner said he did not know Corkins well or have any conversations with him about the Chick-fil-A controversy or other political issues of interest to the gay community.
"I really only talked to him about volunteering, so I couldn't say anything about anything else," Mariner said.
The Family Research Council, according to its website, is a conservative nonprofit organization that seeks to advance "faith, family and freedom in public policy and public opinion." The group strongly opposes gay marriage and abortion and maintains a powerful lobbying presence on those causes, often testifying before Congress. The organization had also defended Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy for his remarks opposing gay marriage.
Meanwhile, advocacy groups across the ideological spectrum condemned the violence, with some casting it as a hate crime.
"Today's attack is the clearest sign we've seen that labeling pro-marriage groups as `hateful' must end," Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, said in a statement.
I am tired of @BarackObama talking about @MittRomney's father. Why don't we discuss Barack Obama Sr.!
When the media could not get anyone interested in contrived gaffes@realDonaldTrump @MittRomney prior to @PaulRyanVP appt. they went to Akin
7:34 PM - 22 Aug 12 via web · Details
Home » The ‘Peaceful Religion’ of Islam Confronts President Obama
The ‘Peaceful Religion’ of Islam Confronts President Obama
For three years of his presidency, President Obama has travelled the globe promoting the idea that Islam is a religion of peace. How many Americans believed that there would be a new foreign policy because our Muslim-friendly president was reaching out to the Islamic world?
And like so much of his presidency, President Obama made excuses for his Islamic brethren. For example, he said, “The phrase Jihad has lot of meanings within Islam, and is subject to a lot of different interpretations.”He noted that there are “more than a billion people who practice Islam and an overwhelming majority of them . . . reaffirm peace and justice, and fairness and tolerance. I think all of us recognize that this great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted to justify violence against innocent people that is never justified.”
If just ten percent of a billion Muslims are not peaceful, that’s 100,000,000 extremists, about one-third the population of the United States.
Three recent headlines caught my attention:
Muslim Brotherhood Starts Crucifixions. It was President Obama who supported the efforts of the “Arab Spring.” The Muslim Brotherhood is now in power, and according to reports, “the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammad Morsi.”
Another headline states that leaders of the peaceful religion of Islam in Iran are saying that Israel’s existence is an “insult to all humanity.” The most persecuted people on the globe is an insult. This is envy speaking. The tiny nation of Israel has more Nobel Prize winners than all the Islamic nations combined. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, said confronting Israel is an effort to “protect the dignity of all human beings.” No, getting rid of Israel is a way to make backward Islamic nations look good.
A Saudi Arabian Islamic cleric is claiming that Jews drink the blood of children, a centuries-old lie that ignorant Muslims perpetuate and believe:
“Saudi cleric Salman Al-Odeh, a well-known scholar revered by millions globally, went on a lengthy tirade against the Jews during an interview Monday in which he stated that ‘the role of the Jews is to wreak destruction, to wage war, and to practice deception and extortion,’ according to a translation of his remarks by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
“Al-Odeh ranted about the use of human blood in Jewish religious rituals, a notorious anti-Semitic smear commonly referred to as a ‘blood libel.’
“‘It is well known that the Jews celebrate several holidays, one of which is the Passover, or the matzos holiday,’ he said.”
According to the “blood libel” charge, the blood of children would be mixed with matzos, an unleavened bread eaten by Jews during Passover. The insane Muslim “cleric” Al-Odeh, Jewish people “would lure a child in order to sacrifice him in the religious rite that they perform during that holiday.”
It’s time that President Obama come clean about his allegiances. It’s not a minority of Muslims that believe and perpetuate these lies. These beliefs are a cancer than eat at the hearts and minds of Muslims. They want to see the world destroyed so they can rule over its ashes.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6658/the-peaceful-religion-of-islam-confronts-president-obama/#ixzz24LbhEj1q
Home » Islam – The Mold That Is Destroying America
Islam – The Mold That Is Destroying America
Mold is a type of fungus that we generally associate with spoiled food. Breads, fruits and vegetables left long enough will eventually manifest a fuzzy growth that can take on many colors. Regardless of what color the mold, they all have the same purpose and that is to consume their host and produce more mold.
As a biologist, I’ve studied mold and watched it grow. Under the microscope, each mold fungi will send out tiny filaments collectively known as hyphae. The hyphae join with other hyphae and form slightly larger filaments called mycelium which look like very fine white threads that connect each mold fungus. They also pull the nutrients from their host, since molds are unable to manufacture their own food. In time, the mold will spread over the entire host and feed off it until it is no longer. The mold sends out spores that eventually come to rest on another host and start the process all over againI have close friends in the United Kingdom and they were telling me long before the 9-11 attacks, about how Muslims were moving into certain neighborhoods and taking over. When enough of them moved into one area, they began to dominate the entire culture of that city or community. Stores either converted to Islamic items or closed their doors. Muslims got elected to local offices where they could control local politics and even education. They also controlled the streets and drove non-Muslims out of the area.
Like a mold, they started small, sent out their hyphae and started consuming the local environment. They grew, took control, reproduced more of their kind and then started to spread out to other areas.
My friends warned me that the same thing would be happening in the United States and that Muslims would start to take over neighborhoods and whole cities and towns. They also warned me that they openly say how they were going to take over the United States, city by city.
After 9-11, no one believed that Islam would have a chance of taking root in the United States. However, that seemed to have been the very thing that spread the mold spores of Islam across the country, because like a mold, it is spreading rapidly and consuming neighborhoods and cities as it grows.
There have been mosques in the U.S. for many years, but the number and size of them has increased since 9-11. Just take a look at places like Staten Island, Brooklyn and Ground Zero in New York; Santa Clara and Temecula, California; Murfreesboro, Antioch and Memphis, Tennessee; and Boston, Massachusetts to name just a few. And the numbers are growing every month.
Many of the new mosques are not just places of worship, but cultural and civic centers. They are used to promote the Islamic ways of life including Sharia law. In some parts of the country, Sharia law is being embraced by local and national politicians. Sharia law has also crept into our courts and caused victims to be declared the guilty instead of the Muslim criminal.
Muslims are already taking over entire neighborhoods and cities here in the U.S. The most visible is Dearborn, Michigan where Muslims are now running the city government and schools. Earlier this year, the local high school held a girls only prom just for the Muslim girls, even though Christians and Jews are forbidden from holding any kind of activity for an entire school including Christmas program and Baccalaureate services for graduates.
It is obvious that Muslims have already instilled a sense of fear into local, state and national politicians and watchdog groups because they have been getting away with many things that Christians and Jews can’t. The Establishment Claus seems not to apply to Muslims like it does non-Muslims. Our nation prides itself on freedom of religion but more and more the only religion given freedom is Islam.
Like a mold spreading across a slice of bread, Islam is spreading across America. It may be colorful and pretty to look at sometimes, but trust me, like the mold on a slice of bread, it will consume us and destroy the American way of life. Because of our laws, there is little anyone can do to stop it, except prayer. Pray, pray and pray some more that God would spare our land from this pestilence. Get down on your knees no matter how much it hurts and pour your heart out to God for our nation. God, and God alone is the only thing that can stop the spread of Islam in America and save us from this toxic mold.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6649/islam-the-mold-that-is-destroying-america/#ixzz2461hTB24
Home » Sharia Law Is Not a Threat? Ask the Residents of Northern Mali
Sharia Law Is Not a Threat? Ask the Residents of Northern Mali
I recently wrote about California politicians urging support of Sharia law and claiming that it is not a threat to Americans or American law. If these liberal politicians truly believe this, then they need to talk to the residents of northern Mali.
In March of this year, armed Islamic radicals, with ties to al Qaeda, took control of parts of northern Mali, including several towns. Since the Islamic take over, Sharia law has been imposed and strictly enforced. The results have been the cutting off of the hand of a thief, public whippings of couples deemed illegitimate along with people who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. They have forbidden many youth from playing soccer or watching television. One couple was accused of having relations without being married. The sentence, which was promptly carried out was stoning to death.The people of northern Mali at first welcomed the Islamists because they seem to respect the people and treat them well. The Islamists gave the locals gifts during their holy month of Ramadan. It wasn’t long after being welcomed in that the Islamists exerted force and took control of the area and established Sharia law as the rule to be followed.
Supporters of Islam and Sharia law here in the United States all say that these are extremists and that this could never happen here. That’s what the people of northern Mali also said and look what is happening there. Islamists claimed to be their friends and pose no threat, but it wasn’t long before the crouching tiger bared its teeth and began to snarl.
Sharia law is alike a leak in a dam. At first it’s just a small drip or trickle and poses no threat. But left unattended, it will begin to weaken the structure around it, causing the leak to get bigger and bigger until suddenly, the dam’s integrity is weakened too far to withstand the pressure of the water behind it and it collapses. Once the dam breaks, the wall of water, mud and debris will destroy everything downstream in its path. The same thing is true about Sharia law. Once unleashed it will have its way and destroy everything in its path.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6653/sharia-law-is-not-a-threat-ask-the-residents-of-northern-mali/#ixzz2461cS500
Tornadoes Caused by Military?: Recent Events Fuel Conspiracy Theories
Bin Laden, Tornado Fuel Conspiracy ClaimsMore Sharing ServicesShare
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May 27, 2919
It's an astonishing claim: The tornado that ravaged Joplin, Mo., last Sunday, killing at least 125 people, was not a random act of nature but the result of an obscure military-backed research program in Alaska that shoots radio waves into the upper atmosphere.
Here's another one: The shooting rampage in Tucson last January that killed six people and wounded 13, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was an elaborate government hoax that used actors to portray the victims.
And there is this: Osama bin Laden is still alive, and the raid in which daring Navy SEALs shot him dead on April 29 was fabricated to improve President Obama's chances of winning re-election.
These are three of the bogus new conspiracy theories flying across the Internet, advanced by believers who insist the evidence to support them could not be any clearer.
"Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm telling everyone I know and don't know (sales clerks, bank tellers, waiters, etc.) about the weather manipulation," a YouTube poster named "thegreenieye" wrote, responding to a video that claims last month's devastating tornado in Tuscaloosa, Ala., also was caused by the atmospheric research in Alaska.
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"99.5 [percent] of people are completely unaware of this," thegreenieye wrote. "Tell everyone you know (and don't know) about it. The masses need to be informed!"Conspiracy theories are not new, but there has been an explosion of them recently.
Jon Kay spent 2 ½ years interviewing conspiracy theorists, attending their conventions and surfing their websites to write the just-published "Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America's Growing Conspiracist Underground."
Kay initially intended to explore the so-called "truther" movement, which makes the slanderous claim the 9/11 attacks were engineered by the U.S. government, and approved by then-President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, so the U.S. could invade Iraq and Afghanistan and curtail civil rights.
But once Kay entered the conspiracy rabbit hole he discovered a world of extreme paranoia -- a multitude of conspiracy theories nourished by the Internet and fueled, in part, by anxiety caused by tough economic times.
"I was surprised by how prevalent they are," said Kay, the op-ed editor of the National Post newspaper in Canada. "What was shocking to me when I started interviewing people was that once someone bit on one conspiracy theory, they would enter this subculture and subscribe to 10 others."
That subculture now includes the head-spinning claim that the deadly rampage in the parking lot of a Tucson supermarket on Jan. 8 was not a shooting but an event staged by the government.
The New York Times, which first reported the Tucson conspiracy theory, said believers have confronted at least one victim and asked for evidence he had been shot.
A Texas-based website making the allegation said it has been investigating to determine if the media lied about the rampage to push an "anti-gun" agenda.
"What I found shock [sic] me to the core of my being," the site's operator said in a posting.
There are several conspiracy claims blaming atmospheric research in Alaska for a series of national disasters, including the tornadoes in Joplin and in Tuscaloosa, the catastrophic earthquake in Japan and last year's earthquake in Haiti.
Chemtrails: Air Force Pilot Admits Spraying
Sunday, August 19, 2012 12:18
We are being sprayed; be afraid, be very afraid
People continue to become ill as high levels of chemicals show up in random testing of soil and water supplies, after witnesses photograph KC-135s and KC-10s outfitted with what appears to be a “spraying device.” The circular device is obviously not a refueling probe. A former Air Force pilot tells a reporter, “Yeah, we have them, but were not supposed to talk about it.”The South Coast Air Quality Management District tentatively identifies the powder wafting down from the sky as “cedar pollen.” But a biologist retorts that December is not the season when cedar pollen normally appears. And when pollen appears in the spring, it does not “explode.” Several witnesses saw a yellow cloud “exploding” in the skies over the Lake Arrowhead area.
Dramatic increase in illnesses immediately follow Chemtrail spraying
According to a press story, community after community continue to report that hundreds of people are becoming ill at the same time-usually following heavy chemtrail activity. Three physicians report an increasing number of patients being seen for similar illness.
“Persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, extreme fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, splitting headaches, elevated arthritis symptoms and unexplainable nosebleeds are just a few of the symptoms these doctors have described. These doctors have said they are seeing larger numbers of patients with these complaints during or within days after the times that the physicians themselves have observed a larger number of chemtrails in the skies above mountain communities.”
Pharmacist Ed Burrows is sick himself. Since early December he has been suffering from a respiratory ailment that has includes a “gooey phlegm” that, despite his best efforts, he has been unable to relieve. Burrows said the issue is raising “high concern” for him that his health may be “jeopardized.” Burrows says he “feels that it is directly related” to recent chemtrail activity.
World population being lied to…
“Our government’s refusal to level with the people indicates that whatever it is they are polluting our environment with must be dangerous and/or unhealthy. There is no need to be secretive if what you are doing is beneficial,” he says. “As the former owner and pharmacist of the Lake Gregory Pharmacy for more than two decades, this is the first time in those 22 years I’ve witnessed so many in our community suffering with respiratory ailments with no apparent cause… ”CHEMTRAILS BASES IDENTIFIED
Las Vegas reporter Marcus Dalton writes that an archaeologist working throughout Nevada began noticing “all white unmarked aircraft” preparing for take-off at Nellis AFB, and at the Mancamp Complex near Tonopah in the late-90s.“It was these unmarked planes that were constantly laying down the criss-crossing X patterns of lingering chemical-spray trails over Southern Nevada,” the archeologist stated. When he asked the military escort accompanying his civilian research team into “sensitive” areas around Nellis, about the planes, he was strongly advised, “You didn’t see anything.” [Tribune Media Group June 26/06]
Outside Dobbins Air Base in Marietta, Georgia, another observer writes: “We drove up to a light and saw the runway, and saw a large, white plane, with a blue stripe, no markings at all, taxiing to take off.”
A delivery person at Tinker AFB states “I have seen more than 30 of these white, KC-135s parked on the tarmac. I have seen six to 10 take off, one after another. They are, indeed, white with no markings.”
The white planes have also been spotted at a former AFB near Phoenix, and at the previously closedGeorge AFB in the Mojave Desert.
One correspondent claims to have personally seen the spray planes taking off from and landing atMcGuire AFB in New Jersey. Active in the Canadian military “since my birth,” Bryan says, “What I have noticed is that unusual trails have been coming from white USAF KC-135s heading to Shiloh, Alaska.
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Morgellons Disease Is Silicone Nanotechnology! - It Is NOT A Parasite - Research How Polymers Are Being Used For “Chemtrails”
Sun, 12/27/2009 - 20:30 — Arthur Cristian
The Truth About Morgellons (Not A Disease - But It's Man-Made!)
CHEMTRAILS OVER GERMANY - Photo, compliment of GreatDreams.com Website - Check out this awesome website that documents chemtrail events and compiles lots of awesome chemtrail photos - [Note: 3rd January 2010: Please read comment just posted about this photo here:http://loveforlife.com.au/content/09/12/27/morgellons-disease-silicone-n... - Copyright to this photo is with is Josef P. Willems - Arthur Cristian - Love For Life]
Morgellons is silicone nanotechnology!
It is NOT a parasite
We are ALL getting infected b/c it is being sprayed on us in “chemtrails”. The silicone nanotechnology is being sprayed on deli meats with viruses. In addition it has been found in a very popular bubble bath. Also, nanotechnology is being found in sodas! We are being subjected to this poison from all forms.. air, water, food and household products.
Who is doing this and why?
Research the “Illuminati” and find out their depopulation agenda to remove 90% of the worlds population.
EVERYONE has been exposed.
Just you and I have the symptoms. And our bodies are doing what they are supposed to be doing by pushing the invader outside of the body.
To prove that this is silicone nanotechnology do the following:
1. get “pedifix” tea-tree oil soap and rub it into the lesion for 15 seconds.
2. Get “endure 300″ ethyl alcohol gel and rub this ON TOP of the tea tree oil on the lesion.
3. Watch the silicone ooze out of your skin. Works best if your pores are open from taking a bath. You will be shocked at how much plastic comes out of your skin.

Now research how polymers are being used for “chemtrails” and cloud seeding.
Now do we connect the dots?
Spraying this plastic polymer material in the sky… we breath it in all day.. and then our bodies try to push it out of our systems.. and we get lesions.
Now these are not just plain plastic polymers.. these are man-made biowarfare agents filled with plastic nano spheres and carbon nano-tubes.
Self-replicating. Highly electric.
Could this be used for mind-control or forced chipping of the population?
Also, man-made viruses are also added to the mixture. Can you say..BIOWARFARE! compliments of our govt. If you don’t think our govt is capable of poisoning and murdering its own people then you haven’t done your research! Poor 9/11 victims, Oklahoma bombing! Connect the dots.. same people.. just continuing their assault on Americans.
Do your research.. ”the Illuminati” control the world and want most of us dead. If Americans don’t stop sucking their thumbs and put down the remote control.. the Illuminati may succeed in getting rid of all the dumbed down sheeple in the world.
Contact the toxicologist in Los Angeles California who specializes in nanotechnology. She takes phone calls from long distance patients. She can help you. Buy her far infrared sauna .. and rainbow.. it's the only thing that helps. You have to use oxygen therapy and far infrared. The govt has silenced her from speaking out. The tried to kill her with poisons. If she is not on the right track why try to murder her. Anyway, the people who were tested had absolutely no parasites in their samples.. The little things that look like worms and dots are nanotechnology. The itching and biting feeling that people are getting is the electricity coming from the nanotechnology. The little skinny worm looking things is a carbon nanotube.. the black dots is a carbon nanosphere.
There is really only a couple of ways to get this out.. parasite meds will not do a thing.
This is not a bug, this is an assault on the entire human population.. Us lucky people are the first to feel the effects of biowarfare, compliments of our own govt.
Research how the govt is using polymer to form clouds in the sky.. as in "chemtrails". We are all exposed.. Everyone! Just some people have more exposure or their bodies are not eliminating it like others. I heard that it can be racially targeted. Especially towards people with a Spanish background. I have family from Spain who have a bad case of this.
Veronica H sent this message to Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 30th December 2009 11:16 AM using the contact form at http://loveforlife.com.au/contact.
In 2006, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, world renowned toxicologist published a paper through the National Registry of Environmental Professionals
(NREP) titled THE STANINGER REPORT (www.TheStaningerreport.com - Posted here 22nd November 2007http://loveforlife.com.au/node/2365 - Research and Videos: The Staninger Report by Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D - MORGELLONS: A NANO-911 FOREIGN INVADER) in which she explained that Morgellons Disease is caused by exposure to advanced nano materials that were being sprayed on the general population by aerial spraying (chemtrails).
Dr. Staninger has the lab data analysis to prove it.
Since then, she has been treating victims of this horror with a combination of natural therapeutics and Far-Infrared Therapy, with much success.
Anyone who publishes news on this subject needs to include her work. She is truly a genius and light years ahead of everyone regarding this subject.
Dr. Staninger's office is located in Los Angeles, California.
The phone number is 323-466-2599.
She is very personable and easy to talk to.
If you have any questions about this subject, she is the one to talk to.
Thank you for your great work!
DIRTY RAIN H1N1: How ChemTrails can use polymers to protect and grow Virus or Bacteria in CLOUDS - 8 Minutes 18 Seconds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytE2q29DOUQ - This is my theory on how super-absorbent polymers can be used in conjunction with bacteria, viruses, animal proteins, and cloud seeding to cultivate and protect any virus or bacteria, then have it rain down on any selected target, and infect them with disease. The patent discussed can be found here:http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6315213/description.html
Contrail Clutter Over Georgia - Credit: MODIS: http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov - Terra Satellite: http://terra.nasa.gov- NASA: http://www.nasa.gov
100% PROOF U.S.A. Has Tested Using RAIN To Spread Influenza Virus ON AMERICAN CITIZENS! - 9 Minutes 38 Seconds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq2_OxkvSOg - It has come to my attention that this VIDEO has been blocked in some Country and there no Explanation as to why ??? .Please get this out as someone ids REALLY HIDING SOMETHING. Just think how many advances they have made with this technology with 15 more years of R&D. Credit for this upload goes to: http://www.youtube.com/user/1bigstink07 andhttp://www.youtube.com/user/seattle4truth - This video gives testimony from POLICE OFFICERS even that a small town in Washington state was used as testing grounds for the military's use of RAIN as a way to vector viruses for a population. http://imageevent.com/firesat/strangedaysstrangeskies?z=3&c=4&n=1&m=-1&w... -http://www.detailshere.com/chemtrails.htm - http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/media.shtml - Benjiman H Latrobe - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_H._Latrobe - Thanks for watching. Peace to all................... stay tuned for more update soon :)
Contrail Clutter Over Georgia - Credit: MODIS: http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov - Terra Satellite: http://terra.nasa.gov- NASA: http://www.nasa.gov
Video: German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails as Military Operations
A TV news report from Germany confirms that the German Military is manipulating the climate in Germany. As a result scientists have filed a lawsuit against the government for climate manipulation.
The video concludes, "We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals."
The purpose of chemtrails, which are well documented over the United State and other parts of the world, according to researchers, is to manipulate the weather. Karsten Brandt, German meteorologist states, "The Federal Army is Manipulating the Meteorological maps."
The disruption of radar signals is the main purpose theorizes Mr. Brandt in the interview. "I was surprised that this artificial cloud was so wide-spread. The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements although, the federal army claims that only small amounts of material were propagated. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful."
Johannes Remmel, German Green party representative states, "The government must provide explanations to the unsuspecting population." While radar is tracking suspicious aircraft, the Germany Military then uses counterfeit satellite imagery to hide their operations.
In Germany, weather manipulation is prohibited, and I would likewise believe that it is prohibited in the U.S. as well.
Since chemtrails are so widespread, I would rule out the idea that this is just military performing operations to disrupt radar signals as part of some sort of drill.
The forefront of these operations in the United States appears to be the US Navy, as detailed in "Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare," by Dr. Len Horowitz. Many government watchdogs claim global depopulation, the targeted reduction of the worlds population by two-thirds, is secretly the reason behind chemtrail spraying.
An alternative theory to explain chemtrails, would be that a new weapon related to controlling the weather is being deployed. By creating droughts and thus famines, large populations could be easily controlled or eliminated. Other countries could be easily controlled and brought to their knees by a global power if the weather could be controlled or altered.
For a while I was confused between chemtrails, and contrails. Contrails are the exhaust of an air craft, it leaves a trail in the sky and the trail rapidly dissipates. With chemtrails, they initially look identical to contrails, but rather than the trail dissipating, the trail expands and then starts to look like a cloud. Over the Silicon Valley where I live, I daily witness these chemtrails starting and stopping from airplanes. In other words, the plane has control over the chemicals it is releasing. Also, I have noticed on some days the area is filled with a gray hazy muck, and the mountains almost disappear. This is highly unusual especially when just one day before, the mountains were totally clear.
Part of the undercurrents, at least in the United States, is the concept being marketing through radio, television and schools, that the earth is overpopulated. The idea of overpopulation, as the cause of our problems, was something that I had believed in for a time.
I believed in that idea until I realized the abundance of nature. Just seeing the amount of food produced by one healthy tree, and the millions of acres of unused land in central California, helped me understand Natures abundance.
The creator did not put humans on earth to suffer, to starve and to die. The creator of life gave us vast resources from which to be healthy. Humans are grossly misusing earths delicate resources, and thus we have created an experience of lack and deprivation. The lack we experience is not natural, but a reflection of our disconnection from the source of life.
Every action, thought, and feeling has a cause and an effect. Evil never will win, it cannot. But we all need to work together to bring more awareness to the dreaded reality that our government seems bent on making this planet a military war zone.
For more information on chemtrails, and what you can do to reduce the harms that they may cause, please visithttp://www.AirFiltersandPurifiers.com - Your Trusted Advisor for Clean Air. Air Filters and Purifiers.com is a group of health conscious people dedicated to offering trusted advice on air quality and offering the finest air filters and air purifiers.
For more information on chemtrails, and what you can do to reduce the harms that they may cause, please visit
http://www.AirFiltersandPurifiers.com... - Your Trusted Advisor for Clean Air. Air Filters and Purifiers.com is a group of health conscious people dedicated to offering trusted advice on air quality and offering the finest air filters and air purifiers.
German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails as Military Operations - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg8hcTQlH5I - 2 Minutes 55 Seconds
A Protected Night Sky Over Flagstaff: http://www.greatdreams.com/chems.htm - Credit and Copyright: Dan & Cindy Duriscoe: ghayduke at inreach dot com - FDSC: http://www.flagstaffdarkskies.org - Lowell Obs:http://www.lowell.edu - USNO: http://www.nofs.navy.mil - Explanation: This sky is protected. Yesterday marked the 50 year anniversary of the first lighting ordinance ever enacted, which restricted searchlight advertisements from sweeping the night skies above Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. Flagstaff now enjoys the status of being the first International Dark Sky City, and maintains a lighting code that limits lights from polluting this majestic nighttime view. The current dark skies over Flagstaff not only enable local astronomers to decode the universe but allow local sky enthusiasts to see and enjoy a tapestry contemplated previously by every human generation. The above image, pointing just east of north, was taken two weeks ago at 3 am from Fort Valley, only 10 kilometers from central Flagstaff. Visible in the above spectacular panorama are the San Francisco Peaks caped by a lenticular cloud. Far in the distance, the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy arcs diagonally from the lower left to the upper right, highlighted by the constellations of Cassiopeia, Cepheus, and Cygnus. On the far right, the North America Nebula is visible just under the very bright star Deneb.
One has to wonder why the government doesn't want the rest of us to see the sky during the day or at night. These days we have white skies, not blue - and at night? you can even see chemtrails crossing the sky - even worse at dawn.
It is said… truth is stranger than fiction, and for individuals who suffer from Morgellons, it is nothing short of a nightmare. The long list of symptoms sound like a science fiction movie and it is being lived out in a growing community of sufferers that is now well over 1,000,000 cases globally.At this point in time, we continue to report on all things connected with Morgellons disease in order to offer safe recovery solutions. However, we recommend folks stop calling it Morgellons and start calling it Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (which is a recognized health condition).
This was a similar challenge for early Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Epstein-Baar sufferers who were told it was all in their head...but today the disease-causing factors for these health conditions are well documented.
The first steps to recovery, are to become educated about the detox protocols that can effectively cleanse the body of the various toxins, nano-materials, heavy metals, chemical poisons (including conventional medicines), GMOs, breast implants, surgeries, and cheap food products that accumulate and cause weird skin reactions, stress, and cell death.
Folks suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) can exhibit various Morgellons symptoms, including fibers and synthetic hair growth, non-healing lesions and sores, and the sensation of crawling, stinging, and biting underneath the skin and even inside places like the ears and eyes.
Probably the greatest challenge for those who suffer is the unfortunate fact that the CDC and most of the Medical Community do not recognize Morgellons.
In their 2012 update, the CDC reports that most folks seeking treatment for Morgellons disease (what we now call Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) need mental health treatment because there is no physical basis for their presented symptoms.
Their official position is that tens of thousands of people are apparently clawing at their skin and hair in some type of self mutilation psychosis.
So What Do We Know About Morgellons?
Theories range from being a stealth virus (Dr. Martin), Advanced Nano Material Syndrome (Dr. Staninger), toxic poisoning from dental work (Dr. Amin), Mercury poisoning (Joe Kehler), Agrobacteria (Randy Wymore) and many, many more toxic agents.
Trisha Springstead RN, refers to Morgellons as 'hyper-toxicity' that includes a lifetime of build up from all the chemical toxins in our food, medicines, and environment and at the top of her list is plastics, heavy metals, and toulene.
When seeking medical advice about a strange skin or hair condition, do yourself a huge a favor and DO NOT use the term Morgellons.
Morgellons Symptoms
The list of Morgellons symptoms is simply a guide and is in no way conclusive.Morgellons’ lesions, fibers and hairs have been identified as advanced nano materials by Dr. Staninger. Other field practitioners are reporting a direct, toxic relationship between heavy metals, dental work, pharmaceutical medicines, and Genetically Modified Organisms and Foods; therefore, the possibilities and presentation of symptoms may be endless.
Click the above title Morgellons Symptoms to read more.
Delusional Parasitosis
The medical definition of Delusional Parasitosis:"Delusional parasitosis is a form of psychosis or false belief, a "loss of contact with reality".
Unfortunately, because the AMA and medical community rely on the CDC for its official reports on any type of illness, the authority channels we rely on for information, diagnosis, and treatment are still in the dark about Morgellons. Many practitioners in the medical community actually categorize Morgellon/Morgellons as delusional parasitosis as soon as a patient mentions the word. Read more about Delusional Parasitosis.
Morgellons Treatment
Even though there is little confirmed evidence within the conventional and alternative medical communities, there a few health care providers that are willing to address this condition. Most are treating it as a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity condition and recommending that affected individuals begin a detox and re-build program to target the many toxins associated with a 'hyper-toxic' condition.Within the community of sufferers, many report testing for high levels of heavy metals, have a history of using pharmaceutical medicines, toulene, plastics, nano materials, contact with genetically modified organisms used in the 'green pesticide industry' and other unexplained body bug vectors, exposure to chem-trail and aerial spraying areas, and a confirmed diagnosis of Lyme.
How do you treat Morgellons, something that is classified by the medical community as mysterious and unexplained? Click to read more on Morgellons Treatment.
Is Morgellons Contagious?
Despite the popular belief of many individuals who are suffering from Morgellons that say, "Yes, it is contagious", there are many health care professionals and scientists with evidence specifically outlining the hyper-toxic conditions within our bodies as the true culprit and most significant factor to this disease.Is Morgellons Contagious? According to Dr. Staninger...No, according to many individuals suffering from this syndrome, the answer is "Yes!"
Click Is Morgellons Contagious to read more.
Morgellons and Detoxing Your House
Remediating parasite and 'body bugs' from the skin environment, as well as household environment, is one of the greatest challenges for the folks in the Morgellons community.Click Morgellons and Detoxing Your House to read one of our reader's personal stories.
'I am not mad, Morgellons IS real': Thousands claim to suffer from the agonizing skin condition but doctors say it is psychological
By DAVID HARRISONUPDATED: 17:08 EST, 4 February 2012
Victoria Vigors who says Morgellons disease has driven her to the brink of suicide
It sounds like something from a horror film: an illness that causes an itchy, crawling sensation all over the body, tiny coloured fibres that ooze out of the skin, and painful sores.For Victoria Vigors, this began last summer when a strange oily substance ‘leaked’ out of her scalp. After a few weeks, her whole body was affected and, to her alarm, tiny white granules started to ‘come out’ of her pores.
‘I was terrified,’ says Victoria, who lives near Dartford, Kent, with husband Dan, 28, an electrician, and their 15-month-old son Riley. ‘I felt my body had been invaded and I had no idea how to stop it.’
Yet despite such dramatic symptoms, a succession of doctors told the 26-year-old catering assistant they could find nothing physically wrong with her.
The oily substance had disappeared by the time she went to her GP, who told her she had damaged her skin herself and, without carrying out any tests, that the granules were ‘clothing fibres and pet hairs’.
Angry and anxious, Victoria turned to the internet for answers and was amazed to discover that thousands of men and women suffer similar symptoms.
It was an unusual new illness called Morgellons disease – and there was no known cure. Armed with this information, she went to a number of different doctors, but was shocked to find that, according to the British medical establishment, the condition does not exist.
Victoria was told it was a psychological illness – ‘delusions of parasitosis’ – that made her believe her body was infested with parasites or non-living organisms. She was prescribed anti-psychotic drugs and skin creams to alleviate the itching.
The situation drove her to such despair that she contemplated suicide. ‘It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it just how dreadful permanently itching skin can be. I would fall asleep at night, only to wake up in the early hours feeling as if bugs were crawling all over me. Nothing could stop it,’ she says.
‘I told my husband that if this disease didn’t kill me, then I would kill myself,’ she says. ‘He was shocked, but he and my mum are being very supportive.
‘It is devastating to be dismissed as mad when you know you have a physical illness. Morgellons is real. Everybody who has seen the samples of fibres I have collected accepts that – except the doctors.’
To fight the symptoms, Victoria bathes twice a day in diluted Dettol or salt water and puts Vaseline and nappy cream on her skin – all tips she picked up online. At least, she says, she is not in much physical pain and, unlike many Morgellons sufferers, she is not covered in sores.
The cause of the condition has become the subject of wild speculation, with claims that it is the result of biological warfare or an X-Files-style alien invasion. Some accuse doctors of a global cover-up, claiming Morgellons is caused by genetically modified foods and organophosphates in pesticides.
In the UK, the Department of Health has said only that its policy was ‘to investigate the symptoms of each person who suffers from this condition on an individual basis’, initially through GPs, and that any treatment would be ‘tailored to their individual needs’.
But in the US, which has the highest number of sufferers, it is beginning to be viewed more seriously. After pressure from campaigners and more than 40 Senators, including Hillary Clinton and the pre-White House Barack Obama, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention launched a $1million study into the condition in 2006. The results were published last week and concluded that ‘most materials collected from participants’ skin were composed of cellulose, probably of cotton origin.
‘No common underlying medical condition or infectious source was identified, similar to more commonly recognised conditions such as delusional infestation.’
Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, pre-White House, applied pressure for an investigation into the disease and what its causes are
Psychiatrists welcomed the findings, but campaigners have rejected them and vowed to continue the fight for Morgellons to be recognised as a physical disease.
There are experts who believe Morgellons is an emerging disease, with no known cause or cure.
Yet most doctors claim that the crawling sensations are symptomatic of a mental rather than physical illness, and that the fibres are skin debris or are substances from the patient’s environment, such as food, dust and clothes, and carpet fibres.
The only thing patients have in common, they say, is that they have self-diagnosed after reading about the illness online. So what is the truth?
Morgellons was named in 2001 by Mary Leitao, an American, after her son Drew developed sores and she discovered, using a toy microscope, that he was covered in tiny red, blue and black fibres. She took the name from 17th Century French medical papers that described a condition that caused children’s backs to grow coarse hairs (although there is no suggestion that the symptoms are linked to modern cases).
There are experts who believe Morgellons is an emerging disease, with no known cause or cure
Doctors dismissed her concerns and suggested she had Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a mental illness in which a parent pretends their child is sick or harms him to gain medical attention.
Angry and frustrated, Leitao set up the Morgellons Research Foundation, which has since been contacted by more than 12,000 people. Sufferers include folk singer Joni Mitchell, who described it as ‘a weird incurable disease that seems as if it is from outer space’.
In Britain, Jo Simmons, 37, set up Morgellons UK, a campaigning and support group. It has 200 members. ‘I’d had symptoms since 2001 – an itchy scalp, bites on my skin,’ says Ms Simmons, an environmental scientist. ‘But they got worse and started to affect my life.’
White particles, which she describes as ‘like tiny eggs’, and transparent fibres started to ‘come out’ of her pores. In 2007, she examined her skin under a microscope and saw small sores and entwined red and blue fibres.
After researching internet forums, she now washes with salt. ‘It works,’ she says. ‘It draws out the white matter from under the skin and lessens the itching.’
Jo also sprays herself with green tea, takes peppermint ‘internally and externally’, and sprays her carpets and fabrics with vinegar.
‘I believe Morgellons is an infection that can cause neurological disturbance,’ says Jo. ‘We need the medical community to find out what it is.’ But medical experts insist Morgellons is a psychiatric condition. Professor Peter Lepping, of Glyndwr University in Wales, a consultant psychiatrist and a leading British expert on delusional infestations, has seen many patients complaining of itching and crawling sensations and claiming fibres and ‘eggs’ are coming out of their bodies. But when fibre samples are examined, he finds they are ‘dead skin, dust or other things from their environment such as wool and cotton. Everyone is covered in millions
Mary Leitao with her children and young son, Drew, who developed the unexplained condition
of microscopic particles. The difference is that Morgellons patients look for them. ‘Some have genuine itching or oily sensations caused by sweat or an infection, but are delusional about the cause,’ says Prof Lepping.
‘They make it worse by scratching and opening sores, and by applying chemicals that further harm the skin, perpetuating the delusion. Patients examine themselves, often for hours, with a microscope or magnifying glass. They use tweezers or even knives to extract samples, and take photographs of alleged pathogens and lesions. Many post their findings on the internet.
‘They visit doctors, dermatologists, entomologists, microbiologists and tropical disease specialists but will not accept any contradiction of their delusional beliefs, despite there being no medical evidence to confirm their claims,’ says Prof Lepping. He describes Morgellons as a manifestation of ‘cyberchondria’ and says Morgellons ‘has become a real mass phenomenon . . . a socially transmitted disease over the internet’.
He and his colleagues are convinced that the disease has been spread as people read about it online, match it with their symptoms and declare themselves sufferers.
‘Morgellons appears only in developed countries that are internet-literate,’ he says. ‘Patients often go to the doctor and say, “I have Morgellons.” They have already made up their minds.’
Prof Lepping is adamant 90 per cent of sufferers can be cured with anti-psychotic drugs, but most will refuse to take them as they do not think they are mentally ill.
‘They visit doctors, dermatologists, entomologists, microbiologists and tropical disease specialists but will not accept any contradiction of their delusional beliefs, despite there being no medical evidence to confirm their claims,’ says Prof Lepping
‘That’s when they turn to the internet again, read that doctors are allegedly lying to them, and take dangerous advice to do things such as wash themselves in bleach and other products that can damage their skin,’ he says. ‘It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.’
Yet Dr Anthony Bewley, a consultant dermatologist in East London who has treated Morgellons patients, says an open mind is needed. ‘I take it seriously, look for any evidence and will do skin biopsies [where samples of skin are cut out to be tested in a lab] if necessary.’
Dr Bewley often has a psychiatrist involved in the treatment, but stresses that this is ‘not because we think it’s all in the patient’s head, but because we want to treat them holistically. The condition can be very stressful’.
He offers sufferers medication for the itching and also treatments for the skin, including creams, antibiotics and ultraviolet-light treatment. ‘Many have improved or found that the condition resolves,’ he says.
At the University of California, Davis, Prof Lynn Kimsey says that ten per cent of the thousands of people she has seen with the symptoms do have skin parasites – usually rat-mites or scabies.
She believes that symptoms are caused by a range of nerve and brain-chemistry damage, often linked to drug use or hormonal problems, including the menopause, and exacerbated by stress. ‘Loneliness, and the stress that causes, is also a factor,’ she says, adding that the internet has exacerbated the problem, with people self-diagnosing and self-medicating.
Prof Kimsey says the medical community has treated Morgellons sufferers ‘shabbily’ and failed to look for underlying causes.
Colleague Randy Wymore, director of the university’s Centre for the Investigation of Morgellons, says: ‘The fibres are not simply textile contamination and the black specks are not tiny blood clots, ground pepper or other materials suggested by some physicians. Morgellons is an actual pathology and not a purely psychiatric disorder. Delusions don’t fabricate physical evidence from thin air.’ There’s no evidence to suggest it is contagious but Wymore says where the fibres come from remains a mystery. ‘Once that is known, a treatment should be forthcoming.’
In Kent, Victoria is managing her symptoms as best she can, helped by sleeping tablets and antidepressants. She has undergone two psychiatric assessments, which concluded she was not delusional.
As a mother, she is worried that Riley may develop the condition. ‘I hesitate every time before I go to kiss or cuddle him,’ she says. Indeed, when they are together, he occasionally flicks his hand across his face as if irritated by an itch.
‘I have to fight a battle with my body every day,’ she says. ‘I am not mad and I will fight until doctors accept that Morgellons is a physical illness. Only then will they be able to find a cure.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2096439/Morgellons-IS-real-Thousands-claim-suffer-agonising-skin-condition-doctors-claim-psychological.html#ixzz242nhasjj
Is Anyone Safe From Morgellons Disease?
For my 50th hub I considered a tale of joy and happiness, but the truth won out and if this hub helps just one person it is a success.
Morgellons disease is an affliction that affects the central nervous system and causes a long list of symptoms. Here is a list of just a few of the symptoms:*Crawling feeling on skin or under skin
*Skin lesions that are very slow to heal (may or may not contain colored fibers)
*Itchy skin and rashes (similar to eczema or hives)
*Brain fog (trouble staying focused or remembering)
*Excessive weight loss or weight gain
*Crystal like granules or shards produced under the skin
*Massive hair loss and a change in the feel of hair from normal to wiry
*Chronic fatigue
*Loss of interest in life due to dealing with invisible bugs crawling every where on skin
*Loss of discernment when it comes to hot and cold (often this brings on chills)
*Multi colored fibers coming from skin, can be under the skin or on top
*Stringy discharge from eyes
*Floaters in the eyes, often with a loss of visual acuity
*Back and Neck pain
The majority of people with Morgellons only become aware of it after the intense crawling sensations begin all over their bodies. The under the skin crawls are absolutely fierce with nerve endings being attacked and entire sections of the body “flashing” from the neuropathy. These under the skin crawls can involve just a few invisible bugs or worms crawling up to thousands of these sensations. The top of skin crawls can be as little as feeling 3, or once again into the thousands, and can move very slow like a worm, or very fast, covering several inches in a split second.
Because most people do not realize there is a problem until the skin crawls begin, they immediately think it must be lice, bed bugs, or scabies (or some other type of biting mite). The treatments for lice, scabies, and mites generally involves very toxic chemicals applied to the skin and environment. Unfortunately Morgellons sufferers will not be offered much relief from these treatments, in fact, the toxic chemicals can drive the Morgellons syptoms deeper into the central nervous system and make the suffering even worse. It is only when a Morgellons sufferer has found that the treatments for lice and mites do not work on their affliction that they turn to the thought of Morgellons disease.
Cause of Morgellons:
Sadly, no one knows exactly what causes Morgellons disease. In fact, up until the end of 2007 the CDC (Center for Disease Control) did not recognize Morgellonsas a disease or even a real affliction. Prior to 2007 the CDC recommended that all doctors treat patients with these symptoms as delusional or a diagnosis of Delusional Parisitosis. This has ensured that Morgellons sufferers could not get proper help from the medical community. You can only be told you are delusional so many times before you decide that you are on your own in this horrorific battle against unseen bugs. Most of the people in the Morgellons community feel that this affliction comes from ingesting nanotechnology used to kill bacteria and viruses on the food we eat. Some also believe that Morgellons is being spread by Jet fuel and the chem trails you see in the sky from jet fuel being burned.http://www.morgellonsexposed.com/ is a terrific site for investigating some of these theories on the causes of Morgellons disease.
In December of 2007, the CDC changed their tune after being chastised by the Senate. To “rectify” their oversight they decided that Morgellons disease could be a disease and enlisted the help of Kaiser Permanente of California to do a study of patients exhibiting symptoms of Morgellons. The CDC gave Kaiser a grant of just over $300,000 to research Morgellons for one year and report back to them. As of now, December of 2009, the CDC has not posted any findings from this study. Saddest of all is that Kaiser Permanente was the leader of diagnosing Morgellons sufferers with delusional parisitosis, so the Morgellons community would be foolhardy to think any help will come from this study. To make matters even worse, it is reported that the U.S. Army is in charge of the testing of patients that Kaiser is studying.
Cure for Morgellons:
Once again we face the the same stonewall of no known cure, without knowing the cause, how could you know the cure? If you are suffering from Morgellons, I hope and pray that you are not waiting for help from the CDC, Kaiser Permanente, or the medical community, as it could be decades before they start treating this affliction as a real disease. The Morgellons Research Foundation now has over 13,000 members listed, but this is only a portion of the sufferers, since most do not even realise that there is a name for what they suffer from!
All hope is not lost for Morgellons sufferers. With the rising number of sufferers, there is more information on the internet every day. Although most consider Morgellons to be incurable, there are many people finding ways to beat their Morgellons into remission. The most common ways of reducing these symptoms are through adding essential vitamins and minerals to their diet and cutting back on sugars, dairy, and carbohydrates.
The most essential vitamins and minerals for fighting Morgellons symptoms that I have found so far are Magnesium, CoQ10, and Probiotics. These are part of the protocol for fighting Morgellons found athttp://morgellonspgpr.wordpress.com/2009/08/08/morgellons-the-poor-mans-protocol/ and this site has helped me immensely when it comes to relieving my Morgellons symptoms.
There are plenty of theories out there about the causes of Morgellons, but I can tell you from my own experience that it is better to let go of the chase for a cause. Finding what helps to battle your Morgellons symptoms is far more important to your health. One of the factors that allows Morgellons to produce symptoms in your body is when you are immuno compromised and your body is not healthy. Getting healthy is the key to fighting this affliction. There is so much more to say, but already this hub is getting lengthy, so perhaps I will write some more on this subject if I get enough positive feedback. I hope this information can help a fellow sufferer to regain their life and get out of the horrible depression that this affliction causes. My prayers are with you, and you are not alone in your struggle!
Morgellons: Level 5 Plague of the New World Order Amazon Price: $20.00 | |
Unexplained Skin Problems: Home Treatment And Precautions Amazon Price: $6.03 List Price: $8.99 | |
Awareness: MORGELLONS Amazon Price: $20.82 List Price: $22.49 | |
Miracle II Miracle Moisturizing Soap(22 oz.) Amazon Price: $15.75 |
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Ron Paul Supporters Spray Vinegar at the Sky to Fight “Chemtrails”…I’m Not Kidding
Republican Party Animals ^ | December 26, 2011 | David Stein
Posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:25:24 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Tolerance Sucks Rocks
This is a story I couldn’t resist writing. Ron Paul supporters are spraying vinegar at the sky to “kill” clouds. They’re standing in their backyards, on their porches, and in front of their windows, angrily aiming spray bottles filled with vinegar into the air.
How could I not write about this? If I live to be one-hundred years old, will I ever again get the chance to write about something so incredibly insane?
I have several friends who support Ron Paul. The aim of this piece is not to malign or belittle all Paul supporters – just the ones who adhere to the “if Alex Jones says it, it must be true” school of thought. And boy, do those Paul devotees love the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory (the belief that the contrails created by the exhaust of aircraft engines are actually toxic “chemical trails” that the Zionist/Illuminati/Bilderberger/alien-lizard-man secret societies are using to poison the earth).
When not listening to Alex Jones and Jeff Rense, chemtrail believers obsessively take photographs of the “poison trails” and “evil clouds.” Of course, since the alien-lizard-Zionist-Bilderbergers forbid the puppet governments of the world from admitting that chemtrails exist, the intrepid chemtrail hunters have been stymied. Sure, they can photograph them, but they can’t stop ‘em.
Or CAN they? This year, a movement has spread like dengue fever among chemtrail sleuths. This movement claims that chemtrails can be “killed” with vinegar, sprayed upward from the ground. And hundreds of chemtrail true believers are doing just that – and they’re uploading videos to Youtube, Dailymotion, Ebaumsworld, and elsewhere, documenting their chemtrail “kills.”
Of the hundreds of “chemtrail kill” videos, the majority are made by self-described Ron Paul supporters. I’ve dubbed this branch of the Paul camp the “Paulsamics” (as in “Paulsamic vinegar”). If you want to see the sheer volume of Paulsamic videos online, just Google or Youtube-search “chemtrails” and “vinegar.” Below, I’ve embedded the very best video of the lot. It’s ten minutes long. Normally, I would grab a video of that length and edit a highlight reel. But it’s impossible to edit this one down; it’s too damn perfect as it is. Watch as a chemtrail-obsessed, Ron Paul-obsessed mom uses her trusty spray bottle to combat the marauding trails, as her long-suffering teenage son is forced to record her. Witness her great victory as she reemerges later to find that she has “cleaned the sky.” Oh, and don’t miss the clip at the 8-minute mark that shows the state of the family’s lawn as a result of the constant vinegar-showers. Perhaps her gardener can explain to her that vinegar is not lighter than air!
Now, my Ron Paul-supporting friends will probably claim that it’s unfair to use the actions of a few hundred Paulsamics to tar the entire Paul base. Perhaps. But I’ll say this: If two hundred Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, or Rick Santorum supporters converged on the U.S./Mexican border to combat illegal immigration by spraying vinegar in the air, I’d consider that every bit as worthy of ridicule as I do the actions of the Paulsamics. Of course, that scenario would never happen. It’s a simple truth that no other GOP candidate has a group of supporters who are doing anything even remotely as lunatic as spraying vinegar skyward to “kill” clouds. This is something totally unique to the Paul crowd.
Several of the Paulsamics brag about the “money bombs” they’ve coordinated for Paul, the organizing they’ve done for his campaign, the Internet spots they’ve created, etc. This is an important segment of his support base. As Leon Wolf at RedState so aptly observes, “Ron Paul has built an entire political career off of pandering to the paranoid and hate filled when he thinks no one is looking.”
And now he has the Paulsamics as a result – a small cadre of dedicated loons who spray vinegar at the sky. Own ‘em or disown ‘em, Dr. Paul. Or do neither, while still happily accepting their money and support. Either way, there’s no denying that your association with the lunatic fringe is a serious stain on your presidential campaign.
Hey – now that I think about it, you know what’s good for removing stains?
TOPICS: Computers/Internet; Conspiracy; Outdoors; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: chemtrails; conspiracy; cuespookymusic; illuminati; napl; neocons; neoconsaredesperate; paulsamics; ronpaul; thestupiditburns; vinegar
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It just boggles the ol' mind!
1 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:25:30 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Tolerance Sucks Rocks
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Aren’t they worried about the resulting acetic acid rain?
2 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:28:48 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Salamander (I'm your pain.....)
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To: 3D-JOY; abner; Abundy; AGreatPer; Albion Wilde; AliVeritas; alisasny; ALlRightAllTheTime; ...
3 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:29:32 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Tolerance Sucks Rocks (Occupy DC General Assembly: We are Marxist tools. WE ARE MARXIST TOOLS!)
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To: al baby; Allegra; EveningStar; JRios1968; martin_fierro; pax_et_bonum; Slings and Arrows
4 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:31:20 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Tolerance Sucks Rocks (Occupy DC General Assembly: We are Marxist tools. WE ARE MARXIST TOOLS!)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Reminds me of this:
5 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:35:20 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by PalinPlease
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
They should do that in D.C. It could use a douche.
6 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:35:20 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by dragonblustar (Allah Ain't So Akbar!)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
This has got to be bogus. No one is dumb enough to believe contrails are poison.
7 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:43:36 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by mamelukesabre
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Has anyone tried vinegar on liberals?
8 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:44:37 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by SWAMPSNIPER (The Second Amendment, a Matter of Fact, Not a Matter of Opinion)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
WHAT, no baking soda?
9 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:45:05 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by HiTech RedNeck (Sometimes progressives find their scripture in the penumbra of sacred bathroom stall writings (Tzar))
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
First he’s a racist and now this!
10 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:45:07 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by mas cerveza por favor
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I think the ol’ face palm would be good right about now.
11 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:46:35 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Conservative4Ever (Waiting for the new tagline to download)
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To: dragonblustar
LOL. Something has to be done to clean up that stinch in DC.
12 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:46:41 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by VicVega (LSU is without a doubt the #1 team in the nation. GEAUX TIGERS, Geaux Saints)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I’ve been saving a can of AquaNet hairspray, so I can single handedly kill the ozone layer. I’ll record it for you guys, promise. I may even be a rebel and film myself adding...............phosphates back in to my dishwashing liquid. That’s how I roll. ~snort
13 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:47:14 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by sybilll
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
14 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:49:01 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Old Sarge (RIP FReeper Skyraider (1930-2011) - You Are Missed)
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To: Conservative4Ever
15 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:51:16 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Old Sarge (RIP FReeper Skyraider (1930-2011) - You Are Missed)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I would like to congratulate the Freeper who put them up to this.
How can we get them to eat dog poop next?
16 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:53:39 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by MaxMax
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I can beat that....................
Theres many that think Barack Obama is not a socialist.. not a Marxist and not willing to over throw the american government and install a Marxist Cabal..
AND unwilling to believe he may have already DONE IT..
17 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:57:14 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole...)
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To: MaxMax
Someone might report you to the society for the prevention of cruelty to Paultards...
18 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 00:59:28 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by MrEdd (Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Nano Chemtrails
Chemtrails, bloody everywhere!!! theyre killing us!!!....David Icke,Alex Jones, Stewart Swerdlow
Supporters Rally for Controversial ‘Chemtrail’ Proposal
19 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 01:01:48 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by 2ndDivisionVet (You can't invade the US. There'd be a rifle behind every blade of grass.~Admiral Yamamoto)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I didn’t see a Ron Paul sign in her yard so she can’t be a Ron Paul supporter.
20 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 01:10:18 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by pterional
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks; MeekOneGOP; Conspiracy Guy; DocRock; King Prout; Darksheare; OSHA; ...
21 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 01:13:40 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Slings and Arrows (You can't have Ingsoc without an Emmanuel Goldstein.)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
This vinegar spraying woman is a blithering idiot. She makes a perfect Paulite.
22 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 01:14:38 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Lazlo in PA (Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Please don’t even start me with the Chemtrails. I have people in my life, lovely people, who are obsessed with this issue. I am running for County Supervisor, and it’s the only thing some want to talk about.
23 posted on Tue Dec 27 2011 01:17:19 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Hildy ("When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - SocratesH)
Black Teens Beat White Man Because They Were Bored – Where is Sharpton and Jackson?
- Posted by VICTOR RODRIGUEZ on August 22, 2012 at 10:00pm
- View Blog
Story has caught my attention.
Six black teenagers were bored, so they decided to attack and beat up a helpless white man who was walking down the street minding his own business. The victim had just finished some shopping at a local Ameristop and had his hands full of bags. When the attack started, he was knocked to the ground. He told the youths that he just got aid and offered them his cash, but they just laughed at him and kept on with the attack. After the attack, the victim was taken to a hospital for treatment of severe bruising, cuts, scrapes and internal bleeding.
When police arrested the teens, they told the police that they were bored and were looking for something to do.
http://www.local12.com/mediacenter/local.aspx?videoid=3702838 Video Here
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6705/black-teens-beat-white-man-becaus...
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Hours Mon - Thu: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm ************** Founded established 2004, went online in 2007 About expressing creativity and sharing it with others Mission 2012 Mission Work: *1/1/12 Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church $2 tithe/Prayer List *1/7/12 $70 worth of scarves to Project Overcoat for United Way *1/16/12 $10 Rick Perry *1/31/12 $10 Rick Santorum *2/1/12 1 scarf and 1 purse, valued at $25 for January birthday gift *2/7/12 $5 Prison ministry *2/10/12 2 scarves for Valentine’s Day one $15, the other $10 *2/20/12 $190 pledge to Rick Santorum's campaign for scarves and buttons to raise money for Rick Santorum's campaign, $15 donation to his campaign equals a free scarf and button *3/17/12 $10 donation to Wounded Warrior Project on behalf of Ashton Williamson, who was given a scarf to wear *4/3/12 $25 donation to Rick Santorum’s campaign for advertising *4/5/12 $25 Prison Ministry for Easter *4/11/12 $5 to Rick Santorum's campaign *4/11/12 $5 to Newt Gingrich to carry Rick's banner of repeal http://t.co/VcLjBgo *4/13/12 $10 to Rick Santorum's campaign *4/20/12 $18 to Rick Santorum for Trisomy 18 Awareness for Bella *5/20/12 $932.47 to Governor Nathan Deal, Governor Perry, and Mitch McConnell for Disaster Relief certificates *6/1/12 2-John Cena scarves, one for Ryan one for Tyler, valued at $10 *6/2/12 1 white Betty Boop Purse, 1 tea pot, basket, tea bags, and political unity scarf, for Courtney's graduation, valued at $50 *6/30/12 $10 for Repeal and Replace to Mitt Romney *7/31/12 $10 for books for belated bday gift *8/11/12 1 purse, valued at $30 to Janine Norman for Back2School/product representation at high schools EVERY ITEM CREATED OR PURCHASED IS USED TO BLESS OTHERS! WE SUPPORT BILLY GRAHAM MINISTRIES, REPEMU INTERNATIONAL http://repemuint.org/ministries/, AND LOCAL CHURCHES Using my business to facilitate God's will: tithing, supporting churches, charitable donations, and others in need. 2011 CONTRIBUTIONS/my treasures in Heaven: *4/14/11 Prison ministry $10 *4/30/11 Billy Graham Japanese disaster relief $3.30 *5/3/11 Red Cross disaster relief for the South $1.59 *5/9/11 Red Cross disaster relief for the South $.42 *5/10/11 GA GOP Chairmanship Tricia Pridemore Grassroots and GA GOP $5 *5/16/11 Prison ministry $10 *6/23/11 tithe and prayer list $2 *7/16/11 Prison ministry $10 *8/16/11 Prison ministry $10 *9/11/11 DeKalb Memorial 9/11 $9.12 *9/16/11 Prison ministry $10 *10/5/11 2 pink breast cancer awareness scarves, valued at $10 *10/22/11 1 pink breast cancer awareness scarf and pink purse, valued at $15 *11/6/11 Prison ministry $10 *11/24/11 1 camo scarf valued at $15 *12/6/11 1 pink and black diva scarf valued at $15 *12/8/11 4 red and black Mt. Zion school colors - scarves valued at $40 *12/21/11 Prison ministry $5/$5 *12/21/11 Rick Santorum $10 *12/24/11 1 ocean colored scarf, valued at $15 2011 statement: I produced over $700 worth of goods, I gave $200 of it to charity, I had a few orders this year that paid for the cost of my post office box rental yearly of $120. Price Range $$$$ (50+) Awards 2012 STATEMENT OF COMPANY WORTH - $13,321 Haggai 1:9 Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the Lord of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house. Churlish souls stint their contributions to the ministry and missionary operations, and call such saving good economy; little do they dream that they are thus impoverishing themselves. Their excuse is that they must care for their own families, and they forget that to neglect the house of God is the sure way to bring ruin upon their own houses. Our God has a method in providence by which He can succeed our endeavours beyond our expectation, or can defeat our plans to our confusion and dismay; by a turn of His hand He can steer our vessel in a profitable channel, or run it aground in poverty and bankruptcy. It is the teaching of Scripture that the Lord enriches the liberal and leaves the miserly to find out that withholding tendeth to poverty. In a very wide sphere of observation, I have noticed that the most generous Christians of my acquaintance have been always the most happy, and almost invariably the most prosperous. I have seen the liberal giver rise to wealth of which he never dreamed; and I have as often seen the mean, ungenerous churl descend to poverty by the very parsimony by which he thought to rise. Men trust good stewards with larger and larger sums, and so it frequently is with the Lord; He gives by cartloads to those who give by bushels. Where wealth is not bestowed the Lord makes the little much by the contentment which the sanctified heart feels in a portion of which the tithe has been dedicated to the Lord. Selfishness looks first at home, but godliness seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, yet in the long run selfishness is loss, and godliness is great gain. It needs faith to act towards our God with an open hand, but surely He deserves it of us; and all that we can do is a very poor acknowledgment of our amazing indebtedness to His goodness. The Tea Party Lobby 1.972.628.0080/teapartychief@gmail.com took email, twitter, and Facebook feedback and proposed CUTS to local programs http://lnk.ms/RCtmn AND fed pgms http://lnk.ms/RCtmq. 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